Suleiman Kerimov met with whom. Was there love? Lena Lenina about Volochkova's true feelings for the billionaire Kerimov. Suleiman Kerimov - one of the richest people in Russia

Suleiman Kerimov is one of the "old-timers" of the Forbes domestic rating. For many years he has been not only one of the richest businessmen in Russia, but also the richest member of the Upper House of the Russian Parliament, in which he has represented his native republic of Dagestan for many years. Suleiman Kerimov is not only a major businessman and a successful investor, but also an influential political and statesman with many years of experience and experience.

  • FULL NAME: Kerimov Suleiman Abusaidovich
  • Date of Birth: March 12, 1966
  • Education: Dagestan State University, Faculty of Economics (graduated in 1989)
  • Start of business activity: 1993
  • Type of activity at the start: bank "Fedprombank"
  • Current activity: member of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation from the Republic of Dagestan
  • Current state (2017):$6.3 billion

Suleiman Kerimov enjoys well-deserved authority in his native Dagestan, which he has been representing in the Federation Council of the Russian Federation for many years. At the same time, he managed to build his own business empire, which includes large assets in Russia and abroad. Serious life shocks, such as a terrible car accident and the loss of almost all of his fortune in the 2008 crisis, did not break this strong man. He not only returned to big business, but also restored his leading position in the ranking of the country's richest businessmen.

Dagestan is the small homeland of the Russian oligarch

Suleiman, a Lezgin by nationality, was born on March 12, 1966 in sunny Derbent, into an intelligent family of a lawyer and accountant. A brief biography of Suleiman Kerimov begins with a story similar to many fates of that time.

The Soviet childhood and youth of the future billionaire passed in his native Caucasus. He graduated from high school with honors, gave his military duty to the Motherland, having served in the army, graduated in 1989 from the Faculty of Economics of Dagestan State University.

The young man was seriously fond of weightlifting and wrestling and achieved notable success in this field. The career of a young economist also began quite successfully.

Figure 1. Mathematics and sports are Kerimov's childhood hobbies.

Family and clan support is traditionally strong in the Caucasus. Thanks to a successful marriage and the patronage of an influential father-in-law, Kerimov began his career at the Eltav plant, which produces electronic equipment.

The purposeful young man quickly rose through the ranks from an economist to an assistant to the general director. In 1993, Suleiman Kerimov was sent to represent the interests of shareholders in the newly established Fedprombank. Kerimov moved to Moscow. From that moment, a new round began in the biography of Suleiman Kerimov, his ascent to the financial and political Olympus.

By the way, the older brother and sister of Suleiman Kerimov are representatives of the classical professions of a doctor and teacher and have never had a relationship with big business.

Business Features and Sources of Personal Wealth

Soon Kerimov became the head of Fedprombank, and then headed the Soyuz-Finance company. He has gained invaluable experience in operations in the financial markets, as well as lending to enterprises in leading industrial sectors that are experiencing financial difficulties during a crisis.

After overcoming economic problems with the help of additional financing, the enterprises returned loans to the bank with a large marginal return for the credit institution and personally for Karimov. Probably, it was at this time that an equally successful investor woke up in a smart and successful economist.

The basis of Kerimov's business was transactions for the acquisition of stakes in enterprises of the most promising and profitable industries, and his personal fortune grew on successful transactions for the purchase and sale of various assets.

The first and main acquisition of the oligarch was the Nafta-Moscow company, which still remains the main business structure of Kerimov. He quickly increased his stake in the company to 100% and became its sole owner. Initially, Nafta-Moskva was engaged in oil transportation, but soon reduced this activity to a minimum and turned into a full-fledged investment company.

The main features inherent in Suleiman Kerimov's business are: commitment to first-tier assets (oil, gold mining, telecommunications and development), the creation of profitable enterprises and the ability to resolve business issues with government agencies.

Figure 2. Kerimov has always been able to resolve issues with banks (pictured with VTB President Andrey Kostin).

The first major income for Kerimov was brought by transactions for the purchase of shares in Gazprom and Sberbank with specially attracted credit money. The favorable situation on the financial market made it possible to quickly repay loans and withdraw large margins from transactions.

