Seeing a tiger in a dream - is it good for a woman or a man? What did the tiger dream about

The tiger is a powerful predator, a meeting with which is life-threatening. This beautiful, graceful wild beast inspires fear and admiration at the same time. In many cultures, the tiger is a sacred animal, a symbol of greatness, fearlessness and courage.

In dreams, tigers are often identified with a person with unlimited power or with great physical strength. For women, dreams with tigers may indicate a potential partner who has a tough and despotic character.

Why do tigers dream of a woman according to the most authoritative dream books?

The tiger symbolizes a hidden threat or dangerous situation for the dreamer.

  • A striped predator in a cage is dreaming - although clouds have gathered over you, you are able to control the situation and keep enemies at a distance.
  • The tiger runs away without looking back - such a dream indicates the complete and unconditional surrender of enemies, conspirators, spiteful critics.
A tiger is dreaming with prey in its teeth - the boss will give out a bonus or get an increase in salary.
  • To kill a tiger in a dream - win an undeniable victory over the enemy.
  • If in a dream wild cat attacks, and you cannot fight back - in reality you will fail in a business on which many hopes were placed.

Interpretation of dreams with tigers in Freud's dream book

In the dream book of the famous psychoanalyst, the tiger is a symbol of irrepressible sexual energy, bordering on its extreme manifestations: sadism and masochism.

  • Fighting a wild animal in a dream personifies a painful craving for forbidden pleasures.
  • For a young girl, a tiger in a dream has a more mundane meaning: the girl is going to marry some influential person.

What do dreams with tigers mean in Tsvetkov's dream book

  • If you dream that you have a tiger as a pet, in reality you may suffer from the despotic character of a male family member.
  • A ferocious animal caresses you and expresses its gratitude in every possible way - you will be able to direct aggression and dangerous energy loved one in the right direction.
  • Two predators were present in a dream - a sign of confrontation between two equally strong partners. For a woman, such a dream may portend two admirers vying with each other for her favor.
  • white tiger in a dream - very good sign. Everything in your life is going the way you want it to. Only happy events await you ahead.

The color of the beast in a dream

Why do tigers dream of a woman? " Business card» tiger is its color, which causes involuntary admiration for anyone who watches this beautiful animal. It can be assumed that in a dream this catchy tiger feature did not go unnoticed. Why do tigers dream of a woman of standard and unusual colors?

  • The "classic" type of tiger (red) dreams of good events and happy experiences. According to the Muslim dream book, this beautiful, big beast will bring good luck and prosperity. A woman dreaming of a red tiger promises a reliable, strong partner.
  • Nice white predator dream of good news. In the image of this noble beast, invisible helpers can appear who can resolve vital issues for the dreamer.
An albino tiger with red eyes is not a very good sign. In your life, everything will go topsy-turvy because of a person who will bring chaos to your measured existence.
dreaming black tiger - the most unfavorable option of all possible. He personifies both ill-wishers, and upcoming gloomy events, and real threat for life. For a woman, a black tiger in a dream can mean a despotic tyrant who will soon become her husband.

The meaning of dreams with a tigress

A tigress in a dream is identified with an insidious and prudent woman who is used to getting her way in any way. Usually she is pretty and knows her worth.

For a woman, a dream with a tigress may portend the appearance of a dangerous rival.

Why do tiger cubs dream

Tiger cubs are cute and harmless creatures that will become formidable and dangerous predators in the future.

  • Usually dreams with these cute "kittens" have direct meaning: your strength is still insufficient to make a powerful leap forward, but time will pass and you will show the whole world what you are capable of.
  • For a woman, dreams with white tiger cubs can portend pregnancy.

The interpretation of dreams with tigers is usually not difficult. The image of a dreaming tiger should be taken as an allegory: you will have to deal with power and strength, aggression and pressure, and ... nobility and beauty. Given that relatives and friends in a dream come in the form of animals, it will not be difficult for the dreamer to guess who is hiding under the "mask".

You can also find out why tigers dream by watching the video:

Will plunge you into despair.

If in a dream you repel a tiger attack or kill him- so, all your undertakings will be extremely successful.

Seeing a tiger running away from you in a dream- portends your victory over enemies, strengthening your position.

If in a dream you see a tiger in a cage- means you will be able to confuse your opponents.

tiger skin

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Tiger- sign physical energy, activity, enthusiasm of the dreamer himself.

Kill the tiger or run away from it- defeat the enemy, success.

Seeing a tiger tear someone apart- to be accused of intemperate behavior.

Freud's dream book

Tiger, like any other predator- symbolizes increased sensitivity, sexual excitability, various complexes that are associated with violence.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Seeing a tiger in a dream- this is a warning that in reality you could overlook some kind of danger. Most often, such dreams suggest that you can get involved in some kind of risky venture or come into conflict with a cunning and ruthless opponent. Alas, the image of the tiger suggests that this could turn into a big disaster.

Defeat the tiger in a dream- means that in reality you are ready to fight with enemies, no matter how dexterous and strong they are.

