After training, I began to gain weight. Frequently asked question: I started exercising and eating right, but the weight does not go away or has increased! What am I doing wrong

One of the main reasons people start exercising is to lose weight. But it often happens that even after intensive training, the figure on the scales does not change.

There may be several reasons for this. Some of them are the result of the wrong approach to training in order to reduce weight in combination with lifestyle, others are the result of certain physiological processes.

The main reasons for weight gain after strength training exercises

Often after performing strength fitness exercises, the weight increases slightly. This situation can arise for several reasons:

  • Muscle tissue is denser in structure than fat, so it takes up less volume, but weighs more. Therefore, the amount of muscle that was previously occupied by body fat will be heavier, and this will certainly affect the results of weighing.
  • Often, for the proper production of glycogen and the healing of microtraumas of muscle fibers, the body is forced to retain fluid, and then it a large number of reflected in body weight.
  • Weight gain due to accumulation of fat due to correct mode nutrition, even under the condition of fitness classes - a banal and common reason based on human psychology. Many believe and are fundamentally mistaken that extra calories can be burned the next day in the gym, and simply overeat. Or after energy consumption during training, experiencing an acute feeling of hunger, they thoughtlessly absorb a large amount of food, nullifying all efforts in the gym. Therefore, it is important to understand that without strict adherence to the regimen and principles of proper low-calorie nutrition, weight loss is impossible even with intense exercise. A food diary can help control the diet, in which you will have to record the foods consumed and their quantity.

Other, less common, but significantly hindering weight loss factors include the following:

  • lack of calories. A strict diet and excessive restriction in food intake cause the body to slow down the metabolism and conserve the resources it receives more efficiently. Therefore, in order for body fat not to accumulate “in reserve” and the weight loss process to be effective, the amount of calories consumed must be balanced, taking into account the physiological norm and energy costs for intense physical activity;
  • belated reaction of the body to fitness classes. It is pointless to expect that after a couple of workouts, body weight will begin to decline rapidly. In order for the result of work in the fitness room to be noticeable externally and to please with smaller numbers on the scales, more than one month of intensive training must pass. The reaction of the body is always individual, so theoretical expectations rarely coincide with practical results, but this is not a reason to despair and be upset that someone's volumes go faster;
  • taking some medicines. Some medications may side effect in the form of a delay in weight loss or even additional weight gain. Most often, these are hormonal drugs. The factor of the influence of medicines on the body and, in particular, on losing weight, must be taken into account, and in case of health problems, consult a doctor for advice;
  • growth imbalance muscle mass and get rid of excess body fat. It happens that muscles begin to grow faster than fat is lost. In this case, you should not rush to completely abandon training, but you should adjust the fitness program by adding or increasing cardio load to it. Wherein total amount exercises should be at least 15.

Cardio training and weight loss

Sometimes fitness activities do not lead to weight loss at maximum effort. And even with an increase in cardio loads, body weight remains unchanged or even worse - it increases. Specialists can explain such processes by one of the following reasons:

  • The number of calories consumed exceeds the number burned during exercise. For a half-hour run in the gym on the simulator, you can burn up to three hundred calories. The same amount can be easily returned by eating a hamburger after fitness or drinking coffee with dessert. At the same time, the psychological factor that calories are spent, and therefore you can relax and allow yourself to eat high-calorie food, plays a primary role. Therefore, it is very important to learn how to control yourself and not go beyond the required calorie intake.
  • Fluid retention in the body. Salty foods can provoke this process, while body weight can easily increase by a couple of kilograms.
  • Violations of the endocrine system. With such a serious problem, neither diet nor training will lead to weight loss, no matter how much effort is made. Hormonal disruptions disrupt the entire functioning of the body, and therefore, with endocrine diseases, weight loss is possible only under the supervision and control of a doctor.
  • Low level glucose. Lack of proper snacking after fitness exercises provokes a decrease in glucose levels and causes an acute feeling of hunger, which leads to overeating.
  • Excessive intake of sports supplements. Popular isotonic cocktails are quite high in calories and are recommended for athletes who actively spend time in the gym for a long time. And for those who exercise 1-1.5 hours twice or thrice a week, such drinks can interfere with weight loss.

