The release of the program let them talk about Dana Borisova. Dana Borisova will open a rehabilitation center in Thailand. Let them talk - Thai voyage of Dana Borisova

June 21 in the program Let them talk Dana Borisova interrupted her treatment in a Thai drug clinic 21 06 2017 watch online we all prayed for her, we all worried about her, we all rooted for her and today Dana Borisova interrupted her Thai trip to tell how her life has changed over the past two months and how she celebrated her birthday.

“Let them talk about today's last issue” - a talk show by Andrey Malakhov - the luminary of a bright and enchanting evening air. The guests of the “Let them talk” program are interesting and famous, the topics discussed are relevant and original. The show participants leave boring phrases outside the set and engage in heated debates. The program claims to be information-analytical, therefore the discussions are no less meaningful than emotional. “Let them talk” is a place where real metamorphoses take place - politicians turn into ordinary people, and simple people- in politicians. No matter what the conversation is, everyone has the right to vote.

Released: Russia, Channel One
Leading: Andrei Malakhov

The mother of the popular TV presenter Dana Borisova is in a panic: Ekaterina Ivanovna is sure that her daughter is a drug addict! The woman believes that Dana is possessed by demons. Today, Borisova's mother is looking for money for the treatment of her daughter and is even ready to mortgage her own apartment in order to get the TV star out of this trouble. See Let them talk - Let them talk - Dana Borisova - a drug addict (Heart of Danka) 04/26/2017

“I am one hundred percent sure that my daughter uses drugs! - Ekaterina Ivanovna declares before the broadcast of the program. I can't get through to her at all. IN Lately I often go to the temple, but Dana is still possessed.” Dana Borisova's mother is horrified by what has been happening to her daughter lately. “Yesterday I even began to register my apartment in Crimea on bail,” the woman says with tears in her eyes. Today, Dana Borisova's mother came to "Let them talk" to tell the whole truth about her daughter. What is happening in the life of a TV star now?

Let them say: Dana Borisova is a drug addict

Ekaterina Ivanovna Borisova came to the program “Let them talk”:

— To my shame, I have to say that I am a doctor. I worked for 25 years in an ambulance, but I never met drug addicts in everyday life. In 2014, we had our first serious conflict, and that's when the now deceased got my daughter hooked on drugs. Polya then went to first grade, and, in the meantime, Dana apparently began to use something plus drank a lot of wine. It got to the point that she fell drunk on the beach, lay under the sun. And this has been going on for three years!

Why am I so sure she's on drugs? The thing is, I found a bottle of cocaine in my daughter. It was March 18 this year. Polina called me and said that she found a rolled-up tube and money sprinkled with white powder at her mother's. I was shocked to hear this. When I began to ask Dana to come to her in Moscow, she unequivocally answered that she did not want me to come. Whenever we talked with her on Skype, she assured me that she was fine, but I always felt something was wrong.

- Polechka began to call me often, despite the fact that Dana cut off her Skype and mobile phone. Secretly, she called me when Dana was sleeping, and then erased the calls from the phone. I am very afraid for Polya and I am afraid that my daughter will die from drugs. Lately I see her all the time with a certain Ray (Ray Samedov, stylist - ed.).

Is Dana Borisova a drug addict? Shocking details in "Let them talk"

Further, in Let them talk, footage from the issue dedicated to Dana Borisova is shown. At that time, the TV star was already in a quarrel with her own mother and, as it is now becoming clear, she refused to recognize herself as a drug addict.

Andrei Malakhov:

Now I understand what really happened to her then. Of course you have difficult story relationship with your daughter, but already at that time you sounded the alarm and tried to help Dana. We all remember how she played. But neither then nor now did she admit that she was ill.

What could happen that a popular TV presenter started using cocaine? At what point did Dana Borisova become a drug addict? This story originates from the producer of Dana - Tima Brik, who tragically passed away last year. official version his death was the abuse of diet pills.

Ekaterina Ivanovna:

- I do not want her to leave after Tima Brik! Once Dana called all television “garbage” and I am very ashamed of her, because television raised her, thanks to television she became successful, in demand and she loved her job very much. Unfortunately, her problems began just when she lost her job.

