Events in Los Angeles 1992. Battle of Los Angeles (1992). Arrest of Rodney King

After the verdict, thousands of black Americans, mostly men, took to the streets of Los Angeles and staged demonstrations, some of which turned into riots and pogroms in which criminal elements participated. Crimes committed within six days riots, were racially charged.

Police trial

The Los Angeles District Attorney charged four officers with excessive force. The first judge in the case was replaced, and the second judge changed the location of the case and the composition of the jury, citing media statements that the jury needed to be disqualified. The city of Simi Valley in neighboring Ventura County was chosen as the new location. The court was composed of residents of this district. The racial makeup of the jury was 10 white, 1 Hispanic and 1 Asian. The prosecutor was Terry White, an African American.

Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley said:

"The jury's verdict will not hide from us what we saw on that videotape. The people who beat up Rodney King don't deserve to wear the Los Angeles Police Department uniform."

Mass riots

Demonstrations over the police jury's acquittal quickly escalated into a riot. Systematic burning of buildings began - over 5,500 buildings burned down. People shot at police and journalists. Several government buildings were destroyed, and a branch of the Los Angeles Times newspaper was attacked ( Los Angeles Times).

Flights from Los Angeles Airport were canceled as the city was shrouded in thick smoke.

Blacks were the first to start the riots, but then they spread to the Latin neighborhoods of Los Angeles in the South and central region cities. Large police forces were concentrated in the eastern part of the city, and therefore the uprising did not reach it. 400 people tried to storm the police headquarters. The riots in Los Angeles continued for another 2 days.

The next day, the riots spread to San Francisco. More than a hundred stores there were looted, Willie Brown, a prominent spokesman, told the San Francisco Examiner. Democratic Party in the California State Legislature: "For the first time in American history most demonstrations, as well most of violence and crime, especially robbery, were multiracial in nature, involving everyone - blacks, whites, Asians and Latin America".

On May 2, 7,300 police officers, 1,950 sheriffs, 9,975 National Guardsmen, 3,300 military personnel, and 1,000 FBI agents entered Los Angeles. Police killed 15 people and injured hundreds. More than 12 thousand people were arrested. “In 1992, mass riots occurred in Los Angeles, the largest since the 1960s, provoked by the trial of four white police officers convicted of beating a black man , but acquitted in court. In the riots, accumulated national hostility found an outlet: the main victims of the crowd were Korean shopkeepers. A total of 55 people were killed and 2 thousand were injured. After six days of riots, the city was entered army units, more than 10 thousand arrests were made." : "Ten thousand national guardsmen, 8 thousand police officers, three and a half thousand military personnel, as well as dozens of FBI agents and border guards - such forces were needed by the American authorities in 1992 to quell riots in Los Angeles in four days. "


  2. "The L.A. 53" by Jim Crogan. LA Weekly. April 24, (English)
  3. - English Wikipedia
  4. "JURIST - The Rodney King Beating Trials" (English)
  5. US News and World Report: May 23, 1993, The Untold Story of the LA Riot
  6. Cannon, Official Negligence, pp 27
  7. Cannon, Official Negligence, pp 28
  8. Cannon, Official Negligence, pp ?
  9. "Prosecution Rests Case in Rodney King Beating Trial" The Washington Post, March 16, 1993 (English)
  10. Cannon, Official Negligence, pp 31
  11. Koon v. United States 518 U.S. 81 (1996) (English)
  12. "The Arrest Record of Rodney King"
  13. Cannon, Official Negligence, pp 205

In the spring of 1992, a real apocalypse broke out in respectable Los Angeles. Hundreds of thousands of African Americans carried out a large-scale pogrom in the city, thus expressing protest against discrimination against the black population.

On the fine days of May 1992, the sky over Los Angeles was clouded with smoke from raging fires - thousands of buildings and cars were blazing. Spontaneous clashes broke out on the streets every now and then, accompanied by the sound of broken glass, gunfire and screams of people.

These are stoned and drugged rioters, taking rifle, fired at everything that moved, while simultaneously destroying shops and offices along the way. Some tried to protect their property, while others fled in panic, leaving everything to the raging crowd.

The next day, the riots spread to San Francisco.

Over a hundred shops there were looted. As prominent Democratic Party spokesman Willie Brown told the San Francisco Examiner: “For the first time in American history, most of the demonstrations, and most of the violence and crime, especially looting, were multiracial in nature, involving everyone—blacks, whites, immigrants from Asia and Latin America.”

