What is the dream of the starry sky, the night sky, constellations, a shooting star. Constellations in the sky interpretation of the dream book

Our experts will help you find out what the Constellation is dreaming of in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

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    black-black sky, and on it huge incredibly bright constellations, all very different in a huge number, and the largest is a ship with sails. Sony caused a lot of impressions, I'm still in some kind of euphoria, an amazing feeling.

    I dreamed of the constellation of an Angel with a bow and arrow, an angel in the sky, the stars sparkled distinctly, then I saw golden ships in the sky, 4 ships, they were square, and in the center was the same golden ship, but more.

    I dreamed of a lot of water, clean and dirty. I quarreled with the woman in charge, cried, got offended. Then a man came, this is a higher-ranking boss and said, don’t be afraid of anything and don’t worry, I’ll talk to you next Wednesday. Then I found myself in an open area and saw a clear starry sky. I recognized the constellation Ursa Major and Ursa Minor immediately and pushed it towards me, stood up straight to support it. The Ursa Minor entered the Ursa Minor and disappeared into it. The sky is so clear and I was offered to draw this constellation into myself through the palm of my hand. I did not want to deprive the sky of this constellation, but I moved it a little closer to me. I realized that if I want, I can take his OT and dissolve it in myself, but this is not necessary for me, because I am already part of this constellation.

    Hello! I dreamed that I was on a trip to Greece sightseeing bus, a neighbor showed me from the window: look, the constellations. There was Ursa Minor, the Pleiades and one more. In a dream, I had that it was Lyra, then I looked at the atlas, Cassiopeia. Address: My name is Sophia. Thanks

    Good day!
    In my dream, I was looking at the night sky. It was clear. But not star-studded. On it, different constellations were clearly visible at a distance of arcs from each other, that is, they did not merge with each other, but stood apart from each other. I remember the constellation of the cross. Others could not recognize. The constellations were very beautiful, the stars in them shone like diamonds. I admired them. Then one of the constellations suddenly fell to the ground not far from me. I wasn't scared about it. It fell and crumbled. I didn't see it fall and crumble, I just heard the sound. It didn't evoke any negative feelings in me. Sleep experience is good.

    I leave the house and see incredible in the night sky beautiful stars, Very close. Which have outlines, a very bright colorful constellation of the lion directly above your head. It amazes me and amazes me at the same time.

    at first, with my sister and mother, we looked at the tree, it was daylight. then suddenly it was already night. the sky was clear and many stars were visible, everything was familiar, except for one constellation, and throughout the dream I looked at this constellation and tried to understand what kind of constellation it was. it was like this: it consisted of 4 stars, similar to a cross, one star was completely dim, the opposite one was very bright and more than all the other stars in the sky, the remaining 2 stars were also bright, but like ordinary bright stars.

    I dreamed about the zodiac signs Cancer, Libra, Sagittarius, the constellation Ursa Major! And in the gloomy sky! And the city in a white cloud floated across the sky, very similar to space city from the Hubble Space Telescope!

    I dreamed that I was looking at the sky and I saw (very brightly and clearly) a constellation (in a dream I called it "sagittarius"), which after a few seconds changed to another, like animation, and so many times with different constellations. There were many stars around, all bright, in the dark night sky. In general, I dream about space for the second time in my life, and always these dreams made me delight in a dream. For the first time I saw the end of the earth and very close to the planet, meteorites were falling around me, it was dangerous, but beautiful, beyond words!

    I had a dream from Thursday to Friday (that is, today) that I was looking at the sky at night, it was all in stars and different constellations, and in the center of all this was a large sparkling constellation of Cancer, the stars on this constellation sparkled like diamonds, what could this mean?

    Write here your dream for interpretation ... in a dream today in the morning, a big bear was catching fish from a cloud with her paws, playing with them, there were many stars in the sky that sparkled so beautifully with colorful lights, it was very beautiful to watch them lying down.

    I had a dream in which I tried to escape from someone, and an unfamiliar young girl (brunette), in ruins overgrown with lush greenery, gave me two golden keys: the first with the sign of hours and the second with the constellation of the southern cross. I took them and was about to leave, but after examining I realized that they were not fighting, therefore, I decided to return and ask for another key: a lion, aquarius or a maiden. But I don’t remember what happened, I only remember how I jumped out of the ruins onto the road (not from top to bottom and not across the abyss, just from the building onto the road) and continued to run somewhere. It was very easy for me both when I fled to the ruins and when I left them. I didn't feel any particular anxiety. The ruins themselves were in the mountains, this is not accurate, just my guess, because. all the way I climbed up the road to the ruins, and after leaving them I went higher. The air was humid due to a slight fog and it seemed to be spring. I left with the golden keys of the clock and the southern cross.