Watch the online free release Let them talk - Dana Borisova - a drug addict, aired on April 26, 2017 (04/26/2017).

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    only forcibly, politics, like, he himself wants to work with drug addicts will not work, because the psyche is broken by chemistry

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    Here, a clinic in Moscow will not help, well, they will dig it out, clean it .. She will go out into the people - and again a new stylist or producer will slip her another dose. Here, or completely abandon the old life - go to Canada, to Solovki, to the other side of the world, work, live an ordinary working, not bohemian life, raise a daughter and grandmother in a different environment. Is Dana capable of this if she doesn't even realize that all these stylists and producers are using her like a cash cow? Dana is no longer the mistress of her life .. You can save your granddaughter - take her from her mother, arrange guardianship and raise her away from this bohemian Moscow dirt .. After all, not a single man next to her wanted to devote his life to saving Dana from herself .. It's a huge sacrifice.

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  1. I'm not at all sure that Dana is taking drugs. BUT in any case, I wish her to cope with either drugs or slander!

    Like( 6 ) I do not like( 4 )

    Agnes Beauregard:

    God, what a beast! The monstrous product of aesthetic surgeons Lera, the wedding horror story Oksana, the ubiquitous boy Prokhor, who understands everything and everyone and makes money on everything Malakhov ...
    I feel sorry for the girl, but the mother.

    Like( 13 ) I do not like( 0 )

  2. Andrey, hello! We often watch episodes of your program, yesterday it was very sad and painful for the current situation in the family of Dana Borisova. We fully and unconditionally support her mother, Ekaterina Ivanovna. A woman is experiencing the torment of Hell for her daughter, out of impotence and a sense of hopelessness, she turned to you for help, and I want to believe that you will help her. It is clear how hard it was for her to decide on such a step, but, in order to save her daughter, no matter what, real mother will kneel before God and before people with a request and a cry for help. It was a real heartbreaking cry. Well done guys Rustam and Prokhor Chaliapin, they were the first to support you, Andrei, and decided to go to Dana. The position of such as the woman in the blue dress, her reasoning about the need to wait for the desire to be treated from Dana herself, is striking. This is either her "narrow-mindedness", or indifference, or a deliberate desire to divert people's opinion from solving the problem. How does an addict want to be treated? He must be convinced by sane people! And the first signal about the tragedy that happened is a break in relations with the mother. A woman in a blue dress, apparently, is one of those "helpers" who, like a hairdresser and security guards, carry this poison to the masses - she, with her position, is "my hut from the edge", and for profit they go over the corpses of children, mothers and all people, who have been drawn into this slow or fast dying. When in our country there were LTPs, hospitals for alcohol, millions of people were voluntarily and involuntarily saved and are still living. Why did the government decide that only voluntary consent is needed for treatment? Who in our country needs foggy brains? So, among those who make such decisions, there are also a lot of inadequate people, and they defend themselves? ??

    Like( 12 ) I do not like( 2 )

    There is no time to wait, young people are dying, whole families are dying at the hands of drug addicts and drunkards! We need to take immediate action! There are many higher minds in Russia, sensible people interested in the health of the nation, is it really that their voice is no longer heard in the crowd of madmen? Andrei, support Ekaterina Ivanovna, reconcile your daughter with her mother, help the girl Polina find her mother again. Life is swift and fleeting, you need to have time to pull a young woman out of the abyss, and her mother is GREAT! She showed all mothers that everything is nothing in comparison with the life and health of your child, regardless of his age and position! We hope that the whole world will be able to save at least one life!

    Like( 12 ) I do not like( 4 )

    It was possible and necessary to help Dana without taking all this horror on the air. Malakhov said he was a friend, but acted like a yellow journalist, that is, as always, he dumped everything on people. He called on those sitting in the studio to help Dana. But wasn't it possible to do the same off the air if you're an old friend? Dan is sorry. A beautiful, capable girl. She lost her job a long time ago on federal channels, and now she broke down. In show business, everything is for sale, so Dana was "sold" by those who imagine themselves to be her friends.

