Skyrim: Better Vampires ("The Best Vampires"). Skyrim - Friendly Vampires (GuruSR's Friendly Vampires) Skyrim mod improved vampire abilities

Sacrosanct is a game changer for vampires and vampire lords. Reverse progression (stronger when powered), new abilities, powers, perks, blood adept spells and gameplay changes for these non-living monsters.

+ Improved vampire talents, spells and abilities.
+ Get stronger by draining victims to death, feeding on unique NPCs, earning ranks.
+ Improved Vampire Lord talents, abilities and perks.
+ Blood adept magic for mortal form.
+ More interesting gameplay for vampire and vampire lord.
+ Lightweight mod that doesn't bloat your saves.

Curse of Molag Bal:
+Vampirism is not a blessing. Ancient vampires are powerful and feared and hated, but they begin their unlife weak and must make an effort to grow stronger.
+ The invisible presence of Molag Bal gnaws at every vampire from the inside and is known as "The Beast". This is a primal force that possesses weak vampires and destroys them. You need to stay full to avoid critical health regeneration penalties etc.

Thirst and nutrition:
Every day you spend as a vampire without food increases your bloodlust and weakness. There are 4 stages in total, which you can see in the active magic effects menu.
+ Saturation.
+ Thirst.
+ Wither.
+ Obsession.
In the last stage of thirst, you will be attacked by every NPC that sees you. Any food brings you back to the Saturation stage, no matter what stage it was. You can feed on sleeping or enchanted victims, drinking them partially or to death. Perks allow you to eat in stealth mode, in combat, and under other conditions.

+ Dominance - Illusion spells are stronger by<25>% and longer<25>%.
+ Lunar waters - allows you to breathe underwater and walk on it, but not run.
+ Resistance - 100% resistance to poisons and diseases.
+ Frozen Heart - Vampire is 25% harder to spot.

+ Curse of Burglary - When you break into someone's home, you lose 10 damage. magic and stamina per second.
+ Weakness - Fire resistance reduced by 20-50 units. depending on the stage.
+ Photophobia - health, magicka and stamina are not restored during the day and are reduced by 25-100 units. depending on the stage.

Abilities depending on the stage of hunger:

Fortitude - Taking lethal damage reverts to your unlife and increases your bloodlust.
At the "Thirst" stage, it turns into ...
+ Madness - the beast awakens when health is less than 25% in battle, draining health, magicka and stamina and reducing them until you get blood.

Kiss of Death - Draining the victim (killing with food) permanently increases health, magicka and stamina.
At the stage "Withering" turns into ...
+ Beast - it is impossible to eat. One can only wither a mortal victim by killing it. Immortals cannot be shriveled.

Presence - Vampire Charisma doubles the chance of intimidation, and buying goods costs 5% less.
At the stage of "Obsession" turns into ...
+ Taunt of Life - Healing spells and effects no longer restore health. The blood potion has no effect. You do not regenerate health.

Racial abilities.
+ Altmer - Wine and Feast - Food temporarily increases magicka.
+ Argonian - Brilliant Scales - Swimming temporarily removes photophobia.
+ Bosmer - Bitter Nectar - Ingredients are stronger, but their effects are perverted (positive<->negative).
+ Breton - Dolmen Lair - You can eat using a Standing Stone.
+ Dunmer - Alien Blood - Feeding grants the victim's racial vampire talent. You can have one talent at a time.
+ Imperial - Shadow Cult - Sanctuaries increase magicka and stamina, but their effect is perverted.
+ Khajiit - Failure - Enemies nearby will stumble and fall at times.
+ Nord - From ancient soil - Once in battle, touching a corpse revives it.
+ Orc - Refreshing Brutality - Eating temporarily increases stamina.
+ Redguard - Lord of the Locusts - Once in combat, touching an enemy sends poisonous insects at them.

Blood Adept:
+ Withering sleeping victims can reveal the secrets of the blood adept's magic.
+ The first ability requires one wither. Each secret requires one more victim to be withered.
+ Spells adept blood belong to the school of Destruction and cause damage to living targets.

Bloodseed - the target is overgrown with spikes that cause constant damage.
Brand of blood - the target takes constant damage, which causes it to explode.
Blood Ankh - lifts a corpse into the air, then explodes it, dealing area damage.
Corrupted Sun - A blood star that follows and burns a target.

