Dough for dumplings in mineral water. Step-by-step recipe for pasty dough with mineral water

This simple recipe yeast dough with mineral water gives amazing results when baking. You can’t even imagine what a wonderful airy bread it makes. It would seem that we just replaced ordinary water with mineral water, but it is this that changes the entire texture of the finished baked goods. This yeast dough is prepared in a completely classic and traditional way; it can be kneaded by hand or in a bread machine. And I assure you that you will not encounter any difficulties during the kneading.


  • 350 ml sparkling mineral water
  • 500 g flour
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 packet of dry yeast 11 g
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 1 tsp sugar

Cooking method

Mix flour with yeast, sugar and salt, add mineral water with gas and knead for 10 minutes to a good, homogeneous dough without lumps. It turns out not cool, smooth and sticks a little to your hands, lubricate them with vegetable oil. This is how it should be, don’t rush to fill it with flour, you may lose all its tenderness and airiness. If you use a bread machine for kneading, then leave it in the mode of raising the dough without baking until it is ready. If you use the usual method, then cover the dough with a towel and leave it in a warm place to rise. After about one hour it should have doubled in size. All we have to do is knead it and start shaping it, and then bake it in the oven. Bon appetit.

And the dumplings should be special. Products will be made from it. Therefore, it needs to be elastic, not stick to your hands, but glue the edges of dumplings or dumplings well. The dough will have to hold the filling, which will release juice when cooked and increase in size. Therefore, it must be durable.

Pelmeni are a national Russian dish. That's why there are a lot of recipes. Including the test. Housewives experiment a lot to make it soft, elastic and at the same time durable. We bring to your attention the recipe “Dough for dumplings in mineral water” with photos and step by step instructions. Products made from it are very tasty, slightly airy, and soft. And making this dough is very simple. This is what we will now see. In addition to the classic recipe, we will present a few more for a variety of tastes.


Needless to say, the dough for dumplings is prepared in mineral water, and not in sweet water with bubbles? It is in carbon dioxide that the secret lies. Salt and sugar dissolve instantly. Less flour is required than in the classic dumpling recipe. Kneading won't take much time either. This dough does not boil soggy, and you will not spoil the dish if you hesitate a little in removing the finished products from boiling water. The edges of the dumplings stick together well, and the middle firmly holds the minced meat inside.

So, what do we need to knead the dough? One egg, a glass of sparkling mineral water, one teaspoon of salt and two sugar. You will need about four cups of flour. But we will sprinkle it gradually, because different varieties have different kneading abilities. From the utensils we need a bowl and a napkin.

Dough for dumplings in mineral water: basic recipe

First, let's beat the egg into the container where we will knead the flour base. Add sugar and salt. Lightly beat the egg with a fork. Now pour in a glass of sparkling mineral water. Stir. We start adding flour. This is best done in portions, sifting it through a sieve to avoid the formation of lumps.

Stir constantly - first with a fork, and then with your hands. The dough for dumplings in mineral water should not be very tough. Soft, elastic, it will roll out easily. But in order for the products to mold well, you need to let the dough rest for about twenty minutes after kneading. After this you can roll it out. It is also noteworthy that dumplings and dumplings do not require additional flour when modeling. If we do not plan to cook all the products at once, they should be covered cling film to protect from drying out and place in the refrigerator.

Dough for dumplings in mineral water with vegetable oil

We've covered the basic recipe. It is very similar to the classic one, except that not ordinary water, but carbonated water is added to the dough. Now let's look at the various variations of the basic recipe. Additives to classic ingredients are designed to make the dough more elastic, stronger and tastier.

In this recipe, we also include vegetable oil (preferably sunflower) in the list of the above set of products. We will need four tablespoons of this product. The amount of sugar and salt in this recipe is equal. Pour one teaspoon of each into the egg, scrambled with a fork. First add vegetable oil, and then mineral water. Only at the end add flour in portions. The bun should turn out shiny after kneading. You need to give the dough about twenty minutes to “ripen”. The vegetable oil in the composition will allow you to roll out a very thin layer. The elastic dough will not stick to your hands, which will make the modeling process pleasant and fast. And the products will not tear during cooking.

With soda and sour cream

The addition of milk fat makes the mineral water dough for dumplings and dumplings airy and tender. It molds perfectly. The dough does not tear when cooked and tolerates freezing in the refrigerator. And the finished products turn out smooth, as if lubricated with oil. First, in a bowl, mix the egg with a teaspoon of salt. Then add one hundred milliliters of sour cream of any fat content and sparkling mineral water. We begin to sift the flour into the bowl. This recipe can take eight hundred grams. Knead a loose elastic dough. Let's give the bun a quarter of an hour so that the gluten contained in the flour can manifest itself. After this, you can roll out the layer and make dumplings or dumplings. Products made from dough with sour cream and soda cook quickly and remain intact.

