10 riddles about professions. Children's riddles about professions (2). How to translate the lesson into a game form

Everyone knows that children learn best through play. But not everyone has enough time to come up with something, and sometimes there is not enough imagination for this. Pardon the pun, but children are interested in learning about the world in an interesting way.

One of the ways to introduce a child to different professions, which are all important and all are needed, is to read riddle verses to the baby, where the little person is invited to finish the last line by naming the profession in question.

These children's poems about professions offer several thematic pictures that can be viewed while reading riddles.

On this page: Riddles for preschoolers about professions. Riddles for children from 4 to 6 years old with answers. Children's riddles about dad's profession. Children's riddles about mother's profession.

Riddles about dad's profession

He is a very good master
He made a closet for us in the hallway.
He is not a carpenter, not a painter.
Furniture makes ... (carpenter)

Traffic rules
He knows without a doubt.
Instantly he starts the engine,
It rushes by car ... (driver)

Dark night, clear day
He fights fire.
In a helmet, like a glorious warrior,
In a hurry to the fire ... (fireman)

He puts bricks in a row,
Building a garden for children
Not a miner and not a driver,
They will build a house for us ... (builder)

Who sails on the ship
To an uncharted land?
He is funny and kind.
What is his name? (Sailor)

In reality, not in a dream
He flies in the air.
Flying an airplane in the sky.
Who is he, tell me? (Pilot)

You are probably familiar with him.
He knows about all the laws.
Not a judge, not a journalist.
He gives advice to everyone ... (lawyer)

Stands at his post
He keeps order.
Strict brave officer.
Who is he? (Policeman)

Nails, axes, saw,
There is a whole mountain of shavings.
This worker is working -
Makes chairs for us ... (carpenter)

He is away from all relatives
Leads ships to sea.
Seen many countries
Our brave ... (captain)

Over the bridge so that the ambulance rushes,
He repairs at the bottom of the support.
All day long time after time
Dives deep ... (diver)

Who controls the traffic?
Who lets cars through?
On the wide pavement
Waves with a baton ... (guard)

At his post he is in the snow and in the heat,
Keeps our peace.
A person who is faithful to the oath
It is called ... (military)

A knock flies from under the wheels,
An electric locomotive rushes into the distance.
The train is not driven by a taxi driver,
Not a pilot, but ... (driver)

Performs stunts in films
Dives from height to bottom
Trained actor.
Fast, brave ... (stuntman)

Waving a thin wand -
The choir will sing on stage.
Not a magician, not a juggler.
Who is this? (Conductor)

Riddles about mom's profession

* * *
Handyman of all trades
We will sew a jacket and trousers.
Not a cutter, not a weaver.
Who is she, tell me? (Dressmaker)

Who will prescribe vitamins?
Who will cure angina?
On vaccinations you do not cry -
He knows how to be treated ... (doctor)

The bell rang loudly
The lesson started in the class.
The student and the parent know -
Conduct a lesson ... (teacher)

All products on display:
Vegetables, nuts, fruits.
Tomato and cucumber
Offers... (seller)

Teaches us politeness
Reads a story aloud.
Not a teacher, not a writer.
This is a nanny, ... (educator)

Pictures about professions

Yulia Stafeonova
Riddles about professions

So that the people in the kindergarten are full,

Get to work first.

He has a lot of dishes

(Frying pans, pots, teapots).

He cooks delicious meals in them.

(Porridge, soup, casseroles and manniks).

We feel great!

Thanks for this…


Let's go for a walk in the garden

We are clean again!

Not a speck, not a piece of paper,

Not a leaf to be seen!

Why a clean yard?

Who was sweeping here?

(Street cleaner)

Every day she comes

The belly and neck are looking at us.

Occasionally vaccinated

So that the children do not get sick.

And suddenly the stomach ached, or the head ached,

Help will immediately come to us,

In a white robe...


Children come to kindergarten to grow up friendly,

To know everything in the world, and everything in the world could.

Who will help the children here to draw, sculpt, play?

Who will feed and put you to sleep quietly on the bed?

With whom do we glue gifts for mothers, will we join in a round dance?

Who will replace the mother for the children until the mother comes?


If suddenly there was a fire,

He will arrive right here!

He will save everyone, put out the fire!

Children, what is his name?


Every day he sits behind the wheel,

Rides along the roads.

Delivers goods everywhere

And he works in a taxi.

He will deliver the doctor to the house,

Bring food to the garden.

Knows traffic rules

He has a friend - a traffic light.

Everyone knows without a doubt

This uncle is...


