Strict diet for 7 days 10 kg. A very strict diet for weight loss. Chinese diet - reviews

In the modern world, all women strive to be slim and beautiful; many women are forced to periodically go on a diet in order to quickly get in shape. The nutrition system minus 10 kg per week helps to quickly reduce weight in a short period of time.

You can lose weight in one week only by following a strict diet. The fast diet has been developed in several versions, depending on the preferences of the person who wants to lose weight:

  1. Diet based on vegetable soup;
  2. Protein diet;
  3. Mono-diet.

The only component in the first version of the diet is low-calorie vegetable soup. When following such a diet, swelling and shortness of breath completely disappear, since the diet has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. But it is very difficult to adhere to such a strict low-calorie diet; a diet based on vegetable soup requires strong will and patience.

The protein version of the diet is easier, since a person eats only approved foods and does not suffer from hunger. Kilograms are lost due to the complete abandonment of carbohydrates (both simple and complex). But there is a contraindication - such a low-carbohydrate diet cannot be used by people with kidney disease, liver disease, or gastrointestinal problems.

There are no contraindications in the last version of the diet; the diet is suitable for everyone. By following the mono-diet “minus 10 kg”, you can lose 10-15 kg in 7 days. Products in the daily diet must be selected based on the following rules:

  • Daily calorie intake is up to 1000 Kcal.
  • It is prohibited to use oil, fat, seasonings, mayonnaise, ketchup, sauces, salt, sugar in the diet.
  • You are only allowed to drink water or herbal teas.

Menu based on dietary vegetable soup - minus 10 per week

This diet is suitable for women 30-40 years old. By the age of 30, a lot of toxins accumulate in a woman’s body, which affect the condition of the skin, swelling appears, and the stomach increases. With the help of this diet option, the figure is tightened, the condition of the skin improves, and swelling goes away.

The diet is based on a light vegetable soup made from fresh vegetables; celery must be added to the soup. In order to diversify the taste of the soup at least a little, you can change the combination of vegetables in the soup. The soup can be consumed in any quantity; one serving should contain no more than 50 kcal calories. At one meal, along with soup, you can have fruit, salad, cheese, or a dairy product.

Sample menu for day 1 of the diet:

  1. Breakfast: soup + any fruit except banana and grapes.
  2. Lunch: soup + vegetables (except potatoes and legumes).
  3. Dinner: soup + low-fat dairy product.

To get rid of extra pounds It is necessary that one meal contains more soup and less additional products.

Protein diet option minus 10 for a week

If a person finds it difficult to bear the feeling of hunger, it is recommended that he protein diet. In this version of the diet, weight is lost not due to a decrease in calories. With a protein diet, due to the restriction of fats and carbohydrates, the body begins to actively use protein, this process contributes to active weight loss. Such effective diet has no age restrictions, perfect for young people. You can be on a protein diet for 7-10 days; if you follow the diet longer, there may be a threat to the normal functioning of the kidneys and pancreas.

All dishes must be consumed boiled or steamed. Sugar, salt and sauces are excluded.

An approximate list of products that can be used in the diet: eggs, fish, chicken fillet, potatoes, beef, fruits, vegetables, cottage cheese.

Mono-diet - a diet with one product

With a well-chosen mono-ration, you can lose 10-15 kg. The essence of the mono-diet is that you only need to eat one product during the day. For such a diet, it is very important to choose foods in accordance with the recommendations of nutritionists.

  1. Components food products must be alternated. If protein food (for example, chicken fillet) is eaten one day, then the next day you need to eat carbohydrates (vegetables). Failure to comply with this requirement may result in a risk of metabolic disorders.
  2. With a mono-diet, vitamin deficiency occurs. Therefore, while following this diet, it is necessary to simultaneously take a complex of vitamins on the recommendation of a doctor.
  3. To consolidate the effect, it is necessary to correctly complete the mono-diet. You need to introduce other foods in stages: it is recommended to start with dietary soups, after which you can add other high-calorie foods.