Table 1. A number of successful transactions of Suleiman Kerimov

Name of asset (purchase)

1 Polymetal. A controlling stake was acquired in 2005, in 2007 - an IPO was held on the London Stock Exchange in the amount of $ 2.44 billion

In 2008, 70% (the entire package) of shares was sold to Alexander Nesis (IST Group), Alexander Mamut and Peter Kellner (PPF)

2 The city of millionaires "Rublyovo-Arkhangelskoye" - a development project (2003-2008)

The project was sold to Mikhail Shishkhanov (Bin Bank)

3 The five-star Four Seasons Hotel was established in 2009 on the basis of the Moskva Hotel.

In 2015, the hotel was sold to Belarusian entrepreneurs Khotin

4 In 2005, Mosteleseti was created, in 2007 - the National Telecommunications holding

In 2008, the asset was sold to Yuri Kovalchuk for $1.5 billion

5 PIK Group is the largest developer in Russia, in 2009 it acquired almost 40% of the shares. At the time of the purchase, the group's capitalization was $279 million, by 2013 - $1.42 billion

In 2013, a stake was sold to Alexander Mamut and Sergey Gordeev

6 Uralkali, the world's largest producer of potash fertilizers, acquired in 2010

The company's shares were sold in 2013 to Mikhail Prokhorov and Dmitry Mazepin

Suleiman Kerimov has long and firmly been among the richest businessmen in the country, although the size of his fortune has periodically undergone significant fluctuations.

Source: Forbes

So, in 2008, a real disaster happened in the financial empire of the oligarch. But it was preceded by an even more terrible event that happened in sunny France.

Two catastrophes: life before and after

This news immediately spread around the world. In 2006, a terrible accident occurred in Nice. An elite Ferrari car crashed into a tree at high speed. Behind the wheel was the Russian billionaire Suleiman Kerimov. The collision was so strong that the car after the accident could not be restored.

Figure 3. Ferrari after the accident was sent to a landfill.

The life of the oligarch was saved by the impeccable security system of an expensive foreign car. But, unfortunately, a fire broke out in the cabin, the fire immediately spread to the driver. Eyewitnesses said that Kerimov was literally on fire when he got out of the car and tried to put out the flames on his own. Suleiman Abusaidovich was urgently taken to the clinic. They saved him. But ahead was a long treatment and recovery. They say that the consequences of the accident affect the health of the oligarch so far.

Reference. Kerimov's companion on that fateful trip was the well-known Russian television personality Tina Kandelaki, who, surprisingly, was practically not injured.

Despite the terrible consequences of a terrible accident, Suleiman Kerimov did not let go of managing his business empire for a minute. By that time, he had transferred almost all of his assets abroad and made grandiose plans to expand investments in foreign companies. Not only built, but also actively implemented.

Although there is practically no open information on the size of the money he placed at that time, one can imagine the scope of the operation if Kerimov was named Morgan Stanly's largest private investor.

The oligarch believed in the success of his undertakings so much that, despite the alarming news from the world's largest stock exchanges, a steady decline in stock prices, he continued to buy securities of large enterprises. But this time, Kerimov's impeccable business sense let him down. The global financial market collapsed, burying about 20 billion dollars of Kerimov under the ruins.

Many experts even assumed the end of Suleiman Kerimov's success story after such losses. But Suleiman Abusaidovich earned a reputation as a strong and intelligent player for a reason. Big business carries big risks. And to be able to adequately survive the loss, collapse - this is a quality inherent in large-scale personalities. The battle was lost, but not the war. Kerimov continued his business, slightly adjusting his strategy. He now sought to acquire operational control over his assets.

It is noteworthy that Kerimov was able to triumphantly return to the leaders of the Forbes rating literally within a couple of years.

To date, he has practically managed to enter the top twenty of the richest businessmen in Russia. Over the past year, Kerimov's fortune has grown by more than 200%. The oligarch gradually transfers his assets to his son Said, including Polyus Gold and the airport in Makhachkala, increasingly focusing on social activities and charity.

Political career

Karimov is not only a successful businessman who knows how to adequately survive the fall and take off again. The uniqueness of his personality lies in the fact that for a long time he has been a political centenarian, and of the highest level.

Suleiman Abusaidovich - Deputy of the State Duma of 2 convocations (1999-2003, 2004-2007) from the Liberal Democratic Party. From 2008 to this day, Kerimov represents his native Dagestan in the Federation Council of the Russian Federation.

