16 factor personality questionnaire online. Methodology for multifactorial personality research by R. Cattell (16PF). Cattell Questionnaire Forms

Verbal signals conducive to contact:

    A distinct greeting.

    Calling a person by name

    Suggestion to sit down

Nonverbal signals that encourage contact:


Body rotation angle from 45 to 90 degrees (lateral position conveys the message: “I have no aggressive intentions”)

The angle of inclination of the body is less than straight (an obtuse angle between the interlocutors is a failure of negotiations)

The distance between partners corresponds to the specifics of the situation

The ratio of levels in the vertical plane is such that the eyes of the interlocutors are at the same level

2. Poses

Open, not closed (limbs not crossed, head and body turned towards the interlocutor, palms open, muscles relaxed, eye contact)

Asymmetrical rather than symmetrical

3. Facial expressions

Lively, naturally changing facial expressions

4. Look

Duration of eye contact 3-5 seconds

Contact frequency – at least 1 time per minute

Blinking frequency – once every 3-5 seconds

5. Takeshika– movement of interlocutors in space

Not allowed:

Rhythmic movements

Large amplitude movements

Sudden movements

Non-ritualized touching

6. Paralinguistics

Speech clarity

Friendly intonations

Low pitch

Moderate speed of speech.

A few basic rules for positive communication.

    Speak your partner's language . This rule is both psychological and linguistic in nature. The language of the message must be understandable to all subjects of communication.

    Show respect to your partner . This rule is the most important principle of constructive communication.

    Demonstrate commonality . The options are countless - it could be a community of interests, goals, tasks, habits (preferably positive), some external characteristics, name, finally. Interestingly, emphasizing community is not only one of the most important rules, but also the oldest. Let us remember Mowgli’s phrase from Kipling’s famous work: “You and I are of the same blood, you and I!” This sentence contains another important nuance: the address “We”, pay attention, not you are with me, but we are with you.

    Show interest in your partner’s problems . We understand that most problems are familiar to many people: from a small quarrel between spouses to the death of a loved one. But you should always remember that for a particular person this problem will always be individual, unlike anyone else’s. That is why you need to treat his problem with respect and with great interest, showing that you care.

    Give your partner opportunities to talk . Very often a person needs to be given the opportunity to speak out by listening carefully. As practice shows, sometimes this is enough to relieve tension.

In order for a person to have the opportunity to speak out, verbalize the problem that is tormenting him, his emotional state, certain techniques of “Active Listening” have been developed in psychology.

Active Listening Techniques

One Eastern wisdom says: “Truth is not in the words of the speaker, but in the ears of the listener.” From a psychological point of view, the words listen and hear have completely different meanings. HEARING means physically perceiving sound, and LISTENING is not just directing the ear to something, but focusing on what is perceived, understanding the meaning of the sounds received. It is known that in English the verbs “to hear” and “to listen” are used to denote the corresponding shades.

There is such an instructive legend. A young man came from afar to see Socrates in Athens, burning with the desire to master the art of eloquence. After talking with him for a few minutes, Socrates demanded double payment from him for teaching oratory. "Why?" - asked the surprised student. “Because,” the philosopher answered, “I will have to teach you not only how to speak, but also how to be silent and listen.” This answer, voiced more than two thousand years ago, echoes the opinion of the 20th century writer L. Feuchtwanger, who argued that “a person needs two years to learn to speak, and sixty years to learn to keep his mouth shut” (Panfilova A.P., 2001).

The ability to listen is a necessary condition for correctly understanding your partner’s position.

Active listening involves mastering the skills of self-expression and action and is aimed at formulating and solving communicative problems, while passive listening is a change of state in the process of exposure to communicative stimuli.

Table 4. Active and passive listening techniques

Active listening

Passive listening

Trying to encourage your partner to talk.

Patiently waiting for your partner to speak.

Trying to accurately perceive what your partner says. Trying to make sure your perception is accurate.

Waiting to be able to say something really interesting.

The free flow of one's own associations under the influence of what one's own attention has caught.

Trying to keep an overly verbose or distracted partner on topic; attempts to bring him back to the topic at hand.

Distracting attention to something else while maintaining a “mask of attention.”

Waiting for the partner to return to the topic of conversation.

Waiting for your partner to stop talking.

Active Listening Techniques are aimed at solving two main tasks: 1) the ability to speak and 2) the ability to hear and understand.

Task 1: ability to “talk”.

Communication techniques


How to do it?

