Strength matters in relationships. Major Arcana Tarot Strength: meaning and combination with other cards. Annie Lyonnet. "Tarot. Practical guide.»


Short description

First, Waite renumbered the Strength card. Interesting explanation as to why he did it. He writes: “This card, for reasons that seem to me convincing, is interchanged with Judgment, which in the ordinary deck is number eight. Since this substitution is of no importance to the reader, there is no need to explain it." It seems that Waite does not appreciate the intellectual abilities of his readers too highly.

The change in numbering was due to the astrological and kabbalistic correspondences established in the Order of the Golden Dawn. The card Strength was correlated with the constellation Leo, and Justice with Libra. From an astrological point of view, Leo cannot possibly be later than Libra.

I must say that Strength is one of the most difficult cards from the Major Arcana. At first everything was fine. In the Visconti-Sforza deck, Hercules was depicted, guarding the Nemean lion with his famous club. True, the lion on the map looks more like a poodle. Hercules can also be seen on some modern cards, for example, on a card from the Grand Tarot Esoteric deck.

In the Marseille Tarot, the scary uncle is replaced by a pretty aunt. But from the point of view of medieval iconography, this is one and the same symbol of perseverance. Fortitude and courage. Initially, as I understand it, it was about physical strength and courage, then the emphasis shifted towards spiritual and moral qualities. Waite brings the idea of ​​moral qualities to the absolute and considers it as a manifestation of innocence, chastity and beneficent power.

There is an opinion that the Force, as it is realized by Waite, is a direct reference to the 90th psalm, especially to the line “you will step on the asp and the basilisk; You will trample on the lion and the dragon." Unexpectedly, the theme of lions, dragons, asps and basilisks finds its development in the New Vision Tarot deck.

Waite saturated the image of Arcanum 11 with numerous symbols. Pamela did not fail to add a few characters from herself. As a result, the map turned into a kind of graphic puzzle. The hat of the girl from the Tarot of Marseilles has become a lemniscate. By the way, a similar metamorphosis occurred with the Mage's hat. The female figure was decorated with flower garlands. A mountain appears in the background of the map, which has been compared to the mountain of "initiation, trials and tribulations that each of us encounters in the process of climbing this mountain."

Puzzles are fun to solve. The only problem is that the meanings of the map are loosely related to the plot of the drawing.

Psalm 90

He who dwells under the roof of the Most High rests under the shadow of the Almighty,
says to the Lord: "My refuge and my protection, my God, in whom I trust!"
He will deliver you from the catcher's net, from the deadly sore,
He will overshadow you with His feathers, and under His wings you will be safe. a shield and a fence are His truth.
You will not be afraid of horrors in the night, an arrow flying by day,
a pestilence that walks in darkness, a pestilence that devastates at noon.
A thousand will fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it won't come close to you
only you will look with your eyes and see the retribution of the wicked.
For you said, "The Lord is my hope"; You have chosen the Most High as your refuge;
evil will not happen to you, and the plague will not come near your dwelling;
for he will command his angels about you to guard you in all your ways:
they will carry you in their hands, lest you strike your foot against a stone;
you step on an asp and a basilisk; you will trample on the lion and the dragon.
Because he loved Me, I will deliver him; I will protect him, because he knows my name.
He will call to Me, and I will hear him; I am with him in sorrow; I will deliver him and glorify him,
I will satisfy him with length of days, and I will show him my salvation.”


  • soft power
  • Courage.
  • Believe in yourself
  • Willpower
  • Concentration of efforts
  • Physical effort, constant training

Key Ideas

  • Test of strength
  • Fight against temptation
  • Overcoming weakness
  • The loneliness of a strong man

Basic meaning

Describing the meaning of the Tarot Strength, Waite skillfully contradicts himself. In the chapter on the divinatory meanings of the Major Arcana, he indicates the following meanings: power, energy, action, courage, generosity. Also full success and honors. The meaning of the inverted Tarot card Strength, in his opinion, indicates concealment, fiction, incredulity, fear, unmotivated caution.

But on the other hand, in the main text, Waite writes that Arcana 11 has nothing to do with self-confidence in the usual interpretation of this word. Somehow this does not fit well with complete success and honors.

