Nice praise. beautiful compliments

An example of a beautiful compliment to your beloved girl No. 1.

You look great, amazing! However, as always:) Beloved! I am very lucky that you chose me among thousands of other men. Such a beauty needs a real man, truth? You and I have been together for so long (here it is better to indicate the specific period of the relationship - six months, a year, three months), and I still cannot believe in this happiness - in the happiness of being with you, possessing you, loving you ... You are like that cherished prize - you are my tidbit reward for the difficulties in my past life... I love you and cherish you very much ... Know that for your sake, I am ready for anything ...

Well, this is really a beautiful compliment to a beloved girl or woman, with whom a man is already bound by tender bonds of love and sex. But what to do, what affectionate words to say to a girl who is not yet with you, who has not yet said to a guy, a man, the cherished word “Yes!”? Here you can also come up with something :)

An example of the best compliment to a girl who is not yet yours. Compliment number 2.

Do you know ... (say the girl by name), what a charming, captivating smile you have? No, really, you have a very beautiful, directly radiant smile :) Only a very good and happy man...

After a while, insert another beautiful compliment to the girl into the ongoing conversation:

It’s so interesting with you: you are a great conversationalist, you know how to listen. Few girls can boast such a rare talent.

As you understand, compliments to the girl you want to win must be dosed - use often, but aptly and little by little, it is important not to overdo it so that she does not suspect a dirty trick. Let's go further.

If a girl has Beautiful legs, hair, dress, handbag, skin, eyes, hands - something that she really (!!!) is beautiful, that part of her body or wardrobe should be praised:

... (name of the girl), you have such beautiful, curly hair! They shine and shimmer in the sun like gold! I just want to touch them ... Can I?

And finally, one more example of a compliment and affectionate words to a girl, but not in prose, but in blank verse. Compliment to a girl or woman number 3.

Your walk makes my heart beat faster!

From the aroma of your gentle perfume, I'm going crazy!

I have never seen such dazzling beauty, and I will never see it again!

Why are you so beautiful and pure?

Smart, flexible, and seductively cute?

I love you! Yes Yes Yes! I love you!

Be with me always! I believe that you are my destiny!!!

These are examples of the best compliments and affectionate, beautiful words love all girls and women without exception. Tell your beloved why you love her, praise her virtues, beauty, intelligence, character traits, clothing style, soul, and she will melt. After all, what does every girl and woman need? High-flown style or elite, expensive gifts? No, she needs attention, respect and some help in urgent matters ... And she knows how to do everything else ...

First of all, you need to decide to whom and for what purpose you want to say pleasant words. Let's start, of course, with various compliments to our dear girls, women, ladies. old saying that “a woman loves with her ears” fully justifies itself at all times. Every woman wants to hear a lot of compliments addressed to her, but this does not mean at all that you can say anything to her. For example, you want to say something pleasant to a stranger. Surely, you will not start your acquaintance with flattering reviews about her breasts or ass (even if they are worth admiring). In this case, you run a great risk of getting a slap in the face instead of her cherished phone number. It would be much more tactful to beautifully describe her look, eyes, smile, appearance in general. If you are complimenting a girlfriend, then mentioning her figure, legs, or more spicy parts of her body will not be shameful, since you know each other well. When complimenting your girlfriend or wife, you just need to use as much as possible beautiful phrases so that in your every word she feels how much you love her. Since our girls, for the most part, are romantic creatures, each one certainly wants to hear that she is the very best. Tell her about her beauty so that she understands that for you there is no one more beautiful than her. Compliments for a girl, of course, should be sincere, passionate and touching. Describe her eyes, hair, lips... Remember how the great Russian poets did it. If you can’t do it yourself - don’t be discouraged - here you can pick up ready-made beautiful, gentle and affectionate words in poetry and prose for all occasions, as well as compliments in alphabetical order (which will make it easier for you to find the right words).

A slightly different type of compliments are words of gratitude. They are expressed mainly to relatives - mothers, fathers, grandmothers, sisters, aunts, as well as work colleagues or friends, that is, those with whom you do not have a love relationship. Although, a beloved girl or beloved man (husband) will also be pleased to hear the words: “Thank you for being you.” But this is rather an exception. Thanksgiving compliments can also be addressed to guests at the wedding, to the chef for perfectly prepared dishes, etc.

By the way, about weddings. It is impossible to ignore at such an event and leave the bride and groom without a compliment. Every newly married couple is beautiful in their own way. Every beautiful couple needs their own unique compliment.

