Terrible sea monsters. Creepy monsters of the deep sea. Basilisk - Poisonous snakes

The main human activity takes place on earth, therefore water world is not fully explored. In ancient times, people were sure that many monsters lived in the seas and oceans, and there was a lot of evidence describing encounters with such creatures.

Sea monsters and monsters of the deep oceans

Research into the depths of water is still being carried out, for example, the Mariana Trench (the most deep place on the planet), but the most terrible sea monsters described in ancient scriptures were not discovered. Almost all nations have ideas about monsters that attacked sailors. There are still reports from time to time that people have seen huge snakes, octopuses and other creatures unknown to science.

Hairy snake

According to historical chronicles, these monsters were discovered in depths of the sea ah around the 13th century. Until now, scientists have not been able to confirm that giant sea snakes are real.

  1. A description of the appearance of these monsters can be found in the work of O. the Great “History of the Northern Peoples”. The snake reaches a length of approximately 200 feet and a width of 20 feet. He lives in caves near Bergen. The body is covered with black scales, there is hanging hair on the neck, and its eyes are red. He attacks livestock and ships.
  2. The last evidence of a meeting of a sea monster was about 150 years ago. The crew of a British ship that was heading to St. Helena saw a huge reptile with a mane.
  3. The only known animal that fits the description is the belt fish, which lives in tropical seas. The length of the caught specimen is approximately 11 m. The rays of its dorsal fin are long and form a “plume” above the head, which from a distance can be mistaken for hair.

Hairy snake

Sea monster kraken

The mythical sea creature that looks like a cephalopod is called the kraken. It was first described by Icelandic sailors, who claimed that it looked like an ordinary floating island. Descriptions of this monster of the deep sea are common and confirmed.

  1. A Norwegian ship in 1810 noticed in the water a huge creature similar to a jellyfish, whose diameter was about 70 m. A record of this meeting was in the ship's log.
  2. The fact that giant sea monsters krakens exist was officially confirmed by science in the 19th century, since giant mollusks (something between an octopus and a squid) similar in description to a kraken were found on the shore.
  3. Sailors declared a hunt for these creatures and specimens 8 and 20 m long were caught. Some encounters with the kraken ended in the wreck of the ship and the death of the crew.
  4. There are several types of krakens; it is believed that the monsters reach 30-40 m in length, and have large suction cups on their tentacles. They do not have spines, but have a brain, developed sensory organs and a circulatory system. To protect themselves, they are capable of releasing poison.


In the English epic, the demon of darkness is called Grendel, and he is a giant troll who lived in Denmark. When describing the largest sea monsters, it is often included in the list, and it lives in underwater caves.

  1. He hated people and created panic among the people. His image combines different forms of evil.
  2. In German mythology, a sea monster with a huge mouth was considered a creature that was rejected by people. Grendel was a person who committed a crime and was cast out of society.
  3. Films and cartoons have been made about this monster.


Sea monster Leviathan

One of the most famous monsters, described in the Old Testament and other Christian sources. The Lord created a pair for each creature, but there were animals of a single genus and these are different sea monsters, which include.

  1. The creature is huge and has two jaws. His body is covered with scales. He has the ability to breathe fire and thereby evaporate the seas.
  2. In later sources, some mythical sea monsters were justified, so Leviathan began to be represented as a symbol of the limitless power of God.
  3. There is a mention of this creature in the stories of different peoples. Scientists are sure that Leviathan was simply confused with different sea animals.


Monster Scylla

In Greek mythology, Scylla is considered a unique creature that lived not far from another monster, Charybdis. They were considered very dangerous and voracious. According to existing versions, Scylla was the object of love of many gods.

  1. The sea monster is a snake with six heads that has preserved top part female body. Under the water there were tentacles ending in the heads of dogs.
  2. With her beauty she attracted sailors and could bite a galley in half with her head.
  3. According to myths, she lived in the Strait of Messina. Odysseus survived the meeting with her.

sea ​​serpent

The most famous monster, which had a snake body, is Jörmungand - a mythical Scandinavian creature. He is considered the middle son of Loki and Angrboda. There was a serpent huge size, and he was able to encircle the Earth and cling to his own tail, for which they began to call him the “World Serpent.” There are three myths about sea monsters that describe the meeting of Thor and Jörmungandr.

  1. Thor first met the serpent in the form of a giant cat, and he was given the task of raising it. He only succeeded in making the animal raise one paw.
  2. Another myth describes how Thor went fishing with the giant Gimir and caught the bull Jormungandr on his head. It is believed that he managed to crush his head with his hammer, but did not kill him.
  3. It is believed that their last meeting will take place on the day when the world ends and all sea monsters come to the surface. Jörmungandr will poison the sky, for which Thor will cut off his head, but the flow of poison will kill him.

sea ​​serpent

Sea Monk

According to existing information, the sea monk is a large humanoid creature, whose arms look like flippers and legs like a fish tail. Its body is covered with scales, and there is no hair on the top of its head, but there is something similar to tonsures, hence the name of this creature.