I have long had the feeling that, since from the point of view of the members of the Order of the Golden Dawn, Tarot cards were not intended for primitive banal divination, but for meditation on the sublime, then the practical meaning and rationale for the meanings were completely unimportant. In my opinion, 11 Arcana is one of the most striking examples of meanings coming “from the head” and not tested in practice.

In today's interpretation and meaning, 11 Arcana is associated with both physical and internal, moral strength. Both versions of strength will be required for a person to overcome difficulties and trials. But the card indicates that difficulties should not be a reason for refusal; tests are worthwhile. This is the base value that gives rise to many derivatives. The card may indicate a strong person, including one who does not need outside help. This is where the meaning of "loneliness" comes from.

The Force also contains the opposition of two ways of human development. Paths of the Right Hand revealed in the Waite deck. And the Left Hand Path as described by Aleister Crowley.

Video: Tarot card meaning - Strength

The meaning of the card in relationships

Now consider the meaning of the Tarot card Strength in relationships.

Open - closed card

Strength is a hole card. It points to internal processes and does not seek external communication.

Relationship Intensity

Strength can indicate very intense inner experiences. Moreover, a person at the time of these experiences may not have any relationship at all.

Map as a scenario of relationships: love, family, relatives, work

Tarot meaning Strength in love. 11 Arkan is not interested in a relationship. It is rather a card of loneliness, but soft. According to the Force, no one wants to communicate with a person, and the person himself is not very interested in relationships with others.

11 Arkan indicates that a person agrees to contact only as long as he does not create tension for him, while communication takes place on the periphery of personal space. A very good option for a working relationship. The work is not affected by the emotional factor, a person is more focused on his duties than on emotional experiences.

But families in this mode can exist for a long time. Partners are not a source of tension for each other, maintaining a psychological distance eliminates the possibility of serious conflicts.

Combined with the Major Arcana

  • In combination with a Tarot card: In this situation, maximum restraint should be exercised.
  • Combined with a Tarot card: This relationship will be difficult.
  • In combination with a Tarot card: Changes for the better are possible only if sufficient forces are applied.
  • Combined with the Tarot card: It will take a lot of strength to get through this crisis.

Psychological condition

Rigid control of the internal emotional state. Don't let any emotion get out.

The card depicts a woman and a lion. The inner lion is a variety of qualities such as pride, vanity, which must be curbed. The map does not show how difficult it is for a woman to control this lion, but it can be assumed that any additional factor, including relationships, makes control more difficult.

If it is an external lion, then the situation, by and large, is no different. I perceive this card as a forced reaction to the appearance of a certain factor. Moreover, a factor that carries a threat, danger, tension. I do not want to make friends with you, but I am forced to respond to your offer of friendship.

Consider Strength in combination with other Tarot cards...

Combined with the suit of Wands

  • In combination with: After the forces have been spent, you should rest.
  • Combined with: Too much energy is spent on the fight.
  • In combination with: It is necessary to make efforts for non-intervention in the conflict.

The meaning of the card in matters of health

The meaning of the Strength Tarot card indicates the need to use strength to fight illness. As methods of treatment, it can be massage, physiotherapy, reasonable physical activity. The Strength card has a dual character. It can indicate both a sufficient supply of physical and mental strength, and that the strength is close to exhaustion, and a person needs to restore it. The card does not always indicate an improvement in the situation, but it does not indicate a deterioration.

Combined with the suit of Cups

  • Paired with Tarot Card : Strong Friends
  • Combined with a Tarot card: All forces are spent on maintaining illusions.
  • Combined with a Tarot card: Use the power of love.
  • Paired with a Tarot card: Looks can be deceiving. Behind the soft shell hides a steely character.

Business and finance, in professional activity

Stability, manageability, controllability

The map speaks of a stable situation, with good control and handling. But this is not an imperious, directive administration, like that of the Emperor. Strength works gently, calmly, but demandingly, like a skilled trainer. A system is created when even a thought does not arise to challenge orders that, with the right approach, are not perceived as such. The task is not to break, not to force, but to arrange the situation in such a way that the necessary actions are the only possible ones. Not a “speed limit” sign, but a speed bump – like it or not, you slow down.

