Sobchak's statement about Buzova. Out of old friendship: Ksenia Sobchak stood up for Buzova. Marc Jacobs posted a “naked” selfie for his boyfriend

The 2017 Muz-TV Award is just around the corner. At the beginning of summer, the main musical event of the year will take place at the Olimpiysky. On Monday, February 20, 2017, the show organizers gathered all the stars of the ceremony at a press breakfast to talk about the main intrigues of the event.

For the first time in the history of the ceremony and for the first time at the Olympic Stadium, the stage will be 360 ​​degrees. This, firstly, means more spectators, because every year there are not enough tickets for the awards for everyone. And secondly, this is a new format,” said Arman Davletyarov, director of Muz-TV. - The hosts of the anniversary Muz-TV Awards 2017 will be Ksenia Sobchak (seventh time in this capacity) and Maxim Galkin (fifth showman award).

Among the VIP invitees to the breakfast were Sobchak and Galkin, as well as stars Russian stage Ani Lorak, Grigory Leps, Dima Bilan, group “A-Studio”, Timati, producer Maxim Fadeev and soloist of “Silver” Olga Seryabkina.

Meanwhile, in addition to the intrigues of the prize, journalists were also interested in how celebrities viewed today’s headliners of the front pages of glossy publications, Olga Buzova and Nastasya Samburskaya, as potential contenders for the prize. After all, as you know, both persons, without musical education, try out as performers.

Ksenia Sobchak was the first to speak:

“For the purity of the genre, I don’t want to be in the style of ‘I haven’t read Pasternak, but I condemn him,’” says the journalist. - Unfortunately, to my shame, I don’t really follow popular music. There is a certain purity of experiment in this. That is, I come to the award, I see it all and can evaluate everything with the fresh eyes of a neophyte. To be honest, I haven’t heard the works of either girl or the other. Olga is wonderful beautiful girl, and what is the second name? Without musical education? Zemfira, too, as we remember, did not have a musical education. Here, it seems to me, the question is not about education, but still about talent. Whether girls have it or not, I honestly don’t know. From what I liked, I heard the last duet of Dima Bilan with Alla Borisovna. And it was wonderful! It was an improvisation. For me this is the product of the year, absolutely. I also accidentally caught a glimpse on the Internet of how my friend published a video of Nargiz. The clip is beautiful, the woman is vocal and powerful. And so I am absolutely virgin in my knowledge. You can educate me in this area endlessly. We need to talk about this to experts. So I can evaluate the presenters. Maxim Galkin is a good presenter. And here I don’t know anything at all, the bear stepped on my ear. Dima Bilan is a professional, please! I'm sure you keep an eye on your competitors. Olga Buzova. How soon will her star eclipse yours?

Dima Bilan, like Ksenia, was very delicate.

It seems to me that the most important answer is the spirit of the times. “Every generation always perceives everything in a certain way, until these people prove by their actions that they are capable of it, that they can do it,” the singer believes. - Then, in the process of life, the same Olya becomes a very educated person. There is such a concept - education. This is also the spirit of the times, it is changing. And public consciousness is also changing. Now we live in a new time that needs to be accepted, otherwise you are just somewhere far away for a long time. But I also believe that when you know what music is, when you studied, when you tried to know it in some way, from music literature to four-voice dictations, this does not solve everything. This all just enriches you. Then the person has to live with it. I believe that Olga Buzova and Samburskaya are wonderful people, wonderful girls who struggle with so much ill will and negativity that you can respect them very much for this. These are strong people. Strong people– this is first of all. And then the music is no longer up to us to decide. It’s up to the listener to decide, and he votes by text message.

Producer Maxim Fadeev was also forced to evaluate Buzova and Samburskaya as artists of the pop scene.

As for these two girls, naturally I know them. Among them I have a favorite. This is Olga Buzova,” he said. - Because this girl does everything sincerely, it’s obvious. I don’t know the girls’ vocal abilities, but I see that Buzova does it sincerely. Therefore my vote is for her.

For Olga, this support should be like a balm for the soul. IN Lately The TV presenter and especially the singer Buzova received an avalanche of criticism, including from numerous colleagues on stage. Olga sometimes cannot withstand the pressure and tries to answer everyone on social networks, but this only betrays her despair. And if Fadeev himself votes for you, then now you have a chance to leave your mark on all the country’s charts.

A young mother in scandals feels like a fish in water. Ksenia not only repels all evil critics, but also skillfully provokes scandals. Even before her pregnancy, the blonde admitted on Instagram that she doesn’t like “fat people.” Of course, not everyone liked such harsh statements. Sobchak began to be criticized not only by her subscribers, but also by celebrities. For example, the plump Anfisa Chekhova advised the brawler to have children and calm down, to which Sobchak responded only with ridicule (however, she soon gave birth). Ksenia expressed her position not only on Instagram, but also on the website of the Snob publication.

