The deepest place in the cupid. Amur as a border river. Hydrology and economic use of Shilka

The Amur River is a large water artery in the east of the Eurasian continent. On the map of Russia, it marks not only one of the largest river basins, but also the border with China.

The first mention of a large water stream located in the southeastern part of Siberia appears in Russian historical sources in the 17th century. The Evenks called it Chirkola, noting that it flows into the Lama - the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

The Amur River first appeared on the map of Russia after the expedition of E.P. Khabarov, as a result of which a detailed map of this river basin appeared and contacts were established with local tribes.

Among them, the following local names are common:

  • Amur Shilkar - "wide black river" - Dahurian name;
  • Chirkola is an Evenk toponym;
  • the Tungus called it Evur - "good world";
  • Amur Mangu - "big river" was called the stream by the Nanais;
  • Nivkhs used the name Yamur - "big water".

The Daurian name of the river has been fixed on the Russian and world physical map. But among other large peoples living in the Amur basin, its name has a different sound.

  1. The Mongols, on whose land about 2% of the stream lies, call it Khara-Muren - black water.
  2. The Manchus call the Amur the black river - Sakhalyan Ula.
  3. The Chinese have an ancient legend associated with the river, which they call Heilongjiang, the Black Dragon River. Once upon a time, a white dragon lived here, which dispersed shoals of fish, overturned fishing boats, and killed people and animals. But one day a good black dragon appeared in these places. He defeated the villain and settled in the river stream.

Modern science knows 22 toponyms denoting a river stream flowing in the southeast of Russia. About half of them are translated into Russian as “black water”.

Geographic features of the river

The Amur River on the map of Russia and the countries of East Asia has geographic, political and physical geographic features of the location. Actually, its channel runs along the border zone between Russia and China. And the reservoirs included in its basin are also located on the territory of Mongolia.

The large size of the Amur river system is represented by a variety of natural areas:

natural areas Subzones The country
Lesnaya Mixed coniferous-deciduous forests Russia, China
Middle taiga
Southern taiga
forest-steppe China, Russia
Steppe China, Mongolia
semi-deserts Northern semi-deserts
Dry steppes

The average annual precipitation depends on the geographical location of a certain area of ​​the river basin, and ranges from 250 to 700 mm.

The location of the source and mouth on the map. Where does the river flow

The Amur River on the map of Russia begins at the eastern shore of about. Insane. Its mouth is the Amur Estuary. Its belonging to a certain sea area remains a controversial issue.

Soviet and some modern Russian researchers consider the Amur Estuary to be part of the Tatar Strait, which belongs to the Sea of ​​Japan. Interethnic research groups attribute the mouth of the Amur to the Sakhalin Bay, which is part of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

Length, depth of the river

The length of the Amur stream from source to mouth is 2824 km. In some encyclopedic sources give the following information as the length of its channel:

  • 4049 km - the length of the river system, which includes Hailar, Argun and Amur;
  • 4279 km - the total length of Onon, Cones and Amur;
  • 5052 km - the distance from the source of the Kerulen River through the Argun to the mouth of the Amur.

In its natural state, the width of the Amur channel varies from 900 to 5000 m. But during the period of heavy rainfall, its channel increases in diameter by 4-5 times. This state lasts 2-2.5 months.

The greatest depth of the flow was recorded in its narrowest part in the area of ​​the Tyrsky cliff. According to the readings of measuring instruments, the bottom here is at a depth of 50-60 m.


The Amur River on the map of Russia from the point of view of the domestic river navigation is divided into the following parts:

Each part has unique characteristics that create a unique picture of a picturesque, powerful and dangerous river flow.

Upper Amur

The part of the stream that flows between the high rocky shores formed by the Nyukzha ridge and the Greater Khingan mountain range has an average flow speed of 6-7 km/h. As the flow approaches Blagoveshchensk, the channel expands, and the speed of movement of water masses slows down to 5 km/h.

Middle Amur

The middle course of the river lies in a flat area, where the stream is divided into numerous branches and channels. The shores are low and marshy.

