The meaning of the name Aisha and her fate. Aisha - the meaning and origin of the name

It's no secret that every name has its own secret. The origin of the name Aisha is rooted deep in ancient history. This name was borne by the second and most beloved wife of the Prophet Muhammad. A girl was born in an ordinary Muslim family. She was distinguished by her amazing beauty, literacy and education. Even after the death of her husband, Aisha remained faithful to her beloved and even refused to accept the power of Ali. Muhammad's wife died at the age of sixty-six, leaving a huge contribution to world history. The origin of the name is Arabic. The name Aisha, translated into Russian, means "live, active, successful." The secret of the name lies in the fact that the girl has a strong character and incredible endurance.

To date, the name Aisha is called almost every Muslim girl in honor of a famous person - the wife of the wonderful prophet Muhammad! The meaning of Aisha's estate includes such human characteristics as kindness and decency.

Baby's childhood

The answer to the question of what the name Aisha means must begin to be considered from a description of the character of the girl from a young age. From childhood, the child pleases his parents with his radiant smile and good behavior. The girl has a good imagination and can speak interesting stories to any interlocutor. Her charisma does not leave indifferent even the most gloomy person. The baby, who bears the name Aisha, has been trying to take an active life position since school. Artistic abilities and excellent diction allows you to perfectly stay on stage. The girl does not get tired of taking part in all school events, not a single performance takes place without her. The owner of the name Aisha is not easily given school subjects such as mathematics and other exact sciences. As a rule, she does her homework with the help of classmates and parents. But the humanities are easy for her. In school years, the child is passionate about literature and other creative activities. Thanks to her perky character, the schoolgirl has a large number of friends and buddies. She can always cheer you up, give useful advice and simply create a positive atmosphere.

Growing up, the owner of the name Aisha may seem indecisive and weak-willed to others. However, this is not at all the case. Since the meaning of the name Aisha hides a steel character, the girl will always be able to rebuff anyone. She always has her own opinion and is not influenced by others. The young lady does not tolerate even healthy criticism and takes any remark with hostility.

Love relationship

A girl named Aisha has a romantic and very feminine behavior. She is looking for a worthy life partner who can share her interests and hobbies. A young man should be attractive and charismatic, and the inner world should be interesting and unusual. However, in a relationship, a girl will never give in to her principles and will not miss the chance of her own self-realization. She will not be able to be in a love relationship with a man who will constantly dictate terms and impose his opinion.

The young lady is alien to the concept of stability, her interest in the chosen one does not last long. She loves surprises, variety and spontaneous trips.

Family relationships

Family for a woman is not an empty word. She tries to put her soul as much as possible into the creation of family life and comfort. However, the relationship with her husband is not going as smoothly as desired. This is due to the fact that the young lady has a sharp temper. She does not like to compromise and tries to stick only to her opinion.

Children are the most important thing in a woman's life. The owner of the name Aisha, as a rule, does not seek to give birth early. First of all, she wants to get on her feet and achieve the desired heights in her career. However, becoming a mother, she will give all the warmth, love and care to her children.

Career and business

A woman will always choose a job she likes. A career for her is not a way to make money, but the realization of her own "I". As a rule, the young lady is provided by her parents. After marriage, the financial issue falls on the shoulders of the spouse.

The girl does not like stability in the matter of choosing a job. She will not stop at one option, but will try different types of work. A young person will be able to achieve heights in his career, because he has a sharp mind, intuition and ingenuity.

A woman will be successful in such a field as trade. It is also recommended to try your hand as a translator, philologist or teacher.

Strengths and weaknesses of character

A girl named Aisha is distinguished by her determination and activity. She always knows what she wants and achieves her goals. A woman will always be successful with the stronger sex. Men will be attracted to her sensitivity, unusual beauty and femininity. The young lady is surrounded by friends and pals. The doors of her house are always open, she likes to receive guests and create a cozy atmosphere.

Every person has certain shortcomings. Aisha is rather selfish, vain and envious. She does not mind gossiping with her friends over a cup of coffee. The girl avoids doing housework and likes to shift responsibilities onto the shoulders of loved ones.

Name Secrets

The mystery of the name speaks of the following facts:

  • The stone that suits the girl is chrysolite and carnelian.
  • The zodiac sign is Scorpio.
  • Saturn is the ruling planet.
  • Suitable colors are shades of beige, red and yellow.
  • An electric stingray and an eel are considered totem animals.
  • Plants that have a beneficial effect are barberry and alpine rose.