If you are experiencing difficulties with weight loss and the process is not as active as you would like, you can try to correct it using the following tips:

  • Change fitness exercises. You can replace one workout in the gym with swimming in the pool or jogging outside. The new kind exercise usually causes the body to spend energy more intensively and more actively burn body fat.
  • Get enough sleep. Lack of sleep deprives the body of the opportunity to recover, and without recovery, subsequent fitness exercises become useless.
  • More rest. Intense training, especially for beginners, is a lot of stress, which, combined with overwork, can adversely affect weight loss. To remedy the situation, it is enough to take a week-long break from intense sports activities, but continue to eat right and do light exercises.
  • Practice regularly. Only systematic training with increasing load can lead to effective weight loss.
  • Refuse bad habits and adjust the diet and diet. Drinking alcohol and high-calorie unhealthy foods make fitness ineffective.

Photo: Dzmitri Mikhaltsow/

Fitness enthusiasts looking to lose weight fast and not seeing any results within a month should reevaluate their diet and activity levels.

To lose weight, you need to eat less and move more - this is the mantra that we hear everywhere. The two pillars of weight loss are diet and exercise. But, as both practice and the latest research show, training often leads to completely opposite results. If you train incorrectly, then for most people this does not lead to weight loss, but, on the contrary, to weight gain.
Interestingly, according to studies, after the cessation of training, people who gained weight continued to gain it by inertia over the next month. Those who lost weight during training weighed even less after three months.

Why do some people lose weight and others gain?

It turns out that the so-called compensatory behavior plays a big role in this. Those who gain weight while exercising either reduce their normal physical activity or eat more than normal the rest of the time. And who does not know that sometimes after heavy physical activity I want to either relax on the couch, or eat properly! Neither one nor the other can be done categorically, so as not to nullify the weight loss effect of training. Don't let workout fatigue interfere with your routine. Do not cancel a walk with your child or a shopping trip because of her. And indeed, after proper training not a decline should be felt, but, on the contrary, a surge of strength and a good mood.

For what other reasons may training not bring the desired result?

Too slow and too long. When it comes to losing weight, long monotonous workouts can not give desired result. Instead of going all out for half an hour, it's better to give yourself 100% intense 30-minute workout. Quickly move from one set of exercises to another, taking breaks of no more than 15-30 seconds. Such training will speed up the work of the heart and blood vessels, allow you to quickly build muscle mass and increase the metabolic rate, which will allow you to burn additional calories.

Wasted time. Do you constantly fix your hair in front of the mirror, drink water or chat with your friends? Thus, you will not achieve anything. You need to start training with a well-thought-out plan and rigidly set time frames. It means not waiting, not hanging around the gym, not responding to phone calls. Even just to catch your breath, give yourself a few seconds of time between sets in advance. Do not be distracted by nonsense, even if you are exercising at home and your training time is free. This is the only way to get the full benefit from the training.

Too much cardio, too little strength training. But cardio burns more calories, you say... Yes, an hour of brisk walking on the treadmill will burn about 400 calories. But power training will allow you to exchange fat for muscle, in which these very calories are burned, even when you do not get physical activity. That is, strength training will give you a chance to lose weight stably and for a long time.

The same movements. When the physical load falls on the same muscles, the body adapts to it, the load is lightened and energy costs become less. "Surprise" your body. Periodically add new exercises to your workouts, sometimes change the type of activity. Make your body work harder or in a new way every workout. This will allow you to burn more calories and relieve boredom, which can ruin any positive endeavors.

Perhaps you need a soul mate. It's good to train alone because you focus more on the process. But many women achieve best results when working out with a friend. Firstly, it allows you not to take time off from classes, and secondly, to study with great diligence. Who else can cheer up on the treadmill, forcing you to run the last kilometer through force, if not a partner in "misfortune"! And don't forget the power of competition. Did your friend do 50 squats? Make 51!

Too much salt and... water. Okay, everything is clear with salt - it retains water in the body, increases the load on the heart and kidneys. If you want to see smaller numbers on the scales, then the salt will have to be significantly limited. But water? Isn't a sports drink or even a bottle of plain water a must? sports girl from the cover? In fact, a little dehydration during exercise is even beneficial. Nothing will happen to you if you do not drink during those 30 minutes or an hour that you allocate for training. But in order to fat cells began to oxidize, they should feel a certain lack of water. It is then that they will begin to “give away” fats in order to make up for the lack of fluid in the body. So you can drink half an hour before a workout or half an hour after it, but during physical activity It's better not to drink at all. By the way, this will allow you not to experience lateral colic, which may stop your activities altogether.

