Training exercises on the topic of the noun. Changing nouns by gender. Determination of the gender of nouns in the text. Gender of indeclinable nouns

Exercise 79 Form different plural forms of these nouns, determine the difference in their meaning.

Camp, order, pass, teacher, color.

Exercise 80. Form the plural form of these nouns, describe the stylistic features of possible endings.

Auditor, contract, choice, inspector, reprimand, lecturer, searchlight, proofreader, professor, director, accountant, paramedic, coach, container, bumper, plowman, locksmith, pharmacist, cake, port, front, soup, handwriting, udder.

Exercise 81. Determine how the different forms of the number of nouns differ in meaning.

Oil - oils; beauty - beauty; noise is noise.

Exercise 82. Determine the error in the use of noun number forms.

1. Every day the rhythms of our life are speeding up. 2. It is late autumn now, and on the street you can meet girls in light scarves and young people without a headdress. 3. Grass, in the language of an economist, is the basis of animal husbandry in the republic. 4. With his work, the famous writer helped many to cultivate a sense of beauty in themselves. 5. The bird does not need anything from the townspeople, except for a good attitude.


Exercise 83. Form a short form (where possible) of these adjectives. Pay attention to the stylistic features of the form options.

Young, warm, black, blue, brown, black, forest, artificial, moral, senseless, ignorant, clear, natural.

Exercise 84. Determine what is wrong with the use of adjective forms in the following sentences.

A.) 1. What could be more simple? 2. The results of the audit are better than last year. 3. Sold at the best price. 4. It was the shortest road to the village.

B.) 1. The plot of the story is interesting in many ways. 2. The life path of the hero is difficult and tragic. 3. His character is firm and inflexible in any circumstances.


Exercise 85 Decline the number 6478 in cases.

Exercise 86. Read using numerals and nouns in the correct grammatical form.

    Add 157 to 345. 2. Subtract 89 from 964. 3. The proposal was adopted 7,895 (vote) against 251 (vote). 4. Izborsk is located 4,163 (km) from Moscow. 5. After indexation, the expenses of the Pension Fund increased to 543 (billion) rubles per month, while incomes were at best 342 (billion). 6. Metro builders promise to complete the construction of the route by 25 (December). 7. By 9 (April) 20011 (year) Maltsev completed a sketch for 1/20 of the size of the painting.

Exercise 87 Find and correct errors related to the use of numerals.

1. Both sisters were not present at the hearing. 2. There are fields on both banks of the river. 3. The embankment was built with the help of two bulldozers. 4. Four cats were playing on the floor. 5. We were approached by three schoolgirls. 6. This was witnessed by four academicians. 7. The main accounting department now serves thirteen kindergartens and twenty-two nurseries. 8. The house is located one and a half kilometers from the road. 9. Such remuneration is permitted provided that the total amount does not exceed three hundred thousand rubles. 10. A brush with a thousand bristles will make your eyelashes unique.

Ex. one. Determine the types of lexical meanings of the highlighted words.

Smiling with restraint, Davydov said: “And you, Uncle Ivan, it turns out, goose» ( M.Sh.). Not so great bird division commander, in order to transfer him from front to front through Moscow before the battles ( K.S.). "Oh you, rag!" - I said ( VC.). Katya looked at me with indignation: " Pig!» ( VC.). There was our brother, thin, hungry, having lost contact and part, walked in company and platoon, and in a free company, and alone, like a finger, sometimes ( A.T.). At the Filenkov plant, they considered cracker (D.Gr.). Pavel Vasilyevich was in the shower rag and couldn't refuse A.Ch.). We, children north, like local plants, they bloom for a short time, quickly fade ( M.L.).

Ex. 2. Make up sentences with the following nouns used figuratively to expressively characterize males and females.

Hare, fox, bear, marmot, hat, sourdough, eagle, monkey, chicken, frog, toad.

Ex. 3. Pick up 10 terms on the topics "Linguistics", "Philology". Define each of them.

Ex. 4. Explain the meaning of the words used in the journalistic style.

Aggression, incident, interview, import, accreditation, federation, referendum, statute, ultimatum, subsidy, confrontation, coalition, communique, concept, annexation, appeal, forum, integration, veto, intervention, decree, solidarity, intensification, implementation, concentration, demilitarization.

Ex. five. Explain the meaning of foreign words. Emphasize internationalisms. Establish in what cases it is possible to replace them with Russian synonyms-nouns. Orally make sentences with these words.

Appeal, apogee, ideal, hegemon, discrimination, statement, obstruction, panegyric, prestige, continent, standard, sybarite, utilitarianization, reflex, atmosphere, hybrid, evolution, export, communiqué, accent, problem, reconstruction, memoirs.

Ex. 6. Explain the meaning of archaisms used in fiction as a stylistic means.

Bard, vyya, eyelids, vitiya, host, right hand, sail, lyceum, maiden, dennitsa, bosom, halls, relation, cell, brow, stadium, skald, food, shuytsa, verb, voyage, self-satisfaction, piit, finger, fisherman.

Ex. 7. Compose verbally sentences with underlined nouns-paronyms. Explain the meaning of these words.

Subscriber - subscription, addressee - addressee, diplomat - diplomat, toast - health resort, ignorant - ignorant, remnants - remains, stalactite - stalagmite, talent - talent, economy - economy, exhibit - exhibitor, applicant - precedent, form - quorum, lockout - knockout, emigrant - immigrant.

Ex. 8. Distribute the underlined nouns according to lexico-grammatical categories. Specify the features that serve as the basis for this choice.

1. Shallow frost, silver beads every leaf glows winter, blued steel casts each layer raised under chill of the earth (M.Sh.). Across minute small firewood splattered gasoline, burned merrily and hot ( M.Sh.). Emptying the second bowl of liquid millet porridge, only slightly flavored salom, grandfather Shchukar came to a full contentment and easy drowsiness (M.Sh.). Blizzard so swept all the roads and still continued to take revenge with such by force that to go further by car there was no opportunities (K.S.). But Sintsov did not look at Artemiev's cut articles about stories Russian officers(K.S.).