The female name Aisha comes from the Arabic word "life", can be translated as "active", "energetic", "vital", "live", "successful". In Muslim countries, Aisha can be pronounced as Oisha, Aisha, Oisha, and has recently been gaining popularity in the United States of America.

Diminutive form of the name: Aishenka, Aish, Aishonok, Aya, Ayechka, Asha.

In the Orthodox calendar, Aisha's name day is not celebrated because of their belonging to the Muslim faith. Adult Aisha, having decided to accept the Orthodox faith, takes any consonant Orthodox name.

Pros: Successful, energetic, positive, sociable, sensitive.

Cons: Selfish, envious, conflict, uncompromising, gossip.


Growing energetic, emotional and smiling girl. He starts speaking early, has excellent diction, loves to invent interesting stories and tell them to his listeners. Without difficulty, even an unsociable person will talk. Does not have patience, wants to get everything right now. Can be very persistent, especially when time is running out and she needs to get things done. He knows how to charge the atmosphere with his optimism. Aisha may have several talents so that she doesn't burst, she needs to choose one of them and seriously pursue it.

Thanks to her artistic abilities, she participates in all school productions, dances and sings well. On the other hand, Aisha does not get along well with her studies, the exact sciences are difficult for her, physics and chemistry terrify her.

But Aisha has no problems with the humanities, she loves literature, painting, foreign languages ​​are easy for her. Aisha has a sensitive nature and subtle intuition that helps her not to make mistakes in life. Due to her sociable and positive nature, Aisha has many friends around. With age, Aisha knows how to hide her rich imagination under the guise of pragmatism.

Aisha achieves her goals only through motivation. Never regrets things or actions not done, does not like to look back. Appreciates friendship, tries to maintain friendly relations with colleagues. Aisha knows how to create a positive and friendly atmosphere in the team. Despite the seeming appearance of a weak woman, Aisha can give a worthy rebuff to the offender with words or physically. Aisha always has her own opinion, she is not influenced by others. He takes criticism hard, even if he understands that the critic is right.


Aisha is not distinguished by good health, she suffers from all childhood diseases. In adulthood, she may have nervous breakdowns and a tendency to hypertension.


She will choose the job that she likes, where she can realize herself, the financial side does not really care about her. As a rule, it is provided first by the parents, then by the husband. He does not like monotonous and boring work, usually he changes several jobs during his life, until he finds a job he really likes, where he will give himself all and be able to move up the career ladder. Can succeed in trade, teaching, translation of a foreign language.


Aisha attracts the male sex with feminine behavior. Having fallen in love, Aisha, due to excessive shyness and modesty, hides her feelings from the object of love behind a mask of indifference. Her suitor must be patient and gentle so that Aisha opens up to him.


In husbands, he is looking for an equal in interests and hobbies, not without a rich inner fantasy. With a domineering and cruel man, Aisha will not be able to live long, she will leave him without hesitation, taking her children with her. Family life with Aisha will not be boring, as she loves spontaneous trips, surprises, unexpected visits from guests. It is difficult to compromise with her husband and children. She gives birth to children at a later age, but consciously, she becomes an excellent and caring mother for children.

Meaning: living, living

The meaning of the name Aisha - interpretation

The history of the melodious name Aisha goes back thousands of years. That was the name of the beloved wife of the Prophet Muhammad, so it is revered in countries that profess Islam. Translated from Arabic - "full of life", "living", "living". This suggests an active, energetic and full of life nature. The name is popular on all continents, but in different states it may have different pronunciations.

Years later

The baby pleases her parents with her cheerful character, although they bring her up in strictness, which leaves a significant imprint on Aisha's behavior and her demeanor.

This means that she turns out to be a real young lady who knows how to behave correctly in the family and society. At the same time, she is absolutely not inclined to be proud of her upbringing and thereby stand out from the crowd.

The girl grows very modest, never crosses the line of what is permitted. A harsh upbringing can in no way affect the girl's optimistic attitude. Aisha has quite a lot of friends, she is sociable, active, energetic and always ready to help those in need.

At school, Aisha is not very sociable, so some of her peers consider her to be overly proud and arrogant. But in vain. This is a completely erroneous opinion. The girl is quite modest, so she simply does not seek to impose her company without a special invitation.

She is often shy to approach her classmates and get to know each other better. But if her peers accept her, they will be able to fully appreciate this extraordinary personality. You won’t have to regret, because Aisha’s character is distinguished by excellent qualities.

