A way of organizing joint activities that are carried out. Organization of joint activities. Psychological properties of geometric shapes

Group interaction technologies include those based on various ways of organizing intra-group joint activities (work in small groups). Technologies of collective interaction are based on intragroup and intergroup joint activities, the leading characteristic of which is the achievement of a cooperative result of educational activity, which includes the contribution of each participant.

The development of modern learning technologies in the process of group and collective interaction of students is based on the approaches existing in domestic and foreign psychological and pedagogical science that consider the social interaction of students in learning as a new pedagogical practice that provides simultaneous effective solution of teaching, developing and educational tasks. Social interaction and learning is a direction in psychology that studies the processes and mechanisms of learning in connection with the nature and characteristics of the social situation as a situation of development, for which the very methods of interaction are determining.

Joint educational activities, carried out in the process of interaction of students with each other in small groups, in collective forms of work, play a decisive role in achieving the following goals:

development of students' thinking in the process of joint creative search and solution of educational problems;

creation of additional motivation for learning that arises in the process of personally significant cooperation, interpersonal relationships, accompanied by emotional experience and the emergence of a sense of community "we";

formation of interpersonal relations, readiness for cooperation, for understanding others;

mastering the ways of organizing joint activities; development of the student's self-awareness, his self-determination and self-realization in situations of interaction and vision of his "I" through the eyes of others;

formation of an active position of students, the formation of their subjectivity;

approximation of students' educational activities to the future professional, which is collaborative in nature;

modeling in the process of educational activity of industrial relations and the formation of the ability to resolve possible industrial conflicts;

creation of psychologically comfortable conditions in the learning process, providing greater ease of generating creative ideas, relieving stress that often arises in the process of interaction "teacher - student";

development of students' oral speech through a significant intensification of communication (as opposed to traditional education, in which the average student speaks during the day for no more than 7 - 8 minutes).

Experimental studies of the impact of joint activities on learning outcomes proved its high efficiency, therefore, in the 1970s and 1980s. searches in this area are concentrated on the development of specific forms and technologies for organizing the educational interaction of students. Various models of interactive learning have been developed in foreign and domestic pedagogy.

Analysis of existing models and technologies of group and collective interaction allows us to identify the main conditions for organizing training in joint activities:

positive interdependence of participants, i.e. focus on the joint achievement of results, students' understanding of the dependence of the success of each on the success of others;

interpersonal interaction, mutual assistance as a condition for the joint solution of educational problems;

joint development of norms, principles of group interaction and communication;

a clear definition of the goals of the group and each student, collective and individual responsibility;

joint assessment of the course and result of work in the process of group reflection;

a combination of group and individual performance evaluation, taking into account the personal contribution of each;

creation of organizational conditions (spatial arrangement of groups, providing dialogical interaction of participants; determination of the time frame for each stage of joint activities);

a special position of a teacher acting as a manager, coordinator of joint activities, as well as a facilitator

It is possible to classify all technologies of group and collective interaction according to the type of organization of joint activities based on the following principles.

1. The principle of individual contributions. The main goal of group and collective interaction of this type is to increase the effectiveness of learning by solving learning problems based on complementarity, mutual enrichment, summation, and cooperation of the results of each participant's work. On the basis of this principle, such technologies and methods as the technology of collective mutual learning (CSR), business games, the “creative group” method, work in groups of shifts, etc. are built.

2. Positional principle of organizing joint activities. Group interaction in this case is based on the identification and clash of different points of view, the positions of students, their views on the problem, the object of group work. Efficiency is ensured by considering various points of view and choosing the most correct or satisfying majority. The psychological mechanism of this type of interaction is a “constructive conflict”, in the process of resolving which not only an optimal way of solving a learning problem is developed, but also the ability to understand another person, respect other points of view, and look for ways to harmonize one’s positions is formed. Such technologies as discussion, position-role-playing game are based on this principle.

3. The principle of developing cooperation. The peculiarity of this type of joint activity lies in the focus of group work on research, the joint search for solutions to newly emerging and increasingly complex tasks generated by the very process of joint activity. The drivers of "developing cooperation" are the contradictions between the need to solve the emerging problems of social and professional practice and the lack of theoretical knowledge, as well as methods of social interaction that ensure their solution. In the process of joint awareness and problem posing, goal setting, planning, implementation and reflection of each stage of problem solving and transition to new ways of cooperation, students rebuild the structure of their relationships and activities from one qualitative level to another. As a result, the joint activity constructed in this way not only develops creative, systemic thinking, but also forms the ability for self-government and co-management, self-development and co-development of students, a new, professional attitude towards the object of assimilation arises. This type of technology includes the organizational-activity game (G.P. Shchedrovipkiy), the technology of developing cooperation (T.Akbashev) and collective mental activity (K.Ya. Vazina).

4. The principle of role-playing behavior is implemented in business games of an imitation, role-playing type, which ensure the organization of joint activities in the context of professional activities, in which students, acting in a certain role position, recreate a real or imaginary situation of production activity and learn to make decisions in a given situation. Role-playing behavior is also characteristic of discussions in the form of a playful positional confrontation, during which the assimilation and complex application of knowledge takes place. An example is games and discussions that imitate situations that are unusual for the future professional activities of students, but situations that are important from a social point of view (“Court”, “Debates”, “Press Conference”, etc.).

Ways of organization and collective interaction. Depending on the type of task being performed and the nature of the activity being organized, several ways of working can be distinguished that allow students to simultaneously ensure interaction in small and large groups (in a team).

1. Small groups receive the same task, perform it, present it orally or in writing (or enter the results in a common table), correlate with the results of the activities of other groups, complementing each other, correcting errors, evaluating the effectiveness of group work.

2. Groups receive different tasks. After completing the task, the groups present the results of the work for a general discussion.

3. Groups receive different, but working for a common result of the task. At the end of the work, the results are brought together, there is a group mutual learning.

4. Groups of shifts allow you to simultaneously implement the 1st and 3rd methods of organizing work, while ensuring the division of tasks not only between groups, but also between each student (see the methodology "Work in groups of shifts").

5. The work of groups on the principle of "turntables" allows each group to sequentially work through all the tasks, moving around the audience from one table to another. Each table presents a new task or part of a common task. Each table can be led by a "consultant" (one of the students).

6. The work of groups on the principle of "relay race": in the space of the audience, it is not the groups that move, but the task. Each group is given a task to work on. After a certain time, the task is transferred to another group in a circle, and this group receives a task from a group located in a circle before it, and continues to perform it. Thus, each group contributes to the solution of each learning task. Depending on the nature of the learning task (for example, a problematic task, a discussion question), each group can offer its own solution. At the end of the work, each group returns its original version of the task in a circle, the group summarizes the results of collective work on it and presents the final result for general discussion.

creative group method. This method can serve as a way to organize group work of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd types in the conditions of developing and solving creative educational problems. It is implemented in various forms depending on the nature of the educational task (“creative laboratory”, “creative design bureau”), it is used both for organizing work in a training session and in the process of self-preparation for a seminar, a practical lesson, and consists of four stages:

1. Organizational:

educational material (topic, problem) is divided into parts or different concepts, theories, approaches to its solution are distinguished;

creative groups are created on the principle of voluntariness: students unite on the basis of a free choice of the problem, concept, approach, theory, etc. that interests them;

criteria for the effective activity of the creative group are developed (completeness, depth of study of the problem; use of various sources of information; originality of the presentation; participation of everyone in the preparation and presentation of the results of the work in the classroom).

2. Preparatory:

individual study and study of the problem. This stage is carried out when organizing independent work of students at home. If the work of the "creative group" is organized in the classroom, the stage is skipped;

joint discussion of the issue, problem; development of a common project, its design, determination of the method of its presentation in the classroom; distribution of tasks to each member of the group, determination of the time frame for their implementation;

in the group, a “coordinator” is selected to organize the work; "Secretary", fixing its results; "speaker" presenting the results of the work for general discussion.

3. Presentation of the results of the work of the groups:

each group in turn presents a prepared obscene. Depending on the volume and complexity of the material, it may be presented by a "speaker" or by the group as a whole. The second option is preferable, which ensures the involvement of each student in the activity not only in the process of developing the problem, but also at the stage of its presentation;

the creative group is asked questions about the content of the problem under consideration, to clarify the approaches to its solution by this group.

4. Group reflection:

carried out in each creative group (the group analyzes its work, evaluates the effectiveness of joint activities based on previously set criteria, determines the contribution of other groups);

presentation by a representative of each group with the results of the analysis of joint activities;

summarizing the work of the teacher.

The "creative group" method allows coordinating the creative efforts of students, mastering professionally significant ways of interaction, and intensifying the creative activity of students; it can be used in the development of group educational projects and the organization of research activities of students.

Work in shift groups. This method is based on the principle of individual contributions. Its goal is to ensure mutual learning of students through the cooperation of the individual products of their learning activities. The algorithm of activity can be presented in the following form.

1. Preparatory stage: the educational material to be mastered is divided into separate blocks, parts (4 - 6 blocks). The method of presenting it to students varies depending on the volume, nature of this material: it can be presented in a textbook, in a separate book, article, on cards of different colors (with a different color signal). The time required for the implementation of each stage of joint activities is determined;

2. Individual work in the main group (G): the student group is divided into several microgroups. A core group is created in which mutual learning will take place. The educational material is distributed among students and its primary assimilation, individual study is organized.

3. Work in a temporary group (C D): students leave their group for a while and create a temporary one, uniting on the basis that they have cards with educational material of the same color and contain the same block of educational material. They discuss this material, work through and assimilate it, perform tasks for its application, jointly develop requirements for explaining this material to other students. At this stage, the teacher assists the group and monitors the quality of assimilation, the readiness of students to teach others.

4. Mutual education in the main groups: each student returns to his group and teaches its participants in turn, helps them complete the proposed tasks, summarizes and systematizes the studied material, writes down the main provisions, concepts, principles, methods of activity, etc.

The advantage of this method is the activation of the cognitive activity of students, the expansion of communication through the organization of joint activities in groups with different composition of participants, the possibility of mutual control and correction of the assimilation of educational material in the process of its joint study in a temporary group. At the same time, it is facilitated by the teacher to fulfill the roles of a facilitator and controller, which ensure a higher efficiency of students' educational activities.

business game

Learning in the game is the most important condition for the development of professional activity, provided by recreating in the learning situation the context of a specific situation of professional activity (A. Verbitsky). Ideas about the essence and specifics of the business game are rather vague. On the one hand, in a business game they see a kind of simulation modeling - a game construction, which is a “substitute” for real life or professional situations, and is associated with the performance of roles corresponding to these situations. On the other hand, a business game is considered as a way to intensify creative mental activity in the context of organizing group and collective interaction to develop a sequence of decisions in an artificially created situation that does not necessarily require role-playing behavior (organizational activity games - ODI and problem-based business games - PDI).

In the most general form, a business game (BI) is defined as a systematic way of modeling various managerial and production situations, with the aim of teaching individuals and groups to make decisions.

A role-playing business game can be considered as a way of reproducing role-playing functions and attitudes in educational activities for modeling the process of making production decisions, possible relationships that are characteristic of a particular professional activity.

Business games were first developed and applied as a way to solve production problems and a method of teaching students and production personnel in our country in the 1930s.

In 1957, they were introduced into the educational process of training managers in the United States. Currently, the business game is intensively used in vocational training as one of the most productive gaming technologies.