    Like( 9 ) I do not like( 5 )

    mom, you as a doctor should know that cocaine as such is not a drug, it does not lead to physical dependence. its ban is not about harm, but about big money and control at the government level. cocaine used to be sold in pharmacies and recommended by doctors, but now it is legal in several countries. many people use cocaine. most of them in the artistic environment and fashion industry. calm down, stop stigmatizing your own daughter and scaring your granddaughter. Dana public person You are ruining her life and career.

    Like( 1 ) I do not like( 9 )

    I want to say that cocaine and all the amphine-like group of substances do not cause physical dependence, but a powerful psychological one. It is necessary to treat the head, the mind. Rehab centers will help, powerful support from relatives and friends, and leaving this city, the most important DESIRE, there is no other way. Yes, they say correctly that a person is not aware of his addiction, saying, for example, "I indulge, I may not use tomorrow." This is where all the danger lies. Therefore, you need to talk with psychologists, convince the drug addict that he is addicted, so that there is a desire to quit! I feel very sorry for you, I know what it is!

    Like( 1 ) I do not like( 2 )

    Elena Grigorievna.:

    Olya Podgayskaya, you are completely off topic. Alcoholism and drug addiction are chronic, fatal dangerous diseases. Nothing depends on dependent people, because their will is suppressed, their psyche is broken, and their consciousness is changed. These are bio-psychologist-social diseases, and only specialists should treat them, because a person himself is not able to do this. Your angry remark (out of naivety and illiteracy, sorry) is the same as saying to an oncological patient: "Stop getting sick, you brute, you have already tortured us all." Almost every person has their own chronicle. The most dangerous in patients with addictions.


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  3. Yeah... with friends like that, you don't need any enemies... they doused the girl with mud from head to toe. I haven't watched "Let them talk" for a long time - I'm sick of stupid stories. The last straw was the story of the disappeared wife of some oligarch, Yana Prezhevskaya. The delivery was just nauseating.
    You know, I really want to watch the program "Let them talk" about Andrei Malakhov. Let them shake out all his underwear, invite imaginary friends who are ready to sell anyone for a penny, elderly offended relatives indulging in senile memories ... And let them talk! Let Malakhov feel the pain and humiliation of his lost reputation in his own skin.
    Is Dana alone suffering from addictions??? Yes, she actually has one. a big problem- a quarrelsome mother who does not want to leave her daughter alone! There is such a variety of parents who are ready to "love" a child to death. The whole show business is doping. And here, it is necessary, the extreme found! We decided to help! Vultures...

    Like( 5 ) I do not like( 1 )

  4. Same mother.

    Dear forum users! Dana has schizophrenia, not drug addiction. With drug addiction, there is never hatred of the mother, there is no anorexia either. Dana started with anorexia. In psychiatry it is written: "Today anorexia, tomorrow schizophrenia." There is such a form of anorexia as the onset of schizophrenia. The same thing happened to my daughter and I am still experiencing this problem. In addition, drug addicts never say that moms are mentally ill. Only with schizophrenia do children begin to say that the mother is mentally ill. I also, like Dana's mother, underwent a psychiatric examination to prove that I was not sick. But the daughter categorically refuses the examination. I couldn't even send it to the court for examination.
    Three symptoms that speak against drug addiction:
    1. Hatred of the mother.
    2. Declaring the mother mentally ill.
    3. Anorexia.
    Don't blame Dana for becoming a drug addict. Patients with schizophrenia develop depression, perhaps Dana took some kind of medication for depression, maybe even drugs. But addiction is secondary. Schizophrenia comes to young people, gradually, imperceptibly to others. With the development of the most severe hatred for the mother, communication with other people remains at the same level. They hate their mothers so much that they do not take food prepared by their mothers, they suspect that the parents are not relatives, and often even kill their mothers. No one is to blame for the fact that a person gets sick. My beautiful daughter, who loved and respected me before her illness, now hates me with fierce hatred, writes letters with wishes for death, also does not let me into the apartment, although my husband and I gave her a wonderful apartment. Having presented an apartment to my daughter, I spend the night in hotels when I come to this city. But the laws in Russia are such that not doctors, but judges diagnose patients. When I filed a lawsuit to have my daughter sent for a psychiatric examination, the judge covered me with such insults that it is incomprehensible. She shouted that I was not a mother, that I did not raise my daughter, I remembered her when old age came, I have disgust for you, you are disgusting to me. Judges who don't understand mental illness decide whether a person is healthy or not. I've been fighting for 3 years to change the existing Law on Psychiatric Care, zadolbala State. Duma, Council of Federations. They refer to the chief psychiatrist of Russia, and the chief psychiatrist to the Duma. Better help me gather an initiative group to apply to the State. Duma. According to the existing Law, mental patients must voluntarily seek help from doctors. And these patients do not consider themselves sick and categorically refuse to communicate with psychiatrists. A New York psychiatrist writes: "They are too sick to know they are sick!" and writes: "There is no freedom in madness, true freedom gives only compulsory treatment and the return of a person to reason.