Approximately in the middle of this segment, in the region of the Lesser Khingan ridge, numerous channels converge into a single channel.

Photo of the Small Khingan ridge. There are many tributaries of the Amur River here.

It branches again on the segment between the city of Amurzet and Khabarovsk. The speed of the flow of the middle Amur is approximately 5.5 km/h, increasing in the region of the connection of the flow to 6.5 km/h.

Lower Amur

The last section of the stream passes through the Lower Amur Lowland, rich in backwaters, lakes and oxbow lakes. It, divided into many channels, flows among the gently sloping banks, slowing down to 4-4.5 km / h. Outside the city of Nikolaevsk-on-Amur, the channel expands, passing into the Amur Estuary.


The Amur River on the map of Russia is constantly replenished by the waters of several hundred tributaries, which differ in size and length. A significant part of them are small seasonal flows that are not taken into account on the physical map.

The largest tributaries of the Amur are the following rivers:

Economic use of river waters

The Amur River is of great economic importance for the Far East region of Russia.

The main types of economic activity for the Amur river basin on the map are:

Settlements adjacent to the river

On both banks of the Amur there are many settlements of various sizes. The largest number of urban settlements are located on the Russian coast.

These include:

The Amur River is a border region. Therefore, several Chinese settlements are located on its right bank.

The largest of them are:

Bridges across the Amur

The Amur River is a wide water stream, the construction of crossings on which is a difficult task from a technical point of view.

Currently, there are the following crossings through the main channel of the Amur basin:

Sights on the Amur River

On the banks of the Amur River there are many attractions of natural and man-made origin.

Natural attractions:

  1. "Burning" mountains- a unique natural phenomenon that appeared as a result of spontaneous combustion of deposits of brown coal, which is part of the high sandy Amur coast. During the day, only wisps of smoke can be seen from the river, and at night, small flames become visible. This natural miracle is located in the area of ​​​​the village of Novovoskremenevka, Shimansky district, Amur region.
  2. Khingan Reserve- a picturesque area in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe Lesser Khingan ridge. Here you can see many species of birds and animals, admire the flowering of pink lotuses.
  3. Bolshekhekhtsirsky Nature Reserve- a nature protection zone located not far from Khabarovsk. Here you can see a variety of plant and animal species, including the Amur tiger and the Himalayan bear.

Archaeological sites:

  1. In Blagoveshchensk, near the street. Nagornaya is a cemetery of dinosaurs is a unique paleontological monument that attracts scientists and lovers of prehistoric reptiles from all over the world. In the Blagoveshchensk excavation, the remains of both herbivorous and carnivorous dinosaurs are found.
  2. In the Khabarovsk Territory, near the village of Sekochi-Alyan, on large boulders are located cave drawings, whose age is more than 4 thousand years. Petroglyphs depict horses, anthropomorphic silhouettes, faces, solar signs. Experts note that ancient images are destroyed under the influence of natural factors and acts of vandalism.
  3. Albanian prison- archaeological site of the 17th century. on the site of the first Russian military settlement in the Amur region. In the village of Albazino there is a museum that tells about the history of the heroic fortress.

Historical monuments:

The Amur River is a unique river system on the map of Russia, which is of great importance for the development of the economy, industry, culture and tourism of the Far East.

Article formatting: Mila Fridan

Video about the Amur River

About the great Amur River:

The development of the Amur basin began in the 17th century: in 1643, an expedition of the Russian explorer Vasily Danilovich Poyarkov set off from Yakutsk to the south. The first temporary Russian settlements arose on the banks of the Amur tributary - Zeya. By 1645 Poyarkov's detachment had reached the lower reaches of the Amur. In 1649–1658 led the Amur campaigns, which resulted in Russian prisons, fortresses, winter quarters: Albazinsky (1651), Achinsky (1652), Kumarsky (1654), Kosogorsky (1655). The Albazin voivodeship (uyezd) arose, which, along with the Nerchinsk uyezd, became the main center of Russian settlement on the Amur. In the 1680s Russian exploration of the Amur stopped until the middle of the 19th century, although the presence of Russians on these lands was never interrupted. In 1844, the Russian-American company took up the study of the Amur, and in 1850 the Amur expedition was organized under the leadership. Russian settlements arose on the Lower Amur in the Bay of Schastya. A regular message of Russian steamships was opened along the Amur. According to the Aigun Treaty (concluded by the Governor-General of Eastern Siberia N.N. Muravyov-Amursky in 1858), the left-bank part of the Amur basin from the Argun to the mouth passed under the jurisdiction of Russia.