The significance of the business game in the professional training of specialists is determined by its versatility, complex nature, which provides the simultaneous solution of many tasks: DI creates conditions for deep and complete assimilation of educational material based on the systematic application of knowledge in the process of simultaneously solving educational and simulated professional problems; it allows you to synthesize knowledge from different disciplines and overcome their disunity in the mind of the student;

DI allows to intensify the educational activity of students, creates conditions for the development of their creative thinking in the process of analyzing production situations and searching for non-standard ways to solve them;

participation in CI stimulates the development of the student's personal potential, his self-realization and self-affirmation in creative situations of game interaction;

DI forms interest and emotional-valuable attitude to educational and professional activities;

DI provides the student with the experience of performing professional functions, as well as mastering the methodology for solving production problems;

the diagnostic function of DI is to identify the creative and professional abilities and value orientations of students, in their awareness of their potential;

the psychotherapeutic effect of DI is determined by its ability to create conditions for the emotional and psychological relief of students, the removal of psychological barriers, the impact of the emerging atmosphere on personal properties, mastering the methods of psychological protection in difficult professional situations, etc.

A specific feature of a business game, unlike other technologies of collective interaction, is its two-dimensional nature: on the one hand, the player performs real activities related to the solution of specific educational tasks, on the other hand, this activity is conditional, allowing you to abstract from the real situation with its responsibility , to be quite free, uninhibited, acting in a certain role and removing those psychological clamps that prevent them from showing their abilities and capabilities. It is this duality of the game that ensures its developmental nature and makes the game educational activity emotionally attractive for those participating in it.

At the same time, the two-dimensionality of the business game gives rise to some organizational problems. They are connected, first of all, with the possibility of "replaying", i.e., the frivolous attitude of students to the game educational activity, leading to the fact that its educational potential is not realized. The teacher's task is to find the right balance of educational and gaming activities that ensure the general and professional development of the specialist's personality. Therefore, the teacher needs to have a good idea not only of the didactic essence and possibilities of DI, but also methodically competently design and build it in accordance with certain principles.

The basic principles for the design and organization of DI are formulated by A. A. Verbitsky.

1. Principles of simulation modeling of specific conditions and game modeling of the content and forms of professional activity. In accordance with these principles, the teacher at the design stage of the game must create two models: a simulation model of a fragment of production activity (using engineering tools) and a game model of the professional activity of people involved in this fragment (using didactic tools). Underestimation and poor elaboration of the psychological and pedagogical component of the game educational activity often leads to the fact that the game is reduced to the usual training, which, according to A. A. Verbitsky, has a completely different didactic nature and is a kind of non-imitation modeling. It is unacceptable to use DI only for the assimilation of professional knowledge, which can be carried out using other teaching methods. The game, first of all, should be aimed at developing the personality of the future specialist, mastering his professional activities, developing professional thinking, carried out on the material of dynamically generated and resolved learning situations through joint efforts.

2. The principle of problematic content of simulation modeling and the process of its deployment in the game model. The essence of this principle is that DI is based on a system of learning tasks in the form of a description of specific production situations containing conflicting data, mutually exclusive alternatives, incomplete information, etc. During the game, students must analyze these situations, isolate the problem, translate it into their own tasks, develop methods and means of solving and make this decision, convince others of its correctness. The process of solving these problems is carried out on the basis of the active use and inclusion in DI of other teaching methods and technologies (discussion, brainstorming, etc.).

3. The principle of joint activity lies in the fact that CI unfolds as a process of making joint decisions in the conditions of role-playing interaction and requires psychological and pedagogical support for the joint activity of students at all its stages: joint planning; distribution of functions, roles; implementation; reflection of the results of activities; determination of organizational and psychological conditions of group interaction.

4. The principle of dialogical communication implies the involvement of each participant in joint activities, the provision of the right to express their point of view on all issues that arise in the game, which is achieved by providing each student with a certain role, providing for his active involvement in dialogue and polylogue, as well as the choice of situations allowing to discuss the emerging problem from different points of view.

5. The principle of two-dimensionality of game educational activity lies in the fact that the achievement of game goals should serve as a means of realizing the goals of education and upbringing, the development of the student's personality. Orientation of students mainly on game goals forms achievement motivation, focuses their attention not on the process, but on the result of work, awakens the desire to be the first at all costs and most often leads to “replaying”, distortion of the real situation of professional activity, inadequate behavior and inefficient problem solving. Students' awareness of the duality of goals and results of the game is ensured by including them in the joint goal-setting and analysis of its results according to two criteria: achievement of game goals (the nature and result of game interaction); achievement of pedagogical goals (assimilation of educational material, formation of professional and socially valuable qualities, development of the personal potential of a future specialist).

Types of business games. Classification of business games can be carried out for various reasons.

According to the target orientation, there are:

situational games - aimed at analyzing the proposed situations, overcoming the problems identified in them, resolving these situations and mastering the learners' ways of acting in these situations;

role-playing (positional) games - primarily solving the tasks of forming the communicative component of professional activity, determining the role position, forming stereotypes of professional behavior and its correction in communication with others;

complex games - combining the target orientation of the first and second;

organizational and activity games - aimed at teaching the players the principles of methodological work to solve various production problems: systemic methods for identifying and analyzing production problems, organizing mental activity that ensures their solution. According to some authors, these games are very complex and have practically no didactic component, therefore they are rarely used in the pedagogical process.

According to the degree of "closedness" or "openness", algorithmic or creative orientation, one can distinguish: simulation games, in which a rigid simulation of some standard real or imaginary situation is carried out with the fixing of certain roles, the purpose of which is to make a decision that meets professional requirements in this situation ( according to the type of tasks to be solved, they are situational and didactic);

innovative games are open-type games that have a complex organizational structure, providing for the possibility of self-development of their participants, the redistribution of their roles in the process of solving tasks (the roles are not strictly defined, but are chosen and developed by the participants themselves during the game). They are used to solve non-standard tasks and actions in problematic, difficult situations.

According to the presence or absence of conflict in the scenario, they distinguish:

games in conflict-free (cooperative) situations in which the principle of "individual contributions" is implemented. These games are characterized by partial or complete coincidence of interests of the players, joint development of various aspects of the problem (for example, the investigation of a crime in the roles of "investigator", "criminal investigation officer", "experts");

games with non-strict rivalry, based on competition, rivalry in the development of one problem, which makes the game sharper and ensures the creative activity of students in putting forward new ideas and approaches;

games with strict rivalry, based on the complete opposite of the gaming interests of rivals (for example, the business game "Court Session").

According to the degree of students' participation in the preparation of DI, there are: games with preliminary preparation of students, which form the ability to analyze and systematize the source material and design possible actions and situations. A variety of such games are games based on the inclusion of students in active research activities already at the stage of preparation (search for additional information, collection and analysis of production documents, consultation with practitioners, etc.);

business blitz games without prior preparation of students, allowing to create conditions for the development of the ability to improvise, the rapid application of knowledge, and the acquisition of experience in decision-making in extreme situations.

In terms of duration, CI can be short, taking up part of a lesson, or long, lasting an entire lesson or even several lessons.

According to the method of creating and resolving problem situations, they differ:

DI with an initially given problem situation, which can be resolved at the stage of group discussion and joint decision-making. Having outlined the solutions, having determined the role behavior of the participants, the students act out the situation, implementing the scenario prepared by them, illustrating the decision made. The most productive in this case is the first part of the game;

DI with problematic situations that arise during the game itself. The situation itself is not of a problematic nature and can be reproduced according to existing standards (depending on the position of the participants, their professional knowledge and experience, creative orientation) or built in such a way that problem situations arise during it, when the participants take conflicting positions in accordance with accepted them into roles. In such cases, the scenario is not completely described, but only outlines the main contours of the game and the possible positions of the participants, which are finally specified already in the game, in a situation of role-playing interaction. Thus, in the course of the game, role-playing problem situations arise that imitate the conflict relations of role-playing communication, based on an unknown method or condition of action, analysis of difficulties arising from an insufficient level of knowledge or previous experience. The share of improvisation is increasing, and the inability to fully implement the previously planned actions stimulates reflection, analytical activity of students in the course of the interaction process itself. This type of situational DI has the greatest diagnostic potential and creative potential; in situations of improvisation, value orientations and creative abilities of the individual are most clearly manifested, and the ability to make non-standard, creative decisions develops.

According to didactic purposes and scope, we can distinguish games used:

to create a problematic situation that provides motivation and goal-setting for students in the study of new material;

organization of student research work (for example, to develop ideas and main aspects of a course project);

ensuring the systematization and generalization of the studied educational material on the basis of its application in a specific production situation;

controls are DI aimed at checking the level of assimilation of educational material, establishing the degree of readiness of students for professional activities (“creative test”, “creative exam” in the form of a business game, during which students simulate situations of professional activity that require complex application and creative use acquired knowledge, skills and abilities.

Stages of organizing a business game (DI algorithm), The algorithm for preparing and conducting a business game is determined by its type and features of the simulated professional activity. In its most general form, the DI model may contain the following stages and steps.

Preparation of a business game. Stage 1, diagnosis of the main elements of DI:

1) choice of topic and diagnosis of the initial situation;

2) definition of goals and objectives, forecasting of expected results (game and pedagogical);

3) determination of the structure of DI;

4) diagnostics of the group's capabilities, playing qualities of future performers of role functions;

5) diagnosis of objective circumstances affecting the course of the game.

Stage 2, script preparation:

1) system analysis of initial information;

2) analysis of existing methods for solving the problems posed;

3) the choice of the most optimal methods, methods and its creative processing in relation to this DI;

4) preparation of the script.

Conducting a business game. Stage 1, familiarization of students with the initial information:

1) presentation by the teacher of the initial information, joint definition of the tasks of the game and learning tasks;

2) distribution of roles.

Stage 2, preparing students for the game:

1) analysis of the initial information;

2) study of special literature;

3) preparation for the performance of role functions.

Stage 3, playing the game:

4) performance by participants of role functions;

5) procedure management;

6) analysis of the results of the game by students;

7) summing up the results of the game by the teacher.

Joint discussion of its results, analysis of the gained experience acquires special significance in DI. According to D. I. Kavtaradze, the task of the teacher in the post-game discussion is to direct the output of the psychic energy accumulated among students to search for and discover the meanings of the game, to realize its value, to help them break into a new circle of understanding: changing their ideas about the problem, discovering something new in themselves .

So, the final assessment of the results of the game should be predominantly meaningful, semantic. The scoring system, which is sometimes used to assess the work of students, leads away from the purpose and meaning of the game as a means of creative development of students and solving other educational problems. At the same time, of course, when discussing the results of the game, students should be invited to note who made the greatest contribution to it, to what extent the actions of the players corresponded to the prescribed role.

D. Meadows proposes to single out six stages of post-game discussion:

1. establish the problems and phenomena that took place in the game;

2. determine and show the correspondence of the game to real life;

3. identify the reasons for the behavior of participants in the game;

4. to establish whether such patterns of behavior take place in real life;

5. suggest what needs to be changed in the game in order to achieve a better result;

6. suggest what needs to be changed in real life.

Position of the teacher in the business game. The leading role of the teacher is manifested in DI at the stages of its design and development, as well as when summing up and analyzing the results of the game. At the same time, it is important that the primary analysis of the results of the game and the reflection of their actions in the course of it should be carried out by the students themselves. At the stage of preparing students for the game, the teacher can act as a consultant, helping to find the necessary materials, suggesting possible options for action in certain roles. In some cases - with sufficiently good organizational skills and preparedness of the group, in order to teach students how to organize CI - the function of developing and preparing the game can also be transferred to students. In this case, summing up the results of the game should include an analysis of the effectiveness of the organizational activities of students.

During the game, the teacher can take three positions: be the leader of the game (game technician); act in one of the roles (playing position) or as an assistant and consultant (facilitator); observe and evaluate at the end of the actions of the participants (the position of the expert). Games based on the self-organization of students' activities have the greatest value, but the transition to this type of DI should be gradual.

