Alcoholic delusions of jealousy symptoms. Pathological jealousy. General information about the disease

One of the difficult periods in a woman’s life is parting with her loved one. There is melancholy and sadness in my soul, but in my head there is only his image, his gestures, his voice, his facial expressions... How to forget ex-boyfriend the one you love? Not everyone can calmly let go of the past, but this must be done, as you can get stuck in a swamp of bitter memories forever. You have to live, move forward, because in the future you will definitely meet a new person, with whom you may even decide to start a family. Therefore, it is very important, having met him, not to immediately lose him because of memories of the past. For you, dear girls, who still continue to love and cannot get rid of thoughts about your ex-boyfriend, it is advisable for you to carefully read the recommendations below.

Tips on how to forget an ex-boyfriend you still love

1. Forget his name. Do you often call your current boyfriend by your ex's name? Try to control yourself. After all, firstly, you greatly offend your partner, which is fraught with separation, and secondly, this means that you still think about your ex and, perhaps, not always in a negative way. If your relatives or friends remind you of your ex, then ask them not to do this. Explain that you are very happy about their frequent meetings with him, but you are not interested in this, and even more so you are not interested in how he is doing at work and in his personal life. In this situation, it is better for your loved ones to be offended by you than for you to suffer from constant reminders of your past relationship.

2. Don't lie if you're in a relationship with him. . It’s great that you remained friends after the breakup, but it’s not clear why you hide this fact from your real partner. It is strange that you hide messages and emails received from your ex, meetings, if any, and telephone conversations. Are you afraid of hurting your loved one’s pride or do you still have some feelings for your ex-boyfriend? Most often, the answer is this - you still think about him, moreover, with affection and love. This means that you need to think about whether it is worth building your current relationship on deception or breaking up with it, so as not to torment the person who is now nearby and has tender feelings for you.

3. Get rid of your ex's things. You loved wearing your boyfriend's shirt around the house, and even now that you've broken up, you wear it as loungewear. Get rid of it urgently: after all, it reminds you of your ex. Even if the shirt has been washed and rewashed a thousand times, so it no longer smells like him, his thing will definitely be a reminder of him. Better get a new home shirt - your current partner. He will be very pleased to give it to you.

4. You are a victim. If you already have a boyfriend, then it is simply inappropriate to tell everyone that your ex took advantage of you and abandoned you. Everything is already behind him - he has his own life, not necessarily a happy one, even if in all the photographs on social networks he smiles with all thirty-two teeth. You have your own - with new relationships and hobbies. So enjoy it! Give love to your partner, because this is what he expects from you, and not whining about the past.

5. Stop talking about how your ex changed your life for the better. Of course, he changed, just as you changed him: you had common interests, you exchanged thoughts and knowledge, made some adjustments to each other, not only external, but also internal. Perhaps you were happy with him. But now he’s not around, and stop suffering, think about it: if you broke up, it means something wasn’t ideal. And in the end, who are you sad about? Because of a great man who changed your life for the better? Or did you become more beautiful without him (changed your hairstyle, went to the gym, visited a beauty salon), smarter (signed up for courses foreign languages) and more purposeful (they found a well-paid job, a promotion is expected ahead). And even if none of the above happened to you, just turn the page of your life book and start living in a new way: luckier and more joyful.

6. Give up previous family ties. If you are not connected to your ex's family through work, financial or other means, then simply break up with them for good. Yes, it can be difficult, especially when you had a good relationship with them, but it needs to be done. Now you have new relatives, so establish contact with them! Who said it won't work? Most likely, it’s the other way around, because you already have successful experience in communicating with your loved one’s relatives!

7. Stop comparing! Stop spending comparative analysis skills of an ex with a current partner, especially if it is not in his favor. Even if the previous guy cooked better, drove a car and earned more, now you are with another person who has a lot own merits. Otherwise, why are you with him?

Remember why you are not with your former partner now? After all, there were many reasons for your separation. Today you have a real relationship, which may be better or worse than the previous ones, but this moment they are true, so try to get rid of your ex-boyfriend, at least in your thoughts.

