Airborne Sergeant's Manual. Airborne Forces Sergeant's Textbook How much does a D 5 parachute weigh?

When the parachute pack is deployed, two pins of the traction ring cable come out of the pack cones and release the pack valves, which are folded to the sides under the action of the pack rubber. An exhaust device, consisting of pockets located around the pole hole of the dome, entering the air flow, pulls out the dome, filling it in the central part, and pulls the lines from the honeycomb of the backpack. The system is extended, the canopy is completely inflated, and the parachutist descends on the open canopy of the reserve parachute at a speed that ensures a normal landing. After this, you should show the attachment 3-5 to the main parachute.

Topic No. 3

Parachute stowage.

Parachute stowage D – 5 series 2.

Laying is carried out by 2 people - laying (responsible for laying) and helping.

The parachute is stowed in stages:

I. stage:

a) checking the availability and serviceability of parachute parts

b) checking and preparing PPK-U.

Preparation for installation:

1 - stabilizing parachute chamber;

2 - stabilizing parachute;

3 - manual opening link;

4 - device PPK-U-240B;

5 - portable bag;

7 - accessories

II. stage:

a) laying the main dome

b) putting the camera on the dome.

III. stage:

a) securing the camera with slings

b) laying the dome in the chamber

c) laying the slings in the chamber gazyr

d) preparing the stabilizing dome for installation

IV. stage:

a) folding the stabilizer feathers and putting the camera on the stabilizing dome

b) locking the rings of the stabilizer feathers with the rings of the camera

c) laying the stabilizing dome and slings in the chamber

d) laying the camera with the main dome and slings laid on the bottom of the backpack

V. stage:

a) tightening the backpack valves

b) attaching a camera with a stabilizing dome to the parachute pack

c) preparation and installation of PPK-U

d) charging a double-cone lock

VI. stage:

a) preparation suspension system

c) filling out passports

d) checking the parachute

d) placing the parachute in a carrying bag and sealing it

Tools for laying: camping cloth, hook - fork

When putting on a parachute before a jump, the carrying bag is placed under the chest bridge.

After landing you need to: unfasten the reserve parachute, pull the canopy “into the flag”, roll the lines into an “endless” loop, roll up the canopy: remove the harness with the backpack (the main canopy) and put it in the bag with the device facing up. The backpack should divide the bag into two parts: the suspension system is placed in one half, and the canopy with slings is placed in the other.

Reserve parachute Z-5


Designed to rescue a parachutist in the event of a partial or complete failure of the main parachute in the air.

Maximum speed when opened – 350 km/h

The maximum safe deployment height is 100 meters.

Rate of descent on an open canopy with the weight of a parachutist

120 kg – less than 8 m/sec.

The force required to pull out the ring is no more than 16 kgf.

Parachute weight – 5.2 kg

Service life – 20 years

Consists of:

2. Intermediate suspension system.

4. Pull ring with two studs.

5. Carrying bag.

6. Passport.


Reserve parachute canopy 3-5 (the numbers in the circles indicate the serial numbers of the lines): 1 - vent, 2 - control line; 3- pockets, 4 - reinforcing frame, 5 - manufacturer's brand

designed for the safe descent and landing of a parachutist in the event of failure or abnormal operation of the main parachute, made of nylon fabric, with panels 1 and 5 made of nylon fabric with greater air permeability. Dome area - 50 m2. In the center of the dome there is a pole hole with a diameter of 70 cm. The pole hole and the lower edge are reinforced with nylon tape with a strength of 185 kg in two folds. On the outside, the pole hole is covered with eight pockets made of nylon fabric, which are designed to ensure partial filling of the canopy before the lower edge comes into operation, vigorous pulling of the canopy with slings from the backpack and central filling of the dome. For ease of installation, there is a bridle made of nylon cord in the center of the dome. On the outside of the dome, a reinforcing frame made of nylon tape with a strength of 70 kg is sewn onto the dome. At the lower edge of the canopy it forms 24 loops to which the slings are tied. The dome has 24 slings made of nylon cord with a strength of 150 kg to ensure installation, 12 red slings. The serial numbers of the lines are indicated on the lower edge of the canopy. The length of the lines is 6.3 m. The factory mark is placed on the canopy between lines 24 and 1.


Intermediate suspension system: 1 - risers made of LTK-44-1600; 2 - half-ring buckles; 3 - lintel from LTKMkrP-27-1200; 4 - bushing; 5 - belt loop

designed to connect the reserve parachute canopy to the main canopy suspension system. It is made of nylon tape with a strength of 1600 kg and consists of two straps connected to each other by a jumper with a strength of 1200 kg. Each strap of the intermediate suspension system has two half-ring buckles, to which the canopy slings are attached. For the convenience of connecting the intermediate harness to the brackets of the main parachute harness, bushings are inserted into the straps. The right strap has a red belt loop with the parachute index designation 3-5. For easy installation of the canopy, the outside of the straps are marked “left” and “right”.


Satchel: 1 - bottom; 2-top valve; 3 - knife pocket: 4 - cone; 5 - handle for carrying a parachute: 6 - right side flap; 7 - oxygen device fastening tape; 8 - eyelet buckle; 9 - pocket; 10 - grommet; 11 - safety valve; 12 - bottom valve; 13 - pocket; 14 - protrusion (bracket); 15 - manual opening link hose; 16 - extraction ring pocket; 17 - left side valve; 18 - backpack rubber; 19 - rubber honeycomb; 20 - corner lapel

designed for placing a canopy with slings and part of the free ends of the suspension system into it, it is envelope-shaped, made of nylon aircraft, and has four valves. The bottom of the pack is double and has a stiffening frame with two protrusions for attaching the pack to the main parachute suspension system.

