Looks like Mexico. How the middle class lives in Mexico - a report on everyday life. Cheek contour contouring

However, fans are sure that the beauty of the extravagant brunette is not natural at all, but the result of plastic surgery and numerous visits to a cosmetologist. We decided to find out from a professional what Mexico does to itself and how much its beauty costs.

Plastic surgeon, chief surgeon at the Sharm clinic


Mexico has repeatedly admitted that it is dissatisfied with its large nose. After rhinoplasty, the girl’s nose became much thinner and neater, but it looks a little “unnatural.” It seems to me that Marina is becoming more and more like an artificial doll, but that’s her business, it’s not for me to judge her.

Lip contouring

By nature, Marina has thin, slightly pursed lips. Now we see disturbed proportions, this suggests that the girl pumped up her lips with fillers. Mexican lips look unnatural and are very noticeable. In my opinion, this is too much, a girl’s lips should be slightly plump, but not huge.


With a high degree of probability, Mexico has had breast augmentation. This is confirmed by the girl’s beach photos. Both the shape and size of the breasts have changed. Without surgical intervention, such changes are simply impossible.

Cheek contour contouring

The girl’s cheekbones became more expressive and emphasized, and the nasolabial fold completely disappeared. All this suggests that Mexico has supplied itself with mesothreads. For what? After all, by nature Marina is a bright and beautiful girl, and mesothreads made her face “model-stereotypical.”

Forehead surgery

If you compare old photographs of Marina with new photographs, you will notice that the girl has changed her hairline. Perhaps the girl did not like the slightly overhanging upper eyelid, which, after the hairline rose, was pulled up.

Beauty injections

I can say for sure that with beauty injections, Mexico is on a first-name basis. This can be seen from her practically perfect face without a single wrinkle. So I can say with confidence that Marina has been going to the cosmetologist for a long time and regularly.

Now let's move on to our favorite part. Just six months ago, Marina Mexico claimed that she had never gone under a surgeon’s scalpel. However, we found out that the girl is a little disingenuous. It's just a matter of calculating how much the extravagant brunette spends on her appearance.

Mammoplasty - the pleasure is not cheap. If you want to enlarge your breasts a couple of sizes, get ready to shell out about 250,000 rubles.

Changing the shape and increasing the volume of lips It is not that expensive - from 15,000 rubles per procedure (although it will have to be repeated a couple of times a year).

Rhinoplasty depending on the category of complexity, it will cost from 120,000 to 260,000 rubles.

Price for cheekbone contouring starts from 30,000 rubles. There are several ways to achieve chiseled cheekbones. The simplest is filling with fillers (the procedure will have to be repeated twice a year). Another option is the installation of zygomatic implants (more expensive, but done once and for all). The chiseled cheekbones of Mexico are the result of a mesothread lift. One procedure costs about 15,000 rubles.

By using forehead surgery you can raise or lower your hairline (Kim Kardashian was one of the first to do this operation). The operation is not cheap; prices start at 120,000 rubles.

Do you want to get rid of wrinkles and get perfect smooth face? Botulinum toxin injections to help you. Depending on the number of units, the procedure will cost from 8,000 to 20,000 rubles. The effect will last for 3-6 months.

Mexicans. You can find out what they look like in Sheboldasik’s article “Women and men of Mexico – what are they like? (photo selection)”, and I’ll tell you what kind of people they are, what I like about them and what I can’t stand.

What I like about Mexicans:

1. Say hello . When entering a store or just walking down the street, Mexicans always say hello. Of course, if you are walking around the city center or sitting on a bench somewhere, then no one will come up to you with their greetings, but if, for example, you are standing at a bus stop and waiting for a bus or you see someone walking on a uncrowded street, then say hello and goodbye - this is a common thing.

2. Smile . Mexicans seem to be very friendly people and their faces are not malicious. They smile not like Americans - widely and for any reason, but sincerely, friendly, predisposing. Mostly women, of course. The men here are somehow drier and more serious, well, that’s why they are men.

3. Gringo friendly . I always thought that Mexicans do not like Americans, and other white tourists, they despise them and experience other negative emotions. But all this turned out to be just another myth, and people in Mexico are very nice and treat foreigners exactly the same as they treat their relatives.