It is assumed that those who are given orders are, at best, small children, at worst, boobies who need to be explained clearly, but firmly. Power knows how to lead to the right decision. Like that magician: offering to choose one of two cards, he knows the conditions of the game very well - he will leave in the work the card that he needs. But he does not initiate the other side into these rules, but skillfully creates the illusion of choice. « Will you have porridge with strawberries or apricots?” Mom asks. The porridge itself is not even discussed, but the child gets the impression that oatmeal is his solution.

Ways to Increase Income (The Key to Increasing Income)

The card does not indicate an increase or decrease in income. Any financial fluctuations, plus or minus, are more of a side effect on this card than an end in itself. What she actually recommends is concentration on the main task. Calculate it and solve. Methodically, with regular but not excessive effort.

There is money, not as much as we would like, but the situation is unlikely to worsen. Significantly improve, however, too, but too much effort will be spent on maintaining this level. And every time it is more and more difficult to restore them. A trainer with a stick against a lion.

Positive and negative impact of the card on income

You need to prepare in advance for a long difficult period. Not only morally, it is necessary to support the physical body to solve work issues.

The main problem is that the forces are either poorly calculated or poorly distributed. Typically, it's both. Vacation of drivers during the most critical period of deliveries.

Sometimes it's easier not to even try, afraid of difficulties. Folding the paws - yes, it's easier, but this is not our way, not the way of the Force. The card contains a positive message - everything that is given at the moment can and must be overcome. This test is up to you. Like preparing for the Chariot: you gave it your all and got a trophy. The main thing is not to show fear and not provoke fear in others. Look situations straight in the eye. He turned away, looked away, doubted his abilities - that's it, you were eaten.

Combined with the suit of Swords

  • Combined with a Tarot card: Use strength to strengthen your heart.
  • Paired with Tarot card : Power to conquer disease
  • Combined with a Tarot card: Defend, but don't attack.
  • Combined with the Tarot card: Be strong, stand your ground.

Let's consider the Strength Tarot card as a Card of the Day and a Warning.

Use your power to the maximum.

Card of the day Caution

Save your strength.

Combined with the suit of Pentacles

  • Combined with: Your efforts will be rewarded a hundredfold.
  • In combination with: Only joint efforts will lead to results.
  • Paired with: Don't spare your strength for others.

Questions to ask when drawing a card

  • What are you spending your energy on?
  • What is the source of your strength?
  • What degree of force do you consider acceptable?
  • What strength do you prefer, physical or spiritual?

Tarot Strength - the meaning of this card is very life-affirming. It symbolizes pride, a thirst for more, the ability to withstand any life's adversity.

In the article:

Tarot Strength - meaning

The meaning of the Tarot card Strength in the upright position is positive. Arkan has a very strong energy, pushes a person to be decisive and courageous, without fear to confront various life difficulties. At the moment, fate is testing the individual for endurance, he needs to show courage and patience.

The appearance of the card in the layout suggests that the knowledge of a person is now being tested, his inner core for strength. Fate wants to know how ready you are to uphold your principles and remain unshakable. He challenges, therefore, it is impossible to show absent-mindedness, weakness, fear now.

Feeling sorry for yourself is also not worth it, since your main goal is emotional maturity, reaching the next level of development. The individual needs to pacify not only the enemies that surround him, but also the inner demons. The lasso suggests that in order to achieve victory one should be unobtrusive, gentle, but fearless.

Do not doubt your abilities, and only then will you achieve success. The meaning of the lasso may change slightly if it is surrounded by negative cards. This suggests that it is not worth actively showing your life position, aggression and power. It is better to set aside time for self-knowledge and the accumulation of energy, you will need it in the near future.

Do not use cruelty and violence to achieve your goal, otherwise the result will be negative. If the “Card of the Day” layout is being made, then be sure that today you will succeed, you will be able to overcome any obstacles, luck will be on your side.

Reversed position

The power reversed in the Tarot is not the most positive value. It can be regarded as a manifestation of impotence, vile weakness. A person has absolutely resigned himself to the fact that he can do nothing and no longer wants anything. Perhaps he suffered from the negative influence of stronger people. Such impotence can manifest itself in excellent negative moments.

The individual may become more prone to despotism and tyranny, trying to humiliate those below in order to at least somehow assert himself. Such a person does not know how to control himself, the situation, if he manages to gain power over someone, he begins to mock this individual in every possible way. But, in the end, the despot will still face shame and failure.