About a year before the Los Angeles riots, four white city police officers were brought to trial for beating African-American Rodney King. He, while driving a car, ran a red light and did not obey the police's orders to stop. After a short chase, he was stopped, but during an attempt to arrest him, he resisted, for which he was severely beaten. The police were forced to use a stun gun, but when this method did not calm the offender, the security forces switched to more decisive actions and simply began to beat King, hitting him with batons and kicking him.

It was later discovered that King's blood contained traces of alcohol and marijuana, although this did not absolve the police from responsibility. The entire scene was captured on videotape by an amateur photographer.

On April 29, 1992, a jury—all white—found the police defendants not guilty of exceeding the bounds of self-defense. Later, a federal court upheld King's claim against the city police department, and King received about four million dollars in compensation from him. However, in late April, news of the acquittal sparked a reaction the likes of which the country had not seen in decades. Protests by African Americans quickly escalated into riots and attacks on other ethnic minorities.

The riots continued for six days. 55 people were killed and 2,300 were injured; The material damage caused was estimated at a billion dollars. As the investigation showed, if the police had promptly stopped the first forays of lone vandals and gangs of hooligans, then mass unrest and robberies would probably have been avoided, and the governor of California would not have needed to call for help National Guard. But the police authorities, in the absence of their chief, who was on a business trip, seemed to have fallen into a stupor and did not give the order to the hundreds of police officers who were on standby, for fear that decisive actions would only worsen the situation.

Despite the fact that the unrest in Las Angeles had a pronounced racial character, its main victims were not whites, but immigrants from South Korea primarily small entrepreneurs. Their properties, which were at the epicenter of the clashes, accounted for half of the damage caused by the riots; More than two thousand Korean shops and enterprises were destroyed consumer services. Many Korean immigrants who have passed military service in their homeland, put on the old one military uniform and with rifles and pistols they came out to defend their businesses, disobeying the order of the inactive police not to use weapons. They were inspired to do this by the city's Korean radio station, which reported that American citizens, in accordance with the Second Amendment to the Constitution, have the right to protect their lives and property with weapons.

At first, the expert community concluded that main reason unrest in Los Angeles was disastrous economic situation protest participants. However, today many sociologists have abandoned this view. So, according to purely socio-economic indicators: average income, unemployment rate (about twenty percent), quality of district schools ( last place in the city) - the situation in this area, where many Latinos have settled since then, has changed little. Interestingly, however, crime statistics have improved dramatically.

This was mainly due to the successful fight by the police against the instigators of the riots - criminal gangs who twenty years ago terrorized the local population with impunity.

The police today are much more concerned about the safety of local residents, for which they have earned their gratitude: seventy percent of Los Angeles residents give positive assessment law enforcement officers. Has also changed ethnic composition police department, which increased the confidence in it from citizens. If in 1992 there were one thousand eight hundred Hispanics serving in the police force, today there are two and a half times more of them. In his last book"Revolt in the Soul" Rodney King, whose beating sparked the riots, writes that over the years, many police officers tried to make amends with his colleagues and help him overcome his alcohol and drug addiction.

— It took two decades to smooth out negative attitude to us local population, and the process is far from over, said Charles Beck, the current Los Angeles police chief who was a sergeant twenty years ago. And one of the local residents, an African-American and the owner of a hair salon, said in an interview:

- The police are no longer an occupying army...

Alcohol and drugs greatly fueled the passions of the participants in the Los Angeles riots. Since then, the number of liquor stores in the area has decreased by twenty percent, but the presence of department stores has increased by half.

Unrest in southern California, sociologists note, left a deep imprint in the memory of Americans. A CBS interview with Rodney King on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the events in Los Angeles caused a great stir. He was asked what he thought about the sensational story of Trayvon Martin, a black teenager killed in Florida by a white police patrolman. “When I heard Martin screaming for help on the recording, I remembered that I was screaming just like him,” King responded. And at the demonstrations in Sanford, where Martin was killed, the words that were in the air during the Los Angeles riots were heard: “Without justice, there is no civil peace.”

People of all ages and nationalities robbed supermarkets with some kind of devilish frenzy, carrying out armfuls of everything they could get their hands on. The most enterprising ones stuffed trunks and car interiors household appliances, electronics, spare parts, weapons, perfumes, food.

