The coincidence of zodiac signs in love and relationships. Compatibility of zodiac signs in love - accurate horoscope

The zodiac sign reflects the characteristics of the personality, its type and willpower. It influences the behavior of a person in building relationships, but does not play a decisive role. There is neither perfect compatibility in love, nor absolute incompatibility. People build alliances themselves, and the stars only indicate possible directions for the development of relations. If a couple knows how to compromise, then even the lowest compatibility of zodiac signs can be successful.

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      Western zodiac horoscope

      The compatibility of people in astrology depends not only on the signs of the zodiac, but also on the elements to which they belong. For example, it is important not only that one partner is Sagittarius and the other is Taurus, but also that the element of the first is Fire, and the second is Earth.

      Elemental compatibility can be seen in the table:

      • People who belong to the same element usually have high compatibility, but there are some exceptions. The signs of Fire (Sagittarius, Leo and Aries) are similar in many ways, and their desires for sex, love and passion are the same, but it is in such unions that the greatest number of betrayals, jealousy and violent scandals are observed. In addition, both partners want to be leaders, which makes it impossible to create strong and harmonious relationships.

        How to determine if a guy suits a girl - name compatibility in love and marriage


        Strong and purposeful Aries have difficulties in love relationships because of their stubbornness and selfishness. They need a partner who can appreciate their aspirations and completely refuse negative criticism against them. The best compatibility in love and relationships is with the signs of Fire and Air. These include:

        • Sagittarius.
        • Aries.
        • Twins.
        • Scales.
        • Aquarius.

        Unfavorable relationships develop with Cancers, although they can provide proper emotional support. Incompatible with Aries are Capricorns, who will never be able to understand the inner experiences and spiritual impulses of the fiery sign. On rare occasions, Aries are able to build strong and lasting relationships with Taurus and Virgo that will make them take things seriously and become more practical and resilient.

        In many ways, compatibility with Aries depends on the patience of partners. This zodiac sign is quite quick-tempered and childishly naive. He does not know how to admit his mistakes and accept someone else's opinion. A positive attitude to such behavior can be fire signs with similar characteristics, or Libra and Gemini.

        In a relationship with the signs of Water, Aries can be a "slave" of his love. He will lose his inner freedom and begin to depend on the person. Relationships between a man and a woman will develop rapidly and can leave severe emotional wounds. Nevertheless, Aries has every chance to find true love among Scorpions and Pisces.


        The problem of building an ideal relationship with Taurus lies in their exactingness towards a partner and jealousy. The best alliances are possible with the signs of Water (Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer) and Earth (Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo). The most vivid and memorable for a lifetime are relationships with representatives of their own zodiac sign and Scorpions. Such alliances require long and difficult work, but are distinguished by their strength.

        Taurus are ideally compatible with Cancer, as both are couch potatoes. They have a similar worldview and interests, which allows you to create a long and strong alliance. Pisces will be able to charm the representative of this sign with their calmness and ability to adapt to any situation. Favorable relationships are possible with Capricorn and Aries, but on the way to happiness, the couple will have to face loud scandals and emotional reconciliations.

        Taurus is completely incompatible with Gemini, who are too superficial and frivolous, as well as Aquarius. Taurus has a bad combination with Leo and Sagittarius. Conflicts of Taurus in relations with these signs will be pronounced and will negatively affect the psychological state.


        To create a family and love relationships, they are most suitable for air signs - Aquarius, Libra and Gemini and fire signs - Sagittarius, Leo and Aries. A strong intellectual connection develops between Libra and Gemini, which becomes the beginning of a strong friendship, which often develops into love. With representatives of their own sign, Gemini will be able to fully open up and plunge into a romantic atmosphere.

        They are connected with Aquarius by common life values ​​and worldview. However, in order to create a strong union, these signs should calm their desire for romance on the side. With fire signs - Leo, Aries and Sagittarius - impetuous and passionate relationships are possible, which will be full of emotions and inner experiences.

        The lowest date of birth compatibility for Gemini is with Capricorn, Scorpio and Taurus. With Cancer and Virgo, short-term alliances are possible that will not allow partners to develop. Unpromising relationships await Gemini with Pisces, which have only a negative impact on the air sign.


