Cherry plum jam with orange – the aroma of a groovy citrus! Recipes for various cherry plum and orange jams. Cherry plum jam recipes

The most interesting plum species is the cherry plum, which grows in the south and therefore its use is so widely used in Caucasian cuisine. Any dish to which yellow cherry plum is added turns out to be aromatic, but it is still especially valued and considered healthy - this is cherry plum jam, which usually retains the shape of the fruit and this makes it even tastier to eat. But just for this you need to know how to properly prepare cherry plum jam, both with and without seeds.

Useful properties of cherry plum jam

Cherry plum jam will be very useful, since these fruits have many vitamins and substances that settle easily and quickly human body. It is believed that cherry plum is a dietary fruit, since 100 grams of this product contains:

  1. Fats -0.1 g
  2. Proteins - 0.2 g
  3. Polysaccharides -7–9 g

The calorie content of 100 grams of cherry plum will be approximately 30–40 calories. Therefore her recommended for people to use who are sick diabetes mellitus. Cherry plum juice is also used, which is easy to drink, it tones and refreshes. The taste of this fruit is sweet and sour, suitable not only for dessert, but also for meat products. You can prepare a huge number of different desserts based on cherry plum: preserves, marmalade, marmalade, kvass, juice.

Cherry plum seeds are used to obtain oil, which is then used in soap production and cosmetology.

Preparing cherry plum for jam

Before you start cooking any cherry plum jam, you need to prepare the berries. It’s worth starting by purchasing such a berry: you can pick it yourself in the garden if you have such a tree growing, or buy it already picked. For jam, those varieties that have a sweetish taste are usually used. This is very beneficial, since you will not need to spend a lot of sugar on making such jam. So, it’s worth stopping step by step on how to prepare cherry plum for canning:

And now, when the yellow cherry plum is ready for making jam, we choose the method of cooking it.

Recipe for making cherry plum jam with pits

To prepare delicious cherry plum jam for the winter, you can take not only this berry, but also other ingredients. It is known that cherry plum will go well with zucchini or citrus fruits. When cooking this jam, some housewives also add star anise, which in its taste resembles anise. Most often, this spice is needed to give a special flavor to dishes.

Certainly, not everyone likes jam with seeds, as this causes some inconvenience when eating this delicacy. But they are the ones who make it more aromatic and tart. There are several recipes for making cherry plum jam with seeds. Let's look at one of these recipes. To prepare it you will need the following ingredients:

Jam with cherry plum seeds is prepared step by step. Okay, first berries are washed thoroughly and after that they are placed in a clean enamel pan or any other container with enamel. It is worth placing them in a container, where the entire volume of water is immediately poured and left for 25 minutes. Then the water is poured into another pan, which has become fruity right before our eyes. Sugar is added to this water and placed on the stove and cooked until the process reaches a boil, and then, stirring, until the sugar is completely dissolved.

The resulting syrup is poured over the fruits and the whole mass is mixed thoroughly. It is placed on very low heat, where Cooking continues for another hour. The jars must be sterilized in advance and immediately, after removing from the heat, pour the still boiling jam. Immediately roll up the lids. All that remains is to turn the cans over so that it is at the top and wrap it well in a warm blanket.

Second recipe for cherry plum jam

If the housewife does not like to sterilize the jars, then you can prepare cherry plum jam without it. We offer a simple recipe, which any, even inexperienced, housewife can handle. For this recipe for yellow berry jam with seeds you will need the following products:

Berry the fruits are well peeled, doused with boiling water, and then laid out in an enamel bowl, where sugar is added first, and then water. Place the pan over high heat and bring to a boil, after which the heat is reduced to low, and then the fruit is simmered for half an hour. This will allow the sugar to dissolve as best as possible. The resulting mass is placed in a jar, and they are closed with lids. Then the jars are turned over, covered with a warm blanket and placed in a dark place.

A simple and quick recipe for seedless cherry plum jam

This recipe also called “Five Minute” by housewives, because its preparation does not take much time or effort. To prepare such a cherry plum dessert, you don’t need to look for a lot of ingredients. Their set is quite simple:

  1. Cherry plum -3 kilograms.
  2. Sugar, but only sand - 2 kilograms.

The cherry plum is washed, separated from the seeds and placed in a pan, where all granulated sugar and leave all this mass of cherry plum and sugar for 6 hours. Then the fruits are carefully removed with a slotted spoon and transferred to another bowl. Only the syrup obtained from the berries remains in the pan, which is immediately placed on the fire and, stirring constantly, heats up. The fire should not be strong. After the syrup boils, you should make it very small and simmer for another 25 minutes until it becomes thick.