    Explain please.
    I dreamed of constellations. From Saturday to Sunday. May 7th to 8th. And the dream is impossibly bright, frightening with its beauty. Despite the fact that I generally have vivid interesting dreams, it is extremely rare. Usually always something nothing, everyday.
    And then I dream that I walk first in the afternoon along the street not far from my house and see, in sunny, clear summer weather, 7 rainbows in the sky behind my house. They intersect, merge, in general, a cluster of rainbows, brightly luminous. It is so unrealistically beautiful that such beauty delights and frightens. And no one seems to notice except me, everyone goes by. And when I tell them about this rainbow, they suddenly notice and enthusiastically start taking pictures as soon as possible.
    Then, as if it was already night, I was walking quite near the house, and then the attack of the constellations began in the sky. They are like fireworks, flare up, go out, flare up again. It is like an endless rain of constellations, which, closer to the earth, takes on the outlines of certain constellations. Everything is very bright, very beautiful, unreal and therefore frightening. Endless flashes from a cluster of stars, some constellations are quickly replaced by others, flash, flash, endlessly new drawings from the constellations appear. The constellations are large and open into clear patterns right above me, fireworks are flashing right in my face. So I see the head of a tiger clearly (I was born in the year of the tiger) and then, in my opinion, the head of a bull. I photograph it to show at home and at the same time I am afraid, because it is something so supernatural, impossible. And it's just that space has always frightened me a little, something unknown, big, deep, immense. And here is such an attack of salutes of unreal beauty from stars glowing with diamond light on black and blue sky.
    Then it’s as if I come home and it’s not clear to myself or not. But there, youth peers seemed to have gathered to celebrate something, such a light cheerful mood around. And it suits me former classmate. I liked him at school, but I don’t dream about him in my life, that is, I don’t want to be a couple with him, I’m not looking for a meeting ... neutral, just a little former teenage love and that’s it, sometimes he appears in dreams. And in this dream, we seem to be warmly tenderly friends and at the end of the walk lightly kissed our lips goodbye (this made me happy and excited in a dream). And in this apartment, where something is expected to be celebrated, he comes up to me and asks me to try on the ring. And the ring is for his girlfriend, as if, but for some reason he asks to try on me. He puts it on, but he doesn’t put it on, and he reacts with such a reaction that he didn’t buy something like that, it doesn’t fit in size. And I see that it is put on, it's just that he puts it on incorrectly. I twisted it a little and I put it on with ease  And for some reason the ring is not an engagement ring, but like a smooth lilac wire.
    In addition to all this, I’ll say that I’m not married, I can’t meet my own person, but, of course, I really want to


    Good night. I had a dream, in which I was in the company of old friends, including a deceased friend. The dream is disturbing. I looked at the moon and clearly saw the constellation, in the upper left corner, a huge cluster of stars in which the image of a lion or a bear was clearly visible, first there, then all over the sky. In this dream, several events occurred in which I escaped death, ran under the logs, which immediately fell behind me. Further in the same dream, I am standing in the kitchen with my mother, a three-dimensional hologram appeared on the kitchen table, an image of a bear from that constellation, from small shiny dots, there was an understanding that I somehow did it, I began to explain to my mother how I did it, but didn't know how. Sounds appeared outside the door, looked through the peephole, there are several people in motorcycle helmets trying to break into the apartment. I woke up.
    Lately, every night I see fights, death and violence, I see a dead friend. Never had such dreams before. This worries me, please tell me what all this can mean

    Hello! I dreamed that I went to a fortune teller. She told me that everyone loves me. And I will pass all my exams. (Although in real life I graduated from universities a long time ago). She said that the universities of Moscow are all open to me. And she pointed to the sky. There was a constellation of a crocodile. After that, the candles were carried, the wind blew. Then everything became normal. Only the sand scattered everywhere and the icons turned over on reverse side. Not upside down, but backwards. She said that they (I don't know who) are checking me.

    I was in my apartment at the exit, there was a banquet yard Roma came in, my classmate sat down at the table in my room and said that he needed to work, although he was usually cheerful and talkative. the view from the window in life opens onto a large field and a forest, so I was not surprised to see it in a dream) there was a big mansion on the field, I even saw children playing there although the house was far away, I raised my eyes to the stars and after Oreon I started to see the constellations, they shone, I could even see the outlines of people on some, but then my classmate Nikita came up (I have sympathy for him) and hugged him from behind. then I woke up because of the alarm clock

    I saw the constellation Ursa Major.
    And as if she painted a mother and a child with the eyes of bears.
    Then I dreamed of my constellation, that is, the twins. And also painted them. It was insanely beautiful

Star according to the dream book of Nostradamus

Stars in a dream symbolize higher will, higher knowledge.

If in a dream you watched a star fall, this is a great sign. Your innermost hopes and desires, the fulfillment of which you did not even dare to hope, will become a reality; fate has prepared for you a happy fate.

Many shooting stars dream of strong hail, which someday will destroy all agricultural crops under the root. Mankind will be forced to starve for a whole year.

dreaming scarlet stars are the Kremlin stars. Someday in Russia will become the ruler great person. He will not only raise the country from ruins, but also turn it into the most influential and powerful state in the whole world.

We saw ourselves flying to a star - perhaps someday you will fly to another planet as part of a space expedition. Such a dream can predict the discovery of life on another planet.

See the stars among white day- this is a sure sign that in the future worthy people will be at the helm of power, who will achieve final peace between all states and the full consent of peoples. The dreamer visits such a dream before meeting with authoritative persons.

The dreamed abundance of tiny stars is a harbinger of receiving news from the USA. Such a dream can predict that the events that will take place in this country will literally shake the whole world. In this case, many small stars are the stars located on the American flag, which are the symbol of the US states.

To see that all the stars suddenly disappeared from the sky - such a dream reports a large-scale cosmic catastrophe, which is destined to happen in a very distant future. The culprit will be the collapsed planet Phaeton, the fragments of which will create real threat for many planets.

Seeing the reflection of stars in the water is a sign of the great discovery of an unknown planet inhabited by living creatures that look like people. For the dreamer, sleep means a great discovery in the field of knowledge in which he is competent.

A bright star dreams of the discovery of a star comparable to the Sun, and it is she who will illuminate the Earth in the distant future.

The feeling of cold emanating from a star is a sign of eternal winter on Earth. Most likely, an era will come when the Earth will be in ice captivity for several millennia.