He left. Even if you yourself wanted to finish your novel in the near future, and he only beat you to it by a week, you feel resentment scratching like a cat in your soul. At the very least, you feel dreary, if not outright bad. Still, living with the thought that you have been abandoned is unpleasant. To restore peace of mind, something needs to be done urgently.

The main thing is to distract yourself and not think about what happened until you calm down. My friends and acquaintances suggested, tested for personal experience, the most obvious simple and original ways forget it as quickly as possible - within 24 hours.

Well, if this representative of the stronger sex did not appreciate you, then this is only his problem. In the end, to paraphrase the words of a famous song, we can say: “So many beautiful young men, so many affectionate names.” Therefore, we urgently need to start looking for a handsome man with affectionate name to fall in love again and lose peace and sleep. All that’s left to do is get yourself in order and go hunting in places where men gather, for example, in Gym, to a club, to a bar, to a football match. My friend Tanya did just that. She got a new boyfriend two hours after she broke up with her previous one. Out of spite young man, who left her, she went to a football match, where she met a fan of the city sports club. They went to football together for two months. Tanya still gets sick when she sees the local team's logo. But she forgot the boyfriend who preceded her passion for football within the first 24 hours.
This decision never comes to mind first, but is carried out by people unconsciously much more often. Of course, hard work the day after breaking up with your boyfriend is unlikely to immediately move your career forward, but completing a weekly plan on time can free up a lot of time for you.
Olesya used the collapse of her relationship and hopes for marriage as an impetus for her career. From preparing her fiancé’s favorite pancakes, she switched to work and on the very first day discovered an error in the calculations, which could lead to serious consequences. She used her quarterly bonus to buy herself a fancy new cell phone.

If for some reason you can’t immediately go in search of a new prince, you should do some analysis. Write down on a piece of paper all the shortcomings of your ex-friend, everything that irritated him, from snoring at night to his love of beer. Then, using the opposite method, make a list positive qualities the men of your dreams. Come up with his appearance, profession, and go on a search. The main thing is to believe that the ideal exists somewhere.
At the same time, this method will allow you to determine what you really want from men. Agree that boyish heroism is poorly compatible with adult foresight, and falling in love with constancy.

4. [email protected]
Make a bunch of sandwiches, place the coffee maker close to the computer and go surfing the Internet. You can surf the sites, or, like Cheburashka, look for friends, or play DOOM online and kill, virtually, of course, some alien. It is contraindicated to write emails to your ex-friend or read his blog.

5. NEW CHANGE (image)
Change your image. Dye your hair that crazy ruby ​​color that horrified your ex-boyfriend, get a stunning manicure, extravagant makeup, in general, look at yourself with new eyes and show the world your new look. Well, at worst, just wash your hair. It will immediately feel better. Checked!

Call your friends and drink a bottle of martini with them. Let them be honest about what they think about your ex-friend. Believe me, you will learn a lot of new things. By the end of the party, you will believe that your breakup was orchestrated by your guardian angel. He can’t allow you to suffer all your life. Just make sure that your friends are yours and not common ones.
This method differs from “getting drunk and forgetting”, firstly, in that it is less harmful to health, and secondly, receiving support from friends and relatives will help you regain your former self-confidence. And even if you haven’t lost her, it will still be nice to communicate with people who are dear to you.

- said the famous American science fiction writer Fritz Leiber. However, dogs, snakes, and even ficus trees can also be people. For example, my friend Maria has a cat Oleg, a Rottweiler Alexey and a parrot Roman living at home. The window sill in the kitchen was occupied by Alexander Sergeevich geraniums and Vanya and Kolya cacti. The car's pets are named after former lovers. As soon as a girl breaks up with another young man, a new animal or plant appears in her house. The pet must be small, somewhat similar to the original and require round-the-clock care and attention. A day later, only the name of the new favorite reminds of the old love.

