Notes about nature from newspapers. Interesting information about natural phenomena. In the Year of Ecology

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In each issue of the presented travel magazine you can find Interesting Facts, historical commentaries, fascinating descriptions of different countries of the world. Unique photographs, original shooting angles, beautiful views of cities and world-famous objects. The publication is published once every two weeks. As a gift for all issues, the reader receives a disc with a film telling about the country to which the issue is dedicated. The magazine can be purchased at all newsstands in Russia.

The online magazine monitors and analyzes global ecology and disasters. The main activity of the publication is the publication of articles that highlight the causes and mechanisms of various natural disasters and disasters. Find out where tsunamis originate, why volcanoes erupt, what provokes earthquakes, and what turning point urbanization is leading our Earth to. By registering on the site, you can sign up for an electronic newsletter.

The presented resource is an online magazine that talks about nature, in particular about plants. Here you can read the latest and most important news regarding plants of all types and forms. The publication will share tips on how to better organize a garden with medicinal herbs, at what distance and what trees to plant in your garden, how to prune fruit-bearing bushes before winter and many other useful materials for those who are partial to plants.

The publication is designed for young, and not so young, naturalists. The magazine will tell you everything you would like to know about nature. On its pages the secrets of the seas and oceans will be revealed to you. Get to know rare endangered animal species. Read it interesting stories naturalistic writers. Thanks to the “Do It Yourself” section, learn how to make feeders for birds and other living creatures with your own hands. You can also try yourself as an author by sending your work to the editor.

World famous publishing house National Geographic presents to you the Russian version of its magazine. Travel, colorful photographs, descriptions of the Earth and space, unexplored places, news, reports of anthropological expeditions - it has everything. Stories about the most vibrant festivals in the world and incredible wonders of the world created by nature itself. You can read the publication online, purchase a printed version, download the texts of articles to your computer, or buy the issue for your gadgets on iOS and Android.

Magazine about ecology, nature, travel and science. Everyone here will find a lot of interesting things for themselves: stories about different cities and countries, stories about strange animals, information about disposal rules household waste which will help preserve surrounding nature. Useful tips for those who are planning a trip: which country is better to go to and what you should take with you. Subscribe to news in groups on VKontakte, Twitter, Google+, and also subscribe to the printed version.

Discovery Publishing House offers to get acquainted with the Russian-language version of the popular magazine. Here you will learn about everything: about the world, man, science, technology. On its pages you will be able to find the best guides to different countries world, lots of news about modern technologies and developments. The publication will also reveal the most mysterious secrets centuries - and all this especially for you. Subscribe to groups on FaceBook and VKontakte, follow the updates and don’t miss the most interesting things.

The magazine “Around the World” will tell you about the ghosts of Lake Baikal, festivals in China, the center of the universe in Istanbul and much more. If you are interested in the world, be sure to check out this publication and learn more about people, countries, and cities. Read extraordinary news and admire breathtaking landscapes from around the world. Get acquainted with cutting-edge discoveries and achievements in science, and then join groups in in social networks and don't forget to subscribe to the print version.

A popular science magazine specializing in covering geomorphological problems. The publication is divided into such sections as “Theory of Geomorphology”, “Methodology scientific research", "History of Science", "Chronicle", "Reviews", " Scientific communications" Every scientist, researcher, teacher of any level, student or graduate student can send their scientific works to the editor for publication in a new issue. The advantage of the journal is its registration in the Scopus, Google Scholar, and Higher Attestation Commission databases.

An educational, scientific publication, recommended by the highest certification commission, reviews the main issues of ecology and energy efficiency. The main focus is on education and awareness in the field environmental sciences. All materials that are published are divided into the following categories: “Education”, “Management and Economics”, “Ecology. Human. Society", " Global problems" The journal publishes only high-quality scientific works.