        In marriage and love relationships, Cancer is fully compatible with the signs of Water - Pisces, Cancers and Scorpios. Good compatibility of zodiac signs for months with Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo. Cancer needs a partner who can surround him with gentleness and romanticism. He will appreciate the desire to create a cozy family nest and will provide support. Completely incompatible with Libra and Aries.

        Cancers need a deep connection of mind, body and soul. For them, the feelings of a partner are important, not words. They value stable relationships and are not prone to cheating. Scorpios will be able to understand the representative of this zodiac sign. In their relationship there will be a strong emotional connection, allowing partners to develop and achieve their goals.

        In a relationship with Pisces, Cancer will indulge his pride and turn dreams into reality. Pisces will bring romance to Cancer's life and become caring partners. They perfectly feel the mood of each other and are distinguished by increased emotionality. Good relationships develop with Taurus, who have a similar worldview and need constancy.

        a lion

        The love horoscope is not always favorable. It is difficult for this sign to build strong and harmonious relationships because of their temperament. Such a bright and outrageous nature can be understood by signs ruled by the element of fire - Lions, Sagittarius and Aries, as well as the air triangle - Aquarius, Libra and Gemini.

        Relationships with Sagittarians start out bright and can last for a long time. They suit each other and have a lot in common, they need new emotions and vivid impressions. Emotionally, Leo is most suited to Aries. Together, these signs can achieve a common goal and achieve high results in work. Selfishness of partners and unwillingness to make concessions can lead to conflicts. Harmonious union is possible with Gemini. They have common interests, but Leo's jealousy can be the reason for breaking off relations.

        The least suitable for Leo are Capricorns, Taurus and Scorpios. Relationships with Capricorns can be stable, but they will not last long. Partners will not be able to compromise and will begin to "fight" for the leader's place. With Taurus, relationships will be filled with quarrels and misunderstandings due to the self-centeredness of the signs. With Scorpio, the romance will be bright and impetuous, but will leave a lot of negativity in the soul of both partners.


        Virgo has the best compatibility with the signs: Taurus, Capricorn, Cancer and Pisces. Relations with Cancer develop harmoniously from the very beginning. The guy and the girl of these signs have a common worldview and interests. They love order, share a love for stylish things, and attach great importance to family values. Cancer allows Virgo to become the leader of the relationship and will rely on her in everything.

        In a relationship with Capricorn, Virgo will feel like a fish in water. She is attracted by the frugality and discipline of her partner. This couple needs to ensure that the passion does not die out ahead of time. Alliances with Taurus are favorable, since Virgo knows how to quickly extinguish attacks of rage and aggression from an earth sign partner.

        Less favorable alliances for Virgos develop with Scorpio and Aquarius. Relationships between these signs are possible, but partners will need to do a lot of work on themselves. Virgo is completely incompatible in astrology with the signs: Aries, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Gemini. At best, a fleeting passion can flare up with these partners, which will not cause psychological trauma.


        They immediately attract members of the opposite sex, but relationships may not be built with all fans who are not indifferent to them. They need reliable support and a strong rear, which representatives of the following zodiac signs can provide:

        • Aquarius.
        • Twins.
        • Aries.
        • Scorpion.
        • Sagittarius.

        Aquarians are compatible with Libra on an intellectual level. They can get a fruitful creative tandem, where Libra will inspire Aquarius to new feats. They do not lose mutual interest for a long time and enjoy communicating with each other. Libra and Aquarius have the perfect compatibility for marriage.

        Libra and Gemini have every chance of a memorable and long-lasting romance. They love entertainment and are constantly on the lookout for new adventures. They are not interested in everyday problems, they prefer quick pleasures, rather than deep feelings. Despite the seeming frivolity in this pair, they understand each other perfectly and have every chance of creating a strong union.

        Romantic relationships await Libra with Sagittarius. This sign will bring diversity and brightness to the life of Libra. Despite their windiness and love, Libra will be able to tame a partner and create a successful union.

        Quite rapidly, Libra will develop relations with Scorpions. In a pair of these signs, conflict situations may arise due to the jealousy of Scorpio, but they will be solvable. This sign will contribute to the development of Libra and make them more responsible. Favorable relations with Libra are possible with Aries, but partners will have to compromise and learn how to solve everyday problems.


