A tale about a deer that carried a house. Fairy Tale: White Deer

Once upon a time, far away in the Far North, there lived Winter. Winter lived in the palace. The palace was not made of stone, but of ice. The entire ice sparkled like multi-colored stones. The light was extraordinary, magical. It sparkled both day and night, shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow, and this radiance could be seen far, far away. People called it the Northern Lights.
At that time on the shore of the great Arctic Ocean Once upon a time there lived a family. This family had three children: two boys and a girl. The girl's name was Elika. She grew up as an obedient and kind child. And then one day, when the older brothers and their father went hunting, and Elika stayed at home with her mother, someone knocked on the window. Elika opened the door. A fawn stood on the threshold of the house. He had sad eyes and was shaking all over from the cold. The girl let him into the house. When the fawn warmed up a little, he suddenly spoke in a human voice. The fawn asked for help. He fell behind his mother deer. The girl asked him how this could happen. The kid told her that it happened during a strong snowstorm. A snow sleigh with Winter appeared. Winter forcefully dragged the fawn into them, and they rushed off in an unknown direction. Only thanks to the tall spruce tree that grew near Elika’s house, the sleigh caught on its top, and the fawn fell out. Winter did not notice this and rushed off into the distance. Elika decided to help the fawn. She quickly got dressed and went outside. They ran through deep snowdrifts towards the forest. Frightened hares ran out to meet them. Interrupting each other, they said that they were playing in a clearing when a white snow sleigh drove up to them. The beautiful Winter came out of the sleigh in a white snow coat, and there was a breath of cold from her. Winter asked the hares what they were doing in her domain. The hares were shaking so much from the cold that they could not answer. Winter invited them to warm up and ride on her sleigh. But the hares rushed away from the fierce Winter. Elika asked the rabbits if they had seen a deer in the forest. They answered: "No." The girl said goodbye to the bunnies, and she and the fawn ran on.
It was already dark when a light appeared in the distance. They came closer and saw a small gnome. He held a flashlight in his hands and was not afraid at all. The dwarf said hello and asked who they were and what they were doing in such a wilderness. Elika and the little deer told him about the mother deer. The gnome sheltered them in his house, gave them drink delicious tea With wild berries and put him to bed. And in the morning they all went together to look for the mother deer.
When they left the house, thick sticky snow began to fall, and Winter tried to stop them. But the friends were not afraid and kept walking and moving forward. Halfway along the way they met a wolf. He noticed a fawn and wanted to grab it, but Elika stood up for the baby and told the wolf why they had come to such a distance. The wolf turned out to be very kind and decided to help them. He sniffed the fawn and followed the trail. They walked until sunset and reached the edge of the forest. A small herd of deer was grazing at the edge of the forest, among them was a mother deer. She saw her son and ran to meet him. The fawn also saw its mother and was very happy. Then the doe thanked her friends for their help.
The day was coming to an end, and Elika had to go back home. Her relatives were waiting for her at home and were very worried. It was a long way to the house, and the wolf offered Elika and the dwarf a ride. Elika thanked the wolf, and they went to the gnome's house. There they warmed up and refreshed themselves, then moved on to Elika’s house. A bright light shone in the sky and showed them the way home.
Thus ended the winter adventure of the brave girl and the little deer.

Fawn's Dream

Once upon a time there was a little deer named Sammy. He was a kind and cheerful little deer. Everyone loved him. And Sammy had a dream: one day to become one of Santa Claus's reindeer. All his friends and his family said that it was impossible and that it was better to forget about it. But Sammy believed that someday he and he, along with other reindeer harnessed to the sleigh of the good Santa Claus, would rush him along starry sky with a bag full of gifts for children.

- I want to be like Rudolph! – he often repeated, and his mother shook her head and smiled.

Rudolph was the lead reindeer in Santa's sleigh. He had a big red nose, which through the darkness and fog illuminated the path for Santa Claus's sleigh.

