80th anniversary of a woman with her family. Scenarios

80 years is a grandiose event, since a woman has lived a huge, sometimes difficult life. After all, no one knows how many losses, griefs, disappointments, joys and happiness she received for these long years. Therefore, on the day of such an anniversary, I want to spend my birthday somehow unusual, memorable and happy. To do this, you need to make every effort and show your love, respect, honor. In most cases, the organization of such special events is carried out by close relatives of the birthday girl: children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Therefore, the role of presenter in the script can be taken by one of them. You should definitely try to decorate the room in which the celebration will take place the way your mother likes, that is, choose the decorations and dishes that she prefers most.

It is best to conduct such events at home with your family. And, of course, one should not forget about the gift, because it should not only correspond to the age of the hero of the day, but also please her. In it she should see the affection and love that you feel for her. Original script, which captivates guests and lifts their spirits is the key happy holiday. You can prepare medals and certificates that will be presented to your mother during the feast. Small souvenirs, a bottle of champagne, etc. are suitable for competition gifts.

As soon as all the guests (except the birthday girl) have gathered at the table, the host enters.

Good evening dear guests,
The guests are Russian and simple,
We welcome you with bread and salt,
We invite you to our holiday.
Today we celebrate 80 years
In this regard, our festive lunch.
But to start congratulating,
We need to shout out loud!
So, (name, patronymic) we invite you! (everyone calls the hero of the day in chorus and claps their hands when she comes out, a melody sounds, for example, “Mom, dear mother, how I love you!”

Leading: We welcome you, dear and respected birthday girl (name, patronymic)! We are all very glad to see you at this festive feast. What is the reason for such a magnificent holiday today? (guests answer)

Leading: Yes, that is right. On this day exactly 80 years ago, a child cried for the first time - and it was our wonderful hero of the day! This is not just an amazing woman: she is a wonderful and loving mother, grandmother and great-grandmother who cares and protects her great-grandchildren and grandchildren! Allow me, on behalf of all the guests present, to congratulate you (name, patronymic) on this magnificent date!

Today we congratulate you from all of us
Happy anniversary, because you are eighty years old.
Beautiful moments of the past days
Everything came together in the happiest bouquet!

And you can’t get enough of looking at him
You have something to be proud of in life,
The care of loved ones will warm your heart
Good health, light, vigor and blessings!
So, let's raise a glass to the happiness, health and well-being of our beloved birthday girl.

All those present raise their glasses, various toasts and congratulations are heard.
Next, the birthday girl’s favorite song is turned on. At the same time, posters with photographs depicting the hero of the day in different years own life.

Leading: Dear guests, now we want to show you some memorable moments from the long and sometimes difficult life of the hero of our today's celebration.

Photos are being viewed: in infancy, baby photo, school years, coming of age, marriage, birth of children, etc., finishing the photo today.

Leading: So we looked at the wonderful 80 years of life lived by (name, patronymic). Now don’t spare kind and affectionate words, congratulate the birthday girl.

The guests take turns congratulating the hero of the day, presenting her with their gifts.

Leading: The word for congratulations is given to the children of the birthday girl (name, patronymic).
Children of the birthday girl:
Today we came to our mother with bows -
Gray-haired children, mother, are yours.
It's your birthday and a big anniversary,
So accept congratulations from your family and children.
You have found your forever home in our hearts.
We love and appreciate very much: the strength of spirit is strong.
After all, as a mother and grandmother, we really need you.
With respect we bow our heads before you,
As always, you will stroke them with your gentle hand.
Eternally beloved by us, there is no one dearer and dearer!
Mom, may the Lord take care of you, and don’t get older, don’t get sick!
Host: What does our dear (name, patronymic) like? Most likely, what all grandmothers love to pamper their grandchildren is baking cheesecakes, singing ditties. We thought about this for a long time and decided that today we will please and spoil our grandmother. Therefore, the grandchildren themselves have prepared gifts for you.

The grandchildren bring out the cheesecakes, and then the grandmother’s favorite ditties are sung along with the accordion.

Leading: And now we will hold a toast competition that will be dedicated to our birthday girl. The author of the best toast will receive a gift.

The guests begin to make toasts
Daughters-in-law or sons-in-law read congratulations.

Leading: Since there will be a lot of toasts today, between breaks we will play with you. Today our birthday girl should hear the best and beautiful compliments to your address. This will be our little competition. The main thing in the competition is that each person only needs to say one word, so it’s worth thinking about what the most worthy compliment is.

Then the toasts continue.