Seeing trained tigers in a dream- portends participation in a dangerous business in which you will need endurance and discipline. At the same time, if the action takes place in the circus arena- a dream suggests that this business will not bring you any benefit or benefit.

Jewish dream book

Tiger- a dangerous enemy.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

Tiger- a symbol of power and might.

If you dreamed of a tiger hunter with game in his teeth or paws- you can hope for unexpected encouragement from the authorities.

Tiger resting- means peace in personal and professional terms.

If you dreamed of yourself in the form of a tiger- soon, you will probably have to start a fight against superiors who infringe on you.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Tiger- danger.

kill- the business started will be successful.

Tiger in a cage- you can outwit your opponents.

tiger skin- Exquisite pleasures await you.

New family dream book

If you dreamed that a tiger was approaching you- your enemies will plot against you.

A dream in which a tiger attacked you- is fraught with failure.

If you were able to overcome the tiger or kill him- all your undertakings will be successful.

Fleeing tiger- symbolizes victory over enemies and strengthening of position in society.

Saw a tiger in a cage- you will be able to deceive your opponents.

Dream of tiger skin- promises refined pleasures.

Modern combined dream book

Seeing a tiger approaching you in a dream- means that in reality you will be pursued and tormented by enemies.

If the tiger attacks you- failures will fill your life with gloom and despondency.

Drive away or kill the tiger- a sign that you will be extremely successful in all your endeavors.

Seeing a tiger running away from you in a dream- a good omen. You will defeat all enemies, overcome all difficulties and take a worthy position in life.

See a tiger in a cage- means that you will confuse the plans of your enemies.

A dream in which you see a tiger skin- predicts that you are on the way to a carefree life, joys and pleasures.

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

tiger in the zoo- inflict aggression against a colleague. Tiger on the loose- a psychic attack will be made on you.

Children's dream book

Tiger- the betrayal of a loved one will unsettle you for a long time.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Tiger- a reflection of the intellect (also the need for it).

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Tiger- a strong patron will appear to you.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, December

Tiger- There will be a surprise attack.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Tiger on your way- a dangerous enemy.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Tiger- you will have an evil opponent.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Seeing a tiger behind bars in a dream- to complicate relations with colleagues. fight the tiger- to love joys, to ride it - the collapse of all hopes. Poke your head into the tiger's mouth- in reality you will be in serious danger. Kill the tiger- portends a rich inheritance.

Seeing a white albino tiger in a dream- to successful undertakings in any business. Tiger running away from you- means a complete defeat in the competition, rushing at you- Show nobility and generosity to the disadvantaged.

Women's dream book

If in a dream you see a tiger approaching you- your ill-wishers will annoy you in every possible way.

If the tiger attacked you- you will fall into despair because of some serious failure.

If in a dream you repel a tiger attack or even kill it- success will accompany all your endeavors.

Seeing a fleeing tiger in a dream- a harbinger of victory over enemies, strengthening your position at work or in society.

Tiger in a cage- a sign that you will be able to confuse your opponents.

Tiger skin in a dream- portends exquisite pleasures.

General dream book

If you dreamed of a tiger- you will meet a person who, in fact, will turn out to be completely different from what you thought.

hunt the tiger- to meet an amazing person.

You dreamed that you turned into a tiger- in the near future you will make an act that will greatly surprise your friends.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Tiger is a bright symbol of energy, strength and talent. The words from William Blake's poem, "Tiger, tiger, burning bright..." are a perfect illustration of the incredible, dynamic energy that the tiger radiates. Such energy can be used for both constructive and destructive purposes. State to yourself, "I always use energy for constructive purposes."

Dream Interpretation of Lovers

Tiger- this symbol came to us from India. Usually, the female hypostasis of the destroyer god Shiva was depicted on the tiger skin.

Naturally, she will not appear in the dreams of a European, but a woman sitting on a tiger skin has the same meaning - these are human passions that a woman can both pacify and awaken.

A dream in which a woman sees herself on the skin of a tiger- may mean that she is skilled at ancient art seduction and is able to gain power over any man

Islamic dream book

Tiger growl- symbolizes the speech of a greedy and mercenary person.

Chinese dream book

The ferocious tiger growls loudly- portends a position.

Traveling on a tiger- an unpleasant situation will be resolved.

The tiger enters the dwelling- portends an appointment to an important position.

Dream Interpretation Dream Interpretation

Tiger seen in a dream- marks the enemy evil, insidious, implacable; throw him to the ground- means success in business; kill him- there is a favorable sign, promising great wealth.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Tiger- danger; disease; evil person; feeling of revenge.

Dream interpretation of a gypsy

Tiger- fierce hostility. Hostility towards an individual.

hunt the tiger- means that the trap was set for you, but you recognized it and bypassed it.

Kill the tiger- Defeat your enemies.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Tiger- meeting with a clear enemy / mental strength that attract you to sensual life, laziness and voluptuousness, the power of these spiritual impulses, the tendency to enjoy life in a refined way.

Esoteric dream book

Tiger- to see negotiations with superiors.