The young lady will show all her virtues if she is treated with respect. Then mutually beneficial cooperation with this amazing person in all respects will certainly happen.

It must be admitted that Aisha is a highly unusual woman. She knows how to draw the right logical conclusions, calculate her behavior far in advance, and also present herself in the most favorable perspective. This leaves an imprint on the rest of the lady's life.

By the way, a woman with this rare name has an excellent ability to keep up conversations on any topic, but she never seeks to flaunt her mind. She always tries to stay in the background, observing the behavior of her acquaintances (colleagues) and drawing the right conclusions.

I must say that Aisha's modesty protects her from unnecessary and dangerous acquaintances, unnecessary adventures and stress, and she is well aware of this.

Aisha's character

Capable of instant decisions and unusual actions. A woman never regrets what she has already done.

She lacks courage and confidence. Often uses these qualities for personal interests, because others are always happy to help an attractive and weak woman.

Rarely shares his experiences and innermost feelings. Easily gets depressed. Constantly needs praise and encouragement.

Aisha's fate

Aisha is respected by everyone who has ever communicated with her. A woman has a humanitarian mindset, so she often connects her life with literature, linguistics, painting and other creative specialties. Work always brings her pleasure, but the material side for a woman is of great importance. Exceptions rarely happen.

Aisha has a rich imagination and is impulsive, but tries not to show these qualities. Prefers to be considered calm and consistent by others. If there are any obstacles on the chosen path, it does not stop, but continues to go to the end. Sometimes he shows real fanaticism, wanting to achieve results.

If a woman realizes that she can no longer achieve her goal, then she begins to rage, showing all the negative traits of her character. She is angry and openly jealous of others, often withdraws into herself and stops communicating with anyone, becomes very aggressive and insolent to loved ones. But Aisha changes dramatically when suddenly there is a small chance to correct the situation. A woman instantly mobilizes and uses all her talents and intuition to finish what she started.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

The habit of not denying yourself anything makes Aisha choose a highly paid profession. But if the husband agrees to fully provide for her, then she will gladly do housework or one of her hobbies.

A woman can show enviable stubbornness, is very persistent in achieving her goals regarding career growth. In the event that the faithful does not earn enough money, he will strive to occupy leadership positions.

Marriage and family

Aisha is in no hurry to bind herself with family ties. Her future husband should not have bad habits, and she is categorical in this requirement. Becomes the wife of a calm and balanced person.

She is always interested in the material side of the issue, so the man with whom Aisha connects her life must be wealthy. In marriage, she tries to shift the responsibility of shopping to her husband, cooks well, and is constantly engaged in raising children.

Sex and love

The girl has a bright appearance and is a success with men. Aisha is sexy and temperamental, she always enjoys intimacy. In this sense, her sexuality is always on top.

The beloved of this passionate lady becomes a wealthy young man who gives worthy gifts and constantly expresses his admiration for Aisha's qualities and her appearance. After all, she loves, including with her ears.


In childhood, parents carefully monitor the health of the girl, so she almost does not get sick. Already in his youth, a tendency to be overweight appears, which Aisha exacerbates with an excellent appetite and unwillingness to adhere to a diet.

In old age, endocrine problems often appear. Therefore, in order to avoid various diseases, it is extremely necessary for her to eat right and lead a healthy lifestyle until the end of her life.

Interests and hobbies

He does not like to do needlework and other traditional hobbies. Aisha's hobbies are often traveling, hiking and picnicking. He cannot imagine his life without frequent breaths of fresh air.

She is an avid theatergoer, she can go to another city or country for a good performance. It also happens that Aisha herself becomes a hypocrite, at least at a non-professional, amateur level.

“Indeed, on the Day of Judgment you will be called by your names, and improve (make good) your names.”

Today we will start talking about the importance of a beautiful, harmonious name. Many sisters and brothers, having converted to Islam, think about whether it is worth changing their name. There are a lot of Muslim names, both female and male. But we will talk about female names and their meanings. There are enough hadiths and narrations that the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) spoke about the importance of a good name and called his companions beautiful names. Aisha (radiallahu anha) reported that the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) changed many names that had a bad meaning.