2. Through the city on west, pulling up, walked cavalry (K.S.). They say that if a diver immediately, in one fell swoop, without stopping, is immersed to the full depth, then blood ears goes ( K.S.). stood silence, barely audible rustling snowstorm (K.S.). He pulled out of the car plywood sheet, brushes And banks from paints, leaned the plywood against the car, spat on his hands, took a brush and in one fell swoop drew soot fat man in top hat K.P.). They only have a hundred grams left apricot, as many raisins and tube cocoa from milk… (V. San.). We were especially fascinated by the gigantic size head pagan god, carved from stone (V.Sun.).

3. Old people are bad dream(K.P.). Children and old people worked from the very dawn, chipped off ice at the mill ( K.P.). Works I have a lot, but sometimes free will happen time (K.P.). It seemed that wild rose flowers forever separated from the thorny branches and hang in air like a bright little flame (K.P.). It was worth it time, when autumn already spilled everything rains, but wind stripped the last leaves from the trees K.P.). Now, in adulthood, I gratitude I remember my childhood hobbies (K.P.). Sometimes spinning in the air snow(K.P.). Frost fell from disturbed branches ( B.P.). Everything from napkins to silver, faience And crystal glass, bore on itself that special imprint of novelty, which happens in the economy of young spouses ( L.T.). From the sea constantly causes fog, and from abundance moisture rampant moss(K.P.).

Ex. nine. Write out real nouns from the text, name their features.

The wind rustled the straw on the roof, howled in the bare branches of the willow on the bank of the pond ( A.T.). Shchi was cooked, coffee was fried, it smelled of stew, onions ... ( D. Gr.). But then squares of orange light fall on the log walls, and the logs light up like layered amber ( K.P.). Copper is mined and smelted here. and gold and other rare metals are only associated waste from the main production ( V.Kozh.). After a horseback ride, tea, jam, crackers and butter seemed very tasty ( A.Ch.). The truth does not burn in fire and does not sink in water ( Last). Dry moss crackled underfoot D.Gr.). The jars contained wheat, rye, barley, millet and buckwheat, herring ( K.F.). The sun sets in clouds, smoke falls to the ground, swallows fly low, roosters crow in the yards without time, clouds stretch across the sky in long misty strands - all these are signs of rain ( K.P.).

Ex. 10. Write out the collective nouns, indicate their features.

Chess, professorship, clock, severity, whiteness, kerosene, sawdust, writer, copper, student, scissors, midges, tree, forest, flock, bird, blizzard, snowflake, sleigh, peasant, peasantry, regiment, soldier, gate, crow, crows, rags, joy, leaves, students, fluff, shot, dust, straw.

Ex. eleven. Write the animate nouns in the first column and the inanimate nouns in the second. Explain on the basis of what signs the distribution of words was made.

Bridge, regiment, monster, bacterium, window, city, crowd, teacher, numerator, table, idol, bully, coffee, chimpanzee, movement, ice cream, friendship, mosquito, fighter, beast, town, doll, ace, goblin, institute, creator, organization, leader, authority, club, train, editorial board, conference, peer, figure, information, people, personality.

Ex. 12. Put questions to the underlined words. Observe whether animate nouns can always be questioned who?

Slowly crawling up the wall fly. In the silence of the night, importunately and tediously squeaked mosquito. Grazing in the meadow cow. anti-social elements will definitely be exposed. Artillerymen with one shot were able to shoot down the enemy bomber. Icebreaker slowly moved towards clear water. Face revived him eyes cunningly sparkled. Train approached the station. In the fishermen's nets, a large and a small a fish. The whalers were waiting whales, but no one else sailed to the fishing area. VC. Arseniev and his relatives are painting a portrait of Gold Derchu Ozhdal, who appeared prototype Dersu Uzala. A new technology for the manufacture of bottles, three times stronger and lighter than ordinary bottles, was developed by young scientists. American aeronaut Karl Thomas, who tried to cross the Atlantic Ocean, fell into the cyclone zone and was picked up only four days later. ship.

Ex. 13. Determine the gender of the distinguished nouns. Explain what criteria you used for this.

Nina big smart girl. One financial bigwigs, dressed in worn jeans and a cowboy shirt that had experienced a lot in his lifetime, looked so pathetic that I wanted to slip him a coin: maybe poor fellow Haven't eaten in a long time... V. San.) I was driving ahead, lowering visor, unknown knight. ( OK.) - And you have it small cunning, - the somewhat embarrassed commissar praised Oska. ( OK. ) Senior group - Fisenko, known throughout the expedition joker and magnificent hard worker… (V. San.) I ate cabbage soup, took my suitcase and forever left our Andreev hut. ( S.Kr.) Among other machines, the collective farm purchased from MTS a light tractor for working with attachments. ( S.Kr.) Ten years ago a giant wave tsunami washed away all port facilities, and the hand-made pier survived. The same tsunami licked up the entire village of Kodiak. ( LG) True, Bragin also became more flexible over the years, but in general it was primarily businessman. (D.Gr.) Coffee in cups covered with a white film. ( V.P.)

Ex. fourteen. Determine the grammatical gender of the abbreviations.

Collective farm, GOELRO, UN, raifo, OTK, NEP, university, housing office, GUM, district, USA, salary, VAK, head of department, kozhimit, housing department, state of emergency, Eurasia, ROE, TNU (Taurida National University), traffic police (State Security Inspectorate traffic), drama theater.

Ex. 15. Determine the gender of these words. Motivate the belonging of nouns to a certain gender. Fill in the missing letters, explain the spelling of the words.

Bully..., barn..., mouse..., sawdust, hand..., beard..., thief..., ink..., young man, ate..., apprentice, reed..., lady, titmouse, cream, boots..., seal, tulle, state publishing house, cloak- tent, university, prize-winner, sissy, coach, headman, usher, hard worker, left-hander, chisel ..., crammed ..., a month ..., brooch ..., ax handle ..., strong ..., swamps ..., town ...

Ex. 16. Determine the gender of nouns and give an interpretation of the underlined words.