Of course, formally Kerimov transferred the management of business assets to a fund named after himself, having entered the civil service. But in fact, he continued to control and influence the processes in his structures. Moreover, as time has shown, he successfully combines all areas of his various activities.

Strong family and beautiful personal life

Suleiman met his wife Firuza in his youth. For a long life together, they raised three children, who are currently continuing their father's work. The wife of the oligarch has always been for him a reliable rear and a true friend. Firuza Kerimova is a non-public figure, but, in addition to maintaining a home and raising children, she takes part in her husband's charitable activities, especially in Dagestan.

As for any Caucasian, the family for Kerimov is sacred. His marriage is strong and indestructible, although attempts to destroy it were still made by other women. For the sake of justice, it should be noted that Suleiman Abusaidovich himself gave rise to such attempts, being a connoisseur and lover of beautiful women.

But his relationship outside the family cannot be called adventures in the vulgar sense of the word. Firstly, as a true Caucasian, Kerimov knows how to romantically and on a grand scale to care for women. Secondly, next to him were some of the most famous and beautiful women in the country. Thirdly, he never really hid his romantic relationship from the public, which, as you know, greatly reduces her interest in such stories.

The oligarch's friends at various times were the singer Natalia Vetlitskaya, the scandalous ballerina Anastasia Volochkova, Tina Kandelaki already mentioned in the article, and the actress Olesya Sudzilovskaya. Each story resembles a fairy tale about a handsome prince, but with the same ending: the prince ends his relationship and stays with his family. The memory of a beautiful girl is apartments, planes, jewelry and boutiques.

How to get money and fame? How to become a person who has everything in this life that is necessary, and even more? The answer to this question is probably known to Suleiman Abusaidovich Kerimov, a businessman from distant Derbent, who for several years has conquered the top of the Olympus of entrepreneurs in the Russian capital.

Suleiman was born in Derbent in 1966. He was not the only child in the family: he has a brother (who later became a doctor) and a sister (who works as a teacher). None of the children, except Suleiman, went into business - only the latter showed a pronounced commercial talent.

After graduating from school, where Suleiman's favorite subject was mathematics, he entered the Dagestan Polytechnic Institute. Then there was the army, and after Suleiman graduated from the institute and began working at the Eltav plant.

The young man's abilities allowed him to take the position of assistant general director after 5 years.


Having gained management experience in the field of economics, Suleiman Abusaidovich moved into the area that turned out to be closer to him - these were banks, stocks and investments. Since the mid 90s. Kerimov becomes the head of the Soyuz-Finance trading and financial company.

Since the late 90s, Kerimov has finally gone into "free swimming". He buys shares in the oil company Nafta-Moscow and starts investing in various projects. The nineties, the first decade of the XXI century - the time when Kerimov invested in foreign enterprises: Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs and others. These operations have always been successful.

In parallel, Kerimov is engaged in the development of telecommunications: together with the Moscow City Hall in 2005, he created the Mosteleset society. Suleiman Abusaidovich also tried the hotel business: it was another joint project with the Moscow City Hall called the United Hotel Company.

A youthful passion for sports (young Kerimov repeatedly became the champion of various sports competitions, in particular, in judo) grew into a desire to help the football teams of his native republic. In 2011, he bought the Anji football club and has supported it ever since. At the expense of the billionaire, a children's football academy was created and a huge stadium was built near Makhachkala.


The income of Suleiman Kerimov is impressive. As of April 2019, he owns $6.3 billion!

Personal life

Karimov met his future wife Firuza while studying at the institute. The spouses live together, they have three children: Gulnara, Abusaid and Aminat. True, from time to time rumors about the numerous novels of the billionaire leak into the media.

So, at one time, online publications were actively gossiping about a stormy romance between Suleiman and a ballerina. Volochkova herself does not deny the novel, she talks about flying on a private plane and magnificent bouquets of roses - such were Kerimov's chic gifts.

Once, according to Volochkova, Suleiman Abusaidovich offered her the role of his second wife. “I didn’t want to be second, I can only be the only one,” the proud ballerina explained her refusal and the break in relations that followed.

Secret of success

Suleiman Kerimov knows how to work, he calculates the situation many steps ahead. From beginning to end, he thinks through each of his projects and patiently achieves results.