At first, the police did not interfere in the looting of the city: several thousand law enforcement officers were simply powerless to stop the rampant elements. Even passenger airliners did not dare to approach the huge metropolis plunged into chaos, flying around the seething city.

This is not the first such incident in Los Angeles. In August 1965, six days of rioting in Watts, a Los Angeles suburb, killed 34 people, injured more than a thousand, and caused $40 million in property damage.

Despite all the differences, both events have the same roots: the protest of the black population against discrimination by the authorities and the police. Los Angeles, which found itself in the middle of the 20th century on the path of a mass exodus of the colored population of the United States from the disadvantaged south to the free north, became perhaps the most “African-American” city in the country.

So, if in 1940 about 63 thousand representatives of the black diaspora lived in Los Angeles, then by 1970 its number exceeded 760 thousand people. A spark was enough to ignite this huge mass of indignant people.

At the turn of the 1980-90s South part the center of Los Angeles (South Central Los Angeles), where the bulk of the black population lived, was most affected by the economic crisis; it was here that the most high percent unemployment. Consequently - high level crime and regular police raids.

Representatives of the African-American community were convinced that when arresting and using force, the city police were guided solely by race.

According to eyewitnesses, what was happening looked more like civil war and all this is literally a stone's throw from the dream factory - Hollywood and the fashionable Beverly Hills area. On the streets, calls for an uprising of “coloreds” against the domination of “whites” were increasingly heard; the most aggressively inclined, through a megaphone, convinced the crowd to go “to Hollywood and Beverly Hills to rob the rich.”

But one of the first to suffer was not the snickering bourgeois, but 33-year-old truck driver Reginald Denny. A crowd of rioters pulled him out of the cabin and beat him almost to death - he could neither walk nor speak. The police at this time were only circling over the scene of the incident, and broadcast everything in live on TV. They were given orders not to interfere.

On the morning of May 1, at the request of California Governor Pete Wilson, a special transport with guardsmen left for the city, but before their arrival, only 1,700 police officers had to deal with the riot. In the evening of the same day, President George H. W. Bush addressed the people, reassuring everyone and assuring that justice would prevail.

Only on the fourth day of the riots did reinforcements enter the city: about 10,000 guardsmen, 1,950 sheriffs and their deputies, 3,300 military and marines, 7,300 police officers and 1,000 FBI agents. Mass raids and arrests began, and 15 of the most active rebels were killed by law enforcement forces. The uprising was suppressed.

The US Department of Justice has launched a federal investigation into the beating of Rodney King. US federal authorities later brought civil rights charges against the police officers. The trial lasted a week, after which a verdict was reached, according to which all four police officers who participated in the beating of Rodney King were fired from the ranks of the Los Angeles police.

As a result of the six-day Los Angeles riot, according to official data alone, 55 people were killed, more than 2,000 were injured, more than 5,500 buildings were burned, and more than 5,500 buildings were damaged, amounting to a total loss of more than $1 billion. Insurance companies The damage was estimated to be the fifth-worst natural disaster in US history. The arrests made turned out to be the largest in the history of the state - more than 11 thousand people, of which 5 thousand African Americans and 5.5 thousand Latin Americans. Total There were close to a million people participating in the uprising.
Interestingly, Rodney King was awarded $3.8 million in compensation by the LAPD. Using part of these funds, he opened the Alta-Pazz Recording Company label, where he began recording rap. Subsequently, King did not settle down, and still had problems with American justice.

Armed with machine guns and grenade launchers, National Guard soldiers hold a line on Crenshaw blvd. in South Central L.A.
Los Angeles has undergone several days of rioting due to the acquittal of the LAPD officers who beat Rodney King.
Hundreds of businesses were burned to the ground and over 55 people have been killed. National Guardsmenpatrol near Martin Luther King Blvd. and Vermont Avenue as a mini-mart burns in Los Angeles on May 1, 1992.

Sources: ent=rnews&utm_medium=read_more&utm_sourc e=copylink

This is a copy of the article located at

To investigate the actions and operational activities of representatives Los Angeles Police Department during the arrest of Rodney King.

The court's decision and the riots in the city received a wide response in society and led to a retrial of the police officers, at which the main defendants were convicted.

The largest riots in the Los Angeles area before the events of 1992 were “ Watts Uprising" And " Riot in Detroit 1967.

Encyclopedic YouTube

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    ✪ Because of whom in 1992 there was a riot in the USA??!??!


