How to pump the press to remove the stomach. How to download the press so that the result is visible. How best to perform exercises to get rid of the stomach and pump up the press

The problem of body fat in the waist and abdomen worries many. The press is a large oblong muscle. Allocate the upper and lower sections of the press, external, internal and transverse muscles. It is important to work out all departments so that your stomach is symmetrically pumped. In addition, strong abdominal muscles protect your internal organs. Pay attention to exercises on the oblique muscles, this is useful for shaping the waist. In this article, you will learn about effective ab exercises, as well as find out how much time you need to devote to these exercises.

Is it possible to remove the stomach with the press?

By doing ab exercises daily at a fast pace, you can significantly reduce the amount of fat in the abdomen. After all, by actively moving, you start fat burning processes in your body, including fat burning in the waist and abdomen. Many people ask the question: “Is it enough to just pump the press to tighten the stomach?”. No, it is impossible to remove the stomach only by pumping the press several times a day. Of course, abdominal exercises are extremely useful for strengthening the muscle corset, but completely getting rid of belly fat in this way will not work. Need to lead active image life: practice various types sports, including cardio load (running, skiing, swimming), do exercises every day, eat right, do not abuse alcohol. This regimen will definitely save you from fat deposits on your stomach.

How often do you need to practice?

To keep your stomach taut, it is better to do abdominal exercises daily. If you feel that such a task is too difficult for you, then download the press at least once every couple of days. But remember that you must do at least four sessions per week.

You should not immediately perform sophisticated and exhausting twists, torturing yourself with dozens of sets of 100 repetitions. How long does it take to pump the press to remove the stomach? Start small and gradually increase the load. In the beginning, it is better to perform 5-10 repetitions in one set. As soon as you are ready, increase their number to 20. The optimal number of approaches is 3. Exercises should be varied so that your body does not get used to the load.

abs workout program

Basic rules for doing exercises

For classes to be effective, follow simple rules:

  • well ventilate the room in which the training will take place;
  • put a bottle of water next to you - you will probably want to drink during class;
  • do not eat a couple of hours before the start of the workout, but it is better to pump the press on an empty stomach;
  • so that the layer of fat is burned more actively, do the exercises at a fast pace.
the correct exercise technique provides maximum results, which means that you can quickly remove the stomach and pump up the press cubes

A set of exercises


Lie on your back, put your feet together and bend your knees, keep your hands behind your head. Raise the body to the knees, lifting the shoulder blades off the floor. Control the lower back: it should always remain in one position on the floor.

Reverse crunches

Starting position: lying on your back, bend your knees, lift your hips so that they are perpendicular to the floor. Stretch your arms along your body and pull your knees to your chest, lifting your pelvis off the floor.

Raising the body from the floor by 45 degrees

This type of exercise acts on the muscles of the lower abdomen. Lie on your back, bend your knees, do not take your feet off the floor. Raise your torso, stretching your arms up, reach for your arms as much as possible. Make sure your abdominal muscles are tense.

Raising and lowering the legs

Lie on your back, stretch your arms along the torso. The legs should lie straight. Raise your legs at a 90-degree angle to the floor, and then lower them, but make sure that they do not touch the floor. Make sure that the lower back does not come off the surface on which you lie.

Raising the pelvis

This is a standard upper abs exercise. Lie on your back, bend your knees and lift them up, arms should lie along the body. Lift your pelvis off the floor and pull your knees up to your chest. Make sure your shoulders are on the floor. Return your legs to the starting position and repeat the exercise.


This exercise engages all the muscles in the body, including the abdominal muscles. It requires effort to perform, so it is very effective. This is a static exercise. Take an emphasis lying down, leaning on your forearms. Your back should not sag. Stand straight, from head to heels you should be like a stretched string. Fix the position for the maximum possible time for you, start with 30 seconds and gradually increase. Try holding a plank for 5 minutes.

How many times a day to download the press is up to you. Don't overwork yourself, but don't relax either. These exercises are effective only if they are constantly performed at an active pace.

best exercises on the press - regular and side twists, active bar and leg raises

Inventory for classes

To diversify the exercises on the press, you can use various auxiliary items.

Gymnastic ball

The gymnastic ball is also called fitball. The ball is selected depending on the height and personal feelings. There are many color variations of fitballs, classes with them will never be boring. Exercises with a gymnastic ball strengthen the abdominal muscles and promote weight loss.