The greatest efforts in the organization of DI fall on its preparatory stages. It is on how the work of students and the teacher at this stage is organized that its effectiveness and efficiency depend. As a rule, the preparation and conduct of the game require the use of a system of various methods, a set of means, various forms of work for students both in the classroom and outside it. An example of such an activity is a business game developed and conducted by the teacher of the discipline "Constitutional Law" of the Melekessky Agricultural College T.V. Kukharskaya (Dimitrovgrad, Ulyanovsk Region).

Business game "President Required". Game goals.

Children's activity Forms and methods of organizing joint activities
gaming Situation No. 1 Dialogue between the mother and the administrator of the salon "Charodeyka" Purpose: to consolidate the ability to distribute roles and play them to the end, to properly conduct a dialogue with adults. Situation No. 2 Ordering a gift - a birthday cake. Purpose: to consolidate the ability to distribute roles between children and culturally conduct a dialogue with peers. Situation No. 3 Ordering flowers for a birthday Purpose: strengthening the ability of children to assign roles, build sentences correctly, develop dialogical speech, expand vocabulary, and develop cultural communication skills. Situation No. 4 Ordering a taxi Purpose: to consolidate the skills of cultural communication on the phone, to develop dialogical speech, speech activity, the ability to correlate movements with words.
Communicative Situation No. 1 Dialogue between mother and the administrator of the salon "Charodeyka" - Hello! Good afternoon. Is this the manager of the Salon "Charodeyka"? - Yes, you called the salon "Enchantress". - Tell me, please, is there a master in children's hairstyles in your salon? - Yes. We have a very good master in children's hairstyles. - Please, write us down, please, for tomorrow, at 10 o'clock in the morning to this master for a haircut and styling. My surname…. - Okay, I signed you up. Come, we are waiting for you. Goodbye. - Thanks. All the best. Situation #2 Ordering flowers for a birthday. Dialogue between mom and flower shop administrator: - Hello! Hello. Is this the flower shop ordering desk? - Good afternoon. The administrator of the flower shop ordering desk listens to you attentively. - We want to order a bouquet of flowers from you for the birthday of a 5-year-old girl. What flowers would you recommend? - I think that white daisies, delicate violets, pale pink roses and bluebells are suitable for a 5-year-old girl. The bouquet should not be large. - Thanks for the advice. Make a bouquet of your choice. - For what date do you need a bouquet? - We need it for tomorrow by 10 o'clock in the morning. - Your order is accepted. Come tomorrow at 10 am. Goodbye. - Thanks for attention. All the best. Situation No. 3 Ordering a gift - a birthday cake. Dialogue between mother and the administrator of the confectionery store: - Hello! Hello. Is this the candy store ordering table? - Good afternoon. The administrator of the order desk is listening to you. We want to order a big birthday cake with whipped cream decorated with flowers for tomorrow. - Are you going to a birthday party for a child or an adult? - We are going to a birthday party for a 5-year-old girl. - We can offer you to decorate the cake with the plot of a fairy tale, cartoon. - Well, let it be the characters from the cartoon about Luntik. - Order is accepted. You can pick it up tomorrow at 11 am. Goodbye. - Thanks. Goodbye Situation #4 Taxi order. Dialogue between dad and taxi fleet manager: - Hello! Good evening. Is that a taxi fleet dispatcher? - Hello, the dispatcher is listening to you. - Please accept an order for tomorrow at 12 noon at the address (the child names his home address), our phone .... - Where are you going? - We will go to the address ... .. - The order is accepted. The taxi number will be called to you by phone before leaving. Happy to serve you. - Thanks! Goodbye. Goal for all situations: To consolidate children's ability to build sentences correctly, develop dialogic speech, expand vocabulary, develop cultural communication skills on the phone.

35. Develop a plan for managing a specific didactic game at the first stage in senior preschool age (game, age group of the student's choice).

Leadership plan for the didactic game "On Rights - Playing"

Game type: dominoes

Rules of the game: The child needs to take the train and attach trailers to it according to the color plate and explain the meaning of each picture on their own or with the help of an adult.

Didactic tasks: expansion of children's ideas about legal knowledge aimed at mastering the norms and values ​​​​accepted in society; educating children about the rights of the child; development of legal outlook and moral ideas.

Guidance stage

Preparatory- To acquaint children, in an interesting and entertaining way, with the basics of human rights, reflected in the "World Declaration of the Rights of the Child".

To develop the ability to analyze the actions and deeds of fairy-tale characters and people, to create situations for the development of skills to apply the acquired knowledge in real life.

Familiarization of children with the convention on the rights of the child;

Drawings of children about the rights of the child;

Reading works;

Conversation on the content of the poem;

Examining the illustrations with an explanation of each picture

Compilation of the album "Rights of the Child" -A. Barto "Loneliness"

Illustrations about the rights of the child

Album "Rights of the Child"

Convention on the Rights of the Child

educational- to teach children to put into practice knowledge about the rights of the child;

Learn to analyze information, compare;

Develop logical abilities, activate speech - Conversation before the game and explaining the meaning of each right;

Teacher's stories using illustrative material;

Conversation about the rules of the game;

Post-game conversation aimed at analyzing game activity

Thematic album "Rights of the Child";

Solo Play Stage- To develop the independence of children;

Create conditions for the implementation of knowledge about rights in gaming relationships with peers. - reading the work;

Reminder of the rules of the game;

Interview after the game. – The book “Rights of the Child” (author E. Shabelnik)

Tips for the game.

Creative- to enrich the information field of children on this topic;

Stimulate the desire of children to play the game in the future;

To form the ability of children to comply with the rules of the game. - predicting results;

Summing up - questions;


Develop a plan for directing early childhood directing (student choice exercise).

Group: II youngest.

Purpose of the lesson: playing the familiar fairy tale "Teremok" with children.


  • Educational:
    • to teach children to play a fairy tale in its holistic aesthetic form, without distorting the composition;
    • to teach children to be actors during the game;
    • improve the sound culture of speech by repeating sound combinations;
    • to teach children to create integral buildings based on game motivation from a set of building elements.
  • Educational:
    • develop coherent speech, sensory abilities (color, shape);
    • develop imagination, memory, voluntary hand movement.
  • Educational:
    • to teach children to love fairy tales and empathize with their heroes;
    • teach children not to be afraid to get in touch with adults.

Previous work:

  • Acquaintance with didactic games: "Who screams", "Who lives in the house."
  • Reading simple cumulative fairy tales: "Gingerbread Man", "Three Bears", "Teremok", "Fox, Hare and Rooster".
  • Learning nursery rhymes, Russian folk songs.
  • Riddles about animals.

Didactic material: screen, toys, playing field

Technical training aids: audio recording with Russian folk melodies.

Work plan:

I. Introduction. Didactic game "Name and tell who screams how" - 3 min.
II. Main part. Director's game - 10 min.
III. Final part. Construction of the tower - 4 min.


I. Introduction

Didactic game "Name the animals and tell me who screams how."

From behind the screen appears a toy - a mouse.

Educator: Guys, who do you see?
Children: Mouse.
Educator: How does a mouse squeak?
Children: Pi-pi-pi.
Educator: And here is the bunny. What colour is he?
Children: White.
Educator: The frog jumped up and croaked. How did she croak?
Children: Qua-qua-qua.
Educator: Well done. But then a cunning red fox appeared. What fox appeared?
Children: Sly and red.

Educator: Who else is screaming so loud?
Suggested responses from children: Probably a wolf.
Educator: And let's see who else came to visit us today.

Children look behind the screen and find a wolf and a bear.

Educator: So how did the wolf howl?
Children: Woo.
Educator: How does the bear growl?
Children: Rrr.
Educator: That's how many animals came to visit us. Let's play with them. I took the mouse, so I will be the "mouse". And who will you be?

Children determine their role according to the toy taken.







Deputy Head of UVR

Ovsyannikova Raisa Evgenievna


V. L. Sukhomlinsky

“Childhood, children's world is a special world. Children live by their ideas of good and evil, honor and dishonor, human dignity, they have their own criteria of beauty, they even have their own change of time: in childhood, a day seems like a year, and a year seems like eternity. Having access to the fabulous palace, whose name is Childhood, I have always found it necessary to become a child in some way. Only under this condition, the children will not look at you as a person who accidentally penetrated the gates of their fairy-tale world, as a watchman who does not care what is happening inside this world.

The activity of a preschool teacher is based on a constant study of the child's personality, his needs, feelings, character, beliefs, intelligence level, mental comfort, based on knowledge of the patterns (study and analysis of changes) of the child's psychological and pedagogical development. The main task of the teacher is to provide each child with optimal conditions for the realization of his abilities, taking into account individual characteristics. One of the most effective ways for the personal development of a child can be the organization of joint partner activities with children.

Joint activity is a way of interaction, which is carried out on the basis of social perception (cognitive process that forms a subjective picture of the world)and through communication. The result of joint activity is certain relationships, which, being the internal personal basis of interaction, depend on the relationship of people, on the position of the interacting. If the interaction is carried out in conditions of openness of both sides, when no one's freedom is infringed, it serves as a manifestation of true relations.

Joint activity of an adult and children is the main model for organizing the educational process of preschool children; the activity of two or more participants in the educational process (adults and pupils) to solve educational problems in the same space and at the same time. It is distinguished by the presence of a partner (equal) position of an adult and a partner form of organization (the possibility of free placement, movement and communication of children in the process of educational activities). It assumes individual, subgroup and frontal forms of organization of work with pupils.

The concept of "joint activity" is revealed by researchers in different ways, but always in conjunction with the problem of personal development. In the process of emerging interaction, there is an information and activity exchange, mutual influence on each other, which leads to certain changes in each of the participants.

The nature of joint activity is determined not only by the presence of joint actions, but also by the external manifestation of the activity of children. It is important that interaction in the course of joint activities organized according to the type of cooperation does not exclude, but, on the contrary, assumes the leading role of an adult. An adult creates conditions for the personal development of preschoolers, their manifestation of independence, elementary creative activity, and the acquisition of cooperation experience. The main function of an adult is not the transmission of information, but the organization of joint activities for its development, solving various problems.

Joint activities are divided into:

Directly educational activities implemented in the course of joint activities of an adult and children;

Joint activities of an adult and children, carried out during regime moments and aimed at solving educational problems.

Modern researchers offer various ways of organizing joint activities in practice in the system of relations between adults and children.

cooperative activity

in the system of relations

teacher educator

teacher child

child child

teacher parent

teacher child parent

child parent

cooperative activity

in the system of relations

teacher educator

educator educator

educator specialist


educator specialist

Relationships with colleagues are based on the recognition of professionalism, interest and joint activities to achieve the best results, correct communication, respect for someone else's point of view. For a favorable climate in the team, the administration is trying to provide teachers with conditions for professional growth, meet the professional needs of teachers, and develop joint solutions. Joint activity in the system of relations "teacher - teacher" is a joint pedagogical search, exchange of experience, cooperation, which is carried out through pedagogical councils, master classes, open events, consultations, business games, etc.

The most important thing in joint activities in the system of relations educator - educator is the planning of the educational process. Only in interaction can a plan of educational activity and directly educational activity be drawn up, in which all conditions for the personal development of preschoolers will be taken into account. The joint activities of the teacher and children are planned taking into account the integration of educational areas in the process of organizing GCD and the process of educational activities during regime moments.

Joint activity in the system of relations educator - specialist for the success of raising and teaching children, a unified approach is important, which is carried out, among other things, through the "Notebooks for the interaction of specialists and educators". In groups of a combined orientation, a “correctional hour” is prescribed in the daily routine, where educators plan and carry out individual correctional work according to the recommendations of a specialist.