The appearance in the layout of the Tarot card Strength in an inverted position can speak of the spinelessness of a person, his insecurity and inability to resist temptation. Such a person is often stupid, cowardly, constantly depressed and does not trust anyone. The result is a complete lack of harmony and the implementation of plans.

Tarot Strength - meaning in relationships

If we talk about relationships with people in general, then at the moment a product or a quarrel is not expected. You are filled with positive energy, which is necessary in order to communicate normally with other people, fill relationships with vivid impressions and liveliness.

The Tarot card Strength in love relationships has a slightly different meaning. The sexual aspect is very important for you at the moment. The union will be strong if the partners satisfy each other physically. If Justice, the Hermit, is next to strength, this indicates excessive control of the sexual sphere, which can subsequently lead to various problems.

The location of the Devil nearby indicates betrayal, the presence of many partners, an attempt to manipulate his soulmate. It is worth noting that in the layout of the relationship between a man and a woman, the Force acts as a card that, for the most part, enhances the value of neighboring arcana. In the inverted position, the card speaks of lust and uncontrollable passion.

Work and finance

The meaning of the Arcana Tarot Strength in the layout for a professional situation is quite positive. At the moment, you have a sufficient supply of energy in order to realize your plan. You have an extraordinary talent, are able to realize yourself both in creativity and in other areas. The card says that a person has a motive. Something compels him to take risks.

For the sake of this something, an individual is ready to devote himself completely to solving some problem, working on a project. In order for everything to work out successfully, it is necessary to concentrate as much as possible on one type of employment. If you do not know whether to conclude an agreement with partners or not, then the answer of the card is positive. You will need this kind of help.

If you are at a crossroads and cannot decide on a future profession, then focus on work that involves physical activity. Through hard work and development of your abilities, you can achieve financial prosperity, but this will never be your main goal, as you are driven by higher motives.

Health status

The presence of the Strength card in the layout suggests that a person really has very good health, he has an almost inexhaustible supply of vital energy, and devotes a lot of time to sports.

If the individual is not feeling well at the moment, the lasso assures that he will soon recover and fully restore his strength. At the moment, in order to maintain your physical health, you need to overcome any fears.

If your mind is clear, the energy will move forward, to exploits, then you will not have significant health problems. In an inverted position, the Force speaks of significant problems, deterioration in well-being, energy exhaustion.

Tarot Strength in combination with other cards

The meaning of the Tarot card Strength in the layouts is undesirable to be taken literally, it is better to pay attention to which cards are located next to each other and interpret them in pairs. Strength in combination with the major arcana:

  • Jester - you are wasting too much energy;
  • Mag - it's time to act;
  • High Priestess - keep your mouth shut;
  • Empress - direct all your strength to get what you want;
  • Emperor - you have a chance to start your own business;
  • Hierophant - now it is necessary to establish good relations with relatives;
  • Lovers - you need to find a true partner;
  • Chariot - instability;
  • Hermit - lack of will, apathy, melancholy;
  • Wheel of Fortune - luck is on your side;
  • Justice - you will be able to achieve what you want;
  • Hanged Man - try to buy time;
  • Death is spiritual emptiness;
  • Moderation - do not rush into battle, it is better to accumulate a little strength;
  • Devil - energy vampirism;
  • Tower - loss of self-control, aggression;
  • Star - you will be able to get rid of a negative habit;
  • Moon - the mask hides the evil appearance;
  • The sun is an attempt to tame the inner monster;
  • Court - replenishment of energy reserves;
  • The world is a victory over oneself.

Arcana paired with wands:

  • Ace - try to keep your nationality;
  • Two - do not rush the situation;
  • Three - open your true attitudes to the state of affairs;
  • Four - it's time to act;
  • Five - do not pay attention to gossip;
  • Six - luck smiles;
  • Seven - you will be able to overcome any obstacles;
  • Eight - think before you do anything;
  • Nine - suspicion;
  • Ten - a person has practically no internal strength left;
  • Page - know your measure;
  • Knight - shyness does not paint you;
  • Queen - self-confidence is the key to success;
  • King - luck will smile only on a strong-willed person.