Argo, auto-da-fe, boa, bolero, sconce, bungalow, piano, cinema, cabaret, dossier, communiqué, jury, lady, miss, madam, cockatoo, chimpanzee, wildebeest, contralto, taxi, coffee, cafe, attaché, maestro, Baku, vestibule, cable, shell, bulletin, potatoes, salmon, citadel, overcoat, hummingbird, summary, highway, bottle, soprano, manto, enamel, stew, winter, wormwood, bet, interview, film, piano, veil, shampoo, roofing felt, scarf, coat, blinds, cliche, marabou, rentier, rugby, relay, soprano, contralto, tour.

Ex. 17. Add to the names of animals given below correlative pairs of the opposite sex and their cubs, where possible. Explain why some forms are missing. Sample: ram - sheep - lamb.

Bull, rooster, drake, turkey, goose, boar, guinea fowl, partridge, kangaroo , bustard, chimpanzee, hummingbird, cockatoo, fox, camel, wolf, bear, hare, owl, owl, stallion, mole, raccoon, dragonfly, mouse, rat, marten, squirrel, hawk, magpie, monkey, crane, hippopotamus, rabbit, seal, hamster, butterfly.

Ex. eighteen. Some nouns with subjective evaluation suffixes have peculiarities in their gender. Check the dictionaries to what gender the words below belong, form phrases with adjectives. (See also the article by T.V. Shanskaya “On the generic affiliation of words with suffixes of subjective evaluation” // Russian language in school - 1961. - No. 6. - P. 13–17). In support of your answer, include the results of your own survey of informants.

Domina, stripe, canvas, dog, fool, passport, forehead, snowdrift, stem, ugly, merchant.

Ex. 19. Name the features of common nouns. Determine the gender of other nouns (taking into account direct and figurative meanings).

Reveler, bouncer, sang, crammed, bigwig, boss, drunkard, good fellow, fool, hard worker, handsome man, tramp, thief, grabber, cunning, greedy, upstart, beggar, arrogant, sweet tooth, white-handed, wicked, confused, nerd, crybaby, dumbass, gulena, sweetheart, meek, grumpy, ignorant, hard-to-reach, klutz, bore, glutton, toady, idler, rake, idler, dormouse, disheveled, dupe, hat, baby, fox.

Ex. twenty. Distribute these nouns into three groups: I - male nouns; II - nouns in the masculine form, which serve to designate male and female persons; III - nouns of the general gender.

Author, secretary, student, lazybones, headman, volleyball player, engineer, driver, friend, graduate student, director, personality, playboy, mediocrity, genius, agronomist, hairdresser, doppelganger, nitpick, postman, cashier, quiet, teenager, librarian, greedy, driver, slob, geologist, teacher, half-educated, lieutenant, teacher, announcer, director, person, cook, sissy.

Ex. 21. To what lexical groups can nouns pluralia tantum be attributed?

Mezzanines, runs, whitewash, nonsense, splashes, trousers, weekdays, scales, pitchforks, gates, vraki, shoots, elections, pomace, dimensions, leggings, stockings, rakes, psaltery, debates, wilds, money, perfumes, gills, blind man's buffs, frosts, name days, vacations, tongs, lobbies, chimes, timpani, memoirs, subsoil, scissors, wallpaper, sawdust, bran, cleaning, glasses, negotiations, gatherings, intrigues, hide and seek, sledge, stories, sleigh, saints, cream, subtropics, twilight, day, bonds, lips, finances, chores, hours, ink, chess, shorts, cabbage soup.

Ex. 22. Form the nominative plural from the given nouns.

a) Professor, accountant, editor, tom, engineer, driver, mechanic, boat, fodder, lecturer, groom, cook, belt, bread, teacher, fur, overcoat, miracle, time, inspector, sail, horn, snow, bunker, year, tunic, spotlight, contract, month, sweater, stove, conductor, cart, sable, bill, tone.

b) A goat, a hare, a goldfinch, a pigeon, a bear cub, a gosling, a fox, a wolf cub, a mouse, a rat, a puppy, a rook, a barrel, a honey agaric, a butterdish, an eagle, a frog, a chicken, a crane, a little dog.

Ex. 23. Form units from these words. h, if possible. Pay attention to whether the lexical meaning of the word has not changed.

Runs, whitewash, conversations, trousers, boots, bracelets, waffles, scales, seedlings, things, elections, biscuits, dahlias, houses, money, firewood, riddles, blind man's bluffs, cabinets, keys, canned food, vacations, little things, pasta, enemies, scissors, vegetables, windows, wallpapers, glasses, cartridges, pies, ribs, sleighs, cream, plums, twilight, day, poplars, notebooks, vise, dictionaries, dates, watches, ink, scarves, chess.

Ex. 24. Form plural forms. h. from the nouns given below, determine the meaning of these forms (relatively correlating or derivationally correlating). Name cases of lexicalization, if any.

Lamb, paper, top, view, opportunity, year, penny, border, forest, sheet (of paper), sheet (of wood), cloth, son, account, bread.

Ex. 25. Use nouns with variant endings in context -a/-y in parent pad. units h. Explain the use of variant endings.

Balyk, beads, side, boron, ford, age, weight, view, screech, grapes, cart, felt, wax, eye, year, hunger, voice, hail, duty, house, smoke, heat, fat, call, wear, fright, kvass, boiling water, fret, lacquer, lemonade, forest, gloss, onion, poppy, marinade, marmalade, honey, peace, garbage, people, nose, refusal, steam, sand, floor, passage, prok, passage, ardor, times, takeoff, analysis, dispersal, pickle, calculation, refined sugar, light, trail, laughter, snow, rubbish, dispute, demand, account, tobacco, cottage cheese, fog, crackling, rear, persuasion, brushwood, move, cold, hour, garlic, step, silk, chic, noise, lye.

Ex. 26. Define functions. hours of the following nouns.

mineral dirt, beauty Crimea, local authorities, folk masses, spring seedlings, emerald winter, severe cold, equine horse racing, highly alloyed become, oils from oil water Dnieper.

Ex. 27. Determine the meanings of the cases of nouns.

