Sayings about trees for children. A tree in a person's life: romance and wisdom, quotes about trees. If the trees bloom, be kind

Most smooth path into the Universe - through the forest thicket. John Muir

Trees are the poems that the earth writes in the sky. We knock them down and turn them into paper so we can write down our emptiness on it. Kahlil Gibran

Trees are like people, and they also love the company of their own kind. Only a few prefer solitude. Jens Jensen

It's amazing that we see trees and are no longer surprised by them. Ralph Emerson

Not one of us humans manages life as skillfully as we do - unless, of course, you count the nine months preceding your first breath. Bernard Show

I like trees: in my opinion, they are better than others at putting up with living conditions. Willa Cather

The coals are ready in an instant, but the forest grows over the years. Seneca

Suburbia is where a developer has uprooted, laid out streets and given them tree names. Bill Vaughan

Planting a tree is the most unselfish of all human actions. This is a purer act of faith than having children. Thornton Wilder

It's always good among the trees, unlike people. David Mitchell

The same thing happens to a person as to a tree. The more he strives upward, towards the light, the deeper his roots go into the ground, downwards, into darkness and depth - towards evil. Friedrich Nietzsche

Man was created to go forward and higher... There cannot be any kind of prosperity when everyone lies down under beautiful trees and does nothing else. Maksim Gorky

Life without love is like a tree without flowers and fruits. Kahlil Gibran

Like the fruit of a tree, life is sweetest just before it begins to fade. Nikolay Karamzin

Our lives are like islands in the ocean or in the forest, whose roots are intertwined in the underground depths. William James

The family tree is just like a living one. If it is not constantly fed, it will dry out. Boris Shapiro

A grafted tree resembles a “fed politician.” Both are developing in the right direction. Boris Shapiro

A tree that grows for years is cut down in a minute. Silovan Ramishvili

Grafting a tree changes the result. Silovan Ramishvili

A tree without roots and roots cannot live without a tree. Silovan Ramishvili

If people return to live in the trees, they will start making machine-gun nests there. Yuri Bazylev

Trees don't grow to the sky. Henri Fayol

Apparently, the desert exists for people to enjoy the trees. Paulo Coelho

Only when the cold weather arrives does it become clear that pines and cypresses are the last to lose their decoration. Confucius

A mighty oak tree will not grow in a greenhouse. Unknown author

ACORN - a club at the beginning of a career. Unknown author

A tree is not only branches and leaves, but also the shadow under the tree and the sky through them. Andrey Bitov

To love the harmony of a tree on earth, do not look at the twists of the roots underground. Eduard Asadov

A tree is planted by one person, and thousands of people rest in its shade. Baurzhan Toyshibekov

The storm does not damage small trees, but breaks tall ones and uproots them. John of Damascus

A tree, no matter how powerful and strong its roots may be, can be uprooted in an hour, but it takes years for it to bear fruit. Muhammad Azzahiri As-Samarkandi

Every broken promise is a waterless cloud, an unsharpened saber, and a barren tree. Muhammad ibn Ali As-Samarkandi

Some people knock on wood out of superstition, others out of related feelings. Pavel Sharpp

They say that in order to live, you must plant a tree. In fact, this is not enough - there must be more trees planted than trees cut down. Sergey Fedin

Excessive rest means laziness; excessive tree “r-r-time” - and a stump! Arsen Asov

The young oak tree withered from grief, but now, to the joy of the old man, he took a staff. Arsen Asov

To the Pine Forest - Brother, of course - Elnik... Arsen Asov

The wife wants a big money tree,
and I'm bigger paper money! (possibly wooden) Mikhail Kamakin

If trees were as intelligent as people, their concern for their neighbors would boil down to the eternal question - how to cut down other trees in order to recognize them better by their stumps! Vitaly Vlasenko

A person can make thousands of things from oak wood, but no one can make a miracle of nature - an acorn. Georgy Alexandrov

People all over the world are wiping their asses with beautiful trees. Jack Kerouac

Forests teach people to understand beauty. Anton Chekhov

Patience does not grow on every tree. Thomas Fuller

He who cuts the branch on which he sits has not yet descended from the tree. Vladimir Kolechitsky

Digging to the roots will not destroy the tree. Stas Yankovsky

The forest does not take care of every tree. Georgy Alexandrov

Love is not eternal, but it gives something new evergreen tree life. Georgy Alexandrov

If our man is given freedom of movement, he will climb a tree again and begin to dream of civilization! Sergey Myrdin

This is the duty of a true man: to protect everyone, as a tree protects a traveler from the scorching sun, and to work so that many people enjoy what he achieves, just as a fruitful tree bears fruit. Tamil Quatrain