Strength - combination with Tarot bowls:

  • Ace - control of emotions, intuition;
  • Two - good relations with the opposite sex;
  • Three - luck is on your side, getting money;
  • Four - nobility;
  • Five - receiving news, communication with the subtle worlds;
  • Six - the meeting will not take place;
  • Seven - you are affected negatively from the outside;
  • Eight - soon the wedding;
  • Nine - fraud, achieving success dishonestly;
  • Ten - chaos;
  • Page - concentration;
  • Knight - close friendship;
  • The Queen is a depraved woman;
  • The king is the influence of an authoritative person.

The value of the lasso, if there is a card of the suit of swords nearby:

  • Ace - pressure from the authorities;
  • Two - fight with relatives;
  • Three - problems accumulate like a snowball;
  • Four - rest from problems;
  • Five - breakup, you will regret it in the near future;
  • Six - recognition, victory;
  • Seven - deportation, change of residence;
  • Eight - fanaticism, illusory;
  • Nine - bad news;
  • Ten - trouble at work;
  • Page - mockery, enemies;
  • Knight - the help of a devoted friend;
  • The Queen is a woman ruled by hatred;
  • The king is a powerful man.

Combination with pentacles:

  • Ace - happiness, success;
  • Two - violence (moral or physical);
  • Troika - humiliation;
  • Four - surprises, gifts;
  • Five - distortion, struggle;
  • Six - be vigilant;
  • Seven - the conclusion of a profitable contract;
  • Eight - vanity;
  • Nine - inconstancy;
  • Ten - the completion of the troubles in the house;
  • Page - violation of established rules;
  • Knight - acquaintance with an interesting person;
  • The Queen is a greedy woman;
  • The king is a rich man.

When this or that card falls out in fortune-telling, I want to decipher its meaning as correctly as possible. To do this, you need to study a lot of diverse and useful information.

One of the most striking cards in the deck is the 11 tarot lasso, the meaning of which usually speaks of courage, strength and perseverance. And the willingness of a person to move on in his life path.

The general designation of the lasso

When the eleventh lasso of the Tarot falls in divination in a straight position, first of all it is worth thinking about achieving the goal, energy and strength. As well as a close victory, which will become possible, despite all the problems and difficulties.

It is only necessary to show willpower, and then success will surely come to life.

Other well-known designations of the lasso strength include:

  • gaining spiritual strength and the gift of clairvoyance;
  • fortitude and courage, action and triumph;
  • positive impact on the situation and overcoming difficulties;
  • balance and generosity;
  • vitality and moral strength, balance and justice.

The eleventh lasso is incredibly strong and characterizes a person who is able to cope with any task, overcoming all difficulties or attempts to avoid them.

But at the same time, one has to restrain such impulses for ill will, anger and jealousy. And direct maximum emotional energy exclusively in a positive direction.

Among other things, the lasso of strength personifies a certain superiority and courage with which a person fights with various vicissitudes of fate.

In reverse, the meaning of this card changes and says the following:

  • destructive power, crime and tyranny;
  • impotence, illnesses and perversions;
  • loss of self-control, abuse of power, internal discord and imbalance;
  • surrender to the basest feelings and desires;
  • improper use of internal energy.

The inverted lasso advises at the present time not to run into trouble and not climb on the rampage, otherwise the losses will increase even more. Ultimately, a person loses the ability to cope with personal problems, loses confidence in himself and his own abilities.

When drawing a card of strength in the opposite position, it is worth thinking about spinelessness, imbalance and weakness. And also worry about health and lack of internal strength.

But do not forget that strength, in combination with other Tarot cards, can greatly change its value, you must carefully consider the alignment. And be able to correctly decipher various combinations of cards.

Brief description of the image

In most card decks, the eleventh tarot arcanum or power card depicts a pretty young woman playing with a formidable huge lion. And he, recognizing her supremacy, tightens his tail.

A colorful wreath of flowers is visible on the woman's head, another adorns her belt. Often, the figure “8” is located above the head of the main character, symbolizing infinity.

Despite the fact that the lion stands firmly on the ground with all four paws, the tail between its legs speaks of humility and submission to a woman. And therefore, this card acts as a symbol of female power, because it is the woman who makes the lion feel like a lion, and not someone else.