        Scorpios are difficult people who both attract and repel at the same time. Relations with them will be oversaturated with both positive and negative emotions. Scorpions can create a strong alliance with the following signs:

        • Fishes.
        • Taurus.
        • Virgo.
        • Capricorn.

        Favorably developing relations between Scorpio and Cancer. These signs find in each other what they need to see in their life partner. Cancers will be devoted to their partner and will not give a single reason for jealousy. Of all the signs of the zodiac, only Cancer is able to cope with the complex nature of Scorpio and tame him like a kitten.

        Capricorn attracts Scorpio with his diligence and determination, will bring an eternal holiday into his life. Under the influence of an emotional partner, Capricorn will be able to reveal his abilities and will put up with jealousy and outbursts of irritability of the second half. The couple has every chance of building a long and lasting relationship.

        Pisces and Scorpio are people who complement each other. In this union, Pisces will receive protection and support, and Scorpio will receive inspiration. They are able to understand each other perfectly, and there are practically no conflicts in their relationship. Problems can only arise if Scorpio wants to "remake" Pisces and starts putting pressure on them.


        Harmonious and strong relationships with Sagittarius are possible with the same fiery signs - Aries and Leo. They have similar energy characteristics and outlook on life. There will be conflicts in their relationship, as both signs strive to take the role of a leader, but mutual understanding in a couple is at a high level. Despite belonging to the element of Fire, the union between two Sagittarians is rarely positive.

        Compatible with air signs - Gemini, Aquarius and Libra. Sagittarius and Gemini have similar outlooks on life, love to travel and expand their horizons. They will be united by common interests and creative pursuits. The union of Libra with Sagittarius contributes to the spiritual and social growth of partners. Aquarius will share the partner's craving for innovation and help him flare up even more.

        Unfavorable relationships develop between Sagittarius and Taurus, Scorpio, Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn and Pisces. With Scorpions and Cancers, frequent conflicts with constant dissatisfaction with each other are possible. Taurus will quickly get bored with an active Sagittarius, although the beginning of a relationship is usually favorable. Sagittarius has practically nothing in common with Capricorn, and their life paths will quickly diverge.


        Capricorn people have good compatibility with Taurus and Virgo. Alliances with Pisces, Scorpions and Cancer can also be favorable. Couples consisting of Capricorn and Taurus are distinguished by their strength. These signs have a similarity of characters and outlook on life. They will help the partner open up and achieve their goals together.

        Pisces and Capricorn complement each other perfectly. Capricorns are a reliable support for dreamy partners who fascinate with their mystery. In a relationship with Pisces, Capricorn becomes more open to everything new. Quarrels rarely arise between these signs and there is a strong psychological connection.

        The most favorable relationship for Capricorns is observed with Virgos. The similarity of life values ​​and worldview reduces conflicts between partners to zero. They are ideally suited to each other emotionally and intellectually and have a high chance of creating a strong marriage. Signs that are not suitable for Capricorns for marriage and love are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.


        Despite their ease of communication, Aquarius is not easy to create relationships. He needs a partner who will harmoniously complement him. Suitable for Gemini, Libra, Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. In relations with Aquarius, partners respect each other's independence, which helps to avoid conflicts based on jealousy. Gemini is able to inspire Aquarius to new achievements.

        The ideal couple for love and marriage is Sagittarius and Aquarius. There will be no quarrels and conflicts in their relationship. These are two anemones who cannot live without each other and have every chance of a long-term union. A delightful romance awaits Aquarius with Libra. These unions are based on equality and harmony. Partners try to take the best from life, but they lack responsibility.

        Relationships with Virgo, Pisces and Scorpio are most often doomed to failure. In relations with Virgo, conflicts will arise due to the irresponsibility of the partner, and Aquarius will not be able to pay enough attention to Pisces. Scorpio does not suit Aquarius because of his possessiveness and jealousy.


        Cancers and Scorpios will be able to understand and appreciate all the richness of the inner world of Pisces. Union with Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo can be auspicious. The difficulties of building relationships with Pisces lie in the impracticality of this sign. They need a person who will take full responsibility and will solve everyday problems.

        The ideal partner for Pisces is Scorpio. In this union, the energy of the partners flows into each other and makes the partners feel as one. Pisces envelop Scorpio with calming serenity, which avoids scandals and conflicts in relationships. Pisces, in turn, receive protection and support.