Credulity attracts deception, like a lonely tree in a field attracts lightning. Yuri Tatarkin

Trust is a frail sapling of the lush tree of faith. Yuri Tatarkin

Character is like a tree, and reputation is its shadow. We care about the shade, but what we really need to think about is the tree. Abraham Lincoln

A person is always proud that he has written his name somewhere, even on the bark of a tree, and is always surprised when he no longer finds it. Alexandre Dumas (son)

Words are like leaves: a tree that produces a lot of them bears very little fruit. Alexander Pop

If they told me that the end of the world would come tomorrow, then today I would plant a tree. Martin Luther

Two unfortunate people who are in friendship are like two weak trees, which, leaning on one another, can more easily resist storms and all sorts of violent winds. Kozma Prutkov

You need to protect the forest not from fire, but from people.

Alexander Minchenkov

A tree is not only branches and leaves, but also the shadow under the tree and the sky through them.

Andrey Bitov

Forests teach people to understand beauty.

Anton Chekhov

“The forest was silent... Only the golden leaves of the birch played a little, bathing in the sparkles of the sun... Ah, yellow forest, yellow forest... Here is a piece of happiness for you. Here's your place to think. In the autumn sunny forest, a person becomes cleaner” - yes, we all wish we could go to this yellow forest more often.

Gabriel Troepolsky "White Bim Black Ear"

The smoothest path to the Universe is through the forest thicket.

John Muir

If we stop, it will be under a large tree.


Trees are like people, and they also love the company of their own kind. Only a few prefer solitude.

Jens Jensen

People must go from acorn to oak if they are to become one with the forest.

Ken Wilber" Short story Total"

The best time to plant a tree is twenty years ago. And if not then, then now.

Chinese proverb

The path in the forests is kilometers of silence and windlessness. This is a mushroom prel, the careful flitting of birds. These are cold porcini mushrooms, strawberries, purple bells in the meadows, trembling aspen leaves, solemn light and, finally, forest twilight, when dampness emanates from the mosses and fireflies burn in the grass.

Konstantin Paustovsky

There is no tree that would not fall after a hundred swings of the ax.

Korean proverb

There's no point in looking at a tree if you can't climb it.

Korean proverb

If they told me that the end of the world would come tomorrow, then today I would plant a tree.
Martin Luther King

The forest reveals itself only to those who know how to feel kindred attention to its creatures...

Mikhail Prishvin "Green Noise".

And the Dense Forest really had a bad reputation. Sometimes they saw will-o'-the-wisps there, sometimes people in green clothes who walked without touching the ground. So a beautiful witch could well live in it, luring young hunters into her nets.

Nadeya Yasminska

Each one has its own protected forest hidden inside. There, new, tender shoots of feelings and expectations stretch to the sky, there is an unshakable maturity of trunks and crowns, but there are always dead trees covered with moss - and it is not known when the winds and rains will scatter and dissolve them. Elves live there, ghostly and beautiful, and at the same time there are monsters that crawl out of their holes from time to time.

Nadeya Yasminska

The May Forest is a special world; this month cannot be confused with any other. At this time, the forest seems to live its own life, and it doesn’t care about visitors.

Oleg Roy. Ridiculous habit of living

“What are you doing,” the mountaineer was sincerely surprised. - How can you get lost in the forest? All the trees are different there!
Olga Gromyko. Camale flower

Apparently, the desert exists for people to enjoy the trees.
Paulo Coelho

I would rather be a forest than a street.

Paul Simon

In one acorn is the beginning of a thousand forests.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

I like trees: in my opinion, they are better than others at putting up with living conditions.

Willa Cather

In short, when you are in the forest, you become part of the forest. All, without a trace. If you get caught in the rain, you are part of the rain. Morning comes - part of the morning. If you sit with me, you become a part of me. Like this. In short.

Trees and people are connected by a mysterious thread. Despite the gravitating processes of urbanization and the fact that everything more people lives in cities, a person is still drawn to the forest, to nature, to the silence and shade of trees.

In honor of them, people write poems, stories, reflect on the secrets of the subtle connection between man and tree, write aphorisms, and unforgettable trees enter our lives, although we do not always know their authors.

From private to general

The great Russian writer Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy was inclined to compare the grain from which a tree grows with human thought.

Just like a thought, a grain ripens latently in the ground: no one yet knows what it will be like, how high it will grow, how spreading the crown will be. But, once breaking through the thickness of the darkness and the heaviness of the cover, the grain will break out into the open and open up amazing opportunities not only for itself, but also for everything that will be connected with it: birds, people, animals.