Open questions

Questions requiring a detailed answer

Start with the words:

What? How? Why? How? Where? If... then...? Which?

Closed questions

Questions that require a clear answer (for example, a statement of the exact date, name, quantity of something, etc.) or “yes” or “no” answers

When is the project due date?

Your name is…?

Can you do this by tomorrow?

Alternative questions

Questions that contain answer options

Are you finding it difficult to answer, 18 because you don’t know the answer, because the answer will be unpleasant or because you were asked not to tell me anything yet?

Today is Tuesday or Wednesday?

Task 2: ability to listen.



How to do it?

Verbalization, stage A

Repetition: verbatim reproduction, quoting what a partner said

Verbatim repetition last words partner

Adding quotes from your partner’s statements to your own phrases (So, you think...(hereinafter quoted))

Verbalization, stage B

Paraphrasing: briefly conveying the essence of your partner’s statement

Laconic wording 18 group 18 ago partner

Verbalization, stage B

Interpretation: making assumptions about the true meaning of what was said or about the reasons and purposes of a partner’s statement.

a) Clarifying questions:

You probably mean...?

You're probably saying this because...?

B) test questions or conditional hypotheses

Or maybe you think that...? Or maybe you would like...?

Table 5. Tension regulation techniques.

Reduce tension:

Increase tension:

1. Emphasizing commonality with a partner (similarity of interests, opinions, personality traits, etc.)

1. Emphasizing the differences between yourself and your partner

2. Verbalization of emotional state:

a) yours

b) partner

2. Ignoring the emotional state:

a) yours

b) partner

3. Showing interest in your partner’s problems

3. Demonstration of disinterest in the partner’s problem

4. Giving your partner the opportunity to talk

4. Interrupting your partner

5. Emphasizing the importance of your partner, his opinion in your eyes

5. Belittling the partner, negative assessment of the partner’s personality, belittling the partner’s contribution to the common cause and exaggerating one’s own

6. If you are wrong, immediately admit it

6. Delaying the moment of admitting you were wrong or denying it

7. Offering a specific way out of the current situation

7. Finding the guilty and blaming the partner

8. Appeal to facts

8. Going personal

9. Calm, confident pace of speech

9. A sharp increase in the rate of speech

10. Maintaining optimal distance, angle of rotation and tilt of the body

10. Avoidance of spatial proximity and eye contact

First rule of contact- this is a greeting. There are three components to a greeting.

First component- this is an appeal to a person by name or by name and patronymic (as is customary in this situation). The name is very important for any person, so it is necessary to remember the name and periodically address the person by name in a conversation. If you forget a person’s name immediately after meeting him, it is better to write it down; for this you need to have a notepad and pen with you.

By mixing up the name, you can offend a person, that is, drive him into a corner. Some interlocutors, having forgotten their name, try to speak impersonally, this is bad, because as a result, your interlocutor will not consider himself responsible for the decisions made in the conversation. It is believed that if a person’s name was not mentioned in a conversation, then he is only 10% responsible for the result.

Second component- this is a smile at the moment of greeting, a demonstration of goodwill. But you need to remember that some people may misinterpret your smile and may think that you are laughing at them or that you are not a serious person. Therefore in business conversation you need to smile about as much as your interlocutor smiles.

Third component- this is a handshake (if appropriate) or just a tilt of the head. Physical contact when shaking hands helps to establish contact faster, but it must be remembered that the person who is older in age or position shakes hands first. You can provoke the person to extend their hand to you by making a slight forward movement with your shoulder, as if you were about to extend your hand for a handshake. But this must be done very carefully so that the person reacts to your movement unconsciously. To do this, you can practice at home in front of a mirror; it should be a barely noticeable movement.

In addition, you need to remember that in our culture it is not customary to offer a hand to a woman for a handshake. If the woman herself decides to give you her hand, then this is her right, a sign of special favor. The hand for a handshake is given from below, approximately at waist level or slightly higher. To kiss, the hand is moved higher, somewhere at the level of the diaphragm. In a business situation, it is not customary to kiss a woman’s hand, especially when she is extended for a handshake. In a man's handshake, one should not forget that this is not a competition, the efforts made should be approximately equal, there is no need for excessive effort. Limp and limp handshakes are unacceptable - this can destroy contact. Under no circumstances should you shake a woman’s hand forcefully; it’s just a friendly, warm, slightly supportive squeeze.