This is how Sammy the deer lived with his dream. He was already accustomed to the fact that no one believed in its implementation, but he himself continued to believe and dream. One day, shortly before Christmas, Sammy started talking about his dream again in the company of other fawns. The oldest fawn, Larry, laughed at him. Sammy felt very sad and left without saying anything. For a long time he wandered around snowy forest until he came to one small clearing. There, in the clearing, Sammy no longer held back his tears. He burst into tears. Tears flowed down his soft fluffy cheeks and fell onto the snow. Sammy thought that maybe, indeed, his dream was not destined to come true. Suddenly the baby heard someone’s pleasant, calm voice:

- Why are you crying, little deer?

Sammy looked up and saw Rudolph the Reindeer himself! The little deer froze in amazement and delight.

-Are you Rudolph?! – he said, not believing his eyes.

“Of course, it’s me,” Rudolf laughed, “So why are you crying?”

Sammy, of course, could not restrain himself and told Rudolph the whole truth.

“You are a very good deer, Sammy,” said Rudolph, “I’m proud of you!” It's great that you don't lose faith. I can assure you that sometimes miracles happen in life and the impossible becomes possible. Moreover, your dream is very possible. Do you know my story?

“No, I don’t know,” Sammy shook his head.

“Then listen,” said Rudolf and began his story, “Since childhood, I have had a big red nose.” So red that it even glowed in the dark. All the deer, young and old, laughed at me. Even my family, my brothers and sisters, wanted nothing to do with me. That's how I grew up, very lonely. One day, Santa Claus's sleigh went astray due to fog. I helped Santa by lighting the way with my red nose. After that, Santa Claus invited me to become the main reindeer in his team and light the way with my nose. Like this. From then on, no one laughed at me anymore.

“I didn’t even know that it was exactly like that,” Sammy said and looked at Rudolph enthusiastically.

“Sammy, I really like you,” Rudolph said. - I want to help you. I can make a small piece of your dream come true. Come here tomorrow at the same time.

Having said this, Rudolph shook his magnificent horns and soared up into the night sky.

The next day, Sammy was there at the appointed time. He was surprised to see that Rudolf was already there and not alone. Next to him stood an elf dressed in a red suit and cap. But that's not all! Santa Claus stood in the clearing.

- Hello, Sammy! - said Rudolph, - There are still a few days left before Christmas. Santa doesn’t need the sleigh, especially since he needed to check if everything was okay with them. So I asked my friend, Glen the Elf, to help me. Come here, let's take a ride through the starry sky!

- So, me and you? Together? Harnessed to a sleigh?! – little deer Sammy couldn’t believe his ears and eyes.

- Of course together! - Rudolf assured him.

- But I can’t fly!

- You can! – Rudolf laughed again.

Elf Glen harnessed Rudolph and Samm to the sleigh, and he sat on the box. Rudolph shook his horns, and magical sparkling dust fell from them. As soon as the magic dust fell on the back and head of the fawn, he felt extraordinary strength and lightness in his body, and realized that he could now fly. The sleigh soared into the sky. At first Sammy couldn't believe his luck, but then he relaxed and just enjoyed the flight. They rolled around the sky for a bit, then made several circles above the forest and descended into a clearing.

- Great walk! - said Rudolph, - The sleigh is fine, Santa will be pleased. Thank you for the company.

- Thank you, Rudolf! You are the best deer in the world! – Sammy answered.

And Rudolph laughed joyfully.

“I’m glad that I helped you not to lose faith in your dream.” You'll grow up and we'll see. “It all depends on you,” he said, “Well, that’s it, I have to go.” The elves will be decorating the sleigh in preparation for the most important night of the year. We all have a lot of work to do.

Once upon a time there lived a king and a queen. They had a beautiful kingdom, and they ruled it happily. Only one thing upset them - they did not have children.

One day, while walking through the forest, the queen sat down to rest on the shore of a lake. Suddenly she felt so unbearably sad and lonely that she screamed loudly:

- Oh, God, how I want to have a child! Suddenly the water in the lake began to boil, and a huge shrimp swam out of its depths. She said in a human voice:

- Queen, your dream will come true. But allow me, an insignificant shrimp, to accompany you to a magical palace that no mortal can see?

- With pleasure! - answered the queen. - But I can’t swim under water like you do.

The shrimp laughed and turned into a sweet old lady. When she came out of the water, her clothes were dry. She was wearing White dress with crimson stripes, and in it White hair green ribbons are woven.