Leading: Perhaps it's time to dance. Today we will enjoy the favorite melodies of our birthday girl (name, patronymic). Let our hero of the day enjoy her favorite music from the bottom of her heart.

Guests must invite the hero of the day to dance.

The toasts continue.
Grandchildren, sisters, brothers say congratulations.

Leading: So our birthday girl loves music very much, today we decided not only to listen and dance to our favorite tunes, but also to sing. This will be our next competition. We will not just sing, but karaoke.

Those who wish to participate in the competition.

The toasts continue. The best one is chosen.
Nephews, husband, great-grandchildren say congratulations.

Leading: So, let's call the next competition "Merits and Achievements." Its essence is that you need to list all the well-deserved awards of the birthday girl, all her achievements. For each correct answer, the hero of the day (name, patronymic) will be awarded a certificate or diploma. (prepare them in advance)
You see, even though our dear birthday girl did not graduate from universities, she can do everything in the world: babysit children, be an excellent cook, a kind teacher, a laundress, etc. You deservedly received certificates of “Honor”, ​​“Respect”, “Gratitude”, “Tolerance”, etc. (depending on what was prepared in advance). In addition, our grandmother is the most cheerful and kind, so she receives well-deserved gifts from her great-grandchildren. (they give handmade crafts).

Our grandmother turned 80 in February. To that significant event I was preparing the script, collecting a little from everywhere. I'm posting it in my diary. Maybe someone will find it useful

Hello! I am glad to welcome everyone present to this house! Today we have all gathered together for an unusual occasion. This week our dear Maria Petrovna turned eighty.

We want to say one thing about grandma:
With her next to us we feel comfortable and warm.
And even if there is bad weather outside,
The climate here is constant from year to year.

For affection, for cordiality of warmth
We must raise our glasses!

Knowing how my grandmother cares for each of us, sometimes you are amazed at her patience and wisdom. And the most important thing is that behind all this trouble she perfectly manages to hide her real age. After all, only the young are able to be always on the move and radiate so much energy! And we, friends, do not hide this today, and immediately dedicate the song at the table to her.

Song to the tune of "Old Grandmother"
Who usually treats you to dumplings every time?
Who are we used to seeing with a ball in their hands?
Who knows so many different tales by heart?
Let each of you here guess that hour. (2 times.)

Today we all came to grandma's for dinner,
Because we all really need this day.
Heart-to-heart conversations and memories.
They give grandma and us only exclamations. (2 times.)
Grandma, grandma is not an old lady at all,
Grandma, grandma, you are our friend!
We love you, appreciate you, respect you.
Sometimes we dream of living to see the same years. (2 times.)

(The guests raise a toast to the grandmother’s “young” age.)

Wise age - eighty years
It came suddenly, unexpectedly.
But don't be upset, no
The book of life has not been read at all.
May you enjoy many years
Gives the huge world only the best!
Let them always live in your soul,
Kindness, love, generosity!

The word for the first congratulations is given to the children
(read a poem and give a gift, a song sounds at the end)

To my dear mother with bows
We came today -
Raised with love
Children, mother, are yours.

It is your birthday
And a big anniversary,
So congratulations
From children born.

In our souls forever
You have found your shelter.
How full the rivers are in spring,
So do the souls - warmth.

We love, appreciate and believe:
The strength of the spirit is strong.
And like mother and grandmother
We really need you.

With respect to your head
We will bow before you,
And you will stroke them again
His kind hand.

It's happiness to feel again
Dear mother's affection.
There is no need to even philosophize:
We are of the same blood!

Eternally beloved by us,
No dearer, dearer!
Mom, protected by God,
Live, don't get sick!

(You can download the lyrics and backing track and sing it yourself. My mom just sang along, there was no time to prepare)

And now congratulations from the grandchildren
(read a poem and give gifts, a song sounds at the end)

Today is a big anniversary
Beautiful, round date
How endless once upon a time
The road seemed to lead to her
Time flies quickly
But no matter how long it takes
How old does she look today?
There's still surprisingly little

Always stay like this
Beautiful, feminine, sweet
Not knowing dull boredom
So that in 10 years again
We were able to say as before
She looks only 25!