Probably, such a position in life, coupled with the talent of an entrepreneur, helped him to take a strong position almost at the very top of the Forbs list.

Suleiman Kerimov today

The entrepreneur continues to work on the implementation of commercial projects. In addition, he takes an active part in political life - in particular, he is a member of the Federation Council, represents Dagestan in the Russian Parliament.

Kerimov is involved in charity work: he helps the Wrestling Federation of the Russian Federation, he donated a million euros to the Pinocchio charitable foundation to combat burns.

Is there time for rest and entertainment? It turns out that if you want, you can catch everything! Suleiman Abusaidovich enjoys riding yachts. Once his team did a heroic deed - they saved 9 drowning people from an overturned pleasure boat.

Suleiman Kerimov is an entrepreneur, athlete, happy husband and father. You can safely call him a champion - in everything, no matter what Kerimov undertakes, he wins. His life is a clear example for those who want to succeed, but do not yet dare to take the very first, most important step.

The oil king abandoned the daughter of actor Archil Gomiashvili

Their romance lasted four years. One of the richest people in Russia, the owner of Nafta-Moskva, Suleiman KERIMOV, generously endowed Katya GOMIASHVILI, helping her enter the open spaces of big business. But the heart of the oligarch is prone to treason. The daughter of the famous actor who played Ostap Bender in Gaidai's unsurpassed comedy "12 Chairs" shared the fate of her predecessors - singer Natalia VETLITSKY, ballerina Anastasia VOLOCHKOVA, actress Olesya SUDZILOVSKAYA, and if rumors are to be believed, TV presenter Tina KANDELAKI and pop diva Zhanna FRISKE.


General public billionaire Suleiman Kerimov became famous after being in a car accident in Nice in December 2006. Then the Ferrari driven by the oligarch crashed into a tree and caught fire. Kerimov was badly burned. sitting next to Tina Kandelaki escaped with minor burns. True, the TV presenter herself later denied everything. But somehow Tina opened up:

I met Suleiman at the time when he was courting my girlfriend, an actress Olesya Sudzilovskoy. Suleiman loves beautiful women - it's true. Soon he left Olesya and became interested in another friend of mine - a fashion designer Katya Gomiashvili.

Sudzilovskaya was only an episode for him, and a tender relationship with Archil Gomiashvili's daughter lasted for four whole years.

Generous Cavalier

When a girl is offered love and friendship by a man exhaling the smell of money, and Kerimov has as much as $ 14 billion, then it is impossible to refuse. So Katya Gomiashvili could not resist, although she herself is not from a poor family. Her dad, in addition to playing Ostap Bender superbly, was also a successful restaurateur in Moscow.

Catherine decided to make a career as a fashion designer. With the help of her father, she opened an atelier. Things were going the way they were. But since Kerimov appeared next to Katya, even world-famous couturiers envied her scope.

If a fashion designer has serious financial resources for brand promotion, he can be successful. You can buy everything now, - says Vyacheslav Zaitsev, having learned that Gomiashvili opens a boutique in London with the money of his lover. Designed by a Russian designer's shop, a very popular architect in England Ab Rogers. Katya's whim cost at least 3 million euros.

In the spring of 2006, at the height of her romance with Kerimov, a boutique "Mia Shvili" appeared on the Patriarch's Ponds in the capital, a little later she changed the sign to "Emperor Moth". At the same time, at the end of the house on Novy Arbat, to the envy of Katya's competitors, there was a giant banner on which the American film actress Chloe Sevigny flaunted in clothes from designer Gomiashvili. Another collection of the beloved oil king was advertised by top models Kate moss And Devonian Aoki. Models of this level charge from $30,000 to 150,000 just for a fashion show. For participation in an advertising campaign, rates increase tenfold.

shook it off and left

In April, Katya unexpectedly announced the sale of the latest collection and closed boutiques. Everyone wondered why she turned the hyped case. It turned out that the reason is banal: the oligarch abandoned her. And what is the modeling business without his money? Another juicy detail came to light: Katya is pregnant.