Sometimes just a week is enough to get rid of extra pounds. But it is important to remember that you need to diet correctly so as not to harm your health. It is advisable to constantly monitor your figure, lead a healthy lifestyle and exercise.

As experts note, a 10-day diet is an excellent option if you need to lose an impressive amount of kilograms. Its duration allows this to be done without harm to health and body (minimum side effects and stretch marks). If you plan your diet correctly, you can avoid exhaustion of the body. So study the most effective ones - and start your ten-day marathon as the start of a new life.

1. Protein

It is believed that best diet for weight loss for 10 days - . The proven system underlies many popular methods: Atkins, Protasov, Dukan, Kremlev, etc.

Essence. Neither carbohydrates nor fats will enter the body. He will have to draw energy from the reserves that he managed to accumulate earlier. This reduces the size of the waist, trims the tummy, and reduces excess weight. Wherein muscle mass remains intact, since protein nutrition maintains it at the proper level. Additionally, by playing sports, you can make your figure not only slim, but also toned. Plus, metabolism improves, which also promotes weight loss.

Main product:

  • all low-fat milk;
  • eggs (mostly whites);
  • lean meat (chicken, beef, turkey);
  • fish.


  • mushrooms, herbs, vegetables, fruits (citrus fruits are preferred).


  • hunger is not felt;
  • the menu is varied;
  • the diet is ideal for athletes;
  • muscle relief is preserved;
  • There are no stretch marks on the skin.


  • performance decreases due to the lack of carbohydrates;
  • insomnia;
  • blood pressure rises;
  • kidneys work intermittently;
  • irritability due to lack of fat;
  • blood clots form;
  • there is discomfort in the stomach;
  • calcium is excreted from the body in large quantities.

Loss: 10 kg.

Sample menu

Note. You need to watch your portion sizes:

  • breakfast - 150 gr;
  • lunch - medium-sized fruit;
  • lunch: 200 ml of the first course, 150 grams of the second;
  • afternoon snack: 100 gr;
  • dinner: 150 gr;
  • all drinks - 200 ml at a time.

You can - reduce these volumes to lose weight much faster and more effectively.

2. Kefir

If you need more strict diet for 10 days - kefir will do just fine. Not everyone can withstand it, since kefir without sugar and additives becomes boring very quickly. But few other products can compete with it in terms of benefits for the body and weight loss.

Essence. For 10 days you will have to drink about a liter every day. 100 ml - 41 kcal (at 1.5% fat content). It improves the functioning of the stomach, on which the digestion of all food and its further consumption depend. With it you don’t have to worry about storing fat reserves for future use. Refers to protein nutrition systems.

Main product:

  • One and a half percent kefir without sugar and additives, at room temperature.


  • all proteins - milk, meat, fish (all low-fat), eggs.


  • inexpensive;
  • significant weight loss in a relatively short period of time;
  • easy to carry;
  • normalization of digestion.


  • the stomach may not be able to cope with the load, resulting in indigestion;
  • frequent side effects- weakness, flatulence, dizziness, gurgling in the stomach;
  • vitamin deficiency.

Losses: in 10 days - minus 10 kg.

Sample menu

Note. For 1 meal, drink a glass of 1.5% fresh kefir. Don’t forget to control your portion sizes: throughout the 10 days you need to leave the table feeling slightly hungry.

Review of the most popular kefir diets for quick and effective weight loss, in our article on.

3. Malysheva

Everyone is familiar with the program “Health” by E.V. Malysheva, in which the presenter (a physician by training) promotes the principles of healthy eating. Shortly before the New Year, it described the most simple, but very effective diet on which you can lose 5 kg in 10 days.

Essence. This is a striped diet, as it involves alternating protein and carbohydrate days. Thus, the body first stores energy and then spends it all. There can be no talk of any fats, so nothing will be put aside in reserve. And the portion sizes are not the same.

Video of the program (mentioned above):

Main product:

  • chicken;
  • “Brush” salad (from,).


  • egg, water.