+ Potion of Embrace - (Vampire Ashes + Flawless Ruby) - infects with vampirism. Restores 100 health points to the vampire.
+ Blood Adept Potion - (Vampire Ashes + Heather Heart + Fire Salt (2) + Moon Sugar (2)) - Accelerates the study of blood adept secrets. Restores 100 health points to the vampire. Knowledge of at least one blood adept spell is required.
+ Potion of Thirst - (Vampire Ashes + Void Salt) - Increases thirst, restores 100 vampire health points.
+ Potion of blood - (human meat) - food effect. Restores 100 health points to the vampire. Requires the Court Cook ability.
+ Blood Potion (2) - (human heart) - power effect. Restores 100 health points to the vampire. Requires the Court Cook ability.

Vampire Lord:
The Vampire Lord game has been greatly improved. It no longer restores magicka in magic form and stamina in combat form. The new abilities are more thoughtful and don't become useless at higher levels. The Vampire Lord can also search, interact with objects, and gain Destruction experience. However, all non-Volkihar creatures will attack you.

The number of Vampire Lord abilities has been increased, and new ways to obtain them are also available. Some abilities also affect the vampire's mortal form.

Strength is Strength - Health, Magicka, and Stamina are increased by 50 while in Vampire Lord form. The selected attribute will increase by another 100 points.

Wings of Legend - In magical form, the wings allow you to glide while greatly reducing your fall speed.

Astral Venom - Claw attacks poison enemies for 25 damage. poison damage and absorbing 50 damage. magic for 5 seconds.

Cloak of the Night - In combat, you are surrounded by a flock of bats that feed on living enemies within melee range, draining 5 health per second from all.

Midnight Dragon - You get 4 normal perk points and a crown in the form of a vampire lord. However, if you have a strong thirst for blood, sunlight will instantly kill you.

Echolocation - Power of the Night: Sends out a pulse that highlights all living things (Magic: 15).

Mist Form - Power of Night: Turn into mist for 15 seconds. You become invisible and invulnerable, but unable to fight. Restores 25 points of health, magicka and stamina per second (magic: 50, cooldown: 30 seconds).

Supernatural Reflexes - Power of the Night: Unleash the beast within. Time slows, movement speed increases by 40%, attack speed by 60%, and hits knock back victims. Lasts 10 seconds (magic: 75, cooldown: 40 seconds).

Shaking - Power of the Night: A shockwave that knocks everyone within 25 feet into the air, followed by a stun (Magic: 75, Cooldown: 30 seconds, 2 charges).

Court Cook - Allows you to create a potion of blood in a cauldron. Human meat will make one potion, heart - two. Potion of Blood brings the Vampire Lord skills unlock closer.

White Wolf - Seduction of the Vampire works on targets 30 levels higher, and you can drain people under its effect depending on your thirst. Additionally, draining sleeping or enchanted humans grants vampire lord abilities.

Telepathic Vampire - Nourishment drains the victim's magicka and stamina, and increases Dominance and Frozen Heart by 200% for 30 seconds.

Grasp of the Beast - You become stronger when you are hungry: Attack damage is increased by 25%, Rending Wind lasts twice as long, and Vampiric Drain deals 50% more damage and has a 15% chance to inflict Rending Wind on a humanoid, dealing 5 damage magic damage per second for 10 sec.

Blood Ties - Feeding on sleeping targets makes them your allies and even available for marriage.

Amaranth - Seduction of the Vampire works on vampires, allowing them to absorb their power. For such a vicious act, you get a 30% increase in combat and social skills for 5 minutes, and weak vampires will scatter in horror during the same period of time.

Fountain of Youth - Killing an enemy with a bite while in Combat Form fully restores health and 150 Magicka.

Lion Among Lambs - Attacks with annihilation spells reduce the damage dealt by enemies by 10% for 10 seconds. Increases claw damage by 10% for each target hit.

Cleaver - Power attacks deal 50% more damage and hit everyone in front of you.

Agility - Allows you to move at an unnatural speed. Movement speed increased by 10% in mortal and magical forms, and by 20% in combat form.

Ethereal Will - Blood magic, powers of the night, destroy spells, and blood adept spells cost 25% less in mortal form, and Vampiric Drain is 50% cheaper.