Hula Hup

This projectile is familiar to us since childhood. Rotate the hoop twenty minutes a day - it will transform your waist and remove it from your stomach excess fat. Hula hoop exercises improve general state skin of the abdomen, give our body a cardio load, and the massage effect prevents the appearance of cellulite.

press roller

This inexpensive fitness projectile strengthens the muscular corset of the abdomen. At home, with the help of it it is very easy to adjust the figure. When exercising with a roller, the rectus and oblique muscles of the abdomen are involved, but it also involves the muscles of the arms and back. Take the press roller in your hands, standing on the floor on all fours. Stretch your arms and, while inhaling, slowly roll the roller forward, stretching your body along with it. Do not touch the floor with your body! As soon as you reach the extreme position - the maximum tension of the back, pause and return yourself to the starting position. Repeat enough times.

From this article, we learned about what exercises you can use to remove fat from the abdomen and how to strengthen the abdominal muscles.

Do you want to have a beautiful, flat stomach? Surely, you have heard that for this you need to strengthen the abdominal muscles and pump the press. However, often many girls and guys pump the press, and at the same time, the result of their efforts is in no hurry to appear. What's the matter? It's all about doing the exercises correctly.

So, how to pump the press correctly to remove the stomach? To have a beautiful belly shape, it is not at all necessary to perform abdominal exercises hundreds of times or long time hang on the crossbar. Your task is to burn body fat.

We note that for relief press the body fat content should be less than 10%, which is often the case for high-class athletes. Women should not go that far, because the less body fat there is in the body, the faster the breasts dry out. And at a fat level below 10%, the fair sex may stop menstruating altogether.

The most effective and safe exercises for the press are twists (direct and reverse), "Frog Pull-ups", as well as various variations of these exercises. Body and leg raises are not recommended for beginners, as well as for those who have poorly developed abdominal muscles, because such exercises carry a large load on the spine in the lower back.

The most effective result can be obtained if you train the press using the giant set method, when 3 and more exercise the press is done in a row, one after the other, without stopping. After such one giant Set, it is allowed to rest, but not more than one minute. In this case, the muscles are perfectly worked out. At the end of a giant set, you should feel strong feeling burning.

It is also very important to do the exercises correctly. Try doing this giant set.

1. twisting - repeated 20-50 times.
They should be performed in the supine position, legs bent, feet on the floor. Inhale, hands should stretch forward - exhale. A common mistake - instead of the abdominal muscles, many tense the muscles of the neck. To avoid this, focus and try to rise, using the abdominal muscles, while not waving your head (set your eyes on the ceiling, raise your chin.

2. "Frog Pull-ups" - 20-50 times.
This exercise must be performed on a bench, you can on the bed. Sit on the edge of the bed, then lie on your back, hands behind your head (but at the same time, as with any other exercise, do not close your fingers into the castle, otherwise the spine will receive the wrong load. Bend your knees and pull them to your stomach. Then straighten your body, but at the same time do not put it completely, the muscles should be in tension.Then pull your legs up again.You can spread your knees at the same time.Exercise perfectly works out the muscles of the lower press.

3. reverse twists - 20-50.
Lie on your back, place your arms along the body, lift your legs and bend at the knees (you can straighten your legs up to complicate the exercise. Raise your pelvis off the floor in such a way as if you are going to stand on your shoulder blades, but not too high. You should lean on your hands as much as possible less, forcing the abdominal muscles to work.Often, when performing this exercise, the legs rise inertia, so make sure that the press is working.

4. twisting callanetics - 1/100.
The difference between this exercise and traditional twists is that it is performed in statics. Let's give an example of such an exercise 1/100, you lift the body (body lying on your back) and hold it for 100 seconds (one lift is 100 seconds. Remember that you can rest for one minute after you complete a certain number of callanetics twists (start from 2-3 and gradually increase their number.

So, answering the question: how to pump the press correctly at home, we will designate the main rules for training the abdominal muscles:

1. Never do abdominal exercises with weights, because this creates voluminous muscles.

2. while you are doing the exercises, the press should be in constant voltage. Remember that it is better to do the exercise correctly, but 10 times, than 30, but not correctly. So pay attention to technique and breathing. Proper breathing also contributes to a more effective result.

3. if you want to get an effective result, do not train at half strength, you need to work on the press, giving 100%. Some coaches recommend sparing your strength, however, if your goal is just to tighten the muscles, then this rule is quite acceptable, but if you want to burn body fat, then work hard.

4. burning sensation - this is the main criterion correct execution exercises. Only if you feel a burning sensation, try the exercise as many more times as you can.