Sewn to the top flap are: a pocket for a knife, two cones, a valve that prevents the canopy fabric from getting under the cones when tightening the backpack, and a handle for carrying the parachute. The side flaps have: two eyelet buckles, two ribbons for threading the oxygen device buckles. In addition, sewn onto the outside of the left valve are: a pull-ring pocket and a flexible hose for the pull-ring cable. The right and bottom valves have stiffening plates. Quick opening of the backpack valves is carried out by six knapsack rubbers. At the bottom of the backpack, with inside, six pairs of non-removable rubber honeycombs are sewn.

  • “Of the five thousand residents of Rostov celebrating Airborne Forces Day, only one and a half thousand actually served in the airborne forces”

Today is Airborne Forces Day!

Airborne Forces Day!

Day of the Paratroopers or “Landing Forces”!

Of course, every year, the “Landing Forces” are becoming quieter. Grandiose fights and showdowns with the “Watermelon” mafia in the markets are slowly becoming a thing of the past. Still, our country is becoming more and more tough on all kinds of lawlessness, on the one hand, on the other hand, we are fighting in some places around the world. And it has long been noticed that if the country’s Army leads real fighting, less people bathes in fountains and goes to protest rallies.

Therefore, the question is always relevant: how to distinguish a real paratrooper from one who simply puts on a vest and takes it, or maybe even wears a “Throwaway” tattoo, drinks in the fountain and tells army stories.

By the way, this is what distinguishes Muscovites. Anyone who served in the Airborne Forces knows that rotten soldiers are more often found among those drafted from Moscow...

Of course not all, there are many excellent fighters among the guys from Moscow. I myself had a “friend” from the Capital in the army.

But honestly, everyone knows that among the residents of Moscow there are “not very good comrades”, more than from the outskirts of the country...

In our company there was a “Muscovite”, the only communist among the soldiers. By the way, he was sent to the army after “shar” (shar or sharatsya is another slang expression in the army and airborne forces) in civilian life. He was the released secretary of the Komsomol, I don’t remember where. There was a reprieve, but he got knocked up and was sent to serve in elite troops. I'm sure he bathes in the fountain and drinks in a beret and vest.

But for every real paratrooper there are several fake ones. So let's start learning to identify the deceiver. I will give below a few questions and some detailed answers to these questions.

Knowing the answers to these questions, you can identify a fake “Landing”!

1. Where did you serve?

The answer to the Airborne Forces or DShB does not work, just like the DMB (this is demobilization!). As well as the place of service, such as Pskov, Ryazan, and so on. Maybe he's heard enough army tales from his older brother or neighbor. By the way, addition, in the military camp of the airborne unit there may even be construction battalions. For example in Pskov. If anyone remembers, soldiers from the construction battalion went to the photographer and took photos in a “demobilization parade with axels” and a blue beret. They sent us home and boldly told us that they were serving in the Airborne Forces. Of course they did it secretly. The construction battalions were not very fond of landings. In Pskov, there was a garrison lip (gaubwatch), this is a place where soldiers and officers are detained for minor and major violations of military discipline. The lip was guarded by the guard of the Pskov division

2. Part number?

Each military unit has a number. The unit number is hammered into the soldier's head. As well as the number of the machine gun and military ID. I served almost 30 years ago and still remember.

3. What is the VUS?

VUS, this military registration specialty is written on the Military ID. If such a Landing is shown to you by his military officer, then looking at his VUS, you will understand who he really is. “Military specialty (MRS) is an indication of the military specialty of an active or reserve service member of the Russian Armed Forces and other troops and formations. Information about the military service is entered into the military ID. All VUS are divided into groups; the VUS designation itself is a multi-digit number (for example, VUS-250400).

Possible list of military specialties

Apparently, there are no open sources containing decryption of the codes of all currently operating VUS: the VUS catalog is a document of the Russian Ministry of Defense with the secrecy level “Secret”.

The first three digits of the VUS for warrant officers, sergeants, foremen and soldiers indicate specialization (VUS code), for example:

100 - rifle
101 - snipers
102 - grenade launchers
106 - military reconnaissance
107 - units and units of the Special Forces
122 - BMD
461 - HF radio stations
998 - not having military training fit for military service
999 - the same thing, only LIMITEDLY fit for military service, etc.

The following three digits indicate the position (position code):

97 - ZKV
182 - KO
259 - MV
001 - battery operator, etc.