Stroking the tiger- Satisfy management.

Aggressive, attacking- reprimand, discontent of the chief or commander.

Ukrainian dream book

If you had a bad dream:

Don't worry - it's just a dream. Thanks for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say through the open window: “Where the night is, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things go away.

Open the faucet and tell the dream to flowing running water.

Wash yourself three times with the words "Where the water flows, the dream goes there."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt has melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

turn out linens inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

The tiger is one of the most powerful oriental symbols. It symbolizes wisdom and strength. But, a predator seen in a dream can portend both success and failure in various areas of life. And for this it is important to know what this predator is dreaming of.

When deciphering dreams with a tiger, the situations that are observed in night dreams play the most significant role in the correct interpretation.

Tiger in a cage - dream book

Of course, fear in the soul of a person at the sight of a tiger will not arise if he sees him in a cage. Such a dream portends that you will defeat your enemies in real life. The caged tiger symbolizes your difficulties with self-realization. Therefore, in reality, be more confident in your actions, as this can significantly speed up obtaining the desired result.

Don't be afraid of the roaring tiger

A dream is favorable, in the plot of which you are not afraid of a roaring tiger. This is a harbinger of promotion. But remember that serious responsibilities will be assigned to you and analyze how ready you are to cope with them. A similar interpretation also has a dream in which you see a tiger in your own house.

Why is the white tiger dreaming

Many are interested in what the white tiger is dreaming of. So elegant and beautiful predator, seen in a dream, warns that there are imaginary friends in your environment who are very dangerous and can seriously harm you. The most unpleasant thing is that even after such a dream it will not be easy for you to determine who is the hidden enemy. Keep in mind that it may be a person you completely trust.

Little tiger cub

Also frequently asked question is what the little tiger cub dreams of. It is clear that the cub in a dream will look so touching that it will simply be impossible to be frightened of it. Such a dream indicates that there is a very influential and powerful person in your environment. This person is not dangerous for you and does not suppress you. And, most likely, sincere friendship connects you with this person. If a tiger cub shows even the slightest aggressiveness in a dream, then this is not entirely auspicious sign especially for a woman. Such a dream indicates that she does not know her partner well, who is capable of the most unpredictable acts, accompanied by a surge of anger and anger. Therefore, in real life, you should carefully communicate with your partner, do not provoke quarrels and try to analyze his behavior.

Why dream of contact with a tiger

When you contact a tiger in a dream, your actions are of great importance in deciphering the dream. If you dream that a tiger is slowly approaching you, and a wave of fear rises in your soul, then this means that in real life you have a real and very dangerous enemy.

Tiger hunting - interpretation of sleep

When you hunt a tiger in a dream, this is a very auspicious and encouraging dream. It portends that you will be able to figure out all your enemies in real life. Moreover, you will reveal all their insidious plans and will not allow you to harm.

Actions with a predator

Other actions in dreams with a predator:
    An attacking tiger portends failure in the project that has begun; Killing an evil tiger portends success in all matters; The flight of a predator frightened by you indicates that you will soon win a bright victory over enemies; When the tiger serves you vehicle- this means that you will find a way out of the most hopeless situation; When you stroke a predator in a dream, then prepare for the fact that you will have to please the leadership in everything.

Miller's dream book

Miller's dream book emphasizes the auspiciousness of a dream in which the dreamer kills the tiger or the predator frightenedly runs away. This means that a period has come in life when you can successfully implement any ideas and in a short time become a successful person.

By Fred

Freud's dream book provides a connection between a tiger seen in a dream and a person's sexual sphere. The predator symbolizes the dreamer's sexual excitability and his excessive sensitivity. A person who often dreams of tigers may develop natural inclinations associated with violence. Therefore, if you consider yourself reasonable person, and you understand that such night dreams visit you more and more often, you should consult a psychotherapist.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

According to the famous prophetess Vanga, the tiger symbolizes the vital activity of a person. But at the same time, such a dream focuses on such natural human traits as aggressiveness and stubbornness. The dream book provides an interpretation of the following plots with a tiger:
    If you dreamed of a tiger in a circus, then you can achieve success in real life only if you curb your irritation and show delicacy; When you see a calmly resting tiger in the plot of a dream, then unexpected events will occur in your life that will take you by surprise; Dream in which you saw a hunting tiger, or a predator absorbing its prey - predicts a long-awaited victory, to which you went on a thorny path.

Islamic dream interpretation

In accordance with the interpretation of the Islamic dream book, the following interpretations of dreams are distinguished:
    If a tiger menacingly approaches you, then in real life you will be greatly annoyed by ill-wishers; If a predator attacks you, you are threatened breakdown, which will be the result of despair from any life failure; If you managed to repel a tiger attack, you can take on any business, as success will accompany you in everything; If a predator runs away from you, then you can strengthen your position at work and gain an advantage over competitors; If a tiger is sitting in a cage, you can confuse your opponent and calmly achieve your goal.
After analyzing the main interpretations of dreams with tigers, we can conclude that these predators can be harbingers of danger not only in reality. After all, such dreams are always warning, which means that by changing your behavior in real life, you can avoid negativity and turn any situation in your favor.