        Pisces and Cancers are well suited to each other, and they are not bored of spending time together, but the problem of relationships lies in the secrecy of these signs. Over time, their emotional connection will become less strong, and they will prefer to hush up and hide pressing issues. Partners should be able to talk heart to heart and throw out the emotions that have accumulated in their souls.

        Relations with Taurus at the initial stage develop successfully. Taurus acts as a protector and reliable support for the dreamy Pisces, but over time he notices that his "ideal" is not fully adapted to solving everyday problems and does not know how to perform household duties. Virgo is the ideal partner for Pisces. They accept each other for who they are, and go towards their goals together.

        Chinese horoscope

        The Chinese horoscope by year of birth is popular both in the East and in the West. According to him, each year within the 12-year cycle passes under the symbol of a certain animal. Depending on the totem that belongs to a person, his behavior and fate are determined. The eastern year is counted according to the lunar calendar - a new month begins with a new moon.

        Compatibility of the signs of the zodiac of the Chinese horoscope can be seen in the table:



        In percents







        The ratio between other signs is in the range of 40-60%.

        The most successful unions:

        • Rat and Dragon.
        • Bull and snake.
        • Tiger and Horse.
        • Rabbit and Goat.
        • Dragon and Monkey.
        • Snake and Rooster.
        • Horse and Dog.
        • Goat and Pig.
        • Monkey and Rat.
        • Rooster and Bull.
        • Dog and Tiger.
        • Pig and Rabbit.

        Between these signs there is a coincidence of characters and complete harmony in relationships.

        Initially, the combination of the following signs is doomed to failure:

        • Pigs and Snakes.
        • Dogs and Dragon.
        • Rooster and Rabbit.
        • Monkey and Tiger.
        • Goat and Bull.
        • Horses and Rats.
        • Snakes and Pigs.
        • Dragon and Dog.

        Compatibility by date of birth

        Numerology calculates the compatibility of people through calculations. The initial data are the numbers of the date of birth. First you need to add up all the numbers in the date of birth and determine the numerological number. For example, the date 10.22.1991 is calculated as 2+2+1+0+1+9+9+1=25, after which you need to add the resulting numbers: 2+5=7.

        It is necessary to carry out calculations according to the numbers of the date of birth of the partner (10.10.1990 = 1+0+1+0+1+9+9+0=20=2+0=2). After the calculations, it is necessary to add up the obtained numbers of partners and determine the numerological number of the couple (7 + 2 = 9).

        Characteristics of future relationships by date of birth are presented in the table:

        Numerological number of the couple

        The nature of the relationship

        Strong relationships initially develop between partners, but difficulties cannot be avoided. The couple has conflicts and disputes over leadership. In order to save the union, one of the partners must concede

        Relationships are reminiscent of a mutually beneficial part-time job, where each partner is trying to pull the blanket over to his side. The union will not have vivid feelings and experiences, but it is strong enough

        Partners can have warm feelings for each other, but it will be difficult to avoid a break. In such a relationship there will be quarrels, betrayals, lies and betrayal.

        Peace and understanding reign between partners. They do not skimp on the manifestation of tenderness and love. The union has every chance of existing until old age

        Between partners there is a strong passion and unbridled feelings. Outwardly, it may seem that the relationship is built on love, but in reality one of the partners is an egoist and thinks only of himself

        A balanced relationship, where partners are united not only by mutual feelings, but also by friendly support. In this union, quarrels and conflicts are excluded, and all problems are solved together.

        There is a strong emotional connection in this union, and partners understand each other perfectly. They have every chance of developing a strong and lasting relationship if they do not start competing.

        People are strongly attracted to each other, but one of the partners manipulates the other. In this union, there may be loud scandals and quarrels that can undermine the strongest relationship.

Compatibility of zodiac signs in love and marriage

Zodiac signs compatibility in love and marriage will help to understand the relationship with a loved one, to determine the most important points of contact between the two partners in order to create a strong and harmonious relationship. Compatibility of the signs of the Zodiac contains a lot of important and interesting information about the interaction of two partners in various areas of life - love, marriage, everyday life, intimate life.