  1. Many scary sea monsters live in the waters of Northern Europe, and the sea monk is no exception. Information about it appeared during the Middle Ages.
  2. These creatures frolicked on the shores, thereby captivating the sailors, and when they managed to get as close to them as possible, they dragged the victims to the bottom of the sea.
  3. The first mentions date back to the 14th century. An unusual creature with a tonsure on its head washed ashore in Denmark in 1546.
  4. Scientists believe that the sea monk is a legend that arose due to an error of perception.

Sea Monk

Sea monster fish

To date, a little more than 5% of the world's oceans have been explored, but this is enough to discover terrible aquatic creatures.

Since time immemorial, the sea has seemed to man full of dark secrets, inhabited by various sea monsters who are ready at any moment to drag the ship into the abyss. It is not for nothing that almost all coastal peoples have myths about the mysterious inhabitants of the deep sea. From time to time, one of the ancient legends suddenly receives new confirmation. Even today, sailors sometimes see huge sea monsters, snakes and dragons in the open ocean. Sensational reports of such encounters circulate in all newspapers around the world, and sometimes it is even possible to photograph the monster.

Encounters with a sea serpent

1848, August 6 - the British Royal Navy frigate Daedalus was heading back to Plymouth after a trip to the East Indies. The ship was heading northeast, in the direction between the Cape of Good Hope and the island of St. Helena.

At five o'clock in the evening, the ship's midshipman, noticing a certain object overboard, reported this to the watch officer. The officer of the watch was on the bridge along with the navigator and captain. The boatswain's mate and the helmsman stood at the helm. The rest of the crew had dinner.

Coming closer, they saw that it was a sea serpent; its head rose 4 feet (1.2 m) above the water surface. The sailors estimated that the length of the monster was approximately at least 60 feet (18.3 m). None visible organs for translational movements it was not visible. The animal was motionless: in appearance, it did not make any movements, despite the fact that it was moving at a decent speed - up to 12–15 miles per hour (19–24 km/h). approached the frigate so close that the officers standing on the deck could even see some details.

The neck, which began just behind the head, was approximately 15 inches (38 cm) long and resembled the neck of a snake - dark brown in color, with a yellow-white tinge at the throat. A seaweed-colored mane was visible on its back.

English explorer and yachtsman John Ridgway spent about five months at sea on a 50-foot (15.2 m) yacht around the world. Once, while in the Pacific Ocean, he approached Cape Horn. After a long period of calm water and dense fog, black clouds and high waves appeared ahead of the yacht. Everyone understood: a storm was coming. And at that time some creature swam up from the stern. The team members saw albatrosses, whales, and squids glowing at night, but this was something else.

“The ship was moving at a speed of 9 or 10 knots (16.5–18.4 km/h), and for an animal this is quite a high speed, considering that it kept up with the yacht for a long time.

Its color was yellowish-brown, and it floated with a noticeable “sine wave.” The body was very strong, muscular and, being far out in the open sea, it moved for a long time at high speed through huge waves, appearing here and there. It swam with its head held motionless, and I believe that if you mentally extend the neck and body, you will get an ordinary sea serpent.”

1942 - Mr. Welsh was on board a military transport ship. He was keeping a lookout watch.

“At a considerable distance from the ship, I saw a large black object. My heart sank: I took it for an enemy submarine, and immediately sounded the alarm - the bell rang desperately throughout the ship. We got really scared. Panic was not far away. The officer on watch, after looking through binoculars, said: “Eh-uh, guys, this is not a submarine at all!” I can't understand what this is at all. Perhaps something is simply floating on the surface.”

When the ship came closer, we saw what it was - I think the word “monster” is best suited to this object: it looked like a snake, a very thick creature - probably as thick as a tree trunk, and up to 20-30 in length. feet (6.1–9.1 m), with an arched back in several places. I didn’t get a good look at the head: it was always obscured by the waves. We continued on our way, and the snake, apparently not paying any attention to us, swam on its way and after some time disappeared from sight.”

Giant squid

2002, July - a giant dead squid weighing 250 kg was discovered on the beach of the island of Tasmania. After examining his tissues, scientists concluded that he lived in a bay 200 meters deep. Previously, it was believed that the giant squid was a deep-sea animal, so the incident sparked a discussion about the reality of the legends about huge mollusks sinking ships.

The first evidence of the existence of the giant squid was found in 1856, when the Danish scientist Japetus Steenstrup conducted a study of the beak of an individual of this species washed up on the shore. Since that time, the remains of huge sea animals were constantly found on the coast or in the stomachs of sperm whales, whose bodies bore imprints of huge suckers.

The length of the tentacles of a squid discovered on the shore of the city of Hobart (Australia) was more than 15 meters. Zoologists found out that this was a female who swam out into shallow water to lay eggs and was stranded. It differed from previously discovered giant squids in having long, thin pouches of muscle attached to the base of each of its eight tentacles. This was the third discovery in Tasmania.

Scientists from Japan managed to film a living giant squid just over a decade ago. For this purpose, a special highly sensitive camera and infrared light, invisible to the human eye, were used. 2006 - Researchers managed to catch a living representative of huge mollusks for the first time.

Fish Goonch

This sea monster lives in the Kali River (between Nepal and India) and loves the taste of human meat. Its weight reaches 140 kg. People can be attacked not only in a secluded place, but also in large crowds of people. The gunch began to experience this craving for human meat because of... the customs of the people themselves. Since ancient times, local residents have used the Kali River to “bury” the dead. Partially burnt bodies are thrown into the river after Hindu rituals.