I dreamed of a sky with a single, but very bright star - which means that after a decade your fate will stand out from the rest and acquire significance comparable to the discovery of a new planet.

A strong starfall is a dream that you will be able to realize your plan very soon, after many years.

To be at the place where a star fell is a dream for a disaster that will take so many people by surprise.

Opening new star says that in ten lunar cycles an event will happen to you that will have strong influence on you.

To study a star map and mark a travel route on it - a dream with such a plot is a sign of the development of an ecological crisis and an increase in the rate of migration from territories that pose a special danger.

Star, interpretation in Tsvetkov's dream book

Bright stars mean that you have a lot of happiness ahead, devoted love; dim - a dream of danger; evening - to vain love; order stars - to stupidity; dreamed of one, two stars - get good news.

Why dream Star- esoteric dream book

See a star in the sky good sign, to spiritual uplift, the rise of the soul. The falling one portends sadness and short tears. How geometric figure the star is a symbol of the energy attraction of egregors (national and state-territorial associations). You were drawn into their stereotypes, and you fell into their slavery: four-pointed - Japanese; five-pointed - Soviet; six-pointed - Jewish; seven-pointed - American, Indian; eight-pointed - Arabic, Egyptian; multi-pointed - Chinese, Filipino; with a month - Muslim; in vignettes, spirals - slavery of new religions and sects like Muna, Baha'is.

Star in Meneghetti's dream book

Star in the French dream book

To see shining stars on some person - good dream: it may be followed by good news, a profitable journey, or prosperity in general. To see dim stars on someone means that trouble will come to this person's house. Shining stars in the house are a sign of danger for the head of the family. If you saw a comet among the stars, expect good news.

Starfall dreams of the decline of some noble house. If the stars in a dream fell right through the roof of the house, this means that this dwelling will either die from a fire, or will be forever abandoned by the owners. I dreamed of a man making stars out of some material, which means that your business will move forward with serious success.

Star in the Assyrian dream book

If a person sleeps and sees how a star transforms and becomes a cobblestone, in reality an unsuccessful completion of affairs awaits him.

The transformation of a heavenly body into dust indicates to a person his near bankruptcy, poverty, need.

Constellation, meaning in Miss Hasse's dream book

To see any constellation in the sky - such a dream means that you will be able to accept correct solution when you get to difficult situation. In your dream there were several or many of them at once - this good sign: You will behave reasonably and meaningfully. This will inevitably lead you to a prosperous life in which you will be provided for and quite successful, unless you get sick.

Constellation - according to its outlines, you can determine the location of the stars in relation to you. If the constellation has a clear shape, you can draw certain conclusions about your next life. If sharp corners prevail in the constellation, then soon you will become a leader. If the stars are located at angles close to the right, then everything in your life is very solid and definite. If smooth rounded lines prevail, then you want to achieve perfection and you feel the need for peace of mind. If there are so many stars that you can’t say in what sequence and in what ratio they are located, then a lot of new things will happen in your life that you still don’t know about.

Interpretation of dreams from the Children's dream book

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If he sees that the stars have fallen to the ground, then this area will suffer punishment and trouble. Whoever sees that he is holding a star in his hands will be born dear to him handsome son. If a rich person sees a starless sky in a dream, then he will become poor, and if a poor person sees this, then he will be honored with the death of a martyr (martyr for faith).

If he sees that the firmament is spinning above him, then he will set off. The stars also symbolize the Ulama, for when Imam Shafi’i’s mother carried him in her womb and she had a dream that the star Jupiter came out of her and, having flown away, stopped in Egypt, and then she split into small stars there and they flew away in different directions, she was explained it is that her child's knowledge will spread throughout the world.

Seeing stars in a dream during the day is a big trouble. Anyone who sees a star falling directly on him from the sky can either leave this life or borrow a lot of money. Stars of the same size - to receive good news.

Stars of different sizes - to a quarrel between close relatives.

Interpretation of dreams from

Danilova's children's dream book

See the Constellation in a dream, what does it mean

If the constellation has a clear shape, you can draw certain conclusions about your next life. If sharp corners prevail in the constellation, then soon you will become a leader. If the stars are located at angles close to the right, then everything in your life is very solid and definite.

If smooth rounded lines prevail, then you want to achieve perfection and you feel the need for peace of mind. If there are so many stars that you can’t say in what sequence and in what ratio they are located, it means that a lot of new things will happen in your life that you still don’t know about, so what you dream about is deciphered.

Seeing the Constellation, how to unravel the symbolism of sleep (according to the Family Dream Book)

Constellation - Soon your friends and acquaintances will unexpectedly come to visit you. Moreover, the guests will come in one huge, noisy company. Even if their arrival will not be a surprise for you, since the dream will warn you, still make a surprised face, because the guests, preparing for this meeting, expected just such a reaction from you.

The more stars in the dream constellation, the greater will be the number of guests. Constellation - Dreaming in a dream - you will find the right solution. You dreamed of a Constellation - Good buy. Imagine that the stars of the constellation are burning so bright that it is even painful to look at them. constellation - to good shopping, acquisition of property for the house.

Imagine the night sky. It has very bright, seemingly close stars. You see the outlines of any constellation you know. It shines even brighter than other stars. You admire this constellation, and it seems to you that the stars are alive, they wink at you, as if they want to tell you good, joyful news. Thank the stars for this and tell yourself that you know for sure: this is good.