Quite often there are cases when the compatibility of the signs of the Zodiac is practically absent, but representatives of these signs of the Zodiac meet, get married, create a family and live a long and happy life in marriage, full of love and understanding. Does this mean that the horoscope that determines the compatibility of the signs of the Zodiac is unreliable? No, this means that people born under signs of the zodiac that are incompatible with each other have shown their best qualities, learned to love, give in, forgive and trust, and this is much more important than any information that a horoscope gives. In general, information about the relationship of two partners in love and marriage, which is contained in the compatibility horoscope of the signs of the Zodiac, should by no means be taken as a forecast of a life together in love, but only as advice, recommendations for representatives of each sign of the Zodiac, what traits of their character needs to be developed in order for relationships to develop harmoniously in love, marriage, life. In the same way, one should not fall into a state of euphoria when the horoscope of compatibility of zodiac signs in love and marriage speaks of one hundred percent compatibility of lovers. Even in the case when people are completely compatible according to the sign of the Zodiac, everyone has their own character traits, their own worldview, sometimes having nothing to do with the characteristics of the Solar sign. Compatibility of the signs of the Zodiac, compiled by the dates of birth of lovers, gives general information about their relationships in love and marriage, so such information should be taken only as a recommendation. The compatibility of the signs of the Zodiac, compiled taking into account the exact time and place of birth of both partners, provides more complete and accurate information about the relationship between two people in love and marriage. Sign compatibility will help you find out how representatives of different zodiac signs relate to each other, how they perceive themselves in these relationships, what feelings and emotions they experience in relation to each other.

Check your - compatibility of zodiac signs in love and marriage

Aries Compatibility → Taurus Compatibility →
Gemini Compatibility → Cancer Compatibility →
Leo compatibility → Virgo Compatibility →
Libra Compatibility → Scorpio compatibility →
Sagittarius Compatibility → Capricorn compatibility →
Aquarius Compatibility → Pisces compatibility →

However, do not forget that not a single horoscope of compatibility of the signs of the Zodiac will give an answer to the question of the right to existence of love relationships, since for strong, trusting and harmonious relationships, each of the partners must be able to love, interact with their soulmate, merging into a single whole. Creating a strong love union is not an easy job, and first of all, it is work on yourself, and the horoscope of compatibility in love and marriage will just help each of the partners to pay attention to their advantages and disadvantages, develop their best qualities in order to so that the joint life in marriage is full of love, harmony, trust and mutual understanding.

In all horoscopes, a mandatory item is a description of the compatibility of signs, but, unfortunately, most of them describe only special cases using examples of pairs of signs, losing sight of the general principles for all. Although these principles are very logical and at the same time simple. And their understanding will help you figure out once and for all who, with whom, and, most importantly, how compatible.

So, according to classical astrology, whose principles guide the calculation of In-contri compatibility in the corresponding section, the signs of the Zodiac are suitable for each other in love and family relationships, if they do not contradict 2 main rules:

  • signs belong to the same parity
  • signs are not the same

Accordingly, from the first paragraph it follows that the signs belong to the same element or different, but complementary. As you know, there are only 4 elements - they are Fire, Earth, Air and Water. That. within each element, the signs are compatible with each other and pairs are compatible, representing a positive combination of the elements Fire-Air and Earth-Water. As you can see, everything is simple.

2 groups of compatible characters

Let's take the signs with their elements in order and consider clearly:

We see that the signs of the elements of Fire and Air are odd, and the signs of Earth and Water are even. Consequently, the compatibility of the signs of each pair of elements, both among themselves and inside, is very natural: Air helps Fire flare up more strongly, and Water fills the Earth, making it fertile.

Compatible signs of Fire and Air:
Aries, Leo and Sagittarius - Gemini, Libra and Aquarius

Compatible Earth and Water Signs:
Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn - Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces

On the other hand, in combinations of signs of different parity - these are pairs of elements Water-Fire, Water-Air, Earth-Fire, Earth-Air - a positive union is not observed. Moreover, even from the nature of the elements it is clear that some of these pairs are opposing. Therefore, their compatibility in love and family is considered negative.

This is how the compatibility of the signs of the Zodiac works in general terms at the level of compatible / incompatible. But there are a number of other characteristic features that depend on the relative position of a pair of signs.