We will go today with mom

To the store.

Where to buy: fabrics, threads and braid

Two needles, fringe.

My mother sews.

Guess who she is?


They cure us of all diseases

They will never refuse!

There is no better profession!

Who is this?

(The doctors)

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Adults are sometimes surprised how quickly the baby manages to learn the world that surrounds them. And in order for this development to be really useful, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the riddles by profession for children 4-5 years old.

Just about complex

All professions are good in their own way

Riddles about professions for kindergarten children with answers will help out all those who are preparing for a children's competition or quiz. Choose only the best!

Instill in your kids a love of beauty - tell them only the best riddles about professions for kindergarten children with answers.

Guess the profession

Children in kindergarten will definitely appreciate the riddles about professions, if it is done in an unusual and fun way. In addition, for this it is not at all necessary to rack your brains, because everything has already been drawn up in advance!

Simple and fun puzzles

Riddles for children 4-5 years old about professions - an opportunity to occupy and interest the child. After all, the best study is, of course, a game.

Tell about modern professions in the most understandable language for the child. Be sure he will love it!

Solving riddles about professions with your child can be an excellent role-playing game. So the child will be able to guess what the person is doing by the distinctive signs. And then it would be nice to try to depict them in drawings or mold them from plasticine.

Riddles about teachers and educators

You can start with any profession. But these people accompany children from early childhood and pass on to them the knowledge accumulated by mankind. Therefore, the first are riddles about the educator, as well as the nanny.

1. She meets us at the school,

Everyone is familiar with her.

No one gets bored talking to her.

2. In the kindergarten in the morning he meets the kids,

He knows the answers to all their questions.

Teaches children to notice everything, everything,

Learn to love, respect the elderly.

3. The cook will prepare food for the children in the kindergarten,

And she always lays everything on the table.

These are the simplest riddles about professions for children with answers. Every kid or schoolboy will certainly solve them. Yet no one can do without these professions.

Riddles about doctors

They are also hard to ignore. After all, no matter who gets sick, a child or an adult, we always turn to doctors. So, first there are children's riddles about professions in general about doctors and pediatricians.

1. He sits in the office of the clinic

And every patient says

What medicine should be taken

To be healthier.

2. When kids suffer from a cold,

He must be called home.

He will issue a sick leave to his mother,

He is an expert in all diseases.

The following three riddles are about the professions of specific doctors: surgeon, radiologist, oculist.

1. He will remove it in the hospital

Everyone has an easy appendicitis.

A sharp scalpel is his friend.

We all know he...

2. He knows how to look through the body.

All the bones in the picture will see.

The doctor helps others see

Where exactly and what hurts.

3. This doctor is a magic doctor,

He heals people's eyes.

When someone sees badly

He writes a prescription for glasses.

Such riddles about professions for children are not difficult to solve. But with those that are in demand in the village, difficulties may arise. Because not everyone is in this area or faced with a theme in the works. Therefore, additional preparation will be required: reading stories, acquaintance with drawings.

in the countryside

Riddles about professions that are relevant only in the village may seem difficult for some of today's children. But still, the guys are familiar with some of them from fairy tales or stories. So, the first of them is about a shepherd, a milkmaid and a farmer.

1. He watches the cows in the field,

To return home happy.

He rides a horse

And cracks his whip loudly.

2. When she enters the barn,

Cows begin to moo loudly.

She feeds them, cleans them, waters them,

So that cows want to give milk.

3. His work in the village on earth:

He sows, plows and raises cows.

Seeds buys always and everywhere.

He is ready to grow a super-harvest.

The next four riddles about professions with answers are blacksmith, agronomist, forester and beekeeper.

1. He is very strong because the hammer is big

Raises up so that after

Iron strike so deftly

So that it becomes a new beautiful horseshoe.

2. He studied at the institute for a long time,

He studied plants with soil.

Now he understands well personally,

How to grow the biggest crop.

3. He doesn’t just walk through the forest,

And protects trees and animals.

He fills the feeders in winter,

For the forest animals to survive.

4. He will set up many beehives for the bees to collect honey.

Only the brave can drive honey out of the honeycomb...

Two more riddles about professions that are in demand in the city. This is a veterinarian and dog handler.

1. He is also a doctor and treats diseases,

But he just does not wait for people to visit.

It will be much more useful for animals,

After all, he treats only different animals.

2. Who knows dogs better than anyone in the world?

Who will help train them?

Who will answer all questions about them?

And can he make any dog ​​obedient?

Most of the presented tasks require preliminary preparation. After all, children do not meet with foresters and cynologists every day. They may not know anything about their existence at all. Although some people can easily call a veterinarian Aibolit.