The symbol of the tiger has a double meaning: it portends either triumph and success in business, or serious danger. Also, the appearance of this predator in night dreams can speak of the dreamer's incredible temperament, remarkable ambitions and abilities, a steel inner core, willpower and the ability to achieve what he wants. To fully understand why such an animal is dreaming, you first need to rely on your personal perception of what you see.

Interpretations of dreams about predators have some similarities. For example, interpreters see them as the personification of rivals or enemies. However, there are also many differences. Let's find out how they treat different dream books tiger image:

  • Azara, Eastern - attacked by enemies;
  • American - strength and vigor;
  • English - do not let your enthusiasm be extinguished, and in the end you will overcome all obstacles on the way to your goal;
  • Wangi - you are inspired, a fixed idea has settled in your head;
  • Grishina - come face to face with an opponent;
  • Denise Lynn - you have remarkable strength, a tempered character and an abyss of talents;
  • Winters - do not make dubious deals, be careful, something threatens you; try not to quarrel so as not to make new enemies;
  • intimate - sexual partner completely dominates you;
  • Islamic, small Velesov - dream books indicate a mercenary, insidious person; he is already near you, or you will meet him in the near future;
  • Italian - an amazing acquaintance awaits you;
  • Medea - the dreamer can be described as a person of an ardent disposition, quick, energetic and enthusiastic; the tiger tore someone apart in a dream - they will be accused of inappropriate behavior and inability to restrain emotions, anger;
  • Meneghetti - in Lately you are clearly going too far, learn to control your behavior;
  • Miller, idiomatic - you can get into trouble;
  • Russian - now is not the best period in your destiny, but soon luck will smile at you;
  • Russian folk - a guest will arrive from abroad;
  • family - if a tiger in a dream regales on a mined dinner, you will receive news from the accounting department about an unscheduled reward;
  • modern - an opponent will appear in your life;
  • Wanderer - a dream warns of a deterioration in health;
  • Fedorovskaya - get to know a deceiver and a hypocrite;
  • Tsvetkova - you can be a hero scandalous story;
  • Zhou Gong - the loud roar of a ferocious and indomitable beast promises promotion, riding an animal - the successful elimination of an annoying problem.

By universal dream book, a striped predator in a dream means that you will gain an influential patron, and also try to pacify internal aggression, primitive instincts. You will learn to manage your quick temper, get rid of negative energy. A predator attack is a dream of bitter failure, disappointment and despair.

Often a tiger in a dream warns of an impending threat.


Eastern peoples, unlike European ones, see in the tiger not only dangerous predator, bloodthirsty and threatening to life, but also strength, courage, energy.

Meeting this animal in a dream recommends doing self-knowledge, spiritual development. You can get new job or promotion. Tiger games predict huge success, promotion. The killing of the beast indicates that the patron will turn away from you, deprive him of his support - perhaps due to financial fraud. But if you fed him meat, then a person with great power will help you eliminate competitors.


Here the tiger means an aggressive method of action, the pressure characteristic of the dreamer. The behavior of a creative person is exalted. In the intimate sphere, a huge striped cat is associated with unbridled sexual energy, harsh bed experiments: sadism, masochism. Freud assures that, like any other predator, this animal symbolizes sexual excitability, hypersensitivity, and complexes associated with violence literally immured in the subconscious.

We entered into a fight with the beast - in the pursuit of pleasure, you are ready to break the law. If a predator tore apart prey before your eyes, competitors will bypass you at the very finish line.

Sometimes a tiger that appears in a dream is considered as an indication of sexual dissatisfaction, the suppression of unusual erotic fantasies and desires. Identification of oneself with this animal speaks of longing for unfulfilled dreams, disappointment in one's destiny and in oneself due to the fact that one did not have the courage to at least voice one's desires and needs.

According to Freud, a tiger in a dream symbolizes aggressive sexuality.

Who dreamed of a predator: a man or a woman

For a girl, a dream portends an acquaintance with a man, next to whom she will feel like behind a stone wall. A woman indicates a lack of male support, everything has to be decided and done by herself. You won’t feel like a gentle violet in such conditions - only an iron lady. I saw myself lying on a striped skin - few men will be able to resist your charms.

future mother the beast warns of a hormonal surge that will provoke health problems. However, soon the doctors will bring you back to normal.

For a young woman, a tiger in her house portends a connection with a wealthy person. Perhaps the dreamer will enter into unequal marriage, the spouse will be much older, will control her every step.

The stripes on the predator's forehead are similar to the Chinese character for "King".

For a man, such a dream predicts the appearance of an opponent. If the tiger attacked the dreamer in his apartment, there will be strife over the division of the inheritance. It turned out to drive out or kill the beast - the opponent will be defeated, and peace will reign in the house.

If a young woman dreamed of a tiger that was in her house, she can marry a wealthy man much older than the dreamer.