Colored dumplings

We know that there is pasta in all shades of the rainbow. Various dyes add color to pasta dough - tomatoes, paprika, spinach, cuttlefish ink, etc. What prevents us from applying the same principle when making dumplings? These food dyes not only add color to products, but also diversify familiar taste. In addition, you don’t need to add eggs to this mineral water dumpling dough.

Mix in a bowl a glass of soda, a pinch of salt, two tablespoons of vegetable oil and three tomato paste or ketchup. The dumplings will come out with an original pinkish-orange color. Tomatoes can be replaced with blended purees bell peppers or spinach. When the mass becomes homogeneous, add three cups of flour in portions. Knead the dough for about fifteen minutes. And then we let it rest for another half hour in a warm place.

With soda and milk

This mineral water dumpling dough will be elastic, tender and at the same time durable.

A recipe made with milk is more budget-friendly than one made with sour cream. First, beat an egg into a bowl. Stir with a fork until the white and yolk are combined. Now pour in a third of a glass of milk. Beat the mixture with a mixer whisk. Now add two-thirds of a glass of highly carbonated mineral water. Bubbles carbon dioxide will speed up chemical reactions in the dough, making it airy and very elastic. Add a teaspoon of salt to half a kilogram of sifted flour. Stir and form into a slide. In this recipe we add the egg-milk mass to the flour, and not vice versa. Knead the dough into a tight dough. And add two tablespoons of vegetable oil at the very end to make the mass less dense. If the dough still turns out too tight, add a little more mineral water. Before rolling out, be sure to let the bun sit in a warm place for about twenty minutes.

So, for the test we need:
1. flour - 3 cups
2. chicken egg - 2 pcs.
3. mineral water - 2/3 glasses.
4. sunflower oil - 6-8 tablespoons.
5. table salt - half a teaspoon

First, knead the dough. I do it with my hands. You can also knead in a food processor.

For minced meat: To your taste!!!
I do it differently: Sometimes pork + lamb, sometimes beef + pork. I add a little lard.
The main thing in minced meat is a lot of onions. Then the minced meat turns out very juicy.
I will write approximately: For 400-500g of meat, add 3-4 medium onions.
Add salt, pepper to taste and chopped herbs (parsley, dill) to the minced meat.

Roll out the dough as usual. 1 mm thick.

Yes, here is the mineral water that I add to the dough. 1.5 l. plastic bottle. In our stores it costs an average of 30 rubles.

Next, cut out the circles. I do this either with a glass or a cup. Depending on what kind of dumplings you want - small or large. We put a little minced meat in each circle and sculpt.... REMINDER: we do not add flour when rolling and sculpting. The dough doesn't stick to your hands anyway.

I sculpt with my hands. You can make dumplings of a different shape if you wish. I place the finished dumplings on a cutting board and put them in the freezer for 10-15 minutes. Then I put it in a bag and put it back in the freezer. That's all the tricks. We can start dinner!
Bon appetit.

A good dough for chebureks means no less than a successful filling. And in general, chebureks are incredibly appetizing. Can you safely walk near cheburechnaya shops? When it smells unbearably delicious and nourishing juicy meat in a crispy thin crust? When you can even hear the hissing and gurgling of a new batch of delicious pasties being fried? Can you? Congratulations, you are a man with nerves of iron and unshakable self-control. For example, I rarely can resist buying a ruddy envelope of dough with meat, cheese or mushrooms. And, ignoring the timid attempts of my conscience to object and remind me of my figure, I fully enjoy the wonderful taste of cheburek. And I don’t care that your hands will be greasy later, because wet wipes stayed at home as always. And it doesn’t matter that the juice from the filling will drip onto a brand new skirt that you really like. After all, it’s delicious! Although the quality of food in such street catering establishments is quite questionable. Therefore, so that there is no doubt about the impeccability of baking, let's learn how to cook it at home. And let's start with photos of recipes for cheburek dough in mineral water. Here are the most successful of them.

And the recipes themselves delicious fillings for chebureks you can study.

Dough for chebureks in mineral water without eggs

Don’t even try to count how many chebureks come out of this delicious dough. After all, they literally evaporate from the plate. So, offhand, I can say that you will get about 15-18 cheburek envelopes. By the way, this recipe will come in handy during the fasting period. After all, it contains neither eggs nor other foods prohibited for fasting.