Sketch of the Housekeeper and Carlson
(A cheerful children's song about Carlson plays. The Housekeeper appears in the room with a towel in her hand. Waving it, she tries to catch up with the fleeing Carlson, who is holding a jar with the name "Sweets" in his hands. The Kid can barely keep up with them (this could be the child playing the role of the Housekeeper and Carlson). The whole trio stops in front of the guests when a certain section of the song ends.)
I run this house
In the know about all sorts of different things,
And behind everyone I know
I notice chaos.
Dear birthday girl!
How did you know that there were Mice here?
I drove him off the roof,
Brought here quickly
To drive them away from you.
I'm in my prime years old man,
I'm bored being alone.
Because for free
I brought the crowd with me.
(Points to the Kid and the Housekeeper.)
I know, you’ll treat me to jam,
Cake, tea and cookies.
Because on the anniversary
Do you like to receive guests?
Congratulating Baba Marusechka,
We'll fill this jar,
Only tasty words
What will we remember about her?
(Guests, having received the cards, write down “delicious words” on them related to the birthday girl and lower the card into the slot in the lid of the jar. Word options: warm, sweet, tender, airy, fresh, juicy (i.e. in the juice itself), lush, fragrant, etc.)
Dear birthday girl!
Get this jar
Treat all your guests!
What a horror is happening here!
Carlson decided to get drunk!
Baby is next to you,
Come on, let's kick the bottle!
Pour me 100 grams,
Otherwise I will take revenge on all of you!
(Carlson and the Housekeeper have their glasses filled.)
There is a lot of "lemonade" in the mugs,
We need to drink to our anniversary!
(The guests drink. The feast continues.)

The word for congratulations is given to other guests

Scene with Baba Yaga
Baba Yaga appears. Sings to the tune of ditties “And the locomotive ran, the wheels rubbed”:
My broom is all dusty...
You weren’t waiting for me, but I showed up!
Are you celebrating your birthday here?
And you don’t notice anything around!
And I hid a gift for you!
And I didn’t even print my fingers!
They will all remain as a keepsake for Yaga,
But the birthday girl won’t get it!
Ved. No, grandma! We disagree! Better drink with us to the health of the birthday girl and have a snack!
B. Ya.
Fathers! She lived to be a thousand years old, but she had never seen such a table! Well, thank you, you respected the old lady! (drinks a glass of wine)
So be it, I’ll help you find a gift! Here's your first hint:
I swear I'll be old and stooped
If there is no note on the leg... (of the chair)
The host gives candy to the person who guessed it and invites all guests to look for the note. The one with the note tied to the chair leg is given a piece of candy.
The note contains the following text:
"Look further quickly
My note is at... (door)
The one who guesses correctly receives candy and brings a note with a rebus:
(On O k, then SNOW without the first and last letter,
* * i.e. ON THE WINDOW)
The one who deciphers the rebus receives candy. The birthday girl is again given the gift that was lying on the window. B. Yaga is about to fly away.
B.Y. - Oh! Completely forgot! After all, I have an order from Kashchei - to congratulate the birthday girl! Sings to the melody of V. Dobrynin’s song “Plantain-grass”:
Where the stitch is beaten
Overgrown with quinoa
We walk in love with you, -
Young Leshy and I!
Plantain grass! Maria, listen!
We will tell you our main secret:
Eat a rejuvenating apple -
And shine with beauty even up to a hundred years!
He takes out a rosy apple.
- He couldn’t give me a gift for the millennium! Well, it’s okay, I’ll rejuvenate with you!
After all, if you put this apple on the table, then all wines turn into the elixir of youth! So, let's pour everything, drink...
Conjure, woman, conjure, grandfather!
Everyone is now seventeen years old!
Baba Yaga takes off her nose with glasses and a scarf.
- Well, I’ve become rejuvenated, thanks to your birthday girl! Now it's time for me to go!

Sings to the tune of the song "Farewell to Love":

Half an hour before the flight, half an hour before the flight!
I'm already at the runway!
I'm hurrying to the Sabbath on this starry evening
And I will arrive exactly like clockwork!
It was so wonderful here at the anniversary -
You call it whatever you want!
Or Birthday, or Valentine's Day,
Or an evening of happiness and love!
(Flies away on a broom). Musical pause.

Finishing the holiday, I want to say now,
That, oddly enough, we have nothing to count the years.
The most important thing is how you behave in life,
And will your family respect you?
We are ready to confirm to grandma today
That we will, as before, idolize her.
Happy birthday, relatives! Happy anniversary!

I also downloaded remake songs for the anniversary and backing tracks for them. I printed out several copies of the text and everyone sang together.

There were not many people at the anniversary (the closest ones). There were no people willing to take part in the skits. That’s why I held skit competitions myself. In principle, everyone participated with pleasure.