English dream book

Why see the Constellation in a dream

What do the Constellations mean in a dream - At the dawn of mankind, people believed that they saw drawings in the sky, and peopled the heavens with deities and heroes. We still know many constellations from their old names and shapes, and most people can recognize at least a couple of star patterns, such as the Orion hunter or the Southern Cross.

Changes in the positions of the constellations have been used as guides by sailors, hunters and trackers for centuries. What constellations did you see - traditional star drawings, or did your mind create your own? Did you communicate your dreams and hopes to heaven, and if so, what images and stories did you create? Can you use them in everyday life?

Interpreter of dreams of a Siberian healer

What does a dream with a Constellation mean, taking into account the date of birth

In the spring, why does the constellation dream in a dream - A successful purchase will be made.

If in the summer a constellation dreamed in a dream - To unexpected luck.

In autumn, why did the constellation dream - To amazement.

In winter, why the constellation is dreaming - By its outlines, you can determine the location of the stars in relation to you.

Autumn dream book What is the dream of the Constellation from the dream book:

Constellation - A successful purchase will be made.

Summer dream book What is the dream of the Constellation from the dream book:

Constellation - To unexpected luck.

Children's dream book What does the Constellation mean in a dream book?

Why the Constellation is dreaming - By its outlines, you can determine the location of the stars in relation to you. If the constellation has a clear shape, you can draw certain conclusions about your next life. If sharp corners prevail in the constellation, then soon you will become a leader. If the stars are located at angles close to the right, then everything in your life is very solid and definite. If smooth rounded lines prevail, then you want to achieve perfection and you feel the need for peace of mind. If there are so many stars that you can’t say in what sequence and in what ratio they are located, then a lot of new things will happen in your life that you still don’t know about, as the dream book says about this dream.

Dream Interpretation for the Whole Family Why is the Constellation dreaming?

Dream Interpretation: to see a Constellation in a dream - Soon your friends and acquaintances will unexpectedly come to visit you. Moreover, the guests will come in one huge, noisy company. Even if their arrival will not be a surprise for you, since the dream will warn you, still make a surprised face, because the guests, preparing for this meeting, expected just such a reaction from you. The more stars in the dream constellation, the greater will be the number of guests.

Spring dream book What is the dream of the Constellation from the dream book:

Constellation - To amazement.

Dream Interpretation of medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: Constellation in a dream

Constellation - See - you will find the right solution.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Zealot Seeing a Constellation in a Dream

In a dream, what the Constellation is dreaming of - Seeing - you will find the right solution


Dream Interpretation Constellation

constellation, constellations

Dream Interpretations say - everyone who saw the Constellations in a dream can count on quick luck and huge success! Such dreams appear quite rarely. Some Dream Interpretations assure that the Constellation is present in a dream the day before big wins or victories. Having understood the interpretation of your dream, Do not miss this good chance in reality. Dream Interpretations even offer to play the lottery in order to make sure that luck is on your side now.

See constellations in a dream- good luck in the game, big win.

A dream that all experienced casino players are waiting for. A constellation in the starry sky is a traditional sign of a close win. For those who are not fond of gambling, the Dream in any case carries a favorable forecast. Try to go in some way that is not characteristic of you - probably planned by you in this moment will surely come true. Don't miss your star chance!

See constellations in a dream- you will find the right solution to the question, which has not given you rest in reality for a long time.

The ancient sages often referred to the Stars. According to the thinkers of antiquity, the Constellation can give an answer to any question that worries you. Even if you do not believe in astrology, Try to break your own rules of behavior at least once, Look into the future, Find out the forecast of the Stars for the coming days.

Seeing a constellation in a dream- painful uncertainty, Attempts to look into your future.

For those people who are currently painfully trying to decide something in reality, Make the only right decision, Find the answer to some vital question, Constellations in a dream are another attempt to look into their near future. Probably, in reality, you went through all the traditional ways and possibilities to understand how you should behave better after all. Constellations for you now - the only assistant and adviser. Who knows, maybe the Constellations will really tell you the solutions to painful problems...


Why see in a dream the constellation Ursa Major and Pisces?


° ~...the ONLY...~ °

*girl with eyes the color of the sky*


Alisa Nikolskaya




Hello. About a month ago I had such a vivid dream that I am still under the impression. Please comment.
It’s like I’m giving a lecture in a room to someone, either schoolchildren or students, although in real life I’m not a teacher. I looked out the window and see how the sun is setting, so huge, richly pink. I leave the room to look and find myself, as it were, on a hill. Below is some small neat city, lit by evening lanterns, people are walking around. And in front of me is this pink sun, so huge, sparkling with brilliance, and moving towards the horizon. I looked at the sky, and there are a lot of bright stars, a big starry sky - very beautiful. He distinguished the constellations - Ursa Major and Cassiopeia. I see falling stars. Then I distinguished a group of synchronously moving stars, I thought whether it was the stars moving, or whether it was an alien ship. I woke up with a great rapturous impression. Thanks

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Renat, perhaps such a dream was the result of your imagination or the then emotional state, try to remember what it could be connected with.


Good afternoon. Last night I dreamed about the constellation known as Orion's belt. I had never seen him before, I couldn't think of him. And in the morning, when I woke up and went on the Internet, I found what it is called .. I suppose that this dream cannot be the unconscious soil of my thoughts and other things. Then what can it mean, tell me, please! Thank you in advance.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

A dream in which there was such a plot most likely indicates that you may encounter important luck.


Good afternoon. Today in a dream I saw the constellation Ursa Major in the dark night sky. All the stars were very bright, and the constellation itself was in a beautiful bright nebula with a predominance of turquoise, red, yellow, orange color and their shades. The sight was so clear and magical that I almost cried with admiration ...
Help me figure out what it is?