7 types of compatibility between signs

A more detailed description of compatibility in a pair can be found by the location of the signs relative to each other on the zodiac circle. Moreover, both clockwise and counterclockwise. Only depending on the direction of the account, the role of your sign in the pair will change. Let's analyze how it works, using the example of the first sign - Aries.

Location: +1 and -1 sign from your
Pair type: "Best friend and best enemy" - incompatibility
Examples: Aries (1) - Taurus (2), Aries (1) - Pisces (12)
Description: The most popular pair of characters among all the others. They quickly make friends, but the conflict of the elements interferes with a serious relationship. Frequent problems: envy, rivalry, difference of interests and goals in life.

Location: +2 and -2 signs from your
Pair type: "Big brother and little brother" - compatibility
Examples: Aries(1) - Gemini(3), Aries(1) - Aquarius(11)
Description: a pair of signs of positively combined elements. It is important for each partner to understand their roles. The "older brother" is usually superior to the "younger" in age, experience, or character.

Location: +3 and -3 characters from your
Pair type: "Patron and adviser" - incompatibility
Examples: Aries (1) - Cancer (4), Aries (1) - Capricorn (10)
Description: A pair of signs of elements in conflict, but able to find common ground if desired. Alas, only in business, but not in the family sphere. For them, it is better to choose a common business than a house.

Location: +4 and -4 signs from your
Pair type: «Child and parent | Student and teacher "- compatibility
Examples: Aries(1) - Leo(5), Aries(1) - Sagittarius(9)
Description: A beautiful pair of signs of the same element. The "parent" must show all his wisdom, care and patience - more depends on him here. It is enough for a “child” to be not too capricious and capricious.

Location: +5 and -5 signs from your
Pair type: "Boa constrictor and rabbit" - incompatibility
Examples: Aries (1) - Virgo (6), Aries (1) - Scorpio (8)
Description: A couple about whom romance novels are written. No happy ending. First, a storm of feelings and emotions. At the end - the boredom and fatigue of the "boa constrictor", the broken heart of the "rabbit". We advise you to avoid, especially if "rabbit" is your sign.

Location: +6 and -6 signs from your
Pair type: "Opposites attract" - compatibility
Examples: Aries(1) - Libra(7)
Description: like the poles of a magnet, these signs are so different, but their attraction is just as strong. This relationship is highly recommended only for experienced and wise partners. Young people make many mistakes in such a couple and are rarely able to reveal their full potential.

Location: same sign
Pair type: "Me and my mirror" - incompatibility
Examples: Aries(1) - Aries(1)
Description: A common pairing among young partners. There is nothing easier than to start a relationship with someone just like you. But then there is nothing more dull and annoying than to see your own shortcomings nearby.

Representatives of these signs are born adventurers, and this applies not so much to trips around the world as daily joint discoveries: for example, in bed. They like to do everything together as one well-coordinated team. While other couples get tired of constant communication and closeness 24/7, these two are never bored or tiring in each other's company. This important quality makes them not only excellent romantic partners, but also business partners. That rare case when people can build a joint family business in perfect harmony without harm to relationships and the common cause.

Taurus and Cancer

Taurus and Cancer have a very strong bond - physical and emotional. Both understand and accept all aspects (external and internal) of their soulmate, which helps them quickly resolve any conflicts and maintain passion in relationships for years. A very touching quality of this zodiac couple is sincere appreciation and gratitude to their partner for this union. They unconditionally support each other in all endeavors, which is an excellent foundation for a long happy marriage, and this is rare today.

Gemini and Aquarius

One of the craziest zodiac coincidences! It is with these signs that love at first sight most often happens, and they can get married just a couple of months (or weeks!) After they met. Gemini and Aquarius have a lot of creativity - they constantly share their most incredible ideas with each other, because they know that they can count on the support of a partner. "Let's cook frog legs for dinner tonight!" “Why not go hiking in the mountains tomorrow?” Their dreams are like pieces of an intricate puzzle, which gradually develops into a single idyllic picture. You should not write off the fact that representatives of these signs are very fond of feeling independent and can safely spend time with friends alone, which does not harm at all, but, on the contrary, only strengthens their union.