Joint activity in the system of relations methodologist - educator - specialist: work is underway through pedagogical councils, planning meetings, meetings, consultations, discussions, seminars, etc. The methodologist is in constant interaction with the teaching staff.

cooperative activity

in the system of relations

teacher child

“... The greatest, most important and most useful rule in all education is that you don’t need to win time, you need to spend it. Nature wants children to be children before they become adults. If we want to break this order, we will produce early-ripening fruits that will not have any ripeness or taste and will not slow down to spoil: we will have young doctors and old children. Children have their own way of seeing, thinking and feeling. Love childhood, encourage its games, its amusements, its cute instinct. Which of you has not sometimes regretted this age, when laughter is always on the lips, and peace is always in the soul? Let childhood mature in children.” Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Each teacher of a preschool institution must consciously, responsibly and respectfully treat this unique period. To help children in every possible way to realize their abilities, to awaken noble feelings and experiences, to form positive ties between peers, between parents and children, to provide support to children and families in need of it.To create optimal conditions for the comprehensive development of the child: intellectual, emotional, physical, social.

The joint activity of the teacher and children is carried out in direct educational activities and in educational activities during regime moments.

cooperative activity

in the system of relations

child child

Joint activities in the system of child-child relations are carried out in the independent activities of children (various types of games, joint creativity, joint solution of various problems, etc.), in direct educational activities and in educational activities in microgroups (pairs), subgroups, groups.

When teaching the skills of joint activities in a team (in microgroups, subgroups), attention is paid to the success of the entire group, which is achieved through the independent work of individual group members in the process of studying the problem. The goal here is to develop the ability to learn something together, when everyone receives the necessary knowledge, develops new skills and the whole group at the same time knows the achievements of each of its members. At the same time, the success of the entire team depends on the achievements of individual participants, thus forming the interest of everyone in knowing the rest.

cooperative activity

in the system of relations

teacher parent

“...Children should become people with a clear mind, a noble heart, golden hands and lofty feelings. The child is a mirror of the family, as the sun is reflected in a drop of water, so the moral purity of the father and mother is reflected in children. The task of the school and parents is to give every child happiness. Happiness is multifaceted... Only together with parents, by common efforts, teachers can give children great human happiness,” this statement by V. A. Sukhomlinsky fully confirms the defining role of the family and the success of the joint activities of parents and teachers.

The main point in the context of "family - preschool" is the personal interaction of the teacher and parents about the difficulties and joys, successes and failures, doubts and reflections in the process of raising a particular child in a given family.

Joint activity in the system of relations between a teacher and a parent is based on establishing positive contacts with the family through:

Respect for confidentiality and tact when discussing the identity of the child;

Discussion of joint actions in order to optimize the process of education and upbringing (parent meetings, assistance in registration and equipment (on a voluntary basis), both material and physical);

Provision of information and pedagogical materials (stands for parents);

Combining the efforts of the teacher and parent in joint activities for the upbringing and development of the child.

cooperative activity

in the system of relations

teacher child parent

Joint activities in the system of relations teacher - child - parent can be carried out through:

Involvement of parents in the pedagogical process;

Expansion of the sphere of participation of parents in the organization of the life of an educational institution;

Stay of parents in the classroom at a time convenient for them (physical education), participation in kindergarten activities (“Creative workshop”, “Together fun”, “Daughters - mothers”, “Inseparable friends”, “Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day”, “March 8 " etc.);

Creation of conditions for creative self-realization of teachers, parents, children;

The manifestation of understanding, tolerance and tact in the upbringing and education of the child, the desire to take into account his interests, without ignoring feelings and emotions;

Respectful relationship between family and educational institution.

cooperative activity

in the system of relations

child parent

Recently, a special place in the education system belongs to the joint activity of children and parents, which acts as a means of motivating the development of the individual to knowledge and creativity through a wide variety of activities. But modern parents look constrained and serious, they don’t know how to play, fantasize with their child, play pranks and have fun, being afraid to break the “rules of adult behavior”.

For some reason, modern parents forget that they are the very first, most important educators and leave the upbringing, education and development of their children at the mercy of educational institutions. Parents have little interest in the success of their children. It is very difficult to attract and interest them, but this is the most important task. It is sometimes so difficult to explain to parents that the child must not only be fed, clothed, put to bed, but also communicate with him, teach him to think, think, empathize. And how great it is to do everything together - play, walk, talk on different topics, share secrets, invent different stories, do crafts. This should be conveyed to the parents of our students.

Yes, parents are now all literate people, with higher education, but they do not know how to build relationships with children. For a long time, psychologists and educators have unanimously argued that the joint creativity of children and parents forms a good trusting relationship between them, has a positive impact on the development of the child and teaches him to cooperate. Therefore, we try to involve parents in joint creativity with their children. And such exhibitions of joint creative works have already been organized: “I live in Elektrogorsk”, “Russian Air Force”, “Our Temple”, “Space”.

From all of the above, it follows that the kindergarten should become an open educational system, i.e. on the one hand, to make the pedagogical process more free, flexible, differentiated, humane on the part of the teaching staff, and on the other hand, to involve parents in the educational process of a preschool institution.

"Openness of the kindergarten inside" -This is the involvement of parents in the educational process of kindergarten. Parents, family members can significantly diversify the lives of children in a preschool institution, contribute to educational work (attendance at the GCD, participation in the GCD, participation in sports entertainment, competitions, participation in large events, material assistance, etc.).

"Kindergarten's openness to the outside"means that the kindergarten is open to the influences of society, ready to cooperate with social institutions: general education schools (excursions, distance learning); music school (field concerts in our garden); other preschool institutions (joint events: "Checkers Tournament" in the kindergarten "Romashka"; events on the theme "Space" in the kindergarten "Nest"; event on the New Year theme in the kindergarten "Nest"); library (there are ideas on this subject), etc.

Thus, the organization of the educational process in the form of a joint partner activity of an adult with children is the best means of solving urgent problems associated with the education of modern preschoolers, since it is the cooperation of an adult with children that contributes to their personal development, and also fully meets modern requirements for organizing the educational process.







II junior group


Alonova Lyubov Dmitrievna

g.o. Elektrogorsk, 2013

- "Artistic and aesthetic development."


Formation of skills of joint activity in the process of collective modeling.



- familiarization with non-traditional technique - plasticineography;

Continuation of learning how to work in the technique of plasticineography: smear plasticine with your finger


- development of the ability to work in a team;

Development of skills and abilities in working with plasticine.


Raising a sense of collectivism;

Raising a sense of joy from the result of collective creative activity.

Integration of educational areas.

- "Artistic Creativity""Cognition", "Socialization", "Communication", « Reading fiction”, “Health”.


Communicative, productive, labor, perception of fiction, playful.

Expected Result:

Making a picture from plasticine "sun";

Acquiring the skill of joint activities with adults;

Obtaining positive emotions from joint activities with adults and from communication.

Equipment and materials:

Plasticine, picture - the sun, prepared background, small mirrors.

Preliminary work:

- conversation about Spring and its signs;

Reading the work of K. Chukovsky “The Stolen Sun;

Learning nursery rhymes about spring, about the sun;

Didactic games "What does the sun look like"; "Lay out the sun from the sticks";

Playing with sunbeams, finger games.

Vocabulary work:

loose snow, shine, show yourself, dress up, red sun, clear sun.

GCD progress

The teacher invites children and adults to stand in a circle.


Children, tell me, please, what season has already begun?

Children's answers.


Children, but I want to know from adults, by what signs do we recognize spring? You can help them too.

Answers from adults and children.


All of you are right. Tell me, but still, what is the brightest, warmest sign of the arrival of spring?

Answers from children and adults.


Of course - the sun! What shape is the sun?

Children's answers.


See how we stand?

Children's answers?


Yes, we got up like the sun.

Where does the sun live? Children's answers.

If on this day the sun is outside, then the teacher pays attention to this.


And when does the sun rise? When does he go to bed? Children's answers.


Children, let's find out from adults, who needs the sun? But you can help them too.

Answers from adults and children.


Guys, the sun was shining in our group too. But look what happened to him? (The sun is covered by clouds). Children's answers.


Let's try to call the sun.

Children together with the teacher say a nursery rhyme.

Sunshine, sunshine

Look out, shine!

The sun is red

Dress up, show up!

The sun is clear

Don't hide behind a cloud

I'll give you a bunch of nuts!

The sun doesn't come out.


The sun doesn't come out. Kind of sad, right? Let's not lose heart, but make the sun with our own hands using plasticine.

Children and adults sit at the tables. Subgroups are organized according to the number of adults. Each group has one adult. For each subgroup, a background for collective modeling has been prepared.


Children look at the sunshow pictures - sun) and tell me what it consists of? Children's answers.


Adults will sculpt the circle - first you need to roll out the ball, flatten it and stick it in the middle of the picture, and then smear it to the desired size. And the children will sculpt rays - roll out logs, apply them around the circle and lubricate them. There are bags on every table. If you stick your hand into the bags, you will get out of it something from which you can make eyes, mouth, nose for the sun.

Let's first prepare our fingers, do exercises for them.

Fizminutka - finger gymnastics "Sun".

The red morning has come

The sun rose bright.

The rays began to shine

To entertain small children.

Fingers unbend one by one.

The clouds have arrived

The rays are hidden.

Fingers are hidden in a fist.


And now let's get down to business.

Joint creative activity of adults and children. The educator only observes, if necessary helps, prompts.


I see that everyone has already blinded the sun. Come out with the suns in a circle. Look how beautiful, cheerful, warm all the suns are.

Adults hold the suns in their hands, and children walk and look at them.


Let's play!

Look, the sun is above usdraw a semicircle above the head),

Over the trees hands up, fingers open),

houses ( hands folded over head),

And over the sea, over the wave (draw a wave with your hand),

And a little above metouch your head with your hands).


Come closer to your sun. And now, together with adults, decide for whom you put the sun, who needs it?

Each subgroup chooses a place where they put their sun. About where to put adults are warned in advance. Places are prepared in advance: a corner of nature, animals (toys). While adults and children arrange their suns, the teacher at this time removes the clouds from the sun.


Look at our sun. What happened?

Children's answers.

If there is sun on the street that day, the teacher invites adults to take small mirrors and have fun with the children with sunbeams.

And if there is no sun outside, then the lesson ends differently.


Now our sun has many friends and he probably no longer wants to hide behind the clouds. And we, guys, will now say goodbye to the guests, and then we will go and find out how our suns live in a new place.





based on the fairy tale by V. Suteev “Under the mushroom”

educational area "Socialization"

middle group


Pavlova Tatyana Gennadievna

Maslennikova Natalya Andreevna

g.o. Elektrogorsk, 2013

Educational direction of NOD:

- "Social and personal development"


Formation of skills of joint activity in the process of a theatrical game.



To teach to convey the characteristic features of the behavior of characters with the help of facial expressions, intonation, gestures;

Continuing teaching children the means of expressive speech.


Development and maintenance of children's interest in a theatrical game by mastering game skills;

Formation of the ability to feel and understand the emotional state of the hero, to engage in role-playing interactions with other characters.


The development in children of the idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba sense of friendship, mutual assistance.

Integration of educational areas:

- "Socialization", "Reading fiction", "Music", "Communication", "Health", "Cognition".


Communicative, motor, game, perception of fiction.

Expected Result:

The ability of children to act out performances based on fairy tales, an emotional response from communicating with a fairy tale;

Acquisition of the skill of joint activities with educators and peers.

Equipment and material:

Mushroom (assistant teacher), animal masks, tape recorder.

Preliminary work:

Reading a fairy tale and a conversation based on the fairy tale by V. Suteev “Under the Mushroom”; viewing illustrations for a fairy tale; reading an excerpt from N. Nosov's fairy tale "Dunno on the Moon"; paper construction "Rocket"; examining illustrations with animals and insects, with mushrooms, with the moon and with accompanying conversations; application "Moon in the sky"; memorization of the text of a fairy tale.

Vocabulary work:

Make room, wait, “in cramped conditions, but not offended”, “water flows from me like a stream”, Dunno, moon, rocket.

GCD progress.

Leading. Guys, today we will go on a journey through a fairy tale. This fairy tale is magical. In it, animals and birds can talk to each other. What fairy tales do you know?