4. Don't waste time on trifles . If during the purchase the seller does not have change or the buyer does not have enough money, they may offer to pay later or even “forgive”.

5. Well-mannered. They always give up their seat on the bus. Of course, not for healthy men, but for mothers with children and elderly people. This is very cool and pleasant. I can get on a crowded bus and they will definitely give me a seat, because I have Sierra in my arms.

6. Polite . Always “thank you - please - see you - good health,” and everything is so friendly and sincere. I remember in California we went to the Chick Filet fast food, and all the workers there were sickly polite and always responded with the same type of “My pleasure!” when thanking you. That's how they were trained. And with Mexicans everything is natural, so it’s very pleasant to communicate.

7. Don't make a fool of yourself . They don't try to inflate prices, seeing that you are a gringo. Living in the states, I was sure that in Mexico I would definitely be cheated and deceived at every step. Luckily, I was wrong! And although, in the markets, for example, prices are not indicated, after living for some time in one place, you already know what it costs, and different sellers have the same prices. So you don’t have to worry about inflated prices (how the goods will be weighed for you is another matter).

8. Bargain . It's not a sin to bargain a little with the Mexicans. It’s not that they love this business, as in the East, for example, but they never mind throwing off a few pesos. Even taxi drivers are lowering their prices.

9. Don't make noise . Surprisingly quiet and calm people! I have never heard Mexicans swear loudly, make noise, or play loud music. In general, this fact was a complete surprise for me - I always thought that Mexicans were very noisy, but it turned out that they were not at all. Or maybe I just haven’t met such fun people yet who party until dawn?

10. Cooking . I don’t know what to say - Mexicans love to eat well and they know how to cook. The food in almost any cafe will be delicious. I don’t know how they do it, maybe there’s some secret ingredient?! Only I was disappointed in tacos - upon arrival we only ate them, because they are sold everywhere and are inexpensive, but then we discovered other, more refined dishes (my favorites are Milanesa, fajitas, chicken soup, cake) and stopped eating tacos, now they seem to me to be a completely primitive food for the poor.

What I don't like about Mexicans:

1. They litter . I really, really don’t like this, it even infuriates me! They litter everything, constantly and everywhere! Just yesterday, for example, a family of father, mother and child was walking down the street and then the mother threw a bag of chips right onto the road! And on they go! And from childhood, children see all this and then do it themselves - candy wrappers, ice cream sticks - all this flies to the ground.

Sometimes they throw their garbage not directly on the road, but on an empty lot where there is no house yet, or somewhere in the bushes where, like, you can’t see. As a result, garbage is everywhere! In some places there are permanent janitors and cleaners who constantly sweep away cigarette butts and wrappers, but more often than not, this is somewhere in the city center, where people, in principle, will not litter much anyway and sometimes bother to carry their garbage to the trash can. But outside the center it’s terrible!

Our playground, for example, I rarely see children there, but adults and teenagers apparently love to hang out under the slide, because there are always bags of leftover chili sauce, candy wrappers, and plastic cups lying around there. It’s so infuriating that I can’t relax - constantly watch that my child doesn’t pick up and put this disgusting thing in his mouth.

2. They are late . Mexicans are terribly unpunctual people! They are late all the time, sometimes by 40 minutes or even an hour, and yet they do not feel guilty, they do not even apologize. In general, this is normal for them. Claire has all sorts of meetings at school in the morning, so they tell us to come at 7.50. Well, we arrived once at 7.50, so what? Nobody here. After about 20 minutes, the rest of the (Mexican) families began to arrive. Now, when they say to be at 7.50, we know that we need to arrive at 8.20. :)

3. Irresponsible . Even if they agree in advance, they may simply not show up and not warn, or call at the last minute or right at the time when they should already be there. This happened to me all the time with my nanny - either she was constantly late, or suddenly she suddenly fell ill, or something else.