Oceans, rivers, mountains, forests, fields, trees, flowers, elemental forces - we call all this in one word - nature. In a broad sense, we put into this word the entire existence, that is, the material world of the Universe, in a narrower sense - everything that the human hand is not involved in the creation. Be that as it may, this world world wildlife majestic and beautiful. For a long time we have admired the beauties and wonders of nature, and were terribly afraid of natural phenomena and the forces of the elements, identifying them with the wrath of the mythical gods. This is how mythology arose, which was partly just an attempt to explain the wrath of the elements, and this is how the arts arose, which are not only a craving for beauty, but also a means of repeating and capturing natural beauties. Over time, we managed to forget that we are an integral part of nature, our portal will try to remind you of this, simultaneously introducing you to the hidden secrets of nature, mechanisms of formation of natural phenomena and the most beautiful places planets.

What you will find in this section:
  • articles about nature, its secrets and riddles;
  • reviews of the main natural wonders planets;
  • information about natural phenomena , about how and why they are formed;
  • photographs and photo collections taken in the most beautiful corners of the world;
  • videos and films about nature.

Find out more about the world!

We do not notice that we live in a world full of interesting natural phenomena, because we are constantly busy with our own important matters within the boundaries of home, work, city. However, the nature of Russia has created many amazing things that we can witness: the northern lights, forests and parks, oceans and seas, thousands of animals living in all corners of the planet.

Interesting events and phenomena of the surrounding world

We cannot observe absolutely all interesting phenomena in the world around us, but we can learn about them. “MM” collects interesting facts about natural phenomena for its readers and talks about how they work. What are these facts?

How can you tell the age of a tree by the rings on its trunk? There is even a separate science for this -. It is carried out by people who have managed to unravel the language of trees: they extract past events from the memory of tree rings and reconstruct history from them.

Why budgies multi-colored? This seems very beautiful and unusual to us, but in fact it also results in the loss of the ability to secrete a special pigment.

Northern lights, volcanic eruptions, meteorite falls - usually interesting physical phenomena in nature arouse the greatest interest among people. The Internet is instantly filled with hundreds of photographs evidence of what happened. Usually there are reasons for all these events, which are later explained by scientists.

Rare animals are also in demand. Photographers “hunt” for them every day, but the little animals manage to hide from cameras. But not always - for example, famous photographers of a rare white lion cub and it immediately became a sensation among biologists and wildlife photographers.

Articles about interesting natural phenomena

MM magazine collects on its pages the most interesting information about natural phenomena that surprise and fascinate. Some of them may be full of mysteries and secrets, while others can be explained quite simply by science. But every phenomenon in the surrounding world has its own mechanism, and we, in turn, must understand it.
  • Take all your trash with you!
  • Do not spoil nature with inscriptions and ribbons!
  • Don't cut down living trees!
  • The place where you were should look exactly the same as it looked before you!

Before going out into nature

To avoid problems associated with waste disposal, take care of this at home:

  • We unpack all the new equipment, throw out the wrappers and labels, carefully read the instructions for use and leave it at home. Don't laugh, I find this kind of trash in parking lots all the time!
  • It is very important to prepare provisions - the main source of waste in nature. Under no circumstances do we take glass; pour the contents from glass containers in plastic. Because, firstly, it will be easier for you to carry all this, and secondly, it is virtually impossible to recycle glass in nature - you can only carry it back with you. Try to get rid of any excess packaging, even if you do not intend to litter, some kind of label or plastic box it will still fly away from the wind, roll under a bush, and you won’t notice it.
  • Don't take disposable tableware! Not only does it scatter all over the neighborhood from any breeze, but it is also impractical: it is inconvenient to eat from it, and forks and spoons break even from the most delicate kebab. Buy cheap aluminum plates from a travel store: they are light, quite durable and can be used to heat food. Advanced tourists can buy sophisticated folding plates, spoons and even pots, fortunately this stuff is now in bulk!
  • Take more garbage bags. They will help you avoid the inconvenience of collecting garbage, and can always come in handy to protect your things from moisture and dirt.

Cooking outdoors

Friends, it’s the twenty-first century, it’s time to start taking advantage of technological progress and using it for cooking in nature gas-burners instead of a primitive fire!