The Queen went to fetch her wild forest. The magical path they walked along glowed under their feet, and orange trees wove a roof over their heads. The divine smell of blooming violets spread all around.

After some time they came to a castle made of pure diamonds. The doors of the castle opened, and six beautiful fairies came out to meet the queen with a bouquet of flowers made from precious stones.

“Your Highness,” said the fairies, “only some mortals can visit this palace.” Your prayers for a child touched our hearts. You will have a child named Feif. When he is born, take the bouquet of flowers we gave you and say the name of each flower out loud. We will immediately appear and reward your child with the best gifts.

The Queen was overjoyed. She thanked the fairies countless times for their kindness. Then, happy, she went home.

After some time, she had a daughter, whom she named Feif. She immediately took out a bouquet and loudly said the name of each flower.

And immediately the whole room was filled with fairies. They were accompanied by little pages who carried boxes of gifts.

There were vests and booties, caps and rattles. Everything was embroidered with gold and decorated precious stones.

The fairies played with the child a little, and then got to work. In turn, they rewarded her with kindness, intelligence, exceptional beauty, luck and excellent health.

Before the queen had time to thank the fairies, the door swung open and a huge shrimp ran into the room, shouting angrily:

- And you forgot about me! But you owe this happiness to me.

The queen was horrified.

“Oh, forgive me, please,” she begged. “I allowed terrible mistake!

The fairies joined her:

- Forgive her, please. She didn't do it on purpose.

“Well, okay,” said the shrimp fairy. “I will give the child life.” But I warn you that she should not see daylight until she is fifteen, otherwise something terrible will happen. If you let her see the sun before she's fifteen, beware!

All the windows and doors in the royal palace were boarded up. Not even a ray of light broke through anywhere, only candles illuminated the palace rooms.

The girl grew up very smart and beautiful. Fairies often came to look at her and play with her. She was especially loved by a fairy named Tulip.

She constantly reminded the queen:

“Remember what the shrimp fairy said.” Protect your daughter from daylight.

The Queen promised to be careful.

When Feif was fourteen years old, the royal painter painted her portrait, and everyone who saw it immediately fell head over heels in love with her.

At this time, in another kingdom there lived a prince named Volak. He was only 18 years old, and when he saw the portrait of the princess

Feif, he was mad with passion and love. He went to his father King Sage and said:

- Father, I need your help. Here is a portrait of Princess Feif. She won my heart. Give your blessing, I want to marry her.

- Which beautiful girl, and must be very smart and kind,” said the king. “I give you my parental blessing and will send Lord Canvis as an ambassador to her father.”

Young Lord Canvis was the prince's closest friend. The prince told him:

“If my life is dear to you, do everything to win the princess’s heart.” I will die if she does not become my wife.

He gave Canvis a thousand wonderful gifts for the princess. Feif's parents were very flattered when they learned that Prince Wolak was wooing their daughter. They knew that this was the best, brave, truthful and handsome prince of all those existing in the world.

The king and queen first decided to show Feyfe to Lord Canvis, but the fairy Tulip warned them that it was unsafe.

When the lord arrived at the palace, to his great amazement, he was denied a meeting with the princess. The king told him the whole story with the fairies.

“But, Your Highness,” Canvis protested, “Prince Wolak is very much in love.” He can neither eat, nor drink, nor sleep. He is very sick. Let me show you his portrait. Understand, if you don’t show the prince Feif, he will die of boredom.

“Poor prince,” said the king. “He is so madly in love with my daughter.” I was young too and I know what love is. We'll try to come up with something.

Feif was shown a portrait of the prince, and she also fell in love with him at first sight.

This conversation was overheard by Lady Weed, who had two daughters of the same age as Feyfe. One was called Daisy, and she adored the princess, and the other was called Prickly, and she hated Feif with all her heart. She also saw the portrait of the prince and promised herself to become his wife.

And Prickly's godmother, unfortunately, was the shrimp fairy. At night Prickly went to her and said:

— Feif marries Prince Volak. And I myself want to become his wife. Can you help me with this?

- Certainly! It will be happiness for me to upset her dreams,” said the evil fairy and whispered something in Prickly’s ear.