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Your dream, in which you paid attention to the constellation, most likely indicates that you can receive an important offer for the future.


Hello, in the summer I dreamed of a late winter evening. I returned from my grandmother through railway home. Climbing it, I saw beautiful stars, which, as I exclaimed in a dream, seemed to be hanging somewhere between earth and sky. Their perception was unusual. Looking around this sky, as if above me, I saw a large constellation, it was a big cancer. Ecstatic, I walked home and thought why I had never seen this constellation in the sky before. When I woke up, I realized, because on our territory it is never seen. Why such a dream, which I remember for a long time ???

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Your dream is most likely a sign that significant events will happen in your life soon.


Hello!! Please help me decipher my dream. In the dark blue night sky, I saw a (very large) big bear, but only upside down! What is it for, what is it about? Say please! Thank you in advance!!!


I would like to understand what such a dream means. I dreamed that I arrived at a very Big city. In the evening I came to the embankment, at first there was fog. Then he descended, and the sky was both the sun and the moon at the same time. After a moment, stars appear in the sky. Moreover, the constellations stood out very strongly from them, they were brighter. I decided to count them and counted 12 constellations. Of these, she distinguished between a large and a small bear. Please tell me why such a dream could have happened? Thank you in advance

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Such a dream most likely indicates that you can receive a sign that will serve as a catalyst for action, you will succeed.


bright stars in the sky in the form of Arabic inscriptions, meaning that I try to read and understand, but I can’t. I hear the voice of my mother, she says that God sends people to make it clear that the end of the world has come. Everyone is running somewhere or leaving, I don’t understand where. What does this dream mean


I dreamed of an ordinary evening closer to the night from 23-00 to 00-00 was not far from home, because. I always think about the universe, unexpectedly for me, I dreamed of the constellation of Orion, as I later found out, the three stars are all clear, and between them it was as if another star was spinning around, spinning, spinning, and our attraction or something pulled it, it fell in the form of a huge ball, fell on a house of 5 floors, and rolled, breaking everything in its path, after that it began to break Earth's crust everything was on fire, but my thoughts were only about running faster and finding, finally saving my beloved daughter and wife to see them, I ran looking for a very long time, besides this, a lot of strange things happened, but I only now remember completely, and it’s already been 2 months ... what??? how to explain ...


I dreamed of a bright night. Not white, as many dream books interpret, but yellow. There were many stars in the sky (yellow again). Then they began to take the form of various objects and move. For example, it became a ship and it swam, but very quickly.


Hello! In a dream, I saw the brightest star (as it seemed to me from the constellation of the Clock). And after waiting for a trip on an ocean liner, I suddenly find myself on one attraction, which turns out to be this very constellation. And when I climb to the very top of the attraction, I see myself, or my son, looking at the stars from the ground.
Sincerely, Azamat


Hello, my friend dreamed of a girl with long blond hair and her hands raised to the sky .. she came down from the sky .. at first she saw her as a constellation, then she sank and approached me. and increased before our eyes ... then returned to normal .. then she went back to heaven .. what could this mean?


Hello. Today I dreamed of the night starry sky. There were a lot of stars in the sky and they were very bright. But most of all I admired the constellation Ursa Minor, it was unusual (many, many stars in the form of a little bear cub) and the stars all shimmered. Please tell me what it is.


Hello. Yesterday I had a dream, I was standing in my city at night on the street, there were a lot of people and there were a lot of stars in the sky, when suddenly one fell first, but then they began to fall in hundreds, but they disappeared before reaching the ground, and later I saw " little bear” and it also began to fall, but also disappeared before reaching the ground. What could this mean?


i dreamed of a priest in an ordinary house, I collected icons for him in the next room, and when I brought them, I had large soft toys in my hands and it was as if the voice said that Satan was playing such a joke on me


Help interpret such a dream - I look at the night sky and see a constellation in the shape of a hand. I extend my hand to him and a bright light appears. Thank you in advance!


Hello, I dreamed that I was looking at the night sky, the sky was clear, not a cloud on it, in the sky I see the constellation Ursa (most likely) but very clearly ... Then somehow the picture of sleep changes dramatically - I stand and look at the sky, and it’s bright so beautiful like light music big stars shimmer, I don’t see the sky, I see stars just like major planets and shimmer and I look at it as if spellbound ... Please explain if you can))))


i dreamed that I was looking out the window at the night sky and I saw the constellations Ursa Major and another one that changed its shape three times and became like a bull.


hello, I dreamed that it was my birthday, and my young man forgot to congratulate, and my family and I went out onto the balcony yesterday we opened the window and it’s so beautiful in the sky, in the middle there is a big dipper with brightly visible stars, on the right side the moon, and on the left Sun,


Hello! I remember clearly that I saw the sky and the stars, and suddenly the figure of a fish began to form from them and, as it were, pulsated in my direction with its nose


the actions took place at night, for some reason I was offended by my mother and ran to the window, threw back the curtain and began to look at the night sky. Many constellations were clearly visible there, I remembered only one - the constellation of Capricorn, and then, indignantly, I moved away from the window and went into the room.


Several constellations, looking like lines, not points, rotated in the sky around a common axis. I moved slowly, it felt like time had slowed down.