“I was stunned... 3418 comments under my post in two days... hmm... Well, I don’t like fat people who have neglected themselves (unless, I repeat, we are talking about an illness - and this is only 10% of total number obese) - I’m not calling for discrimination against them or forcibly not feeding them. I just don’t like looking at them: for me it’s very fat people- these are monuments to human laziness and lack of will. Do I have the right to such an opinion? If no discrimination follows from it, of course,” writes Sobchak (Spelling and punctuation hereinafter are the author’s. — Note edit.).

Olga Buzova copied the advertising post without reading it

After the divorce, Buzova began to work closely own career. Recently, she is not only a TV presenter, writer, actress, designer, but also a singer. The “House-2” star has already presented two compositions – “To the Sound of Kisses” and “I’m Getting Used”, which instantly became hits.


Olga also makes money from advertising. But, unfortunately, in pursuit of money, Buzova does not even have time to read own posts. In early February, Olga’s subscribers noticed that the star had completely copied the advertising text from the customer, without even trying to remake it for herself. In the text, Buzova admitted that her children and husband are preventing her from losing weight! “You make a promise to yourself: “That’s it, I won’t eat all this from Monday!” I will eat only the right food, I want to fit into that same swimsuit in the summer,” you go to the supermarket, buy asparagus... And then either the husband doesn’t want to go on a diet together, then the children “Mom, we want some pie!”, traitors. And how to live when the soul asks for beauty and grace, but in reality only shapewear can help?”

Attentive bloggers found the same post from many other Instagram users, and Buzova was laughed at: “What’s the problem? Go on a diet. You don’t have children, just dogs, and they won’t ask you to bake pies.”

Dmitry Tarasov began a showdown on Instagram

Another online scandal related to Buzova was provoked by her ex-husband, football player Dmitry Tarasov. Tired of intrigue and speculation about his breakup with the TV presenter, Dmitry decided to openly talk about the reasons for the breakup with Olga and published a detailed post on Instagram. “My “direct” is full<…>requests to expose their personal life and comment on the divorce. We are all adults, we are just learning to live and it is common for everyone to make mistakes. Mine was that I allowed everyone to be participants in our relationship. As they say, “live for likes” (I think this is current problem Today). It happens that people disagree. Olga and I shared wonderful moments, but now our paths are different. I ask you not to touch on the topic of my personal life in the comments. And don't insult anyone. I am sure that everyone will find time to occupy themselves with something useful.”

Olga immediately commented on her ex-husband’s post, publicly accusing him of treason! Dmitry, in response, advised Olga to stop putting personal matters on the Internet.

Photo of Svetlana Bondarchuk near the Holocaust memorial

Socialite and the publisher went to Berlin for a film festival, and in between screenings Svetlana walked around the city with a friend. Svetlana and Nadezhda Obolentseva took a photo inside the Holocaust memorial, which consists of 2,700 gray slabs of varying heights, reminiscent of tombstones.

After the publication of the frame, subscribers attacked Svetlana with criticism and accusations of disrespect for the genocide of Jews during the years of the fascist dictatorship in Germany. By the way, the issue of the appropriateness of photographs against the background of the memorial has already been raised by the Israeli satirist Shahak Shapiro, who believes that taking a selfie next to the monument is unacceptable. Shahak created a photography project called Yolocaust. An activist edits photos of people from Instagram, replacing the background of the memorial with footage from German concentration camps. I wonder if the photo of Svetlana and her friend will end up there?

Alesya Kafelnikova admitted that she hates Russia

The 18-year-old daughter of tennis player Yevgeny Kafelnikov, Alesya, regularly surprises the public with her behavior: she either cuts her wrists or participates in a nude photo shoot as a model. The girl lives in two cities: in her native Moscow and in London, where the young model went to work. According to Alesya, her parents do not help her. She lives, like all models, in a hostel and travels by subway.

Last year, sitting at Heathrow airport before flying to Moscow, Alesya decided to tell why she didn’t want to return home. On English language Alesya shared with followers on Instagram Stories: “I don’t like Russia. Only in Russia they use people. It's horrible. I am making a career in another country, I should be proud. Of course I hate Russia! I want my country to be proud of me, but you are only gossiping! I don't like the Russian mentality: people care more about themselves than about others. If you are a star, they hate you, they don’t like you, they gossip about you!”

Kafelnikova's statement caused a wave of indignation. Some advised the model to leave the country that she hated so much forever, others demanded that the girl be punished for insulting words addressed to her homeland. Deputy Vitaly Milonov believes that after such words Lesya simply does not have the right to call herself a Russian. The politician also had harsh words for the girl, calling her “stupid” and a “coat hanger.”

Soon Alesya apologized. “I want to apologize to those I offended. Perhaps I did not have enough knowledge of English to convey the information correctly. I meant something completely different. I'm offended that my compatriots criticize me because I work in Europe and I need support. I love Russia and worry about what is happening in it! Now is a difficult time, we need to support the country, not criticize it!” — quotes the model from

James Franco flirted with an underage fan on Instagram

Last April, correspondence was posted online that clearly should not have ended up on the Internet. These were Franco’s messages to his 17-year-old fan Lucy Claude, who, after the Broadway play “Of Mice and Men,” tagged James in a photo on Instagram and began responding to his letters. The actor quickly moved on to personal topics. Having found out that the girl did not have a boyfriend, he was ready to book a hotel room together.