The scientific study of rivers in the Amur basin began in the middle of the 19th century. in order to identify water, land, agro-climatic resources of the territory. The most important role was played by the Imperial Russian Geographical Society. It organized complex scientific research: the Amur expedition of G.I. Nevelsky (1849–1854); "Amur Alloys" 1854–1857 (under the direction of R.K. Maak,); Ussuri expedition N.M. Przhevalsky (1867–1869); expedition routes in 1862–1866 These expeditions made it possible to obtain not only a detailed understanding of the orography, geological structure, ethnography, flora and fauna of the Amur basin, but also the first descriptions of the water regime of rivers, the conditions for the formation and morphological characteristics of river channels. In 1884, the Amur Governor-Generalship was formed as part of the Trans-Baikal and Primorsky regions (with the center in Khabarovsk).

The climate in the Amur basin (below the confluence of Shilka and Argun) is monsoonal. Its characteristic features are: the predominance of summer precipitation, softening the continentality of the climate in the direction from west to east from the upper reaches of the river to the lower. January temperature on the Upper Amur is -30…-32°С, on the average -24…-28°С, on the lower one -20…-24°С; the minimum winter temperature is -42°C in the Upper Amur, -38°C in the middle and lower reaches. The number of days with frosts below -30°С decreases downstream from 80 to 20. July temperature in the Upper Amur +18°С, in the Middle Amur +20–24°, in the lower part of the basin it drops to +16–18° WITH. Annual precipitation increases from 400 mm in the Upper Amur to 600 mm in the Middle Amur and again decreases to 500 mm in the lower reaches. Precipitation occurs predominantly in summer; the maximum amount of summer precipitation (150 mm in July) is observed in the middle reaches of the river. The minimum amount of precipitation falls in January (10 mm). Currently, there is a slight increase in winter temperatures with a constant summer, as well as an increase in the average annual and seasonal precipitation. The height of the snow cover on the Upper and Lower Amur exceeds 150 cm, on the Middle Amur - 130 cm. The average annual evaporation is about 300 mm.

Within the upper section of the Amur (from the source to Blagoveshchensk), the river is located in a mountain valley formed by the slopes of the Greater Khingan and the Amazar Range. In the narrowest part of the valley, the Amur flows in a rocky channel. The incised channel is characterized by increased stability. Downstream, the river enters the Zeya-Bureya plain. The left slope of the wide valley is low, the right slope is steep and steep, formed by the mountain structures of the Lesser Khingan range. The river has a one-sided swampy floodplain up to 15 km wide. The annual volume of sediment accumulation in the Middle (from Blagoveshchensk to Khabarovsk) and the Lower Amur averages 16–19.2 million tons. The branched riverbed is unstable. The displacement of the fairway of the river creates instability of the state border between Russia and China. In the process of natural development of channel deformations in the border riverine areas of the Amur, only as a result of bank erosion, up to 1–1.5 km 2 of Russian territory is annually lost.

The turbidity of water in the Upper and Middle Amur is 20–50 g/m 3 , in the Lower Amur, 50–100 g/m 3 . The runoff of suspended sediments in the mouth section of the river is about 29 million tons/year. Changes in water turbidity and suspended sediment runoff along the length of the Amur are largely determined by the influence of tributaries.

Mineralization of river water is less than 200 mg/l; According to the chemical composition, river waters belong to the hydrocarbonate class. There is a strong anthropogenic pollution of the Amur waters. Especially pollutes the waters of the river. Songhua. On November 13, 2005, a major accident occurred at a chemical plant in Jilin, as a result of which 100 tons of benzene, phenylamine and nitrobenzene got into Songhua; the consequences of this event could not be completely eliminated for a long time, since a significant part of these substances passed into the bottom and floodplain sediments.