4. They weigh it down . Of course, I can’t say this with complete confidence, but I recently had this feeling. I buy avocados at the market and pay 30 pesos for 3, but at the supermarket I get 5 for the same money! How so? The suspicion has crept in that in markets and small shops the scales are weighed inaccurately. After all, in the supermarket they weigh everything at the checkout, so I trust them more.

5. Trade. They love to trade here. They sell mostly all kinds of rubbish - cheap clothes, cheap shoes, cheap toys. I don’t particularly like the last one - not so much the toys, but the fact itself - so they roll out their cart, hung with balloons, balls, inflatable horses on wheels and start blowing bubbles. And all this is somewhere in the square in the city center or right next to the children's playground in the park. Children, naturally, look at all this and they need it all at once - cheap balls, horses, and everything, everything! In general, this is a great temptation for children, and “good” parents cannot refuse their children.

And I also really don’t like (I don’t even know why this bothers me so much) that everyone is selling the same thing! Why? For what? I can not understand! For example, in San Miguel there is one small market in the square near the Cathedral of St. Francis. And there they lined up rows of tents with traders. I've been there a couple of times - everyone sells the same type of souvenirs. And here the Day of the Dead is approaching - everyone has sweets in the form of skulls, skeletons and other attributes of this holiday on their trays! 20 or more people, as if on command, they sell exactly the same product! And now none of them have the souvenirs that each of them had a week ago.

6. Trying to help . Well, yes, in theory you should like it, but no - I noticed this thing - Mexicans never say “I don’t know,” even when they really don’t know, they will still intensively invent something. As a result, how many times have we walked in the wrong direction, ended up in the wrong place, the bus left at the wrong time, and all because smart Mexicans “know everything”!

7. They eat . Mexicans are constantly chewing something and almost always it is some kind of unhealthy food - chips, salty straws, candy, sweet water, acid-colored ice cream. This undoubtedly affects their figures - almost all Mexicans are fat. Likewise, they always try to feed my children candy - they treat them out of the kindness of their hearts, without even asking their parents.

For a long time I thought about what else I should add to the list of what I don’t like, so that the items would be the same, but somehow nothing comes to mind. Or maybe it’s better this way? Let there be more positive moments than negative ones, right?

Marina Cherkasova is the only child in the family, so from early childhood she was accustomed to being the center of attention and considered herself unique. The parents satisfied the girl’s every whim and followed her wishes. She happily posed for photographs and thought about a modeling career.

After receiving secondary education, the girl took up dancing, which toned her body and gave it elasticity. Working on herself and constantly improving her technique allowed Marina to get a job in a famous metropolitan club. Now the beauty with the perfect figure was dancing go-go under the stage name Mexico.

Permanent male attention the club was not enough for Marina, and she went to look for a life partner on the project “Dom-2. Island of love".

The first appearance on the island turned out to be scandalous: Marina announced the dishonesty of Alexander Zadoynov, who left his wife and daughter, and then decided to build a relationship with him.

Mexico does not consider it necessary to seek the sympathy of young people and prefers to accept courtship. This position helped Marina get to the finals of the TV show and fight for a million.

Marina Mexico after plastic surgery (photo)

The stunning appearance of Marina Mexico caused a sensation among the stronger sex.

The girl does not hide the fact that such impressive data is the result of excellent work plastic surgeons and cosmetologists, the ability to apply makeup and regular training in the gym.

In the photo of Marina Mexico before plastic surgery, taken several years ago, it is noticeable that Marina’s parents gave her a large nose, small breasts and narrow lips.

The go-go dancer wanted popularity, and her new appearance after plastic surgery gave her the opportunity to become a real star. The prospect of gaining fame was attractive, and Marina dared to undergo the first procedure.

The blurred silhouette of the upper lip and disturbed facial proportions indicate that Mexico has succumbed to fashion trends and pumped up its lips with fillers.

However, Marina does not deny her love for “beauty injections” and even films a video from the doctor’s office. To emphasize the cheekbones and get rid of the nasolabial fold, Marina put on mesothreads and spoke in detail about the procedure on camera.

But the matter was not limited to cosmetic interventions. Marina didn't like hers large nose, and rhinoplasty helped me gain the coveted thin back and more neat tip of the nose. After plastic surgery, Marina Cherkasova is proud of her new facial features and boldly takes pictures for the social network.