Legendary Kraken

It is believed that it was the giant squid that served as the prototype the legendary kraken- a monster living in the ocean that can drag an entire ship to the bottom. As legends say, it lives off the coast of Norway and Iceland. There are different opinions about what his appearance is. Some describe it as a giant squid, others as an octopus. The first handwritten mention of the kraken can be found in the Danish bishop Erik Pontoppidan, who in 1752 recorded various oral legends about it. At first, the word “kgake” was used to describe any deformed animal that was very different from its own kind. Later it passed into many languages ​​and began to mean precisely “the legendary sea monster.”

It was truly colossal in size; it was compared to a small island. Moreover, its danger lay precisely in its size and the speed with which the monster sank to the bottom. This created a strong whirlpool, which could have destroyed the ship. Most of the time the kraken hibernated on seabed, and then many fish swam around him. Some of the fishermen allegedly even took risks and cast their nets directly over the sleeping kraken. The kraken is believed to be responsible for many disasters at sea.

In the 18th–19th centuries, some zoologists suggested that the kraken could be a giant octopus.


In the seas and oceans lives one of the rarest deep-sea monsters with an ugly appearance - the monkfish. Its second name is anglerfish. The “monster” was first discovered in 1891. The fish has no scales, and ugly growths and bumps grow in its place. The mouth of this monster is surrounded by swaying rags of skin that resemble seaweed. The dark coloring adds to the unsightly appearance of the anglerfish. A huge head and a gigantic mouth slit make this deep-sea monster the ugliest on our planet.

A fleshy and long process protruding from the head of the anglerfish acts as a bait (fishing rod). This is a very serious danger for fish. Monkfish attracts its victims with the light of a “fishing rod”, which is equipped with a special gland. He lures her to his mouth, forcing her to swim inside on her own initiative. Anglerfish are unusually voracious. They can attack prey that is many times their size. During an unsuccessful hunt, both die: the victim from mortal wounds, the aggressor from suffocation.

El Cuero Creature

According to legend, the waters of Chile and Argentina are inhabited by creatures called El Cuero, which means “skin” in Spanish. El Cuero is something similar to the skin of a huge bull, along the edges of which there are processes that resemble clawed paws or spikes. It is possible to determine where the monster's head is located by the two tentacles protruding from it, at the ends of which there are red eyes. In the center of the underside of the skin, El Cuero has a mouth that looks like a huge suction cup, with the help of which the monster sucks out all the juices from the victim. Most "skins" prefer rivers, ponds and lakes South America, but some of them live in salty sea ​​water. Thus, those living off the coast of the Chiloe El Cuero archipelago usually attack animals, but it also happens that people and boats become their victims.

According to the descriptions, the prototype of this monster was a giant sea devil - the largest stingray in the caudate order. The name of this species - manta - echoes one version of its name El Cuero, manta del Diablo, the literal translation of "devil's blanket". Fin span sea ​​devil reaches about 7 meters. In fact, the manta ray does not pose a danger to humans, since its interest extends to small fish and plankton. Despite their rather impressive dimensions and weight, which reaches 2 tons, giant stingrays are capable of jumping out of the water to a height of up to 1.5 meters.

Unknown animal

1977, April - a sensational message about the discovery of fishermen from Japan spread around the world. While fishing for mackerel on the Tsuyo Maru trawler near New Zealand, the net brought back the half-decayed remains of an unknown creature. A stench spread from a 13-meter carcass weighing up to 2 tons. The fishermen were able to distinguish a shapeless body with four limbs, a long tail and a small head on a thin neck. The find was measured, photographed, and then thrown overboard. First, part of the best-preserved limb was separated from the body and placed in a freezer.

Controversy flared up around the caught creature. Based on several poor photographs and descriptions of fishermen, Professor Yoshinuri Imaitsumi, head of the zoological department at the National Science Museum of Japan, recognized the creature caught in the net as a plesiosaur - a representative of a long-extinct group of marine reptiles. Plesiosaurs are well known from fossils. Mesozoic era. 100–200 million years ago, like modern seals, they inhabited coastal sea areas and could crawl onto sandbanks, where they rested after hunting. Plesiosaurs, like most other reptiles, had a powerful, well-developed skeleton. Judging by the descriptions of the fishermen from the Tsuyo Maru and the photographs, the mysterious animal had no bones.

Paleontologist from Paris L. Ginzburg believes that Japanese fishermen pulled out from the sea the remains of a giant seal that became extinct 20 million years ago.

Sea Monk

In the Middle Ages, residents of Northern Europe often saw humanoid creatures with a fish tail and flipper-like arms off the coast. They were called sea monks. The German theologian Konrad von Megenberg noted that sea monks danced to attract a person to the shore, and he, losing caution, approached to look at the miracle, they grabbed him and devoured him, dragging him to the bottom.