Blood from Stone - Blood Magic: The destruction spell in the right hand and spells of the blood adept in mortal form are able to destroy Daedra and mechanisms.

Lord of Destruction - Destroy spell in the right hand deals 0.5% more damage per Destruction level.

Blood Storm - Turns a destruction spell into a blood storm. Channel a spell for a flurry of exploding Blood Orbs, dealing 25% more damage.

Bleed - While in mortal form, Vampiric Drain deals 50% more damage against a single target. Can be read with two hands to stun the enemy with some chance.

Hungry Artist - In mortal form, blood adept spells cast against humans absorb health equal to 25% of their base damage (deal additional damage and heal the caster for the same amount). Killing a blood adept with spells brings you closer to unlocking the skills of a vampire lord.

Beautiful to See - In mortal form, blood adept spells cast on humanoids have a 25% chance to rip the victim below 25% health.

Divination - In a predictive form, your supernatural senses alert you to the presence of enemies within 20 feet by briefly lighting them up through walls. Enemies can only be highlighted once, and those too close will not be detected.

Bowing Out - Blood Adept: Briefly calms people affected by blood adept spells to kill them by instantly decapitating them (Magic: 1500).

Pyre Lamy - Blood Adept: A 50-foot radius firestorm that surrounds the caster for 10 seconds. Enemies receive 75 damage. fire damage per second. Can be used once. To use it again, you need to drink the blood of a sleeping person (magic: 600).

Grasp of the Vampire - Blood Magic: Allows you to pull a creature towards you. Absorbs 20 health and stamina per second if the enemy is nearby (magic: 50 per second).

Summon Gargoyle - Blood Magic: Summons a Gargoyle to fight for you for 60 seconds (Magic: 50).

Nausea - Blood Magic: Concentration allows you to absorb 5 health points per second from living enemies nearby. Continuous exposure increases the enemy's agony by 25 points per second. If the agony exceeds the enemy's health, they will be torn apart (magic: 25 per second).

Maelstrom - Blood Magic: A constricting whirlwind that pulls everyone within 50 feet towards it, stunning and reducing their magic resistance by 50% for 3 seconds (Magic: 150).

"The Best Vampires" is one of the biggest modifications on the topic of vampirism in. The main merit of the developers lies in the fact that they managed to maintain a balance and at the same time provide the highest comfort of playing for vampires. The mod is equipped with flexible settings, thanks to which the player will be able to choose the abilities and skills of a vampire for himself. A variety of options will make you look at vampires in a new way and will attract the attention of those players who previously did not like to play as vampires.

Mod Features

So, after installing this modification, the abilities of both the vampire and the lord will develop simultaneously with the player's level. You can independently configure both the strengths of the vampire and his weak characteristics.

It should be noted that the creators of the mod considered maintaining the game balance as a priority goal, while the player remains free and independent. So, for example, only he decides when and whom to attack and drink blood. Hot keys can be assigned to all available spells and skills of the undead. By the way, new abilities and talents themselves have been added. Moreover, the creators of the mod also worked out the effects, graphics and sounds of such spells. It is possible to turn other characters into vampires, thus making them your companions.

Life as a vampire

The life of a vampire is greatly influenced by the type of food and the number of unfortunate victims of the player. So, for example, you can reach the climax of your strength when you are full, or vice versa, only when you are hungry.

For the convenience of the player, a counter is provided for a detailed description of the stage of vampirism. It can be seen and consulted in the "active effects" category. If the player constantly eats as a vampire, then over time he will gain the ability to carry out more powerful attacks, his resistance will increase, other abilities will appear.

The attitude of other inhabitants can be adjusted independently. To do this, the player just needs to choose the state of the vampire - satiety or hunger, in which he will be recognized as a vampire. If desired, recognition as a vampire can be set permanently.

The modification provides for the achievement of the highest vampire level - "Leader". The resulting Velvet Blood skill grants the player the ability to drink the blood of other vampires, thereby significantly increasing their skills.

No less interesting is the combat ability "Advantage in battle". It lies in the fact that during a combat collision with an enemy, if the player has a higher level of health, the player can bite the enemy at a certain distance.