The use of burners not only preserves the forest and nature, but will also make your trips easier and more comfortable.

Pros of using burners instead of a fire:

  • We spend less time on preparation.
  • We spend less energy on cooking: we don’t have to look for and chop wood, light and maintain a fire.
  • We are not dependent on the weather: even in the heaviest rain, in a forest soaked through, a small shelter is enough to cook a delicious lunch.
  • There is no need to wash the boilers of soot and figure out how to carry them during the hike. Soot from a fire is very difficult to wash off and if you don’t put the pot in a thick bag, it will stain all your equipment.
  • We carry less weight on ourselves for a shorter duration of travel. You may say that you need to carry a torch and fuel, but even the heaviest folding torch will be lighter than the lightest good ax.
  • Autonomy. You are not tied to places with firewood, which means you can pitch a tent anywhere and build a route as it suits you, and not as dictated by the flora of the area. In addition, it is often prohibited to make fires in nature reserves and on trekking routes, but you can use a burner everywhere.
  • The smell of a fire will not permeate all your clothes and equipment. This is important if after a hike you cannot immediately change all your clothes, for example, during long trips. It just so happens that taxi drivers, neighbors in a reserved seat or compartment, hotel administrators and other people whom you meet after the hike will snort at you with displeasure when they smell that very aroma of burnt wood.

Of course, a campfire has one compelling argument: a campfire is the romance of a hike, the crunching of firewood, the dance of flames and the aroma that permeates camp food. Therefore, no one is saying that it shouldn’t be lit at all, you just need to do it carefully and only where there are already fire pits, however, let’s talk in more detail.

Bonfires in nature

If there is still a need to make a fire, then we we adhere to several rules:

  • We make a fire on the old fire pit. There is no need to create such places, there are already enough of them. If there is a lot of garbage in the fire pit, then do a good deed - burn it before you set up in the parking lot or collect it in a bag and do it before leaving. If there is an emergency stop and you have to make a fire in a new place, then try to remove upper layer soil along with the grass, and for care, lay a piece of turf back. This will not only give the grass a chance to grow again in this place, but will also prevent anyone from stopping here again.
  • We collect firewood correctly. Oddly enough, the best materials for starting a fire and cooking food on it are small branches that have fallen naturally - brushwood and “drift wood” (dry pieces of wood that can easily be found on the banks of reservoirs). Both of them emit a lot of heat when burning, easily ignite, and are easy to assemble. It is much easier to go further into the forest and bring an armful of brushwood than to cut down dry wood nearby, which will still need to be sawed and chopped. In addition, real “dry wood” is not so easy to find: a tree that seems dry can be completely wet inside; the presence of even one green leaf on the trunk indicates that the tree died not so long ago and should not be felled. If you are sure that the tree is dry, cut it as close to the ground as possible, so that no one runs into the remaining stump. A wet tree will cause you a lot of trouble, so I repeat: it is much easier and more effective to bring a few armfuls of brushwood, even from afar, than to suffer with damp, thick firewood. And please, do not tear off birch bark for ignition from living trees; birch bark collected from rotten dead wood burns just as well as from a fresh tree!
  • Let's put out the fire after ourselves! You've probably seen signs warning you against careless handling of fire? And for good reason. Unextinguished fires very often become the cause of terrible forest fires! And not only fires, one unextinguished cigarette can burn an entire region! What about a cigarette, a piece of glass lying in dry grass can start a destructive fire. And this applies not only to the protection of nature: such fires can destroy entire villages and small towns, remember this and watch what you leave behind in nature.

What to do with trash while hiking

If we lived in an ideal world, we would take absolutely all the garbage with us to the city, throw it away sorted there, and special factories would process it and reuse it. But let's return to reality, our cities are not yet ready for this and all the garbage is in landfills. Of course, there are already initiative groups working on this problem, and we fully support them, however, for now let’s talk about how we can minimize the harm caused by tourists to the environment.