  • excellent results: everyone loses weight, and not by the stated 5 kg, but much more;
  • performance remains at the same level due to the presence of carbohydrate days;
  • fortified diet thanks to salad;
  • scientific approach to weight loss;
  • recommendations and approval of nutritionists and doctors.


  • minimum number of products;
  • poor diet;
  • very difficult to tolerate;
  • permanent and strong feeling hunger.

Loss: 5 kg.

Sample menu

Note. Try to adhere to the following tips:

  • for all 10 days you need to drink 2 liters of water per day;
  • boiled chicken cannot be salted;
  • immediately after waking up, half an hour before breakfast, drink a glass of water;
  • “Brush” salad is prepared according to the following recipe: chop in equal quantities white cabbage, fresh beets and carrots, season with lemon juice, squeeze until juice is released;
  • if the feeling of hunger is very strong, an additional portion of chicken is allowed on protein days, and salad on carbohydrate days.

4. Buckwheat

The fastest and most popular buckwheat diet is for 3 days. But few people know that one of the most effective options for losing weight on this cereal is ten days.

Essence. Within 10 days you will have to eat a large number of buckwheat: boiled, steamed, sprouted. It contains a lot of dietary fiber, fiber and carbohydrates. In the stomach they break down very slowly, and the body has to spend a lot of energy on this. And along with it, the hated kilograms go away. Perfectly improves digestion, clears debris, speeds up metabolism.

Main product:

  • buckwheat.


  • protein foods, fruits.


  • effective weight loss, noticeable to the naked eye;
  • cheap;
  • cholesterol decreases;
  • blood pressure normalizes;
  • the body is cleansed of everything unnecessary.


  • monotony and scarcity of diet;
  • Bad mood;
  • decreased performance due to lack of sugar.

Losses: up to 10 kg.

Sample menu

Note. For 1 meal you can eat no more than 200 grams of buckwheat.

For cooking dietary dish use the following recipes:

  • Brewed: pour 200 grams of buckwheat with a glass of boiling water, leave in a thermos overnight.
  • Sprouted: place a glass of live buckwheat grains / green buckwheat on a baking sheet, add a small amount of water, cover with gauze, wait for sprouts, maintaining a moist environment.
  • Boiled: pour 200 grams of buckwheat with a glass of water, boil, cook for 15 minutes.

Each woman has her own reasons why she urgently decides to get rid of an impressive amount of kilograms excess weight.

Many people believe that it is simply impossible to do this without harm to the body.

However, this is just a misconception.

By correctly organizing your diet for 7 days minus 10 kg, you can not only lose weight, but also cleanse your body of toxins and waste.

Diet 7 days minus 10 kg: features of the weight loss technique

The first thing worth noting is that losing 10 kg in one week is not possible for every representative of the fair sex. Such an impressive result can only be achieved if the initial weight significantly exceeds the norm.

For those ladies who need to lose weight because of an upcoming holiday or on the eve of summer, a diet of 7 days minus 10 kg will simply help to cleanse the body well. A girl of average weight can lose from 5 to 7 kg.

It is very important to choose your power system carefully. Now there are several methods developed by nutritionists so that weight loss does not have a negative effect on the body. You are allowed to arrange a fasting week for yourself no more than once in 2 months.

Advantages and disadvantages of losing weight quickly

The 7 days minus 10 kg diet is a technique that guarantees rapid weight loss. Before you take the first step towards a slim figure, you need to familiarize yourself with all the positive and negative aspects of the nutrition system.


1. Fast weight loss is ideal option for those ladies who cannot fit into their favorite dress, but are invited to a celebration.

2. The nutritional system developed by nutritionists does not imply a complete refusal of food, otherwise it will lead to dehydration of the body. After holding on to the fasting week, all waste and toxins are removed according to all the rules.


1. Effective weight loss can be achieved in a week. However, if you then “go crazy” on the refrigerator and don’t watch your diet, all the lost kilograms will come back. Perhaps there will be more of them than there were initially.

2. Diet 7 days minus 10 kg dehydrates the body. If a woman has low blood pressure or stomach problems, this weight loss system is strictly contraindicated, otherwise dizziness, nausea and sleep problems are possible.