Second rule- This is eye contact. Eye contact should be maintained approximately 10-15% of the total communication time. We meet the gaze of the interlocutor, then look to the side or at his hands, posture, gestures, then again into the eyes, and so on. If the interlocutor avoids eye contact, this is perceived as shyness, withdrawal, or even a willingness to lie.

Third rule- reduction of social distance. The shorter the social and physical distance, the closer and more reliable the contact. For example, when entering an office, you should not start speaking from the door; it is better to move closer to the table. You should not sit down without permission; you must either wait for an invitation or ask permission to sit down. If the chair is uncomfortable, it is better to move it and turn it so that you sit sideways to the table. This is the most convenient option, since your knees will not rest against the table, and if necessary, you can lightly lean on the table with your elbow. If the furniture in the office is heavy, then you have to sit where they suggest, you should not move the chair. Also, do not move papers or any other objects on the table. If you want to hand over any papers to the owner of the office, then you cannot put your papers on top of his papers, it is better to hand them over.

Fourth rule- is to tell a person about his importance. Good way let the person know that he is the one for you significant person, - this is, for example, to say that you spent the whole evening preparing for a meeting with him, that you really value his opinion, what you liked in his office, etc. The main idea is to tell the person something pleasant, but so that it didn't seem like flattery or just manipulation.

Fifth rule- you cannot negotiate on the go: in the corridor, in the buffet, near the windowsill, that is, where you met a person by chance. This rule is important to remember because in our culture it is “normal” to talk to a person about business anywhere, even if you catch him on the way to the toilet. People often treat themselves and their interlocutor without due respect; This leads to a negative impression of such a conversation. The only thing that can be done in case of a chance meeting is to agree on the time and place of the intended conversation.

  1. External reactions of the interlocutor.

The external reactions of the interlocutor reveal their attitude towards the subject of speech and the interlocutor. An attentive person in terms of external reactions: questions, words, remarks, gaze, posture, gestures, grins, etc. – will definitely understand what the listener’s mood is, even if he speaks to a large audience.

Based on responses, all listeners can be divided into 4 types. The indifferent listener remained uninvolved in the subject of discussion, his interests were not affected; his whole appearance suggests that he is indifferent to what is happening around him. The listener-compromiser either, being a conformist, easily accepts the speaker’s ideas, but also easily refuses them, or only pretends to agree, since his interest is not affected and he wants to end the conversation as quickly as possible. A conflict listener throws out negative emotions: he can shout from his seat, ask provocative questions, that is, demonstrate a confrontational position. And, finally, a constructive listener always strives to understand someone else’s opinion. He asks questions, but not with the goal of “drowning” the speaker, but in order to find out details, find points of common ground or disagreements. This promotes an atmosphere of trust and co-creation.

  1. Types of listeners and their characteristics.

Understanding each other presupposes the ability to listen.

The ability to accurately express one’s thoughts and the ability to listen are components of the communicative side of communication! According to a number of scientists, the ability to listen is one of the most difficult human skills. Experts say that 8 out of 10 people do not know how to listen. To learn to listen, you need the following components:

1. Attention - respect the speaker, appreciate his desire to tell you something new.

2. Friendliness - try not to overwhelm your interlocutor with your authority and information

3. Activity - do not be silent, give signals that you understand what is being said and you have a certain attitude towards what was said.

There are 2 main types of hearing:

1) Non-reflective - involves minimal interference in the interlocutor’s speech with maximum concentration on it.

2) Reflexive – involves the establishment of an active feedback with the speaker, allows you to eliminate obstacles and distortions of information in the communication process.

After the game and analysis, we can give five rules for making contact.

First rule contact is greetings. It includes three components. First - addressing a person by name or patronymic name(as is customary in this situation). They are very important for any person, so it is necessary to remember the name and periodically address the person by name in a conversation. If you forget a person’s name immediately after meeting him, it is better to write it down; for this you need to have a notepad and pen with you.

By mixing up the name, you can offend a person, that is, drive him into a corner. Some interlocutors, having forgotten their name, try to speak impersonally, this is bad, because as a result, your interlocutor will not consider himself responsible for the decisions made in the conversation. It is believed that if a person’s name was not mentioned in a conversation, then he is only 10% responsible for the result.

Second component - a smile at the moment of greeting, a demonstration of goodwill. But you need to remember that some people may misinterpret your smile and may think that you are laughing at them or that you are not a serious person. Therefore, in a business conversation, you need to smile about as much as your interlocutor smiles.