Every time Andrei's comrades gathered to read a new issue of a foreign newspaper or brochure, Nikolai also came, sat in a corner and listened in silence for an hour or two ( M.G.). Masha rented a room in a house that belonged to an old worker at a locomotive plant ( A.F.). Friedrich, who was fumbling at the stove with a rag in his hand, removed from the stove a frying pan with pieces of lamb floating in fat and went out ( A.F.). I quickly rush to the table, pour a yellowish infusion into a mug from a kettle covered with a padded jacket, and imperceptibly lower my entire two-day ration of refined sugar there ( OK.). Someone led us to the wardroom, and we, mortally tired, sat there waiting for the end of unloading and sailing ( K.S.). On the road to Tula, thirty or forty kilometers from it, one could see several wrecked German tanks, the remains of trucks and wagons ( K.S.). The earth swelled with rain moisture and, when the wind parted the clouds, thawed under the bright sun and smoked with bluish steam ( M.Sh.). The mowers of this brigade left for the steppe on Friday morning, and on Saturday evening Nagulnov came to Davydov's apartment ( M.Sh.). Raising my eyes over the mug from which I am sipping carrot juice, I carefully shift my gaze to the wall ( OK.).

Ex. 28. Explain the differences in the use of endings -a, -y in nouns.

Air is made up of oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen and other gases. He felt better, as if inhaled oxygen. There was a bottle on the slot kefir, lay a piece cheese and two buns of bread. I bought a glass of strong tea, three spoons of small Sahara, two hundred grams of fresh cheese and my friend only drank a glass of fruit juice. There was a shortage gasoline. There are many in the hall people. A spoon tar ruined the barrel honey. In a cramped room, one could suffocate from smoke. She coughed over a cigarette smoke. FROM hunger sucked under the spoon. Don't knock him off sense. A man disappeared for nothing tobacco. Spore no, the girl was beautiful. A lot of people gathered in the square people. These decisions are made in the interest of people.

Ex. 29. Distribute nouns according to declensions, following the scheme

Parcel, sanatorium, poplar, veil, bottle, yard, crammed, Kuzmich, Petrov, lady, apprentice, coffee, cafe, gate, money, embankment, watch, helmsman, sentry, product, edge, rain, foliage, content, bucket, cheese, maestro, touchy, glasses, Fursenko, Ivashkovsky, scales, Zabrodchenko, bridge, mouse, reeds, porter, maid, Stendhal, attaché, ice cream, hero, night, sorghum, tips, brochure, publishing house.

Ex. thirty. Decline nouns child, banner, path, house(singular) tree, tree(singular and plural), money, sheets (plural).

Ex. 31. Add the endings of the nouns in the instrumental case of the singular.

Shoes ..., parcel post ..., veil ..., reserved seat ..., report card ..., corn ..., tol ..., rail ..., shampoo ..., potatoes ..., tulle ....

Ex. 32. Put the nouns in the instrumental case. Explain what causes the differences in endings.

Settlements of Crimea: Lenino, Shubino, Ilyichevo, Sinitsino, Bagerovo, Voykovo, Kuibyshevo, Vilino, Kolchugino, Romashkino, Vorobyevo, Koltsovo, Dobrushino, Natashino, Medvedevo, Lobanino, Klepilino, Kalinino, Roshino, Ermakovo, Maslovo.

Surnames: Shubin, Sinitsyn, Burov, Voikov, Kuibyshev, Vilin, Kolchugin, Koltsov, Vorobyov, Dobrushin, Roshchin, Maslov, Sazonov, Kiselev, Popov, Solovyov, Petrov.

Ex. 33. Put the nouns in the genitive plural, underline the endings.

Orange, gram, tomato, apple, stocking, sock, poker, hectare, sheet, candle, mouth, outback, rail, Tatar, tangerine, pineapple, puppy, Georgian, Uzbek, Turk, shoe, towel, house, apprentice, mushroom, yakut, earring, bench, judge, spear, witch, necklace.

Ex. 34. Consider examples of the use of variant endings –e/-y in the preposition pad. units h. In what cases are variant endings used and our conditions determine such use? Give examples.

Methodical development of the Russian language lesson in the 6th grade

Topic: Gender of indeclinable nouns

Lesson type: combined lesson

Technology: student-centered learning

Lesson Objectives:


    create conditions for the objective need to study indeclinable nouns;

    create conditions for studying in independent research activities the lexical and grammatical features of determining the gender of indeclinable nouns.


    to promote understanding of the goals of education; gaining confidence in yourself; implementation of specific individual abilities;

    contribute to the formation of a desire to know the world; education of a culture of speech, enrichment of the vocabulary of students.


    to promote mastering the skills of self-organization of educational activities, the ability to set a goal, plan activities, master the skills of working in a group;

    to promote the ability to put forward a hypothesis and substantiate evidence in the process of analyzing educational information.


  • 4. Task cards

    5. Travel diaries (Appendix 1)

    6. Textbooks, dictionaries.

Software: GR Paint (application 2)

The lesson was preceded by preparatory work: students were asked to prepare material for a brief report on the continents (Eurasia, Australia, America, Africa).

Lesson plan.

1. Organizational and motivating stage.

2. Messages from students.

3. Heuristic immersion.

4. Physical culture break

5. Practical part:

a) processing of language material obtained during the trip;

b) creating a version of a possible formulation of a grammar rule;

c) comparison of the created version with the textbook material; access to dictionaries;

d) reinforcement.

6. The result of the lesson. Reflection

7. Homework.

During the classes

1. Organizational and motivating stage.

Reading a poem (Appendix 2, slide 2).

Why are you laughing? (We don't say that). Text editing (slide 3)

So what are we going to talk about in class? Formulate and write down the topic of the lesson in your waybill (Appendix 1, stop 1).

That's right, in today's lesson, while traveling around the world, you yourself will have to solve the problem: how to determine the gender of indeclinable nouns (self-assessment of the topic record, slide 4).

And what will this trip on the topic “The gender of indeclinable nouns” give you personally?

Formulating your own goals.

Choose from the list what suits you (slide 5), write down your goals, read to us (stop 2, self-assessment).

What does a traveler collect in different countries? What does he bring back from his travels? What will we collect on our journey?

Teacher's word:

The purpose of the trip is to collect language material on the topic of our lesson "The gender of indeclinable nouns." Let's clarify what words we will collect? Why are these nouns called immutable?