Causes of riots

Several circumstances and facts from the early 90s can be cited as the causes of mass unrest. XX century. Among them:

  • extremely high unemployment rate in South Los Angeles caused by the economic crisis;
  • the public's strong belief that the LAPD is racially targeting and using excessive force when making arrests;
  • the beating of black Rodney King by white police;
  • particular irritation among the black population of Los Angeles over the sentence imposed on a Korean-American woman who shot and killed 15-year-old black girl Latasha Harlins in her own store on March 16, 1991 ( Latasha Harlins). Despite the fact that the jury considered Song Ya Du ( Soon Ja Du) guilty of premeditated murder, the judge handed down a lenient sentence - 5 years of probation.

Arrest of Rodney King

On March 3, 1991, after an 8-mile chase, a police patrol stopped Rodney King's car, in which, in addition to King, there were two more African Americans - Byrant Allen ( Byrant Allen) and Freddie Helms ( Freddie Helms). The first five police officers at the scene of the arrest were Stacy Kuhn ( Stacey Koon), Lawrence Powell ( Laurence Powell), Timothy Wind ( Timothy Wind), Theodore Briceno ( Theodore Briseno) and Rolando Solano ( Rolando Solano). Patrolman Tim Singer ( Tim Singer) ordered King and his two passengers to exit the vehicle and lie face down on the ground. The passengers obeyed the order and were arrested, but King remained in the car. When he finally left the salon, he began to behave rather eccentrically: he giggled, stomped his feet on the ground and pointed with his hand at the police helicopter circling over the place of detention. He then began to put his hand in his waistband, which led patrol officer Melanie Singer to believe that King was about to pull out a gun. Melanie Singer then pulled out her gun and pointed it at King, ordering him to get on the ground. King complied. Singer approached King, keeping her gun pointed at him, preparing to handcuff him. At that moment, Los Angeles Police Department Sergeant Stacy Kuhn ordered Melanie Singer to sheath her weapon because, according to regulations, police should not approach a person with a pistol unholstered. Sergeant Kuhn decided that Melanie Singer's actions posed a threat to the safety of King, Kuhn himself, and the rest of the police. Kuhn then ordered the other four officers - Powell, Wind, Briceno and Solano - to handcuff King. As soon as the police tried to do this, King began to actively resist - he jumped to his feet, throwing Powell and Briceno off his back. Next, King struck Briceno in the chest. Seeing this, Kun ordered all the police to move back. Officers later confirmed that King acted as if he was under the influence. phencyclidine- synthetic narcotic a drug developed as an anesthetic for veterinary medicine, however, the results of a toxicological examination showed that there was no phencyclidine in King’s blood (but alcohol and traces of marijuana were found). Sergeant Kuhn then used the stun gun. King groaned and immediately fell to the ground, but then rose to his feet again. Kuhn then used the Taser again, and King fell again and then began to rise again, lunging towards Powell, who hit him with a police baton, knocking King to the ground. At this time, a citizen began recording what was happening on a video camera. Argentina George Holliday, who lived near the intersection near which King was beaten (the recording begins from the moment King lunges at Powell). Holliday later released the video to the media.

Powell and three other officers took turns beating King with batons for about a minute and a half.

King was on parole at the time on a robbery charge and already had charges of assault, battery and robbery. Later in court, he explained his reluctance to comply with the demands of the patrol officers by fear of returning to prison.

In total, the police struck King 56 times with batons. He was hospitalized with a fractured facial bone, a broken leg, numerous hematomas and lacerations.

Police trial

The Los Angeles District Attorney charged four police officers with excessive force. The first judge in the case was replaced, and the second judge changed the location of the case and the composition of the jury, citing media statements that the jury needed to be disqualified. The city was chosen as the new location for consideration Simi Valley in neighboring Ventura County. The court was composed of residents of this district. The racial makeup of the jury was 10 white, 1 Hispanic and 1 Asian. The prosecutor was Terry White ( Terry White), African American.

« The jury's verdict will not hide from us what we saw on that videotape. The people who beat up Rodney King don't deserve to wear the Los Angeles Police Department uniform.»

Mass riots

Demonstrations over the police jury's acquittal quickly escalated into a riot. Systematic burning of buildings began - over 5,500 buildings burned down. Several government buildings were destroyed and a newspaper office was attacked. Los Angeles Times .