Hello. On the night of January 7, I had a dream that is still in my memory. I dream of a night, there were no details like trees, there was no house, just a night, I raise my eyes, I see a constellation, the lines of which turn into a boy of 3-4 years old, and behind him, the second constellation, the lines turn into a man, dark-haired, with a beard but not the old one, whose hand rests on the boy's shoulder. This is all. Yes, I stayed overnight. Please explain.


i dreamed of the night sky, there were beautiful constellations in the form of flowers on it, the stars were bright, they were at the very top and on one side of the sky. .After sleep, there was a very good and sublime feeling.


i dreamed that I was in the ranks of the militia in the southeast of ukraine, looking at the sky suddenly the heavens opened up and i saw a constellation for a short period of time and in a dream i realized that it was cassiopeia. I didn't think about it at all for the next few days. neither about the constellation nor about the war in Ukraine.


Winter, there is snow (not deep), night-evening, light from nearby houses, but the sky is dark and bright from the stars, I am warmly dressed (not cold), I look at the sky, there are many constellations of fish (I am Aquarius myself), and in the middle of these constellations zodiac circle with marks (in the form of stars) to scales, then comes the realization that I'm late for something.


I walked the night with my late grandmother along the street where I grew up. She raised her head and saw something incredible - the stars, very bright, multi-colored, surprisingly beautiful, suddenly began to approach and group into constellations. I remember only one thing - in the form of a goldfish.


I dreamed of the evening sky, and on it were three bright clear constellations: the constellation of the horse, the constellation of the dog and the constellation of the monkey. This was very beautiful.


Hello, I had a dream that I look at the sky and see a lot of stars and images of cancer or scorpion beat from a large constellation, but I don’t remember two more pictures


I dreamed the sky was clear, the sun and moon were at the same level, then I saw the constellation, I had to guess it, the constellation of Orion.


i dreamed about how I was sitting on the windowsill with my husband, looking at the bright stars of the night sky, we clearly saw two constellations - the big dipper and something like an eagle. We were still surprised that they stood out so much from the rest of the stars


Hello! The dream was unusual, everything was calm and suddenly the night sky ... Next to my parents, my uncle, and I looked at the sky and saw pronounced constellations: fish (this is my zodiac sign), cancer, lion, and everything began to fade sharply ... What could it be to mean?


the meteor shower fell with a roar ... but not on me, but somewhere around ... .. I looked at the sky and realized that the Earth began to rotate too quickly, because the constellation Ursa Major was rapidly moving in a circle ... There was a panic inside, but not behind yourself, but for the person who was not there


the constellation of the lion and I admired and admired it, and it showered me with stars like ice floes, I was wet and joyful

The Rose:

I see the sky the night constellation Ursa Major and next to it is supposedly the constellation of the horse, (on the floor of the sky is a horse assembled from stars, bright) and I look, I want to show a miracle to a nearby friend, he looked and the horse disappeared, only the bear remained


The starry night sky first ... then the stars form constellations ... and I see a constellation, which, as if someone suggests that it is Ursa Major .... then again a hint that there are also constellations nearby ... but to my question about their names ... I get an answer, that for now they have no name for me .... but on the other side of the sky, on the right, a constellation appears, which also has the name Ursa Major .... The constellations are huge and very brightly beautiful ... the sky falls low above me and I feel very good .... but they appear clouds and quickly disappear ... and again a bright night sky ... clear with constellations ....


Hello Tatiana. Well, I had a dream, as if I was just walking along the evening street, and then I see a bright constellation in the sky ... I look up in his direction and the volume of the majestic dragon beautifully looms there. And then a red star flies over the constellation ... and goes out. And as soon as the red star goes out, in the center of the dragon constellation, the fox constellation appeared. And then the dragon comes to life and eats the fox. Here is such a dream.


I dreamed of the constellations Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, while the whole sky was in clouds, but the clouds around these constellations did not accumulate, but outlined their outline.


I dreamed of a beautiful starry sky with huge constellations, which I don’t remember. I remember one constellation, it is in the form of a calf and some person is sitting on it


I saw a lot of small stars in the night sky and the constellation Scorpio shone especially brightly (I know what it looks like), then there was a bright growing moon with its horns up, although I thought it was the day of an empty moon


I dream of a dark blue sky, there are a lot of stars on it, and suddenly I see the constellation Sagittarius, then there were other constellations, but I don’t remember them, although in a dream I called them to someone there were a lot. it was a very vivid and memorable dream


I looked through binoculars at the night starry sky, where the constellations were pronounced. I was looking for my constellation Aquarius. All in all, a very nice dream.


I dreamed of the night sky and the constellations Ursa Major and Ursa Minor were clearly visible (they were bright and decorated with rhinestones), then I dreamed of a bedroom and a very large whale or dolphin in it.


Hello, today I dreamed that I was standing on the street looking at the sky, and I clearly see all kinds of constellations throughout the sky, and I was surprised because I could only see the bucket before, but this time as an experienced astronomer I saw them all!


Hello! I dreamed of a constellation 4-5 days ago. For some reason, I knew that this was the constellation of Orion, but it was not the same as in the pictures, but spiral, more like a photo of some galaxies. It was night, I was walking in my city, it seems I lost the landmarks of the area and was looking for familiar streets. Around you could see high-rise buildings in the night lights. Suddenly I looked at the sky, and there is such a beauty - a spiral constellation. She stood and looked. Such a dream, both beautiful and frightening at the same time, obviously means something, but I don’t understand what :-(


as if all the stars are in zodiacal forms in different colors the heavens descended very low and, as it were, they bow to me, and in a dream I realize that they really bow to me


quiet night, a park with small artificial ponds, bridges across them. I stood on the bridge and looked at the starry sky. The sky is very black and there are bright large stars and clear constellations (virgins for sure), I don’t remember the rest.