I mean, extra calories, fat folds and cellulite in the fire of righteous anger. In general, immediately after your ex is outside the door, go to the gym. The choice of sport in this case is not so important. The main thing is to leave your emotions in the hall along with your sweat. And when, tired but happy, you return home and collapse on your bed, you won’t have time to cry about the fact that your loved one is not around, you’ll fall asleep.

Psychologist Olga has developed her own methodology. She allows herself to grieve the loss of her boyfriend for exactly 24 hours. The most important thing, she believes, is to throw out emotions, for example, cry to your heart's content. In 24 hours, she manages, like the heroines of medieval Japanese literature, not only to wet the sleeves of her clothes, but also such good-quality things as pillows, towels, and sheets. Then she forbids herself to think and worry about what happened.

When I come to visit Alla, I can immediately determine the state of affairs on her love front. Alla's breakup with her next boyfriend is accompanied by an attack of love for Feng Shui. She begins the fight against melancholy with a global cleansing of her home from old and unnecessary things. Moreover, not only stale newspapers, magazines and photographs end up in the garbage chute ex-lover, but also all the things that he did not have time to pick up, as well as gifts. Once, before my eyes, an expensive ring given by someone went there, another time - a new men's sheepskin coat. I still don’t know what her owner said about this. After this, like a true Feng Shuist, Alla rearranges twenty-seven pieces of furniture in the apartment and makes it perfectly clean. Then she fumigates the house with incense and buys another Chinese talisman to attract love, success, money and other things, and begins to wait for fate to send her a new lover.

Maybe just a renovation. If you feel really bad, you can start peeling off the wallpaper or removing the tiles in the bathroom. Then, for example, you should call the craftsmen and finally hang that ceiling that you have been dreaming about for the last six months. After the first hours of a work shift or a showdown with workers, the troubles that preceded this nightmare will simply fly out of your head.

Natasha, when meeting people, likes to introduce herself as Tasya. Her friends simply call her TASS. And indeed, Tasya always knows everything about everyone: who got married, who got divorced, who quit or gave birth. It is useless to be offended by Tasya, who shamelessly discusses the details of someone else’s life, since she also does not hide her achievements and failures. One day I found her in a moment of despair: she had broken up with a young man. Tasya took out her address book and began calling friends and relatives from the list, starting with her mother. About halfway through Tasin's list, the story turned from a long, confusing story into a short report that explained in detail what happened, when and why. Report Tasya jabbered into the phone in an offended voice, not forgetting to sob at the points and commas. Then she reported in a similar way to our group of women at a table in a cafe. In general, within 24 hours Tasya was so tired and received such an avalanche of sympathy and advice on what to do next that she had no strength left for further worries.
True, people close to Tasya constantly suffer from her emotional outpourings. Tasya talked and forgot, but, for example, her mother endures her daughter’s big and small troubles for a long time and hard.

Dump out all your savings, even those saved for your trip to Bali, and go shopping. Buy yourself something expensive and definitely stunning. You'll spend the rest of the day trying to figure out where to wear it, and the next few days wondering how you'll survive until the end of the month.
If you don't want to spend money, you can leave it at home and just wander around for a few hours shopping center or small shops, from time to time trying on some particularly original thing. One of my friends found a new, amazing clothing style for herself this way.

Or somewhere closer that can be reached in half a day. For example, to a camp site, where there is an almost crazy entertainer who can stir up even the dead. A whole bunch of funny competitions, jokes and quizzes will not allow you to get hung up on thoughts about the past. And then, you see, method 1 will work!
Instead of a camp site, you can go to ski resort, go rock climbing or, conversely, speleology.

- said my 15-year-old neighbor when her dad forbade her to meet with a suspicious young man. Of course, if your loved one was the only joy in the dark desert of your life, then you should probably poison yourself, drown yourself, or even hang yourself. Or you can try it all together. Then you will definitely never worry about the end of your romance again. However, you won’t have to rejoice either. So dream for 15 minutes about how you lie in a white coffin, on silk pillows, in white lilies and a Versace shroud, and your ex-boyfriend sobs uncontrollably over you, and then use some other of the listed methods.