Of course, the star image of the fatal beauty would be incomplete without outstanding forms.

And Marina Cherkasova, who had a modest breast size before the operations, allegedly underwent mammoplasty.

Lush breasts against the backdrop of a narrow waist and round hips collect likes and enthusiastic comments on Instagram. Marina is not afraid of condemnation and believes that she is free to do whatever she wants with her appearance.

To attract the eyes of men, Marina continues to experiment with her appearance: she covers her body with tattoos, trains her six-pack abs, gets eyelash extensions, and doesn’t leave the house without makeup.

These tricks work: young people are crazy about Marina Cherkasova after plastic surgery and fight for her heart not only on the reality show “Dom-2. Island of love".

Marina does not stop there and strives to maintain her popularity, even if this means having another plastic surgery.

Let's learn about the stereotypes about Mexicans and see what is true and what is not.

These are the landscapes that appear before the eyes of those who, even if they have been to Mexico, have never gone further than the beach. In fact, the nature of Mexico is very diverse. In the north there are huge mountains and canyons, overgrown with pine trees and other trees of the “cold” zones, a little further to the south there are indeed deserts with giant cacti, larger than two-story houses, to the west there are sandy beaches, but just to the south you will find dense jungles, waterfalls and places untouched by man. So Mexico has enough forests, lakes, rivers and even volcanoes.

Perhaps somewhere in the outback, such as Oaxaca or the deserts of San Luis Potosi, you will meet a Mexican in a poncho and sombrero. But most people in Mexico today dress modernly. In the capital and major cities Mexicans are no different from Europeans. In addition, the inhabitants of the country are very clean. Even if the family is in a cramped financial situation, their clothes are always neat. It is customary to wear a tie to business meetings.

Although the country essentially has only two seasons - dry and rainy, but, as mentioned earlier, it is a country with diverse landscapes. In mountainous areas it can be very cold (it reaches zero), and there is snow on the peaks all year round. In Mexico City, during the cold season, the daytime temperature may not exceed +7 °C, which, of course, is not -20 °C in Russia, but still quite cool.

Compared to other Latin American countries, Mexico is far from poor. Yes, there is interclassism here and many residents live poorly. But they try to study (the country has serious universities, for example UNAM, which is valued throughout Latin America) and travel. The country has huge natural resources(reserves of oil, silver ore and other minerals), incredible nature and cultural diversity (it has many different languages, cultures, costumes, customs, songs and dances). As for danger, it can be found everywhere: in Paris, Moscow, Mexico City. Essentially, the rules are the same: do not walk in unknown areas at night, hold your wallets and do not enter into conflicts with locals.

In pre-colonial times, the Aztec and Mayan civilizations built incredibly advanced and architecturally complex cities. In Chichen Itza, on the Yucatan Peninsula, their space observatory has been preserved, with the help of which the ancient Mayans made maps of the sky and even then knew that the earth revolves around the sun, and not vice versa. Ancient city Aztecs Tenochtitlan was built on an island in the middle of Lake Texcoco, the city had a developed sewerage system (while in Paris everything drained from the windows onto the street), and floating fields were created from algae - chinampas, on which agricultural products were grown. Moreover, all temples were built linearly, according to cosmic cycles, and even modern European architecture has not reached such knowledge.

After the conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards, the local population was not destroyed, but there was a mixing of blood, as elsewhere on earth. Therefore, modern residents of Mexico carry features of both European ancestors and ancient American ones. For example, in Yucatan, people can easily discern the same contour of faces and sculptures that can be seen on the pyramids of Chichen Itza, Uxmal, Etzna, Tulum: a slightly flattened skull, a large nose and close-set eyes.

This is true. Mexico City is one of the ten largest cities in the world, second only to New York. According to today's data, more than 20 million people live there. Interestingly, it was built on the ruins of Tenochtitlan. You can see these ruins in the very center of Mexico City; they were discovered not so long ago, during the construction of the city metro. Unfortunately, due to overcrowding, smog often hangs over the city.