The letter at the end indicates “special characteristics of the service”:

A - having none
B - missile weapons specialists
D - Airborne Forces
K - crew of surface ships
M - MP
P - V.v.
R - PV (FPS)
S - Ministry of Emergency Situations (?)
T - construction parts and divisions
F - SpN, etc.
E - Flight personnel for warrant officers, sergeants, soldiers

4. How many times did you jump? Usually you will hear mind-boggling numbers of 30-40-50, or maybe 100 jumps. “The annual norm for a conscript soldier is 12 jumps, 6 in each training period. At all parachute training- a mandatory condition of service in the Airborne Forces. Everyone is parachuted - from the general to the private" - interview with Shamanov. For those who don’t know, Vladimir Shamanov is the Airborne Forces Commander and Colonel General. Even in the USSR, jump more than 20 times, for conscript service was problematic. Because the soldier went on guard duty (this is when a man with a gun buries “Guba”, warehouses and parks with equipment), went on duty in the park (where the equipment is located), and finally on duty in the dining room (where he peeled potatoes, set the table and washed the dishes), stood “on the bedside table” (company duty), and so on... In the army there was self-service, the soldier did everything himself and no one freed him to make the jump. Of course, there were sports companies in the army. These are free units where soldiers mainly train and perform for the unit. For example, where I served, there was a “squadron”. Conscripts were skydiver athletes who did nothing but jump and compete. But this is a separate caste, they even wore a unique uniform, officer’s greatcoats and shoulder straps of conscripts. Rudiments contract army. I'm not talking about contract sergeants and warrant officers. They were already professional soldiers then. But an ordinary paratrooper did not jump very much. Just like now. Only “for demobilization” could they buy a “nausea” (a parachutist badge in the form of a dome with a pendant in the form of numbers according to the number of jumps) with big amount jumping.

5. Did you jump in combat? Many fake paratroopers do not know that the Airborne Forces and special forces in every possible way can jump in several options.

I will give the simplest ones:

Without weapons and RD (Paratrooper's Backpack)

With RD and weapons in transport position. An assault rifle, SVD and even an RPG, in a special transport case, are “screwed” behind the back of the dashing landing force.

With taxiway and main body (Cargo Container)

With a combat weapon, on the chest under the chest strap of the harness. Allows you to fire while descending by parachute, straight from the sky.

Then there are night ones, in the forest, on the water, at high altitudes, and so on. Only no one jumps inside the equipment, although this option was developed for war. The son of the legendary founder of the Airborne Forces Vasily Margelov, Alexander Margelov, made a parachute jump inside a BMD-1 back in 1973. For this feat, he was awarded the title of Hero of Russia, 20 years later... Since then, more than 110 people have jumped inside the equipment, but these are testers. An ordinary paratrooper who tells you about this is simply pi....!

6. Have you jumped with the ISS? For reference, the ISS is a Multidome system for landing equipment, for example the ISS-5-760. A person simply cannot jump with this crap. But I met Landing Forces who claimed that they jumped with it... In the Airborne Forces they jump mainly with parachutes: D-1-8 is the oldest parachute, created back in 1959. This parachute has the main advantage, the canopy cover clings through an extension halyard to an airplane or helicopter. The paratrooper doesn't even have a ring. They took me to the hatch and gave me a kick in the ass. Then everything works automatically without any devices. This is the perfect parachute for your first jump. 300% guarantee, the main thing is not to twist the slings during installation. D-1-5U is the oldest controlled parachute. D-6 and all its modifications. You have seen this dome in most films about the Airborne Forces. The paratroopers fly for some time on a stabilizing small canopy. The same canopy extends the main canopy of the parachute if you pull the ring or when a belay device like PPK-U is triggered. PPK-U - Semi-automatic Parachute Combined Unified (device) - designed to deploy the parachute pack (after a certain period of time at a certain altitude). Now they are planning to supply the D-10 to the troops. PSN - Parachute Special Purpose. I jumped with PSN-71, it is more controllable. It has rolls for better handling (which we were forbidden to unlock) and locks on the suspension system. When landing, you can immediately unfasten the canopy. For example, in the wind, when jumping into water or in battle. Created for the GRU Spetsnaz and Airborne reconnaissance companies. Software - Planning Shell. These are the same rectangular “wings” or “mattresses” on which all athletes now jump. From PO-9, from the times of the USSR, to modern PO-16, PO-17 and the famous “Crossbows”. A conscript has never jumped with such canopies!

7. And finally, what is “Razor - Smile”? Or did they shave you with a smile? This is a flexible pin from the same PPK-U device. In the Airborne Forces and among civilian paratroopers, the most fashionable keychain and souvenir. On the neck, on the keys and so on. When straightened, the hairpin specifically catches the hairs, no worse than an epilator. In the army it is used to punish careless soldiers, and just for fun. Airborne humor, I shaved with a smile. Did they shave you with a smile? Only understandable to paratroopers.

In principle, there is still a lot of information that only those who served in the Airborne Forces can know. But I think that what I wrote will be enough to identify the fake paratroopers who disgrace the glorious name of Uncle Vasya’s Troops. Vasily Margelov is the founder of the Airborne Forces and the father of all paratroopers!

Happy Airborne Forces Day to all real paratroopers!
Nobody except us!

I work as a fitness instructor. I have professional education and 25 years of coaching experience. I help people lose or gain weight muscle mass and at the same time maintain health. I conduct training via the Internet or at the Mamba fitness club in Rostov-on-Don.