The TV presenter told who supplied her with illegal drugs, how she is now being treated for drug addiction in a Thai clinic. And shared plans for the future.

For one day, Dana Borisova decided to interrupt treatment in a clinic in Thailand in order to appear on the air of the “Let them talk” program. The TV presenter decided to personally tell Andrei Malakhov and viewers how addiction to drugs appeared in her life. Dana admitted that her mother was right when she blamed the deceased producer Tim Brick for this trouble.

“Tima loved me very much. And I loved him very much too. We were like brother and sister, we could chat at night, sleep on the same bed, ”Dana shared. - But it was a man who brought me a drug under the guise of a means for weight loss. I didn't know what it was at all. No, I don't want to make excuses. Tim told me that I was fat. That I need to lose weight: to achieve something, you need to be almost 42 kilograms. I lost 7 kilos with him. We used together. This was my first companion. Tima died at the age of 26 from this. His heart stopped. And what I experienced when I saw him in a coffin, God forbid anyone survive. Yes, he is very good, but he died from it. I don't want to die!"

Such, bright and blooming, dream to see those close to Dan

Dana voiced the name of another person - the one who brought her drugs when she became very dependent on them. And again it turned out to be the man her mother was talking about - stylist Ray Samedov. “I didn’t know where to get what he brought me. And this was a man who knew. Until recently, I considered him my close friend, my man, who fucking understands me. I guess I understood that drugs are bad. But at the same time, she thought: the savior takes care of me, brings me “in the beak,” admitted Borisova. She trusted Ray so much that she even gave him her car, asking him to be her personal driver. Dana was afraid to drive a car while intoxicated.

Samedov also appeared on the “Let them talk” program and did not agree with Borisova’s accusations against him. In front of everyone, he gave her the keys to the car and Dana's documents (including the passport, which for some reason was kept by him). And then he began to scold his former friend: “What drugs are you talking about? When you felt bad, I took Polina (Dana's daughter. - Ed.) from school, took you to the shooting ... Do you remember what states I pulled you out of? I did what you asked. Every time you asked me to quit drugs, you got hysterical.” The man got up and started screaming. Borisova, on the other hand, refused to enter into an argument, explaining that during and after rehabilitation it is not recommended to communicate with former co-users.

Dana honestly told me that she realizes that she has been to the very bottom. And at the end of rehabilitation, it will not be possible to call her completely free from addiction: “This disease is chronic. I didn't recover. You can fall in 20 years. You can’t think that you have recovered, that this is a happy start. Sobriety needs to be worked on."

But this does not mean that Borisova is ready to give up and give up everything. On the contrary, she again had a desire to live. She began to sing, dance, hold creative evenings. Struggling with defects of character - laziness and the desire to postpone all things for later.

A month after the start of treatment in Thailand, the TV presenter visited Orthodox church. In the video, which was shown on the air, Dana shared her thoughts and feelings that flooded in at that moment: “I went to the church. The first thing I thought about was: how calm, how clean, how beautiful. That would stay forever. I just imagine all those humiliations, insults ... This is the stigma that will remain with me forever - “drug addict”. Everyone will speak behind their backs. I don't want to go back to this nightmare. But my daughter is there. You need to gain strength to return to this life and cope with everything.

Mom Ekaterina Ivanovna, who could not miss the arrival of her daughter, also appeared in the studio "Let them talk." She burst into tears, hugging Dana. And then she admitted that she considers the day of her daughter's angel on April 27, when she was taken to Thailand for treatment.