I stood at the open window, the season is summer. In a not very dark blue sky, I saw a very bright "big dipper" in the whole sky. then the stars seemed to dance, which I was very surprised. they stood differently and the "great bear" was already on the right and not so big, but of actual size. I tried to find other constellations. the stars seemed to sparkle. I admired.


a lot of big and small stars, and suddenly there appeared swimming fish, a lot of narrow dark fish.


i walked down the street and met a friend, we stood talking, and then looked at the sky and there were bright beautiful stars in it, there were a lot of them, and the sky was dark blue and I saw the constellation Ursa Major, then I saw how many small stars circled around one star and abruptly those stars that were spinning and which was in the center disappeared as if they were tightened by a funnel, my friend and I had a pleasant shock and I woke up to this


Hello Tatyana! I had a dream a long time ago, I don't remember exactly. I don't remember the details either. I remember exactly that I saw the constellation of Orion, but not from the earth, but rather from another place. the stars were in the same order, but a little closer than from earth! Thanks!


I had a dream on my jam day, from December 16 to 17. it was a day, but the sky is dotted with stars, bright blue stars, and I saw a figure from the stars, a man with a crossbow, and this is from the stars, but I was sure that this is a Sagittarius zodiac sign


I just dreamed that I open my eyes and see the night sky through the window, and on it a beautiful, bright constellation glows. And that's it, then I fell asleep


Mom and I stood outside and looked at the night sky. And I saw a very dense cluster of stars, then it began to open up, I say to my mother, “Look, little bear.” And she began to walk or something, even somehow somersaults, if I may say so, in general to move, and I kept wondering and saying - look, look. Then one star became bright and I immediately determined that it was the North Star. And then a bird flew in, the size of a starling. Mom got scared, and I stretched out my hand and the bird sat on it. Then, in complete delight, I went home, began to close the curtains. Woke up and didn't sleep again.




I saw a clear night starry sky, a lot of bright stars, constellations, I remember the Big Dipper. And from the golden cosmic dust patterns, signs were formed.


Constellations of stars in the night sky, signs of the zodiac. And then they became colored. I tried to photograph them. It looked like an extraordinary occurrence. And then under this sky hugged me ex-boyfriend(childhood friend), with whom we had a very strong fight 2 months ago, and since then we have not communicated. It was very gentle. And in a dream it was felt that he was bored and did not want to let me go.


I saw the starry sky very clearly and closely, the constellations were a very bright dream, the stars were bright .... it feels like it was like a reality .. it was as if I flew up to the sky, but not myself, but something brought me there ... I asked for some name from the sky, they answered me but I don’t remember it, I remember how I flew back ... .. and then I dreamed what is disorderly, insignificant, But this sky still stands before my eyes, ..


Hello, the dream is that I was walking with my ex-boyfriend on the road to hometown, and suddenly, I saw our mutual friend, whom I had not seen for about six months. And I ran up to him to ask how he was doing. There was a lot of sun and greenery around. And Here I raise my head to the sky, and there are many different constellations. Large stars, in my opinion they were square. Bright (almost white) against a dark sky.


Hello Tatyana. I dreamed beautiful dark sky, and it had almost all the constellations. and I looked at them and admired. I was so pleased with the mystery. back in a dream, I decided to go to Google in the morning and find out the decoding.


Hello!! I dreamed of the night sky strewn with constellations .. It seemed that all the signs of the zodiac were there. And they all moved, were in motion. The sky was black and the stars were very bright, beautiful, beautiful.


I don’t remember the whole dream, I remember only a fragment. I clearly saw the constellation Ursa Minor, "standing at the gate of the house in which I live, looked at the end of the street and saw the constellation." I use such a service for the first time, I hope not to interest doctors)


The constellations in the sky were very clearly visible in the sky, mostly Ursa Major, the bear looked at me, and the constellation of the tiger jumped in the other direction. I felt a very unusual and pleasant feeling.


I saw constellations, and there were a lot of them, bright ones, at night, but the sky was without fog, without everything, so I saw them clearly.


I dreamed of constellations, only not like in the sky, but constellations of the signs of the zodiac, I especially remember Virgo and Aquarius. I was with a girl I like.


I went out of my house to the street at night, with someone, looked at the sky, and there were clear constellations, a lot, the whole sky was illuminated by them.

[email protected]:

I saw a lot of constellations in the sky and they were spinning randomly, some fell, and then alien creatures something similar to us captured the earth. They blew up some kind of chemical plant and people were zombified


I first saw the sunset, and at the same time I was driving somewhere in a white car. then the car stopped and I looked up and saw a smeared yellow spot, at first I thought it was the moon, and then I looked at the sky in all directions and saw several such spots, and one I knew it was the constellation Scorpio, looked even higher , I saw the moon, and now I was one hundred percent sure that this was a constellation, then my brother came, and I photographed these constellations several times, but in the photographs they were only visible on 2 ..


At home, through the window, I watched the night sky. As I saw, a circle of constellations simply appeared. All the signs of the zodiac were there, and the brightest were Sagittarius Leo Cancer Scorpio Aquarius, they already sparkled brightly, I could not take my eyes off this beauty. For everything I saw this dream vividly as if in reality.