The mod allows you to store blood for a vampire to use in the future. It has the ability to turn its victim into the likeness of a vampire. When playing as a vampire in this mod, the player is 100% resistant to poisons and diseases, much harder to detect (by 10%), as a vampire, the player can swim underwater without air for an infinite amount of time. In addition, the vampire, depending on the level reached, can carry 20-100 extra cargo units.

At the same time, along with an increase in the level, the height of the jump also increases. True, under the direct rays of the sun, this ability does not work. By the same principle, the reduction of damage when falling from high places develops, the ability to evade enemy attacks also increases with each rank.

A little about the abilities of a vampire. There is the ability to "embrace horror", to activate it, you need to quietly approach the intended victim and paralyze her with horror for a while. This is enough to drink blood from her. The Mortal Appearance skill will allow a vampire to turn into an ordinary inhabitant of Skyrim. And Drain Vampire takes away the victim's health and increases it from the vampire himself.

Installing the mod

Requirements: Skyrim. If the player is going to customize the mod, Dawnguard, SkSE and SkyUI (MCM) are required.

This mod allows the player to feel like a full-fledged vampire, and not an "infected person", if something like this happened to you. The author provides the player with additional features with which you are even more immersed in the game.

When you wake up, you find that you have become infected and become a vampire? It doesn't matter, now you will not feel like an inferior, non-existent vampire that no one cares about. Now the fun begins in the game! With this mod, you will get the same faction as the rest of the vampires in the game (modified or unchanged by mods, including the Dawnguard). Now you are one of them and you can do everything they do. Also, you can ask other vampires to go hunting with you! While they are hunting, you can give them the best equipment they may or may not be able to use (some vampires can be very picky). What will you be able to do with your new vampire colleagues? Of course plunder the city! When you enter the city, the guards will see your group (including the player) as a group of vampires who are attacking the city.

But what will you do with your new found group of vampires? Bag city, of course! Walk into the city and the guards will see all your groups (player included) as a group of vampires attacking the city. This brings a whole new meaning to Skyrim's When Vampires Attack.



  1. Download the plugin from the site.
  2. Unpack the mod using the Winrar program.
  3. esp file plugin and folder textures, meshes(which are in the archive) copy to a folder skyrim/data. If the "File Replacement Confirmation" dialog box pops up, then click "Yes-to all".
  4. We connect this esp in Skyrim Launcher.

In this collection, I have collected the most, in my opinion, the most relevant vampire-themed fashions, as well as animations and quests, I will tell you about all this now. I took mods from different sites, some of them were partially finalized.


1 Retexture of the vampire armor, the royal armor of Harkon, Seran and the armor of Valerica. The armor is made in amazing quality and, in my opinion, is the best on the retexture of vampire armor. Armor renamed, now Black armor is black, red is red, white is white. All armor can be forged at the forge in the leather section. Now the simple vampire armor is missing the Volkihar clan brooch. It was decided to remove it with the goal, in my opinion, so that the cave vampires know their place, since without the mod they also had a clan brooch. The annoying pauldrons have been removed from the male royal armor, but the brooch remains - the symbol of the true vampire lord of the Volkihar clan.

2 Master Vampire Armor Set. Now in the room of Lord Harkon you can find a Solitude chest which will contain: Armor, gloves, boots, hood and sword.

Criteria Armor increased health by 50 units, destruction spells cost 60% less magicka. Gloves - increased magic by the same 50 units and damage from one-handed weapons increased by 60%, boots - increased stamina / stamina by 50 units, fire resistance 50% absorbs health, stamina and magic in the amount of 30 units, and on a critical hit the soul gem is filled, with Harkon's sword it's just instant death if the swords are used in pairs. And now, ATTENTION, the hood - dressed on the head of a vampire blocks the sun! Hurrah...

3 Fix for quests for vampires and guards of the dawn.

4Animation of death enemies serve instantly, and do not perform on the circle even after death, this also applies to dragons.

5 Normal faces of vampires. After turning into a vampire of the blood of Molag Bal, the face of the dragon acquires some changes, the face becomes ugly, with this mod the vampire's face will remain beautiful, as in life, only the vampire's eyes will remain.

6 Vampire fangs and eyes. The mod will help you become a real vampire with blood-brown bright eyes, as well as change the vampire jaw.