Here is the list of ingredients:

  • 1.5 200 ml glasses of highly carbonated mineral water;
  • 3.5 cups premium flour;
  • half a teaspoon table salt and the same amount granulated sugar;
  • a tablespoon of olive oil. Can be replaced with any other vegetable oil, such as sunflower oil.

Preparation of dough for chebureks:

What do you need to do with all these products? First of all, cool the mineral water well. Then take a deep, clean bowl and pour sugar and salt into it. Pour in ice-cold mineral water and mix everything thoroughly until the salt and granulated sugar crystals are completely dissolved. Sift the flour into a separate container. Start adding to the salted and sugared mineral water in parts. When the mass turns into thick and fluid, that is, it begins to resemble pancake dough in consistency, remember the oil and add it to the main container. Stir. Add the remaining amount of flour. Knead the dough, elastic and not sticky to your hands. If, after adding all the ingredients and carrying out all the manipulations, the “nasty” cheburek mass does not want to stick to your hands, add more flour. Wrap the dough in cling film. M “define” it in the refrigerator for half an hour. All! All that remains is to take care of the filling. And you can start making and frying the most delicious pasties in the world. Thin and crispy!

Simple cheburek dough with mineral water

What I like about this mineral water cheburek dough is that it’s easy to knead. And the baked goods turn out rosy, crispy and “bumpy”, as they really should be. From the specified amount of flour you will get just a mountain of pasties. Therefore, if your family is not very large, feel free to divide the numbers next to the names of products in half.

So, yes. For 800 g wheat flour premium grade you will need:

  • 2 standard 200 ml glasses of mineral water with a high content of gases;
  • 1 large egg(CO categories);
  • a teaspoon (without a slide) of table salt;
  • 3 tablespoons of deodorized vegetable oil (olive, sunflower, corn, etc.).

Let's prepare it like this:

The preparation of this cheburek dough in mineral water is so simple that at the first kneading you are overcome by vague doubts about taste qualities finished baked goods. But there is no need to doubt it! Chebureks turn out simply amazing! Well, shall we get started? Pour very well chilled, I would even say, ice-cold mineral water into a bowl. Beat in the egg. Add some vegetable oil. Add salt (it is better to use extra finely ground salt). And flour (pre-sifted, of course) in portions. Gradually knead the dough. You feel how soft and pliable it is. But that is not all. For the chebureks to be a success, you need to let it rest in the cold for an hour. Or better yet, pairs. To prevent the surface from weathering, wrap it with film. And put it in the cold. And now it's ready. You don’t have to worry about the dough bursting during frying and all the juice from the filling running away in an unknown direction.

Dough for pasties with vodka and mineral water

Mineral water makes pasties airy. And vodka is crispy. It’s simply a sin not to combine these two ingredients to prepare the very best delicious dough for rosy and juicy pasties! Let's see what else we need to take.


  • mineral water (highly carbonated, by the way) you will need 300-350 ml;
  • vodka – 2 tsp. and the same amount of granulated sugar;
  • salt – 1 tsp;
  • high-grade flour (wheat, of course) - 4,200 ml cups;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

Choose a suitable container that will easily hold all the ingredients. Sift all the flour there at once. Then add sugar and salt. Stir. Make a small indentation in the center. There, slowly, gradually pour in cold mineral water, while simultaneously grabbing the flour with a spoon and moving it closer to the center. Mix the ingredients in this manner until the water runs out. After this, pour in vodka. Continue kneading the mixture with your hands. The consistency will be tight and elastic, like dumplings or dumplings. Then roll the dough into a ball. Wrap it in food grade plastic or just a bag and put it in the refrigerator for at least half an hour (preferably several hours). This will give you enough time to start filling.

These are the recipes for crispy mineral water dough for incomparably delicious pasties that I could remember. Now you know them too, so you can safely go to the kitchen and create gastronomic miracles!

And the dumplings should be special. Products will be made from it. Therefore, it needs to be elastic, not stick to your hands, but glue the edges of dumplings or dumplings well. The dough will have to hold the filling, which will release juice when cooked and increase in size. Therefore, it must be durable.

Pelmeni are a national Russian dish. That's why there are a lot of recipes. Including the test. Housewives experiment a lot to make it soft, elastic and at the same time durable. We bring to your attention the recipe “Dough for dumplings in mineral water” with photos and step-by-step instructions. Products made from it are very tasty, slightly airy, and soft. And making this dough is very simple. This is what we will now see. In addition to the classic recipe, we will present a few more for a variety of tastes.