Third component - handshake(if appropriate) or simply tilting your head. Physical contact when shaking hands helps to establish contact faster, but it must be remembered that the person who is older in age or position shakes hands first. You can provoke the person to extend their hand to you by making a slight forward movement with your shoulder, as if you were about to extend your hand for a handshake. But this must be done very carefully so that the person reacts to your movement unconsciously. To do this, you can practice at home in front of a mirror; it should be a barely noticeable movement.

In addition, we must remember that in our culture It is not customary to offer your hand to a woman for a handshake. If the woman herself decides to shake your hand, then this is her right, a sign of special favor. The hand for a handshake is given from below, approximately at waist level or slightly higher. To kiss, the hand is moved higher, somewhere at the level of the diaphragm. In a business situation, it is not customary to kiss a woman’s hand, especially when she is extended for a handshake.. In a man's handshake, one should not forget that this is not a competition, the efforts made should be approximately equal, there is no need for excessive effort. Limp and limp handshakes are unacceptable - this can destroy contact. Under no circumstances should you shake a woman’s hand forcefully; it’s just a friendly, warm, slightly supportive squeeze.

The second rule is eye contact.. Eye contact should be maintained approximately 10 - 15% of the total communication time. We meet the gaze of the interlocutor, then look to the side or at his hands, posture, gestures, then again into the eyes, and so on. If the interlocutor avoids eye contact, this is perceived as shyness, withdrawal, or even a willingness to lie.

The third rule is reducing social distance. The shorter the social and physical distance, the closer and more reliable the contact. For example, when entering an office, you should not start speaking from the door; it is better to move closer to the table. You should not sit down without permission; you must either wait for an invitation or ask permission to sit down. If the chair is uncomfortable, it is better to move it and turn it so that you sit sideways to the table. This is the most convenient option, since your knees will not rest against the table, and if necessary, you can lightly rub yourself on the table with your elbow. If the furniture in the office is heavy, then you have to sit where they suggest, you should not move the chair. Also, do not move papers or any other objects on the table. If you want to hand over any papers to the owner of the office, then you cannot put your papers on top of his papers, it is better to hand them over.

If this is your office, then it is better to leave the table, extend your hand for a handshake, and offer to sit down. If you wish, you can sit not across the table, but at a coffee table. The most convenient option is when the interlocutors sit next to each other or at an angle of 45 degrees, and not opposite! If they want to increase the distance, they sit across the table and additionally, during the conversation, put some folders and papers on the table, thereby isolating themselves from an overly intrusive visitor.

Fourth rule- tell a person about his importance. A good way to let a person know that he is a significant person to you is, for example, to say that you spent the whole evening preparing for the meeting with him, that you really value his opinion, that you liked his office, etc. The main idea is to say something nice to the person, but so that it doesn’t look like flattery or just manipulation.

Fifth rule- You can’t negotiate on the go: in the corridor, in the buffet, near the windowsill, that is, where you met a person by chance. This rule is important to remember because in our culture it is “normal” to talk to a person about business anywhere, even catch him on the way to the toilet. People often treat themselves and their interlocutor without due respect; This leads to a negative impression of such a conversation. The only thing that can be done in case of a chance meeting is to agree on the time and place of the intended conversation.

Like all rules in training, these rules are advisory in nature; they almost always work “to the advantage,” although in some situation, perhaps, something will work “to the disadvantage.” In any case, the use of these rules increases the chances of establishing friendly, trusting contact. But it doesn't guarantee it.

You can add some more rules, but within reasonable limits. The theory across stages must be balanced - you should not overload individual stages and the entire training with theory.


12 (minimum 9) participants required. If there are more participants, you can make some of them observers.

Three people go out the door, the rest are divided into three groups of three or two. If there are more people, then four are possible.

Instructions.Instructions for those standing in groups:“You are at a conference. Now is a break, you are standing in a group and talking about some topic. Those three people behind the door are your friends who went out to the buffet or to smoke. Now they will return, and they will have the task of approaching any of the groups and making contact with you, joining in the conversation. They will enter at the same time and each will have two minutes to make contact. Then, after two minutes, at the command of the coach, they will move clockwise to another group, then after another two minutes to a third group, and eventually everyone will be in all three groups. You have a strict task: no matter who approaches you, do not accept the first one - you treat him negatively, the second one is neutral, the third one is positive. Agree on how you will let them know this.”