What happened in a dream

To get the most exact interpretation, it is necessary to remember the plot of the dream in as much detail as possible.

What do the dreamer's actions mean

Fought with the tiger - if you are not at a loss, you will make the serious project entrusted to you successful. You have enough knowledge and experience for this. Hunted the beast - get to know interesting person that will make a big difference in your life. And it will also be possible to avoid the trap set by ill-wishers. The authorities will highly appreciate your work, guests may come with interesting news.

The meaning of the dreamer's other aggressive actions:

  • they repulsed the attacking predator or shot him - success awaits in everything, no matter what they undertake;
  • used as a riding horse - take the situation into your own hands and overcome all difficulties, get rid of accumulated cases; don't miss out profitable proposition;
  • entered into a mortal battle - it's time to start working on yourself, move on to more high level development: intellectual, professional, personal;
  • subdued a growling beast, whipping its tail on the sides - defeat the enemies.

You saw a tattoo with a tiger on your arm - you yourself are the creator of your own destiny, on your chest - you should sort out your feelings, on your back - do not forget to pay attention to loved ones

Were in the same company with a tiger - huge willpower, unspent potential allow you to set high goals and reach the heights. Make friends with a predator - conclude a truce with enemies. Stroking the beast - you are trying with all your might and means to please the authorities, and your efforts will eventually be appreciated. You will achieve your desired goal. We watched the animal from afar - you will encounter bureaucratic delays.

They themselves became a formidable cat in a dream - in real life, a serious rivalry, confrontation is coming. It is possible that he will have to fight with himself, with his alter ego.

Tiger skin in night dreams predicts bliss, luxury, exquisite pleasures.

In fear, they ran away from the tiger - too strong an opponent will appear, which will deprive you of the slightest chance of promotion. When you stop being a threat to this person, he will lose all interest in you, and then completely forget about you.

Were a tiger in a dream - surprise your family and friends with an eccentric act

animal behavior

If in a dream a tiger was sitting in a cage, your enemy will be taken to clean water, everyone will see his true face. There is also an interpretation that warns the dreamer: someone will encroach on your freedom - perhaps by limiting resources or trying to impose their way of thinking and acting on you. Or you yourself will tie your hands and keep the incriminating information secret for the sake of superiors.

Meaning of other predator actions:

  • approached you - ill-wishers will annoy;
  • attacked - an unfortunate set of circumstances will make you give up in impotence, a seemingly profitable event or investment will be unsuccessful;
  • ran away from you - get ready to take off on the career ladder and triumph over your rivals;
  • rested, slept - at home and at work expects a calm, favorable period;
  • kept prey in his teeth - get a bonus or other encouragement from the boss, an increase in income;
  • growled - in your environment there is a greedy person who will try to use you for selfish interests;
  • went to your house - soon you will be promoted;
  • swam in a river or lake - amazing events are ahead that can turn your idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe world upside down.

The fangs and claws of this dangerous beast warn the dreamer that his path to success in his personal life or in the professional field will not be strewn with rose petals. More like spikes.

If you have seen a walking tiger, the place of his walk is important:

  • according to the aviary in the zoo - figure out the plans of ill-wishers and envious people, emerge victorious from the confrontation with them;
  • in the wild - try to mentally tune in for a few difficult days, because they will try to exert strong psychological pressure on you;
  • across the steppe, desert, in the forest - get to know politicians.

Did the predator rumble affectionately, squint its eyes blissfully, lying at your feet? This is a favorable sign. In the near future, you will get rich and take a high position in society. It is unlikely that such success will be achieved on your own - probably enlist the support of a powerful patron.

I dreamed of a tiger swimming in the lake - amazing events await you

Description, number of tigers

Try to remember how many animals you saw in a dream, their size, color, some amazing features. The number of predators will tell you how many supporters or enemies you will have. Focus on the behavior of tigers: friendly ones symbolize friends, ferocious - enemies and insidious rivals.

Several animals among the foliage are dreaming of being in the company of people who are very far from your usual social circle. We saw a lot of tigers in the house - soon you will meet rich people, one of whom may wish to invest in your outstanding ideas. If only one animal has dreamed, the dreamer is tormented by the inability to combine desires with his capabilities.

It is important what emotions the animal showed towards you:

  • aggression - you have powerful enemies, jokes with which are bad; to protect yourself and your family, try not to cross their path;
  • irritation - such a dream can warn of the discontent of the authorities; it is worth taking steps to avoid reprimand or even dismissal;
  • friendliness, you were not afraid in his presence - in reality a kind, influential person will take you under his wing; perhaps you are favored by a boss or colleague with a higher status;
  • indifference - it will be possible to avoid a deadly threat.

A gentle tiger also reflects your complex nature. You often find fault with others, throw out your irritation on them, because self-control, restraint are given to you with incredible difficulty. That is why you have so few friends, your behavior repels people.

Trained tigers in the circus warn against unnecessary risk. The conceived scam will bring only losses instead of the intended benefits. If predators dreamed after visiting the zoo, a film about them, or before a trip to their country of residence, the dream is not considered prophetic. Just consciousness splashed out impressions and emotions.