Many people, having not achieved the desired effect from fitness, eventually completely stop training. But after all, the benefits and meaning of training are not limited to weight loss. Most are physically active people normalization is noted blood pressure and blood sugar, lowering cholesterol levels and, importantly for losing weight, reducing the waist. Health and fitness (read - volumes), not weight - that should be a priority in training. And sooner or later, the numbers will decrease anyway, along with muscle building - unless, of course, you stop training.

Here you have chosen healthy lifestyle life, keep a diet, sleep and rest, join the gym and actively load your body exercise. And all of you are so light, successful and purposeful. And then they decided to weigh themselves .... and oops ... and then the weight increases. It seems like, according to all the rules, training should reduce it, but the weight has increased. What is the reason?

Girls often complain about such a reaction of the body. Men also have this effect, but the fact is that in the bulk of men visit gym in order to pick up this very muscle mass, and it does not bother them. Girls, on the other hand, go to the gym mainly to lose weight, that is, to reduce weight due to additional energy consumption in training. And the weight is not reduced.

So, there are several reasons why the weight after training did not decrease, but rather increased.

1. Muscle swelling

The most likely cause of weight gain after exercise is muscle swelling. In the first 2-4 weeks after unusual loads, water begins to linger in the muscles, and they increase in volume, and, accordingly, in weight.

This phenomenon is often confused with muscle growth. It is very difficult for a girl, due to her genetic characteristics, to build even a kilogram of muscle. All the pumped athletes, whose photos are so fond of posting on social networks, take male hormones and use drugs that accelerate muscle growth. Their hormonal balance is shifted towards the male, and therefore it is very naive to believe that two or three beginner workouts will lead to muscle growth by a kilogram and a half. With normal training, there will be practically no muscle growth, so there is no need to worry about this. The maximum you will bring them into tone and make the body more embossed.

Weight human body is the total weight of all its components: muscles, fat, bones, brain, nerve fibers, connective tissue, blood, lymph, intestinal gases, urine, and the air we carry in our lungs.

Immediately after a regular workout, the ratio of all of the above components can change by as much as 15 percent! Intense workouts are bound to cause your scale readings to fluctuate. Factors such as hydration, inflammation of the muscles from fiber ruptures (krepatura), even the amount of byproduct or urine, and the volume of circulating blood will necessarily affect the change in total body weight.

What to do with it?

Doing nothing is a natural process in the body, there is no getting away from it. Wait 2-3 weeks, the muscles will adapt to the load, and the weight will automatically go down. The main thing here is not to be afraid of numbers and systematically continue training, not paying attention to the scales.

2. Excess caloric content of the daily diet

Compensatory nutrition - too common cause initial weight gain. An average workout burns 300-500 calories at best, which is just a piece of your favorite cake. If you eat more than the body will absorb, then this will not lead to weight loss, but to weight gain, even if you train hard.

The same applies to compensation under the motto, I need the strength to lift weights. This is a very popular excuse along with "I'll work off my morning sweets in my evening workout." Undoubtedly, strength is needed for training, but a balance must be maintained everywhere. If you want, the amount of food consumed should be less than the energy expended. It doesn't matter if you train or not. This is the rule of dogma. Despite the fact that we tend to underestimate the number of calories and overestimate the effort expended. I'm not afraid of this word, the error reaches 50%.

What to do with it?

Control your diet, or better yet, start counting calories. Successful weight loss is 80% diet and only 20% exercise. Lead, count calories, avoid fast carbohydrates and minimize fat. Unfortunately, one sport without nutrition correction will not lead you to the ideal body.

  • do not panic because of the numbers on the scales;
  • always control your diet;
  • do a good stretch after training;
  • do not be afraid to play sports: even if the weight increases the first time after training, your body will be getting closer to its ideal shape;
  • measure volumes and see changes in body quality by taking photos.

Did you have the effect of weight gain with the start of training? Tell!

Hello friends and fitonies! I've been going to the same gym for about a year now. set time. Therefore, the contingent as a whole has long been known. We have pitching of all stripes that sweat on simulators and with barbells, and in the next room women jump to the incendiary music different ages: they jump on platforms, throw up some balls and wag their hips invitingly. Both those and others come after training sweaty and tired.