Instructions for participants outside the door:“You went out for a break and will now return to the room where your friends from the conference are standing and talking. Your task: choose any group and make contact with them, join the conversation. This must be done intensively, since we only have two minutes. Then, at the coach’s command, you move to the second group clockwise, and there is the same task, then to the third group with the same task.”

After the game is over, everyone sits in a circle and the game is analyzed. This is the only game where the analysis is carried out in reverse order: those who walked out the door and played the main roles in the game speak first, and then the representatives of the three groups. If there were observers, they speak out last. During the analysis, it is necessary to focus on how the groups understood the task: what a negative, neutral and positive attitude is. When summing up the results, the trainer does the following: conclusions: When you are viewed negatively, any rules of engagement may be ineffective. It is better for the group to immediately tell the person that he is disturbing or that the conversation is confidential, and ask him to come at another time, otherwise the situation will be very unpleasant and psychologically difficult for everyone. Next output : If you are accepted, it is immediately obvious and it is very easy to make contact. Third conclusion is that there is no neutral relationship. The attitude can only be “plus” or “minus”, which was shown in the game, and, therefore, it is necessary to immediately determine your attitude towards the person and tell him about it.

The game can be filmed and after analysis, in order to confirm the conclusions drawn, show how the facial expressions of the game participants changed.

3. Second stage – “orientation”

At the beginning of a conversation about the second stage, it is appropriate to ask the group the question: “What do you need to be able to do at this stage in order to orient a person in your understanding of the problem and to orient yourself in how your interlocutor understands this problem? Participants speak freely (at will, not in circles) and express their opinions. Opinions can vary greatly. For example: “you need to understand the person,” “you need to win him over,” “you need to be honest and sincere,” etc. The trainer leads the discussion, giving everyone the floor, and tries to ensure that people do not interrupt each other or argue. A coach can always say that all opinions are important, not just one, even if you believe that there can only be one correct opinion.

After the group discussion, the trainer sums up and highlights three points: you need to be able to speak, be able to listen and pay attention to the non-verbal manifestations of a person, both during a monologue and when listening.

"Broken phone"

Then you can play the game “Broken Phone”. It is played by 10-12 people. If there are more participants in the group, then you can involve all of them or leave some as observers. Everyone participating in the game goes out the door.

Instructions.Instructions for those outside the door:“Now you will transfer information to each other. You will take turns entering the room, listening to the text and passing it on to the next person. I will tell the first text, he will tell the second, the second to the third, etc. Your task is to convey the information to the next one as close to the text as possible, preferably word for word, without confusing, distorting or adding anything. You can do whatever you want, you can’t write it down. It's clear?"

Instructions for those staying in the room:“Now the game participants will enter here one by one, I will tell the first one the text, which he will pass on to the second, the second to the third, and so on. Your task is to record who will transmit the text and how exactly (you can divide the participants between observers, who should watch whom)


“Marfusha was an exemplary girl.

She worked at a factory.

I went to demonstrations like everyone else.

Products are only from the store.

And sex is only with my husband and only on Fridays.

But then she once went into the forest and met a UFO there. Since then, things have not been the same for people.

I abandoned work.

The houses are full of demonstrations.

Products only from the market.

And sex was random and in the most unusual way.

Another text that can be used in this game is called "Ivan Petrovich".

“Ivan Petrovich was waiting for you and didn’t come. He was very upset and asked me to tell you that he was now in the main building deciding on the issue of equipment, by the way, possibly Japanese. Should be back by lunch, but if he's not there by 3 p.m., the meeting needs to start without him. And most importantly, announce that all middle managers must be tested in room 20 in the main building, at any convenient time, but before February 20.”

The game can be filmed. The first participant enters and the coach tells him the text. It is better not to remove the first one so that he does not lose all the text out of confusion. You can shoot on the floor and record only the sound. Then the first invites the second, then the second invites the third, and so on.

Game analysis.First question, which the trainer asks the participants, “When you conveyed information, did you speak to tell them to be heard?” Of course, most will say that they spoke for the sake of saying it and did not try to help their partner understand and remember the text. From here we can draw the first conclusion: when you speak, you must always pay attention to your interlocutor: hears - does not hear, understands - does not understand. It’s always clear from both the facial expression and the surprised eyes that a person doesn’t understand, and then it’s worth stopping and clarifying something, explaining something, asking questions.