7 Wings of the Vampire Lord. They will become 1.5 times larger.

8Flight of the Vampire Lord. Now it will be possible to soar in the form of a vampire lord over Skyrim. All you need to do is press the fast run button and move the mouse in the desired direction. Flies only in a huge room, or in open space.

9 Seductive Serana, Magnificent Valerika and mighty Harkon. Retexture of the Serana family, NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH THE MOD OF SERANA AND HER FAMILY! In my opinion, the most successful and beautiful retexture of the Serana family, I personally especially like Valerik very much. Therefore, I take it with me with the help of the following modification.

10 Valerika Mother of shadow. Now it will be possible to take Valerika, Serana's mother, as a companion after completing the Family Court mission. The character in kpashke is voiced and translated into English, but very beautiful. VALERIKA IS AN INDEPENDENT CHARACTER, SO THAT YOU CAN TAKE IT TOGETHER WITH SERANA, or with another friend. Valerica can turn you into the Molag Bal Vampire as Harkon, alas deceased, and Serana if you've been indulging with Falion and cured of your vampirism. And also, after the exchange of things, Valerika has a volume of the spell Call Valerika of the school of witchcraft, he eats a drop of magic, and Valerika instantly flies in the form of bats to the place of the call, wherever you are.

11 Marriage to Seran. Pretty simple and clear. A full description of the mod can be found on the Internet. And I'll tell you briefly. Complete the main vampire quest, drive to Riften, find out about weddings, buy Mara's amulet, talk to Valerika, she will give you another amulet, talk to Serana and, hmm, Get married... Well, that's all, thank you all, for reading and downloading. May the light of Auriel keep you. And the anger of the Ancestors on your enemies.

Requirements: Skyrim, Dawnguard respectively, game version 1.9.

- Description -

The mod adds to the game the ability to play as a vampire and a huge number of vampire abilities, their abilities and new spells. It has its own development system, and improving the skills and abilities of the vampire.
New features are added:
  • Turning NPCs into vampires and curing them of vampirism. Any converted NPC gets the opportunity to become your partner
  • Summons creatures (from 1 to 3) for a while to help you
  • You can temporarily bring a dead man back to life and make him fight for you.
  • 100% resistance to poison and disease
  • Illusion spells are 25% more powerful,
  • The strength of a vampire increases his carrying capacity (from 20 to 100 pounds depending on the level)
  • As you evolve, your dodge, jump height, fall immunity, etc. increase.
  • Vampire vision expands your senses. You will become more aware of the world around you. You will be able to feel the pulse and aura of life forms and objects around you (living beings, undead, machines, creatures).
  • And a lot more. About these and other abilities