Designed for training jumps from transport aircraft from heights up to 8,000 meters at speed aircraft up to 400 km/h


D-5 series 2 parachute deployment diagram

1 ─ stabilizing dome chamber; 2 ─ stabilizing dome; 3 ─ connecting link; 4 ─ main dome chamber; 5 ─ main dome; 6 ─ backpack

General view of the stowed parachute D-5 series 2

1 ─ carbine; 2 ─ sealing tape

Tactical and technical data of the D-5 series 2 parachute

1. When total mass For a parachutist with parachutes not exceeding 120 kg, the D-5 series 2 parachute provides:

  • at least 80 applications at flight speeds up to 400 km/h according to the instrument and altitudes up to 8000 m with immediate deployment of the stabilizing parachute and subsequent descent on it for 3 s or more;
  • stability during decline;
  • the ability to stop the descent on the stabilizing dome at any time by opening the double-cone lock with a pull ring;
  • the minimum safe altitude for use from a horizontally flying aircraft at a flight speed of 160 km/h according to the instrument with stabilization of 3 s ─ 200 m, while the descent time on a fully filled main parachute canopy ─ not less than 10 s;
  • average vertical speed of descent, normalized to the standard atmosphere and the total mass of the parachutist with parachutes 120 kg, in the area 30-35 m from the ground ─ no more than 5 m/s;
  • rapid loss of height when sliding without the phenomena of folding the canopy;
  • the use of two belay devices (main and backup) with a hose length of 240 mm;
  • quick suppression of the canopy after landing when the right free end of the suspension system is disconnected using the OSK-D lock;
  • use of reserve parachutes type 3-2 or 3-5;
  • the force required to open a double-cone lock using a pull ring or device is no more than 16 kgf.

2. dimensions stowed parachute, mm: length without stabilizing dome in the chamber, mounted on the backpack, ─ 595+10;

width without parachute device ─ 335+10; height ─ 220+10.

3. The weight of the parachute without a carrying bag and instruments is no more than 13.8 kg.

Tactical and technical data of parachute parts D-5 series 2

1.Stabilizing dome chamber cylindrical in shape, made of nylon avisent (art. 56039). Camera length 300 mm, width when folded ─ 190 mm. At the top of the camera there is a carabiner, which is attached to the camera with nylon tape LTKkrP-26-600 with a strength of 600 kgf. At the bottom of the chamber, four NP-25-8 rings are sewn diametrically opposite to secure the chamber with the stabilizer rings. A nylon cord-tie ShKP-150 with a strength of 150 kgf is inserted into the hem of the upper base of the chamber to tighten the upper base of the chamber. A nylon tape LTKkrP-26-600 with a strength of 600 kgf is passed into the eye of the carabiner and stitched with a zigzag stitch to secure the rubber honeycomb mounted on the backpack. Camera weight ─ 0.155 kg.

The chamber is designed to accommodate a stabilizing dome, slings and the upper part of the stabilizer.

2.Stabilizing dome made of nylon fabric (art. 56004P or 56008P) and consists of a base and a sidewall. The dome has the shape of a truncated cone with a large base area of ​​1.5 m². To ensure the filling of the dome, an exhaust device is sewn into its pole part, consisting of eight pockets, the material for which is dyed calendered fabric (art. 56005krPK or 56005krP). On the outer side of the dome base, reinforcing tapes LTKP-15-185 with a strength of 185 kgf and circular tapes LTKP-13-70 with a strength of 70 kgf are stitched in the radial direction. The canopy has 16 slings made of ShKP-150 nylon cord with a strength of 150 kgf. The length of lines No. 1,4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13 and 16 in a free state from the lower edge of the canopy to the stabilizer loops is ─ 520 mm, and lines No. 2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14 and 15 ─ 500 mm.

For each side the feather is sewn on a tape with a ring for locking with rings sewn on the camera of the stabilizing dome.

Mass of the stabilizing dome ─ 0.57 kg.

3. Connecting link made of nylon tape LTKMkrP-27-1200 with a strength of 1200 kgf in two folds, designed to connect the stabilizing dome with the backpack at the stage of stabilized descent and with the main dome at all stages of work.

At the top, the connecting link forms a 130 mm loop for attaching the stabilizer thimble. At a distance of 410 mm from the top loop, a loop is sewn from nylon tape LTKkrP-26-600 with a strength of 600 kgf to attach the halyard of the flexible pin of the device. The lower part of the connecting link branches, forming power strips, into the ends of which the buckles of a double-cone lock are sewn.

Jumpers made of nylon tape LTK-44-1600 with a strength of 1600 kgf are sewn onto the power tapes on both sides. A nylon tape with a strength of 1200 kgf is sewn between the jumpers, forming a loop for attaching to the bridles of the camera and the main dome. The triangle formed from the connecting link tapes is covered on both sides with scarves made of nylon avisent gray(art. 56039).

Under one of the gussets of the connecting link, using nylon tape with a strength of 600 kgf, a guide ring for the halyard of the flexible pin of the device is sewn. There are arrows on the power bands near the buckles to control the correct installation and placement of the power bands on the double-cone lock. Connecting link length ─ 1030 mm.

Weight of the connecting link ─ 0.275 kg.

4. Main dome chamber made of gray nylon fabric (art. 56023krP), intended for laying the main dome and slings, has the shape of a cylinder with a height of 635 mm and a width (folded) of 450 mm. A continuation of the lower base is a special sleeve, into the hem of which an elastic ring is inserted to ensure the orderly exit of the main dome from the chamber.

The surface of the chamber is reinforced with two nylon tapes with a strength of 600 kgf, which form a bridle. For the convenience of laying the dome, a gusset made of gray nylon fabric is sewn onto the edge of the chamber.

In the hem of the upper base to tighten the camera

A nylon cord with a strength of 150 kgf is inserted. Two pairs of removable rubber honeycombs are attached to the bottom of the chamber. On the reverse side, at a distance of 185 mm from the lower base of the chamber, an apron is sewn, which has four windows formed by eyelets for the passage of removable rubber honeycombs.