On the fire, the cherry plum itself is carefully transferred into the boiling syrup. After that How will this whole mixture boil?, immediately turn off the heat and let the resulting mass stand for another 15 minutes. Then again it is put on low heat and brought to a boil. Yellow cherry plum jam is ready! All that remains is to pour it into jars and send it to a dark place.

Recipes for cherry plum jam in a slow cooker

The most delicious and fast amber jam made in a slow cooker. The amount of products for its preparation varies slightly: sugar will require about 1.6 kilograms, and cherry plum about 2 kilograms. Boil the washed cherry plum for 5 minutes and when the skin on the berries begins to burst, then the same fruits should be poured cold water. Place cherry plums on the bottom of the multicooker, sprinkled with sugar. Then mix everything thoroughly and, pressing the “Baking” function, set the timer for 45 minutes. All you have to do is wait until the end of cooking and then just pour it into jars and roll up the lids. You can add any other fruits that will add variety to this delicious dessert.

Whatever the recipe selected for cooking, the main thing is that it is well stored and delights you and your loved ones with its incredible aroma and excellent taste. Bon appetit!

Not so long ago, jam was made in basins so that there would be enough for the whole winter. Nowadays they don’t prepare much, but, nevertheless, it’s nice to have a couple of jars of different berries and fruits. It is especially versatile and can be used as a filling or for cookies; it can be spread on bread and served with tea. This is exactly what we will be preparing - seedless cherry plum jam, the recipe is simple, the most delicious, because it is prepared without repeated cooking. The taste is sweet and sour, the consistency is very thick, like jam. And when it sits, it thickens like jelly. You can make jam from yellow cherry plum or red, the only difference will be in the amount of sugar - for red add a little more.

The simplest recipe for cherry plum jam is prepared in one step: boil the fruit, wipe it, boil it again with sugar and roll it up. In winter, you will have an excellent addition to your morning cheesecakes, pancakes, and pancakes.


  • yellow cherry plum – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 800 gr;
  • water - 1 glass.

How to make pitted cherry plum jam. Recipe for the winter

It is not necessary to take overripe fruits; even unripe cherry plums will do, but you will have to add more sugar and cook a little longer. Fill the collected cherry plum with water and rinse thoroughly. If there are traces of dirt on the skin, wash it off under a strong stream of water. There is no need to remove the pits or remove the skin. Place in a bowl with a thick bottom. Pour in water - at first, before the cherry plum bursts, the water will prevent it from burning and will contribute to the rapid boiling of the pulp.

On high fire heat the cherry plum to an intense boil. A lush foam will begin to appear almost immediately; there is no need to collect it; it will gradually subside on its own. Reduce heat, cover the pan and leave to simmer. As it boils, the skin will move away from the pulp, and the cherry plum will become soft and loose. Remove from the stove and let it cool slightly so as not to burn yourself when we wipe it.

We take a dish of suitable diameter and place a colander on it. Add about a third of the fruit puree along with the liquid. Using a spoon, rub the cherry plum until only the seeds and pieces of skin remain. We throw away the waste, rinse the colander and add the next portion.

As a result, we will get a medium-thick puree with pieces of pulp. If you want to get a more homogeneous mass, beat with a blender.

Pour the puree back into the pan. Add sugar. Heat over low heat, stirring until the sugar grains dissolve. We taste it - if it is too sour, add it until it reaches the desired taste.

After boiling, the jam will become amber in color, and a lightish thick foam will begin to form on the surface. Now we collect it with a spoon, driving it from the edges to the middle.

Stirring, cook for 10-15 minutes. Due to the high content of natural pectin, cherry plum jam will thicken quickly, so do not leave it unattended to prevent it from burning.

We will prepare containers of 250-350 ml in advance. Be sure to wash it with soda, rinse and steam or sterilize in another way. The lids should also be clean and hot; keep them in gently boiling water. Pour the hot jam into jars and seal tightly.

It is not necessary to wrap the cherry plum jam; let the jars stand on the table until they cool. Then we put it away for storage in a dark place; in the light the jam may turn dark.

The color of yellow cherry plum jam is very beautiful, amber. And the taste is amazing: rich, moderately sweet with a characteristic sourness - just what you need for baking, tea drinking and pancakes. Good luck and delicious preparations to you!