Riddles about people in construction professions

Who will build a house for people? Of course, the builder. Therefore, the following riddles about professions for schoolchildren are about them. The first is about builders in general, and then two more, about a crane operator and a house painter.

1. From the ground itself to the clouds

We lay bricks or concrete slabs.

We will put all the doors and windows of the balconies.

And the high-rise building is almost ready.

2. He sits in a cabin high above the ground,

He commands a long iron arm.

At the construction site, his work is noticeable to everyone:

He will lift tons of cement up.

3. He, like an artist, works with paint.

Only does not draw canvases at all.

At the height in the cradle and in the helmet

He paints all the walls.

Many of them turn out to be dangerous. Because you need to work at high altitude, where there is always a risk of falling. Without being on the construction site is also prohibited. Therefore, the profession of a builder can be considered extreme. But there are many others where people have to be on the verge of life and death.

Riddles about extreme professions

They descend underground, climb high mountains, skydive and dive into the ocean. Their work is always associated with a risk to life and health. The following riddles about professions for children with answers: climber, parachutist, diver and miner.

1. On the mountain, it is slightly noticeable

He makes his way to the clouds.

Step by step, meter by meter

The higher the mountain, the steeper.

2. He gets on the plane, not to get off,

And he wants to get out during the flight.

In flight, a flower hangs over it,

And the earth will touch - there will be a huge handkerchief.

3. He walks on the bottom of the sea,

Looking for problems in the bottom.

Silt will not hide the breakdown from him,

The leak will be detected and tightly closed.

4. He is not quite a simple worker,

It is lowered deep down.

And there, in the darkness underground,

He mines coal for us.

The next two riddles are again about the professions of people who bravely perform their duties. This is a firefighter and a stuntman. About them are the following poems.

1. He serves, but not a soldier.

He has a water hose in his hands.

He always fights with fire.

Saves the forest, the barn and the house.

2. He will perform all the tricks in the film,

The fire will enter and the tram will stop.

This is a specially trained actor -

Bold and smart...

Riddles about cooks

These people prepare food in canteens and restaurants. Children in schools and kindergartens often only guess about their existence. And the work of cooks, although invisible, is very important. Therefore, the following riddles about professions for schoolchildren are about them. The answers in them are: cook, confectioner and baker.

1. Everyone knows who is so delicious

Bakes pies with cabbage,

Fries potatoes with a cutlet,

Feed us all a vinaigrette.

2. This cook is working in the sweet shop,

Makes cakes and pastries for us.

Cupcakes, eclairs will soon turn out,

For delicious tea for guests.

3. The cook who doesn't sleep at night

Cheerfully sift the flour and knead

Dough that is in a hot oven

Then it will become a bun with a ring.

Riddles about professions related to transport

Tractors, cars, planes, ships, space rockets - we are surrounded by a huge amount of all kinds of transport. They need someone to manage. These people are called, in particular, tractor drivers and pilots. Therefore, the following riddles are about them.

1. I plow the land, then I sow the grain.

A trailer is attached to my car.

I can mow the grass in the summer,

And in the fall, I help everyone dig potatoes.

2. A needle flew across the sky,

Leaving a transparent seam.

But he only sewed awkwardly,

Melted that seam among the clouds.

It is clear that this is not a complete list of those who manage transport. There are also drivers, captains, and trams. You can also talk about them. One has only to recall the distinguishing features of their work.

Riddles about people of creative professions

They are in front of everyone. These people are said to be stars. Because they shine in movies, on stage or arena. So, the following riddle verses about professions: conductor, actor, director, clown, juggler.

1. With a wand in his hand, he waves smoothly,

Because the leader of the orchestra.

He hears and knows any instrument.

In the orchestra, he is like the president of the country.

2. For the New Year - a wolf or a hare,

Then he suddenly becomes a teacher.

And earlier he was a machinist and a clown.

In the script, he will read who he will be later.

3. His task is to put on a performance,

Every actor should play their role correctly.

He is called to rule everyone on the stage,

For everyone who is on it, he is like a king.

4. He looks so funny

Which is sure to make everyone laugh.

Performs in the circus arena

It doesn’t let you get bored and dispels boredom.

5. He makes everything he takes fly.

Even saucers fly in his hands.

These are not all professions. There are also janitors with hairdressers, tailors with shoemakers, postmen with sellers. There are good riddles about all of them, which it will be useful for children to get to know. Because schoolchildren should know as many professions as possible for self-determination in adulthood.

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