That is, a child. If he is yours and very small, then you both may simply not notice the disappearance of your dad (unless, of course, he was the main earner of his livelihood). An older child may well brighten up the first hours after the disaster. Go to the zoo together puppet show, to the cinema. From a child's point of view, all our problems are simply ridiculous. So remember your childhood. If you don’t have your own child yet, borrow him from a friend for a couple of hours. It is worth remembering that even if the child is already big and “understands everything,” you should under no circumstances turn him into a “vest.” Firstly, your sad experience will most likely not be useful to your child, and secondly, you want to immerse yourself in the world of childhood, and not drag your child into your problems.

Go to the website of the women's magazine "You're Beautiful" and read until you get bored. I checked it on myself. Works flawlessly! wink

It is unknown who was lucky. And if the groom, or just a boyfriend, has left, then you are undoubtedly lucky. After all, now there is a lot of time for yourself, your beloved, interesting things, friends. But he will soon understand that you are not just the most beautiful, smart, caring and gentle, but the best in the world. Then he will call and say in a timid voice: “Hello! This is Vasya.” And you, more beautiful than ever, surrounded by real and virtual friends, will absentmindedly ask: “What is Vasya?”

As soon as you have a breakup, you should immediately cut the person out of your life.

It's all over, accept it.

The psychologist’s first advice on how to forget a loved one forever will be exactly this. Your past reality does not exist.

Yours former relationship dead, person died. Start looking at it this way now.

Let go of the past completely.

It’s like you’re being reborn again and starting with a clean slate.

New world, new people.

2. Absolutely no contact with ex-lovers

Delete any connection with a person:

  • in the Internet;
  • by phone;
  • by mail;
  • via Skype and other means of communication.

3. Remove from life all psychological anchors that evoke memories of your former passion.

What anchors need to be removed from life in detail:

  • common music that you spent time listening to together;
  • gifts (either hide in the basement or give to friends);
  • do not go to those locations and places where you had cool dates together before;
  • any forgotten things: be it clothes or a lens from a former passion that was not thrown away earlier (it’s time to throw it away);
  • delete general photos and video recordings on a computer, phone and other media.

Follow these steps, and you will get rid of restless thoughts about how to forget the person you love, but he doesn’t love you, without any conspiracies and other nonsense.

4. Don’t fall into his perception: don’t think about what’s on his mind.

Don’t fall into other people’s perceptions and don’t think about what’s on your ex-partner’s mind!

Otherwise you will fall into the pain of loss.

Do not be interested in the life of your past partner and do not fall into other people's perceptions.

What does this mean in detail:

  1. You shouldn't care what the relationship is ex-partner and who he is with now.
  2. It doesn't matter whether your ex is suffering or not. At the moment, only your well-being is important.
  3. Do not hang or get stuck on the page in social networks from a former person.
    Finding out that he is doing better will not make you feel any better.
  4. You feel neither better nor worse when hearing rumors or some news about a past person.
    Absolute and complete indifference!

Implement this principle and no longer need advice from a psychologist on how to forget a person with whom you will never be together.

5. Don't blame yourself for never being together again.

In such cases, a person's focus can only be occupied by negativity, and it is a mistake to make only oneself the culprit.

Otherwise, negative energy will accumulate in you.

It is not your fault! What happened happened.

No need to scold yourself!

A fine line, which needs to be remembered.

  1. It’s cool that you look for your mistakes, analyze your behavior so as not to repeat your mistakes. BUT: find these mistakes and don’t attack or blame yourself!
  2. Find mistakes for yourself so as not to repeat them in other new relationships, and not to go back to your previous partner!

You find your mistakes so as not to repeat them with a new partner and never step on the same rake again.

Remember this, and you no longer need to look for answers to questions from psychology about how to forget the person you love quickly and in a short time.

6. We learn new realizations and lessons so as not to step on the same rake again

Lessons are learned through analysis.

Analysis is done with pen and paper, asking yourself as many questions as possible and answering them in writing.

The more questions, the better.