Version 7.8

  • Fixed an issue with being unable to feed on corpses while in Vampire Lord form. In other cases, you will need to be in stealth mode to feed on corpses or extract blood from them.
  • Increased the limit of victims you can turn into vampires to 30. You must heal one of them before you can turn them into vampires, or the game will automatically heal the oldest of them.
  • Converted victims use IDs from Dawnguard, which fixes a bug with gray faces.
  • Introduced a system for clearing variables before deleting or updating a mod.
  • Expanded mod settings in the MSM menu.
  • Many small improvements and bug fixes.
Version 7.2
  • The version that does not require the Dawnguard DLC has been discontinued.
  • Added selection of a new progression option. Now a certain number of days as a vampire is enough to get the next rank, regardless of the number of bitten victims. The number of days is set in the MCM menu.
  • Changed visual and sound effects when reaching a new rank.
  • Adjusted feeding ability: You can no longer drink blood from a Dremora.
  • Adjusted Vampire Lord's Drain to be more powerful at early levels.
  • Adjusted the horror effect when turning you into a Vampire Lord so that it no longer affects your turned and other vampires.
  • Fixed script responsible for sun damage. Now it puts less load on the system.
  • Added movement speed and damage reduction when you are under the sun. (you can turn it off if you want).
  • Added a page in the MSM menu "Weaknesses and Strengths" for more flexible character customization.
  • Added an option to the MCM menu to allow enslaved victims to keep their robes instead of dressing them up in slave rags.
Version 7.1
  • Fixed an issue where Sunlight Resistance was not working for Patrician and Preceptor rank vampires.
  • Changed the animation of turning into ashes of a normal vampire (became similar to the death of Harkon)
  • Reflection of Light and Shadow duration increased to 20-40 seconds
  • You can now feed on Falmer and draw blood from them (if the blood potion option is enabled)
  • Removed ringing metallic sound that occurs when changing area
  • Made some changes to the Raise Dead and Drain spells to match those in the unofficial Dawnguard patch.
  • Adjusted the penalties received by the Vampire Lord under sunlight. Now they won't re-record the Requiem. (Better Vampires.esp should be below Requiem.esp in the download list, and then the Requiem compatibility patch - Better Vampires Patch.esp)
  • Now the Mask of the Mortal will continue to function when you are in the 4th stage of hunger at 0 blood points. After the blood points run out, health will be used to maintain it
  • The sound of drinking blood has been replaced with a more atmospheric one.
Version 7.0
  • Both versions of the mod now support the unofficial Skyrim patch and the unofficial Dawnguard patch.
  • Added compatibility patch for Requiem! WARNING: The game will crash if you don't have both mods installed! Better Vampires.esp must be loaded after Requiem.esp and the patch must be below Better Vampires.esp in the download list. It is recommended that you do not include feeding on the dead and extracting blood - this is already installed in Requiem. Hunger messages are also disabled, as they are duplicated in Requiem.
  • Updated the Royal Bloodline compatibility patch so you can now use Light Reflection and Blood Ward while in Vampire Lord form.
  • Updated AoE VL Drain patch, (minor changes)
  • VL Drain now affects Daedra.
  • Now you can create servants! If the victim is bleeding, sleeping, or under the influence of the vampire's seduction, you can enslave them and turn them into your personal vampire minion. If possible, he can become your companion, and you can leave him where you want. Not available in the version of the mod WITHOUT Dawnguard.
  • Vampire Lord will no longer make a footstep sound while walking or running when transforming into fog.
  • An option has been added to the MCM to disable the sound of the heartbeat while Vampire Vision is activated. Sometimes it interferes with the dialogue with the NPC.
Version 6.9
  • New MSM option (on the troubleshooting page) to improve compatibility with other mods that adjust attack speed. This helps eliminate insanely fast weapon swings. The Perma patch is no longer needed. Thank you Raulfin!
  • Added a new spell: Blood Ward. It acts like a normal protection spell, but in addition to using mana, it also uses the blood of the caster to maintain it; if you have blood points enabled, then the blood supply will decrease while the spell is active. It will increase your defense to 40-70 and absorb 40-70 magic damage depending on your vampire rank.
Version 6.8
  • Power hot key (configurable) by default V, statistics key - X by default.
  • The status message is condensed to one line and displays rank, stage, time since last feeding and blood points. To view full statistics, open MSM.
  • A new ability is the Night Cloak, available in Lord Vampire and regular Vampire forms. Deals 8-18 damage per second and drains 4-8 damage. health per second. If you don't like this feature, you can disable it in MSM.
  • New visualization of being under the sun. Enabled by default, but can be disabled. At the 1st and 2nd stages, the skin will smolder, at the 3rd and 4th stages it will burn. This reduces the eloquence by an amount depending on the stage. The mortal mask will only be able to hide the first two stages.
  • Mortal Mask, Aura Detection, Vampire Vision, Fog Hide, and Dominate now slowly consume Blood Points (if enabled).
  • Improved display of night and vampire vision. Now, when activating Vampiric Vision, you will hear the heartbeat of your victims, the closer, the louder.
  • Added an option in MCM to adjust night vision brightness.
  • Added the ability to set the light level at which the vampire will start taking damage.
  • A script has been created that updates the FaceGen of the NPS hourly, which allows you to reduce errors with gray faces.
  • Adjusted the visual and sound effects of turning NPCs into vampires, increasing the stage of a vampire, as well as for spells of teleport, summon creature, summon fog, domination, Priestare Sanguinare, Tollere Sanguinare and Sanguine Reddere.
  • Added a new way to saturate - using blood points (configurable in MSM).
  • Removed ML version that added double damage. This is now configurable in MSM.
  • Added the ability to adjust the scale and transparency of the blood scale. The bar now changes color depending on your saturation.
  • Successful stealth feeding improves the stealth skill.
  • Various minor fixes and tweaks to improve gameplay.
Version 6.6
  • The installation package contains 4 versions of the mod: Dawnguard, Dawnguard ML, No Dawnguard, and No Dawnguard ML. Versions of ML (Master level) differ from the usual ones in doubled damage.
  • Updated the feeding notification system for your converted victims. Notifications can be turned off via the MCM menu or using the "set VampireVictimsWillFeed to 10000" console command.
  • BV is now compatible with the "Blood Thirst" mod - your converted victims will use their own scripts.
  • Corrected "Mist Form" now when you activate it, you will not hear the sound of your own steps.
  • Changed "Combat Bite" option: You must have more health than the enemy and at least 50 stamina. After you staggered the enemy, press "E" (default) to apply a combat bite. A combat bite does not count as feeding, but there is a chance to increase your own health at the expense of the victim's health.
  • You can disable combat bite in the MCM settings or through the console with "set VampireCombatBite to 10000" (to disable the feature).
  • Fixed the function to turn off the timer when using blood points.
  • Reduced the sound level when going outside during the day
  • You can now turn off audio and text messages when going outside during the day using the MCM menu or using the console command "set VampireGoingOutside to 10000"
  • Adjusted blood splatter behavior when feeding: blood will not splatter when biting sleeping, fearful, enchanted, or enslaved victims; blood WILL splatter from the above victims if you bite them and kill them (i.e. bite more than once a day); blood will splatter on stealth bites and hard bites, as well as on all Vampire Lord bites.
Version 6.5
  • HUGE SELECTION of abilities! Spells and abilities have a cooldown, which can be turned off in the settings if desired.
  • Reflect Light and Shadow, Dominate, Summon Servant, Summon Creature, Mind Blast, and Summon Mist can now be used more than once per day.
  • Cooldown times for abilities and their status can be found in their description in the MCM.
  • Adjusted Dominate and Summon Creatures to follow you more naturally.
  • The script for summoning the Creature has been corrected in terms of stopping the cooldown of the ability after killing the creature.
  • Stealth bite corrected. Now it doesn't instantly kill.
  • You can now collect blood from the recently dead.
  • Fixed Vampire Hunter textures.
  • Nightcloak and Vampiric Grip spell power changes with your level; The ML version will scale twice.
  • Illusion spell amplification returned from 10% to vanilla 25%.
  • Added a setting via MSM to be attacked by four hunters at once.
  • Adjusted the spell power of Flame Cloak and Aura of Stendarr for Vampire Hunters. Now they increase with your level.
  • Increased the spawn distance of Vampire Hunters so they don't spawn right next to you.
  • Fix Vampire Hunters. Now it is harder for them to detect you when you are in stealth mode.
  • Adjusted jump height handling.
  • The Mortal Mask spell has been adjusted. Added a second reminder 20 seconds before the end of the effect.
  • Adjusted on/off night vision.
  • Corrected the red color of the screen when feeding.
  • - Requirements -