3. Repetition

a) - Your written answers will help us achieve the goal (stop 3; repetition of proper nouns, animate and inanimate; self-assessment).

b) - Guys, all experienced travelers are preparing for trips and hikes, learn as much as possible about those countries and continents where they are going to visit. You were also given homework: to repeat the paragraph in the textbook on natural history, which tells about the continents. So, a representative of each group will show on the map the mainland studied by the group and briefly tell us about its features.

Student messages (slide 6). The class chooses the best story, and the students name, write down the name of the continent they wanted to visit, evaluating the messages in this way (waybill, stop 3, mutual assessment).

4. Heuristic immersion (slide 7-19).

The preliminary material is collected, and we set off on a journey. Listen carefully to me and in my short messages look for words - invariable nouns, you will be prompted by slides with illustrations:

“We are on the Eurasian continent, the largest of all continents. Let's go to Europe, namely to Paris - the capital of France. Let's take a leisurely walk along a wide avenue - a street lined with trees on all sides. Let's have a rest in the Parisian cafe and in a way. Italy is waiting for us, it's hot here and we'll have to take off our coats. On the island of Capri, we will be treated to delicious spaghetti. Then we will be transported to the land of the rising sun - Japan. We will stop for a moment to watch the wrestlers of sumo, an ancient sport. Refresh yourself with Japan's national dish, sushi, a delicious dish made with shrimp, raw fish, seaweed, pickles, and vegetables. If raw fish and seaweed don't appeal to you, we'll stop at the islands of Oceania and enjoy the ripe kiwi, a fruit named after the kiwi bird that lives in the damp forests of New Zealand. The body of this bird is covered with hair-like feathers and it has no wings.

Let's stop and make an entry in the travel diary. Write down with the necessary explanations the words - invariable nouns that you heard in my story. Check their spelling in the table (slide 11; stop 4, self-assessment).

Let's say the new words aloud, with the right stress.

We continue the journey.

Task: underline the indeclinable nouns in the texts (each student has a card).

“Australia is the most remote and therefore mysterious continent. Here live such animals that are not found on other continents: a kangaroo, whose jump is 9-12 meters long, a cute koala, very similar to a bear, and let's not forget about the cockatoo - a large parrot with a tuft on its head.

Writing words in a travel diary, pronouncing them and then checking them against the table (stop 4).

“And here we are in South America. We will definitely visit Brazil - the birthplace of the coffee tree, from the fruits of which they prepare a delicious drink - coffee. America's most famous river is the Colorado. And if you want to see Lake Ontario, then let's go to North America. Here we will make an entry in the travel diaries.

Recording words in a travel diary, their pronunciation and subsequent mutual verification according to the table.

“We have hot Africa in front of us. Following Dr. Aibolit, we will sail along the Limpopo River and visit the Kalahari Desert. Let's watch the funny antics of chimpanzees. We will overcome the Angolan plateau and hurry home.

Writing words in a travel diary, pronouncing them and subsequent self-examination according to the table (slide 20).

5. Physical Minute

6. Practical part. Strengthening exercises. Access to dictionaries.

a) task. Divide the nouns you have written down into three columns: place names, animate nouns, inanimate nouns. Entry in the travel diary (stop 5). Mutual check (according to slide 24).










b) How to determine the gender of these nouns? What are your versions?

Recording versions in the travel diary (Stop 6)

Group work:

    Adoption of group rules.

Note for group work:

    Choose a leader

    Read the assignment aloud

    Distribute the work

    Find the answer to the question and discuss it

    Agree on group consensus

    Plan your response

    Choose a representative from the group to speak

    Group version protection

    Mutual evaluation of the presented options.

c) Compare your assumptions with the rule in the textbook (paragraph 40, pages 93-94; stop 7, peer evaluation)

So, the gender of indeclinable nouns denoting geographical names is determined by the gender of those nouns with which these names can be replaced. For example, Colorado - river, feminine; Ontario - lake, neuter, Toronto - city, masculine (slide 25). Determine the gender of the nouns in the first column.

Indeclinable animate nouns are feminine if they denote females (madame) or masculine if they denote males or animals: entertainer, cockatoo, chimpanzee (slide 26).

Indeclinable inanimate nouns are predominantly of the neuter gender: tasty popsicle, alpine plateau. Remember that the word coffee is masculine (slide 27).

d) Complicated cheating with subsequent self-check and mutual check (slide 28, 29; stop 8).

Brazilian... coffee, huge... chimpanzee, picturesque... Capri, hot... Gobi, talkative... cockatoo, sultry... sirocco, full-flowing... Mississippi, giant... kangaroo.

Peru concluded(?) an agreement with Chile. The Kalahari spread out before us. Toronto met(?) guests from Russia. Capri delighted (?) tourists with the beauty of nature.

Well done! Did you enjoy traveling?

7. The result of the lesson. Reflection (self-assessment, stop 10; slide 30).

Putting the final grade on the waybill (self-assessment).

Students draw a separate final emoticon and attach it to the continent on the map of the hemispheres that they would like to visit (slide 32).

8. Homework (slide 33).

1) Task for everyone: Complete the travel notes with words from the exercises for the paragraph of the textbook "Invariable nouns".

2) Creative tasks of your choice:

Write a memo "How to determine the gender of indeclinable nouns";

Compose a crossword;

Create illustrations for travel notes;

Write your travel notes.

Application No. 1


Teaching ... 6 _ class MBOU "Secondary School No. _" ____________________ Date: _______




(Lesson stage)

Making a Record

We rate

1. Topic definition lesson.

2. Setting up your goals to the lesson.



Learn how to identify...

Create your own idea of...

3. Repetition

a) Answer the questions:

Geographical names refer to...

Answer the question WHO? ...

Answer the question WHAT? ...

b) Write the name of the most interesting story of your classmate about the continent you wanted to visit ________________

4. Travel across continents


Grade for the whole task

5. Divide the written indeclinable nouns into three groups.

(What important features of nouns did we highlight when repeating?)