The starry sky is beautiful, I paid attention to the constellation in the sky and looked closely and from the constellation came a transformation of a bright chariot with a rider, most likely of divine origin, and it raced through the starry sky, while I felt joy that it was I who was able to see this clearly, realizing that they can see it very rarely and Not all


I had a dream in the morning from 9 to 10, before that I had already got up, at first I dreamed of the now deceased mother and grandmother (mother's mother), as if my sister and my children were in my grandmother's apartment, and my mother was with us, we were doing something there, we know that my grandmother should come, I take out some ordinary goodies there, then there is a knock on the door, I joyfully run to open the door, there is a grandmother, a very beautiful young one, in her ears with a series of blue and red stones and a ring with a useful stone. The hair is long and well-styled, my mother is also young and beautiful, they grumbled a little at us that there was a mess at home. I sit talking with my grandmother admiring her, she is getting even younger, she is so fashionable, tall, thin, even a completely different person, but I know that it is her. Then I take my sister's tablet, and start to remove what she doesn't like from there, meanwhile I go to another room, I'm studying, I'm going to go to college. I want to note that I already have a family, two children, a son and a daughter, but in my opinion only my daughter was with us, I even introduced her to my grandmother, saying this is my youngest Safina. .in general, in a dream, I felt so good with my mother and grandmother. Then I immediately dream of something else, I’m standing somewhere, looking at illnesses, and suddenly the stars begin to move, I remember exactly the constellation Ursa Minor turned into an arrow and began to move back and forth, then in a circle and began to move in a circle, then I saw as if military vehicles are driving in the sky, their headlights are shining, I was frightened, I thought, the war begins, then there is a war some people, some building, I ask some guy to take me to a place where there is no war, I'm scared, I sweat, and then I wake up. [email protected]


I dreamed that I was in Greece, and leaving some ancient building I looked at the sky, it was night, but it was very bright, the stars seemed to be blazing, folding into constellations, I remember a lion, a ram, and either cancer or something scorpion, but there were others. I felt admiration and fear as before the violence of the elements.


looked at the sky and saw the shapes of people. trees. animals from stars. then he woke up abruptly and could not sleep


Hello! Last night I had a dream... I saw a large constellation in the sky with its sign Cancer. Please comment on it. It is very important for me! P.S. THANK YOU!


I dreamed of a starry sky, a lot of yellow stars. But then the most big stars formed a clear big dipper of the big dipper. I didn't remember anything else.


Hello Tatiana! My name is Irina. I am dating a man whose horoscope is Taurus. Yesterday I had a dream in which I saw a constellation little bear, and Her zodiac sign is Taurus. What is it for?


the stars are bright and especially clear the constellation Ursa Major and Ursa Minor and another constellation similar to Ursa Minor but the tail is elongated and twisted like a scorpion


the night starry sky, clear, without a single cloud, I look at the sky and clearly see the constellation Ursa Major, but it approached and stopped until I realized what exactly I was seeing. then I loved them.


I dreamed that I was sleeping in the middle of the road with a person who was unpleasant to me and uncomfortable in the middle of the road. The night is very dark and I look at the sky and there are a lot of stars and suddenly in the middle of the sky I see how the stars turn into Chinese characters which I cannot understand, but something tells me that this constellation of the dragon is one of the brightest. Then different silhouettes appear in the sky.


I look at the sky at night, and there is a huge constellation of the scorpion, so beautiful that it takes your breath away. And at the top of the constellation bright Star(and in the dream I know it's Orion). The stars are bright and sparkling. The sky is blue, cloudless.


good afternoon! I dreamed that I was looking into the dark night sky and suddenly I began to see? one bright constellation, then another! They suddenly begin to stand out with a very bright expressive light, and so for a long time, one will replace the other. I tell people in a dream, look what a beauty, this has never happened, but it seems only I saw it! it was very beautiful, just fabulous!


I am standing on the street at night and I see many stars in the sky, the sky is clear, and the outline of the fish is very bright


I dreamed of constellations and my man and I looked at each other, then beautiful clouds floated and turned into different beautiful bears and the sky was as bright as day


In the morning sky I saw the constellation Ursa Major. and then the starfall began. the stars flew with a green-blue tail. And I wanted to have time to make a wish.


Today I dreamed of very bright constellations. When I turned my head, I saw a shooting star and made a wish on it. I was delighted with sleep


Hello, Tatyana! In the morning I dreamed about the sky, on which there are many bright stars, from which the constellations of the horoscope then formed and began to shine, move. For some reason, I remember a dog in the sky, which either growled or smiled.


Night, the season is rather cold, because in a coat. The place is a wide avenue. But there are no cars. We walk with mom and dad. I, the little one, go in front, mom and dad behind. Ahead in the sky, I clearly see the constellation Ursa Major. I turn around and happily inform my mother: “Look! There is a big bear!!!”


I should lean as if I were going to the window and there are the constellations of a pink cat, she was sitting on a yellow lion, I remember that she stood up on her prongs and saw a red-orange milky way


i dreamed that I was looking at the sky and seeing constellations in the form of a dog and a cat, and then a dog and a cat flies from the sky and end up near my feet. They caress so much, I stroked them and woke up. What could this mean


I was in the company of people. It was either late evening or night. but the stars were clear. I looked at the sky and saw that the constellations come to life, perform some kind of action. I am shocked by what I saw. I just can't believe.


In the night sky, a constellation unknown to me, which is moving before my eyes, is turning. What is it for?


I have traveled the planets in the constellation Taurus, been to several. One was a city planet where no one lived, the other was the Paris planet, where I seemed to be walking with my father, there was a planet named after my brother, then I saw the entire constellation, and flew home, and the house was a planet in a neighboring constellation or galaxy.


Hello Tatyana, I dreamed that the earth was slipping from under my feet. And the sun and moon shine in the sky at the same time. Then the moon turns into a month and again into full moon. Then the sky turned blue and the constellations of Scorpio or Cancer appeared. It was scary.

What else to read