    Since version 7.2, Dawnguard DLC must be installed!

    The SKSE and SkyUI add-ons are required for the mod, as some functions will become unavailable without them. Installing them is highly recommended. Setting up with MCM is more simple and advanced, has a lot of background information and helps to understand the nuances of the mod.

    - Installation -

    If you still want to install the modification manually, follow these steps (always agreeing to replace the files):
    1) Copy all contents from "00 Required (loose files)" folder to your Skyrim\Data directory.
    2) Copy the Better Vampires.esp file from the "01 Dawnguard (.esp file)" folder to the Skyrim\Data directory.
    3) For Better Vampires and Royal Bloodline compatibility, copy the BVandRB_Formlist.esp file from the 02 BVandRB_Formlist folder to the Data folder with the game installed.
    4) For Better Vampires and Requiem compatibility, copy the Requiem - Better Vampires Patch.esp file from the 04 Requiem - Better Vampires Patch folder to the Data folder with the game installed.
    5) To adjust the scope of Lord Vampire's drain attack, copy the VL No AoE Drain.esp file from the 03 VL No AoE Drain folder to the Data folder with the game installed. This will cause it to only suck blood from its intended victim, not the crowd.
    6) Connect the mods in the download list.
    7) Use , to distribute mods in the correct load order.
    8) In the MCM menu, use the RESET VAMPIRISM option.
    9) Set up the mod with MSM.
    10) In step 8 you have been infected with Sanguinare Vampiris. Heal it if you want to remain mortal, or wait 3 days to become a vampire.

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