In our time, the so-called business or business compliments have become very relevant. This category is often very great importance in career advancement. A business compliment must meet many requirements, since it is unacceptable to make mistakes in business. First of all, these are smart, refined words that subtly emphasize the merits of your business partner or boss. It is better if they are original and witty, with humor, but without irony. In no case should such compliments be vulgar or tactless - your success may depend on them.

Due to the rapid and inexorable development of technological progress, today it is impossible to bypass such an issue as mobile and social media. SMS compliments are good helpers in establishing warm, friendly and love relationship at a distance where there is no way to talk face to face. Also, now you can not do without virtual communication in social networks. A huge number of people meet, communicate and fall in love on the open spaces of VKontakte and Odnoklassniki. And compliments intended for use in the virtual space should be the best and most eloquent - because they have to compensate for the meaningful look that cannot be seen on the other side of a computer or phone display. Funny, comical or funny compliments are especially popular in social networks. After all, to show off a chic sense of humor is always appropriate. A girl who cares about you put new photo in the questionnaire? A great compliment in the comments to the photo will definitely draw her attention to you.

Those who managed to live in times Soviet Union, well remember the phrase, which has become winged, that "We have no sex in our country." Now it's the 21st century in the yard, and it's no longer a secret to anyone that sex still exists. Therefore, in modern lists compliments, the so-called intimate or erotic compliments have firmly occupied their niche - compliments of a sexual nature. Of course, they give them to people with whom they have achieved just such a level of intimacy. Gracefully emphasize the sexuality of a partner or partner, subtly and elegantly thank for the skillfully delivered pleasure, express admiration after sex - all this requires not just words, but the best words. In our dictionary of compliments you will certainly find such.

In general, the most important thing to consider when choosing a compliment for anyone is originality and unusualness. If you like a person, try to tell him about it in a bright and original way. And remember - a real compliment is not flattery, but a truthfully underlined list of a person's virtues. The more truthful your compliment, the more confidence in you, the more beautiful it is, the more favorable the attitude towards you. Let's give each other only real compliments.

You are like a radiant sun
You warm the world with your warmth.
And like red sparkling
You make me drunk without words.

Your lips, arms, shoulders
They drag me along.
I look forward to meeting
Our fabulous minutes!

It's very nice to see you!
You are so sweet and lovable.
Enchant profile and full face,
And your whole appearance is unusual.

Let the stars fall at your feet
And solar ribbons curl.
It's my pleasure to do it for you
Compliments from the bottom of my heart.

You are an amazing person! And I say this without any flattery. You are an amazing, versatile, talented person who can support in difficult moment and, of course, to help. It's comfortable, good, cozy with you. And communication with you is a real pleasure. And I thank fate for sending me such an extraordinary, imposing person. A fire burns in your soul that can warm everyone who needs it. You never cease to impress with your soul and love of life. It is necessary to take an example from you, because there are few people like you left.

You come like the sun
And you warm me tenderly.
Your smile is not more beautiful
You are an angel of light and goodness.

I often wonder
Why am I so lucky in life
I'm next to a nice person
And this feeling is only growing.

When I see your lips
I want to hug you
Snuggle with a hot cheek
And gently, gently kiss.

Everything about you is beautiful
There is simply no dispute.
Like a clear sun
You give people light.

You warm me with your eyes
There is sadness in my heart without you.
I don't need more
Be by my side always!

I admire you
For me, you are the best.
You always carry with you
And good luck and success.

Next to you - and the sun is shining,
And there is no bad weather forever
You are on the whole big planet
Most best person!

I want to confess to you now
There is nothing more beautiful than your eyes.
that you captured my mind,
It's hard for me to control myself.

You are so real and beautiful
And for a long time everything became clear to me,
What are you in the world - no dearer,
I hasten to see you soon.

You are so smart and interesting
I confess this to you honestly.
In all things you are good,
You are a joy to my soul.

There are few people like you.
You can count on the fingers.
Talent and kindness from God.
In addition, to become regal.

All sciences are subject to you.
Everything is in your hands.
Being with you is not boring.
You are the best in everything you do!

Your good disposition and nobility
Worthy of all praise!
And I say "thank you!" God
For sending you to me!

Better than sky and flowers
With a mass of inner worlds,
boundless kindness,
Words and thoughts with beauty

And with a beautiful soul.
I want peace with you
Enjoy the day and the light
Having a conversation together.

You seem to be flawless
You are complete perfection
For me to be with you -
Supreme bliss.

Beauty of soul and body
in harmonious combination,
I tell you boldly
You are a wonderful creature!

You are so good today
Beautiful and fresh
Like clear dawns in the night.
You are simply amazing, no matter how you describe it.

The smile shines with joy
And your laughter flows like a spring.
So let everyone know
What a wonderful person you are!

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