Children's answers.

Leading. Well done, children, you know a lot of fairy tales. And there is another fairy tale that we recently read (in case the children don't name this tale). Remember what it's called?

Children's answers.

Leading. Right! This is a fairy tale "Dunno on the moon"!

There is a noise, a roar.

Leading. I wonder what that noise is? I'll go and see.

The teacher goes to the door and opens it. Immediately, Dunno enters the door.

Dunno. Hello guys! You recognized me?

Children's answers.

Dunno. Guys, I flew to you from the moon. But something very noisy landed. Anyway. Do you know where the moon is?

Children's answers.


What can take you to the moon?

Children's answers.

Dunno. Guys, I flew to you to make friends with you.

Leading. Dunno, we are going with the guys on a journey through a fairy tale. We invite you to come with us.

Dunno. I will be very interested in traveling with you.

The leader, together with Dunno and the children, goes to a fairy-tale meadow. Music sounds (voices of birds).

Leading. We have come to a fairy tale, but before it begins, you must guess its heroes.

Dunno. I don't know how to solve riddles. Will you teach me?

Children's answers.

The leader makes riddles.

1. He drags a straw

To the little house.

He is stronger than all insects

Our hard worker ... ( Ant).

2. Above the flower flutters, dances,

Waving a patterned fan. ( Butterfly )

3. Hidden under the floor,

Afraid of cats. (Mouse )

4. Chick, Chirik! Jump to the grains.

Peck, don't be shy.

Who is this? (Sparrow ).

5. Long ears, fast paws.

Grey, not a mouse.

Who is it? ( Bunny).

6. The red cheat hid under the Christmas tree.

The sly one is waiting for the hare.

What is her name? (A fox )

Leading. Guys, what fairy tale are these characters from?

Children's answers.

Dunno. Guys, what good fellows you are. But I don’t know this fairy tale “Under the Mushroom”. Will you tell me?

Children's answers.

Leading. We will be happy to tell you and show you. Guys, let's choose the roles together. Who do you think will be able to play the ant……

The teacher, together with the children, chooses children for roles, puts on a mask for each hero.

The sound of rain sounds.

Leading. Somehow the Ant caught a heavy rain.

An ant runs out.

Ant. Where to hide?

Leading. Ant saw a mushroom in a clearing, ran up to him and hid under his hat. Sitting under a mushroom - waiting for the rain. And the rain keeps getting stronger and stronger.

Leading. A wet butterfly crawls towards the mushroom.

Butterfly. Ant, Ant, let me get under the fungus! I got wet - I can't fly!

Ant. Where will I take you? I somehow fit in here.

Butterfly. Nothing! In crowded but not mad.

Leading. The Ant let the Butterfly under the fungus.

And the rain is getting worse...

The mouse runs past:

Mouse. Let me go under the fungus! Water flows from me.

Butterfly. Where are we going to take you? There is no place here.

Mouse. Move a little!

Leading. They made room - they let the Mouse under the fungus.

And the rain keeps pouring and doesn't stop...

Sparrow jumps past the mushroom.

Sparrow. Wet feathers, tired wings!

Let me dry under the fungus, relax, wait out the rain!

Mouse. There is no place here.

Sparrow. Move over please!

Mouse. OK.

Leading. Moved - Sparrow found a place. And then the Hare jumped out into the clearing, saw a mushroom.

Hare. Hide, save! Lisa is chasing me!

Ant. Sorry Bunny. Let's push some more.

Leading. They just hid the hare - the fox came running.

A fox. Have you seen a rabbit?

Everything. Did not see.

Leading. Lisa came closer, sniffed:

A fox. Isn't that where he hid?

Everything. Where can he hide?

Leading. The fox waved its tail and left.

By that time the rain had passed and the sun was out. Everyone got out from under the mushroom - they rejoice.

All animals come out from under the mushroom.

Ant. Oh, look how big the mushroom has become.

Leading. Everyone looked at the mushroom and then guessed why at first it was crowded under the mushroom for one, and then there was a place for five.

Did you guess?

Children's answers.

Leading. Dunno, did you guess?

Dunno. Yes, it was raining heavily, the mushroom grew, became large, and there was enough space for all the animals under it.

Dunno. Guys, what heroes of the fairy tale do you remember?

Children's answers.

Leading. Children, who do you like the most?

Children's answers.

Leading. Dunno, who do you like the most?

Dunno. I liked the ant the most. He is so small, defenseless, he felt sorry for everyone.

Leading. Here our fairy tale comes to an end. Dunno, what are you sad about?

Dunno. I had so much fun and I don't want to leave you. And it looks like it's starting to rain again.

Leading. Guys, how can we cheer Dunno? And let's play!

Physical education "Rain"

The evil cloud got angry (shaking head from side to side, shaking one's finger).

And a light rain fellslow rhythmic tapping of the finger on the palms).

Drop - one, drop - two, very slowly at first (slow circle run).

And then, and then everything run, run, run fast running around).

Rain, rain, we need to go home walking in place).

Thunder, thunder like cannonsknock fist on fist).

Today is a holiday for frogs ( jumping around).

A cloud sends a downpour and water flows like a wall (hands in front of you, moving your palms up and down).

Where to hide from the rainshrug, look around)?

Dunno is waiting for us under the mushroom (raise your arms above your head, depicting a mushroom cap).

The sun came out from behind the clouds, we will stretch our hands to the sun (raise your hands up, spread apart).

Dunno. Well, the rain has ended in our Fairyland.

Well done guys, they told a good story, I really liked it! And you?

Children's answers.

Leading. Guys, it's time for us to say goodbye to the fairy tale and return to kindergarten. Try to tell this story to your mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, younger brothers and sisters at home.

Dunno. Goodbye guys, it's time for me to return to my fairy tale. Guys, can I take a mushroom with me and show my friends. They had never seen such a big mushroom.

Children's answers.

Dunno. Guys, thank you. I also want to give you something. Here ( shows photo ). I want to give you my photo as a keepsake of our meeting.

Dunno distributes his photos to all the children.

Leading. Dunno, come visit us again, we will be very happy to see you, and the children will tell you a new fairy tale.

Dunno leaves with the mushroom.



Synopsis of GCD

"Space rocket workshop"


educational area

"Artistic Creativity"

senior group


Orekhova Ekaterina Sergeevna

g.o. Elektrogorsk, 2013

Educational direction of NOD:

- "Artistic and aesthetic development"


To form the skills of joint activity in the process of productive activity.



To teach children to create a rocket model together in microgroups (in pairs);

Generalize children's knowledge about space;

Expand children's ideas about the possibilities of using plasticine and waste material (plastic bottles).


To consolidate previously mastered modeling techniques;

Develop the skill of finding a joint solution for making crafts.


Cultivate a sense of joy from joint activities.

- "Artistic creativity", "Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization", "Labor", "Health".


Productive, communicative, labor, motor, cognitive and research.

Expected Result:

Children will learn how to make a rocket from a plastic bottle and plasticine;

Acquiring the skill of joint activities in microgroups (in pairs).

Equipment and material:

- space illustration; photograph by Yu.A. Gagarin; layout of the spaceport; space map; plasticine for each pair; plastic bottle (one bottle per couple); stacks; modeling boards; damp cloths for wiping hands; ready-made model of the rocket.

Preliminary work:

Conversation about the day of cosmonautics - April 12; examining the portrait of Yu.A. Gagarin, conversation about the first cosmonaut; viewing illustrations depicting the spaceport and accompanying conversation; application "Rockets in space" in pairs; modeling "Alien"; paper construction "Space rocket", "Cosmonaut", "Flying saucer"; looking at books about space.

Vocabulary work:

- "cosmonautics day", "rocket designer", "cosmodrome", "space flight", "launching pad", "jet engine", "hull", "porthole".

GCD progress:

Children stand at the blackboard in a semicircle.

Educator: Guys, look at the illustrations. What do they show?(children's answers)

Educator: That's right, space! What is space?

(children's answers)

Educator: Why do you think I hung them today?

(children's answers)

Educator: And tell me, who flies into space?(children's answers)

Educator: What journey do astronauts make?

(children's answers)

Educator: How do astronauts fly into space?

(children's answers)

Educator: That's right, guys, on space rockets!

The teacher shows a photograph of Yu.A. Gagarin

Educator: Look at this photo. Who do you see on it?(children's answers)

Educator: Right. April 12 on a space rocket, Yu.A. Gagarin made the first space flight in the history of mankind. Since then, every year, this day, the whole country celebrates as Cosmonautics Day.

What do you think astronauts should be like?(children's answers)

Educator: I suggest you play a game called"Cosmonaut Training"(perform actions on the text).

1,2,3 lift your legs,

1,2,3 walk more cheerfully,

1,2,3 stretch together,

1,2,3 need to be tempered,

1,2,3 sat down and got up,

1,2,3 we became astronauts (spread your arms to the sides).

Educator: Well done! They did an excellent job.

Guys, where do space rockets start from?(children's answers)

Educator: Look, guys, we also have our own spaceport in the group. Is there just something missing from it? What?

(children's answers)

Educator: That's right, there are not enough space rockets at our cosmodrome. I suggest that you be a rocket designer for a while and make space rockets for space flights. Let's go to our "space rocket workshop".

Children are divided into pairs. Each pair will make one rocket.

The teacher conducts an explanation and demonstration.

Educator: Children, before we get to work, let's get our fingers ready.


In the dark sky the stars shineSerial connection

The astronaut flies in a rocket. thumb

The day flies and the night flieswith all other fingers

And looks down at the ground. hands to stressed syllables.

After the physical education session, the teacher invites the children to start the task.

Independent activity of children in pairs.

The first rocket is placed on the space map, which hangs next to the cosmodrome, and the rest of the rockets are placed on the layout of the cosmodrome.

At the end, all the work is considered together with the children, the GCD is summed up.








Zavoykina Natalya Vasilievna

Petrova Svetlana Yurievna

G. o. Elektrogorsk, 2013

Educational direction.

- "Social and personal development".


Formation of skills of joint activity in team competitions.



Generalization of children's knowledge about space;

Expanding the horizons of children.


Formation of the ability to negotiate, help each other, listen to the opinion of the players on the team;

The development of mental activity, the ability to observe, analyze, draw conclusions.


Raising a sense of collectivism, positive emotions from joint teamwork.

Integration of educational areas:

- "Socialization", "Cognition", "Communication", "Artistic creativity", "Health".


Communicative, cognitive-research, motor, perception of fiction, game.

Expected Result:

Expansion of ideas about space, planets;

Acquisition of skills of joint activity in subgroups;

Experience the joy of playing and communicating with children.

Equipment and material:

An alien cap, a model of the solar system on paper, a package, a planar image of the planets, cards with riddles, counting sticks, buttons, a ball, a pencil, a sheet of paper for graphic dictation.

Preliminary work:

Making riddles, talking about space, making rockets out of paper using origami technique, reading fiction, looking at albums, drawing on the theme “Space”.

Vocabulary work:

Cosmonautics Day, telescope, planets, rocket, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, stargazer, solar system



That's right, Cosmonautics Day.

Tell me, please, what kind of holiday is this? ( children's answers).

And who are the astronauts? ( children's answers).

Why do you think people wanted to fly into space? ( children's answers).

Quite right. The man looked at the starry sky, and he wanted to know what kind of stars they were, why they were so bright. Scientists have come up with special devices. What are their names? ( children's answers).

Scientists are interested in observing the starry sky. Guys, what do you think, is there anything in space other than our planet Earth? ( children's answers).

Would you like to take a trip to outer space? ( children's answers).

What can take you to the stars? ( children's responses).

I suggest that you divide into three teams and take places in space rockets.

Children are divided into teams and sit at the tables.