The Amur basin is fairly well developed, especially in its Chinese part. Directly on the Amur are the cities of Blagoveshchensk, Khabarovsk, Amursk, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Nikolaevsk-on-Amur (RF), Heihe, Fuyuan (China), large settlements Dzhalinda, Poyarkovo, Amurzet, Leninskoye, Verkhnetambovskoye, Mariinskoye, Bogorodskoye ( RF), Mohe, Qike (China). The right bank of the river in the middle reaches of the Amur is being actively developed by the PRC. It is protected from floods and erosion by dams. Below the exit of the river from the Khingan Range, the Russian coast has also been developed for agriculture.

Every year, 950 million m 3 of water is withdrawn for economic needs in the Amur basin (of which 55.4% is from surface water bodies). Water is mainly (51%) used in industry and heat power, 29.6% - in housing and communal services. In recent decades, the hydropower resources of the rivers in the Amur basin have been used more. HPPs were created on the tributaries of the Amur - Zeya and Bureya (RF); Songhua, Nunjiang and Mudanjiang (PRC). Amur is a navigable river. Water transport is most developed in the Khabarovsk Territory and the Jewish Autonomous Region. The fish resources of the river are great. The Amur and its tributaries are inhabited by sturgeon (kaluga), salmon (pink salmon, chum) and fish of partial species: carp, skygazer, silver carp.

There are many reserves on the Amur and its tributaries: Sokhondinsky (the sources of the Ingoda River), Daursky (Torey lakes - Zun-Torey and Barun-Torey), Khingansky (mountainous part within the Lesser Khingan Ranges, flat - in the interfluve of the Bidzhan and Bira rivers), Bolshekhekhtsirsky (on the left bank of the Ussuri River before its confluence with the Amur channel of the Amur), Bolonsky (upper part of Lake Bolon and adjacent lands), Komsomolsky (below the mouth of the Gorin River on the right bank of the river), as well as Onon-Baldzhinsky National Park (Mongolia ).

N.L. Frolova, A.V. Chernov

The Amur River is located in the Asian part of Russia. This is not only the largest water flow in the Far East. According to the length of the channel, it ranks 10th in the world. For residents of the Far East, the river is the most important source of drinking water and electricity. Thousands of tourists from all over the country come here every year. Amur attracts with magnificent landscapes, the opportunity to go fishing and get a generous catch. Remoteness from the center of the country contributed to the preservation of virgin nature. Travelers prefer to enjoy it from the water, rafting and kayaking, or hiking with tents.


Locals call Amur the pearl of the Far East. For the region, this is not only an attraction. This is the largest transport hub and an important economic facility.

The channel flows through the territory of China, the Jewish Autonomous Region, the Khabarovsk Territory and the Amur Region. A significant section of the river (about 2000 km) forms the border between China and Russia. This exacerbates the ecological situation, because it is not easy to find extreme ones in this situation. A detailed map of the Amur River divides the channel into 3 sections:

  • Upper Amur - runs from the border with China to Blagoveshchensk, its length is 900 km;
  • Middle Amur - a segment of the channel between Blagoveshchensk and Khabarovsk, 975 km long;
  • Lower Amur - runs from Khabarovsk to the city of Nikolaevsk-on-Amur.

General information:

  • The length of the Amur River is 2824 km and is in fourth place among the water streams of Russia;
  • The record depth of the Amur has an indicator of 56 meters (territorially near the Tyrsky cliff);
  • The average width of the channel is 5-7 km, during floods in the Middle and Lower Amur, the figure reaches 25 km, and in this form the river stays up to 70 days;
  • The total length of tributaries exceeds 100,000 km;
  • The area of ​​the Amur river basin is 1.855 million square kilometers;
  • Floods often occur on the river, due to prolonged seasonal rains. The channel strongly overflows its banks and literally washes away agricultural land and residential areas on its way. Large-scale flooding was recorded in 2013;
  • The stream has many unofficial names, bearing Manchu, Chinese and Mongolian roots;
  • The average current speed is 5 km/h;
  • This is the only stream in the region whose waters belong to the Pacific Ocean (the rest of the rivers flow into the seas and bays of the Arctic Ocean).

