Questions for a children's questionnaire for friends. Interesting questionnaire questions for girls. We're going to a bachelorette party

Profiles for girls have existed for decades. The main thing is to come up with questions for the questionnaire. For girls, this is usually a difficult task. After all, you want to come up with as many questions as possible in order to find out everything about a person. Most questionnaires are filled out during training sessions. Some buy questionnaires with ready-made questions, and some write them themselves in a thick notebook.

Currently, an electronic questionnaire for girls has become more relevant: 100 questions by which you can find out everything about your friends. Electronic is modern, simple and convenient, but a questionnaire in a notebook is already a relic of the past.

If you need a questionnaire for girls, the questions are easy to find and even come up with yourself. But not all of them are relevant and interesting. Composing your own questionnaire questions for girls can be quite a difficult task. Therefore, here you will find some tips that may be useful for your application.

Questions for the questionnaire, for girls from 7 to 18 years old:

You can come up with a thousand more questions in order to reveal a person’s identity, but in this case it may get boring for the person who will fill out this questionnaire. Composing questions for a questionnaire for girls is quite easy, but it is worth considering that the main and most interesting topics, as a rule, are questions related to who is in love with whom, best friends and an opinion about the creator of the questionnaire. Girls are most interested in these moments.

IN modern society You can also add the question “Are you a virgin?” to the questionnaire, but it is designed for girls from 14 to 18 years old. This issue is related to the early sexual development of our youth. Although many will either not want to answer this question or will lie, although a small percentage can answer honestly.

The more interesting the questions for the questionnaire for girls, the more interesting the answers can be. Girls also love to give it to boys to fill out. Since the question of who loves this or that guy interests the creator most of all, especially if she herself is in love with him.

Probably the most terrible and terrible thing for girls is when the questionnaire is found by parents or taken by teachers and read by it. Sometimes you can find a lot of hidden and secret things there. However, adults do not need to know about this. Therefore, advice to adults: do not delve too deeply into the child’s personal life; if he wants, he will tell you everything himself.

Women's company is much better than men's -
a friend will always understand and accept everything
that the representative of the stronger half
will consider it an insignificant detail.

Each of us had, has and will have girlfriends. But sometimes a strange wall of misunderstanding and alienation grows between us.

How to get to know your girlfriend better and how to learn to resolve conflicts quickly and pleasantly for everyone? Today we will talk about such an exciting and important topic for every girl.

Fun profile

I don’t know about you, but in my childhood every girl had a questionnaire. These could be either notebooks, beautifully designed by hand, or branded albums that were sold in the store. Usually the questionnaire contained a huge number of questions about the person. Why not make such a profile for your friends?

In the 21st century, you no longer need to use notebooks; it’s enough to have them on your computer. email, Photoshop or Word and it's done. This way, you and your friends will not only be able to learn interesting little things about each other - favorite color and movie, but also other, more important things.

To make it easier for you to form your profile, I offer a small questionnaire that will allow you to get to know your favorite friends better. In addition to banal questions about age and zodiac sign, favorite singers and films, as well as animals and TV series, you need the following list of questions:

1. Favorite color

2. Favorite dish

3. I really like to do...

4. I love...

5. I don't like...

6. My dream is...

7. I can’t forgive my friend...

8. If I had the opportunity to return time back, I would...

9. I regret...

11. I am against...

12. I collect...

13. I can do something that other people cannot and this is -

14. I can’t do without... (or I can’t imagine my life without...)

15. I don’t like my character (appearance)…

16. It pisses me off...

17. My fear is...

18. I'm addicted to...

19. What objects and what people would you take to a desert island?

20. My mood improves from...

21. My mood worsens from...

22. If I caught it Goldfish, then I would ask her -

23. As a child I loved...

24. The hardest moment in life is...

25. I want to change myself...

26. If you had to spend the whole day alone, what would you do?

27. What do you value most in a gift?

28. What is the hardest emotion for you to admit?

As you can see, such a questionnaire can not only help determine your friend’s tastes, but also help you understand the characteristics of her character, dreams, desires and goals. By the way, such questionnaires significantly improve the likelihood of buying the right gift, because you can know your friend’s favorite color, preferences, hobbies and interests.

We're going to a bachelorette party

In order to get to know the person next to you better, you just need to want it. Cocoa, good film, Board games and endless conversations will lead to the fact that you can learn more about each other.

In order to get ready for a bachelorette party, all you have to do is ask your parents for permission to spend the night with your friends at your place or at theirs. Put on your pajamas, arrange for yourself, discuss boys or others, no less interesting topics and I'm sure you will find each other incredibly interesting!

You can also come up with your own secret language at the bachelorette party :). It’s very exciting to talk in phrases that mean nothing to others, the meaning of which only you know!

Go shopping

Trying on things, recommending new and interesting models, you become closer and allow yourself to get to know your friend better. This way you can find out her tastes and preferences in clothes and shoes, tell her about yours, and perhaps even have your own favorite store.