Hearing the name of the great companion of Abu Hurairah "Abdushshams" (slave of the sun), the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) gave him a new name Abdurrahman, since a person is not a slave to anyone except Allah Almighty. It is also transmitted from ibn Umar (radiyallahu ankh) the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) changed the name of the woman Asiya "rebellious" to Jamila "beautiful" (Muslim, Tirmizi, Abu Dawud)

It is allowed to give a nickname to a person that characterizes some beautiful trait of his character. Moreover, this is the Sunnah of our Beloved Prophet (PBUH). On this occasion, he said: “One of the duties of a Muslim to another Muslim is to call him by a name that is suitable for him” (Elmalyly Hamdi Yazyr, “Hak Dili, Kuran Dili”, Istanbul 1993, 6, 634). So, Abu Hurairah "father of the cat" was nicknamed so because he loved cats and took care of them.

When Aisha (radiallahu anha) asked the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) to give her a nickname, he called her Umm ‘Abdullah by the name of ‘Abdullah ibn al-Zubayr, who was the son of her sister Asma bint Abu Bakr. Also, the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) called her Aish, al-Muaffaqa (Lucky), Humaira, (Blush), Shukaira (White)

It is about the name Aisha that we will tell today.

Aisha (Aisha) in Arabic means prosperous, living, energetic. This name is the most common among Muslim women. It earned its fame due to the fact that this was the name of the beloved wife of our Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam). Aisha bint Abu Bakr as-Siddiq. Her mother is Umm Ruman bint Amir ibn Uwaymir al-Kinania. She was born in an Islamic family after four or five years from the moment the prophetic mission was sent down. Aisha (radiyallahu anha) was a very literate, intelligent, beautiful woman. She transmitted the largest number of hadiths.

After the death of Khadija (radiyaallahu anha), the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) saw Jibril (alayhissalam) in a dream. He handed him the portrait and said: “O Messenger of Allah! This girl will become your wife. She will make you happy and save you from the pangs of loneliness. When the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) opened the case, he saw the image of Aisha (radiyallahu anha). From this dream it was clear that Allah Almighty wants the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) to marry Aisha.

Aisha (radiyaallahu anha) lived with the Messenger (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) for nine years. She loved the Messenger of Allah very much and he loved Aisha very much.

Once Amr ibn As (radiyallahu anhu) asked the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) whom he loves the most. He replied: "Aishu". And when he asked whom he loves most of all men, the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) replied: "Aisha's father."

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “One third of your knowledge you will learn from this Humayra.” It is known that Aisha had white skin, she was pious and very shy, which is why she often blushed. That is why she was nicknamed "Humayra" (ruddy).

Abu Salama, son of Abdurrahman bin Awf (radiyallahu anhuma): “I did not know anyone who would know the sunnah of the Prophet as Aisha knew him. And I have not seen anyone who was so well versed in matters of religious injunctions.”

The last moments of his life, the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) spent in the house of Aisha. His blessed head rested in her lap when he left this world. He was buried in the room where he died, in Aisha's room.

After the death of the Prophet (PBUH), Aisha lived for another forty-seven years. She left this world on 17 Ramadan 678 (58 AH) at the age of 66. As she bequeathed, she was buried on the same day. Janaza-namaz for her was performed by Abu Hurairah (radiyallahu anhu), and her nephews lowered into the grave. Her body rests in Medina at the Jannat al-Baqi cemetery.

Also, the name of Aisha belonged to only eight associates: Aisha bint Jarir bin Amr al-Ansaria, Aisha bint Abi Sufyan bin al-Harith al-Ansaria, Aisha bint Sheibe bin Rabia, Aisha bint Abdurrahman an-Nadriye, Aisha bint Umeyr bin al-Harith al - Ansariyeh, Aisha bint Qudama al-Jumahie, Aisha bint Muawiyah bin al-Mughir (mother of Caliph Abdulmalik bin Marwan) and Aisha bint Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas.

If God wills, next time we will write about other names!

Aisha female name comes from the Arabic word "life", can be translated as "active", "energetic", "vital", "live", "successful". In Muslim countries, Aisha can be pronounced as Oisha, Aisha, Oisha, and has recently been gaining popularity in the United States of America.

Origin and character of the name Aisha

A sunny and radiant girl fully justifies the meaning of the name Aisha. A restless inventor, she is able to infect anyone with fun. From her charms it is difficult to remain indifferent and calm.

The girl studies well, preferring to study the humanities and foreign languages. Exact sciences are difficult for her - the girl often has to do her homework with the help of her parents or classmates.

The restless nature of the young lady provokes a keen interest in her classmates and others. She is always in the center of everyone's attention, charging the atmosphere with her life-affirming mood.