Coach's second question: “Who remembers the instructions that the participants in the game received outside the door?” With common efforts, the instructions can be reproduced. And then you can ask the following question: “What does it mean that you can do whatever you want, you can’t write it down. Is it clear?” Everyone heard this phrase, but the majority did not pay attention to it and mechanically answered: “I understand,” while the rest understood it somehow in their own way. But in reality, it was possible to ask again, ask “surveys, ask to repeat it again, etc. Conclusion: ask the question: “Is that clear?” should not, everyone has a standard answer to this: “I see,” but there may be no understanding at all.

Next we analyze who lost what information and why. During the analysis, we can say that, for example, the text about Marfusha was specially written for this game and there are many inconsistencies in it that further confuse the participants. For example, “Marfusha was an exemplary girl, she worked at a factory.” These proposals contradict each other in perception, since model girl usually introduces herself as a schoolgirl junior classes etc., and here she works at a factory. Thus, you can consider the patterns in receiving and transmitting information and make detailed analysis one piece of paper, commenting on each item.

The trainer distributes sheets of text to the participants (Appendix 5), reads out the points one by one, asks the group what they think about this point, and then gives his comments and recommendations on how to speak so that people can hear and remember better.

The listener passes information through a “personal filter”. This means that any person, having heard information, compares it with his ideas, with his life experience, with the facts known to him. And passing it on, he can change something, tell it differently, because it is clearer to him, because it corresponds to his life experience.

“Insignificant, from the point of view of the recipient, releases moments.” This means that people divide information into important and unimportant, and important and unimportant not for them, but in this text. And not important information they forget to say, believing that the other is more important. Because of this, the text begins to shorten from player to player. Usually by the fourth or fifth participant they notice that they start inviting the next one faster and faster.

“Replaces unusual words with familiar ones.” In this text, for example, the word “approximate” is used. This word is rarely used now, and usually in the end Marfusha becomes good, respectable, and so on.

“The listener processes information according to his own logic.” This text largely lacks logic, and some sentences contradict each other. This usually leads to people starting to connect sentences somehow. For example, “Marfusha lived in the village, then went to the city,” “got married and started working at a factory,” or “and went into the forest to pick mushrooms,” and so on.

“The listener remembers unusual, “fried” facts. But the “sick” word can crawl to the end, or it can be replaced with a less dangerous and emotionally stable one" In the text, two points that attract attention are sex and UFOs. These words, due to their emotional intensity, crowd out other information, and usually in the text to the last participant only sex and UFOs are preserved, but at the same time, the word “sex” is often replaced with something else, for example, “made love”, “lived well” and everything was fine with them.” UFOs are sometimes replaced by aliens, and sometimes lost.

“What can be interpreted, the listener will interpret.” Against the backdrop of the game that has just been played, this point usually doesn’t even need to be commented on, since it can be confirmed by the example of all the participants.

“Speak clearly”, “Use simple words”. Absolutely clear recommendations - the simpler and more unambiguous the information, the better it is understood and remembered.

“It’s important to say it several times.” It’s a completely understandable recommendation, since it’s really better to say it several times and risk looking like a parrot than to later regret that it wasn’t done.

“Structure the message, break it down into points.” Very useful recommendation: any message must have an internal structure, it must be clear how the sentences are related to each other. The simplest example of structure is numbered sentences: first, second, third, and so on. It is very difficult to lose the sentence that goes under the number. For example, if there is a first, second, fourth, then it is immediately clear that there was something third.

“Monitor the state of the listener and track when he does not understand the information.” This means that during a conversation it is necessary to constantly monitor the facial expression, the eyes of the interlocutor, and by his reaction you can notice when a person does not hear or does not understand. This is a signal that you need to stop and repeat again, ask a question or comment on what was said.

“Is everything clear to you?” do not ask, since everyone usually answers: “Yes.” You need to ask a question for clarification, for example: “After our conversation, what will you do next?”, “What will you do first?” This is an understandable recommendation, since since school everyone has developed a reflex to the questions: “Do you understand?”, “Do you understand?” - automatically answer “I understand,” without always understanding what they were asked about.

“If there is an interruption (you are interrupted), then you need to stop and go back and say the previous sentence again.” Usually, when a person is interrupted, the last thought, the last sentence is usually lost due to a shift in attention. Everyone can remember similar situations when, after an interruption, one of the interlocutors says: “What was I talking about?” Therefore, to maintain the connection in the message, it is better to repeat the last sentence and then continue your story.

“The tempo characteristics of the listener must be taken into account.” This is easily explained: all people speak at different speeds and, what is important for us, are also able to listen at the same speed at which they speak. If a person speaks quickly, then you need to speak to him at approximately the same speed, and with a slow speaker, accordingly, slowly. Why is that? If we speak too slowly for a person, then it irritates him, and if we speak too quickly, then the person simply may not hear some words.