Here, just looking at some, I see that this year the only thing they have achieved is to get a little more elastic body. And the weight, as it was elephantine, remained the same. And for some, everything else, it even became higher than the initial figures.

Do you want to know the answer? Want to know where the raisins are hiding? What has been stopping you all this time? Answer is here!

Naturally, this does not add enthusiasm, and these ladies and men go to the gym simply out of inertia: because they are used to it and have found new acquaintances. "What's the problem"? - you ask. Why do some people, coming to the gym, throw off 20 kilograms and get beautiful reliefs, while others seem to puff along with everyone else, but at the same time remain the same hippos and heffalumps?

Today we will find out with you the answer to the most burning question: “Why am I doing fitness and gaining weight?” In fact, there may be several reasons for such a disaster, so let's take a closer look at each of them.

We eat more than necessary

In fact, this is the main reason that can slow down the process of losing weight. Any training will increase the metabolic processes, which is invariably associated with an increased feeling of hunger. That is, the better you exercise, the more you want to eat.

Often this is combined with the greatest delusion: since I worked hard, now I can reward myself. The reward in this case is not watching an interesting movie or meeting with friends, but a plentiful and denser dinner than usual.

If earlier before training you had just tea with a cookie, now you eat half a packet, remembering that during training you burned an unthinkable amount of calories.

In fact, even the most intense strength training will take you no more than 500 calories. Now look at how much is contained in 100 grams of any cookie, even the most dietary one, and evaluate the level of your efforts.

Instead of sweets, you can eat the healthiest food in the world, such as a huge steak with a side dish of vegetables, but keep in mind that our body does not make any distinctions, and, in fact, only takes into account the total calorie content of the food received per day. Fats, sugars, salt and preservatives can do a very bad job for any athlete.

We come to the conclusion that no matter how much and intensively you do, you will have to calculate the total calorie content of the daily diet in the same way as any other person who does not want to get fat.

If you intend to lose weight, then to calculate the total cost of your body, add work in the gym to them. From the number of calories received, you need to subtract 200-500 kcal to ensure an energy deficit.

Do not forget to count all your even the lightest snacks. Apples, sandwiches, drying, one candy and tea with jam can pull in calories for a solid piece of fat, so initially it’s better to start a food diary in general, where you will mark all your food “exploits”.

Follow also the recommendations regarding proper nutrition with the right amount of carbohydrates (from 50 to 60%), proteins (up to 30%) and fats. Avoid sweets, including even sweet fruits, especially in the afternoon. We eat all carbohydrates before lunch, and after that only proteins and vegetables with a small glycemic index. Before going to bed, it is permissible to eat cottage cheese or drink a protein shake.

In the piggy bank of ideas regarding malnutrition, I can throw the following. These are also typical conversations of stubbornly losing weight ladies who say with half-green faces: “I eat one oatmeal on the water, but the weight is worth it. For dinner - only kefir. I’m fainting, but things are still there.”

As a rule, it is useless to convince them that they should eat fully, to talk about a slow metabolism and the body's economy mode on such diets. They usually have an undeniable argument for this: “If I start eating, I can’t stop.” And most often they live in the regime: "diet-failure" for a long time.

Naturally, the overall result is spoiled digestion, knocked down metabolism, edema, additional excess weight, depression, self-discipline and the absolute lack of effect from training. This problem, of course, stems from the eternal female and male impatience.

We eat extra pounds on our sides for years, and we want to lose them as quickly as possible. I'm ready for a change, I'm working hard in the gym, I want to see results in two or three workouts. At best, we are ready to wait a couple of weeks. But most often it happens that, apart from shaking hands and feet, wet T-shirts and global fatigue against the background of a desire to die as soon as possible, there is no result.

But I want to remind you once again that the annual fat reserves will not go away instantly. It will take time for your body to really rebuild and it will take more than one day when the body begins to really part with its fat.

In addition, most often we expect that the fat dissolves locally: we twisted the hoop - and the waist became slender, like a girl's. They did it - and the stomach was drawn in. But the chest and buttocks can remain the same as they were. But the essence of this misconception is that point weight loss does not happen. Extra pounds will go all over the body and, as a rule, this is an imperceptible process precisely because of the scale of the process.