You can watch the cooking process in video format

Cherry plum has small fruits, mainly yellow color, there are green, pink, red, less often purple. It is rich in vitamin C, A, organic acids, and pectin. Perfectly preserves the benefits and taste qualities during heat treatment. It is used to make compotes and make marshmallows. The preparation of cherry plum jam, as well as jam and jelly, occupies a special page in the culinary sections, since these delicacies turn out to be very tasty.

To make the dish aromatic and pleasant to taste, you need to follow simple, but important features cooking technologies:

  1. Selected only ripe fruits. Unripe fruits are sour, and jam is made from overripe ones.
  2. Sugar needs about 60% of the amount of fruit, otherwise the delicacy may turn sour.
  3. To preserve the integrity of the pieces, the cherry plum is placed in hot syrup and left for 4-6 hours. If the jam is made from red cherry plum, you can immediately put it in hot syrup and cook further.
  4. If the jam is made from cherry plum with seeds, it is pierced in several places. For convenience, you can take a cork from a wine bottle and insert a few needles into it. Using such a simple device, the work can be done faster.
  5. Jam made from yellow and green cherry plums is amber in color, and added lemon and orange will give the dish new colors and flavors.

Preparing cherry plum for making jam

The cooking process does not take much time:

  1. Sort the fruits, remove any debris or spoiled ones (if any).
  2. Remove the tails, wash and dry, remove the pits if necessary.

Cherry plum jam in a slow cooker

This technique has become simply an indispensable assistant for housewives. She will cope well with this dish, although she does not have such a regime. The quantity of products is designed for a bowl volume of 3-5 liters.

Required components:

  • cherry plum – 650 grams;
  • granulated sugar – 350 grams;
  • vanilla – 2 grams;
  • water – 70 milliliters.

Cooking diagram:

  1. Wash the fruits, dry them, remove the stems and seeds.
  2. Set the “Cook” mode for 5 minutes, pour granulated sugar into the bowl, pour out the water and, stirring, prepare the syrup.
  3. Place fruit in it, add vanilla, set to “Simmer” for 1 hour.
  4. After the end of the regime, place the finished product in a dry, sterilized container and close tightly.

Puree cherry plum jam without cooking

The non-cooking cooking process allows you to preserve the maximum amount of useful components.

Required ingredients:

  • cherry plum – 950 grams;
  • vanilla sugar – 15 grams;
  • granulated sugar – 950 grams.

Preparation procedure:

  • Remove the stems from the fruits, wash and dry thoroughly.

Important! If moisture remains on the fruit, the jam will ferment.

  • Remove the seeds and grind with a blender. For this jam, you can use fruits ground through a sieve.
  • Add the specified amount of granulated sugar, vanilla sugar and wait until it is completely dissolved. You need to stir the mixture periodically.
  • Prepare sterilized dry containers and place “Vitaminka” (this is also the name of this dish) in them. Sprinkle a layer of sugar on top, 0.5 centimeters thick. Close with a plastic lid. Store delicacies prepared in this way only in the refrigerator.

A simple five-minute recipe

A simple and easy to prepare dish.


  • cherry plum – 950 grams;
  • vanillin – 2 grams;
  • granulated sugar – 650 grams.

Cooking diagram:

  1. Wash the fruits, dry them, remove the seeds and sprinkle with granulated sugar. Leave for 2-3 hours until the juice separates.
  2. Add vanillin, boil, simmer for 5 minutes.
  3. Place in previously sterilized jars and close tightly.

Pitted cherry plum jam

This delicacy can be prepared in two ways. In the first case, the pieces will partially lose their integrity, in the second it will be candied fruits in a clear syrup.

Required components:

  • cherry plum – 850 grams;
  • granulated sugar – 650 grams.

First way

Action plan:

  1. Wash the fruits, remove the stems and dry. Remove the seeds.
  2. Place the fruit in the container where you plan to make the jam and cover with granulated sugar. Leave for 5-6 hours until the juice separates.
  3. Boil and set aside again. Carry out the next boiling after 5-7 hours. Repeat this procedure 2-3 times.
  4. Bring to a final boil and simmer for at least 15 minutes, more if a thicker consistency is required.
  5. Place in prepared dry, sterilized containers and seal tightly.