“You can create positive or negative motivation:“if you do everything according to the instructions, then...”, “if you don’t, then this will happen...”.” Usually they start with positive motivation. For example, if you do such and such, you will get such and such a result. If positive motivation does not help, use negative motivation. For example: “If you violate clause three of the contract, you will lose warranty service, money, etc.”

“You can use techniques like “fence”- special phrases: “I specifically draw your attention,” “I want you to remember this.” The main idea is that we can fence off important information with certain phrases, like a fence within which the information must be preserved.

When selling a product, set yourself a goal to achieve long-term cooperation with the client, avoiding elements of pressure to sell at all costs. It is clear that the seller may be under significant pressure from management, who will demand results in achieving an often unrealistic plan, but in this situation it is worth remembering your reputation, the unjustified trust of the client and the risks of returns.

In this situation, it is necessary to strike a balance between the impact on the client and human decency, as well as the expectation of a long-term partnership. It is important to remember that when “selling” a product, you will not be able to completely hide your emotions, since your interlocutor will in any case perceive your emotions, especially if they are negative. He may not realize this, perceiving your condition subconsciously. Therefore, if you have Bad mood, it is very important to abstract yourself from everything, distract yourself, smile, otherwise you can cause mistrust of the client.

Sales stages: Stage 1. Establishing contact.

Many managers have an unconscious belief that the contract establishment stage is not that important, so they do their main work at the deal completion stage. We, buyers, still have to hear phrases like “there are many of you, and I’m alone” or “take what you have.” A huge number of sellers still adhere to such a passive position that “the client will buy anyway,” and if he leaves, then “nothing can be done.” These salespeople only answer the customer's questions without showing interest in the customer and making no effort to impress the customer and convince him to come back again.

At establishing contact the psycho-emotional state of a person is manifested in his condition, appearance, posture, pose, facial expressions, gestures.

Of course, you can learn to control all your actions, but it is very difficult and requires a lot of practice. Most people don't even realize that they are subconsciously demonstrating their condition. Why is it so difficult to control your nonverbal reactions?

All people simultaneously perceive information visually (everything we see), auditory (everything we hear), kinesthetically (touch, smell). Visually, we read a person’s behavior, his gestures and facial expressions, posture, gait, posture - everything that can be called non-verbal manifestations. Human speech also carries verbal (the meaning of words and expressions) and auditory information (tempo, rhythm, tonality).

By studying the processes of human information perception, scientists have proven that a person perceives information in the following ratio:

  • visual - through facial expressions and gestures - 55%;
  • auditory - through speech intonation - 38%;
  • verbal - through the meaning of words - 7%.

It is 93% of information that we perceive non-verbally, in addition to audible words. Therefore, it is extremely important not what we say, but how we say it, how we feel about our interlocutor.

A person is too emotional, therefore, while controlling our words, we cannot fully control auditory and verbal information. Therefore, it is very difficult for us to hide our true state from the client. If our words tell the client one thing, and he “reads” something completely different, then he develops discomfort and mistrust.

Therefore, it is very important at the stage establishing contact establish a trusting relationship with the client, which will help to immediately remove his resistance and subsequently influence his purchase decision. If a trusting contact is not established, it will not go well, and the client will answer your questions in monosyllables and give a lot of information. Until you establish the right atmosphere, the client will not listen to you carefully and will not delve into the meaning of your proposal.

It also happens when you cannot establish contact with a client. And you shouldn’t get hung up on it and blame yourself. What could be the reasons when contact is not established? It happens that the client is satisfied with the state of things, he controls everything, and you with your proposal bring uncertainty into his life or the need for additional work. This can cause natural resistance from the client. Therefore, you must be mentally prepared for this and not take the client’s refusal to heart.

At the stage of establishing contact, the overall positive impression consists of the following components:

1. Manager's appearance. If you give the impression of being a successful person and have an ideal appearance and, most customers will want to do business with you. If this is a business meeting, then for such purposes you need to wear a suit, clean it perfectly and iron it. Evaluate your appearance by looking in the mirror. What impression do you make on others?

2. Behavior. If you are hunched over, your hands are twitching chaotically, your eyes are darting, what can you tell the client? Such behavior will clearly not inspire trust; he will decide that you are not confident in yourself and can be controlled. On the contrary, if you straighten your back, you will tell the other person about your confidence and equality. But don’t overdo it - an overly protruded chest is perceived as a desire for superiority over others and a sign of aggression.