In the middle of the 16th century, one of the sea monks was discovered on the eastern shore of the Danish island of Zealand. The strange creature, approximately 1.5 meters long, was immediately sent to Copenhagen, where it was sketched by one of the founders of biology, Konrad Gesner. In the 18th century, these drawings were carefully studied by the Danish zoologist Japetus Steenstrup. The zoologist concluded that monk seas are nothing more than a ten-tentacled black cuttlefish. In our time, cryptozoologists have suggested that the prototype of the monk sea is a walrus or a flat-bodied shark. But the cuttlefish does not have the strength to pull a person under water, the walrus does not eat people, and the flat-bodied shark feeds on invertebrates and small fish, and is not interested in human meat.

Sea Bishops

Sea bishops were found in the Baltic waters. The first mention of this creature dates back to 1433, when the first caught specimen was offered to the Polish king. The clergy convinced the king that the animal should be returned to his natural environment a habitat. The bishop fish had a wide fin on its back, which it used instead of a cloak, and a crest on its head resembling a bishop's miter. Most likely, the source of this fantasy was the same sea devil.

Speckled Stargazer

Representative Astroscopus guttatus is a real sea monster. The second name of these creatures is speckled stargazer. At first glance, this nickname suits some small fish with large eyes, but this creature does not fit such a description. Not having the most attractive appearance, the speckled stargazer usually lives on the seabed, burrowing into the silt, and watching from below everything that moves nearby. It has special organs above the eyes from which electrical discharges emanate.

Giant centipede

1883 - a resident of Annam discovered on the shore of Along Bay the decomposed remains of a sea monster that resembled a giant centipede.


This creature is classified as a bagmouth, a group of ray-finned fish. It lives at great depths. Compared to the huge mouth, the body of the silt swallower looks disproportionately small. This fish lacks scales, ribs, swim bladder, pyloric appendages, pelvic and caudal fins. Most of skull bones are reduced or disappeared completely. The preserved skeleton is quite difficult to compare with other fish to establish relationships. The slight similarity of the sac-like fry with leptocephalic eels makes it possible to assume some “ family ties» between the mentioned species.

From time immemorial, people have been fascinated by the beauty and power of the ocean. The bottomless waters of the seas have always kept some kind of secret and danger. Stories and legends tell of monsters living in depths of the sea.

Do you believe in them? Let's talk about the most famous of them.

Loch Ness monster

The most famous sea monster, which, by and large, is freshwater and not sea, but it is possible that it can live in salt water.

He is also often called Nessie.

This unknown creature was first discovered in 1933, and there is still no clear evidence that it existed or exists.

His photographs appear in the press from time to time, but scientific communities in all countries doubt their authenticity.

However, it remains one of the most popular legendary creatures, and many researchers are still trying to find evidence of its existence.

Although most scientists do not believe in Nessie, they admit that if it exists, it is a descendant of a “dinosaur” with long neck and webbed feet.

They say the animal is completely harmless and prefers to eat only fish.

The name Iku-Turso is translated as “thousand-horned” or “having a thousand tentacles.” In modern Finnish his name can be translated as "octopus"

In Finnish mythology there is a mention of the evil Iku-Turso, who is also called the eternal Thurso.

Lives in Atlantic Ocean, wreaking havoc wherever it appears.

Its appearance is quite interesting. He is depicted as a horned and bearded monster, which, judging by its appearance, clearly does not feed on fish.

They say that he used to be very dangerous, but the Finnish epic "Kalevala" says that one day Iku-Turso was captured and gave his word in exchange for the freedom to behave well.

Now he lives only in the ocean, and does not appear on land.

In Japanese folk tales there is a character named Umibozu.

They say that when the priest drowned, his spirit was filled with the power of the ocean and turned into a huge dark-headed creature, similar in appearance to a man.

However, Umibozu is not only the soul of the drowned priest.

This word is now used to describe any restless souls of the dead.

Attempts to communicate with them cause a storm, and the ships go down.

Sometimes Umibozu asks the sailors to give him a barrel, but if you do this, he will immediately grab you and drown you in the same barrel.

Hydra protects lakes and oceans; it can live in both salty and fresh water.

Hydra is huge and almost impossible to kill.

If one head is cut off, two new ones will grow in its place.

The Greek hero Hercules, who for some reason is often called Hercules, ultimately defeated her.

He was helped in this by his nephew, who noticed that if one head was cut off and burned with fire, new heads would not appear.

So, Hydra was defeated by two brave Greeks, but the fact that even Hercules, known for his incredible strength, needed help to fight it shows how powerful it is.

Any huge thing is called Leviathan, but did you know that mention of it is also found in the Bible?

The Book of Job talks about him and describes him as a powerful fire-breathing creature of incredible size.

They say that it was impossible to kill him, and the monster died of its own accord from old age.

Most illustrations of the monster show it as a snake or whale with a long, thick body.

Leviathan's powerful body, huge teeth and evil character terrify all sailors forced to roam the oceans.

The sea monster lives in ocean waters near the coasts of Norway and Greenland.

He is depicted as a giant squid or a man with squid tentacles instead of arms.

The only thing that remains constant about his appearance is his size. The Kraken is huge! Even the legendary gods and heroes are lost against its background.

Anyone who values ​​his life will beware of him if he moves to Norway by sea. This villain hates people and will do everything possible to destroy them.

Beware of him! However, he is not the worst. Scarier, bigger and more powerful than him...

Jörmungandr is a character from Norse mythology, also called Jörmungandr, Midgardsorm, the Midgard Serpent, or the World Serpent.