Wrong workout routine

If you came to the gym and decided to save money on an instructor, then some other mistakes are not excluded.

  • Class violation. The thing is that often people who first came to the gym begin to sweat intensely and daily on the simulators. Naturally, in a week or two you will overwork and abandon this thankless task. As a result, you will go to training, as they say, through a stump-deck, that is, walk for 3 days, then rest for 5 days. In general, I'm talking about irregularity.
  • The next error is too little load. It is especially common among women who are sincerely convinced that working with weight is the lot of bodybuilders. And girls can only do light aerobics, where a full hall of beauties jumps with elegant hairstyles and terry bandages on their foreheads. They have elegant pink little dumbbells in their hands, and perfect makeup never leaks. All this is a delusion clean water and in order to achieve real results, you really have to work hard. Yes, and you will not look as beautiful as the girls from television commercials for aerobics.

Non-compliance with the rules of work on simulators. This is another side effect of saving on the instructor. At best, you will get an unevenly pumped body, and at worst, you will earn an injury that will deprive you of the opportunity to improve your body for a long time.

Wrong workout. If you have never played sports, then just running through all the simulators is not an option at all. It is no coincidence that programs aimed at developing specific muscles were invented. Here it is necessary to follow certain rules and work out a large muscle group and a small one during one workout. At the same time, it is important to give them a good rest from a day to 3 days.

Workouts shouldn't be too short either.. Typical recommendations say that you need to practice three to five times a week. Moreover, three of them will fall on strength training with a break of at least a day, and two or three more times you need to find time for cardio loads. That is, it turns out that three times you have to work with big weights and on simulators, using also basic exercises, and the rest of the time you can just go to aerobics or fitness or run on the track.

  • Keep in mind that you will have to do a lot and often, otherwise you will not see the result as your ears. If you completely reject the idea of ​​sweating in the gym with barbells, then in any case, you need to follow a very intense and, most importantly, regular training regimen. Of course, doing monotonous fitness loads is boring, so dilute it with yoga, cycling, swimming, zumba, stretching. It's good that even the most modest gyms now offer a very diverse program.
  • Along the way, I remembered another common mistake. Such gossips come to the hall, walk along the path for 20 minutes and another 40 talk on the couch while they restore their fully spent resources. The sense of such chatter is zero, as it should be assumed.
    Yes friends! You will have to fully engage in an hour or a half, not relaxing during half-hour breaks between sets. The maximum that you can afford is a minute during which we do not sit dejectedly, but walk around the hall or stretch tense muscles.

Reasons that also prevent you from losing weight

Don't neglect your body type and level general health. There are 3 body types: endomorph, mesomorph and ectomorph. Each of them have their own personal characteristics during the training. For everyone, their own recommendations regarding the selection of proper nutrition have long been developed. And what works great for one may not work at all for another. The same personal recommendations can be for people with various health disorders.

As a result, we have regular conversations that I hear from time to time. Such a sad aunt sits on a bench and says: “I started doing fitness and only got fatter even more. Apparently it's not mine."

I can add one more story of my friend to the piggy bank of delusions.

A couple of times at the stage of losing weight, I broke down only because for 2 or even 3 months the weight continued to stand stubbornly and did not move from busy lines under any circumstances. At the same time, I forgot to take into account one very important fact: the volumes were leaving just rapidly.

To the questions of the curious about how much I lost a kilogram, only a sad zero could be shown. Therefore, at the beginning of the journey, be sure to take measurements of all the most strategically important areas: bicep circumference, chest, waist and thigh. Repeat these measurements every 3-4 weeks.

Do not forget also that during training you are replacing adipose tissue with muscle. And these indicators can be measured only with the help of special tests. The main secret will be that muscle tissue with the same volumes will be much heavier than fat. Therefore, on total weight this may not be reflected in better side. The overall result will be that body fat you have decreased, and the weight has become more.

Learn how to properly plan your loads. Don't put your hardest workout on Friday. That is, when you are literally exhausted after working week and all you need is a good rest. Choose an easier activity or even go to yoga, and leave the strength for Saturday or Sunday, when you have had enough sleep and are ready for new achievements.