The river with a length of almost 3000 km is suitable for navigation along the entire length of the channel. Passenger and cruise liners, cargo barges run regularly. A significant part of passenger traffic is carried out between Russia and China. But for the most part, the channel flows in the border zone, in which navigation is limited, with the exception of border boats.

Due to harmful human intervention, the Amur River today is on the verge of an ecological disaster. Separate sections become shallow every year, while the channels of the tributaries become more full-flowing, expand and deepen. The quality of fresh water is also deteriorating due to the abundance of industrial enterprises, including those belonging to China. Regular checks fix the critical content of phenol and nitrates in the water. But the river is the source of life for most of the settlements located on both banks. The total population in the river valley (together with China) is about 70,000,000 people.

On the map

The Amur River on the map represents a clear water artery. There you can see the confluence of Shilka and Argun, then a full-flowing stream begins. In fact, the channel flows east, towards the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, sometimes making bends and changing direction to the north and south.

On the map you can see the location of the largest cities. These include Blagoveshchensk, Amursk, Khabarovsk, Komsomolsk-on-Amur. In all sections of the channel, the banks are connected by road and railway bridges. The first of them was put into operation at the beginning of the 20th century and became part of the Baikal-Amur Mainline.

Flora and fauna

Like all Far Eastern rivers, the Amur is famous for its gorgeous nature. Along the course, the river passes through four natural zones: forest, forest-steppe, steppe and desert.

The water artery is a real paradise for fishing lovers. Some jokingly call it "salmon river". For this purpose, fishermen come here even from neighboring regions. There are 130 species of fish here. This is a record figure among the river network of Russia: 63 species of fish are found in the Yenisei, 77 and 43 species of fish in the Volga and Lena. A quarter of them are caught on an industrial scale.

The ultimate dream of fishermen is kaluga, a freshwater fish of the beluga family, despite the fact that its capture is prohibited. Adults can reach 4-5 meters in length. Also appreciated are chum salmon, pink salmon, pike, white and black carp, burbot, salmon, pike perch, bream, Amur catfish. There is a sturgeon. Due to mass extermination, some representatives of the ichthyofauna are listed in the Red Book. Their capture is punishable by law, so it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the rules of fishing before sending them to fisheries.

The shores in the distance from the settlements are overgrown with taiga. In general, about 300 varieties of plants grow in the river valley and about 70 species of animals live. Hunters have been coming here since ancient times. The Amur tiger, which is listed in the Red Book, lives in the taiga. Also among the endangered representatives of the fauna you can meet the Japanese crane and the Far Eastern stork.

Mouth of the Amur River

For many years there have been disputes about where the Amur flows. The fact is that its mouth is the Amur Estuary. If you look at the map, it is located between the Sakhalin Bay (Sea of ​​Okhotsk) and the Tatar Strait, which leads to the Sea of ​​Japan. The Great Soviet Encyclopedia states that the river ends its journey in the Sea of ​​Japan. Modern international reference books recognize that the Amur flows into the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

Source of the Amur River

The river begins at the confluence of the Tunguska and Argun channels. But in general, the Onon River in Mongolia is considered to be the source of the Amur River. Because of this, some sources indicate that in addition to Russia and China, Mongolian lands are also washed by its waters. You can also find another value of the length - 4279 km (from the source of the Onon to the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, where the Amur River flows).

Onon is a turbulent stream, which is also a tributary of the Shilka. The name "Onon" in the Mongolian dialect sounds like "ruin, ruin". Old-timers are very kind to him and like to add notes of mysticism to their stories. There is a legend about mysterious whirlpools that draw people in. Also, according to ancient legends, Genghis Khan was born on the banks of the Onon River.


The channel is fed mainly by seasonal rains and melted snow in the spring months. About 70% of the basin is replenished by monsoons that come from the Pacific Ocean. But tributaries make a certain contribution to the formation of the river basin. Although some are so small that they are barely visible on the map.