And that is why the main meaning of the Tarot card strength comes down to intuition and love, and not to the thirst for victory at any cost.

It completely excludes enmity, brute force and hatred, and often speaks of overcoming various fears. And usually personifies the inner moral strength that helps to cope with various difficulties and trials.

In the Tarot deck, the Strength card belongs to the Major Arcana and carries a positive meaning. Just take a close look at the picture. Image 11 Arcana shows us a woman in a long white dress, which adorns a belt of flowers. An infinity sign is displayed above her head. The woman plays with the lion, who acknowledges her dominance and tucks his tail. The very symbolism of the picture implies the personification of female strength, soft and fair. Two opposites interact with each other, retaining their essence and not merging into one.

General value

The lion personifies obstacles and the lower beginning - everything that prevents a person from going along the path of spiritual development. And the meek and gentle appearance of a woman suggests that love sometimes works wonders and can subdue even brute force. The card hints that victory over oneself is possible only through development and self-improvement - it is they who will help to tame the beast inside oneself. Here is a complete list of human qualities, which this card represents in a direct position:

If 11 Arcana falls in an inverted position, it can symbolize the following:

If during divination you pulled out this card from the deck, this means that your fears are left behind, since the meaning of the Tarot Power sometimes has a literal meaning. The period of accumulation of energy for the next life cycle has begun. Another card can symbolize an easier victory over life's obstacles in the future than before. After defeating his dark side, a person receives energy for creation.

Personality characteristic

If the card falls in a layout on a person’s personality, then it characterizes his condition as being “in the very juice”. The lasso testifies to powerful moral and physical strength, incredible courage, high level of energy. The person is very self-confident, and the level of his love of life goes off scale. This person has the power and ability to influence other people. A strong character contributes to the ability to manage oneself and others, but at the same time show generosity and tolerance.

Strength speaks of the integrity of nature and actions. In combination with other cards, the lasso may indicate the unusual abilities of a person. The card may indicate that the questioner has decided to give up a bad habit and is showing willpower. She calls to resist temptations, never give up. You have to pass a test of endurance and strength of mind.

A person loses only when he resigns himself to defeat in advance. The card can symbolize an individual who alone copes with all the obstacles that have arisen in his path. Another meaning of the lasso is passion, the desire to live "to the fullest." The designated person seeks to receive positive emotions from everything that happens, uses all the opportunities that life provides her. Of all the arcana, the Queen of Wands is closest in meaning to Strength.

Sometimes advice is needed from the Tarot to solve some problem. A person is at a crossroads and does not know where to take a step.

  1. As he says, having fallen out in a direct position, the “Strength” card in the layout, you yourself can improve the situation without outside help.
  2. You have a fairly strong position, you can resist any onslaught. And patience and gentleness can help in this.
  3. If the question concerned the health situation, expect recovery and an increase in vitality. Arkan advises you to be more confident in yourself.

In an inverted meaning, the card says that you are currently depressed and vulnerable, possibly sick. The 11 Arcana that fell out can be interpreted as Tarot advice not to rush into resolving the issue. It may also be that the card shows your excessive dependence on other people or harmful addictions. You may be under pressure - The Force is calling you to believe in yourself, but not go ahead. Act better around. In case of health problems, you should rest more and take care of your body.

Forecast for love and relationships

In a love layout, the Strength card symbolizes a strong union based on mutual love. One of the partners conquered the other with his gentle strength, gentleness and attention. . Harmonious Relations in which both fully reveal themselves, know their soul and body to the end. The card symbolizes everything related to passion, sex and instincts.

But this is only the outer side of the relationship. Their deep meaning is saturated with tenderness and spirituality. Strength indicates that one partner dominates the other due to a more powerful temperament and his charisma. Both in this pair experience an all-consuming love that paints all aspects of their lives with bright colors.

There are almost no conflicts between lovers, problems in relationships dissolve by themselves. The card can mean victory in the battle for love, if the relatives of the questioner are against this union. If the “Magician” card falls out at the same time in the layout, then the Higher powers are with you, who will do everything so that luck is on your side.

Depending on the neighboring cards, Strength can be interpreted as an opportunity to get rid of burdensome relationships. You have the strength to start everything from scratch. If the lasso falls to a woman, this can be taken as advice not to come into conflict with her man, to show gentleness and compliance, not to sort things out.