5. If you are just starting to exercise or have taken a long break between workouts, increase the number of exercises performed gradually. In general, try not to take breaks and practice regularly, perfect option 3-5 times a week.

6. There are exercises for the lazy, which can be performed, even, for example, when walking or riding in transport. Alternately tense and then relax the abdominal muscles. Follow them for several approaches, starting with 10 seconds, and soon you will achieve a toned figure.

A beautiful, embossed, flat stomach with abs is the cherished dream of both all girls and many men. To obtain desired result, we mercilessly torture ourselves in gyms. The less time left before the start summer season the harder the workout becomes. But often, despite all the work and hard work, a beautiful press remains only a dream.

Why is this happening? What is the secret effective workouts, and how to properly pump the press to remove the stomach? Let's deal with everything in order.

The press is one of the strongest and hardiest parts of our body. We are so physiologically arranged that it is almost impossible to “pump” the abdominal muscles. They recover very quickly, the probability of injuring them even by performing exercises of increased complexity is very negligible.

If, after a good workout, the arms need at least two days to recover, we should give the legs a rest for at least 3 days, then the press can be pumped daily. It all depends on the correct execution technique and your desire to achieve a good result!

You can start your journey to a flat stomach with workouts at home. You do not need a lot of space and do not need optional equipment. Also, your physical form, level of training does not matter, do you lead an active lifestyle, or are you just starting to recover from childbirth - you need to pay attention to your press throughout your life!

Basic exercises for working out the abdominal muscles are straight twists. They allow you to use the large rectus and lateral muscles of the body.

How to do twisting?


  1. Lying on your back, press your lower back to the floor, place your bent legs hip-width apart.
  2. Clasp your hands behind your head, slowly lift upper part body above the floor.
  3. The muscles of the head must be relaxed, otherwise the neck will pump up instead of the stomach.

To get a “wasp” waist and pump up the sides, one of the modifications of this exercise is used - side twists. They are performed lying on your side by synchronously raising both legs or upper torso.

Twisting works well for both men and women. Especially for those who are starting to recover from childbirth. They allow you to strengthen the press, quickly increase its tone.

It is important to remember the following rule: before starting any workout at home, you need to warm up for 7-10 minutes, and after it is completed, relax your muscles. Thus, the clamps are removed, the normal flow of energy in the body is restored.

Features of training after childbirth

Some women immediately after childbirth begin to actively pump the press in order to quickly get rid of unpleasant folds on the stomach. But not everyone knows how to properly pump the press to remove the stomach. After all, there are a number of features that young mothers need to consider.

Firstly, it is worth starting to engage in active sports and exerting an unnatural load on the abdominal muscles no earlier than 1-2 months after the birth process. Your body needs to recover as much as possible after such stress.

Secondly, the first few months after the start of classes, the load should be minimal, it is forbidden to use additional weight in the form of dumbbells.

Thirdly, start doing the exercises only 15-20 times each. It is not recommended immediately after childbirth to sharply increase the tone of the abdominal muscles, because their rapid contraction can lead to sagging skin in the abdomen, the formation of ugly folds. After such training, you may be able to get rid of fat, but it is unlikely that you will be able to reduce your volumes.

Some Complicated Abs Exercises

When the crunches feel easy enough, you can do a large number of repetitions in one workout, it will be possible to move on to more “advanced” exercises.

Most of them are also easy to do at home, but some require special equipment.

Bending the body with raised legs

This exercise should be performed in the same way as regular twists, only the legs must be raised exactly at an angle of 45 or 90 degrees.

Constantly holding them straight, begin to spring with the press and reach up with even hands. The amplitude of muscle contractions should be minimal, keep your back bent and do not straighten, otherwise the risk of spinal injury will increase.


The bar used to be unfairly underestimated, but now more and more coaches recognize its effectiveness. This exercise helps to work out almost all the muscles of the press, reduce the sides, quickly get a flat stomach. It is equally effective for both men and women.

The basic version of the bar: resting on the elbows and socks, the head, back and legs form a straight line, the stomach is tucked up. In this static position, it is necessary to linger for 30-60 seconds. As the condition of the abdominal muscles improves, the execution time can be increased or the exercise itself complicated.

More complex modifications of the bar are its execution with a raised arm and leg: having taken the basic position, straighten right hand and the left leg, then vice versa. This is how the deeper muscles-stabilizers of the ora are worked out, there is a big load on the lateral and oblique muscles of the press.

The plank with crunches is a very effective exercise that you can do at home. Also, its simplified version can be done by women as early as 1-2 months after childbirth.