If you were not afraid of a tiger in a dream, in reality, earn the approval and support from the leader

I dreamed of a huge predator or a cute tiger cub

A large tiger portends a showdown with superiors or colleagues, one of whom is trying to put spokes in your wheels. Changes are coming. There will be a fateful meeting with a person who is tuned to the same wavelength with you. small predator promises minor troubles, the loss of an insignificant amount, domestic quarrels. Vanga, on the other hand, sees in a small animal the possibility of knowing the truth.

The tiger cub is a symbol of incompleteness. Your plans have not yet taken a clear form, they should be worked out more carefully, and only then put into practice. Perhaps you are not yet ready to be responsible for the fate of other people, to take on great responsibility. Striped babies promise many pleasant surprises. The tiger cub was with his mother - he will have to protect his interests. The main thing is not to give up at the decisive moment.

Peaceful, calm animals predict an easy flirtation that will result in a long and stormy romance. Angry - the date will disappoint you.

The dreaming tiger cub advises to work out the details of the plan before its implementation

The meaning of the color of the animal

An albino tiger with red eyes serves as a warning: something in life will go wrong. Most likely, because of a specific person who will turn everything upside down, will confuse your affairs. However, the resulting fuss, chores will bring unexpected profits. Another interpretation: a pleasant surprise, amazing events.

Black promises trouble, dishonest play, intrigues of the opponent. Playing nobility won't work with him - he's going to get you out of his way by any means necessary. Another interpretation is the awakening of negative emotions, anger or rage living inside you.

Most tigers have yellow eyes, but not white ones - they have blue ones: the same gene is responsible for the color of the iris and wool in these predators.

white beast- symbol creative success and spiritual unity, good luck and wonderful changes in fate. In the form of this huge taiga cat, invisible helpers can come. They will take you from influential people that will make your dreams come true.

Red is a symbol of creative, creative energy. Good luck and happiness lie ahead. For musicians, composers, writers and artists, a predator of this color predicts fame. According to other interpretations, a showdown with an unpleasant subject awaits you. Try not to use your fists (or hairpins and long nails), even if they are very itchy. Perhaps a friend will betray, you will receive bad news.

Blue - generosity and moral superiority, amazing luck, a unique chance.

The white tiger dreams of wonderful news

Like any other image in a dream, the tiger is perceived ambiguously by dream books. There are both positive and negative interpretations. So, a striped predator can portend attacks from envious people and ill-wishers. Positive interpretation - successful career, victory over rivals or reconciliation with old enemies.


Hello. Two weeks ago my husband had a dream weird dream. He's in the little kitchen in his mom's apartment. With him is a young tiger, but no longer a tiger cub. The tiger is trying to play with my husband and bite him. And the husband takes out raw meat from the refrigerator and feeds the tiger, which eats very quickly. And now there is almost no meat, and the husband is afraid that the tiger will bite him seriously, although before that he played with him. And in real life, our cat, whom we loved very much, died. Died suddenly, young birth defect which we didn't suspect. This happened 10 days before bedtime. cat in early childhood lived in the same apartment in which the dream takes place.


The dream describes an internal psychic theater that does not surround reality. It seems that this dream of the husband is indirectly related to the death of the kitten and in a very bright, symbolic form reflects the fact that he has a passion. She is safe now, but only as long as he pleases her. Meat from the refrigerator is essentially equivalent to the mental costs of holding strong, ready to become unbridled [a young tiger, but no longer a tiger cub] emotions (see Animals). By the way, I recall a fairy tale with a similar motive, where the brothers (competing Ego-similarity) threw Ivan Tsarevich into the abyss (deposition, rationalization, depreciation of Eg by other mental structures) and, in order to get out of there, he negotiates with huge bird(fantasy), takes a vat of meat with her and while they fly up, feeds her. And when the meat ends, he cuts off the flesh from the thigh, to which the bird remarks: what delicious meat. That is, Ivan Tsarevich (Ego) sacrificed himself (exploitation) in order to achieve something.
Returning to her husband. The tiger usually symbolizes greed. As a wife, can you characterize your husband as someone who is under the influence of the tiger of greed?


I had a dream today ... I'm in the forest at night ... I'm not alone, but some other people are with me - we all huddled together and we know that tigers walk through the forest. We are afraid of them. I either climb into the middle of this “heap”, then I stand on the edge ... we are all very alert and constantly waiting for a tiger to jump out from behind the bushes. It was very scary, but we all somehow kept together (I don’t remember that I knew someone from the people in the “bunch”). Then, I don’t remember how, but we all calmed down and realized that the danger had passed and went home. I was returning home through some kind of grove and already from the side I was watching this picture: a lot of people are having fun (as if some kind of holiday), dancing, and then I see a tiger jumping out of the bushes and grabbing someone from the crowd (now I don't remember if it was a man or a woman). I was just shocked .... and many people saw this, but no one fled - they only had a slight fright. The tiger walked past me and didn't seem to notice. After that I woke up….
I don’t know what to connect the dream with ... maybe tigers are enemies (I heard such an opinion somewhere).