Jormungandr is so huge that he can easily cover the entire globe with his body.

Have you heard of the Norse god Thor, the incredibly powerful lord of lightning? So he will be poisoned to death by Jormungandr during the end of the world, or Ragnarok.

Just imagine, Jormungandr also has poison! It would seem that its size alone is enough to easily deal with anyone.

Jormungandr is the most dangerous and huge sea monster, which has no equal.

It turns out that sharks in the ocean are not the worst thing. There is a whole bunch of sea monsters, in comparison with which even a great white shark will seem like a harmless crucian carp.

Throughout history, people have created countless tales of mythical creatures, legendary monsters, and supernatural monsters. Despite their unclear origins, these mythical creatures are described in the folklore of various peoples and in many cases are part of the culture. It's amazing that there are people all over the world who are still convinced that these monsters exist, despite the lack of any meaningful evidence. So today we will look at a list of 25 legendary and mythical creatures that never existed.

Budak is present in many Czech fairy tales and legends. This monster is usually described as a creepy creature, reminiscent of a scarecrow. It can cry like an innocent child, thus luring its victims. On the night of the full moon, Budak allegedly weaves fabric from the souls of those people whom he killed. Budak is sometimes described as an evil version of Father Christmas who travels on Christmas Day in a cart pulled by black cats.

24. Ghoul

The ghoul is one of the most famous creatures in Arabian folklore and appears in the collection of tales One Thousand and One Nights. The ghoul is described as an undead creature that can also take the form of an immaterial spirit. He often visits cemeteries to eat the flesh of recently deceased people. This is perhaps the main reason why the word ghoul in Arab countries is often used when referring to gravediggers or representatives of any profession directly related to death.

23. Yorogumo.

Loosely translated from Japanese, Yorogumo means “seductress spider,” and in our humble opinion, the name perfectly describes this monster. According to Japanese folklore, Yorogumo was a bloodthirsty monster. But in most fairy tales it is described as a huge spider, which takes the form of a very attractive and sexy woman, who seduces her male victims, captures them in a web, and then happily devours them.

22. Cerberus.

In Greek mythology, Cerberus is the guardian of Hades and is usually described as a bizarre-looking monster that looks like a dog with three heads and a tail whose end is the head of a dragon. Cerberus was born from the union of two monsters, the giant Typhon and Echidna, and is himself the brother of the Lernaean Hydra. Cerberus is often described in myth as one of the most loyal guards in history and is often mentioned in Homer's epic.

21. Kraken

The legend of the Kraken came from Northern Seas and its presence was initially limited to the shores of Norway and Iceland. Over time, however, its fame grew, thanks to the wild imagination of storytellers, which led subsequent generations to believe that it also lives in all the seas of the world.

Norwegian fishermen initially described the sea monster as a gigantic animal that was as large as an island and posed a danger to passing ships not from direct attack, but from giant waves and tsunamis caused by the movements of its body. However, later people began to spread stories about the monster's violent attacks on ships. Modern historians believe that the Kraken was nothing more than a giant squid and the rest of the stories are nothing more than the wild imagination of sailors.

20. Minotaur

The Minotaur is one of the first epic creatures we meet in human history, and takes us back to the heyday of the Minoan civilization. The Minotaur had the head of a bull on the body of a very large, muscular man and settled in the center of the Cretan labyrinth, which was built by Daedalus and his son Icarus at the request of King Minos. Anyone who entered the labyrinth became a victim of the Minotaur. The exception was the Athenian king Theseus, who killed the beast and came out of the labyrinth alive with the help of the thread of Ariadne, the daughter of Minos.

If Theseus were hunting the Minotaur these days, then a rifle with a collimator sight would be very useful to him, a huge and high-quality selection of which is on the portal http://www.meteomaster.com.ua/meteoitems_R473/.

19. Wendigo

Those familiar with psychology have probably heard the term “Wendigo psychopathy,” which describes the psychosis that compels a person to eat human flesh. The medical term takes its name from a mythical creature called the Wendigo, which, according to the myths of the Algonquin Indians. The Wendigo was an evil creature that looked like a cross between a human and a monster, something similar to a zombie. According to legend, only people who ate human flesh were able to become Wendigos themselves.

Of course, this creature never existed and was invented by Algonquin elders who were trying to stop people from engaging in cannibalism.

In ancient Japanese folklore, Kappa is a water demon who lives in rivers and lakes and devours naughty children. Kappa means "child of the river" in Japanese and has the body of a turtle, the limbs of a frog, and a head with a beak. In addition, there is a cavity with water on the top of the head. According to legend, Kappa's head must always be kept moist, otherwise he will lose his strength. Oddly enough, many Japanese consider the existence of Kappa to be a reality. Some lakes in Japan have posters and signs warning visitors that there is a serious risk of being attacked by this creature.

Greek mythology gave the world some of its most epic heroes, gods, and creatures, and Talos is one of them. A huge bronze giant supposedly lived in Crete, where he protected a woman named Europa (from whom the European continent took its name) from pirates and invaders. For this reason, Talos patrolled the shores of the island three times a day.