Use of weight during crunches

Additional weight during abdominal training allows not only to tone the muscles, but also to achieve the appearance of the coveted cubes. To do this, perform twisting with dumbbells in your hands. The heavier their weight, the faster the abdominal muscles will increase, and you will get the coveted relief. Especially training with a lot of weight is relevant for men.

Horizontal leg raise

If all the exercises described above are easy to do at home, then this can only be done on a special horizontal bar or simulator in the gym.

Grasp the horizontal bar or the handrails of the simulator with your hands. With your back firmly pressed against the wall of the simulator (or keep it straight when hanging on the horizontal bar), begin to raise your straight legs to parallel with the floor. Perform at least 10 repetitions in several sets.

This exercise is complex: it puts a lot of stress on lower press, helps to work out the biceps and pump up the biceps femoris.

A few secrets of the perfect press

In order for the exercises described above to bring you maximum benefit and quick results, it is important to remember the following:

  1. Train consciously, focus on the muscles you are working.
  2. If you already have a strong abs, do exercises of increased complexity.
  3. For the abdominal muscles, the regularity and strength of the loads are important, and not their duration.
  4. Girls should not use weight when working out oblique muscles. After all, this will increase them in volume, and, accordingly, your waist will become wider.
  5. At the end of each workout, be sure to stretch the worked muscles.

Performing the described exercises every day or at least several times a week, adhering to the basic rules of training and following an elementary diet, you are guaranteed to get a noticeable result in 1-2 months!

The abdomen is perhaps the most difficult in terms of losing weight.

To get rid of the problem, many begin to download the press. However, doing exercises for the press does not always help to reduce deposits on the stomach - by pumping the press, you strengthen your muscles, and in order to get rid of the fat layer, you will also have to reduce the calorie content of the diet.

The room where you will practice should be well ventilated.

Place a bottle of water next to you, thirst may arise during the exercise - a sip of water to moisten the throat a little will not hurt.

You can choose the time for classes at your discretion, although experts recommend the morning hours before breakfast.

Training is best done on an empty stomach (at least 2 hours should pass after eating).

For effective weight loss exercises are performed at a fairly high pace, which contributes to the burning of fats.

How much do you need to pump the press to remove the stomach?

The first days you can do a small number of repetitions: 10-15 times and 3 sets, the most important thing is to monitor the quality of the exercises (learn to feel the tension of the abdominal muscles).

Gradually, the number of repetitions increases, and the number of approaches remains the same.

Exercises are performed smoothly, without jerks. Inhale - when lifting the body (tension), exhale - when lowering (relaxing). To achieve results, you need to download the press regularly: from 4 to 6 times a week. For maximum effectiveness, exercises can be done both in the morning and in the evening.


What exercises should be done to reduce the stomach?

1. Workout always starts with stretching. Lying on the floor on your back, hands behind your head, bend your legs, stretch your muscles and lie down in this position for a couple of minutes.

2. Classic twisting on the press. Starting position: lying on your back, bend your legs, put your feet together, hands behind your head. Raise the body to the knees, slightly raising the shoulder blades above the floor, while the lower back should remain in place.

Starting position: lying on your back, bend your knees, raise your hips so that they become perpendicular to the floor, arms extended along the body. With the effort of the lower abdominal muscles, pull the knees and pelvis towards the chest, completely lifting the pelvis off the floor.

4. The starting position of the torso, as in the previous exercise, just slightly spread your knees. Raising the body, stretch your elbows to one of the knees, alternate directions.

5. The position of the body, as in the previous exercise, but place your bent legs on the width of the foot, stretch your arms along the body. Fully raise the body, stretch your arms forward.

6. Starting position: lying on your back, spread your arms to the sides with your palms to the floor, raise your half-bent legs at a right angle. Trying to reach the floor while inhaling, tilt your legs alternately in different directions, while exhaling, raise them to their original position.

7. Starting position: lying on your back, bend your knees slightly, arms extended along the body. Leaving your lower back in place, lift your pelvis. Return to starting position. Now lift your lower back, leaving your pelvis and shoulders in place.

8. Lying on your back, hands behind your head, legs bent at the knees. Raise both your upper body and your legs at the same time, while trying to reach your knees with your elbows. Unsightly belly fat is sure to capitulate if you show due perseverance in exercising and at the same time change your diet a little (for example, you can follow the recommendations of the diet for the abdomen).