Flights from Los Angeles Airport were canceled as the city was shrouded in thick smoke.

African Americans were the first to start the riots, but they then spread to the Latin neighborhoods of Los Angeles in the south and central areas of the city. Large police forces were concentrated in the eastern part of the city, and therefore the uprising did not reach it. 400 people tried to storm the police headquarters. The riots in Los Angeles continued for another 2 days.

The next day, riots began in San Francisco. As Willie Brown, a prominent Democratic representative in the California State Legislature, told the San Francisco Examiner: “For the first time in American history, most of the demonstrations, and most of the violence and crime, especially looting, were multiracial in nature and involved everyone - black, white, Asian and Hispanic."

55 people were killed, 2000 were injured, 12 thousand were arrested.

The total damage from the riots is estimated at over $1 billion, but significant damage was also caused to the prestige of the United States. The US economy was touted as the most efficient and winning cold war. The tense internal situation and socio-economic crisis demonstrated by the riots significantly darkened the picture of external American well-being. As the newspaper wrote The New York Times , a week of violence and arson that involved blacks, Latinos and whites, demonstrated a growing sense of desperation.

Re-trial of police officers

After the end of the riots against the police officers who beat Rodney King, US federal authorities brought charges of civil rights violations. At the end of the trial, which lasted 7 days, at 7 am on Saturday April 17, 1993, a verdict was passed, according to which police officers Lawrence Powel ( Lawrence Powell) and Stacy Kuhn ( Stacey Koon) were found guilty. All four police officers involved in the beating of Rodney King were fired from the LAPD.

Consequences for Rodney King

At the end of all legal battles, Rodney King was paid a monetary compensation in the amount of $3.8 million from the Los Angeles Police Department.

In subsequent years, he also had problems with justice and was repeatedly prosecuted law enforcement agencies with various charges.

Mentions in popular culture

  • In the action-packed detective film "The Cursed Season" (English) Russian 2002 with participation Kurt Russell The action unfolds against the backdrop of tension in the period before the verdict, and the climax is closely connected with the events described above. The film contains scenes of pogroms and murders during the riots.
  • In film " Three Kings"There is a scene in which the video of the beating of Rodney King is shown.
  • At the end of the game Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, which takes place in 1992, in the city of Los Santos (the prototype of which is Los Angeles), a similar situation exists. IN story mission"Riot", which is one of the last, LSPD officers Frank Tenpenny and Eddie Pulaski (deceased at the time of the mission), accused of corruption, extortion, drug trafficking, protection and murder of law enforcement officers, are acquitted, after which mass riots begin in the city.
  • IN feature film « Airheads» rock musician Chaz Darvey ( Brendan Fraser) shouts the name of Rodney King and thereby gets the crowd going.
  • In film " American History X"in the dinner scene where the Jewish teacher is invited, main character, Derek Vinyard, comments on the incident that happened with Rodney King, giving the latter the most unflattering description.
  • Movie " Freedom Writers", set in 1994, begins with a documentary video of the events described above, namely the black riot.
  • The group's song " The Offspring"L.A.P.D." from the album "Ignition", is dedicated to police brutality in Los Angeles.
  • The Rodney King beating scene appears at the beginning of the film. "Malcolm X".
  • The Rodney King beating scene is featured in the film Straight Outta Compton. The film also dramatizes the events and riots that followed the acquittal of the 4 police officers who beat Rodney King.
  • In the story Oleg Divov"Crowbar Law for a Closed Circuit" revolves around Rodney King Day, the anniversary of King's assassination.

see also


  1. Kirill Novikov. Guardians of arbitrariness (undefined) . Kommersant(November 12, 2007). Retrieved November 16, 2017.
  2. Jim Crogan. The L.A. 53(English) . LA Weekly (24 April 2002). Retrieved November 16, 2017.
  3. Douglas O. Linder. The Trials of Los Angeles Police Officers" in Connection with the Beating of Rodney King(English) . Famous Trials. UMKC School of Law(2001). Retrieved November 16, 2017.
  4. David Whitman. The Untold Story of the LA Riot(English) . U.S. News & World Report(23 May 1993). Retrieved November 16, 2017.
  5. , p. 27.
  6. , p. 28.
  7. Lou Cannon. Prosecution Rests Case in Rodney King Beating Trial (English) // The Tech. - Cambridge, Mass.: , 1993. - March 16 (vol. 113, no. 14).
  8. , p. 31.
  9. Koon v. United States 518 U.S. 81 (1996)(English) . Cornell University Law School. Retrieved November 16, 2017.
  10. Douglas O. Linder. The Arrest Record of Rodney King(English) . Famous Trials. UMKC School of Law. Retrieved November 16, 2017.
  11. , p. 205.
  12. The Police Verdict; Los Angeles Policemen Acquitted in Taped Beating(English) . The New York Times(30 April 1992). Retrieved November 16, 2017.
  13. Max Anger "Battle of Los Angeles: Class and Race Protest"
  14. Chaos in Los Angeles: 10 years later (undefined) . BBC Russian Service(April 30, 2002). Retrieved November 16, 2017.