And just the other day, the site dismantled Ekaterina Gomiashvili and her recent interview with Vogue magazine. The fashion designer shared with the "gloss" her longing for a certain oligarch:

He told me: “Katya, we are very strong. And if you do what I need, then break you. Do what you want - break me. It's impossible". …I have no grudge against him. It just hurts when a person who has done nothing but good to you does this to you. figured out who this oligarch is, for whom the fashion designer suffers so much: “One of the versions says that this is the billionaire Suleiman Kerimov.” And as absolutely unambiguously hints, Katya is pregnant from him: “They say that Kerimov has fully recovered from the car accident, but there are no rumors about new hobbies. And Katya Gomiashvili is expecting a baby. It is already known that it will be a girl. knows what he writes about, because his mistress is the wife of another respected oligarch.

If the news on the site is true, then Katya had no chance. Suleiman has been happily married for a long time, he has three legitimate children. He just collects beautiful women. As one of the visitors to the forum wrote under the nickname blue eyes, "Suleiman ... he dusted himself off, ticked the box and went on."

However, according to information from other sources, Katya was going to marry some Italian not so long ago. But something didn't work out. Perhaps the groom just found out that the girl is slightly pregnant, but from another.

List of Don Juan

* The loudest was Suleiman Kerimov's romance with Natalia Vetlitskaya. The businessman, without hiding, appeared with the singer at social events, and many mistakenly considered Vetlitskaya his wife. On his 38th birthday, he presented Natalya with a diamond pendant for $10,000. And in parting, so as not to remember dashingly, he presented a plane and an apartment in Paris.

* Vetlitskaya was replaced by the ballerina Anastasia Volochkova. The predecessor, not wanting to put up with the loss, threatened her rival that she would pay her off with the help of bandits. Kerimov hired security for a new passion. But she soon did not suit her rich patron, and they parted. After their breakup, Nastya started having trouble in the theater.

* Forgetting the ballerina, Kerimov became interested in actress Olesya Sudzilovskaya, and then met with designer Katya Gomiashvili for a long time.

* The oligarch was also credited with close relations with Ksyusha Sobchak and Tina Kandelaki.

Suleiman Kerimov is one of the richest and most influential businessmen in Russia. Concurrently, he is a member of the Federation Council, where he was nominated from Dagestan. There are ups and downs in the biography of the oligarch, but he learned from mistakes and built new, win-win combinations. The success story of a simple Soviet youth deserves attention.

Biography of the oligarch

The interlocutors notice an interesting feature in Kerimov: he communicates at ease and always anticipates the answer. An analytical mind, a subtle sense of profit and the wisdom inherent in Eastern men helped him earn billions and influence in society. The main biography of the billionaire:

  • place of birth - Derbent, Dagestan;
  • nationality - Lezgins;
  • citizenship - Russian;
  • activities - investments;
  • state at the end of 2018 - 6.3 billion dollars;
  • place in the list of the richest Russians (for 2019) - 19.

The future senator spent his childhood in Derbent, the oil capital of the Republic of Dagestan. He became the third child in the family of a criminal investigation worker. Suleiman's father (Abusaid Kerimov) had a law degree. Mom worked as an accountant in one of the branches of the Savings Bank. In addition to Suleiman, the couple raised two more children: a son (now working as a doctor) and a daughter (became a teacher of the Russian language).

The first educational institution of Kerimov is school number 18 in Derbent. During the years of study, the young man admired teachers with mathematical abilities. He loved chess and easily got first grade in it. Suleiman Abusaidovich also excelled in sports - his favorite types were judo and kettlebells.

Having brilliantly graduated from school, in 1983 the young man entered the construction department of the Dagestan Polytechnic Institute. However, a year later, his studies had to be interrupted due to conscription for military service. Until 1986, Kerimov repaid his debt to the Motherland. The army hardened him and helped to reveal the leadership qualities of a leader. He returned home with the rank of senior sergeant.

Kerimov received further education at the Dagestan State University, choosing to study economics.

During the years of study, he was distinguished not only by high academic performance, but also carried out active social work. During the end of DSU, the young man was listed as deputy chairman of the local trade union committee.

Entrepreneurial activity

The first place of work of Kerimov - plant "Eltav" in Makhachkala. Nazim Khanbalaev (Kerimov's father-in-law), who at that time headed the Dagestan Council of Trade Unions, participated in obtaining a prestigious position as an economist. Diligence, abilities and connections helped Suleiman make a brilliant career - within five years he became the deputy general director of the plant.