Likewise, human thought - invisible, it is stored in the human consciousness, like a grain under the earth's thickness, but when it ripens, it breaks out into the open, towards the sun of knowledge and gives happiness to the world.

The grain is invisible in the ground, but grows from it huge tree. Thought is also imperceptible, and from it enormous human events grow. (Lev Tolstoy).

But then a tree grew, a whole forest rose, and it not only fills the space with oxygen, but also teaches beauty. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov loved walks in the forest. Wandering along forest paths, a person calms down. Listening to the rustling of leaves, one involuntarily begins to think that the trees are trying to tell something, to tell the secret. Anton Pavlovich himself planted more than a hundred trees during his life, decorating this world not only with his wonderful stories, but also with a whole grove of wildlife.

What the trees are silent about

Philosophy and lyrics are what trees give us, quotes about trees reflect this. The oak groves are rustling, the willow trees are whispering, what are they trying to tell a person about. About the happiness of looking under the clouds?

Look at these trees, at this sky - beauty and life emanate from everywhere; and where there is beauty and life, there is poetry. (Ivan Turgenev).

And as if in response, echoing the call, the words of the great philosopher, poet and artist of the 19th and 20th centuries sound from the distant past, from another country:

If you entrust your secrets to the wind, do not reproach it for entrusting them to the trees. (Gibran Kahlil Gibran)

Surprisingly familiar feeling. More than once in his life, a person goes into the forest to entrust his secrets, to talk about painful things, to ask for help and protection from his tree.

Here the birch tree has bowed its branches and, with each leaf, it seems to answer a person’s requests, sympathize and empathize. She can keep secrets, you can be sure.

In joy or sorrow, you can come to the forest, lean against a tree, touch the rough bark and at the same moment feel how the age-old power of the earth flows into the palms of your hands, giving peace and confidence.

Sometimes a tree can tell a lot about our ancestors, about what they were like, what they dreamed of, confirmation of this is quotes about trees. Vladimir Soloukhin dedicated wonderful poetic lines to trees:

Mighty are the trees in my native garden, I recognize the character of my grandfathers from them. (Vladimir Soloukhin).

Once upon a time, the great Indian writer, philosopher and poet Rabindranath Tagore asked a tree to tell him about God and the tree bloomed in response to the poet’s question.

You just need to look around more carefully, listen to what they are trying to tell, and the secrets of the world of the future and the past can be revealed to everyone.

If the trees are blooming, be kind...

A lot of wisdom and figurative words are dedicated to springtime and the flowering of trees. You can endlessly empathize and admire by collecting quotes about flowering trees.

Together with him, blossoms and human soul. She gains wisdom and strength, hope that the best is yet to come. How a tree blossoms after cold winter, regaining the power of life, so the human soul is not subject to life's storms, it will endure, being reborn to a new life again and again.

At the time of blossoming, cherries are akin to clouds - isn’t that why the soul has become more spacious, like the spring sky. (Kamo Mabuchi).

Yes, the time will come, tender petals will fall. The wild flowering will be replaced by a time of wisdom and maturity. The fruits of knowledge and goodness will ripen.

If there are no fruits after flowering, the tree will die. Also, human destiny echoes violence and maturity.

This is what is written in one of the fairy tales from the famous collection “A Thousand and One Nights”:

The life of trees is sometimes akin to human fate: As long as they give fruit, they are kind to everyone, Trees without fruit always live in melancholy - Forgotten they stand, eking out their lives alone. (“A Thousand and One Nights.” Caliph for an hour).

It is difficult to disagree with Eastern wisdom. I would like to protect trees from the trouble of early falling of flowers, just as a person tries to save a child from misfortunes and problems.

If only the flowers don’t fall, let them give the joy of blooming to the world, this is what quotes about trees say.

The trees will bloom, and there will be heaven on earth

Trees in bloom are a constant source of inspiration for people, regardless of their country of residence, religion, or nationality.

Delight and joy are evoked by the shades of tenderness and love that are showered on the branches of trees that have awakened from their winter sleep. People look for signs of the meaning of life everywhere, and find feedback or answers to their questions in the flowering gardens of the earth.

There is always the same moon in front of my window. But the plum trees will bloom - and the moon will be different. Book of phrases. (collected by Ijushi).

Quotes about tree blossoms talk about how things are changing. the world along with flowering. Even the moon, which is far from the earth and seemingly not subject to spring blossoms, even it changes against the background of the appearance of tender buds.

A stubborn desire for beauty is a clue for a person. Regardless of the circumstances, let your soul glow again and again with new flowers and fruits.

Just as a dream strives for clouds, so the soul finds peace and joy in the reflection of blossoms.

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