All this, in the end, will lead to the fact that not only will you inform others: “I go to fitness,” but they, in the end, will notice changes in your figure and will begin to ask: “You have lost so much weight! Did you start doing sports?

I want to give you a couple more tips. No need to get on the scale every day, so that later terrible screams running around the house: “Oh my God, I gained 200 grams!” It is enough to do this once a week. You should lose no more than 3-4 kilograms per month. This will tell you that everything you are doing is going right. We do not need more significant losses in order not to stress the body.

Tune in to the fact that you will have to work hard and for a long time, and the first tangible results may appear only after 2 or 3 months. A great example is the story of an instructor named Drew Manning. The coach got fat on purpose to better understand his clients.

Dial a couple dozen extra pounds not so easy. He spent six months on it. And he worked just as hard to return to his original form. Therefore, I repeat once again: do not expect miracles and tune in to serious work.

Allow yourself once every one or two weeks to break away from the soul and eat whatever you want. True, it is better to do everything before lunch. This is a worthy reward for the hard work you put in. Moreover, it will benefit you, as it stimulates the metabolism.

But keep in mind: you can really allow yourself such holidays of the soul no more often than the recommended periods of time. Although if you feel that you really want to eat this cookie, and this desire does not go away even after you have eaten meat and salad, then sometimes you can follow your desires. Agree that it is better to eat one cookie than to break loose and smash a whole bag without memory.

And the last piece of advice is the link here to the course " How to pump up the press with a sense of WOW". In it you will find a lot of recommendations regarding the regimen and detailed plan nutrition, which will help finish off the most recalcitrant abdominal muscles. Among other things, there are many practical advice regarding training and specific programs for getting the most embossed cubes in the world:

Many girls who start exercising begin to lead the right diet, do not eat anything harmful, after 2-3 weeks they begin to be disappointed. And disappointment comes with such a question, why do I train for 2-3 weeks, eat right, and my weight is worth it?

Almost every girl has such thoughts, because there is an installation in her head when you follow a diet - you lose weight quickly! And then I started to train, eat right, and nothing happens in 2-3 weeks! I would have sat down on a kefir (buckwheat, Kremlin) diet and during this time I would have become a reed !!!

Girls, what you dream about, about quick results, is not the way of a girl who comes to training and correct system nutrition. Fast results are the way to poor health, only muscles and water quickly leave our body, which we destroy in the process of unhealthy diets, full of their uniqueness and super results on the Internet!

When you diet, you lose weight due to muscles, due to water, the scales show your weight loss and you are happy. And then what do you get? You receive less than a kilogram, less muscle tissue, light bones, a dehydrated body, but at the same time, the fat% has grown and your sides are just as fat, your legs are flabby, but you rejoice at the number on the scales! You have lost 5, 10, 20 kilograms thanks to the diet! Flabby skin, lack of muscle and a large layer of fat is still there! Further, you start eating as before, the weight begins to grow, because during such a diet the body was under stress, the weight grows quickly, and this weight is not at all muscle mass, those beautiful shapes and curves, but fat! The same fat that adds bumps to your body, in the form of cellulite, folds on the sides, back and stomach and thick legs!

If your task is just such a result, then sit on diets, but you will never be satisfied with the result!

Now let's talk about training and a balanced diet. I want to dedicate this part to my students (some of whom do not understand that there are no quick results), as well as to those girls who quickly become disillusioned with fitness and quit it, as if not seeing the results and even increasing weight!

When we start playing sports, we begin to load our muscles. For some, even work with a small weight, like 1 kg. dumbbells - this already leads to even a small rupture of muscle fibers. Muscle pains last for a long time, the body needs to be restored ... And the weight is worth it ... And for someone it even increases by 1-2 kg.

The process of recovery and strengthening of muscles takes place with a long water retention. Because our muscle fibers need fluid, with the help of which all metabolic processes at the cellular level go faster. You have probably noticed that on the mucous membranes, scars and any cuts heal faster, leaving no trace. Our body naturally creates the same conditions for muscle recovery. We retain a lot of fluid to repair the muscle fibers that we injure during training, even the entry level.

With our quality nutrition, we adjust the work of our hormones in the right way, so that there are no malfunctions in the hormonal system and all metabolic processes. It is due to this state of the body, during balanced nutrition, our body performs its functions without interruption, recovery is faster and easier. And this means that the processes necessary for us occur faster, the body is rebuilt for full-fledged work, tissue regeneration, restoration of muscle tissue, strengthening it, as well as fat burning.