In 1993, the management of the enterprise founded a bank, which was registered in Moscow. Kerimov was appointed its director and he moved to the capital. Here he managed to make many useful contacts, since the bank's activities extended to lending to enterprises that fell into a crisis. Representing the management of the plant, Kerimov was able to get the main stake in the bank and finally settled in Moscow.

In 1995, the young director headed the Soyuz-Finance company, and in 1997 he became a researcher at the Moscow International Institute of Corporations. Kerimov seriously took up business development in 1999. His first asset was a package of equity securities of the Nafta Moscow trading company. Soon he managed to buy out 100% of the shares and he became the only head of the holding, from which he made a powerful business tool.

Managing a large enterprise, the young leader was able to bring it to the level of Rusal and Millhouse. In many ways, this was facilitated by the fact that oil companies received the right to trade hydrocarbons without intermediaries. The executive was able to sell his assets and raise about $400 million. For these funds, in the period from 2002 to 2008, Nafta Moskva acquired shares in large factories.

Additionally, loans from Vnesheconombank and foreign financial organizations were used as start-up capital. The holding got shares in Volvo, Boeing, British Petroleum, and large financial magnates became Kerimov's friends.

In 2009, the businessman decided to master the real estate market. The starting project was the reconstruction of the Moskva Hotel - now it is the Four Seasons Hotel (5 stars). In the same period, an organization controlled by Kerimov bought out a stake in PIK Group of Companies. The construction company was in crisis, but the businessman improved the business of the enterprise and gained a significant amount after the sale of his shares.

A major event in 2009 was the acquisition of shares in the gold mining company Polyus Gold from Vladimir Potanin. Initially, 37% of the shares were bought out, but three years later Kerimov already had 95% of equity securities. In 2016, Kerimov's son Said (b. 1995) joined the management of Polus Gold and headed the Suleyman Kerimov Foundation trust fund. In addition, the sphere of interests of the billionaire included:

  • creation of investment company Millemium Group, which functioned abroad;
  • the acquisition of Uralkali and gaining control over its competitor Silvinit (Kerimov was ahead of Vladimir Potanin in this);
  • the purchase of shares in the Bahamian Altitude 41 JSC (Kerimov was its shareholder along with colleague Nariman Gadzhiev), as indicated in the declaration filled out before the State Duma elections in 2011;
  • acquisition of Anji football club.

There were also black stripes in the successful activity of Kerimov. The crisis at the end of the 2000s led to the loss of 20 billion dollars that were abroad. The empire was under attack, but experience and intuition helped the financier to get out of the crisis.

An investment in 2010 of $ 200 million in the American messenger Snapchat turned out to be unsuccessful. After buying the shares, their quotes went uphill, but soon fell sharply in price, which affected the investor's income. In 2014, the businessman sold his assets and went into politics.

Events 2017-2018

At the end of November 2017, Kerimov was arrested by the French authorities after a deal was made to acquire a villa on the Cote d'Azur. The accusation of the prosecutor's office concerned the non-payment of taxes in the transaction and the illegal transportation of cash across the French border. It was about the amount of about 750 million euros. As a measure of punishment, the Court of Appeal offered the oligarch a written undertaking not to leave and a bail of 5 million euros. After the appeal, the bail amount increased by 8 times.

The Russian political and business elite supported the senator. Peskov voiced the Kremlin's position and stressed that it is important to wait for a legal solution to the issue. To the request of the domestic prosecutor's office regarding the grounds for the arrest of the oligarch, the French replied that Kerimov was without diplomatic documents. In 2018, the charges were dropped, the senator became a witness in the case and returned to Russia. A month later, the growth of Polyus' quotes brought him $5.7 billion.

Charity and titles

In 2007, the businessman established the Suleyman Kerimov Foundation. Its goal is to support initiatives that improve the lives of young people. In addition, the fund promotes projects in the field of culture, sports, and provides assistance to those in need. According to Forbes experts, in 2013 Kerimov closed the top three major Russian philanthropists.

The Kerimov Foundation cooperates with other charitable institutions. Among them are the Gorchakov funds, Give Life, Health of the Nation. The Kerimov Foundation participated in the reconstruction of the Cathedral Mosque in the capital, sponsored youth festivals, sports events, and raised funds for people with serious illnesses.