  • We burn what can be burned. While paper can be burned without a second thought, there is disagreement about plastic. The fact is that when plastic burns, harmful substances are released. This is a big and controversial topic that you can read about on the Internet (), but the point is that there is no single correct solution yet. If possible, take the plastic with you; in other cases, it is still better to burn it than to leave it lying around for tens, even hundreds of years. Just don’t burn old tires with holes rubber boats and huge pieces of polyethylene; If you can’t do anything with them, leave them to those who can or drag them to the nearest signs of civilization (a forest hut, a railway station, etc.).
  • It is also better to take away the cans, but if this is problematic, then at least burn them thoroughly in the fire. This way you will burn the top layer that protects tin can from corrosion. After firing, the jar needs to be compressed and buried, or placed under a large stone where no one will see it. A fired tin can decomposes within one to two seasons.
  • Anyuta and I try to pick up trash lying along the trail, burning it in the parking lots on long hikes, and taking it to civilization on short hikes. This is what we advise you, plus the addition to karma is guaranteed, and the chances of good weather are significantly increased - verified!

Washing dishes, toileting and other hygiene while camping

Toilet in nature is a sensitive topic, but there is nothing to worry about, just remember a few rules:

  • If there is an organized toilet, then use it. I understand that sometimes they look like nightmare, but such toilets are installed in places where the entire area is beginning to turn into a nightmare. Be reasonable, let it be disgusting only in these toilets, and not throughout the area! Besides, it’s not all that scary: at paid parking lots they try to keep an eye on this, and if not, then you have every right to demand that those who collect money from you leave.
  • If there is no toilet, your task is to make sure that no one sees and falls into your traps. There are many ways, you just need to show a little ingenuity: for example, imagine yourself as Archimedes and, having found a fulcrum, move a large stone using a lever, and after your secret operation return it to its place, so that all the pieces of paper also remain under the stone. Or you can cut off the layer of turf using a sharp branch and then lay it back. I think you can come up with an interesting maneuver yourself, imagine yourself as Bear Grylls alone with nature, use the means at hand, and no one will know about your adventures. In addition, there is special tool to disguise a dirty deed -
  • Toilet paper although not so quickly, it still decomposes, but some hygiene products can last for ages. This applies to girls and couples in love, everyone understands perfectly well what I mean, and precisely because everyone knows everything, you should not be embarrassed to go to the fire where your comrades are sitting and burn what does not rot. As a last resort, wrap your trash in a napkin, ask everyone to turn away, throw it into the fire and put some wood on top. It’s much more shameful to pollute the forest than to find yourself in a slightly awkward situation around a fire!

Washing dishes in nature is also worth caring for nature. Try not to use detergents; heavy stains can be washed off with sand, moss, grass and other available means. Some tourists use ordinary mustard powder to wash dishes. But if you still cannot do without chemicals, buy a special eco-friendly product from a travel store.

Eco-friendly hair shampoos, hand soaps and clothes washing products are also on sale. All this, of course, works worse than evil chemicals, but it does not pollute the water bodies from which you drink water!

Anyuta long ago came up with a way not to wash dishes in ponds: she always takes paper napkins with her, after a meal they are very easy to wipe off plates and cutlery, and besides, napkins remove grease better than when rinsing in water. And the used paper can be burned immediately.


I think, general principle careful attitude tourists already understand nature very well. The main thing is to leave nature in the form in which it existed without us. Why all this is needed is a rhetorical question; we don’t ask ourselves why a person needs health. So, caring for the environment is caring for the health of the planet; if we let it get sick, then you and I will get sick too.

Finally, folk wisdom: if you think that your wishes will come true after beautiful place If you leave your garbage (be it a tied ribbon, an abandoned shoe, a hat, a piece of a tent, etc.), then you are very mistaken - nature will only be angry with you. There is a true sign: take some of the other people's garbage with you from a sacred place and all your desires will be fulfilled. The sign works, we have tested it many times!

Travel friends and love nature, because it truly loves you!

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