Diet 7 days minus 10 kg: what you can and cannot eat

The weekly meal plan is drawn up based on the selection of caloric content of foods.

List of taboos:


Pork meat;


In fact, the list of prohibited foods can be continued for a very long time, because during the fasting week you will have to eat practically nothing.

To avoid severe dehydration, you can include the following foods in your diet:

Kefir fat content 1%;

Celery root;

Green tea;

Cucumbers (if in season);

Steamed buckwheat without salt.

Important! You cannot buy kefir with 0% fat content for weight loss. It does not contain fats necessary for the absorption of vitamins; the body will not receive useful microelements.

Onion soup: an effective fat burner

The 7 days minus 10 kg onion soup diet is very popular. This dish guarantees quick weight loss without starvation. The soup is prepared according to a special recipe. The basis is based on products that are free of fat. The main components are greens and onions. It is known that their consumption starts metabolism and promotes the breakdown of fat. The main thing is to prepare the soup correctly, strictly following the recipe.

You will need the following ingredients:

A small head of cabbage;

2 large tomatoes;

Bulgarian green pepper (2 pieces);

A bunch of celery;


Onions (6 pieces, larger).

All vegetables are poured with cold water (pre-cut) in a medium saucepan, brought to a boil and left to simmer for 15 minutes. That's the whole secret - the fat-burning soup is ready. Its advantage is that the dish can be eaten in unlimited quantities. The main thing is not to add salt and other spices, they cause appetite.

Diet for 7 days based on onion soup

1. Unlimited quantity of soup. For variety, you are allowed to eat apples.

2. Onion soup, only now fruits are replaced with seasonal vegetables. It could be cucumbers or zucchini, for example.

3. On the third day, soup again. Under no circumstances should you eat potatoes in any form.

4. Day 4 – only onion soup.

5. Day 5 – onion soup and a small piece of boiled chicken fillet.

6. Day 6 – only onion soup.

7. Day 7 – onion soup and a liter of kefir.

Important! During the fasting week, you should never drink alcohol while eating onion soup. Also, sweet and carbonated drinks are completely excluded from the diet. Onion soup should be eaten 3-4 times a day, 300 grams each, in which case the effect in a week will be amazing. When initially heavy weight you can get rid of 5 to 10 kilograms.

Diet 7 days minus 10 kg: diet based on buckwheat porridge

Buckwheat diet popular among the fair sex who want to get rid of excess weight. It is known that this product contains a lot of useful vitamins and microelements. Besides, buckwheat very filling and makes it impossible to feel hungry.

Important! Buckwheat for a diet of 7 days minus 10 kg must be prepared according to a special recipe. In the evening, a glass of porridge is filled with two glasses of boiling water. No spices are added. Cover the container (saucepan and cauldron) with a lid, then wrap it tightly with a towel. In the morning, the buckwheat will swell and be ready to eat.

A fasting week on buckwheat means that for 7 days you are allowed to eat only porridge prepared in this way.

The advantage is that the weight loss method is easy to maintain due to the fact that buckwheat is filling. The disadvantage of the food system is its uniformity. After a few days you will get tired of buckwheat.

Diet "Willpower"

Getting rid of 10 kg in a week is really possible. The presented diet is very strict, but at the same time it gives a stunning effect. If you strictly adhere to the nutritional system, a woman will be able to acquire the figure she has always dreamed of.

1. Day 1 – fasting. The most difficult period. During the day you are allowed to drink only non-carbonated water - at least 2 liters. This amount is evenly distributed throughout the day. The last glass of water should be drunk no later than 18:00.

2. Day 2 – a little joy for the stomach. You can only consume kefir. To saturate the body, you should choose a drink with a fat content of 2.5%.

3. Day 3 – milk day. You can buy low-fat cottage cheese in an amount of 600 grams and eat it throughout the day. You are also allowed to drink green tea no added sugar or other sweeteners.