On the camera there is sewn one middle gazyr, a group of right and a group of left gazyrs for laying slings, three honeycomb distributor tapes with honeycombs made from a backpack cord to hold the lines in the gazyrs.

For the convenience of laying the slings, nylon tapes with a strength of 150 kgf are sewn onto the gazyrs.

Camera weight ─ 0.44 kg.

5. Parachute canopy D-5 series 2 made of nylon fabric (art. 56009P) has the shape of a twenty-octagon and is designed for the safe descent and landing of a parachutist. The area of ​​the dome is 83 m².

To increase strength, the lower edge of the dome is stitched with nylon tapes with a strength of 200 kgf, and its central part─ tapes with a strength of 70 kgf.

28 slings made of nylon cord with a strength of 150 kgf and a length of 9000 mm are attached to the dome.

Dome weight ─ 8.136 kg.

The shape of the canopy of the D-5 series 2 parachute in plan.

The numbers around the circle are the line numbers, the numbers inside the circle are the square numbers:

1─ dome panels; 2, 4 ─ reinforcing frame; 3 ─ loops for slings.

6. Hanging system made of nylon tape LTK-44-1600 with a strength of 1600 kgf, designed for convenient placement of the parachutist and is the connecting link between the parachutist and the canopy.

The suspension system is equipped with an OSK-D lock and consists of the following main parts: the main strap with back-shoulder loops, one pair of detachable risers, and leg loops.

Detachable buckles are attached to the free ends of the suspension system. WITH reverse side The main strap (on the right ─ below the OSK-D lock, on the left ─ below the curved buckle) is sewn using nylon tape LTKkrP-43-800 with a strength of 800 kgf to the buckles for fastening the cargo container straps. At the bottom, the main strap is bifurcated, the strips are sewn end to end, and a cotton pad is sewn onto them for comfortable sitting in the harness system.

In the middle of the lower part of the main strap, on the outer side, a loop is sewn from nylon tape with a strength of 800 kgf for attaching a cargo container link.

On both sides of the loop at a distance of 150 ─ 165 mm, using nylon tape with a strength of 600 kgf, half-ring buckles are sewn to tighten the lower corners of the backpack to the main strap.

The shoulder girths, which formed the chest jumper, then pass through the windows of the main strap and, with the help of rectangular buckles sewn into the ends of the shoulder girths, form a waist girth.

The lower ends of the dorso-shoulder loops, passed between the ribbons of the main strap and bending around them in several places, form leg loops.

The weight of the suspension system is 2 kg.

7.Satchel made of nylon avisent consists of a bottom, right and left valves. The bottom of the backpack is double, a rigid frame is inserted into it.

The backpack is designed to accommodate a canopy with slings placed in the chamber, parts of the free ends of the suspension system and a belay device. The backpack has a double-cone lock and a flexible hose covered with cotton tape LXX-40-130 in varnish color with a strength of 130 kgf.

Hose length ─ 380 mm.

Weight of the backpack ─ 2 kg.

8.Pull ring with a cable designed to open a double-cone lock. It is made of steel rod and consists of a body, a limiter, a cable and a wire loop.

Ring weight ─ 0.1 kg. Cable length─ 600 mm.

9.Safety device(main) AD-ZU-240, PPK-U-240B or KAP-ZP-240B.

Device hose length 240 mm, cable length 397 mm, loop length 19 mm, flexible pin halyard length

Weight of the belay device ─ 0.95 kg.

When installing only one device on a parachute for opening a double-cone lock, the device can be equipped with a loop 42 mm long. The earring is not used in this case.

10. Safety device (duplicate) AD-ZU-240, PPK-U-240B or KAP-ZP-240B.

Hose length ─240 mm, cable length ─ 397 mm, loop length ─19 mm, flexible pin halyard length ─ 360 mm.

Device weight ─ 0.95 kg.

11. An earring designed to connect the main and backup devices, made of steel. Earring thickness ─ 2.5 mm. The earring has two holes: one is intended for the lock cone, the other for the hinges of the main and backup devices.

12. Carrying bag rectangular in shape, made of cargo notice.

Bag dimensions ─ 260X740X600 mm. Bag weight ─ 0.725 kg.

13. Parachute passport designed to record information about the reception, transmission, operation and repair of the parachute.


The D-5 series 2 parachute is designed for training and combat jumps from military transport aircraft. It is highly reliable in opening. Unlike other parachutes, the D-5 Series 2 has a uniform stowage method. The parts of the parachute are inseparable - this reduces the time for collecting the material after landing.


The maximum speed of the aircraft when jumping is 400 km/h

Maximum height, from which you can make a jump - 1000 meters.

The minimum safe altitude during stabilization is 3 seconds, the aircraft speed is 160 km/h - 200 meters.

The rate of descent with the paratrooper’s weight being 120 kg:

a) during stabilization – 35 m/sec.

b) on the main dome – 5 m/sec.

The force required to pull out the pilot chute ring is no more than 16 kgf.

Weight without belay device and bag – 13.8 kg

Weight in full set – 15.5 kg

The device used is PPK - U - 240, reserve parachutes: Z - 5 and Z - 3

Parachute kit:

1. Stabilizing dome chamber

2. Stabilizing dome

3. Connecting link

4. Main dome chamber

5. Main dome

6. Hanging system

8. Double cone lock

9. Pull ring

10. PPK – U – 240

11. Carrying bag

12. Passport

STABILIZING DOME CHAMBER: designed for placing a stabilizing dome, slings and the upper part of the stabilizer into it. The camera has a cylindrical shape and is made of nylon aviazent. At the top of the camera base there is a carabiner with which the camera is attached to the extension in the aircraft. The carbine is attached to the camera using a nylon tape with a strength of 600 kg.