Fat, unfortunately, does not burn as fast as we would like it to.

To do this, you need to create conditions for fat burning. Remember, we burn fat not only in training, but most during the period of recovery of our muscles and body after intensive training.

By maintaining a proper diet and maintaining a training regimen, you accelerate your metabolic processes to high speeds but, REMEMBER - this is not a 1-2 week process. After all, your goal is to change the body. The change in the body is gradual. Exchange processes should adjust their work and only proper nutrition you are able to start this work. Only by exercising regularly and giving 100% to the training will you force your body to change. But this is not a fast process, and you should not be ready for a quick result, but a steady process that will bring your body into perfect condition.

Why can't you see results right away? I explain. Everyone is absolutely different problem in the work of the body, someone has a very poor metabolism, to restore it and make it faster. Someone already has pathological disorders in the work of hormones that do not allow you to see a quick result. Your body needs to be properly programmed. programming both physical and emotional level. It is necessary to maintain a very healthy diet to help the body work at its full potential, both physically and emotionally.

One girl has a higher metabolic rate than another, which means that she will have faster results than the one whose metabolism is so poor from her lifestyle that it can upset and lead astray the one who is slower results are coming. One girl has excess weight as the reason for overeating, while the other may have a reason for the failure of the hormonal system from the nutrition with which she created this state for herself. And it takes weeks, and sometimes months, to restructure the work of hormones, and you should not despair and quit, because by quitting you will harm further, without waiting for the restoration of the correct functioning of the body.

Also, as I described above, the first month you can even expect an increase in body weight and volume, but this is only from fluid retention in the body, if your hormonal system is in order and there are no other problems. Usually, within 3-5 weeks, the fluid that accumulated at the beginning of the training leaves the body and you see your result sharply. It would seem that 3-4 days ago it was inflated, and then bam, and already a different look. This is also normal. As soon as the body adapts, the muscle fibers are restored, the body begins to drain excess fluid.

Knowing your processes in the body, you can be sure that you are on the right track and you only need patience. Building a body like mine in 3 months is unrealistic. I have been working with my body for several years now. No breakdowns, no gluttony, no laziness! This is a constant process, continuous work with your body and spirit. How can you expect your body to assume the figure of a fitness model in 3-4 weeks? It's impossible! Physical processes are not so fast as to solve the problem of several or many years of a sedentary lifestyle, overeating and eaten food waste (chocolates, cakes, cookies, sugar and other harmful things) in 1 month ...

Stock up on patience. Do your job. Follow your diet, do all your workouts, and one day you will see how quickly your body has changed. Just believe in yourself, help your body change, do not eat candy at night, going 3 steps back. Give your body time to get used to the regime and it will begin to transform and adapt to your new lifestyle. Most importantly, know that all the processes in our body are natural, that our body is a machine of fine organization. And it needs to be properly managed in order to achieve the results you want to achieve.

And remember, a beautiful, slender, healthy body is a road that lasts a lifetime! You will change your body not in one day, but in weeks, months and years!

Be patient, believe in yourself, control yourself and your desires and you will achieve the body you want, but do not rush those physiological processes that cannot be missed.

If you want the scales down and you don't care appearance The internet is full of dangerous and unhealthy diets!

Why is the weight worth the first 2-4 weeks? Or even why are you gaining 1-2 kg.?

Because you accumulate a lot of fluid in the body! Because your muscles become heavier, their density increases, they become denser. Our body is very smart, and it protects the body from physical stress by making it stronger, muscles denser and more resilient. And this is a long process.

The body needs time to recover.

Also a question from the same category, the legs increase in volume, in the first weeks, go months. Many people think that you can easily pump your legs, but this is not at all the case. In the first months, there will be a lot of water in the legs, since there are the largest muscles. They seem to be poured in volumes from water, but the fat has not yet had time to burn. Many panic and quit classes, thinking that the muscles have grown. Girls, dear, understand, muscles do not grow so fast. This water can linger for a long time and the fat burns slowly. Be patient, it will go away with time. And the water will go away and the fat will burn off and beautiful, slender, toned legs will remain. The legs you dream about and want to have! Patience is yours best friend and life partner!

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