Second way

Action plan:

  1. Boil syrup from the specified amount of granulated sugar and 120 milliliters of liquid.
  2. Place the fruit in it, removing the seeds first.
  3. Leave for 5-7 hours. The fruits will release some juice. Drain the liquid into a separate container and boil.
  4. Pour boiling syrup over the fruit and leave again for 5-7 hours. Repeat this manipulation 3-4 times.
  5. Bring the whole mixture to a final boil and simmer for a quarter of an hour.
  6. Place the finished product in a sterilized container and close using airtight lids.

Cherry plum jam with seeds

You can’t eat jam prepared according to this recipe quickly in winter. The delicacy is intended for leisurely, long tea drinking, because it has seeds.


  • cherry plum fruits – 950 grams;
  • granulated sugar – 650 grams;
  • water – 110 milliliters.

Cooking diagram:

  1. Pour granulated sugar into a container where the jam will be cooked, add water and prepare syrup.
  2. Wash the fruits, dry them, remove the stems and prick them with a needle in several places.
  3. Place in hot syrup. Leave to infuse for about 5 hours.
  4. After the time has passed, boil and, after boiling for 5 minutes, leave to infuse for 5-6 hours. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times.
  5. Boil the jam for the last time, boil for a quarter of an hour and place in the prepared container; it must be sterilized and dry. Close with airtight lids.

Cherry plum jam with cloves

The finished delicacy will have a pleasant aroma of Eastern spices. If you add cinnamon, cardamom or star anise, the jam will become a real oriental sweetness.


  • cherry plum – 850 grams;
  • lemon (juice) – 70 milliliters;
  • granulated sugar – 650 grams;
  • cloves – 2 inflorescences;
  • water – 120 milliliters;
  • cinnamon – 2-3 grams.

Cooking diagram:

  1. Wash the fruits, remove the stems, dry and remove the seeds.
  2. In a container intended for cooking, prepare syrup from the specified amount of granulated sugar and water.
  3. Place the fruit in the syrup and leave for 3-4 hours.
  4. Boil, add spices, lemon juice and simmer for about a quarter of an hour.
  5. Place in sterilized jars. They must be dry. Close tightly.

Cherry plum jam with pears

The combination of sweet and sour cherry plum and sweet pears is amazing. Cooking such a delicacy is not difficult, and the result is excellent.


  • cherry plum – 870 grams;
  • pear – 700 grams;
  • granulated sugar – 950 grams;
  • water – 120 milliliters;
  • vanillin – 2 grams.

Cooking diagram:

  1. Wash the fruits. Remove the stems and seeds from the cherry plum. Core the pears and cut into slices and cubes (optional).
  2. In the prepared container, boil syrup from water and granulated sugar.
  3. Place the fruit in the hot syrup and leave to brew for about 4-5 hours.
  4. Boil, add vanillin and simmer for half an hour.
  5. Place in dry, sterilized jars and close tightly.

Cherry plum jam with oranges


  • cherry plum – 750 grams;
  • oranges – 340 grams;
  • granulated sugar – 650 grams;
  • water - 110 milliliters.

Cooking diagram:

  1. Wash the fruits, dry them, remove the seeds.
  2. Pour water into the container where the jam will be cooked, add granulated sugar and prepare syrup.
  3. Place the cherry plum in the hot syrup and let it brew for 2-3 hours.
  4. Wash the orange, chop with a blender and add to the cherry plum.
  5. Boil for about half an hour, stirring, to avoid burning.
  6. Place in a dry, sterilized container and close with special airtight lids.

Cherry plum jam with zucchini

Do not be surprised! Exactly with zucchini. This vegetable, boiled in sugar, is a candied fruit; the main thing is to prepare it according to technology.


  • cherry plum – 650 grams;
  • zucchini (preferably not young) – 650 grams;
  • sugar – 850 grams;
  • water – 110 milliliters;
  • vanillin – 2 grams.

Cooking diagram:

  1. Wash the zucchini, cut, remove the core and cut into cubes.
  2. Boil syrup from sugar and water and place zucchini in it for 2-3 hours. They will release a lot of juice. Drain the syrup, boil and simmer for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Wash the fruits, remove the seeds, add to the zucchini and pour boiling syrup over them. Leave to soak for 3-4 hours.
  4. Boil, cook for half an hour and place in a sterilized, dried container, close tightly.

Cherry plum jam with vanilla

Making jam with vanilla means delighting yourself with a fragrant delicacy all winter. Ideally, it is advisable to use a vanilla stick. If you don't have it, vanillin will do.