Well, Dana Borisova saved important news about her own future for the end of the broadcast. She said that, together with an addiction specialist Nikita Lushnikov, she was opening a center in Thailand psychological help and rehabilitation of people like her. So that people can see her example and understand that they, too, can cope with severe addiction.

June 21 in the program Let them talk Dana Borisova interrupted her treatment in a Thai drug clinic 21 06 2017 watch online we all prayed for her, we all worried about her, we all rooted for her and today Dana Borisova interrupted her Thai trip to tell how her life has changed over the past two months and how she celebrated her birthday.

“Let them talk about today's last issue” - a talk show by Andrey Malakhov - the luminary of a bright and enchanting evening air. The guests of the “Let them talk” program are interesting and famous, the topics discussed are relevant and original. The show participants leave boring phrases outside the set and engage in heated debates. The program claims to be information-analytical, therefore the discussions are no less meaningful than emotional. “Let them talk” is a place where real metamorphoses take place - politicians turn into ordinary people, and ordinary people into politicians. No matter what the conversation is, everyone has the right to vote.

Released: Russia, Channel One
Leading: Andrei Malakhov

At the end of April, mom famous TV presenter Dana Borisova made a sensational confession that her daughter is a drug addict, accusing hairstylist Ray Samedov of supplying her daughter with illicit drugs. Ray Samedov himself is shocked by Ekaterina Ivanovna's statements and denies his involvement in drug addiction Dana Borisova. Today, the stylist will answer all the accusations, and Dana Borisova's fans will find out where the TV presenter is now and whether she agreed to undergo treatment for drug addiction. What details of the personal life of her daughter, TV presenter Dana Borisova, her mother revealed, see the issue of Danka's Heart. “Her mother accused me of being a drug dealer and giving Dana drugs. This is a serious accusation! I have a family, two children and such a statement about me all over the country?! I will sue her. She is probably just out of her mind,” Samedov said before the program aired.

The capital's hairdresser Ray Samedov came to the program “Let them talk” to answer the public accusations of Ekaterina Borisova against her: “It was a complete shock for me and my loved ones! I've known Dana since last summer. This is her behavior, as you all remember, has been going on for a long time. It is unlikely that I could somehow influence her. Yes, I do not argue, she showed different symptoms: sometimes she could not walk, and then I carried her in my arms. Lately, I've become her close friend. She often called me and invited me to her home. But we only have friendly relations, and as for this video: Dana is a media person and I think that such a video is quite normal for her. I knew nothing about drugs, about cocaine. My opinion: Dana's mother is doing everything so that her daughter is recognized as incompetent, and then she can become Polina's guardian.

In the studio of the “Let them talk” program, Borisova’s friend Lyalya Gainutdinova: “I understand Ray, although I see him for the first time. And I want to add that Dana's mother is the main evil in their family. I have known her for 4 years, she is a very authoritarian person. Dana was alone and her mother pushed her to such a life! Dana Borisova's mother enters the hall. Ekaterina Ivanovna again flew in from the Crimea to personally meet Ray Samedov and ask him uncomfortable questions.

"You're not a human! You are a moral freak! You accuse me of schizophrenia, but I brought a certificate to the program in the last issue! I regret that one day I didn't break a bottle and disfigure your face broken glass! What job did you find for my daughter?! What kind of work in Sochi?! And you, Lyalya, as soon as the earth wears?! You praised me, said what Dana had good mom! You knew my daughter had a drinking problem, but you kept taking her to restaurants!” - Dana's mother was seriously angry. In this issue about Dana Borisova, you will see the first footage from a rehabilitation clinic in Thailand, where the TV star is currently undergoing treatment.

After the previous broadcast, Let them talk about Dana Borisova Andrey Malakhov, Prokhor Chaliapin, Elena Vorobey, Nikita Lushnikov and other close friends of the TV presenter decided to visit her and convince her of drug and drug treatment. alcohol addiction. Andrey Malakhov: In fact, we had to come up with a story about the fact that she would soon become the host of the new reality show "Melting before our eyes." For about an hour we stood in the corridor and persuaded her, until at one in the morning she finally opened the door for us.

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