May God grant to everyone that you have the opportunity to celebrate your grandmother’s eightieth birthday. A person who has lived to see such years deserves a real holiday! Therefore, we will be glad to provide you with the script for this event.
Initially, you should decide who can carry out this entertainment program. If there is no such person in your family, then it is better to hire a presenter. He will definitely do everything correctly and interestingly, no one will be bored.
What is needed from you personally:
- Preparing the festive table. There must be several of grandma's favorite dishes on the table. And, it is better to celebrate this holiday in a home environment in which the birthday girl will be cozy and comfortable.
- Decoration of the festive room in which all the guests will gather. Alternatively, you can decorate with multi-colored balls, put the number 80 on the wall with them and hang a congratulatory poster. Also, put the flowers that grandma prefers in a vase on the table.
-. Plan to invite guests over for lunch. It is better to hold this event until the evening, because for an elderly person, even good and pleasant emotions will be tiresome.
- Approach the choice of gifts with special attention. At any age, we enjoy receiving good things. Your gifts should express warm, tender and reverent love. (For example, you can give a rocking chair or a blanket).
- Seat all the relatives so that the grandmother is in the center of the table and can see what will happen during the celebration.

Believe me, she doesn’t even expect anything more from this day than a family dinner gathering of relatives. And here is such a surprise!

1. The presenter comes in with the words: “Good afternoon, dear (name and patronymic), we are all incredibly happy to congratulate you on your anniversary, on your eightieth birthday! You are the same person who gave life to many of those present here. You deserve only the warmest words and wishes. And your children would like to congratulate you. Let's fill the glasses."
2. The son or daughter gets up from the table and says congratulatory words.

Today is our beloved mother’s anniversary,
My mom turned eighty.
I want to wish you happiness and health,
We all came to you with congratulations and a gift!

3. A toast is immediately made: “To the most beloved and the best woman in the world!". After which all the guests come up in turn, hug, kiss the grandmother and give gifts.
4. After presenting the gifts, the host enters again and begins to sing your birthday girl’s favorite song to create the most festive mood for her.
5. After this performance, the son or son-in-law invites the grandmother to a slow dance. The music must definitely be from the time of her youth.
6. Next, the host provides time for everyone to taste the treats of the festive table.
7. Then, again the host’s speech: “Dear (name, patronymic), your grandchildren prepared very hard for this day. They were really looking forward to this day and the opportunity to congratulate you. Let's give them the floor!"
8. All the grandchildren get up, leave the table, stand in a row opposite the grandmother, and read the congratulations in one voice.

Grandmother, beloved, we congratulate you,
How quickly those years flew by
When you were walking with us in the park,
I bought candy and went on roller coaster rides...
Thank you, dear, for always being with us,
And she looked at us with a kind smile.
You are exactly 80 years old today
And everyone gathered here so you know
How much your whole family loves you!

9. After congratulating the grandchildren, the presenter says again: “All of those present would undoubtedly like that your eyes always shone with happiness. And if there were tears on them, then these tears appeared only from joy in your kind heart! Your little great-grandchildren have prepared a fun holiday number for you, pay attention!”
10. Cheerful music turns on, kids in bright costumes run into the room and begin to dance a simple but cheerful dance.
11. After the performance of the little children, the presenter comes on again: “Dear birthday girl, dear people present, I invite everyone to take part in the competition called “What kind of grandmother is I?” The rules are simple, everyone, in turn, says one kind word about grandma. Whoever speaks most vividly about grandma will win.” Everyone plays, at which time the host gives gifts to the most eloquent of the relatives.
12. At the end of the game, the host brings a huge letter into the hall with the signature “To the Grandmother of All Time”, hands it to the birthday girl and makes a speech: “We all have one request for you, promise that you will provide us with such reasons for a feast as today.” many, many more times!” Grandma answers. Presenter: “And your entire family is witnesses to the promise! So let’s drink to the birthday girl keeping her promise!” The clink of glasses and toasts.
13. The presenter prepared an unexpected surprise. His speech: “Dear guests, let’s take a short pause and look at the monitor. These shots will make you remember the numerous events of your strong and happy family" The host starts a slide show to a pleasant melody, and all guests are immersed in the display of old photographs. They show a grandmother in her youth, in her arms she holds her children, common family photos
14. And again a competition for guests. The presenter says: “I have prepared another one for you. interesting competition entitled “How Well Do I Know My Grandmother.” Now I will distribute to all of you sheets of blank paper on which you will write answers to special questions about your grandmother. The winner will be the one with the most matches.”
15. The loser in the competition is lifted up from the table by the host, brought to the grandmother by the hand, and the birthday girl must come up with a punishment in the form of performing some kind of dance or ditty. And the loser is simply obliged to do whatever the grandmother wishes.
16. The lights turn off, the presenter brings in the festive beautiful cake, brings it to grandma. Next, he invites the grandchildren, great-grandchildren or children of the hero of the occasion to help blow out the candles. A couple of seconds of silence, the grandmother makes her deepest wish and blows out the candles.
17. The lights turn on and toasts sound again.
18. At the end of the evening, the host gives the microphone to the grandmother, giving her the opportunity to thank all her relatives for such a pleasant surprise and attention.
19. After the birthday girl’s speech, to applause, everyone gets up from the table and starts dancing. At this time, any of the relatives takes the grandmother by the hand and leads her to the center of the dance circle.
20. At the end of the evening, the host says goodbye to the birthday girl and says: “I was very glad that I had the opportunity to hold this holiday for you. You have the most wonderful and bright family. You are all very lucky to have such a wonderful grandmother, and she, in turn, is lucky to have all of you. Take care of each other! We’ll meet in exactly one year.”