16. Menehune.

According to legend, the Menehune were an ancient race of gnomes who lived in the forests of Hawaii before the arrival of the Polynesians. Many scientists explain the existence of ancient statues on the Hawaiian Islands due to the presence of Menehune here. Others argue that the legends of the Menehune began with the arrival of Europeans in these areas and were created by human imagination. The myth goes back to the roots of Polynesian history. When the first Polynesians arrived in Hawaii, they found dams, roads, and even temples that had been built by the Menehune.

However, no one found the skeletons. Therefore, it still remains a big mystery what kind of race built all these amazing ancient structures in Hawaii before the arrival of the Polynesians.

15. Griffin.

The griffin was a legendary creature with the head and wings of an eagle and the body and tail of a lion. The griffin is the king of the animal kingdom, a symbol of power and dominance. Griffins can be found in many depictions of Minoan Crete and later in art and mythology Ancient Greece. However, some believe that the creature symbolizes the fight against evil and witchcraft.

14. Medusa

According to one version, Medusa was a beautiful maiden destined for the goddess Athena, who was raped by Poseidon. Athena, furious that she could not confront Poseidon directly, turned Medusa into an unsightly, evil monster with a head full of snakes for hair. Medusa's ugliness was so disgusting that anyone who looked at her face turned to stone. Perseus eventually killed Medusa with the help of Athena.

Pihiu is another legendary monster hybrid native to China. Even though no part of his body resembled human organs, mythological creature often described as having the body of a lion with the wings, long legs and head of a Chinese dragon. Pihiu is considered the guardian and protector of those who practice Feng Shui. Another version of the pihiu, the Tian Lu, is also sometimes considered a sacred being that attracts and protects wealth. This is the reason why small statues of Tian Lu are often seen in Chinese homes or offices, as it is believed that this creature can help accumulate wealth.

12. Sukuyant

The soucouillant, according to Caribbean legends (especially in the Dominican Republic, Trinidad and Guadeloupe), is an exotic black version of the European vampire. By word of mouth, from generation to generation, Sukuyant has become part of local folklore. He is described as a hideous-looking old woman by day, who at night transforms into a magnificent-looking young black woman resembling a goddess. She seduces her victims in order to later suck their blood or make them her eternal slaves. It was also believed that she practiced black magic and voodoo, and could transform into ball lightning or enter the homes of her victims through any opening in the house, including cracks and keyholes.

11. Lamassu.

According to the mythology and legends of Mesopotamia, Lamassu was a protective deity, depicted with the body and wings of a bull, or with the body of a lion, the wings of an eagle and the head of a man. Some described him as a menacing-looking man, while others described him as a female deity with good intentions.

10. Tarasca

The tale of the Tarasca is reported in the history of Martha, which is included in Jacob's biography of the Christian saints. Tarasca was a dragon with a very scary appearance and bad intentions. According to legend, it had the head of a lion, six short legs like a bear, the body of a bull, was covered with the shell of a turtle and a scaly tail that ended with a scorpion sting. Tarasca terrorized the Nerluc region of France.

It all ended when a young devoted Christian named Martha arrived in the city to spread the gospel of Jesus and discovered that the people had been afraid of a fierce dragon for years. Then he found the dragon in the forest and sprinkled it with holy water. This action has tamed wildlife dragon. After this, Martha led the dragon back to the city of Nerluk, where the enraged locals stoned Tarascus to death.

On November 25, 2005, UNESCO included Tarasca in the list of masterpieces of the oral and intangible heritage of humanity.

9. Draugr.

The draugr, according to Scandinavian folklore and mythology, is a zombie that emits a surprisingly powerful putrid odor of the dead. It was believed that the Draugr eats people, drinks blood, and has power over the minds of people, driving them crazy at will. A typical Draugr was somewhat similar to Freddy Krueger, who, apparently, was created under the influence of fairy tales about the Scandinavian monster.

8. Lernaean Hydra.

The Lernaean Hydra was a mythical water monster with many heads that resembled big snakes. A ferocious monster lived in Lerna, a small village near Argos. According to legend, Hercules decided to kill the Hydra and when he cut off one head, two appeared. For this reason, Hercules' nephew Iolaus burned each head as soon as his uncle cut it off, only then did they stop reproducing.

7. Broxa.

According to Jewish legend, the Broxa is an aggressive monster, like a giant bird, that would attack goats or, on rare occasions, drink human blood at night. The legend of Broxa spread in the Middle Ages in Europe, where it was believed that witches took the form of Broxa.

6. Baba Yaga

Baba Yaga is perhaps one of the most popular paranormal creatures in folklore Eastern Slavs and, according to legend, she had the appearance of a fierce and terrible old woman. However, Baba Yaga is a multifaceted figure capable of inspiring researchers, capable of turning into a cloud, snake, bird, black cat and symbolizing the Moon, death, winter or the Goddess of Mother Earth, the totemic ancestor of matriarchy.

Antaeus was a giant with enormous strength, which he inherited from his father, Poseidon (god of the sea), and mother Gaia (Earth). He was a hooligan who lived in the Libyan Desert and challenged any traveler in his lands to a fight. After defeating the stranger in a deadly wrestling match, he killed him. He collected the skulls of the people he defeated in order to one day build a temple dedicated to Poseidon from these “trophies.”