Go on a double date

If each of you has a boyfriend or friend with whom you can go to the skating rink, to the cinema or to a cafe, then a meeting of four is a great way to spend time! By the way, if only one of you has a boyfriend, then you can arrange a blind date - introduce your friend to your friend and perhaps this will be the beginning of a romantic relationship!

Arrange yourself a photo shoot

Pack your clothes at home different images, put on makeup and spend the whole day carefree, getting to know each other better and making new avatars :).

As you can see, getting to know each other better is not so difficult! Good luck to you, my dears!

Questionnaire for friends questions

Suitable for a 4 year old child. 3 years is too early. It is very interesting what the children answer. questions under the cut

1. Favorite color?

2. Least favorite color?

3. Favorite book?

4. Favorite cartoon?

5. Favorite time of the year?

6. Favorite normal food?

7. Least favorite normal food?

8. Favorite sweets?

9. Favorite drink?

10. Least favorite drink?

11. Favorite toys?

12. Favorite game?

13. What are you afraid of?

14. What do you like to do most?

15. What don’t you like to do?

16. Where do you like to go?

17. What do you want to be?

18. Favorite animal?

19. Favorite fish?

20. Favorite bird?

21. Any insect?

22. Favorite fruit?

23. Favorite vegetable?

24. Favorite tree?

25. Favorite flower?

26. Favorite time of day?
27. Favorite car?

28. Favorite clothes?

29. Favorite city?

30. Most favorite place in our flat?

31. Favorite item in this room?

32. Which of the places you have visited do you like best?

33. What would you be interested in learning about?

34. What do you like to cut out, draw, sculpt or glue more?

35. What do you dream about?

36. Where do you dream of going?

37. Favorite transport?

38. Not your favorite transport?

39. Favorite boy name?

40. Favorite girl name?

41. Favorite form of exercise?

42. Favorite geometric figure?

43. Favorite letter?

44. What music or song do you love most?

45. What is the most favorite hobby one of those things we do as a family?

46. ​​Do you like warm or cold more?

47. What animal do you like to transform into the most?

48. What distant place would you like to visit?

49. What is your favorite word?

50. Where do you like to walk?


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  • questionnaire

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IN Soviet time many girls and boys created notebooks with questions for friends. They were also called questionnaires. Such notebooks were decorated in different colors, pasted photographs and pictures there, in general, did everything possible to give them individuality. But the main highlight was the questions, which often had an ulterior motive.

Over the years, the need for questionnaire notebooks has disappeared, as easier ways have appeared to check your friends. Now you can create a similar survey for friends on your social network page or on your own blog. This not only makes the process easier, but also allows you to tailor the questionnaire to a specific person.

Life on a social network

IN modern world people can communicate with each other freely using the Internet. Therefore, the easiest way is to create a poll for friends on a social network. For example, using VKontakte, Facebook or the Odnoklassniki network.

The main advantage is that you can special effort notify your friends about a new survey. It is enough to attach it as news in the event feed, or send it out to the right people private message. In addition, answers to such questions come quite quickly, especially if the right person is online.

It should also be noted that there are social networks that specialize in surveys. In Russia a shining example such a service is a free resource called Ask.

Benefits of blogs and websites

But it is much more effective to create a poll for friends on the pages of your own blog or website. Even though the process of completing questions here will take a little longer, the benefits will still be obvious. For example:

  • Unlike the pages in in social networks, the blog platform is more flexible. This will allow you to create not only a profile, but also a surrounding background. That is, you can give the desired atmosphere, and if necessary, even insert pictures with meaning.
  • Another plus is the ability to create an interactive survey. So, after finishing all the questions, a person can see his result or a pleasant message.
  • Many also like the fact that a blog can be tailored to a specific task. That is, you can create your own service that will fully meet the needs of its author.

Poll for friends: creation principle

So, if everything is clear about the place where the survey was created, then you should move on to the main part. After all, a regular list of questions will look quite boring and banal. Therefore, you need to come up with something brighter and more memorable so that your friends will continue to visit the created profile.

So, what should friend polls consist of? Cool tasks and unusual questions- this is the main component of a good survey. It is to them that the author of the questionnaire should pay attention first of all.

You should also remember that all questions must make sense. So that, after reading the answers of friends, the author could draw appropriate conclusions about them.

Poll of friends: questions and tasks

In order to consolidate the above, we will give a small example of a cool survey that can clarify this topic.

1. How does love work?

  • turns off the brain;
  • pushes you to take reckless actions;
  • makes a person better;
  • what is this anyway?

2. If you meet a Martian, then...

  • stop drinking;
  • ask about life on another planet;
  • take a selfie;
  • rush at him shouting “For the Airborne Forces.”

3. How do you feel about me?

  • Fine;
  • Badly;
  • And who are you?
  • your answer.

4. If you could have a superpower, what would it be?

  • hover above the ground;
  • become invisible;
  • look through clothes;
  • blow the minds of those around you.

5. How to share a stick of sausage among 15 people?

  • equally;
  • take turns biting;
  • depending on what kind of sausage;
  • using a pencil, ruler and precise mathematical calculations.

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