It’s already here and there, but in Mexico women have their own special position. Men occupy the leading positions in politics and business, but women, especially mothers, are models to be revered. Mother's Day is widely celebrated. The family gathers around a wide table, and the hero of the occasion is presented with some special gift. In many families, it is the woman who occupies the dominant position, although, of course, she never shows it.

Yes, real tequila is made only in Mexico and only from the agave plant. However, this is far from the most popular drink among locals. What Mexicans love most is beer! Invite a Mexican for a bottle of local Corona and you won’t go wrong. What about tequila? It is considered a very strong alcohol and is drunk on special occasions. By the way, the idea that tequila needs to be eaten with a “worm” is also a fiction. The Mexicans themselves say that a long time ago, quite by accident, an agave worm got into one of the bottles of tequila. And it was jokingly said that the last person to drink from the bottle should eat it. So “eating a worm” is not a cultural tradition. In Mexico, there are drinks much older than tequila - for example, low-alcohol pulque, which can only be tasted in the state of Mexico, or mezcal, in the bottle of which you will find, if not a worm, then a scorpion (it tastes crunchy and thoroughly soaked in mezcal).

If we talk about the average Mexican, he is a man of short stature and a plump physique, which is quite far from the image of a sexy macho. The myth is more likely to have Spanish roots than Mexican ones. And women in Mexico correspond to their men - small and plump. And most importantly, Mexicans value family very much and usually have five to ten children. Termination of pregnancy is not accepted here.

One of the country's most important treasures is the music of its regions. A colorful bouquet of different genres, constantly enriched, is carefully preserved and promoted abroad. The most famous style is the mariachi ensemble, which you may have seen in films, when a guy arranges a concert with a small musical group at the window of the girl he likes and sings romantic songs. But besides mariachi and the famous song “Cucaracha”, there are a lot of different genres and performers here - from the Huichol Indians, who have mastered the cello for more than a century, to the famous Juanes with their song La camisa negra and modern guitar virtuosos Rodrigo and Gabriella (it is their melody sounds in the cartoon "Shrek" in the fight episode of Puss in Boots). Or at least Luis Miguel, winner of the title “Sun of Mexico”, as well as nine Grammy awards.

Indeed, among street food it will be difficult to find something other than tacos or burritos (plural - tacos and burritos). But in fact, Mexican cuisine is one of the most popular in the world and, along with French, Italian, Japanese and Chinese, is in constant demand among gourmets. Despite the rather modest list of main ingredients, the dishes are extremely varied. There are also vegetarian ones - for example, pozole blanco (white pozole), a thick, slightly spicy cream soup made from white corn. One of the most traditional dishes Mexico and Latin America - ceviche, something like a salad of fresh fish (necessarily white): hake, sea ​​bass. May include other seafood, plus sprigs of cilantro, red onion, red pepper, lemon, pepper and salt. Another hit is fajitas. This dish consists of strips of grilled meat and vegetables - typically onions, peppers, carrots and sweet corn.

The only thing you can catch in Mexico easily and for life is love for this country. But seriously, then, of course, it is worth taking into account the climatic conditions of the country. It’s hot here and sanitary standards are not always observed, so it is recommended to eat street food with caution and be sure to eat it with hot chili sauce, which with its pungency will destroy pathogenic bacteria if they do get into your stomach. “Here they even eat mangoes with chili peppers” - you may have heard, and this is absolutely true! Chiles are a native plant, and you'll find over 40 varieties at the Mexican market hot peppers. Tip: Wash your vegetables and carry antibacterial wet wipes with you.

Revolutionary ideas are still strong here. They are inspired both by their own heroes, such as Pancho Villa, and by the Soviet past: Lenin, the USSR. Among Mexicans you can still find people bearing the names Lenin, Stalin, Iskra. It is also full of revolutionary movements, from the famous Zapatistas in Chiapas to popular movements such as the Antorcha Campesina (peasant torch). The latter, by the way, is quite popular - in every big city There are schools or living quarters for this movement, and in the state of Puebla there is even a separate village where there is no police and no government control, since everyone knows each other and lives in accordance with the ideology of socialism.

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