At this time, Feif dreamed of Prince Volak. Finally she figured out how to rid him of his illness. She went to her mother and said:

- We can deceive the evil fairy. Send me to the prince in a carriage without windows and with a curtained door. I'll go to him at night.

The king and queen agreed to this plan. They informed Canvis about this, and he, happy, rushed home to tell the prince the good news. The king ordered a closed carriage to be made. The inside was decorated with green velvet and silver.

The keys to the carriage were handed to the eldest lord of the kingdom and ordered to be locked in a box. When everything was ready, Feif, along with Prickly, Daisy and Lady Weed, got into the carriage. The Queen said to Lady Weed:

“I entrust you with the treasure of my life.” Take care of her, remember that she should not see daylight. The prince had already boarded up the windows in his palace and prepared for the meeting.

Weed replied:

- Don't worry and trust me.

And they set off. After a while, Prickly whispered to her mother:

- Mom, we need to do something urgently. If I don't become the prince's wife, I'll die.

Lady Weed got it long knife, which she hid under her skirts, and cut the upholstery of the carriage.

It gushed daylight. Feif immediately turned into a white deer, which jumped out of the carriage and disappeared into the forest.

The servants rushed to look for the white deer. But the evil fairy sent a storm at them and transported them all far, far away, to the other side of the world.

Only Lady Weed, Prickly and Daisy remained. Prickly put on wedding ring Feif and her crown. Soon they saw the gilded carriage of the prince, who was eagerly waiting for his beloved bride. Seeing Prickly, the old king cried out:

- What kind of jokes?

Lady Weed answered with dignity:

- This is Princess Feif, Your Highness. And this is proven by the letters of her father and mother, which I pass on to you.

Prince said:

- Father, they deceived us. The portrait has nothing in common with the original. I'd rather die than marry this ugly woman.

The king said:

- Until all the circumstances are clarified, I will take the princess and her entourage as prisoners and settle them in the castle.

The prince went to his Vacation home in the forest, hunt and take your mind off unpleasant thoughts.

Walking in the forest, he suddenly felt weak and lay down on the ground. If only he knew that not far from this place walked his beloved princess, who had turned into a white deer, who loved daylight more than anything else.

Fairy Tulip knew what happened to Feyf. She sent Daisy to look for her beloved princess, and they met, crying bitterly and hugging.

“My dear princess,” said Daisy, “I will stay with you forever and serve you forever.”

She took the white deer to the orchard to eat fruit from the trees and asked him where they would spend the night. After all, there are many wolves in the forest and it is very scary.

-Have you seen any house in this forest? Daisy asked the deer. He just shook his head.

Suddenly the fairy Tulip appeared, whose heart was touched by the friendship of the girl and the deer, and said:

- Every night, after sunset, Feif will turn back into a girl. Now follow this path and be brave and patient.

Daisy and the white deer soon came to a hut, on the threshold of which an elderly woman was sitting.

- Do you have a room for me and my deer? - asked Daisy.

“Of course, young lady,” answered the old lady. She led them into a small but very clean room, where there were two beds next to each other.

When the sun set, the white deer turned into a princess, who, throwing herself on Daisy’s neck, warmly thanked her for her help. They talked all night, and the next morning Feif again turned into a deer and ran into the forest to nibble grass.

At this time, the prince and Lord Canvis came across the same hut in search of lodging for the night. Smiling old woman gave them something to eat and allocated a room just opposite the girls’ room.

After getting some sleep, the young prince went hunting. Suddenly he saw a white deer grazing not far away. Taking aim, he shot at the deer, but it dodged and disappeared into the thicket of the forest.

Arriving home in the evening, the deer turned into a princess, who told Daisy what had happened to her.

“Dear princess,” said Daisy. “Stay here, don’t go into the forest, it’s dangerous.” I will read books to you, and time will pass quickly.

“I would love to,” answered the princess. “But the fact is that when I turn into a deer, I feel like a deer.” I have to run and eat grass.

Tired, she immediately fell asleep. At this time, in another room, the prince was talking about the wonderful deer he saw this morning.

“I’ll definitely shoot him tomorrow,” he said.

In the morning he went in search of a deer. But Feif was on her guard and did not leave the thicket of the forest. The prince walked and walked until he collapsed from fatigue under an apple tree and fell asleep.

