You have heard about water, they say it is everywhere. District centralized library system of the Ivanovo municipal district

Meet my friend -
small and fast
Blue-eyed brook
The cup is silvery.
He runs from afar
On stones and branches.
I envy a little:
Oh, how lucky!
He sees the ocean
Ships and seagulls.
Every boy is a captain
Dreaming about this.
The brook hurries
On grass and cones
And on the back he is lucky
The boy's boat.

Early, early in the morning
Look out the window:
The rain ran across the yard
Played a little.
He watered the trees
pavement, lawns,
And Maksimkin dump truck
Found it under the bench.
Made two big rivers
At Vasya's entrance,
Then he took my crayons -
Color the rainbow.

The sky frowns angrily
Chasing guys from the yard
My window is open
The clouds are looking into the room.
Even though I'm not a coward at all
I'll hide quickly under the cloak.
The clouds are watching - there is no boy,
And they cried in the rain.
Drum drops-sticks,
It's dark outside.
I felt sorry for them then.
And I looked out the window.
"Clouds, stop it, stop it!
Nobody offended you.
I was under a raincoat, in a sideboard!!!"
Strange, the rain has stopped.

S. Juice
rain droplets
transparent, cool,
And from the sun's rays
Shiny, elegant!
Dancing through the puddles
And circles are different
Cheerful people draw.
All washed clean
And around, now it's beautiful,
Bright and radiant!
And I got wet all over
I don't hate them
And I'm not angry, not a bit!

V. Chernyaeva

blue droplet The cloud gave birth.
The droplet was tiny in size.
A droplet flew to earth from heaven.
And a drop fell on the green forest.
But the Sun sent its heat on her.
And the droplet was afraid to turn into steam.
The wind shook the stalk lightly.
And the Droplet fell right into the Brook.
Droplet ran along with the Brook.
She sang the song Drop in a ringing voice:
“Mom Cloud dear, I will become the Sea.
Fly over the Sea, kiss me"

O. Skvortsova
A cloud flew across the sky
Drops dropped on the fields.
Decided to count them.
One, two, three, four, five!
Failed, started over...
She counted all day.
Hard droplets consider:
One, two, three, four, five!
Cloud who wants to help
Who will count all the drops?
The wind wanted to count
But he was wrong - he flew away.
Even the sun pretend
Offered her a hand.
Fingers began to bend:
One, two, three, four, five!
It turned out that there were few fingers:
Need to start over
Count drops in the air:
One, two, three, four, five!
You are up to ten, my friend,
Could you count the drops?
One, two, three, four, five!
It's fun to count together!

G. Ilyina
Droplet looked in the window,
I saw Antoshka on the floor -
He sighed and wept with all his might.
- It's Cloud! - Drop decided.
Slipped down the window handle
Smiling, she rolled to the "Cloud":
- Here we are together again! Luck!
And Anton froze in amazement.
Cloud boy? Is it possible?
Mom calls her son the Sun.

A. Alferova
There over the horizon
The cloud floats...
In a cheerful cloud
droplet lives.
Here she woke up
early in the morning,
Hastened to visit
To the bee in the meadow.
From cloud to earth
The droplet descended
And in lavender flowers
Having fun with the bee.
The grasses rang
Playing with the wind
Flew into the hive
Golden bee.
The droplet bathed
In the blue ocean
And remained in flowers
On the forest glade

"Have you heard of water? They say it's everywhere!"

Ignashina Svetlana Evgenievna, teacher,

GBDOU No. 65 of the Frunzensky district of St. Petersburg

Lebedeva Irina Viktorovna, teacher-speech therapist,

GBDOU No. 65 of the Frunzensky district of St. Petersburg


To consolidate children's ideas about the lexical topic "water"



1) activate the predicative and attributive dictionary on this topic;

2) develop phonemic analysis, synthesis;

3) to consolidate children's ideas about the sounds of the Russian language;

4) develop reading skills;

5) coordinate various parts of speech in a sentence;

6) develop coherent speech;

7) develop logical thinking;

8) develop visual attention, memory, gnosis;

9) develop auditory perception and attention;

10) develop fine, general motor skills, coordination of speech with movements;


Develop children's cognitive interest in nature, natural phenomena


1) to educate children in respect for nature, natural resources;

2) to educate children in independence, initiative, creativity in the performance of tasks, the ability to work in pairs, in a team;

3) educate children's curiosity, encourage positive emotions, activity when performing a variety of game tasks.