Scenario #000117

Hello! I am glad to welcome everyone present to this house! Today we have gathered here together on an unusual occasion. On this day our dear Margalina Ivanovna turns eighty.
We are starting our banquet
Let's turn to gluttony
For the glory of all the years to come
We fill the glasses together

We drink our cups to the dregs
We clink glasses together
And we will glorify them to the fullest
The culprit here is Margolina!

Dear grandmother, Margolina Ivanovna,
You can't escape anniversaries in life
They will overtake everyone like birds
But the main thing is to carry it through the years
Warmth of the soul, a bit of cordiality
And today is your anniversary
We congratulate you all from the bottom of our hearts
And we wish the most important thing in life
Health, happiness and joy
And up to 100 years without getting old!

(The guests drink.)
Our dear grandmother! We are very grateful for everything, We can no longer remain silent. We love and respect you, As a mother-in-law, grandmother and mother! We'll all move our glasses, friendly family. And we will dedicate this toast to you alone!
The floor for the first congratulations is given to the children Olga and Alexander.
To my dear mother with bows
We came today -
Whitened with gray hair
Children, mother, are yours.
It's your birthday
And a big anniversary,
So congratulations
From children born.
In our souls forever
You have found your shelter.
How full the rivers are in spring,
So do the souls - warmth.
We love, appreciate and believe:
The strength of the spirit is strong.
And like mother and grandmother
We really need you.
With respect to your head
We will bow before you,
And you will stroke them again
With your kind hand.
It's happiness to feel again
Dear mother's affection.
There is no need to even philosophize:
We are of the same blood!
Eternally beloved by us,
No dearer, dearer!
Mom, protected by God,
Live, don't get sick!
(The guests drink.)
Friends! The news of this anniversary spread throughout the area. The one whose holiday we celebrate sits at the head of the table. This is my dear grandmother. I gathered everyone today. I alone will say for the guests: “This is her whole success!”
The floor for congratulations is given to the grandchildren Anna and Alexey.
(Video clip.)
My words:
It's very difficult to express in words
What's in my heart right now...
No songs, poems
I can't surprise you anymore.
How I love you, how dear you are to me,
Can you really find the words to say that?!
How I pray to God, how I want
Make your life without hardships.
So that illness does not torment you,
If my soul wouldn’t ache for the children,
To eighty summer anniversary
I also met in a circle of friends,
She didn’t sigh: “Life is all behind me.”
There are many bright days ahead:
Meet your children with your grandchildren,
Pick berries in the forest,
Make some jam for the winter,
Give the whole family fragrant,
Good things to hear from people -
Life is all about little things!
Enjoy life to the end
That's why she's so good!

Lyosha's words:
Today is your anniversary
Beautiful, round date
How endless once upon a time
The road seemed to you to reach her
Time flies quickly
But no matter how long it takes
How old do you look today?
There's still surprisingly little
Always remain like this
Beautiful, feminine, sweet
Not knowing dull boredom
So that in 10 years again
We were able to say as before
You look only 25!

(The guests drink.)
What does our grandmother like? Maybe chat. With all our relatives who can gather together in an instant. What does everyone love about grandmothers? Probably baking cheesecakes. They are also attracted to perky ditties. We think and wonder about what grandma likes. And on this anniversary day. We give her gifts.
The floor is given to sister Nadezhda Ivanovna.
Wise age - eighty years
It came suddenly, unexpectedly.
But don't be upset, no
The book of life has not been read at all.
May you enjoy many years
Gives the huge world only the best!
Let them always live in your soul,
Kindness, love, generosity!
The floor for congratulations goes to niece Marina Vadimovna and her husband Victor

What else to read