At this time, a white deer came out of the thicket and approached the prince.

“He’s even more beautiful than in the portrait,” Feif thought and lay down next to him.

Prince Wolak woke up and was dumbfounded with amazement - a white deer was lying next to him. Before he had time to grab the bow, Feif quickly disappeared from sight. The prince rushed after her and fired. The arrow hit the white deer in the leg and he fell to the ground.

The prince wanted to shoot him, but, seeing the deer’s eyes full of tears and pleading, he took pity on him and carried him to the hut.

Daisy ran out to meet him and shouted:

- This is my deer! Give it to me!

“No,” answered the prince. “I caught him in the forest.” He is mine!

“I would rather lose my life than my deer,” answered Daisy. “Look how he recognizes me now.”

She said:

“White deer, please give me your leg,” and the deer held out its wounded leg.

She said:

- White deer, do you love me? - and the deer nodded his head in agreement. The prince was amazed.

“I agree,” he said. “The deer is yours.” I'm sorry I shot him.

Daisy picked up the deer and carried it to her room. At this time Lord Canvis said to the young prince:

“I recognized this girl, she is from Princess Feif’s escort, I saw her in the princess’s carriage.” There's something wrong here!

They found out from the old woman which room the girls were staying in and made a hole in the wall. Looking into it, they saw Princess Feyfe sitting on the bed, and Daisy next to her, bandaging her leg.

The prince immediately rushed into the girls' room and fell on his knees in front of the princess.

“Forgive me,” he shouted. “I didn’t know anything about the deer.” I would rather die than harm you.

Feif told him everything about her misfortunes. They talked all night, and the next morning, when the sun rose, the princess suddenly discovered that this time she had not turned into a deer. Their joy knew no bounds.

“We must inform my father about this,” said the prince. “He is going to go to war against your kingdom, accusing your parents of deception.”

Suddenly they heard the sounds of horns and saw that the king himself was coming towards them, and Prickly and her mother were sitting in the cattle wagon.

- My dear father! - the prince rushed to him. - Here is my beloved princess Feif. I found her! - he exclaimed.

The king looked at the princess. She stood in a silver dress, embroidered with fresh fragrant roses, and her head was crowned with a crown of diamonds. He had never seen such beauty. Not far away stood the fairy Tulip, who was the old woman at the hut.

Everyone was happy. And Lord Canvis, touched by devotion and kind hearted Daisy, proposed to her, and two happy couples got married in the palace church.

Prickly and her mother forgave them and sent them home. And for a long time the whole kingdom retold the story about the magical white deer and his adventures, which ended so happily.

For the Fairy Tale Reserve.
Topic from patricus

Dedicated to little curly haired Olezhka

In one very ordinary forest There lived a not quite ordinary deer. Well, he had everything like other deer - four hooves, two ears, a small tail, short fur. But the horns were not ordinary, but magical.
As our deer rested on the grass, basking in the sun, beautiful flowers bloomed. And these flowers smelled so fragrant that colorful butterflies flew from everywhere.

If a deer jumped and galloped across a forest meadow, then it would appear on its antlers...What would you think? Sweet, juicy, ripe grapes! The birds adored him, and when they saw a galloping deer, they dropped everything they were doing and quickly flew towards him.

At night our hero slept. And this is not surprising, all deer sleep at night, even magical ones. Meanwhile, mushrooms grew on the horns. And not just any mushrooms, but chanterelles. Why exactly the chanterelles are unknown, but they were adored by the squirrels living in this forest. Quietly, so as not to wake the deer, they collected mushrooms, of which there were so many that they were enough even for the whole winter.

This is how we lived forest animals, rejoicing that they have such a wonderful, such a kind and cheerful deer with magic antlers.
But one day in the spring, when the snow melted, young grass appeared, and the sun warmed everything around with all its might, our deer became sad. He was sad for a day, another, a week, and did not understand what was happening. Because of such sadness, the flowers stopped blooming on his horns, there were no berries, and even when he fell asleep, chanterelles did not appear on them. The deer was sad, the forest dwellers were sad. And then on one of these sad days a guest appeared in the forest. No, not a guest, but a guest. It was a young deer who accidentally ran here from a neighboring grove. As soon as our hero saw her, his sadness immediately passed. He felt joyful and cheerful, his heart was beating very quickly, he wanted to dance and even sing songs. And do you know what happened to his horns?
Beautiful flowers bloomed on them, apples and pears grew, sweet berries ripened!