Lucy refused the star, but the story quickly attracted the interest of journalists. So, on the show Live with Kelly and Michael, Franco was directly asked a question about flirting with a minor, but he deftly got out of it.

" I'm very embarrassed. I feel like I'm trapped social networks- you never know who is answering you. I received my punishment and learned my lesson,” Franco justified himself.

And on Instagram, the actor, in his characteristic humorous manner, asked parents to keep their young offspring away from him.

However, the story of seduction and subsequent repentance seemed to some to be too far-fetched. At that time, it was just coming out New film with James, “Palo Alto,” based on his own book and about a coach who falls in love with a young student. Skeptics believed that the incident with Lucy Claude was nothing more than PR before the release of the film.

Marc Jacobs posted a “naked” selfie for his boyfriend

In the summer of 2015, a 52-year-old designer, mischief maker and entertainer Mark Jacobs shook up the internet. On his Instagram page, the fashion designer posted a naked selfie in which his buttocks were visible, and the most attentive ones also saw part of something else.

The news that Ksenia Sobchak intends to run for the presidency of Russia in 2018 came as a shock to many. Nobody expected such a trick with the ears from the blonde, who is famous for her oppositional antics. website contacted Olga Buzova, Ksyusha’s colleague about the reality show “Dom-2”, with a request to comment on her friend’s ambitions.


“Ksenia Anatolyevna – and after the latest news you need to address her only with her middle name – well done!” says Buzova. “She is trying herself in a new role, in new field. Ksyusha really does everything successfully, from participating in a reality show named after herself and ending with the release of a glossy magazine. I hope that everything will work out for her and maybe she will become the first girl president in Russia!”

Buzova admitted that she respected Sobchak even more. It is interesting that it is Olga who is tipped by many to become the Prime Minister of Russia if Ksyusha wins. "And to latest news countries. I'll wait four years. I’m only 31 yet,” Buzova answered everyone on the microblog.

Let us remind you that Sobak has not yet been officially registered as a contender for the high post of leader of the country. She will have to collect several hundred thousand signatures in her support, and election campaign, if approved by the CEC, you will have to spend different estimates, up to half a billion rubles.

Young comedians who took part in new program channel TNT4, laughed at the celebrity, and in her own presence. The singer not only listened to the irony addressed to herself, but also responded to the comedians.

Olga Buzova is one of the most popular girls in the country. She is a TV presenter, singer, actress and designer. The star has more than 12 million followers on Instagram and an army of fans. At the same time, from the very first appearance on the screen - in the project "Dom-2" Olga is constantly criticized, they laugh at her and come up with memes, she becomes the heroine of jokes and humorous numbers. Famous people and ordinary Internet users never tire of expressing their unflattering opinions about Buzova, most often behind the scenes.

The TNT4 channel filmed a pilot episode of the “Prozharka” program, the essence of which, as the producers say, is “to bring celebrities back to reality.” The mission was entrusted to young stand-up artists who joke harshly about the star’s personal life, her work and appearance, and in the presence of the hero. The first guest was Olga Buzova.

The TV star got it from young comedians. The comedians went through the artist’s work, openly declaring that she couldn’t sing, and about her personal life, ridiculing her breakup with football player Tarasov. This is what some jokes from stand-up comedians look like.

“As you can see, the monument to you is not standing yet, but the doves are already ready,” “Olya heard the phrase “We are happy” for the first time at the station when she was leaving St. Petersburg.” “We have a lot in common - we haven’t had sex with a good football player.” “I think I know why Tarasov left you. Because he couldn't live with someone who had bigger balls. And I’m not even talking about you, but about your Pomeranian.” “Buzova’s friends, you are to blame for these songs, because usually a girl, after breaking up with a guy, starts drinking rather than singing. Was it really that difficult to hit on her? What are they? Did you break up during Lent?” - they joked about Olya.

However, Buzova was ready for such a turn of events. She sat in the studio, directly looked at those who were laughing at her, and not always, but quite often she herself laughed at the jokes. And then she answered with a monologue in stand-up style. Perhaps Buzova will soon be not only a presenter, singer, actress, blogger and designer, but will find her place on the humorous stage.

“Finally, at least someone dared to say to my face those things that are usually written only in the comments. To respond to comedians in their own style, I also learned how to write jokes and deliver them correctly from the stage. Now I am not only a TV presenter, writer, fashion designer and singer, but also a stand-up comedian. It's your own fault!" - Olya said.

It is not yet known who will take part in other episodes of “Roasting”. The TNT4 television channel will show the pilot of another “Selfie” program and will allow viewers to choose which program is worth existing. The project that collects will win large quantity votes and views in official group TNT4 VKontakte. The channel will announce the results on March 1.

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