The meaning of this dream comes down to stating the fact that your emotions have broken free [ran away from the zoo]. In reality, you don’t want to admit this to yourself, so the message is sent to you by the psyche in a symbolic form. Dreams with animals are always related to our passions and overwhelming emotions / affects - because they are also poorly controlled and managed by us, like ordinary real animals.


I dreamed that I was next to my house (I did not know and never saw such a house in my life) in the park. The season is about the middle of summer, a riot of colors, the first fruits have already appeared. However, I do not see any animals, and then I discover in myself the knowledge that a white tigress is chasing me. I easily leave her, climbing either to a tall platform (she loses me and moves away), then outside the doors of the house. I don't feel fear, but I feel some apprehension about what will happen if she catches me, although I don't pick up any negative vibes. This hide-and-seek chase lasts for a while, and at one point I forget to close the main door before moving on to another room. Closing the second door (a flimsy two-layer plywood with a large glass embedded in the middle, this often happens from the corridor to the kitchen, but here from room to room), I suddenly feel a keen sense of the irreparability of what I have done, and at the same moment the tigress bursts into the room from where I went out and I see her through the glass. I slam the door, knowing that this insignificant barrier will not stop the beast, which is not less than 400 kg. The tigress comes to the door, I start calling for help, from another room someone invisible asks me lazily: “What is it there?” (tone of voice rather dissatisfied). I answer in the sense that a tiger attacked me, and I hear a reasonable objection: “What other tigers do we have here? White, right?" - and I hear irritation in my voice (they say, everything has been clear with this tiger for a long time, why worry about it?).

The tigress scratches (!) the door, but the main way her claws make is on the glass, and, although they leave stripes on the glass, the door still holds up. I feel a little relieved, then the tigress moves away and quickly jogs right through the door. The door crumbles as if it never existed. Tigress

starts playing with me.

I dodge, but at one point she catches my forearm with her claw, and reveals blood to me. I panic because I know that the smell of blood makes predators go crazy. I try to leave without turning my back on her, and the moment I cross the threshold of another room, the dream stops and I wake up with a feeling of release. "Gone! I rejoice in a half-asleep state, realizing that it was a dream. “But how great it was with this white tigress!” I say to myself. “I need to sleep, maybe I’ll see her again ...”. I fall asleep again, but I dreamed nothing more.

I am 23 years old, male, Leo according to the Zodiac, Horse according to Chinese. I don’t know what to connect this dream with, but I feel that it somehow correlates with luck (The white tiger in India is considered the most the best sign good luck. Whoever sees it will be lucky the farther, the more).







My name is Natalia, I am 27 years old. I had such a dream on the night of Thursday to Friday. I had in my apartment big tiger, his name was Raja, I don't know where he came from. He was affectionate, I called him to me, he came up and I stroked him. If someone found himself in a stranger's apartment, my tiger stepped menacingly on this person, but as soon as I said “Raja, come to me,” he came up and stood next to me, as dogs do. Once I opened the door to the corridor, the tiger went out and went to the neighboring open apartment, I followed him saying “Raja, come to me, you can’t go there”, and he went into the apartment, climbed under the table, I climbed under the table behind him, started it stroke the wool, and then I look, and this is just a big red cat.


I am in my parents' apartment, in the kitchen. I am horrified, because I know that a tiger is locked in the bathroom. Meat (beef and pork) is laid out in the kitchen and I start feverishly putting it in the refrigerator to remove the smell of blood. Then I run away into my room. The thought is born in me that the tiger will be able to escape from the other side and open the refrigerator. I take a bottle of bleach and go to the kitchen to spray it there and kill the smell of blood. But the door to the bathroom is open and I run back, the tiger is after me I run into the room and close the door, but the paw of the tiger manages to stick through the gap. I see a huge paw with claws and a grinning, growling muzzle of the tiger. Out of fear, I start yelling into the face of the tiger, hoping to stun him. clear, cloudless day Neither in the kitchen nor in the room for some reason there were no curtains and there was a mess. (3-00 my baby cried and I woke up - this is not a dream) I sleep on. I'm running across the field, running away from the lion. A forest looms ahead. I see a spruce in the form of a U. I run closer and take an ordinary tall spruce. My thoughts are that my husband will come and take her home; she will not fit in the apartment and will have to cut off the top and cut off the remaining paws; she has a strange paws grow - long under short ones and I begin to straighten them. brick). I look down. There I see my child and mother. She says let me play with the lion - my son and another boy. The lion runs along the wall and roars. I regret that I went down and run again to the wall and climbed to the middle of the rope wall and begin to sway, teasing the lion.