Grade for the whole task

6. How to determine the gender of these nouns? Your group's version

7 .1)Read carefully in the textbook paragraph 40 (pp. 93 - 94)

2).Compare your guesses with the rule in the tutorial

8. Complicated cheating (card work)

Task: match indeclinable nouns with adjectives

1) Brazilian ... coffee, huge ... chimpanzee, picturesque ... Capri, hot ... Gobi, talkative ... cockatoo, sultry ... sirocco, full-flowing ... Mississippi, giant ... kangaroo.

Task: Match in gender the past tense verbs and indeclinable nouns.

2) Peru concluded(?) an agreement with Chile. The Kalahari spread out before us. Toronto met(?) guests from Russia. Capri delighted (?) tourists with the beauty of nature.

9. Create an algorithm to determine the gender of indeclinable nouns

10 . Reflection

What were your goals? To what extent have they been implemented?

    I managed…

    It was interesting…

    It was difficult…

    Now I know…

    My mood when studying the topic ...

Your wishes to yourself, classmates, teacher.

Final mark


1. Khutorskoy A.V. Methodology of student-centered learning. [Electronic resource]. Version 1.0 / М.: Distance Education Center "Eidos", 2003

2. Khutorskoy A.V. How to organize the educational situation in the classroom . [Electronic resource]. Version 1.0. - M.: Distance Education Center "Eidos", 2003



5. D. E. Rosenthal. Handbook of Spelling and Literary Editing. M. 1996

6. Russian language. Grade 6: textbook for educational institutions. M. T. Baranov, T. A. Ladyzhenskaya, L. A. Trostentsova. M.: Education, 2009.

7. Orthoepic dictionary of the Russian language: Pronunciation, stress, grammatical forms. Ed. R. I. Avanesova

T.R. Arteeva MBOU "Secondary School No. 6", Usinsk

in class 3

"An exercise in changing nouns by numbers

and definition of gender

MOAU secondary school № 2

An exercise in changing nouns according to numbers and determining the gender

Target: consolidate knowledge on the topic “Noun. An exercise in changing nouns according to numbers and determining the gender

Tasks: educational: remember the methods of recognizing the gender of nouns; train the ability to change nouns by numbers, introduce new nouns that are used only in the singular and only in the plural.

developing: develop and enrich students' speech, spelling vigilance, logical thinking, cognitive and creative abilities;

educational: educate the need and ability to listen carefully and understand the native language.

Lesson type: consolidation lesson

Equipment: cards for individual work and work in pairs, presentation, cards for reflection "Ladder of Success"

During the classes.

1. Organizing time. Emotional mood for the lesson.

Long awaited call.

The lesson starts.

Let's think, discuss

And help each other.

Today in the lesson we will take another step towards learning the secrets of the Russian language.

2. Actualization of knowledge.

· Number entry.

Open your notebooks and write down the number. Today is February 19th. Classwork.

SlideFebruary. Classwork.

· Set up for the lesson.

Let's start the lesson with a riddle.

Troika - Troika arrived,

The horses in that trio are white.

And in the sleigh sits the queen,

Belokosa, white-faced.

How she waved her sleeve

Everything was covered in silver. (winter)

Slide 3. Picture winter.

Slide 4. Think about what letter to put instead of a question mark. Justify your answer.

· Knowledge update

Z ... ma -? Sn ... weight - p with ... sleep - d for ... c - s

Read the words.

Think about what letter should be put instead of the question mark? Justify your answer.

slide 5

Guys, what tasks would you come up with to work with these words? ( insert missing letters, divide into syllables, count the number of letters and sounds, divide into groups, etc.)

Write the words, fill in the missing letters and orally explain your choice.

· Examination

So, what letters did you insert in place of the gaps?

Slide 6. Check it out! Winter - winters, wintry; bullfinch - snow, hare; pine - pines.

What spelling is found in all these words? ( unstressed vowel at the root of a word)

What word is missing? Why? ( hare - dictionary, unstressed vowel, not checked by stress)

How are all words similar? ( are nouns)

3 .Fizkultminutka. Game "Yes - No"

Now let's see how deep your knowledge on the topic "Noun" is.

Let's play the yes/no game. If you agree with the statement, then raise your head and look at me with wide eyes. If you don't agree, put your head in your hands.

So, put your hands on the desk, put your head on your hands.

Is a noun a part of speech? (Yes)

Nouns answer the questions: What to do? What to do? (No)

Nouns answer the questions who? what? (Yes)

Do nouns denote the action of an object? (No)

Do nouns refer to an object? (Yes)

Come up with your question for the game.

1. The topic of the lesson.

Formulate the topic of the lesson.

Slide 5. Noun. Gender and number of nouns.

Yes, today we will continue to work on the noun, we will determine the gender and number of nouns and find out what secrets the number of the noun hides.

2. Work on the topic of the lesson.

Game "Associations"

Guys, you said that winter is the season. True, this wonderful time of the year is already coming to an end. Guys, what associations do you have with the word "winter"?

(children call)

You probably all love winter fun: skiing, playing snowballs ...

Attention, and now we will sculpt a snowman, but not a simple one, but since we are in a Russian language lesson, we will sculpt it from words - nouns.

Attention! We work in pairs and help each other build a snowman.

1 row sculpts the base for our snowman, the largest lump, i.e., comes up with words on the theme “Winter” of the masculine gender

Slide 8. Game "Associations" 1 row - masculine.

2 row sculpts 2 lumps to our snowman, a little smaller, i.e. comes up with words on the theme "Winter" feminine. Write them down on a line separated by commas.(

Slide 8. Game "Associations" 2nd row - feminine.

The 3rd row sculpts 3 lumps for our snowman, the smallest, that is, he comes up with words on the theme “Winter” of the neuter gender. Write them down on a line separated by commas. ( sun, sky, cloud,

Slide 8. Game "Associations" 3rd row - middle gender.

· Examination.

What masculine words did the guys in the 1st row come up with? ( snow, frost, snowman, snowmobile, bullfinch, wind, hoarfrost, snowdrift, Santa Claus, firework, ice, snowfall, cold, holiday, New Year,)

Slide 9. Snowman. Big com.