Sound charts, photographs, the “water cycle in nature” chart, letter shapes, figure charts, word cards, water bag, ice bag, hot water thermos, musical soundtracks, droplet toy, chest.


Educational situations “Sorceress-water”, “Where do water drops live in kindergarten?”, “Water can be different”

Didactic games "What is water?", "What does water do?", "Colorful water"

Replenishment of the ecological corner with the book by O. Kurguzov “About a drop of aqua”.

Making posters "Save water"

Frontal and individual speech therapy classes


1. Organizational moment:

Guys, look what is this? (a drop of water)

You know, a little bit told us a very sad story. It turns out that in one house people did not turn off the tap and all the water flowed out. And there was only one drop left. And now she is in our kindergarten. And she really wants to know if you know that water needs to be protected, why water is needed, what kind of water it is ... Let's try to figure it out today. Interesting games and tasks related to water are waiting for you. And so that our little one would not be sad alone, we will find her girlfriends. And what, you will guess later. And our little drop is not simple, but magical. And she brought with her a magic chest. And what is in this chest we will gradually find out.

2.Main part

2.1 Water-liquid

The sounds of water sound (the sound of rain, the sound of the sea, the murmur of a stream)

Guys, what do you hear?

And what is all this: the sea, the stream, the rain...? (it's all water)

(a bag of water is taken from the chest)

Where else can we find water?

What is water like? (feature selection)

What does water do? (selection of actions)

Let's now break into pairs and complete the first task.

D / and "Recognize the superimposed images" (rain, stream, river, lake, waterfall, swamp)

D / and “Pick words for sound patterns” (name the words by sounds, how many vowels are in each word, how many syllables)

And what word will be obtained from such sounds: m, o, r, e? (sea)

Musical pause "The sea is worried ..."

The sound of frogs croaking. Waterman appears. Sings the song "I am a water ..."

Guys, do you know who this is? Where does he live?

Water, why did you come to us?

I'm bored alone in the swamp, only the frogs croak alone, and I want to talk to someone! And there are so many guys! Here I am sitting alone in a swamp and composing out of loneliness.

What are you composing?

And what I see around me, I compose. Do you want to listen?

"The swamps croak in the frogs."

Oh, Vodyanoy, you seem to have confused something. Guys, what do you think? What is the right way to say?

(The merman says other phrases: “Dragonflies have wings because they fly”; “Puddles appeared, and therefore it rained”; “The heron grabbed the beak with the frog.”)

Oh, apparently, it's not my job to compose! I'll go back to my swamp and find something else to do.

(The merman looks at his clothes)

Oh, what do I have here? (droplet of water)

So I brought it to you. Take it!


One child makes a riddle:

It's full of it in winter.

So slippery, you won't get home.

It rises on rivers and ponds

Transparent, fragile, clean ... (ice)

And what's with the ice? We are talking about water today! (children's answers)

That's right, it turns out that water can turn into ice.

(an ice pack is taken from the chest)

Oh guys, what happened to our water? (she froze, turned into ice).

What should be done to check if ice is water? (children have a piece of ice in their hands)

What do you feel in your hands? (ice melts and turns into water)

Guys, in which fairy tale was there a lot of snow, ice? There was also a boy playing with ice cubes. ("The Snow Queen")

D / and "Make a figure"

Read the resulting words (ice drift, icebreaker)

What do these words mean? What two words are made up of?

(a drop of snowflake is given)


(a thermos is taken out of the chest, steam comes out of it)

Guys, what is this? (steam)

Yes, so we are talking about water today, what does steam have to do with it? (children's answers)

That's right, water can turn into steam.