The largest tributaries of the Amur River:

  • A well-known tributary of the Amur is the Tunguska. Its channel forms the border between the Jewish Autonomous Region and the Khabarovsk Territory. The river is a transport hub connecting Khabarovsk with small settlements (Pobeda, Novokamenka);
  • Zeya is the largest left tributary with a length of 1242 km. The name Zeya has Evenki roots and literally translates as "blade". Meets the Amur channel near Blagoveshchensk. Two large cities of the region - Svobodny and Zeya - are also located on its banks. Recently, there has been controversy over the size of the flow. Some argue that this is still a tributary, others consider the Zeya an independent water stream;
  • The Ussuri is one of the major rivers of the Far East and is a right tributary of the Amur. It flows into it within the boundaries of Khabarovsk;
  • Amgun is a left tributary with a length of 723 km. It originates on the Bureinsky ridge. The course of the river has a mountainous character, the channel passes through the taiga and permafrost. Amgun is rich in valuable species of fish. A section of the famous Baikal-Amur Mainline stretches along its channel;
  • Bureya is the left tributary of the Amur, a significant part of its channel washes the Khabarovsk Territory and the Amur Region. The basin is rich in iron ore and coal deposits. It also includes about 1500 lakes. At present, the Bureyskaya hydroelectric power station is operating on the river, in the future, the construction of the Nizhnebureiskaya hydroelectric power station;
  • Gorin is a tributary of the Amur with a length of 390 km. The Komsomolsky reserve is located on the river;
  • The Sungari is the right tributary of the Amur, over 1000 km long. The full-flowing stream is now built up with numerous dams and hydroelectric power stations;
  • Anyui is the right tributary of the Amur, the length of which is 393 km. It flows through the Nanai region, surrounded by swampy banks. The river basin is practically uninhabited, but there are many natural monuments and simply picturesque places. Due to the remoteness of cities and towns in the Anyui valley, pristine nature, flora and fauna have been preserved. Salmon fish also spawn in its clear waters.

The largest rivers that flow into the Amur were listed. In fact, the number of tributaries is much higher. They also include small rivers and streams that do not have the proper impact on the main water artery. A complete list of the tributaries of the Amur can be found in the reference literature.

Amur river flows through the territory of the Far East, as well as Mongolia and China. Its channel serves as a natural border between Russia and China. The source of the Amur is located at the confluence of the Shilka and Argun rivers. The mouth flows into the Amur Estuary of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

Length: 2824 km.

Watershed area: 2855 sq. km.

The annual flow is 11330 m3/s

Maximum Width: 5 km, near the village of Troitskoe.

Maximum depth: 56 m, near the Tyrsky cliff.

Nutrition: Mostly rain, but there are also melted snow waters, and in the upper reaches there is also groundwater. During heavy rains, the river can overflow for 10-20 kilometers.

Freezing: the river freezes at the beginning of November, the opening occurs at the end of April. The Amur is covered with ice for more than 170 days a year.

Main tributaries: Anyui, Gorin, Gur, Amgun, Bureya, Sungari, Argun, Zeya, Ussuri.

In the upper course, the river has a mountainous character, this is the Upper Amur, it stretches from the mouth to the city of Blagoveshchensk. Between Blagoveshchensk and Khabarovsk, the river flows in a wide valley, the banks, in some places, are swampy. After the tributary of the Lesser Khingan, the river valley narrows and the current gathers into one powerful stream. After Khabarovsk, the river flows through the vast Lower Amur Lowland. There are often oxbows and lakes.

The first Russians appeared on the Amur only in 1644. These were Cossacks under the command of Poyarkov.

Economic use, inhabitants.

Amur is one of the main areas of industrial fishing in Russia. There are such fish as: salmon, pink salmon, lamprey, chum salmon, smelt. You can also meet such rare representatives of the underwater world as kaluga and sea sturgeon.

Photo of the Amur River:

A twenty-minute film "The Sources of the Amur" by the Primorsky Studio "Call of the Taiga".

Video, "To China by ship along the Amur River from Khabarovsk".

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