  • cherry plum – 650 grams;
  • sugar – 450 grams;
  • vanilla stick (vanillin) – 2 grams.

Cooking diagram:

  1. Wash the fruits, remove the stems and remove the seeds.
  2. Place in a container where the jam will be cooked, cover with sugar. Leave for 3-4 hours until the juice separates.
  3. Boil, simmer for a quarter of an hour. Add the stick or vanilla, cook for another 5 minutes, stirring.
  4. Place in a dry, sterilized container and close tightly.

Cherry plum jam with pectin

This jam is a jam or confiture that is perfect for pancakes, pancakes and other dishes.


  • cherry plum – 850 grams;
  • sugar – 450 grams;
  • pectin – 2 grams.

Cooking diagram:

  1. Wash the fruits, remove the stems and seeds.
  2. Place in a container, add a little water, cover and boil for 5 minutes. Let cool.
  3. Rub through a sieve or colander.
  4. Pour sugar into the resulting mass and boil for a quarter of an hour.
  5. Add pectin according to package directions. Boil for 5 minutes.
  6. Place in dry, sterilized jars and close. The jam will acquire a thick consistency after cooling.

Cherry plum jam with lemon and cinnamon

Lemon and cinnamon go well together in sweet dishes. The first one will give finished product pleasant tropical sourness, and cinnamon is an original oriental aroma.


  • cherry plum – 750 grams;
  • lemon (juice) – 120 milliliters;
  • sugar – 650 grams;
  • cinnamon – 5-7 grams.

Action plan:

  1. Wash the fruits, dry them, remove the seeds. Place in a container where you are planning to cook the jam. Add sugar, pour in lemon juice and leave for 3-4 hours until the juice separates.
  2. Boil, boil for 5 minutes and leave for 5-7 hours.
  3. After the time has passed, boil, cook, stirring so as not to burn, for about half an hour.
  4. Place the finished product in a container that has been previously sterilized and dried. Close with airtight lids.

Jam with cherry plum and apples

A wonderful combination of flavors. Cherry plum will add its own touch of flavor, and instead of the usual apple jam you will get a new delicacy.

This year I cooked for the first time simple recipe your good friend. Before this I exclusively cooked it, but this jam amazed me not only with its appearance, but also with its taste. By and large, we can say that such seed jam is something between jam and cherry plum compote. The technology of its preparation itself consists of boiling cherry plum berries in sugar syrup.

Cherry plum jam with seeds for the winter, step by step recipe which I want to offer you, will be very aromatic, due to the preliminary boiling of mint sprigs in syrup. The main “trick” of the jam is that the cherry plum berries should not burst too much and lose their shape. Based on this, in order to get cherry plum jam with seeds, which will consist of whole berries, give preference to slightly unripe fruits. In addition, there is another little secret, with the help of which the berries will not be boiled.

This cherry plum jam with seeds It is not very suitable as a filling for pies, rolls, or as a layer for cakes, but it is very useful for decorating homemade baked goods and all kinds of recipes.


  • Cherry plum – 1 liter,
  • Sugar - 800 gr.,
  • Water – 1 liter,
  • Mint – 2-3 sprigs.

Cherry plum jam with seeds for the winter - a simple recipe

Sort out the cherry plum berries. Set aside beautiful berries without external defects for pitting. Wash them. After that, take a pin and pierce each berry with it. This procedure is also used when making royal gooseberry jam, when it is necessary to ensure that the berries remain intact.

Pour sugar into the pan. Fill it with water.

Add mint leaves.

Boil the syrup for 10 minutes. While it cooks, prepare and sterilize the jars. Pour into a separate pan hot water. Place a special ring for sterilizing jars over steam. Steam the jars over steam. Place the lids in boiling water for 1-2 minutes. Set the prepared jars and lids aside. After 10 minutes, remove the mint from the syrup.

Place the cherry plum in the syrup.

Stir it lightly. Boil yellow cherry plum jam with bones just 5 minutes.

Remove the pan from the stove. Pour the jam into sterile jars. The most convenient way is to put cherry plum in jars and then fill it with syrup. Close the cherry plum jars with screw or tin lids. Place the jam jars upside down on the prepared surface. Cover with a warm blanket or blanket. Store in a cool place - basement or cellar. Having prepared several jars of such bright jam, you will always have on hand not only a tasty, but also a healthy dessert for home tea drinking.

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