4. Day 4 – apple. During the day you need to eat 1.5 green fruits.

5. Day 5 – salad. You can prepare a delicious low-calorie salad from celery and cucumbers, season it with olive oil. This dish can be eaten in unlimited quantities.

6. Day 6 – soup with vegetable broth. Fruit salad is also allowed.

7. Day 7 – the last “spurt”. The main thing here is not to break down, but to stay on the water, just like on the first day.

The 7 days minus 10 kg diet is really very difficult and only a woman who has willpower and the desire to become slim can cope with it. By sticking to the presented diet, you can achieve truly impressive results. The main thing at the end of the diet is not to fail, but to continue to monitor the calories consumed, otherwise all the kilograms will come back.

Important points about catering

A woman should understand that getting rid of 10 kg in a week is only possible if you strictly follow all the rules and principles.

1. Water. To maintain normal metabolism, it is important to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day. Of this amount, 2-3 mugs can be replaced with strong green unsweetened tea.

2. Vitamins. The 7 days minus 10 kg diet is very grueling. The body loses many useful substances; if this balance is not replenished, dizziness, vomiting and nausea may occur. To maintain normal well-being, nutritionists recommend purchasing a vitamin complex and taking supplements throughout the diet.

3. Take your will “into your fist.” A woman needs to imagine what she can become if she loses 10 kg. If you really need it, then you should use your willpower. This will help you achieve your goal.

4. Without minimal physical activity, losing weight will be very difficult. Morning work-out launches the metabolic process, which energizes you for the whole day and allows you to lose weight faster. Losing 10 kg in a week is only possible if you devote 10-15 minutes daily to exercise. Squats, push-ups, running in place - the simplest but most effective complex.

5. After the diet has come to an end, you need to continue to monitor your drinking regime and monitor your calories consumed. You need to learn to eat small portions to avoid overeating. In no case should you skip breakfast; it is recommended to replace it with a glass of kefir at dinner. With this diet, the lost kilograms will never come back.

The 7 days minus 10 kg diet is a great way to cleanse your body of waste and toxins and get rid of excess weight. The presented recommendations for weight loss techniques will help you find the figure of your dreams and will not allow the kilograms to come back. The main thing is the desire to become what you want and a little willpower.

So, the main point of this diet program is quick and effective weight loss for the maximum amount of time. short term. Attention! Through it you will not only not harm your health, you will STRENGTHEN it. The diet presented to your attention is, to a large extent, also therapeutic. Believe me, a “dietist” of the highest rank, which I am.
The period during which we will follow the diet is 7 days. The diet is thought out in as much detail as possible, in accordance with the norms of separate nutrition. Please stay the course, I mean eat exactly the foods that will be listed on the diet menu.

Healthy eating the key to the success of any diet!

If you replace the foods offered in your diet with dishes of similar calorie content, then, undoubtedly, you will not add energy value to the food, but you will upset the balance of vitamins and minerals. I repeat once again, this diet “burns fat” so quickly solely due to compliance with the norms proper nutrition, selected by professional European nutritionists. Please don’t reinvent the wheel yourself! Well, are you ready? Then go to battle!!



  • BREAKFAST 50 g of boiled fish, an unlimited number of lettuce leaves, a little sprinkled with olive oil, a glass of low-fat kefir.

LUNCH 1 boiled egg, 2 slices of bread (preferably coarsely ground). 90 g lean turkey (can be chicken)


  • BREAKFAST Unlimited amount of celery, 80 g of boiled veal meat, 1 small boiled potato + 1 large boiled carrot, a cup of green tea.
  • LUNCH A glass of yogurt, 50 g of low-fat cottage cheese without sugar. A glass of bran or 1 plate oatmeal. 5 dates.


  • BREAKFAST 200-250 ml unsalted chicken broth. 3 loaves of bread or 1 piece of white bread, 50 g of boiled chicken.
  • LUNCH 2 slices rye bread, 50 g veal, unlimited quantities of spinach, 1 apple and 1 orange.