3. Gesticulation. The interlocutor reads a lot of information about our state from the movements of our hands: small gestures show our nervousness, and sometimes as a sign of deception and insincerity. If your gestures are too broad, your interlocutor may think that you are embellishing what you are saying. If you don't use gestures at all during a conversation, then you will be thought of as a dry and insensitive person. Well, if you constantly repeat a gesture, it can very soon begin to irritate your interlocutor.

Before an important meeting, ask your loved ones to talk about the gestures you use. Of course, their story may cause your indignation, but try to control yourself and be grateful to them. No one except your loved ones will tell you frankly about your shortcomings. Knowing these very shortcomings, you will begin to pay attention to them, gradually control them, and after a while you will be able to get rid of them.

4. Facial expression. An angry facial expression can disfigure any beauty, or, conversely, a smile transforms the ugliest person. You can read from a tense face about excitement and uncertainty. If you work with clients, try to learn how to “depict” different expressions on your face, remember all the sensations with your facial muscles and periodically try on the necessary expressions.

5.Sight. If you avert your eyes, the client may think that you are depressed, guilty, and taking a leading position. It is extremely bad if a person’s eyes “shift”, since such a position of the eyes indicates his dishonesty and raises doubts about the veracity of his words. A hard look allows you to dominate, but repels your interlocutor. An open look encourages communication and is very important for creating a favorable impression.

Remember that during a conversation, you should look your interlocutor in the eyes half the time of the conversation. To prevent your gaze from causing aggression in the client, mark a point on the interlocutor’s forehead and look into it.

6.Voice. Be sure to monitor the speed of your interlocutor’s speech and try to adapt to him. If you speak too quickly, the other person may not understand you or may think that you are interrupting them, which can ruin everything. If you speak slower than your interlocutor, he may get the impression that you are a slow and slow thinker.

During the conversation, your voice should sound loud and confident enough. If you speak quietly, the interlocutor will begin to doubt your self-confidence, and if your voice sounds too loud, it will irritate the interlocutor.

Now let's talk about how to start a conversation with a client:

  • Greetings. It is important to start any meeting, any contact with a client with a greeting. The time has already passed when clients were afraid of the manager’s greeting; on the contrary, now the client is waiting and ready to hear when they say hello to him. Before you say hello, you should meet the other person's eyes, smile, and then say hello.
  • Permission to enter . If you enter a client's office, ask permission, but be careful not to sound ingratiating. Your voice should sound confident, because you are not asking the other person to let you in, but telling him that you are entering. Use the phrases: “Can I come in?”, “Allow me?”, “Allow me!”. If the conversation takes time, try to immediately discuss the time limit.
  • Performance. Modern customer service standards in many companies require managers to introduce themselves to their customers. This approach is justified when you have to communicate with the client for at least 10 minutes. If your company requires you to introduce yourself, say your name clearly, confidently, and loud enough for the client to hear it clearly. Remember to keep your introduction short, no more than two sentences, to avoid it becoming a presentation.
  • Purpose of the visit. If you are a sales representative, you need to indicate the purpose of your visit. If you are engaged in retail sales, this item can be omitted. The purpose of the visit must be formulated immediately in one or two sentences so that your interlocutor knows for what purpose you came. When formulating the purpose of the visit, you should mention how you might be of interest to your interlocutor.
  • Small Talk. Before starting negotiations, the rule is good manners The so-called “talk about nothing” is considered - a few phrases of a sincere compliment to the client and his company or office. By how positively the interlocutor perceived your compliment, they judge whether contact has been established.

Working with clients requires a sincere interest in the interlocutor. It is your sincere interest that makes him feel comfortable and open. Let's look at a few techniques that you can use to easily establish contact with the buyer:

    Listen to the client with great attention. It is known that all people prefer to talk than to listen. But the ability to listen and hear the client is just necessary, especially for managers working in sales. Additionally, it is important to remember the purpose of your hearing. For example, most people listen with the goal of speaking and responding, rather than with the goal of understanding the speaker. Therefore, it is very important to listen to your client, because the more you listen to him, the more the client tells you about his experiences and emotions, the more he will help you. In addition, while talking, the client provides us with everything more information about himself, which allows us to comprehensively identify his needs and decide on techniques for further work. You can determine how developed this skill is with the help of

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