At the bottom of the camera, 4 rings are sewn diametrically opposite to secure the camera with the stabilizer rings. A tie cord is inserted into the hem of the upper base of the camera. A zigzag stitching tape is passed through the eye of the carabiner and sewn together.

STABILIZING DOME: designed to ensure a stabilized descent of the parachutist and removal of the camera with the canopy and slings placed in it from the backpack. The stabilizing canopy consists of the canopy base, lines and stabilizer. The dome has the shape of a truncated cone with an area of ​​1.5 m. The dome is made of nylon fabric. To ensure that the dome is filled, an exhaust device is sewn into its upper part, consisting of eight pockets made of dyed canvas. On the outer side of the dome base, reinforcing tapes with a strength of 185 kg and circular tapes with a strength of 70 kg are stitched in the radial direction. The edge of the dome is reinforced by folding the fabric on the outside and stitched with nylon tapes with a strength of 185 kg. Sling length 50cm. The stabilizer consists of four feathers formed from two isosceles triangles, stitched in the center and made of nylon fabric. A ribbon is sewn onto each side of the feather, with a ring for securing them with the rings sewn on the stabilizing dome chamber.

CONNECTING LINK: designed to connect the stabilizing canopy to the pack during the stabilized descent stage and to the main canopy at all stages of operation. It is made of nylon tape with a strength of 1200 kg in two folds. In the upper part it forms a loop for attaching the stabilizer thimble. At a distance of 41 cm from the top loop, a loop of nylon tape is sewn to attach the halyards of the flexible pin of the device. The lower part of the connecting link branches out, forming power strips. Double-cone lock buckles are sewn into the ends of the power bands. A nylon tape (1200 kg) is sewn between the jumpers, forming a loop for attachment to the bridles of the main dome chamber. The triangle formed from the ribbons of the connecting link is covered on both sides with scarves made of nylon aircraft. On one side of the connecting link gussets there is a guide ring sewn for the halyard of the flexible pin of the device. On the power bands near the buckles there are arrows to control the correct installation and placement of the power bands on the double-cone lock.

The length of the connecting link is 1.03 m.

MAIN DOME CHAMBER: designed for laying the main canopy and slings in it. The chamber has a cylindrical shape and is made of nylon fabric, into the lower part of which an elastic ring is inserted to ensure the orderly exit of the dome from the chamber. The surface of the chamber is reinforced with two nylon tapes, the first runs across the chamber on both sides, the second on one side. The ribbons form a bridle on the camera. A nylon cord is inserted into the hem of the upper base of the chamber for tightening it, gazyrs are sewn on the outside for laying slings, one central one, a group of right and left gazyrs. At the bottom of the chamber there are two pairs of removable rubber honeycombs. An apron is sewn on the reverse side, which has four windows (eyelets) to allow removable honeycombs to pass through.

MAIN DOME: designed for the safe descent and landing of a parachutist. It has the shape of a twenty-eight square made of nylon fabric. The dome area is 83 m2. The lower edge of the dome is reinforced with a nylon strip with a strength of 200 kg. To increase the strength of the dome, a frame of nylon tapes with a strength of 70 kg is sewn on the outside. which, intersecting, form a mesh on the surface of the dome, and along the perimeter of the dome there are 28 loops for attaching slings. In the center of the dome there is a stitched loop - a bridle made of nylon tape with a strength of 600 kg. Slings made of nylon cord with a strength of 150 kg are attached to the dome loops with a noose loop and subsequent stitching. The second ends of the slings are tied to the four buckles of the free ends of the suspension system and sewn with a zigzag stitch. To make it easier to control the installation of the canopy, lines 1 and 28 are painted green color or marked with green belt loops, also sling 14 is marked in red for installation. The length of the slings is 9 meters. On the lower edge of the canopy, to the left of the lines, their serial numbers are indicated. Between lines 28 and 1 there is a factory mark.

SUSPENSION SYSTEM: is designed for convenient placement of a paratrooper in it and is the connecting link between the parachutist and the canopy. She provides uniform distribution load on the parachutist. The suspension system is made of nylon tape with a strength of 1600 kg and


Metal half rings.

2. Rise ends.

3. Flexible hose.

4. Curved buckles.

5. 2 x dorso-shoulder girths.

6. Main strap.

7. Pocket for the extraction ring.

8. Chest bridge.

9. Bracket for attaching a reserve parachute.

10. Half belt.

11. Rectangular buckles.

12. 2 x leg loops.

SACK: designed for placing a canopy with slings placed in the chamber, parts of the free ends of the suspension system and placing a belay device into it, made of a nylon aircraft and consists of a bottom, right and left valves. The bottom of the backpack is double, a rigid frame is inserted into it. On the outside, at the top of the stiffening frame, there is a double-cone lock. There are two windows at the upper base of the frame. At the upper base of the bottom of the backpack, a flexible hose for the pull ring cable is sewn on the left side. At the bottom of the backpack, on the outside, there is a valve stitched to cover the double-cone lock. On the outer side there is a pocket for a passport sewn on the left scarf, on the right flap there is a pocket stitched with ribbon ties for the device and tape with a safety valve for the flexible pin halyard, and a rubber honeycomb is attached to the upper part of the right flap. At the top of the bottom of the backpack there is a semi-ring.