But one day one of the passersby turned out to be Hercules, who was making his way to the Garden of the Hesperides to complete his eleventh labor. Antaeus made a fatal mistake by challenging Hercules. The hero lifted Antaeus off the ground and crushed him in a bear hug.

4. Dullahan.

The fierce and powerful Dullahan is a headless horseman in Irish folklore and mythology. For centuries, the Irish described him as a harbinger of doom who traveled on a black, terrifying-looking horse.

According to Japanese legend, Kodama is a peaceful spirit that lives within certain types trees. Kodama is described as a small, white and peaceful ghost that is perfectly in sync with nature. However, according to legend, when someone tries to cut down the tree where Kodama lives, bad things and a series of misfortunes begin to happen to him.

2. Corrigan

The strange creatures called Corrigan come from Brittany, a cultural region in northwestern France with a very rich literary tradition and folklore. Some say Corrigan was a beautiful, good fairy, while other sources describe him as evil spirit, who looked like a dwarf and danced around the fountains. He seduced people with his charm to kill them or steal their children.

1. Fish-man Lyrgans.

The fish-man Lyrgans existed in the mythology of Cantabria, an autonomous community located in northern Spain.

According to legend, this is an amphibious creature that looks like a sullen man who was lost at sea. Many people believe that the fish-man was one of the four sons of Francisco de la Vega and Maria del Casar, a couple who lived in the area. It was believed that they drowned in the waters of the sea while swimming with their friends at the mouth of Bilbao.

The legends and myths of each country are full of various monsters living both on land and in water. Research into the depths of the seas and oceans is still being carried out, but it has not been possible to detect any unknown creature.

However, in nature there are many animals, fish and unusual organisms that have. No, they are not a myth or a fairy tale. They are real. Is it possible that these are exactly what people once saw? Is it possible that these creatures formed the basis of many stories? After all, that’s where all the horror stories come from.

In today's article we will introduce you to the most creepy, truly frightening, and most importantly real.

Pike blenny

“A fish is like a fish,” you say. Not very beautiful, but not scary either. Yes, but only until she opens her mouth. The wrinkled cheeks hanging down the sides are not just folds of skin, they are a terrible maw, ready to swallow everything that gets in its way.

Neoclinus blanchardi is a member of the family of genopsia, or pike blennies. The fish are aggressive, capable of attacking even divers.

They live in the waters of the Pacific Ocean near the shores of North America: from San Francisco to the Mexican state of Baja California.

The depth at which sea monsters live reaches 70 meters.

The body of monsters is smooth, practically without scales. The body length is about 30 cm. Pike blennies are so flat that they can sometimes resemble conger eels.

But the most interesting fact is how they use their huge mouth. When faced with fellow tribesmen, they open their mouths and seem to “kiss.” Whoever has more wins. Thus they fight for territory.

Looking at these creatures, I want to believe that they came to us from another planet. Unfortunately no. Sea flycatchers live in the deep canyons of California.

Their second name is “tunicates.” They are predators, and their appearance resembles a carnivorous flycatcher plant.

Preferring depth, they anchor at the bottom, awaiting their victims.

An unsuspecting organism swims next to their glowing mouth, and the tunicate grabs it right away.

As you already understand, sea flycatchers are not picky when it comes to food - you don’t have to choose.

One more unusual property Tunicates are able to reproduce without mating with other individuals, because the creatures are capable of producing both sperm and eggs.

Speckled stargazer: a fish that attacks from below

The speckled stargazer - Astroscopus guttatus - is a real sea monster. It would seem, why a monster if the fish has such a romantic name. It turns out that not everything is so simple.

Stargazers have a massive lower jaw and huge bulging eyes, for which they received such an unusual name.

Buried in silt or sand, sea ​​creatures They leave only their visual organs to observe their victims.

The huge upward-pointing mouth is also suitable for instant attack.

Speckled stargazers live in the Atlantic Ocean: East Coast USA, between 2 states - New York and North Carolina.

Fish that attack from below have one unpleasant feature: they love to shock their victims with an electric discharge.

Special organs located above the eyes emit electrical discharges. But unlike other electrical inhabitants of water bodies, speckled stargazers do not have electroreceptors, that is, they are not able to receive electrical signals from outside world.

To lay eggs, these fish also sink to the bottom, but the eggs themselves later float to the surface. And this will continue until they turn into fry, the length of which is 15 mm. Then, having darkened and grown special organs above the eyes, the stargazers again sink to the bottom to grow further.

A bag-shaped creature from the order of ray-finned fish.

The siltworm has adapted to life at great depths.

The sea monster has a huge mouth, which contrasts with the small body of the silt swallower.

They lack scales, ribs, swim bladder, pyloric appendages, ventral and caudal fins.

Many skull bones are reduced or disappeared completely.

Thanks to all the modifications, it is difficult to compare the skeleton with other fish, and therefore it is almost impossible to establish kinship.

Frightening and fascinating, are strong and dangerous inhabitants depths

There are several types of moray eels, they differ in size and color. Small ones grow up to 15 cm. Large ones reach a length of 3 m and weigh about 50 kg.

Their skin has no scales - it is completely covered with mucus, which can be poisonous in some species. Thanks to mucus, moray eels are protected from other predators and bacteria. A person who touches this monster will receive severe burns, if he survives at all.