The oligarch is one of the trustees of the educational center "Sirius". In addition, since 2006 he has been the head of the Board of Trustees of the Russian Wrestling Federation. Over the years of his activity, Kerimov was awarded a number of awards: the title of "People's Hero of Dagestan", an honorary citizen of Derbent, the medal "For Services to the Fatherland".

Contribution to politics

Politics takes a lot of place in the life of an oligarch. He twice served as a deputy of the State Duma, defending the interests of the Liberal Democratic Party (1999-2007). In 2008, Kerimov became a member of the Federation Council, where he represents the interests of the Republic of Dagestan. While working in Parliament and the Senate, the businessman's assets were in trust management, and since 2013 they have been transferred to the Suleyman Kerimov Foundation.

In October 2018, the senator spoke to the leadership of Derbent and announced plans for the development of the city. He determined the vector of economic growth (tourism), focused on the construction of new generation polyclinics and promised to increase the city budget by 5 times. It remains to observe the affairs of the politician, who has repeatedly proved that he keeps his word.

Family life and high-profile novels

The personal life of the oligarch resembles a fascinating novel. The main woman in his life is Firuza Kerimova (Khanbalaeva), daughter of the chairman of the council of trade unions. The marriage was concluded in their student years, the couple had a son Said and two daughters Gulnara (Gulnara Kerimova) and Aminat. The billionaire's wife is not a public person, and she does not go out with her husband. She is successfully engaged in business and is the founder of a number of enterprises. Suleiman Kerimov and his wife Firuza - a photo of this kind is rarely seen on the net.

During social events, the oligarch is accompanied by other ladies. In the latest news, you can often see how Suleiman Kerimov and his women in the photo spend time. Don Juan's list looks impressive:

  • Natalya Vetlitskaya. At the beginning of the 2000s, a lady was often seen in the company of an oligarch. At the time of their acquaintance, she was not going through the best period in her singing career. Suleiman has invested a lot of money in shooting fresh videos and organizing concerts. The relationship lasted for about four years. At parting, the mistress received a house, a private jet and an apartment in Paris.
  • Suleiman Kerimov and Anastasia Volochkova. The novel of two famous people became quite discussed, although at one time only a small circle of people knew about it. Suleiman insisted that the ballerina quit her job, and this caused a scandalous breakup. Volochkova spoke on the Instagram network that her dismissal from the Bolshoi Theater was Karimov's revenge.
  • Tina Kandelaki. Many Russians learned about Kerimov after a car accident on the Cote d'Azur (2006). The oligarch's car crashed into a tree on the way to Nice. Part of the fuel spilled out and caught fire, causing burns to the businessman. Tina Kandelaki was in the car. The TV presenter was not injured, but the accident revealed a relationship that the married lady did not want to advertise. After the accident, Kerimov wears flesh-colored gloves that hide his burnt hands.
  • Ekaterina Gomiashvili. The beautiful daughter of Archil Gomiashvili (performer of the role of Ostap Bender and a successful restaurateur) did not go unnoticed by the rich man. Kerimov helped the young lady promote the Mia Svili clothing brand. Boutiques appeared in Europe, but Catherine decided to close the business due to pregnancy. She did not name the child's father. Soon the couple broke up. Catherine received a villa in Spain from the oligarch. It is known that he spends money on the maintenance of his daughter Katya.
  • Fleeting hobbies. In addition to high-profile novels, the billionaire was seen in ties with Zhanna Friske, Olesya Sudzilovskaya, Ksenia Sobchak and other socialites. He was firmly entrenched in the fame of a collector of beautiful women.

One of the richest people in Russia, a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Suleiman Kerimov, was born on March 12, 1966 in the city of Derbent, Dagestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (now the Republic of Dagestan). Father - a lawyer, worked in the criminal investigation department; mother worked as an accountant in the system of Sberbank of the Russian Federation.

In 1983, S. Kerimov entered the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Dagestan Polytechnic Institute, in 1984 - after completing the first year of the institute - he was drafted into the army and did military service in the Strategic Missile Forces of the USSR Armed Forces (RVSN USSR Armed Forces). After being transferred to the reserve, he continued his studies at the Faculty of Economics of the Dagestan State University (DSU) named after. VI Lenin, who graduated in 1989 with a degree in Accounting and Analysis of Economic Activity.