Some may think that Aisha is weak-willed, but this is only at first glance. This peace-loving creature, angry, can fight back the most daring and daring people.

Since the gentle female name endowed its owner not only with excellent humor and a cheerful character, but also with stamina, stubbornness and self-will.

Having made a decision, the girl does not listen to the beliefs of her opponents, remaining unconvinced. This reveals another meaning of the name Aisha for a girl.

Basically, the interpretation of the name depends on the environment and upbringing of the baby. Surrounded by care and warmth, the girl will be soft and courteous with everyone, and vice versa, forced to defend herself in her family, she will behave harshly and uncompromisingly with others.

Excessive pressure irritates the girl, which can provoke a violent reaction. He does not like criticism in any form, reacting to it sharply, sometimes even unscrupulously.

The young lady has an amazing gift to dress her feelings in bright and unusual forms that evoke a response from others. Despite this, the girl pays great attention to external gloss, judging a person by his appearance.

Love for you is an urgent, everyday necessity, sometimes unconscious. Therefore, in your attitude towards your partner, tenderness, often quite burdensome, and caring, sometimes bordering on obsessive obsequiousness, prevail.

However, you remain in unshakable confidence that you are doing everything right and require an adequate, from your point of view, reaction to your actions - gratitude and admiration.

Kara, you are easily vulnerable, suspicious and touchy, often get into a state of irritation for no apparent reason. With a long absence of a partner “within reach”, you are visited by a feeling of abandonment, uncertainty that you are happy.

All you really need is to find a person who will like both your touching affection and your selfless devotion. Then the union will be long and harmonious.

For a girl, falling in love does not mean giving up her career and the possibility of her own realization. An ambitious nature will not be able to get along with a person who will put forward some kind of framework and impose their own priorities.

Romanticism, vulnerability and femininity of a young lady attract a lot of representatives of the opposite sex, but the girl has unspoken standards for choosing a life partner.

For her, the tidiness and appearance of the boyfriend is of great importance, and the inner qualities of the chosen one must pass the test for stamina.

Ordinariness and stability quickly bother a woman, as a result of which, her interest in the chosen one begins to fade quickly. In a relationship with a man, novelty and diversity are of paramount importance for a young lady, while dullness and obligatoriness evoke insatiable boredom.


Despite the fact that the family means a lot for a woman, she does not intend to abandon the plans and priorities set earlier. Relations with her husband develop quite hard and “loudly”, although in her own way, the young person respects and loves the chosen one.

Since one of the paramount values ​​is given to children, a woman does not want to acquire them early. To begin with, time must pass, which will put everything in its place.

Business and career

A career for a woman means a lot, not so much from the position of providing food, but as a way of self-expression. Having married, the young lady adheres to the statement that the husband should provide for the family. Before marriage, the financial support of the young person is handled by the parents.

He does not like to stay in one place for a long time, and if he does not like something, he quickly changes jobs. He chooses the field of activity not according to possible income, but according to the dictates of his heart. She has all the qualities to achieve career growth - the young lady is smart, instantly orients herself in the situation, has an excellent gift of persuasion.

She is able to achieve great heights in such professions: sales representative, philologist, translator, teacher, social activist, manager.

Growing energetic, emotional and smiling girl. He starts speaking early, has excellent diction, loves to invent interesting stories and tell them to his listeners.

Without difficulty, even an unsociable person will talk. Does not have patience, wants to get everything right now. Can be very persistent, especially when time is running out and she needs to get things done.

He knows how to charge the atmosphere with his optimism. Aisha may have several talents so that she doesn't burst, she needs to choose one of them and seriously pursue it. Thanks to her artistic abilities, she participates in all school productions, dances and sings well.

On the other hand, Aisha's studies are not going well, the exact sciences are difficult for her, physics and chemistry terrify her.

But Aisha has no problems with the humanities, she loves literature, painting, foreign languages ​​are easy for her. Aisha has a sensitive nature and subtle intuition that helps her not to make mistakes in life.

Due to her sociable and positive nature, Aisha has many friends around. With age, Aisha knows how to hide her rich imagination under the guise of pragmatism. Aisha achieves her goals only through motivation.

Never regrets things or actions not done, does not like to look back. Appreciates friendship, tries to maintain friendly relations with colleagues.

Aisha knows how to create a positive and friendly atmosphere in the team. Despite the seeming appearance of a weak woman, Aisha can give a worthy rebuff to the offender with words or physically.