What feminine words did the guys in the 2nd row come up with? ( blizzard, mitten, glove, thaw, icicle, winter, hill, hat, blizzard, snowflake,)

Slide 9. Snowman. Average com.

What neuter words did the guys in the 3rd row come up with? sun, sky, cloud, fun. Magic)

Slide 9. Snowman. Small com.

Slide 9. The snowman is fully clapped.

What a wonderful snowman we have!

6. Visual exercise.

Slide 10. Visual physical minute "Snowman"

Now let your eyes rest. Pay close attention to the movement of objects on the screen.

· Generalization.

What kind of nouns are there? ( nouns are masculine, feminine and neuter)

How to determine the gender of nouns? ( if to name a noun can be put with the words he, mine, then this is a masculine noun.

if to name a noun can be put with the words she, mine, then this is a feminine noun.

if to name a noun can be put with the words it, mine, then this is a neuter noun.

How to determine the gender of plural nouns? ( you need to put it in the singular)

· Distributive dictation.

Look, on the screen there are nouns in the plural form. You write them down in the singular, distributing the words into 3 columns by gender. Divide the notebook into 3 columns of 4 lines each.

Slide 11. Put the words in the singular form. Sort the words into 3 columns by gender.

Pines, firs, bears, hedgehogs, clouds, swamps

How are the words pine and spruce related to the theme "Winter"?

What about bears and hedgehogs?

· Examination.

What words were written in 1 column?

In column 2?

In column 3?

Slide 12. Check it out! Words in columns by gender.

· problem question

Guys, now put the word "sled" in the singular.

Slide 13. The word "Sled"

· Language information message.

You failed to make this noun singular. It turns out that in Russian there are words that are used only in the plural form and do not have the singular form.

Let's write these words in a line separated by commas:

Let's write down the already familiar dictionary word "sled"

Synonym for the word "sled" - sleigh, sled

A measure of time equal to 24 hours - day

Slide 14. The word "Day"

A cutting tool consisting of two blades with ring-shaped handles connected in the middle with a screw - scissors

Slide 15. The word "Scissors"

Men's clothing covering the legs - trousers

Slide 16. The word "Pants"

A device of two glasses on the temples, used in case of poor eyesight or to protect the eyes - glasses

Slide 17. The word "Points"

So what is special about these words? ( only used in the plural)

Slide 18. Words that are used only in the plural form.

When is a noun in plural form? ( if it refers to several things)

· Problematic situation.

In winter, as a rule, we do not have enough vitamins. The next task will be related to the right foods rich in vitamins and minerals.

Slide 19. Put the words in the plural form

Words on the screen: apple, honey, milk, orange, pear, juice, lemon

Read the words carefully. Write them on a line separated by commas, putting the words in the plural form.

· Examination

What words can be easily pluralized? ( apples, oranges, pears, juices, lemons)

What difficulty has arisen? ( milk and honey)

In Russian, there are words that are used only in the singular, and they cannot be put into the plural form.

Slide 20. Used only in the singular form

Let's write them down: honey, milk, cottage cheese, salt, sorrel

When is a noun in singular form? ( when it refers to one thing)

Try to remember these words in order to use them correctly in speech.

3. Fizminutka "How do you live?"

4. Game "Snowballs"

Slide 21

Do you like to play snowballs? Let's play!

- "Throw" a snowball at a misspelled word.

Take individual cards from the table. They lie in the center of your table.

Write the words in a line separated by commas, correcting the mistakes. Highlight the place where the snowball will fall in green.

On individual cards there are words: polto, raspberry, carrot, bed, alley, uchinik, lunch, kopusta, turquoise, lapata.

· Examination

Let's read the words that the snowball hit in order ( the teacher at the blackboard attaches a card with the correct letter)

Coat, bed, student, cabbage, birch, shovel

What words did the snowball miss? ( raspberries, carrots, alley, lunch)

What are these words? How are they similar? ( dictionary words with an unchecked unstressed vowel at the root of the word; nouns)

Orally determine their gender (in a chain)

Look carefully at the words. There is a word here that is used only in the singular form. What is this word? ( coat)

5. Attention game.

Slide 22. The word coat.

– What can you say about him? ( noun, neuter, singular, inanimate, common noun, three-syllable, dictionary)

The word "coat" does not change. This neuter noun always has the ending o. Let's learn how to use this word correctly in speech.

· Attention game "Coat".

I ask you to finish the couplets. But be very careful!

Always, always, always "coat"

Ends in "o".

But you today, so be it,

I'll try to be confusing.

All the guests left. But who

Left in the room....?

The blizzard on the street is fierce,

You can freeze without...

And yet, not immediately, not later

The guest did not return for…

I go to the forgotten...

Well, who left him, who?

Ah, this is mine...!

6. Compilation and recording of proposals.

Now think of sentences with the word "coat". ( children make up and speak aloud)

Great deals!

And we will write down a sentence in which the word “coat” is also found from the book by the English writer Pamela Travers “Mary Poppins”. I think that each of you is familiar with the name of Mary Poppins - the main character of this book.

Edward always went out into the street in a coat.
An outsider, of course, would have decided that Edward was a boy. But Edward was not a boy. It was a dog - a small, silky, fluffy dog,

And the wonderful children's poet Boris Zakhoder translated this fairy tale into Russian. B. Zakhoder translated this work so accurately, close to the original, that he was considered the author of this work. I suggest you read this book and plunge into the world of adventure together in Mary Poppins.

· Proposal work.

Underline the grammatical basis of the sentence. Label the parts of speech. Write out phrases with questions.

· Examination.

Give the grammatical basis of this sentence.

How many phrases did you write down?

Name them.

Determine the gender of nouns.
6. Working with text. Supplementing the text with nouns.

This week the whole country will celebrate the holiday on February 23rd. You and I will also not stand aside and make a surprise for dad. What do you learn by reading the text.

What is a text? ( These are several sentences related in meaning and united by one topic. Text can be titled

Now we have to work in pairs. Take the card from the table.

-Write directly in the card instead of gaps suitable nouns in meaning, using reference words.