The combination of Strength with other cards depends on the value of these arcana. Here is how tarologists interpret the symbolism of some of these combinations:

If in the layout the card is surrounded by negative arcana, this means the wrong use of force. For a favorable outcome of the case, the questioner needs to reconsider his attitudes.

In the Waite Tarot deck, Akran "Strength" is ranked 8th, swapping places with Justice. But most tarot readers prefer to give this card the 11th position because of the more subtle meaning and greater connection with spirituality.

Attention, only TODAY!

The main meaning of the card

Direct position

Strength is courage, fearlessness, vitality, passion. There is a huge power hidden in this Arcana, based on inner confidence in one's own rightness, and also on the awareness of the priority of moral, spiritual strength over physical strength. This Arcana symbolizes exactly the power that is understood by instinct, intuition, as opposed to the forces of a higher order associated with mysticism and subtle perception.

In combination with other cards, you can more accurately understand what is the point or direction of the application (action) of the Force. For example: with the Priestess, this Arcana means the ability to keep secrets (or it can be considered as a guarantee that the secret will not be revealed); with the Wheel of Fortune - the opportunity to "grab luck by the tail"; with Justice - the ability to judge objectively, etc.

Reversed position

Strength in an inverted position is interpreted as the inability to suppress the primitive instincts in oneself, as brute strength, as a loss of self-control. The person who is characterized by this Arcana is probably unbalanced, weak, and perhaps at the moment experiencing internal discord. In the layouts for the situation, the inverted Force can be considered as conflict, lack of harmony, despotism, various kinds of abuse. In addition, the inverted Force can be interpreted as the unwanted interference of other people in fate, in decision-making; this is how the Force should be interpreted in an inverted form, if one of the court cards (Page, Knight, King, Queen) is paired with this Arcana.

The value of the inverted Strength turns out to be especially negative if it falls out with cards that in themselves have a negative meaning - with the Hanged Man (then Arkan means the futility of efforts due to their straightforwardness and excessive assertiveness), with the Devil (unrestrained aggression), with the Tower ( destructive effect of anger), etc.

Love and relationships

Direct position

For relationships, Strength can mean passion, energy, sexual activity (especially in combination with the Six of Cups), a powerful temperament. When a married couple is characterized by Strength, this means that she is not threatened by routine and gray everyday life; the relationship between these people will always be full of emotions and passion.

Some combinations of Strength with other Arcana are very characteristic. For example: Strength with Judgment indicates that a person will finally overcome his own indecision and confess his love (or make a marriage proposal); Strength with the Ten of Cups symbolizes the amazing moments spent with your beloved (beloved).

Reversed position

The inverted Strength for the sphere of relationships is the drama of feelings, contention, falling into extremes. This Arcana, upside down, indicates that people do not want to show mutual tolerance and compliance. And also - that one of them is trying to suppress, subjugate the other.

In addition, if, when divining for a person, an inverted Strength paired with a Chariot fell out to him, then this indicates the instability of his feelings; in a pair with the Lovers - that a person is "led by the nose" with promises to marry (get married).


Direct position

The strength that falls in the layouts for a career indicates a great desire to work tirelessly, move forward, about enthusiasm and significant motivation in professional activities. As a rule, this Arkan shows that there is a creative and creative look at one's duties. Especially successful is the combination of the Force with the Magician, because here the desire to achieve success is accompanied by great opportunities for this. And together with the Emperor, the Force speaks of the fact that we have before us a magnificent organizer and an excellent leader who knows how to restore and maintain order in any team.

Reversed position

Reversed Force is a complete lack of freedom of action, the most severe control by the leadership (for example, in combination with the Hierophant). Or a retreat in the face of difficulties due to disbelief in one's own strengths and capabilities. If the Force in an inverted form falls out along with the Jester, then this means a waste of effort and energy on objects that are worthless, insignificant. And next to the Hermit, the inverted Strength is interpreted as a preference to go aside, to get out of business instead of fighting for success.

To the affairs that you undertake, give your all; do not hold back your feelings in front of those who are dear to you. But in critical situations (during quarrels, competitions, decision-making) do not let emotions prevail over you, learn to curb your temperament.

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