To find out the names of the teams, you will need to solve riddles:

1. A bird cannot fly to the moon and land on the moon,

But he can do it quickly ... ( rocket).

2. He is not a pilot, not a pilot,

He's not flying a plane

And a huge rocket

Children, who say it? ( Astronaut ).

3. They disappear during the day,

At night, they sparkle and sparkle. ( Stars ).

Teachers put an emblem on the table of each team.


Are the teams ready? Let's go flying.

Children perform rotational movements of the hands in front of the chest and make the sound “rrrr”. Then they raise their hands above their heads and join their palms - the rockets flew. At the same time, the sound of a flying rocket sounds in the recording, turning into the sound of space.


Here, guys, we ended up with you in outer space.

On the board is a piece of drawing paper depicting a model of the solar system.


Guys, what do you see? ( Children's answers ). What do you think it lacks? ( Children's answers ) That's right, there are no planets in this solar system.

The sound of a flying rocket is heard. Alien enters.


Hello earthlings. This is where you help me. Have you seen what happened to us? ( children's answers).

All the planets are in this space box. They need to be put back in place.

The teacher takes the box from the alien and opens it. In the box are planar images of the planets.


Well, we will immediately return these planets to their place.

The teacher takes out the planets and applies them to the solar system. They don't hold on, they fall.


And something is written on the box: “Each planet hides a task that the most daring, savvy, attentive and friendly must cope with! Only when the mission is completed can the planet take its place in the solar system." Guys, are you ready for this difficult test? ( children's answer).

Then let's start. And to find out which team is the most friendly, courageous and attentive for the correct and quick completion of the task, the alien will distribute stars.

And so, we are waiting for the first planet. Mercury. The first task is a warm-up.The teacher asks questions in turn to teams about space. Each team has five questions.

What is the name of an astronaut's spacewalk suit?

What was the name of the self-propelled apparatus for exploring the lunar surface?

What is the name of the transport that delivers people and equipment into space?

What is the name of the third planet from the Sun?

What are the names of the dogs that flew into space?

Why don't astronauts eat with a spoon?

What is the name of the apparatus for human space flight?

What is the name of the house for astronauts in space?

What is the name of an astronomical instrument for studying celestial bodies and luminaries?

Name the first astronaut on earth.

What is the name of the rocket launch site?

What is a spaceport?

What is the name of the Earth's natural satellite?

Which star gives us heat and light?

What is the name of the celestial body, consisting of ice and stone, which, as it approaches the Sun, has a “tail”?

Which planet has large spinning rings?

What is a person who travels in outer space called?

Summing up the competition. The planet is attached to the solar system. On each planar planet, double-sided tape is pre-attached on the reverse side.


The next planet is Venus.

To return this planet to its place, you need to complete the task "Assemble the Rocket".The teacher offers to lay out a rocket from counting sticks and buttons.


The next planet is Earth. Task "Name the space object."Children stand in a circle and take turns passing each other a rocket, while naming cosmic words.

Summing up. The planet is attached to the solar system.


The next planet is Mars. Task - graphic dictation "Pave the way through the stars."Children, under the dictation of a teacher, draw a path in cells.

Summing up. The planet is attached to the solar system.


The next planet is Jupiter. Competition of captains "Draw a rocket with your eyes closed."The teacher blindfolds the captain, and he draws a rocket on the paper.

Summing up. The planet is attached to the solar system.


The next planet is Saturn. Task-game "Crocodile".Team players take turns drawing cards with a task - to depict an object drawn on it, the rest guess.

Summing up. The planet is attached to the solar system.


The next planet is Uranus. The task- "Draw an alien."Children circle their palm on a piece of paper and draw an alien from it.

Summing up. The planet is attached to the solar system.


The next planet is Neptune. Task-game "Astrologer".Children stand in a circle, the teacher in the center. Teacher's words:

The stars are twinkling in the sky

The stars want to play

The astrologer counts the stars:


stargazer, stargazer

Play with us.

What will you show us

Let's guess for ourselves!

(3-5 movements, children guess).

Summing up. The planet is attached to the solar system.

The teacher draws the attention of children to the resulting model of the solar system. Asks what new they learned today. After that, the stars for each team are counted. Summing up.

The alien distributes gifts from himself to the children, after which he leaves.


And now we need to go back to our group.

The sound of a flying rocket is included. Children join their hands above their heads, depicting a rocket.

Sections: School psychological service

The school is now extremely actively used group forms of work in the classroom and outside the classroom.

Group work is one of the forms of organizing joint activities of students and involves the temporary division of the class into groups of 4 to 8 people (depending on the age of the children) to jointly solve certain problems. Students are invited to discuss the problem, outline ways to solve it, implement them in practice and, finally, present the found joint result.

The study of pedagogical experience, the results of research in the field of educational psychology led to the conclusion that group work has a number of undeniable advantages. It opens up great opportunities for cooperation, for the emergence of cognitive collective activity of students.

Joint activity in a group based on cooperation is an important factor in mental development, contributing to the emergence of two types of major neoplasms:

1). Mastering a new objectivity (mutual exchange of methods of action), which ensures a person's success in individual activities (an “internal opponent” appears, controlling and evaluating his own actions).

2). Mastering the very form of cooperation, which makes a person capable of establishing relationships with other people and with himself.

However, work in groups is not always effective in practice, and sometimes even gives the opposite result: teachers are disappointed in the usefulness and accessibility of this form of work for themselves and students; and children even develop either a reluctance to join groups or a persistent negative attitude towards group work.

This is explained by the fact that students and their teachers are psychologically unprepared for the work itself in a group and for organizing the work of groups. This opens up prospects for cooperation between the teacher and the psychologist. Both teachers and students need to be specially prepared for group work.

At training seminars, it is necessary to familiarize teachers with the psychological conditions for organizing group work.

In order for group work to take place, it is necessary:

To create a situation for the emergence among schoolchildren of a general positive attitude towards joint activities in a group. For younger students, this situation will be a game; for teenagers - discussion, exchange of opinions, demonstration of abilities and opportunities; for high school students - the exchange of information, the opportunity to provide and receive meaningful assistance;

- to teach children to work in a group and only then offer them to solve problems of a different nature and content in a group form;

Provide an active exchange of operations (one draws, the other writes); exchange of roles (one is a teacher, the other is a student); exchange of functions (the student performs the function of conscious control, checking the work of his partner); exchange of positions (on the existing product - the work of his partner - reveals the author's intention, his position, considers the correspondence of this intention to the result obtained); exchange of information (this exchange should be organized in such a way that the child begins to process information depending on the knowledge, capabilities of the partner, rebuild, supplement it);

Organize meaningful cooperation in completing the task, when students master a large number of the most complex operations (the ability to analyze their own activities, compare different methods of action with each other, compare methods with a common task and with the expected result, check and evaluate their own actions and the actions of comrades);

Equip children with the means of intragroup communication: teach them to work according to the rules, to act within the framework of a given role, communication skills (verbal and non-verbal); conflict-free communication; interpersonal interaction, which includes business communication on an equal footing with the definition of ways to effectively achieve performance results;

Please note that group work is not effective for all types of tasks. It is most applicable and expedient in the organization of technologies for educational research, design, modeling, problem-based learning, development of the ability to think creatively;

Determine the place of the teacher in joint activities.

To diagnose the effectiveness of the teacher's activities in organizing intragroup interaction, you can use a standardized map - a characteristic “Levels of formation of motivation of joint activity”.

(see Appendix No. 1).

Of great importance is the training of teachers in the basic methods of organizing group work. These include:

1. Formation of groups.

There are various ways to form groups, the choice of one or another method will depend on the goals of the teacher at the moment. The success of the work as a whole will depend on how correctly and successfully the group is formed (see Appendix No. 2).

The composition of the group does not remain constant, it is selected taking into account that the possibilities of each member of the group can be realized with maximum efficiency for the team, depending on the content and nature of the work ahead.

2.Organization of intragroup interaction. It is based on:

  • fulfillment of the rules of work in a group, which are given to participants in finished form, or developed by a group (see Appendix No. 3);
  • taking into account the principles (conditions) of effective work in a group (see Appendix No. 4);
  • role distribution (see Appendix No. 5).
  • determining how to organize the discussion of the task and its solution. This can be brainstorming, working in parts in mini-groups, in pairs or individually.

3. Organization of the group's work on the task (see Appendices No. 6, 7).

4. Teacher guidance for group work.

If the group is mature enough, able to act independently, the functions of the organizer are to evaluate the report of the group on the results of the work. But if students take only the first steps in group work, constant monitoring of the work of the group is necessary. The organizer controls the progress of work in groups, answers questions, regulates interaction, helping to reach agreement in the group, in case of emergency, provides assistance to individual students or the group as a whole.

When preparing students for group work, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

  • teach children to work in a group according to the rules;
  • learn to accept and maintain a given role during group work;
  • work out the stages of work on the task;
  • develop reflective skills of students;
  • introduce various ways of interaction between group members;
  • teach effective methods of working on a task;

The forms of education can be different: a special course, training conducted by a psychologist, a series of lessons within a certain subject, a cycle of class hours conducted by a class teacher together with a psychologist (see Appendix No. 8).


1. Zeltserman B. Learn! Create! Develop! – Riga.: “Experiment”, 1997.

2. Markova A.K. Formation of learning motivation. – M.: Enlightenment, 1990.

3. Interregional Bulletin of Personality Development Schools “Phoenix” .- M .: “Russian Encyclopedia”, 1996, issue 5

4. Dancers S.T. Group work in developmental education. Riga.: "Experiment", 1997.

5. Tsukerman G.A. Types of communication in education. - Tomsk: Peleng, 1993.

Application No. 1.

“Levels of formation of motivation of joint activity”.

Levels Relationship type in COURT Motives that ensure inclusion in the COURT Goals set by the child Emotions Ability to work collaboratively.
1. negative attitude Lack of motives, refusal to work with a partner. Obtaining a specific product of teaching (text, problem solution) Openly shows dissatisfaction with being forced to participate in “useless” work Can't work together. Does not show any attempts to establish interaction.
2. Indifferent or neutral They are not recognized, they are not clearly manifested and are not explained. Fulfill the teacher's request. I am not interested in the result or the way of joint work Shows neither negative nor positive attitude towards work. Accurately follows the recommendations of the teacher, he does not show any attempts to establish meaningful contacts.
3. Positive, undifferentiated, amorphous attitude. The attractiveness of the external attributes of joint work: to communicate, to change the nature of the activity, to have fun. Participate in new, unusual work. Emotionally tuned to work, but when it is difficult to establish business contacts, it is lost. Can either refuse to cooperate, or follow the instructions of the teacher, or find a means of cooperation in his experience.
4. Positive, conscious, experience-based attitude. Opportunity to apply your knowledge of joint activities in UD. Find reasons to work together. They do not demonstrate an ardent desire to work together, but they are aware of the need for this way of working Goes beyond the models proposed by the teacher, actively seeks his own approaches to the establishment of SD.
5. Positive, personal, effective attitude Business qualities of the partner. Expediency in joining efforts to solve problems. Search for funds, ways of cooperation. The joy of the fact that we managed to combine our efforts, coordinate our actions, get a joint product. He looks for ways of business interaction, evaluates his own and other people's actions in terms of contribution to the overall result, sets intermediate goals for cooperation.

Application number 2.


Group at will

The basis for the formation is that the participants of the work themselves choose those with whom they would like to work.

Homogeneity - heterogeneous;

The result is difficult to predict;

Formation task - “Split into groups of ... people in each”, “Split into identical groups”.

“Random” group

The basis for formation is that participants are forced to unite to do some work, although under no other conditions do they interact together.

Homogeneity - heterogeneous;

The result is difficult to predict, since incompatibilities can cause serious conflicts and make work almost impossible.

The task for the formation is from those who are sitting nearby; by the colors of the issued tokens; invite one player to turn away and, without looking, call the number of the group to which the participant indicated by the organizer will go.