Needless to say, the dough for dumplings is prepared in mineral water, and not in sweet water with bubbles? It is in carbon dioxide that the secret lies. Salt and sugar dissolve instantly. Less flour is required than in the classic dumpling recipe. Kneading won't take much time either. This dough does not boil soggy, and you will not spoil the dish if you hesitate a little in removing the finished products from boiling water. The edges of the dumplings stick together well, and the middle firmly holds the minced meat inside.

So, what do we need to knead the dough? One egg, a glass of sparkling mineral water, one teaspoon of salt and two sugar. You will need about four cups of flour. But we will sprinkle it gradually, since different varieties have different kneading abilities. From the utensils we need a bowl and a napkin.

Dough for dumplings in mineral water: basic recipe

First, let's beat the egg into the container where we will knead the flour base. Add sugar and salt. Lightly beat the egg with a fork. Now pour in a glass of sparkling mineral water. Stir. We start adding flour. This is best done in portions, sifting it through a sieve to avoid the formation of lumps.

Stir constantly - first with a fork, and then with your hands. The dough for dumplings in mineral water should not be very tough. Soft, elastic, it will roll out easily. But in order for the products to mold well, you need to let the dough rest for about twenty minutes after kneading. After this you can roll it out. It is also noteworthy that dumplings and dumplings do not require additional flour when modeling. If we do not plan to cook all the products at once, they should be covered with cling film to protect them from drying out and placed in the refrigerator.

Dough for dumplings in mineral water with vegetable oil

We've covered the basic recipe. It is very similar to the classic one, except that not ordinary water, but carbonated water is added to the dough. Now let's look at the various variations of the basic recipe. Additives to classic ingredients are designed to make the dough more elastic, stronger and tastier.

In this recipe, we also include vegetable oil (preferably sunflower) in the list of the above set of products. We will need four tablespoons of this product. The amount of sugar and salt in this recipe is equal. Pour one teaspoon of each into the egg, scrambled with a fork. First add vegetable oil, and then mineral water. Only at the end add flour in portions. The bun should turn out shiny after kneading. You need to give the dough about twenty minutes to “ripen”. The vegetable oil in the composition will allow you to roll out a very thin layer. The elastic dough will not stick to your hands, which will make the modeling process pleasant and fast. And the products will not tear during cooking.

With soda and sour cream

The addition of milk fat makes the mineral water dough for dumplings and dumplings airy and tender. It molds perfectly. The dough does not tear when cooked and tolerates freezing in the refrigerator. And the finished products turn out smooth, as if lubricated with oil. First, in a bowl, mix the egg with a teaspoon of salt. Then add one hundred milliliters of sour cream of any fat content and sparkling mineral water. We begin to sift the flour into the bowl. This recipe can take eight hundred grams. Knead a loose elastic dough. Let's give the bun a quarter of an hour so that the gluten contained in the flour can manifest itself. After this, you can roll out the layer and make dumplings or dumplings. Products made from dough with sour cream and soda cook quickly and remain intact.

Colored dumplings

We know that there is pasta in all shades of the rainbow. Various dyes add color to pasta dough - tomatoes, paprika, spinach, cuttlefish ink, etc. What prevents us from applying the same principle when making dumplings? These food dyes not only add color to products, but also diversify the usual taste. In addition, you don’t need to add eggs to this mineral water dumpling dough.

Mix a glass of soda, a pinch of salt, two tablespoons of vegetable oil and three tomato paste or ketchup in a bowl. The dumplings will come out with an original pinkish-orange color. Tomatoes can be replaced with bell peppers or spinach blended into puree. When the mass becomes homogeneous, add three cups of flour in portions. Knead the dough for about fifteen minutes. And then we let it rest for another half hour in a warm place.

With soda and milk

This mineral water dumpling dough will be elastic, tender and at the same time durable.

A recipe made with milk is more budget-friendly than one made with sour cream. First, beat an egg into a bowl. Stir with a fork until the white and yolk are combined. Now pour in a third of a glass of milk. Beat the mixture with a mixer whisk. Now add two-thirds of a glass of highly carbonated mineral water. The carbon dioxide bubbles will speed up the chemical reactions in the dough, making it airy and very elastic. Add a teaspoon of salt to half a kilogram of sifted flour. Stir and form into a slide. In this recipe we add the egg-milk mass to the flour, and not vice versa. Knead the dough into a tight dough. And add two tablespoons of vegetable oil at the very end to make the mass less dense. If the dough still turns out too tight, add a little more mineral water. Before rolling out, be sure to let the bun sit in a warm place for about twenty minutes.

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