Cancer and Pisces

Cancer and Pisces have a real cosmic connection. Belonging to the cold water element gives these partners dreaminess, emotional perception of the world around them. Often, after the first meeting, they have the impression that they have known each other for a hundred years. They do not have to adapt to the habits and quirks of another person, because they are so similar to his own! They get along well together, because they do not overestimate or underestimate their partner, they know how to be sincerely proud of him, empathize and give in to something. Both signs have excellent intuition and feel each other's needs at the "sixth sense" level, which helps them easily form a strong bond that can last for decades. In the sexual sphere, a couple expects excellent compatibility - both have a love for erotic games, a desire to give a physiological act a high aesthetics, they are aimed at achieving mutual satisfaction.

Leo and Sagittarius

The basis of this long-term relationship is passion. Both signs know how to fully enjoy life and love someone who feels the world in a similar way. They know perfectly well what they want to get from life, help each other achieve any goal and dream. Sagittarius can become an incentive for Leo to move forward, inspire him to new achievements, and he himself, thanks to Leo and the breadth of his nature, will begin to look at the world positively. Being representatives of the fire element, both have a deep understanding of the needs of their partner. This is a very bright union. Next to this couple is always a lot of fun. Their love example inspires and intoxicates even the most callous and cynical people around. Increasing the chances of mutual happiness is the innocence of the representatives of both constellations and their willingness to generously forgive. It is not difficult for them to adapt in everyday life, they have similar tastes and principles, which gives them even more hope for a cloudless future together.

Virgo and Taurus

Two earthy (and very down to earth in their desires) astrological signs that just can't help but fall in love with each other, or at least not form close friendships. From the outside, it sometimes seems that this is love by mutual calculation or some kind of secret agreement - this union looks so practical, calm and collected. In fact, the sincerity of the deep feelings of Virgo and Taurus should not be doubted. And if, in addition, they correctly distribute the roles among themselves, then their love will only double. Taurus in such an alliance should prioritize and act as an ideological inspirer (in other pairs, he can get lost against the background of an active second half), and Virgo is talented in doing everything. This is the same love that is written about in books - and they lived happily ever after.

Libra and Gemini

The idyll between Gemini and Libra is an example of a strong intellectual connection. These air signs have always been distinguished by impressive mental work. According to them, the brain is the sexiest part of a partner's body, and mind games kindle desire better than muscle flexing. They are able to fall in love not with appearance or physique, but with a sense of humor and charisma. And this is also the perfect case when the relationship is based on strong friendship - both are sure that they can frankly tell the partner all their dreams, secrets and experiences. A high degree of trust is the hallmark of this faithful union.

Scorpio and Cancer

More often than not, two overly passionate partners cannot create the perfect couple. They either burn each other, or start to compete. However, if one of them is Scorpio and the other is Cancer, such a union can be perfect. They see the world through the prism of identical emotional perception. They have similar aspirations and interests. Attractive, sensitive, soft. Cancer is very impressed with the creativity in Scorpio, and Scorpio is fascinated by the depth of Cancer's soul from the very first minutes of communication. It is not necessary for them to entertain each other with conversations - it is quite comfortable for them to “keep silent next to each other”. This also suggests that it is not difficult for such partners to adapt to each other in everyday life. The basis for their feelings is the unity of souls, which is established between them once and for all.

Sagittarius and Aries

Explosive couple! And how could it be otherwise when it comes to Sagittarius and Aries, whose passion resembles a whole warehouse of dynamite. The irrepressible energy that is in full swing in them only strengthens this union and helps it flourish. They both appreciate the wild enthusiasm of their significant other and maintain an optimistic approach to life. Although it is generally accepted that opposites attract best of all, sometimes people who are incredibly similar to each other become as close as possible. This couple can go hand in hand through all the trials that life has prepared for them, and will certainly prove to everyone that there are no unsolvable problems if there is a reliable support next to you.

Capricorn and Taurus

There is such a powerful chemistry between these two signs that no other astrological couple has. They are united by reliability, patience, devotion, diligence and purposefulness. In bed, they are waiting for complete understanding - they feel the secret desires of a partner with one touch. At the same time, both cannot be called overly romantic people, but this does not mean that one of them suffers from a lack of surprises and tenderness. On top of that, Taurus and Capricorn have something that most of us dream of - this is endless adoration for each other. It seems to both that he became the owner of a unique treasure. This sincere admiration for the other half of those around is pretty unnerving, but at the same time, one cannot but admit how touching it is. It is about such a union that “soul mates” usually speak of.