April 29 marked the 21st anniversary of the beginning of the Los Angeles uprising. It lasted 8 days. About 140 people were killed during the uprising. The city's Korean community managed to contain it, and then the FBI and the National Guard completed the job.

The Colored Rebellion was sparked by two events. The first - on April 29, 1992, a jury acquitted 3 policemen (another received only a symbolic penalty) accused of beating the black man Rodney King. Four police officers tried to detain King and two of his comrades on March 3, 1991. If his friends immediately obeyed the police’s demand, got out of the car and meekly lay on the ground, clasping their hands behind their heads, then King resisted. Later, he justified his behavior by saying that he was on parole (he was serving time for robbery), and was afraid that he would be put back behind bars. The police ended up beating him severely, breaking his nose and leg.

The second event - on the same days, the court actually acquitted Korean-American Sunn Ya Doo, who shot 15-year-old black woman Latasha Harlins in her own store during an attempt to rob it. The court gave Sunn Ya Du only 5 years probation.

It is worth adding that the jury that considered the Rodney King case consisted of 10 whites, 1 Latino and 1 Chinese.

All this together gave the blacks a reason to declare that “white America” is still racist.

The first hours of the protest were peaceful - their political activists, including several Baptist pastors, took to the streets with placards. But already in the evening, aggressively minded youth appeared on the streets. At night, houses and shops burned.

The epicenter of the uprising was the area of ​​South Central Los Angeles. Looking ahead, we will say that during the uprising about 5.5 thousand buildings were burned.

A day later, on the evening of April 30, the uprising began in the central neighborhoods of Los Angeles populated by Latinos. The city was on fire.

The first two days - April 29-30 - the police practically did not interfere with the riot. The maximum that the local police could do was to fence off the site of the uprising so that it would not spread to other neighborhoods where wealthy whites lived, as well as to the business part of the city. In fact, for two days, a third of Los Angeles was in the hands of insurgent people of color. Moreover, the rioters even tried to storm the Los Angeles police headquarters, but the law enforcement officers withstood the siege. The crowd also destroyed the editorial office of the famous Los Angeles Times newspaper, justifying it by saying that it was a “stronghold of lies.”

Wealthy residents fled in fear from both the captured neighborhoods and the surrounding areas. The first to repel the pogromists were the Koreans. They rallied into about 10-12 mobile groups, each of 10-15 people, and began to patrol the areas. The rest of the Koreans stood guard over their homes, shops and other buildings. In fact, it was the Koreans who then saved the city, preventing the uprising from spreading to other quarters.

Only by the evening of May 1, 9,900 National Guardsmen, 3,300 military and marines in armored cars, as well as 1,000 FBI agents and 1,000 border guards were pulled into Los Angeles. These security forces cleared the city until May 3. But in fact the uprising was suppressed only on May 6.

The security forces did not stand on ceremony. According to various sources, they killed from 50 to 143 people. There were no autopsies on most of the corpses, and it remained unclear who killed whom. Gunshot wounds about 1,100 people received it. Often, as witnesses later testified, security forces killed unarmed people so that others would be discouraged. In several cases, for example, they shot detainees who were searched by them and forced to their knees. But most often the security forces shot at the arms and legs of those caught - hence the big number non-fatally wounded.

The civilian police completed the job. The police helped security forces search for and detain people of color. Later, she took part in clearing the rubble, searching for corpses, providing assistance to victims and other volunteer work.

More than 11 thousand rioters were arrested. Of these, blacks made up 5,500 people, Latinos – 5,000 people, whites 600 people. There were no Asians at all. About 500 of those detained are still serving sentences in prison - they received sentences ranging from 25 years to life imprisonment.

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