Sea inhabitants have an extremely aggressive and violent disposition. Its sharp teeth pose a danger not only to predators, but also to people. There are many known cases of moray eels attacking humans, several of which were fatal.

Drop Fish

Another deep-sea inhabitant of the seas is the blob fish.

Her unusual appearance is both frightening and pitying at the same time. The fact is that her close-set eyes and huge mouth with downturned corners make her sad and resemble a face sad man.

The drop fish itself is unlikely to be sad about this. The body of the unusual creature has the shape of a gelatinous lump, the density of which is slightly less than the density of water. This allows the “sad” fish to travel long distances, eating everything in its path.

Unfortunately, like most unusual creatures, the blobfish is endangered. It lives off the coast of Australia and Tasmania at depths of up to 1.5 km, but is sometimes caught in fishing nets, after which it is usually sold as a souvenir.

Despite its appearance, the blob is a very caring fish. After laying eggs, she incubates them for a long time and carefully takes care of the fry. Trying to ensure the safety of its offspring, the fish looks for uninhabited and remote places.

Goonfish - freshwater monster

The habitat of the gunch fish is the Kali River, located between Nepal and India. The weight of the river giant reaches 140-150 kg.

It is believed that the gunch is a lover of human meat. It can attack not only in a secluded place, but also in large crowds of people. But why does this fish have such a craving for human flesh?

Legends say that it was the customs of the local residents that turned the gunch into a cannibal. Even in ancient times, the Kali River was used to bury the bodies of the dead. First, a burning ceremony was performed, and then the corpses were thrown into the river.

The custom was preserved, and the gunch fish began to eat what the person himself gives it.

Stone fish, or wart

The strangest and dangerous creature. It is the wart that is one of the most poisonous fish in the world.

Sea monster lives in coral reefs in the shallow waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, as well as in the waters of the Red Sea, off the coast of Indonesia, the Philippines, Australia, the Marshall Islands, Samoa and Fiji.

The ability to camouflage itself as a stone allows the fish to remain unnoticed until a person steps on it.

It is possible that this step will be the last.

The stone fish has a powerful poison, and its bite leads to fatal outcome.

Moreover, death will not occur instantly: the person will suffer, since signs of intoxication persist for a long time.


The mackerel fish is better known as the vampire fish or dogfish.

Ray-finned fish, order Cynodontidae. Inhabits the Paragua, Churun, and other rivers of Venezuela.

Most people think that piranhas are the most bloodthirsty fish, but this is not true.

The body length of this creature is 1 meter, and its weight can exceed 17 kg.

Two pairs of fangs, considered distinctive features fish are located in the lower jaw and can grow up to 15 cm in length.

In the upper jaw of the vampire fish there are two holes that allow the lower fangs not to pierce the upper jaw.

Surprisingly, the rauaga is the only species that can cope with piranha. But, in general, hydrolik feeds on any fish.

Attacking from above, it pierces the victim with its fangs, after which it swallows it whole.

Anglerfish or monkfish

The name “monkfish” is reminiscent of some kind of fairy-tale creature. However, this monster really exists.

The anglerfish is one of the rarest deep-sea animals. The first meeting with him took place in 1891.

This fish has no scales at all; its body is covered with growths and bumps. The mouth is disguised by rags of skin that resemble algae. The dark color makes it almost invisible at a depth where there is a minimum of light.

On the anglerfish's head there is a long process ending in a luminous gland. It acts as bait, luring passing fish. The essence of his hunt is to force the prey to swim into his mouth and then swallow it.

The huge appetite of the fish forces them to hunt even larger creatures, which often ends in the death of both.

Huge sea monsters - mesonychoteuthis

Periodically from different parts information reaches us lightly. What is this: just another fiction or real sea monsters?

You will be surprised, but scientists have officially recognized mesonychoteuthis.

Its completely streamlined body helps develop higher speed.

The diameter of the eye can reach 60 centimeters with a body size of 4-5 m and a tentacle length of 1.5 meters.

It was first discovered and described in 1925. Fishermen found its tentacles in the stomach of a captured sperm whale.

Also, one of these mollusks washed up on the shores of Japan. Examination of the carcass revealed that it was not an adult.

Experts studying sea ​​giants, including squid, it is believed that the body weight of some squid of this species can reach 200 kilograms.


Cephalopods - Bathynomus giganteus - genus Bathynomus. They live in the Atlantic Ocean, preferring a depth of 170-2500 m.

The body length of the isopod is about 1.5 meters, weight is more than 1.5 kg. These sea monsters are an excellent example of deep-sea gigantism.

These crayfish were first described in 1879, initially mistaking them for woodlice.

Zoologist Alphonse Milne-Edwards fished a young male from the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico, thereby making a major discovery: the ocean depths are not lifeless.

Their entire body is covered with movable hard plates for protection.

If they are threatened, they curl up into a ball.

Isopods lead a solitary life.

Almost all their lives they do not move, and their food is passing small fish, carrion or sea ​​cucumbers.

Scientists have found that they can go without food for about 8 weeks. Such inconveniences are determined by the depth chosen for the place of residence: there is not so much food in the pitch darkness.

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