The group formed by the leader

The basis for the formation - leaders (appointed by the organizer or selected by the participants) choose the most efficient participants (sometimes friendship and sympathy fade into the background);

Homogeneity – relatively homogeneous;

The result is predictable, since the leader chooses those who are able to achieve a certain result;

Formation task - the organizer of the work asks those whom he appoints leaders to come out, and then the leaders in turn name those with whom they wish to work in a group.

If the choice of leaders is made by the players, then the organizer of the work says: “For the game, we need to divide into groups. Let's choose (name as many as you need) the leaders that these groups will form."

Group formed by the organizer

The basis for the formation is formed in accordance with the goals that the organizer sets for himself at the moment. This group, due to its composition, solves certain tasks.

Homogeneity - 1). Homogeneous if the composition of the group is selected from participants of equal opportunities (leaders, advanced, with the same rate of performance, level of knowledge, abilities, etc.)

2). It is heterogeneous if the composition of the group is selected from students of different levels of education, awareness in this subject, compatibility.

The result is predicted in advance: in the first case, for example, to prepare participants for the Olympiad, in the second case, mutual complementation and enrichment.

Formation task - the organizer calls the names of the participants who should work in a particular group.

Application number 3.


(given ready-made or developed by participants).

  1. Everyone needs to actively participate in the work of the group.
  2. We need to listen and understand each other.
  3. You need to be able to negotiate.
  4. It is necessary to follow the procedure for working in a group (set time, special conditions for completing the task).

Annex No. 4.


  1. The desire of each participant to work with each other.
  2. Explain the purpose of group work. The group is formed to achieve a result (finding a way to solve a problem, posing a problem), and not for pleasant, friendly communication.
  3. It is important to properly organize the search for a solution to a problem or problem, which will dramatically reduce the time it takes to complete the task:
  • comply with the rules of work in a group;
  • assign roles; it is better if there is an organizer in the group;
  • regard the participation of each participant not as a hindrance, but as an additional resource that will enrich the group and increase the pace of work;

4. It is good if the group members have approximately equal opportunities. And if this does not happen, the voluntary consent of students of different strengths to work on an equal footing is necessary.

Application No. 5.


Organizer (leader) - organizes discussion and mutual understanding, involves everyone in the work of the group.

Secretary- makes a decision of the group.

Assistant Secretary - writes down all the proposals of the group members.

Speaker - presents the results of the group's work.

speaker's assistant- monitors the implementation of the rules in the group.

time keeper - Ensuring that the group's rules are followed.

Each member of the group simultaneously acts as a “generator of ideas”, “understanding”, “critic”.

Appendix No. 6.


Consists of the following steps:

BUT). Preparing for the task:

  • setting a cognitive task;
  • instruction on the sequence of work;
  • distribution of the necessary didactic material in groups.

B). Group work:

  • familiarization with the material, planning work in a group;
  • distribution of tasks within the group;
  • individual performance of the task;
  • discussion of individual results of work in a group;
  • selection and discussion of a common solution;
  • preparation for the presentation of the results (formulation of the decision, preparation of speakers).

IN). Presentation of the results of the work:

  • reporting on the results of work in groups (in a visually designed form or orally);
  • discussion of the results of the work (questions for understanding from other groups, choosing the most successful solution);
  • discussion of the work process, reflection.

Annex No. 7.



  • What was good, what worked?
  • What difficulties did the members of the group encounter and how did they try to solve them?
  • Was the group work effective and why?
  • What did each member of the group do, how did they understand their goals and objectives when completing the task?
  • What new did each participant learn about the organization of work on the task?
  • What needs to be taken into account to improve work efficiency in the future?

Application No. 8.

Experience in conducting lessons for students to master the ways of organizing interaction in a group.

In the NOU “Gymnasium “Kvant” in Veliky Novgorod, there is an experience of conducting joint lessons of a psychologist and a subject teacher to teach schoolchildren group work.

The task of the teacher in such a lesson is to guide the activities of students when the group is working on a task in the subject, the psychologist is to assist the children in mastering ways of meaningful cooperation, organizing communication during the task.

Mathematics lesson “Basic properties of geometric shapes” in the 10th grade.

At the beginning of the lesson, the psychologist addresses the students:

Guys, on the poster you see geometric shapes - a circle, a square, a triangle, a broken line (zigzag). Look at them carefully and choose a token with the image of one of the figures that you like the most according to the principle: “I look like this figure”.

A psychologist takes part in the discussion of the process of working in a group on a task.

PSYCHOLOGIST: Guys, you know quite well many properties of geometric shapes, such as a square, a triangle, a circle, a zigzag (broken line).

But it turns out they have another feature. There is a connection between geometric shapes and human character traits. This connection is studied by such a direction of psychological science as PSYCHOGEOMETRY - a unique system of personality analysis.

To get to know her better, I propose to perform a small task. Now you will receive cards with a set of character traits (see table).

Discuss them in a group and try to correlate character traits with geometric shapes (by association). Justify your answer.

The groups take turns expressing their assumptions, the teacher gives the correct answer, for each of them a point is counted. The most astute team is revealed.

PSYCHOLOGIST : You can “try on” a set of character traits that corresponds to the icon you chose at the beginning of the lesson, deciding: “To what extent does this suit me? Does it look like me? Am I like this?”

We can draw the following conclusion: if a person has a certain set of character traits (psychological type), then from the proposed set of geometric shapes, he will choose a well-defined figure corresponding to his type as the one he likes more than others.

What do you think, was the work in the group effective if it included guys of the same psychological type, for example, only triangles?

Is it possible to cooperate effectively in a group with people of different psychological types?

How can the knowledge of psychogeometry be applied in group work?

As a result of the discussion, students come to the conclusion that knowledge of the psychological type of a person can be used to increase the productivity of work in a group:

  • with role distribution, especially when choosing the organizer of the discussion;
  • when choosing a communication style;
  • in predicting, understanding human behavior in typical situations;
  • to take into account the strengths and weaknesses of the individual.






Persistent, persistent

Solid in decisions





attentive listener





leader who leads


determined to win




feeling beauty


loving change

fickle in hobbies



looking to the future

enthusiastic, enthusiastic


Square (1), triangle (2), circle (3), broken line (4).

research project

Features of the organization of joint activities in the lessons of speech development

Primary school teacher:

Minenko Natalya Pavlovna

I qualification category

MKOU "Lobanikhinskaya secondary school"

year 2014

Project content

1. Research plan

2. Referring to your own experience

3. "Round table" of teachers

4. Content of the research work

5. Observing children in the classroom

6. Theoretical foundations

8. Reflection

1. Research plan:


"Round table" of teachers

Lesson outline

Analysis of methodological literature;


Appeal to own experience

The professional activity of a person is increasingly acquiring a joint character, teamwork, already at school, we develop this skill.Therefore, I decided to explore about features of the organization of joint activities in the lesson of speech development.

"Round table" of teachers

Features of organizing joint activities in the lessons of speech development.

Purpose: to identify the attitude of teachers to about pit features organizing joint activities in the classroomdevelopment of speech in elementary school, improving the level of pedagogical skills of teachers in the field of organizing joint activities.


Improving the theoretical, methodological and professional skills of school teachers.

Exchange of experience of teachers with effective methods, techniques and technologies for organizing joint activities of students.


1. Self-analysis of teachers.

2. From work experience. Methods and techniques for organizing joint activities in the classroom.

3. Discussion of the list of general educational skills and abilities of students: "FOR" and "AGAINST"

4. Memo for the teacher "On the organization of joint activities in the classroom".


Continue working on the issue

Develop a summary of a speech development lesson in order to justify the need for organizing joint activities in teacher practice.

The responses received, as well as our comments on them, are presented in Table 1.

Analysis of the teacher's round table conversation



A comment

1. What kind of work do you do in class every day?

Set up for work, check what they did at home, whether they prepared for this lesson, check the written assignment and call a few students to make an oral check.

With the growth of the volume of the educational course of the school, it becomes more and more difficult for the teacher to achieve deep and solid knowledge from students.

2. What changes in the teacher's work, how do his functions change in connection with the introduction of joint activities?

The teacher coordinates and directs. Rarely used, requires preliminary preparation. It is easier to plan a teacher's activity than a student's.

The activity of each student changes, and as a result, the activity of a professional teacher and teacher changes radically.

3. What difficulties does the teacher face in organizing joint activities in the classroom.

The biggest difficulty is coordinating the options proposed by the children.

Teachers are afraid to deviate from their plan.

4. What difficulties do students face in organizing joint activities in the classroom.

Can't work on their own

Can't speak their minds out loud

They are unable to negotiate.

These difficulties arise due to the fact that the teacher does not pay the necessary attention to this type of activity.

Content of the research work

The analysis of the "Round Table" conversation proved the need to organize joint activities in the primary grades. This work requires a thorough preparation of the teacher in order to age the quality of observation in individual children, more carefully taking foxes solutions to better identify foxes errors and their causes, it is more reliable to carry out foxes psychomotor functions during group brainstorming design and technical tasks were solved.

Thus, the work done allows us to formulate a hypothesis.

Hypothesis: joint activity contributes to the development of students' speech. (Experiment: ind.-group. group-ind.)

Topic: "Features of the organization of joint activities in the lesson of speech development".

Purpose: to clarify the content of joint activities

Tasks: clarify the content of joint activities; analyze the methodological literature on this issue; analyze teaching materials for the development of speech.

Lesson scheme (Appendix 3)

Theoretical basis

Cooperative activity - an organized system of activity of interacting individuals, aimed at the expedient production (reproduction) of objects of material and spiritual culture.(Activity = activity)

The concept of "Activity" was introduced into Russian psychological science by S. L. Rubinshtein. Later, developing and detailing his theory based on this principle, S. L. Rubinshtein singled out a number of characteristic features that determine activity in his understanding: "...1) it is always the activity of a subject (i.e., a person, not an animal or a machine), more precisely, subjects carrying out joint activities; 2) activity is the interaction of the subject with the object, i.e., it is necessarily subject, meaningful; 3) she is always creative and 4) independent".

The development of coherent speech is the central task of the speech education of children. This is primarily due to its social significance and role in the formation of personality. It is in coherent speech that the main, communicative, function of language and speech is realized.Connected speech- the highest form of speech of mental activity, which determines the level of speech and mental development of the child (T.V. Akhutina, L.S. Vygotsky, N.I. Zhinkin, A.A. Leontiev, S.L. Rubinshtein, F.A. Sokhin and others).

Develop children's speech- means systematically working on its content, sequence, teaching children how to build sentences, thoughtfully choosing the right word, constantly working on the competent formulation of thoughts.

In the classroom, it can be difficult for a child to answer a question, correctly, consistently convey the content of the text, build a sentence, and even more so - compose a text on a given topic. What caused these difficulties?

Ideas about the semantic side of the word are not developed;

The skills of selecting words and the accuracy of their use are not formed;

The ability to build sentences, establish semantic connections, the ability to reveal the topic and the main idea of ​​the statement, to head the story are not formed;

Monologue speech is not developed.

The professional activity of a person is increasingly acquiring a joint character, teamwork, already at school we form this skill.

The main features of joint activity are the presence, in addition to individual and common goals and motives of work, the division of tasks and the content of the labor process into functionally related, interdependent components of a single activity (combination of individual activities), strict coordination, coordination of individual activities and the need to manage joint activities, the presence of a single spatial -temporary functioning of the participants in this activity, etc.

There are various types of joint activities.L.I. Umansky identifies three of its models:

Collaboration Models:

1 model.

The group has a common task, but each member of the group does his part of the common work independently of each other. This model of the contact group is conventionally designated as joint-individual; it is typical both for some types of manual labor and for modern high-tech industries. The participants of such groups are characterized by high initiative, orientation to results and individual achievements.