CARRYING BAG: designed for stowing a parachute in it during storage and transportation. Made from a cargo aircraft.

PARACHUTE DEVICE: designed for automatic opening of a double-cone lock, consists of a main body, a hose and a cable with an earring. We will study it in more detail in future classes.

PASSPORT: designed to record information about the acceptance, transfer, operation and repair of the parachute. The passport is an integral part of the parachute. The rules for maintaining a passport are set out in it.

The parachute (Fig. 1, 2) is intended for training jumps from transport aircraft.

Rice. 1. Deployment diagram of the D-5 series 2 parachute:

1 - stabilizing dome chamber; 2 - stabilizing dome; 3 - connecting link; 4 - chamber of the main dome; 5 - main dome; 6 - backpack

Rice. 2. General form stowed parachute D-5 series 2:

1 - carabiner; 2 - sealing tape

Tactical and technical data of the parachute

1. With a total weight of a parachutist with parachutes of no more than 120 kg, the D-5 series 2 parachute provides:

  • at least 80 applications at flight speeds up to 400 km/h according to the instrument and altitudes up to 8000 m with immediate deployment of the stabilizing parachute and subsequent descent on it for 3 s or more;
  • stability during decline;
  • the ability to stop the descent on the stabilizing dome at any time by opening the double-cone lock with a pull ring;
  • the minimum safe altitude for use from a horizontally flying aircraft at a flight speed of 160 km/h according to the instrument with stabilization of 3 s is 200 m, while the descent time on a fully filled main parachute canopy is at least 10 s;
  • the average vertical speed of descent, normalized to the standard atmosphere and the total mass of the parachutist with parachutes 120 kg, in the area 30-35 m from the ground - no more than 5 m/s;
  • rapid loss of height when sliding without the phenomena of folding the canopy;
  • the use of two belay devices (main and backup) with a hose length of 240 mm;
  • quick suppression of the canopy after landing when the right free end of the suspension system is disconnected using the OSK-D lock;
  • use of reserve parachutes type 3-2 or 3-5;
  • the force required to open a double-cone lock with a pull ring or device is no more than 16 kgf.

2. Overall dimensions of the stowed parachute, mm:

  • length without a stabilizing dome in the chamber mounted on the backpack - 595+10;
  • width without parachute device - 335+10;
  • height - 220+10.

3. The weight of the parachute without a carrying bag and instruments is no more than 13.8 kg.

Tactical and technical data of parachute parts

1. The stabilizing dome chamber is cylindrical in shape, made of nylon avisent (art. 56039). The length of the camera is 300 mm, the width when folded is 190 mm. At the top of the camera there is a carabiner, which is attached to the camera with nylon tape LTKkrP-26-600 with a strength of 600 kgf. At the bottom of the chamber, four NP-25-8 rings are sewn diametrically opposite to secure the chamber with the stabilizer rings. A nylon cord-tie ShKP-150 with a strength of 150 kgf is inserted into the hem of the upper base of the chamber to tighten the upper base of the chamber. A nylon tape LTKkrP-26-600 with a strength of 600 kgf is passed into the eye of the carabiner and stitched with a zigzag stitch to secure the rubber honeycomb mounted on the backpack. Camera weight - 0.155 kg.

The chamber is designed to accommodate a stabilizing dome, slings and the upper part of the stabilizer.

2. The stabilizing dome is made of nylon fabric (art. 56004P or 56008P) and consists of a base and a sidewall. The dome has the shape of a truncated cone with a large base area of ​​1.5 m². To ensure the filling of the dome, an exhaust device is sewn into its pole part, consisting of eight pockets, the material for which is dyed calendered fabric (art. 56005krPK or 56005krP). On the outer side of the dome base, reinforcing tapes LTKP-15-185 with a strength of 185 kgf and circular tapes LTKP-13-70 with a strength of 70 kgf are stitched in the radial direction. The canopy has 16 slings made of ShKP-150 nylon cord with a strength of 150 kgf. The length of lines No. 1,4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13 and 16 in a free state from the lower edge of the canopy to the stabilizer loops is 520 mm, and lines No. 2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14 and 15 - 500 mm.

On each side of the feather there is sewn a tape with a ring for securing with rings sewn on the stabilizing dome chamber.

The mass of the stabilizing dome is 0.57 kg.

3. A connecting link made of nylon tape LTKMkrP-27-1200 with a strength of 1200 kgf in two folds, designed to connect the stabilizing dome with the backpack at the stage of stabilized descent and with the main dome at all stages of operation.

At the top, the connecting link forms a 130 mm loop for attaching the stabilizer thimble. At a distance of 410 mm from the top loop, a loop is sewn from nylon tape LTKkrP-26-600 with a strength of 600 kgf to attach the halyard of the flexible pin of the device. The lower part of the connecting link branches, forming power strips, into the ends of which the buckles of a double-cone lock are sewn.

Jumpers made of nylon tape LTK-44-1600 with a strength of 1600 kgf are sewn onto the power tapes on both sides. A nylon tape with a strength of 1200 kgf is sewn between the jumpers, forming a loop for attaching to the bridles of the camera and the main dome. The triangle formed from the ribbons of the connecting link is covered on both sides with scarves made of gray nylon avisent (art. 56039).