Regular exercises will not only remove excess accumulations on the stomach and throughout the body, but also prevent the appearance of new ones. In addition, you will strengthen the abdominal muscles, and strong abdominal muscles are the key to a healthy posture and a beautiful walk.

Though beautiful figure Nowadays, only a small number of people have it, absolutely everyone dreams of it.

There are no such people who are satisfied with their fullness or vice versa, a skinny physique.

Someone in this matter is hindered by laziness, others by the lack of free time.

It would seem that in order to remove the stomach, it is enough just to reduce your diet, and the fat will go away over time.

In fact, the way it is, but you are unlikely to be happy with the result.

In place of fat, sagging skin and stretch marks will appear, which are not so easy to get rid of. In this article, we will discuss how you can flatter your stomach by doing ab exercises.

General recommendations on how to reduce the stomach with the help of exercises for the press

This section will be short so as not to go far from the main topic of the article. Without these general guidelines, you will not be able to see progress, even if you regularly follow the training program for several years. They are as important as the training itself, so their implementation is rigorous.

First, it is imperative follow a low carb diet. You can't get rid of fat while gaining it back along the way. Therefore, from the diet it will be necessary to remove everything that will not allow you to see progress - flour, sweet, fatty, carbonated drinks. Their use is of course permissible, but only in small quantities. And it’s best to eat them on cardio days to get rid of the calories immediately.

Second, worth forget about alcohol. Alcohol itself is the enemy of our body. Any alcohol is bad for us, and main enemy weight loss - beer. It is in itself a fast-carbohydrate drink, and on this it negative manifestations do not end. With beer, you always want to eat something harmful and salty - which will negatively affect your diet.

Get enough sleep and avoid stress. Cortisol is a stress hormone that causes the body to store fat in the body. In order to fight it, you need to get enough sleep and eliminate all stress factors from your life.

Most Common Mistakes

For those who are not really familiar with either the gym or sports in general, this issue will encounter significant difficulties. To properly pump the press, and remove the stomach at the same time, you need to know well physiological processes flowing in our body, as well as the anatomy of the body. But we will not go into much detail, here we will indicate only the main mistakes made by beginners.

1. Do a huge amount of exercise. It would seem that the more repetitions of the exercise you do, the more you will load the muscle, burn more calories, and you will be able to see the press in a couple of days. Alas, this is absolutely the wrong approach. To begin with, the abdominal muscles, like any other muscles in our body, should receive moderate exercise. If you do a large number of repetitions, then you will only injure your abs more. In addition, most ab exercises should not be considered a good cardio workout that will make you burn a lot of calories. You'll need to do about 10,000 crunches to equal the number of calories you burn for an hour of running. Therefore, if you want to know how to properly pump the press to reduce the stomach - here's your first hint: never be too fanatical about exercising!

2. Try to burn fat only in the abdomen. What decisions do both girls and guys not come to before starting beach season. Daily Workouts press, body wrap, belly massage, etc. All this is aimed at purposefully getting rid of fat only in the required area. Unfortunately, each such attempt is initially doomed to failure. The body is quite wise in this regard, and it tries to maintain a "natural" appearance of the body. If fat is deposited, then it is evenly distributed throughout the body; if it is burned, then it is the same throughout the body. Therefore, it is necessary to say this - you will not be able to get rid of fat only on the stomach. In order for you to sooner or later see the desired “cubes” instead of fat, you need to combine exercises with diet and cardio loads.

3. Another most common mistake among beginners is that they do not practice regularly. It is necessary to perform a set of exercises not once every couple of weeks, but every other day. Only in this case, the muscles will receive a full load and the necessary incentive for their growth. At the same time as your abdominal muscles grow, your waist will become more slender and toned. But initially, you may not even see your muscles - for this you will need to get rid of fat.

Some tips on how to properly pump the press to remove the stomach

So, we talked about the mistakes, now it's time to move on to the tips. There are certain nuances that can either stop your progress, or vice versa, speed it up. If you purposefully decided to take care of yourself and your figure, then you must be prepared to strictly follow the rules.

1. Training should be carried out only on a hard and even surface. Neither a sofa nor a soft bed is suitable for these purposes. The most you can use is a thin, rubberized mat. They are in any gym, and for homework, you can purchase them in the store. Why do you need to do it this way? The soft surface during the exercise will spring under you, which will greatly affect the effectiveness of the exercise. You don't want to waste your time and energy, do you? You should also not practice on the bare floor, because on it you risk injuring your back.