  1. Who is to blame for the fact that you initially chose the wrong partner?
    Answer: myself!
  2. Why did this happen, how did you allow this to happen?
    Answer: I had no personal boundaries, I had little idea of ​​the person I wanted to see next to me.
  3. What kind of person do I want to see next to me, what do I allow and what do I not allow in a relationship?
    The answer indicates the exact characteristics of personality, not appearance.
  4. What have I learned and learned from past relationships?
  5. What mistakes should I not make again with another partner?

Be as sincere as possible with yourself when you write your answers to these questions.

This way, you will solve your problems yourself and there will be no need for advice from a psychologist on how to quickly forget your loved one and start a new life.

7. Don't be lonely: know that you always have an abundance of choice.

You must have faith that you will have another person with even more emotional connection and chemistry.

Know that you always have an abundance of choice. You can always find a soul mate.

There is no need to look at this as an everyday duty and a need to get a new partner as soon as possible.

Just understand that it is stupid to hold in your head what is no longer there until your death.

Accept change and don't resist it.

Any breakup that happens to you - this is a time of powerful growth for you.

Remember this and don’t worry anymore about how to forget the person you still like.

8. Don’t blame your old partner and don’t hold a grudge against him, remove the bitterness

Some people like to continue texting their exes even a year after a breakup or calling them from time to time.

People hold onto anger and negativity from past relationships, which then manifest themselves and have an effect in the next relationship. Having the same type of thinking in a new relationship, all the old mistakes will be repeated again.

Don't get caught in this vicious, repeating circle.

A fine line. Instead of becoming angry with your partner, it is better to deeply thank him for what happened!

Through hatred you yourself will maintain an energetic connection with ex-lover, cling to it and why waste energy on negative thoughts. Do you need it?

You can easily fall into such hatred. Get rid of it, and thereby remove the worries about how to forget the person who hurt you once.

9. After a breakup, don’t lump everyone with the same brush: “they’re all like that,” otherwise you yourself will attract people like that into your life.

We often hear from a person after a breakup: “All men are goats” or “All women...”.

They painfully broke up with their partner, and now they themselves are looking for evidence in everything that “all men are like this” or “all women are like this...”

Moreover, they do this unconsciously and do not understand it.

And guess what? It will be like a self-fulfilling prophecy.

You will really attract such people to you.

And also having these attitudes in your head, you yourself will unconsciously look for such negative characteristics in other people, try to look for confirmation of them.

Why do you need this?

Stop lumping everyone with the same brush, and no longer ask yourself questions about how to forget a person who betrayed you or acted in a certain way that did not meet your expectations.

10. Realize that nothing is permanent in the world, everything comes and goes.

Look at it from the spiritual side.

  • You were born alone and you will die alone. Nothing is eternal.
  • Everything is constantly changing. And it is useless to resist change. These are the laws of the universe.
  • Don't cling to old emotions and memories.
  • Life is like a roller coaster. You're up and down. And that's what makes it interesting.

By realizing this, you will save yourself from the dilemma of how you can forget the person you love very much and blindly.

11. You must still be open-minded to a new person, aware deep down of the fact that nothing lasts forever.

There is a mental trap: “Thinking that a relationship will last forever.” Don't live in this illusion!

But at the same time, you still open up to new people after breaking up an old relationship, you are not afraid to open up and expose your true self to others.

Continue to open up 100% with other people and share moments together.

But realize deep down that everything has an end.

Example. You are eating delicious ice cream. You can enjoy it. Enjoy the process. But deep inside you realize and understand that the ice cream will run out.

If you think that you will continue to eat the same ice cream non-stop for the rest of your life, you are trapped in your mind.

He leads you by the nose and plays with you.

Be aware of this. Know everything about between them.

It will be useful to remind yourself of this for women who are asking questions about how to forget a married man whom you love and still dream of some kind of blind hopes in relation to him.

A fine line

  • Don't forget to enjoy the process. It's like enjoying life before you die.
  • The same thing in relationships: enjoy them, because they may end.
  • But don’t deprive yourself of enjoying relationships with this knowledge.