Aquarius and Libra

Representatives of these zodiac signs show interest in each other from the first minutes of their acquaintance, after which a fleeting conversation can drag on for several hours - because they have so many common topics! The relationship of these air representatives is almost mystical, from the outside this union raises a lot of questions and doubts, their love is very difficult to understand and comprehend. But, in the end, who cares if these two know exactly what is going on in their heads and hearts and they care little about other people's opinions. In life, both of these signs strive to demonstrate their individuality and independence, but for the sake of a particular partner they are ready to make an exception and can sacrifice their own ideals for the sake of love, harmony and mutual understanding. And such a healthy compromise only strengthens their relationship.

Pisces and Scorpio

Another pair that is purely intuitively drawn to each other: it is difficult to convey these feelings in words, they can only be experienced. Remember the shots from the films in which the main character “grabs” Her from the crowd with his eyes and cannot look away? This situation in the life of Pisces and Scorpio is quite real. Even if they often disagree in their hobbies or passions, common values ​​​​and views on the family help them live a long happy life “side by side”. Sometimes they guess the train of thought of their partner so clearly that it seems as if this or that idea was born in their own head, they feel the situation in such detail. And they are not afraid to be too romantic and sentimental in relation to their companion.

Have you ever wondered how the characters of people are combined and what is needed to create a strong union? Astrology has its own view on this matter. With the help of a personal birth chart, which is compiled by a specialist for two different people, one can judge the psychological compatibility of partners.

Sometimes it happens that a quiet and calm person, being with another person for a long time, becomes quick-tempered and rude. There are plenty of other examples when individuals with pronounced destructive habits change 180 degrees, becoming complaisant and affectionate.

The compatibility of the horoscopes of a man and a woman is based on a number of conditions. First of all, the nature of the zodiac, the element to which the sign belongs is analyzed. The partner card is considered in the same way.

Analysis of maps of people of the same sex will also be quite informative. Have you ever wondered why we choose certain people as friends? For a true friendship that can last for many years, openness and selflessness are very important. It is safe to say that for many friends, most of the personal planets are in harmonious relationships with each other.

The compatibility horoscope of partners helps to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the union as a whole and each representative separately. When a specialist analyzes natal charts, it will become clear whether it is possible to combine these two characters. The card can shed light on the conflict between the parties, because when meeting people they tend to demonstrate exclusively positive traits of their nature. Astrology will help predict how harmonious the partnership will be.

Of course, one cannot write off the personal volitional qualities that a person develops throughout his life. For example, if a man’s map contains an indication of polygamy, but from childhood he was tuned to the inviolability of family ties, then he will not allow the destruction of the union even in his thoughts. Again, the natal chart can be corrected with the help of a potential partner's chart. There may be too strong ties between people that can overcome the negative manifestations of a separate nature.

Analysis of the signs of the horoscope for compatibility over the years is called synastry. It would be a mistake to assume that this method works well only in marriage unions. It's just that it's mostly used by couples. However, it is successfully used if you need to find out how compatible people are in friendship and business. With his help, you can better understand how the characters of close relatives are combined, why there is a problem of parents and children.

We all interact closely with each other, one person has a greater influence, the other less. When the personal planets of two people are weakly aspected, such a union will not last long, even if this thought initially looks absurd. Things are more complicated in synastry, where there is clearly a conflicting principle. Do not think that tense aspects are so harmful to partners.

If the compatibility forecast is full of contradictions, do not rush to put an end to the union. There is a certain type of people in whose natal charts there are a lot of tense aspects. As a rule, for a normal life they need to be more active. They are obliged to dump energy so that it does not stagnate. In case of inaction, these people will get more problems than benefits. If they met a partner with the same intense card, there will be a place for both passion and active pastime in their life together.

It should be understood that there are no ideally harmonious unions, otherwise such a life would resemble a swamp. There is no growth in such couples, and a person should always have an incentive for personal development.

Knowing the date and place of birth of the partners, as well as the exact time, you can get a joint horoscope. The compatibility of the signs of the zodiac is based on a detailed analysis of the elements of the map. The approximate time of birth can give an error or completely distort the results of the astrologer's work. Based on these data, the specialist will be able to give an opinion on the prospects of the union.

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