We wanted to congratulate dad on February 23 and make him ________________. As a surprise, we decided to bake him ____________. To do this, they took 2 glasses of ___________, poured half a glass of _______________, broke three ___________ into the dough, added _____________ for sweetness and a little ___________. From above everything was decorated with _____________________. Dad loved our surprise!

Reference words: surprise, muk And, milk, cake, eggs, salt, sugar, fruits

· Examination

Read what text you have.

Slide 23. Text "Surprise"

Guys, in this text there are words that are used only in the singular form. Name them. ( salt, milk, flour, sugar)

Slide 23. The text "Surprise" with the words underlined.

There are two more words here that have only the singular form - flour and sugar.

And what about other nouns that you added to the text? ( are both singular and plural)

7. Summary of the lesson.

That's the end of the lesson!

Let's sum it up soon!

What secrets hides the number of nouns? ( there are nouns that are used only in the singular form and there are nouns that are used only in the plural form)

How do singular nouns differ from plural nouns? (nouns in the singular denote one thing, nouns in the plural denote several things)

Guys, where will you use the acquired knowledge? ( when performing test papers, in class, in life when writing letters, postcards)

Slide 24. Homework.

8. Homework.

Homework will be optional:

1) No. 000 on page 30 of the textbook

2) Write out from the dictionary 5 names of masculine, feminine and neuter nouns.

9. Reflection.

Each of you has a ladder of success on the edge of the table. Take this ladder.

Evaluate your own results on the topic studied. If everything worked out and you no longer experience difficulties in determining the gender and number of nouns, circle the top picture. If you succeeded, but not everything and still experiencing difficulties - middle drawing. And if you need to work a lot more on the topic, then bottom drawing.

Show me your lines. Almost everyone rated themselves on the highest scale. Everyone has a smiling sun.

Lesson over, thanks!

In this lesson, you will learn about nouns that do not change by case, that is, about indeclinable nouns. And most importantly - learn how to correctly determine the gender of such nouns.

Subject: Noun

Lesson: Gender of indeclinable nouns

1. The concept of indeclinable nouns.

Indeclinable nouns- these are nouns that do not decline, that is, do not change in cases.

Read the offer.

The address was confused by little horses:

Instead of Lilliput, we got pony.

Let's compare the declension of two nouns: horse and pony.

Noun horse inclined according to the second type of declension.

Noun pony remains unchanged. Pony is an indeclinable noun.

Indeclinable nouns have the same form for all cases:

I enter underground

admiring underground

I'm talking about underground

Among them are common nouns: coffee, coat - and proper nouns: Garibaldi, Zola, Sochi.

Indeclinable nouns include:

1. Many nouns of foreign origin with final vowels: -o, -e, -y, -yu; -a: stew, boa, cocoa, muffin, euro, avenue.

2. Foreign surnames denoting females and ending in consonants: Aliger, Voynich.

3. Russian and Ukrainian surnames on: -o, -ykh, -ih: Chernykh, Shevchenko.

4. Compound words that are sound or letter abbreviations: GAZ, MSU, VAZ.

2. Gender of indeclinable nouns.

Genus it is important to know indeclinable nouns in order to avoid mistakes in word agreement.

Common nouns inanimate nouns of foreign origin are mostly related to average gender: woolen oh muffler, handsome oh pots.

Word coffee more recently, it can also be attributed to the middle gender, but it is preferable to choose the masculine gender when agreeing on the word coffee in other words: delicious th coffee.

The genus can be defined by the species concept:

salami (sausage) - feminine

kohlrabi (cabbage) - feminine

penalty (kick) - masculine

Indeclinable foreign words denoting animated objects (animals, birds) are masculine:

small uy chimpanzee

colorful th cockatoo.

The word hummingbird can be both feminine and masculine, as there is a fluctuation in the gender:

longwing th hummingbird

longwing and I hummingbird.

Indeclinable animate words of foreign origin are feminine if they mean females: madam, frau, lady, miss, - and to the masculine gender, if they designate males: dandy.

Words counterpart, protégé, incognito common gender, as they can denote both men and women. The agreement of these words with others is determined by the sex of the person in question:

ABOUT girl we'll say: your protégé has come or my counterpart.

ABOUT man say: your protégé has come or my counterpart.

The gender of indeclinable nouns denoting geographical names is determined by the gender of those common nouns with which these names can be replaced.

Sukhumi can be replaced by a noun city(m.r.). handsome th Sukhumi.

Colorado can be replaced by the word river(female). Colorado leaked but.

The name of the press organs, if they are indeclinable nouns, is determined by the generic concept.

The Times is a newspaper (female).

The Times said.

By the way, we all know the words pince-nez And scarf. In Russian, these nouns consist only of the root. They are foreign nouns that came from the French language.

"Pins-nez" is a phrase meaning "pinch your nose."

"Muffler" - "hide your nose."


  1. Russian language. Grade 6: Baranov M.T. and others - M .: Education, 2008.
  2. Russian language. Theory. 5-9 cells: V.V. Babaitseva, L.D. Chesnokova - M.: Bustard, 2008.
  3. Russian language. 6th grade: ed. MM. Razumovskaya, P.A. Lekanta - M.: Bustard, 2010.
  1. Gender of indeclinable nouns ().
  2. Additional tasks ().


1. Exercise 1.

Find indeclinable nouns:

Window, subway, coat, cinema, village, piano, coffee, field, cafe, jelly, cocoa, milk, hay, highway, fillet, saddle, grief, lotto.

2. Exercise 2.

Find phrases in which an error in agreement was made.

Famous cafe, sunny Baku, strict jury, interesting interview, beautiful Delhi, delicious mashed potatoes, hot coffee, yellow taxi, fast kangaroo, beautiful hummingbird, fresh kohlrabi, fruit jelly, warlike dingo, Seventh Avenue, high cap, crested cockatoo, tram depot , French bourgeois.

3. Exercise 3.

Make a sentence with an indeclinable proper noun:

Baku, Sochi, Mississippi.

4. Exercise 4.

Open the brackets using the past tense verbs.

At the airfield (take place) an air show with the participation of athletes from our aviation club.

The hotel receptionist (give) the key to our room.

The Senators' veto does not (allow) the passage of the new law.

We really like the stew.

Cocoa already (boil).

What else to read