Wise words of Osho in video

On our website you can also to get over breakups and breakups relationships.

12. When looking for a new partner, do not compare him with the old one, do not look for a replacement for him, look for and create a new experience

  1. Don't try to find the same partner as you had.
    Don't look for the same person.
  2. Don't make comparisons.
    This only spoils and destroys everything.
  3. Don't look for the same personality characteristics as your ex-partner.
    Do everything for a new interesting experience!
  4. Don’t impose your old manner and style of communication as your old partner did when meeting a new person.

You can also talk about attachment and love addiction in a new publication.

Remember these principles, and you will stop worrying about how to forget your loved one if you see him every day.


Otherwise, for example, a guy broke up with his girlfriend and now, when he meets a new one, he wants the new girl to behave the same way as her ex.

Then he imposes new girl a behavior pattern that is not inherent to her.

But she behaves completely differently, the guy’s expectations are shattered and this negatively affects your flirting and the process of getting closer.

It is a mistake to see a new person as a replacement for an ex.

This only makes your condition worse.

Don't try to cover your pain with a new partner!

13. Review the features of your personality, remind yourself of them

There is such an illusion after a breakup that now supposedly “you are not self-sufficient because you don’t have a soulmate.”

It is especially common among girls who are troubled by restless thoughts about how to forget the man they love.

When it's all over, it's time to go back and reconsider your personality.

It is important to remind yourself of them!

You need to reconsider the new you who went through this whole journey with your past partner.

Continue to enjoy life while discovering and learning more about yourself.

14. Understand that your passion, self-sufficiency and love are always with you, no one can take it away from you

Let's consider three simple steps about how to forget a loved one, and we will analyze the psychology of such perception.

  1. Realize that no one can take your passion and true purpose away from you.
  2. No one can take away your life, your passions.
  3. Your self-sufficiency should never depend on external things. Whether you have a significant other or not, you are still self-sufficient.

15. Allow yourself to be with a better partner, let go of old limiting beliefs.

We attract who we are.

You must realize that you can attract a better partner.

But the paradox is that people themselves do not want to be with the best partner!

Why does this happen to people?

Because after long term relationship man has accustomed himself: “I love my soulmate. I don’t want the best for myself, I want the best for both of us.”

Track these habits in yourself and get rid of them.

People cannot believe that it is possible and necessary to forget a person whom you love unrequitedly and blindly.

16. Don’t look for a new partner out of revenge or to make your old one jealous.

  • Don't fall into the trap of your ego! Don't have these low petty selfish motives.
  • It is a grave mistake to find new partners only for the purpose of asserting yourself in the eyes of your ex!
  • Otherwise, with such actions you will only strengthen the thought in your mind: “She/he is the only one.”
  • And then all your selfish actions in order to cause jealousy or out of revenge are a big reaction to your ex-partner.
  • Let it all go and enjoy a completely new partner and share your passion with each other.
  • Have the perception “Now your ex is a random passerby” and there is no point in thinking about him.

Keep these principles in mind to help you close your questions about how to forget the person you love and see every day.

17. Don’t make the following common mistakes that don’t solve the problem.

What does NOT solve problems after a breakup:

  1. From alcohol, all substances, random connections zero meaning and benefit.
  2. Attempts to travel or move are all attempts to run away from the problem and pretend that it doesn’t exist. It’s like a soldier was shot in the leg, and he went out on a forced march to run a kilometer and pretends that everything is great for him.
  3. Remember about negative qualities V ex-person and about negative things in past relationships - this is another absurd advice! Following him, you still think about him! You will spend a lot of energy on these thoughts; negativity takes a lot of energy.
  4. Thinking about some other person is the most useless advice. This is tantamount to advice not to think about the pink elephant that still pops up in your head. Not thinking is also an action, which also consumes energy.

It’s better to re-read all our advice again and live in harmony. They contain everything you need to understand and do in order to forget the person you love unrequitedly, once and for all.

What else to read