Under one of the gussets of the connecting link, using nylon tape with a strength of 600 kgf, a guide ring for the halyard of the flexible pin of the device is sewn. There are arrows on the power bands near the buckles to control the correct installation and placement of the power bands on the double-cone lock. The length of the connecting link is 1030 mm.

The mass of the connecting link is 0.275 kg.

4. The chamber of the main dome made of gray nylon fabric (art. 56023krP), intended for laying the main dome and slings, has the shape of a cylinder with a height of 635 mm and a width (folded) of 450 mm. A continuation of the lower base is a special sleeve, into the hem of which an elastic ring is inserted to ensure the orderly exit of the main dome from the chamber.

The surface of the chamber is reinforced with two nylon tapes with a strength of 600 kgf, which form a bridle. For the convenience of laying the dome, a gusset made of gray nylon fabric is sewn onto the edge of the chamber.

In the hem of the upper base to tighten the camera

A nylon cord with a strength of 150 kgf is inserted. Two pairs of removable rubber honeycombs are attached to the bottom of the chamber. On the reverse side, at a distance of 185 mm from the lower base of the chamber, an apron is sewn, which has four windows formed by eyelets for the passage of removable rubber honeycombs.

On the camera there is sewn one middle gazyr, a group of right and a group of left gazyrs for laying slings, three honeycomb distributor tapes with honeycombs made from a backpack cord to hold the lines in the gazyrs.

For the convenience of laying the slings, nylon tapes with a strength of 150 kgf are sewn onto the gazyrs.

Camera weight - 0.44 kg.

5. The dome (Fig. 3) made of nylon fabric (art. 56009P) has the shape of a twenty-octagon and is designed for the safe descent and landing of a parachutist. The area of ​​the dome is 83 m².

To increase strength, the lower edge of the dome is stitched with nylon tapes with a strength of 200 kgf, and its central part is stitched with tapes with a strength of 70 kgf.

28 slings made of nylon cord with a strength of 150 kgf and a length of 9000 mm are attached to the dome.

Dome weight - 8.136 kg.

Rice. 3. The shape of the canopy of the D-5 series 2 parachute in plan.

The numbers in the circle are the numbers of the slings, the numbers inside the circle are the numbers of the squares: 1 - dome panels; 2, 4 - reinforcing frame; 3 - loops for slings.

6. Suspension system made of nylon tape LTK-44-1600 with a strength of 1600 kgf, designed for convenient placement of the parachutist and is the connecting link between the parachutist and the canopy.

The suspension system is equipped with an OSK-D lock and consists of the following main parts: the main strap with back-shoulder loops, one pair of detachable risers, and leg loops.

Detachable buckles are attached to the free ends of the suspension system. On the reverse side of the main strap (on the right - below the OSK-D lock, on the left - below the curved buckle) buckles are sewn using nylon tape LTKkrP-43-800 with a strength of 800 kgf for fastening the cargo container straps. At the bottom, the main strap is bifurcated, the strips are sewn end to end, and a cotton pad is sewn onto them for comfortable sitting in the harness system.

In the middle of the lower part of the main strap, on the outer side, a loop is sewn from nylon tape with a strength of 800 kgf for attaching a cargo container link.

On both sides of the loop at a distance of 150-165 mm, using nylon tape with a strength of 600 kgf, half-ring buckles are sewn to tighten the lower corners of the backpack to the main strap.

The shoulder girths, which formed the chest jumper, then pass through the windows of the main strap and, with the help of rectangular buckles sewn into the ends of the shoulder girths, form a waist girth.

The lower ends of the dorso-shoulder loops, passed between the ribbons of the main strap and bending around them in several places, form leg loops.

The weight of the suspension system is 2 kg.

7. A nylon satchel consists of a bottom, right and left valves. The bottom of the backpack is double, a rigid frame is inserted into it.

The backpack is designed to accommodate a canopy with slings placed in the chamber, parts of the free ends of the suspension system and a belay device. The backpack has a double-cone lock and a flexible hose covered with cotton tape LXX-40-130, varnish color, with a strength of 130 kgf.

Hose length - 380 mm.

The weight of the backpack is 2 kg.

8. The pull ring with a cable is designed to open the double-cone lock. It is made of steel rod and consists of a body, a limiter, a cable and a wire loop.

Ring weight - 0.1 kg. Cable length - 600 mm.

9. Insurance device (main) AD-ZU-240, PPK-U-240B or KAP-ZP-240B.

The length of the device hose is 240 mm, the length of the cable is 397 mm, the length of the loop is 19 mm, the length of the flexible pin halyard is 360 mm.

The weight of the belay device is 0.95 kg.

When installing only one device on a parachute for opening a double-cone lock, the device can be equipped with a loop 42 mm long. The earring is not used in this case.

10. Safety device (duplicate) AD-ZU-240, PPK-U-240B or KAP-ZP-240B.

Hose length - 240 mm, cable length - 397 mm, loop length - 19 mm, flexible pin halyard length - 360 mm.

The weight of the device is 0.95 kg.

11. The earring, designed to connect the main and backup devices, is made of steel. The thickness of the earring is 2.5 mm. The earring has two holes: one is intended for the lock cone, the other is for the hinges of the main and backup devices.

12. A rectangular carrying bag made from a cargo notice.

Bag dimensions - 260x740x600 mm. Bag weight - 0.725 kg.

13. The passport is intended to record information about the reception, transfer, operation and repair of the parachute.

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