I walk with a 3-year-old child at the zoo. Cloudy, dark day. Suddenly I realize that for some reason the doors in all the cages opened and the animals came out. And here comes the tiger. He begins to catch up with us, I quicken my pace, but do not run, so as not to provoke the beast. But he has already caught up and breathes directly into my shoulder. then I ran, ran to the turn, rushed to the right, and the beast flew ahead and lost sight of me. I calmed down a bit and breathed a sigh of relief. Then a hefty, huge bull appeared in front of me. I began to retreat, there was some kind of room nearby, a cage, maybe with a stone wall. The bull cornered me, against this stone wall. I buried my face into the wall and could not turn around, as the bull rested its muzzle on my shoulder and pushed me. At the same time, I realized with horror that my child was sitting in a children's backpack behind my back. That is, very close to the bull. And I can't even shield the baby. There was only one thing left for me - not to move, and I whispered about the same to my son. The bull pressed us closer and closer to the wall, as if he wanted to crush us. and for some reason his hoof ended up on my head. And with this hoof he pressed on my head, rubbing it monotonously. This went on indefinitely, my head hurt in the place where the bull rubbed his hoof, but I did not dare to move. And then the bull suddenly swayed and fell off me. I got out from under his carcass and slowly moved away. there was a feeling that the bull fell because he was hypnotized by his own monotonous movements. I woke up. I am 26 years old girl


I had a dream in the morning: I looked in where the money was, but there was nothing there. It was empty. I woke up and it was very uncomfortable. It seemed that this was not a dream, but reality. The next day he dreams: in a room full of people walking wild animals and one tigress sits on my lap and makes sure that I do not move and do not try to free myself. If I move, he launches claws or teeth at me, but just a little bit, as if he is warning me. If I sit quietly, she is pleased and lies stretched out with her head on my chest, as big cat. I'm in shock: I want to free myself and I can't. And I don't understand why she chose me? And someone says to me: "She is a copy of your cat, only big"


Sleep about the lack of money can not be given much importance. It simply reflects one of the brightest experiences of the past day. It is much more interesting when wild animals dream. They are the personification of those forces or impulses of our body that could give our life more taste and spontaneity. By their nature, these forces are positive, and the fear of them is due to the fact that we do not make efforts to establish friendly relations with them.


I dreamed that I was reincarnated as a tiger living in the jungle. I saw how softly my paws stepped on the rotten vegetation, I felt hundreds of new smells, I felt the vibrations of the air with whiskers and wool. I wasn't hungry, just walked around the property.


Walking down the street with a black dog, when I entered the entrance I saw a white tiger who wanted to attack us and other people. Running away from him to the entrance, at the last moment I remembered the dog, and turning around I saw a leash in the tiger's mouth. Suddenly, the tiger opened its mouth, and, as if in slow motion, I managed to pull the dog out of there and run into the entrance. The dog was injured. After running away from the tiger and hiding on the top floor, I was able to wash the bitten leg of the dog cold water and bring her to her senses. All this time I had the feeling that I was saving a person, not a dog.


Everything that has to do with the canine world symbolizes the sphere of emotional and sensual dominance of one subject over another. Most often, this is a parent-child relationship. The white tiger is the next step in your evolution: "the presence of a force that this moment should be avoided, but subsequently developed.”


Here, as an interpretation of the image of a tiger, the interpretation of the image of a "lion" is taken. I don't think it's fundamental. It is important that we are not talking about evolution here. Meneghetti, the author of this dictionary of symbols, is a former priest, which is probably why the “roots” of the proposed interpretation of the “lion” image were found in the Bible. “The people rise like a lioness and rise like a lion; he will not lie down until he has eaten the prey and drunk the blood of the slain ”(Old Testament) (from John 6: 53-54, also from Mark 14: 22-24). IN christian church the main act on which worship is built is the cannibal tradition called communion - through the transformation of bread and wine into the blood and body of Christ - mentally drink this blood and eat his body. In other words, there is no salvation without mental cannibalism. At the same time, Balaam, instead of cursing, blesses his enemies twice. At first glance, it's strange. But it is possible that blessing is understood as the development in oneself of the cannibalistic qualities proposed in the interpretation of the image of the lion "to avoid now, and later develop in oneself." In any case, there is no longer any doubt that it is desirable to “avoid” lions. But at the expense of "develop in oneself" - I will not draw conclusions.


general plot no. The dream consists of separate pictures, but very emotionally brightly colored. I see myself in the house of a childhood friend with whom I have not communicated for a long time. I would like to leave the house, but a tiger sits at the threshold. So I get out through the window. I go home and want to turn onto the path that is on the left, but there is a lioness. In other words, I don't turn left. but I'm going straight. Someone tells me that I was afraid of the tiger in vain, it is some kind of small, specially bred domestic breed. I look and it's true. The tiger is only about the size of a medium-sized dog. I pet him and he doesn't hurt me. The next "piece" from the dream is a big white horse with black dots. It's made of durable porcelain, but it's lively plus it's talking. In some kind of wild gallop, he gallops through the streets and knocks his hooves on the drainpipes. He tells me to make a third wish and he will fulfill it. As if part of this Third Wish is a feast. I sit at a table with a porcelain horse and eat fake fruits. Next was the flight on the dragon. Such is "In the world of animals." The overall feeling is pleasant.

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