2. Training is best done in the morning. First, in the morning your body is exhausted by an 8-hour lack of food. At this time, he is prone to maximum fat burning. Therefore, it is in the morning that all cardio loads and other workouts for weight loss are carried out. Secondly, it is much easier to exercise on an empty stomach. If there is any food in your stomach during any crunches or sit-ups, you will feel a lot of discomfort, which will affect your overall training mood. In addition, getting up 15-20 minutes earlier and giving this time to training, you will get a charge of vivacity and energy for the whole day.

3. Exercises should be performed at a slow pace. Muscles should feel the load well. Those who pump the press in fast mode are hacks. This method allows you to perform exercises due to inertia, and not muscle work. But your goal is not to do exercises for show, but for them to be beneficial. Otherwise, you wouldn't be reading this article.

4. In addition to the time you allocate for training, you should also take into account one more very useful technique. It should be kept in mind and performed constantly - from the very morning until you go to bed. Only with this technique you can significantly reduce the volume of the abdomen by several centimeters in a couple of weeks. What is this incredible technique? Everything is quite simple - you must constantly keep your stomach drawn in and tense. The fact that many people walk around with big, bulging bellies isn't always just a fat problem. In most cases, this is due to the fact that the abdominal muscles of the press lose their tone, and stretch under the pressure of the stomach. If you constantly walk with straining your stomach, then soon you will be able to achieve a return of tone to the muscles, and a significant reduction in waist circumference.

5. During the exercise, you will feel a burning sensation in the abdomen. The pain from this feeling sometimes becomes unbearable, which is why people indulge themselves in the form of a reduced number of approaches, or repetitions. We cannot force you to endure pain and do it through force, but this is how it should be done. If you give your muscles a rest, you lose a significant portion of the effectiveness of the workout. Muscles should be loaded until the moment when you are physically unable to complete the repetition. However, it is worth repeating we are talking not about hundreds and thousands of repetitions. Believe me - a correctly performed exercise, even in the amount of 20-25 repetitions, will make you experience a huge range of sensations.

Exercises with which you can remove the stomach and pump up the press

Exists huge variety various exercises for the abdominal muscles. We have tried to highlight for you the most effective and useful, collected in one complex.

To begin with, I would like to say about the two undisputed leaders. These exercises are slightly different from standard ab exercises in their relative ease of execution. Even a beginner can easily handle them.

Exercise number 1 - vacuum. This exercise was developed by one of America's bodybuilders, who was awarded the title of "Miss Olympia" for the relief of his physique. And his press played a huge role in this. This exercise allows you to achieve the tone of the transverse abdominal muscles, and achieve flat stomach at the very a short time.

The exercise is performed as follows. Starting position - standing, hands on hips. Then take a deep breath, completely filling your lungs with air. Then, exhale slowly and under control, while drawing in the stomach as much as possible. Stay in this position. After that, take a slow breath, pulling the stomach in even more so that it feels like it is practically touching the spine. Then return to the starting position. One such repetition should be from 20 to 30 seconds. This exercise can also be done sitting, lying down, or on all fours, but the standing variation is the most effective.

Exercise number 2 - plank. Also very good exercise in order to achieve a flat stomach. Take a position lying on your stomach. Then, stand in such a position that your body rests on your elbows and toes. The body should form a straight line, without any deflection. While doing this exercise, draw in your stomach and tighten your abdominal muscles. In just a few seconds, you will be able to feel the tension in your entire body.

Exercise number 3 - twisting classic. Take a lying position, legs bent at the knees, hands behind your head. From this position, lift the body up, as if twisting the abdominal muscles. The main thing when performing is that your body twists, and does not rise like a straight line.

Exercise number 4 - bicycle. Sit on the floor, put your hands behind your head, legs extended forward and hanging above the floor. Then, bring right leg, bent at the knee, to the body, while touching it with the elbow of the left hand. Then switch arms and legs.

Exercise number 5 - leg raises. Lying position, legs and arms on the floor. Raise up to a strictly vertical position, first one leg, then the other. Also, alternately, put them on the floor and repeat the exercise.

Exercise number 6 - stretching the legs. Lying position, hands lie under the belt, legs stretched up and bent at the knees. Stretch your legs forward and up, then return to the starting position.

Exercise number 7 - side twists. Lying position, legs bent at the knees, arms extended forward on the floor. Twist the lateral muscles of the body so that your left hand touches your left toe and vice versa.

In this article, we briefly told you how to properly pump the press to remove the stomach. But reading is reading, and getting rid of fat in practice is not so easy! Therefore, do not waste your time and try to put your new knowledge into practice right now!

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