In 1989-1995, he worked in positions from an economist to an assistant to the general director for economic issues at the Eltav plant of the Ministry of Electronic Industry.

Since 1995 - General Director of the company "Soyuz-Finance" (Moscow).

Since April 1997, he has been engaged in scientific activities.

In February-December 1999, he was deputy director of the autonomous non-profit organization "International Institute of Corporations".

Since December 1999 - Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the third convocation on the federal list of the electoral bloc "Zhirinovsky Bloc", was a member of the Security Committee of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

On December 7, 2003, he was elected to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the fourth convocation on the federal list of the LDPR electoral association. In the State Duma, he became a member of the LDPR faction, is the Deputy Chairman of the Committee of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation for Physical Culture and Sports.

In April 2007, he left the LDPR faction and became an independent deputy.

Suleiman Kerimov heads the Board of Trustees of the Russian Wrestling Federation. In his youth, he was fond of judo and weightlifting, was a multiple champion of various championships. The International Federation of Associated Wrestling Styles (FILA) awarded him the "Golden Order" - one of the most prestigious awards.

On April 19, 2007, the Russian version of Forbes magazine published a rating of the richest citizens of Russia, in which Kerimov took seventh place with $ 12.8 billion.

Under his control through OAO GNK Nafta-Moskva and other companies - the mining holding Polymetal (99.5%), National Cable Networks, the Moscow cable operator Mostelecom. He owns a 4.5% stake in Gazprom ", 5.7% of the shares of Sberbank, about 2% of the shares of MGTS. Invests in the city of Rublevo-Arkhangelskoye near Moscow (2 million square meters of luxury housing).

He is the owner of the yacht Ice, built at the Lürssen shipyard in Bremen, Germany. This is a four-deck ship with a length of 90 meters. The seven tubs and sinks in the owner's cabin and guest cabins are made from solid pieces of limestone, with oak interiors. The owner's bedroom extends from one side of the yacht to the other. On board - a swimming pool and a helipad. The cruising range is more than 11,000 km. According to some reports, the interior decor alone, including painting, cost $25 million, and the total cost of the yacht could be about $170 million.

As a personal liner, Suleiman Kerimov uses a luxuriously finished medium-haul passenger liner Boeing Business Jet (BBJ) 737-700, which takes only 16 people on board, and the owner has an office, shower room and bedroom on board. The cost of such an aircraft reaches $50 million, its non-stop flight range is up to 12,000 km.

Suleiman Kerimov is married. His wife, Firuza, is the daughter of a high-ranking Dagestan official. He met her while studying in Derbent, and soon the lovers got married. According to rumors, father-in-law helped Kerimov get a good job as an economist at the Eltav electronic plant, one of the largest enterprises in Dagestan. Firuza has always been a real "eastern" wife, does not like to appear in public, does not want to communicate with the press. She is raising three children.

Suleiman Kerimov loves social events, parties with pop stars, riding on his own Ice yacht, which is off the coast of Spain. He likes to arrange luxurious parties, give beautiful gifts. He is credited with novels with famous singers, ballerinas, actresses. Kerimov's name has often appeared in the press recently in connection with an accident in France.

On November 25, 2006, on the Promenade des Anglais in Nice, the billionaire and his companion, who, according to some media reports, was the famous Russian TV presenter Tina Kandelaki, got into a car accident. For some unknown reason, in a section where the maximum allowable speed is 50 km / h, Karimov's Enzo Ferrari sports supercar lost control, flew off the road at high speed, crashed into a tree and caught fire. Embraced by flames, Kerimov was able to get out of the cab on his own and rolled on the grass, trying to bring down the fire. He was assisted by eyewitnesses of the accident. The burning car was put out only by firefighters at Nice Airport. "Ferrari" worth about 675 thousand euros is not recoverable. His companion, Tina Kandelaki, escaped with minor burns and injuries. She was admitted to Saint-Roch Hospital. and after providing her with medical assistance, she flew to Moscow that evening. Kerimov, who received severe burns, was sent by helicopter to one of the Marseille clinics, and then transported to a clinic in Belgium, where he underwent a course of treatment and returned to Moscow at the end of January 2007 and started work. To date, he has fully recovered from the accident and is working on a daily basis and in full.

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