  • BREAKFAST 1 partial plate of buckwheat (2/3 of the plate), steamed in water, a glass of low-fat kefir. Salad from fresh tomatoes without salt with the addition of 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil (preferably extra virgin olive oil).

LUNCH 1 plate of rice, 1 glass of fruit juice, 30 g of low-fat cottage cheese without sour cream and sugar. 60 g prunes, 1 grapefruit and 1 kiwi.


  • BREAKFAST 60 g boiled meat, preferably veal, 1 egg, salad of 1 cucumber and 2 bell peppers(can be eaten separately).
  • LUNCH 50 g of boiled chicken (breast), a plate of boiled green beans or 1 boiled jacket potato. 1 apple, 1 orange. 2 walnuts and 3 dried apricots.


  • BREAKFAST 100 ml of fish broth, 50 g of boiled fish (low-fat, preferably red), 3 tbsp. spoons of green peas (canned, but better - boiled), 1 piece of rye bread. A cup of green tea with honey.
  • LUNCH 1 bowl of brown rice or half a plate of white. 5 green salad leaves + 1 tomato with 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and a teaspoon of sesame seeds, a glass of low-fat milk, 1 kiwi, 1 banana.


  • BREAKFAST 60 g turkey ham, 1 plate of buckwheat, 2 bell peppers. 2 teaspoons of cottage cheese, a glass of black tea with 1 teaspoon of honey, a small handful of raisins.

LUNCH Steamed lentils - half a plate, 70 g boiled beef, 1 cup low-fat yogurt, sprig blue grapes. A handful of almonds or pine nuts.

While you are on a diet, I advise you to forget about excessively intense exercises; it is better to replace them with light physical activity, for example, race walking or short jogging. It is necessary to exclude salt, sugar and definitely alcohol. Yes, yes, martini lovers, this applies to you too! You can eat more vegetables and fruits than indicated in the diet until you feel full. But, again, I don’t recommend getting carried away with fruits - don’t stretch the walls of your stomach with excess food, even if it’s the most healthy fruits or vegetables. Remember that your stomach is a pouch of muscle, and excess food can increase its size. And a person with a large stomach wants to eat much more often than anyone else. And one more important point- If possible, try to consume the vegetables and fruits indicated in the menu either ONE HOUR before meals or ONE HOUR after meals. It is important! Eating fruits or vegetables immediately after meals will only harm yourself. In this case, the fruit will not be digested, and once in a full stomach, it will remain in it for a long time, having time to sour (rot) and lose most of the minerals and vitamins, but not be digested. These very rotting fruits will then enter your intestines, where they will most likely cause fermentation processes. Well, these processes, in turn, are fraught with unpleasant intestinal upset for you.

A diet without sugar, flour and alcohol!

If you strictly follow the diet, you should lose 10-20 kg in a week!

This, friends, is the diet. Another advantage is that you don’t feel like eating at all. There is no depression or depressed mood. And with all this, it’s super fast diet! Every time I lose at least 5 kilos after a week's course. One friend, since school, uses it once a month and looks as if she has been sitting on it since birth. separate meals. In general, I recommend it to everyone, the most effective diet for a week that I know. At least in the rank of "" she occupies one of the first places.

Lose excess weight in just one week!

In general, I wish good luck to everyone who will try! There is no need to be afraid, despite the fact that the diet allows you to lose weight very quickly, it is also without harm to your health. Read at least about those 5 bonuses (I wrote about them earlier) with which the diet will thank you! Let me quote them again:

  1. Increasing the tone of the body as a whole (cleansing blood vessels, improving the functioning of the digestive tract, proper metabolism)

An effective result in getting rid of subcutaneous adipose tissue (fat) along the abdomen, thighs and buttocks

Active vitamin saturation (will be especially useful for those who have brittle nails, acne problems, dull hair - all this is 90% dependent on the body’s supply of vitamins)

Proper nutrition. After literally a week on this diet, you will accustom yourself to healthy and wholesome food. I promise, I will no longer crave salty and smoked foods. Self-tested

Fast weight loss (the most important point. I think no comments are required on it)

What else to read