2 model.

The general task of joint activity is carried out sequentially by each member of the group (joint-sequential activity), which is typical for conveyor, in-line production. Members of the organization with this type of activity are characterized by high technological discipline, strict adherence to instructions, business dependence of productivity and quality of work on the results of the activities of other members of the group.

3 model.

The common task is carried out with direct, simultaneous interaction of group members with each other (jointly interacting activity). It is typical for many types of work, in group discussions, in team sports games. Members of such groups are characterized by a high orientation towards collective goals, norms and values, commitment to the group and the authority of the leader.

There are two types of organization of joint activities - interconnected and interdependent,which differ in the nature of interaction and interdependence of group members and, in turn, determine the features of such a property as the psychological compatibility of group members.

The nature of joint activity and, in particular, its effectiveness is largely determined by the peculiarities of the ratio of its individual and collective components, which depends mainly on the level of interconnectedness of the group members. The following levels of interconnectedness are conventionally distinguished: 1) isolation (physical and social); 2) "conceptual" interconnectedness (need for communication); 3) formal interconnectedness (silent presence of other people); 4) "mutual influence" (perception and behavior, taking into account the opinions and assessments of other members of the group); 5) effective interconnectedness (through the means of implementing work activities); 6) collectivist interconnectedness.

The role of different levels of interconnectedness in joint activity is evidenced, for example, by the fact that in the presence of other peopleproductivity increases in approximately 40% of students and decreases in 25%.When comparing group and individual forms of work, it was found that the quality of observation in individual children increases in the group, decisions are made more balanced, errors and their causes are more efficiently identified, mnemonic and psychomotor functions are more reliably carried out during group brainstorming, the solution of design, technical problems is more effective. , but the individual creativity of especially gifted individuals can surpass group creativity.

A comparative analysis of individual and group performance of activities as a whole shows that the advantages and disadvantages of a particular form of work depend both on the content of a particular educational activity, indicators and criteria for its assessment, and on the form of joint activity and individual characteristics of students.

Signs of group work of students

    the class in this lesson is divided into groups to solve specific learning problems;

    each group receives a specific task (either the same or differentiated) and performs it together under the direct supervision of the group leader or teacher;

    tasks in the group are performed in such a way that allows to take into account and evaluate the individual contribution of each member of the group;

    the composition of the group is not permanent, it is selected taking into account that the learning opportunities of each member of the group can be realized with maximum efficiency.

The size of the groups is different. It ranges from 3-6 people. The composition of the group is not permanent. It varies depending on the content and nature of the work to be done. At the same time, at least half of it should be students who are able to successfully engage in independent work.

Group leaders and their composition can be different in different subjects and they are selected on the principle of combining schoolchildren of different levels of education, extracurricular awareness in this subject, student compatibility, which allows them to complement and compensate for each other's advantages and disadvantages. There should not be students in the group who are negatively disposed towards each other.

With the group form of work of students in the lesson, individual assistance to each student who needs it, both from the teacher and student consultants, also increases to a large extent.

The group organization of the work of students in the preparation of thematic educational conferences, debates, reports on the topic, additional classes of the entire group that go beyond the curriculum, beyond the lesson is exceptionally effective. Under these conditions, as in the conditions of the lesson, the degree of effectiveness depends, of course, on the very organization of work within the group (link). Such an organization assumes that all members of the group actively participate in the work, the weak do not hide behind the backs of the stronger, and the strong do not suppress the initiative and independence of the weaker students. Properly organized group work is a type of collective activity, it can successfully proceed with a clear distribution of work between all members of the group, mutual verification of the results of each work, the full support of the teacher, his prompt assistance.

Group activity of students in the lesson consists of the following elements:

Components of group activities of students.

    Preliminary preparation of students for the implementation of a group task, setting educational tasks, a brief briefing of the teacher.

    Discussion and drawing up a plan for the implementation of a training task in a group, determining ways to solve it (indicative activity), distribution of responsibilities.

Work on the implementation of the educational task.

    Supervision of the teacher and adjustment of the work of the group and individual students.

    Mutual verification and control over the performance of the task in the group.

    The report of students on the call of the teacher about the results obtained, the general discussion in the class under the guidance of the teacher, additions and corrections, additional information from the teacher and the formulation of final conclusions.

Forms of organization of joint educational activities:

A lesson is a form of organizing training with a group of students of the same age, permanent composition, a lesson on a fixed schedule and with a single training program for all. In this form, all components of the educational process are presented: purpose, content, means, methods, organization and management activities, and all its didactic elements. The essence and purpose of the lesson in the learning process as an integral dynamic system is thus reduced to the collective-individual interaction of the teacher and students, as a result of which the students acquire knowledge, skills and abilities, develop their abilities, work experience, communication and relationships, as well as improve the pedagogical teacher skill. Thus, the lesson, on the one hand, acts as a form of learning movement as a whole, on the other hand, as a form of organization of learning, predetermined by the basic requirements for the organizational construction of the lesson by the teacher, arising from the patterns and principles of learning.

The goal of a lesson in a modern school should be specific, with an indication of the means to achieve it and its translation into specific didactic tasks.

The didactic tasks of the lesson are realized in real pedagogical reality through educational tasks (tasks for students). This is a discussion of the topic, selection of words, students performing all kinds of exercises, drawing up a retelling plan, etc. These tasks reflect the learning activities of students in specific learning situations.

Lesson type:

    Lesson is a task.

Presentation by the teacher of educational tasks and their implementation by children.

Determination by the teacher of the objectives of the lesson:

task formulation,

The volume of tasks,

Variety of tasks

The level of difficulty of tasks,

Job differentiation.

Using group work to complete educational tasks.

Control over the execution of tasks.

Evaluation of completed tasks.

    Lesson - problematic situation

Statement of problems by the teacher and children and their solution in joint activities.

Organization of joint activities to formulate the problem:

Creating a problem situation

Formulation of questions

Development of solutions (versions, hypotheses),

Justifications, arguments.

Organization of group work on problem solving.

Organization of reflection and evaluation of joint work.

Evaluation of results and individual achievements.

    Lesson - dialogue

Interaction between adults and children in the generation and implementation of educational initiatives.

Manifestation of educational initiatives of participants in joint activities.

Formation of groups for the implementation of initiatives:

Setting goals,

Designing the content and forms of work,

Choice of positions for participation in joint activities

Determination of the composition of participants in groups,

Distribution of work in a group,

Interaction in problem solving.

Interaction of different groups

Presentation of results,


Reflection of methods and results of work.

Analysis and evaluation of joint activities.

Determination of prospects for joint work.

Used Books:

1. LvovM. R. "The development of speech of younger students", "Enlightenment", 1985

2. YakovlevaV. I. "Collection of presentations", "Enlightenment", 1972

3. Chernousova N. S. "Compositions in the elementary grades." M. "Enlightenment", 1976

4. Yesenina S. A. “How to teach your child to write compositions”, publishing house “Gramotey”, 2005.

5. Tsukerman G. A. "Introduction to school life". Tomsk "Peleng", 1996

6. Magazine "Primary School", No. 5. 2000. , No. 9, 2001

7. Dyachenko V.K. "Collaboration in Education". M "Enlightenment", 1992

8. Dyachenko V.K. Organizational structure of the educational process. M., 1989.

9. Zotov Yu.B. Organization of the modern lesson / Ed. P.I. Pidkasistogo, M., 1984.

10. Ilyin E. The birth of a lesson. - M., 1986.

11. Maksimova V.N. Interdisciplinary connections in the educational process of a modern school. - M., 1987.


The success of group work of students depends primarily on the skill of the teacher, on his ability to distribute his attention in such a way that each group and each of its participants individually feel the care of the teacher, his interest in their success, in normal fruitful interpersonal relationships. With all his behavior, the teacher is obliged to express interest in the success of both strong and weak students, inspire confidence in their success, and show respect for weak students.

The advantages of the group organization of students' educational work in the classroom are obvious. The results of the joint work of students are very tangible both in accustoming them to collective methods of work, and in the formation of positive moral qualities of the individual. But this does not mean that this form of organization of educational work is ideal. It cannot be universalized and opposed to other forms. Each of the considered forms of organization of education solves its own specific educational tasks. They complement each other.

The group form also has a number of disadvantages. Among them, the most significant are: difficulties in recruiting groups and organizing work in them; students in groups are not always able to independently understand complex educational material and choose the most economical way to study it. As a result, weak students have difficulty mastering the material, while strong students need more difficult, original assignments and tasks. Only in combination with other forms of teaching students in the classroom - frontal and individual - the group form of organizing the work of students brings the expected positive results. The combination of these forms, the choice of the most optimal options for this combination is determined by the teacher depending on the educational tasks to be solved in the lesson, on the subject, the specifics of the content, its volume and complexity, on the specifics of the class and individual students, the level of their learning abilities and, of course, from the style of the relationship between the teacher and students, the relationship of students among themselves, from the “confiding atmosphere that has been established in the classroom of constant readiness to help each other.




I. Common task, everyone works separately.

II. A common task, performed sequentially by each member of the group.
III. A common task is performed with the simultaneous interaction of group members.


Memo on the organization of joint activities in the classroom:

1) The division into groups is based on psychological compatibility;

2) Number of people from 3 to 6;

3) 50% of the group are able to work independently;

4) Consider and evaluate the individual contribution of each member of the group;

5) Listen to children, let them express their thoughts, even if they speak incorrectly.

6) Expect "outstanding success" from your child, then he will believe in himself!


Lesson summary

Purpose: To create conditions for organizing joint activities based on the material of writing a fairy tale.


Formation of speech skills:

Think about the topic;

Set the task of utterance;

Select material in accordance with the topic and task;

Build a plot in the development of the theme; improve the statement

Formation of creative abilities.

Preliminary preparation: in the lessons of literary reading - staging of fairy tales.

Grade 3 MBOU Lobanikhinskaya secondary school

During the classes

    Determination of the topic, setting the KM

Before you are cards with the image of objects, take one at a time, consider it. Where did you meet them? (In fairy tales)

Take this magic ball, passing it to each other, remember any other magic items, naming a fairy tale.

What groups can be divided into?

(Dividing the class into groups: fairy tales, fairy tales about animals, everyday fairy tales.)

Group work

Remember and write down the signs of a fairy tale (5 min.)

Who is ready? Present the result of your work. Discussion, drawing up common features. (Children call, the teacher writes on the board.)

Beginning, end

Triple repeat

Hero (his character)



magic item

Guess the topic of the lesson. (children's answers)

    Discussion of the topic of the essay

The topic is written on the board, and for children in a notebook. In the process of discussion, options for disclosing the topic are fixed.

Formulate questions that help to understand the topic of the essay? (What can the storyteller tell? To whom and what exactly? Why will he tell?)

Fairy tale

To whom? Boys Girls Adults Toys Children

About what? About events About your dreams about actions

What for?Tell about observations Express your feelings Tell a story

Joint discussion of the topic. Signs of a fairy tale (collectively).

    Selection of material for writing.

One aspect of the development of the theme is selected.

What determines the choice of words and figurative expressions? (topic, tasks, types of created text)

What type of text will you be creating? (T-P)

What parts will the text consist of (Beginning, main part, ending)

Based on the questions, students collect material for the essay, work out its plot.

What will you tell about in the first part? (The boys played football near the river, the ball flew into the bushes, the child followed him and ended up in a magical land)

What is the main part about? (Road home and adventure)

How can I finish? (Woke up, looked around ...)

Draw the plot of the main part of the tale.

    Work in draft.

    Draft editing.

What should be checked in the text? How to check your work?

1-2 essays are heard, edited.

    Writing essays in a notebook with subsequent evaluation of the result.



Magic item from a fairy tale KLUBOCHEK

We write and illustrate...

Preliminary work - staging fairy tales at the choice of children.


What else to read