What items can be used to check that steam is water and how to do this? (children's actions)

Where else can you see steam?

(collage demo)

What am I talking about now: white, fluffy, light, floating in the sky? (clouds)

D / and “Collect a proverb” (Water does not flow under a lying stone)

What does this proverb say? What other proverbs do you know that contain words related to water?

(droplet cloud is given)

2.4. Water cycle in nature

(the scheme is taken from the chest)

Guys, what is shown here?

Let's talk about this phenomenon of nature with the help of words and movements.

Physical education minute "Water cycle in nature" (coordination of speech with movements)

Water comes from a stream

Streams along the way collects the river,

The river runs full-flowing in the open

Until, finally, it flows into the sea.

The seas replenish the supply of the ocean:

Moisture thickens over him, like sour cream,

She rises higher... Bye

Doesn't turn into clouds.

And the clouds flying over us

It rains, it snows.

The snows will turn into streams in spring,

Streams will run to the nearest river...

All this is called by the people:

The water cycle in nature.

3. Summary of the lesson. Save water!

Droplet, today the guys and I remembered what water it is, that it can be not only liquid.

Guys, do you remember the story that a droplet told us at the very beginning of our journey? (Children's answers). So, what conclusion can be drawn from this? (save water, etc.)

Don't worry, bitch! We will make a poster "Save water!". And be sure to hang it in our kindergarten.

(poster making)

One child reads a poem:

Have you heard of water?

They say it's everywhere!

You will find it in the pond

And in a damp forest swamp.

In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean

And at the faucet.

I dare to report to you - We cannot live without it!

Tatyana Nikolaevna Yutalova
Synopsis of GCD “Have you heard about water?”

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten of a general developmental type "Sun" from. Borovikha

"You heard about water

Abstract directly educational activities in the preparatory group.

Compiled: caregiver

Yutalova T. N.

from. Borovikha


1. Introduce children to some of the properties of water. Summarize children's knowledge about water: states and properties of water, its significance in the life of plants, animals and humans.

2. To develop curiosity, cognitive activity in the process of experimentation, thinking, speech of children.

3. Cultivate respect for water.

4. Create pedagogical conditions for the need to receive new information about familiar subjects.

preliminary work:

Learning proverbs about water, experiments with water, looking at a globe, talking about water.

Material and equipment.

An apple, a globe, a cup of water, an empty cup, a pipette, oil, napkins, dolphin death pictures, flannelgraph theater "The Tale of the Oil Fish", table "Water in nature".

Course progress.

Wake up. Let's join hands. Let's smile at each other to create a good mood. To learn a lot in our lesson, you need to be attentive, not shout, listen to each other. Listen, I will tell you riddle:

She is in the lake

She is in a puddle

She boils in our kettle

She runs in the river, rustling.

Children: Water.

Wake up. Right. Have you guessed what we are going to talk about today?

Children: Yes. ABOUT water.

Play: What do you know about water?

(children's answers)

Play: children, how long do you think a person can live without food?

Children: Month.

Play: And without water?

Children: A week.

Play: Do you think there is a lot of water on earth? Let's look at the globe. What color is water on the globe?

Children: Blue.

Play: show water on the globe. Who knows how many oceans there are on earth?

Children: Four.

Play: And how many seas?

Children: Thirty.

Play: What do you think, is it a lot or a little? What part is dry land?

Children: The fourth part.

Play: Let's check. I have an apple in my hands. Imagine that this is our planet. The fourth part of it is land. And most of it is water. So much or little water on the planet?

Children: Many?

Play Q: Who needs water? Now we'll play a game "Who needs water?" I will throw the ball, whoever catches it is responsible.

di "Who Needs Water"

Play: Look at the pictures and find where water is hidden in nature.

Imagine that the water has disappeared. What will happen then?

(children's answers)

di "Good bad"

Now imagine that it is not water that flows from the tap, but lemonade. Think and say what is good and what is bad.