Deer and sea goby (Chukchi tale)

A deer walked along seashore. Suddenly a fish poked its head out of the water - a sea goby. The bull saw the deer and laughed:
- Well, deer! Well, what a monster! The legs are moving, the fat belly is being carried! Fun!
The deer was offended by such words, picked up the bull with its horns and threw it ashore. A goby here, a goby here, but still nothing.
- Oh oh oh! - shouts. - I'm disappearing! I'm drying up!
Okay, the deer took pity on him, threw the bull into the water, and he himself wanted to move on, but before he could take a step, he heard the bull take over again, mocking him again.
- Hey, little deer! - the bull shouts. - Hey, awkward! Look at you: there is no tail, ribs are growing on your head! You'll want to laugh!
- Oh, so, you're teasing again! - the deer got angry and touched the sea goby with its horns and threw it ashore.
- Oh oh oh! - the bull shouted here. - My mouth is dry! My tail is drying up! Throw me into the water! Throw it quickly! I'm disappearing!
Again the deer took pity on him and pushed him into the water with his horns.
But the bull didn’t calm down. He took a dip once, emerged and teased even more:
- Hey, monster! The legs are like needles, thin. And the head is stupid. That’s why some bushes grew on it!
The deer endured and endured, but his patience ran out - the deer got angry, snatched the bull out of the water with its horns, threw it onto the shore and ran far into the tundra. That's all.

Deer is present in the famous fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen " The Snow Queen". There are many bright, colorful, beautiful illustrations for this fairy tale :)

Fawn's Dream

The Tale of the Deer

Far, far beyond the Arctic Circle, where day and night come once a year, lived a proud Deer, beautiful, with branched antlers, in a fur coat sparkling in the frost. And he had a faithful friend - Zvezda.
Whether the Deer is running, cutting the air with its antlers, or foraging for food under the snow, she is always there as a quiet, silent assistant. She didn't ask for anything in return, she just wanted to be close.
Somehow Deer got tired of Star’s care, and he decided to run away from her. The Deer ran for many days across the tundra, but, turning around, he again saw an even and gentle light illuminating his way.
-Have you gone astray? - Star asked in a whisper.
The Deer did not answer, he just buried his face in the cold snow.
But then one day the Star disappeared from the sky. She disappeared from indifference and cold. And it became dark and boring for the Deer in the world of snow and permafrost. And only then did he understand what the Star meant to him. No light - no life. The deer screamed, stamped its hooves, blew on the cloud that hid the light of the Star, but his girlfriend did not want to appear.
Only the Northern Lights laughed at him. Beautiful soulless rattle.
And then the Deer began to make a snow mountain. For many days and nights, sparing no effort, he collected snow from the entire tundra with his horns. He even scratched his pride - a tree with branches on his head. But he didn’t feel sorry for anything. If only the Star reappeared in the sky and warmed me with its warmth.
And so, when the huge snow mountain, he climbed onto it and jumped, catching the cloud with his horns. The cloud moved, and at that time its Star appeared. But it was no longer that dim light, but the bright sparkling light of a giant luminary.
“Hello, star,” said the Deer, covering his eyes from the bright light.
- Hello, Deer. I know you love fresh moss. Take it,” said the Star in the same kind and gentle voice.
And then the Deer saw that the snowy mountain had melted, and fresh moss had turned green under his feet.
- Hooray! - shouted the Deer, - Summer has come.
“Eat moss,” said the Star, “it is very useful.”
But the Deer did not want to eat. He couldn't get enough of the light that his girlfriend exuded.
“Wow,” thought the Deer, “from some small Star the Sun turned out.”
“I just always want to be with you,” answered the Sun-Star, reading his thoughts, “both in the long polar winter and short summer. The deer stood happy, basking in the warm rays of the sun.
His horns lay nearby, which broke when he pushed the cloud. But he didn’t regret it at all. After all, his girlfriend was with him, his Star, his Sun.

What else to read