Aisha always has her own opinion, she is not influenced by others. He takes criticism hard, even if he understands that the critic is right.

origin of the name Aisha

The origin of the name Aisha is Arabic. Considering where the naming came from, the history indicates the first mention of Aisha, whose name was the second and beloved wife of the Prophet Muhammad.

After the death of her husband, the woman remained faithful to him until the end of her days, refusing to accept the power of Ali.

In addition to the fact that the etymology of the name Aisha from Arabic means "live, energetic, prosperous", the secret of the name indicates incredible stamina and ability to fight to the end.

Characteristics of the name Aisha

Together, the pros and cons of the character of a young lady make up a holistic and extraordinary personality with the name Aisha. The characterization of the name Aisha is quite interesting.

The girl is gifted with a bright personality and many abilities, and her desire for self-realization sometimes causes some imbalance.

The fact is that a baby may have several pronounced abilities, as a result of which one of them will have to be preferred.

This difficult task is sometimes overwhelming - wanting to realize herself to the maximum, the young lady tortures herself for a long time, as a result of which, the end result is not the same as previously planned.

When raising a baby, parents need to pay great attention to this factor, trying to determine to the maximum what the girl is better to do.

You are attracted by beauty and harmony in all manifestations. Therefore, the fundamental basis of your spiritual aspirations is the desire to keep them around you.

Therefore, any actions that may result in a violation of the usual order of things are contrary to your nature.

But you will not “fight” with those who are trying to create such an imbalance. A “bad peace” is always “better than a good quarrel” for you, which means that the enemy should be turned into a friend, showing tact and diplomacy.

And there is nothing surprising in the fact that you have many friends, but practically no enemies. You are always able not only to find a compromise solution, but also to “wake up the best feelings” in a person who is negative towards you.

However, just knowing what to do in a given situation is not a choice. Opinions need to be backed up with action. And this is where your indecision often fails you.

This is not timidity or fear of consequences. Just hesitation in the process of finding the best option. Life experience will help get rid of them.


It is important for you to stand out from the crowd. However, you should not use flashy tones or catchy accessories for this. This should not be understood in the sense that bright, cheerful colors are not for you.

It’s just that the general style of clothing should be distinguished by correctness, good taste, and solidity. Clothing should be of high quality and fit well on you. An appearance that meets these criteria inspires disposition and trust.

These principles should be guided not only in the process of completing your wardrobe, but also when choosing the design and furnishings for your home, office.

Name number 3 corresponds to creative people. They are talented in art, sports, cheerful and reckless. However, they need constant adjustment.

Without it, the “triples”, as individuals who are fond of, are heavily carried away. With a patient mentor and adviser who can be one of the relatives or just a close person, the "troika" can move mountains and achieve incredible success in life.

But in the absence of such, the fate of the "triples" is often unenviable. With all the outward invulnerability in the soul, the “troikas” are quite vulnerable and sensitive to criticism. Difficult in personal life.

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Aisha

AND- subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen for hiding a romantic soft nature.
W- attentiveness to life, the ability to assess the situation at the slightest hint, whisper, rustle. Modesty and the ability to arrange your affairs in a quiet way. Developed sense of humor.
BUT- a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and accomplish something, the thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.

Mystery of the name

  • Stone - carnelian, chrysolite.
  • There are no name days in the Orthodox calendar.
  • The horoscope or zodiac sign of the name is Scorpio.
  • The ruling planet is Saturn.
  • Favorable color - beige, red, lemon yellow.
  • Totem animal - electric stingray, eel.
  • Favorable plant - alpine rose, barberry.

Notable people named Aisha

  • Aisha Hinds (1975) is an American actress.
  • Aisha Tyler (1970) is an American actress and comedian. Known for her minor role in the television series Ghost Whisperer.
  • Aisha Issa (1982) is an American actress. Read more:

Aisha name in different languages

In English, German and French, the translation of the name Aisha is Aisha. In Chinese, the naming is translated as 阿伊莎 (Ā yī shā), in Japanese it sounds like -アイーシャ (Aīsha).

Name Forms

  • Full name is Aisha.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other options - Ayesha, Aishe, Aishash, Aeshash, Aishka, Asya, Aishenka, Asha, Ashka.
  • The declension of the name is Aishu-Aishe.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is absent. When performing the sacrament of baptism, the parents choose a naming similar in meaning or sound, the most appropriate - Elena.

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