Imagine that there is only salt water in rivers and lakes. What is good in this and what is bad?

What if, instead of regular rain, it rains cones? What is good and what is bad?

f\m "Rain"

The rain dripped on the palm (right hand touching left)

For flowers - (circular motion with right hand)

And on the track - (both hands in front of you)

It pours, it pours - oh, oh, oh! (shaking head)

We ran home (run in place)

Play: Guys, think and say how water helps a person.

(children's answers)

Play: Guys, I'll tell you now a fairy tale about a fish, but not about a gold one, you all know it, but about an oil one. What did the old man's net come with in the tale of the goldfish?

Children. With the silence of the sea.

Play: Right. What if the old man cast his net today? The seine would come not only with mud, but also with ... rusty cans, broken bottles, torn plastic bags and other garbage. I would have thrown it a second time - I would have caught a torn shoe and a worn tire.

The third time, as expected, the old man would have caught a fish. Yes, not simple, but known to be golden. And she would speak with a human voice.

But here's a miracle: wouldn't be a goldfish ask: they say let me go, old man. In the sea. On the contrary, it would pray: just don't let me go, old man, into the sea. Better throw it into an aquarium with clean water - I will serve you any service for this. I don't want, he says, to become a fish "oil" and I want to stay

I am a golden fish!

... A sad tale! But unfortunately, the story is not happier. Previously, returning from distant wanderings, sailors used to. They talked about the valley countries and about overseas curiosities. Now they say one: disappear, brothers, seas - oceans! Ships on waterways are like cars on a highway. And from every even the smallest boat, garbage is thrown into the waves. So the blue expanses of the sea turn into a dirty dump.

And when the sea becomes dirty from oil poisonous to all living things, it’s really bad. I washed the tanker - the oil carrier, its huge tanks - tanks, dirty water - into the sea. That's the trouble, that's the trouble! Fish are dying from this poison. Dolphins.

Look at these environmental signs. Look at them and tell us how we can help water?

Children: Do not throw garbage into waterways, do not drain waste, save water.

Play: And now we are invited to our laboratory. What substances dissolve in water?

Children: Salt, sugar.

Play: Can all substances dissolve in water, how do you think? If you pour oil into water, will it disappear just like salt and sugar? Add a few drops of oil to your water jars. What happened to the oil water?

Children: The oil did not dissolve in water: It floats on the surface of the water with yellow droplets.

Play: Well done boys. What can be the conclusion? Are all substances soluble in water?

Children: Not

Play: Guys, tell me if you can drink this water and why?

Children: Not. she smells of oil and tastes bad.

Play: Yes, indeed, such water is not suitable for drinking. What needs to be done to keep the water clean?

Children: Remove oil.

Play: And you know, water can be purified, but only with a filter. We can make the simplest water filter with you from an ordinary napkin. See how I do it. Then we put it in a jar. Now try to make your own filter. Everyone did everything right, what good fellows you are! Let's try how our filters work. We will very carefully, little by little, pour oily water into the filter jar. Carefully remove the filter and look at the water. What has she become?

Children: The water is clear.

Play Q: Where did the oil go?

Children: All the oil is left on the filter.

Play: We have learned the easiest way to purify water. Now let's get back to our seats.

Water is a good friend and helper of man. Let's remember the proverbs water.

Tears of sorrow will not help.

Drop by drop rain, rain waters the river, rivers the sea stands.

You can't scoop out the sea with a spoon.

You can't fill the sea with sand.

A rolling stone gathers no moss.

Like water off a duck's back.

Water wears away the stone.

Crush water in a mortar - and there will be water.

He took water in his mouth.

And now I will read you a poem by N. Ryzhova "Magic Water"

You heard about water?

They say she's everywhere!

You will find it in the pond

And in a damp forest swamp.

In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean

And at the faucet

As an icicle freezes, it crawls into the forest with fog,

Boiling on the stove

The steam of the kettle hisses.

We can't wash without her

Don't eat, don't drink!

I dare to report to you:

We can't live without her!

What else to read