Amulets for children from the evil eye. Protective amulet made of red thread. Cross and amulet - are they compatible?

Protecting a child from the evil eye is very important, and this responsibility lies with the parents, first of all, with the mother.

Well, if the mother has strong energy, then she will be able to hide the baby from other people's influences. But it will not be superfluous to wash the baby with charmed spring water, and roll out with an egg, and protective conspiracies that make the baby inaccessible to other people's influences, invisible to the evil eye. Free conspiracy from the evil eye of a child- this is a mental amulet, and its power should not be neglected.

Strong protection of the child from the evil eye is the sacred duty of parents

Until the age of seven, a child develops personal protection, so during these first years of a baby's life, parents should jealously protect their child. And for this you need to know how you can protect the child from the evil eye, fright and deliberately induced witchcraft.

Even a mother can jinx a baby if she stares at him while he is sleeping and admires him for a long time. The biofield of a small child is so weak that the mother's emotions break through it, the baby gets the evil eye and eventually falls ill.

The first two months of the baby should not be shown to people. A mirror will help protect the child from the evil eye on their own. Place a round mirror on the left side of the stroller with the reflective side facing out. Wash it once a week under running cold water. This will clear the amulet from.

A good protection for a child from the evil eye is red clothes. Red light scatters negativity in space. A strong amulet against the evil eye is a red woolen thread. This is an ancient amulet against the evil eye. Tie the thread to the baby on the wrist of the left hand. Give your child a teaspoon of holy water from time to time.

For free protection of the child from the evil eye, place rowan leaves under the children's mattress, and berries can be strung on a thread and hung at the head of the crib. Do not let the baby take anything from strangers, and make sure that the moonlight does not fall on him.

Self-conspiracy from the evil eye of a child

If you suspect that the baby has been jinxed, let him drink some holy water. When bathing a baby, pour it over his head several times - this will help neutralize the negative energy of the evil eye.

You can read the prayer “Our Father” three times over a sleeping child, sprinkle the bed with holy water. In the nursery, it will not be superfluous to light a church candle and let it burn out completely.

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Remember the power of a conspiracy from the evil eye of a child

Take a fresh homemade chicken egg, roll its theme of the baby, and at the same time say a conspiracy from the evil eye of the child: “Egg, you give life, you have great power. Take everything alien, alluvial, evil eye, damage, fear, lessons, prizes from the servant of God (name). Amen".

This egg does not need to be cracked. It should be taken to a deserted place and buried in the ground. Make sure that no one sees you or knows what you have done. This rite and a strong conspiracy from the evil eye of the child must be repeated three times.

How to protect a child from the evil eye - a charm for a baby

The amulet is a necessary part of the magical protection of a small child from the evil eye. A charm for a baby must be made with your own hands, and preferably in the first days of his life.

Make a charm with your own hands - a rag doll, and put it in the crib. Hang over the door of the children's room the sun. It can be made from any material, but best of all from natural fabrics - linen and cotton.

A good amulet for a baby cockerel. It is best to embroider a curtain and hang it on the railing of a crib. The embroidered cockerel should be with a raised wing - this is a symbol of protecting a sick child from the evil eye.

Hello to all needlewomen!

Remember the TV show "While everyone is at home"? There sounds the phrase: "You will have a child!"

So, if your family is waiting for replenishment, you should look after everything you need for the baby in advance, so that later you can slowly buy all the best.

In ancient Slavic villages, the whole family prepared for the birth of a child.

The oldest of the kind - the grandmother made a talisman for the newborn, the so-called “Plenashka” twist - a baby in a diaper without a peephole. The "diaper" was placed in the cradle along with the baby. It was believed that the amulet would protect the baby from the evil eye, because his eyes were not marked, and therefore the evil spirit would not be able to settle in the “twist”.

When the baby was 2-3 years old, a new amulet "Bereginya" was made for him. This is a rag doll and also without a peephole.

Amulets made from multi-colored shreds of dolls turned out to be very elegant without the use of a needle and the designation of an eye. Therefore, the ancient Slavs considered them not only amulets, but also used them as the first toy of a baby.

At present, amulets for children are still being made in the Russian outback. Only some craftswomen still pin a pin inside the doll. To be sure!

How to make a charm doll Pelenashka

A diaper chrysalis is the very first amulet in a person's life. A diaper protects even the conception of a child. When a young couple marries, the midwife or other adult woman places a baby doll on the young wife's lap to deceive the evil forces. He sees evil - people get married, they want to have a baby, and begins to wait. And then suddenly a young "baby" appears on his knees, so they move into him instead of the real one.

And before giving birth, such a doll is placed in a crib so that it warms the bed for the baby. After the birth of a baby, this doll becomes both the first amulet in life and the first toy. I advise you to definitely make such a doll if you want to have a child, and also if you are going to become a mother-in-law or mother-in-law in order to protect your future grandchildren from evil.

Attention! Before making a doll, read carefullygeneral recommendations , as well as recommendations for the manufactureVepsian chrysalis .

To make a diaper you will need:

1) A piece of white cloth approximately 8x18 cm in size

2) A triangle of colored fabric for a scarf

3) A beautiful ribbon or braid to decorate the child's face (optional)

4) Colored bright fabric about 10x15 cm in size

5) Narrow braid or yarn for tying a diaper

6) Red thread

rice. 1 fig. 2

Before you make this doll, clean your thoughts. Imagine a healthy, beautiful, smart baby. Fill yourself with good thoughts and feelings, then get to work. Take a white cloth (fig. 1) and roll it into a tube (fig. 2).

rice. 3 fig. 4

Tie the roll in the middle, forming the waist, and also in the middle of the upper part, forming the head (Fig. 3). Throw a beautiful braid or ribbon over your head and wrap it back, behind your head (Fig. 4).

rice. 5 fig. 6

Prepare a beautiful patch for a scarf (Fig. 5). Put on a scarf like a woman, overlapping under the neck, and wrap it behind your back, gently, without pressing, tie the ends (Fig. 6).

rice. 7 fig. eight

Prepare a colored cloth and place the doll on it so that the head protrudes slightly above the middle of the long side (Fig. 7). Wrap the right end of the fabric around the chrysalis (Fig. 8).

rice. 9 fig. ten

Wrap the lower end of the fabric, hanging under the chrysalis, up (Fig. 9). Now wrap the doll with the left end of the diaper, you will get a bundle (Fig. 10).

rice. 11 fig. 12

Fix the bundle with a red thread in the middle and prepare a thin braid or wide yarn (Fig. 11). Wrap the diaper with braid along the entire height of the diaper, tie it carefully, and hide the ends under the winding. The doll is ready. Do not forget to think good thoughts about the unborn child all the time. Be happy!

During the wedding, after the bride moved to the groom's house, a small child was placed on her lap or a swaddled doll was placed - it was believed that after that, maternal strength comes to the young wife.

The swaddled doll was also placed to the baby in the cradle, where she was before baptism, in order to confuse evil spirits and take on all the misfortunes that threatened the baby who was not protected by the cross. After baptism, the doll was removed from the cradle and kept on a par with the baptismal shirt.

For newborns, the mother made a “baby swaddle” doll. The doll was sewn just before the birth of the child, with prayer, with thoughts about the future child; the fabrics for making were native - from a sundress, from the shirt of the father, grandfather, etc. - all this kept the ancestral and genetic memory. The chrysalis was put into the palm of the hand and, squeezing the fists, the baby himself massaged the entire inner surface of the palm. Today, a lot of children are born with various birth injuries, and osteopaths prescribe a similar massager, but it is made of synthetic material and is not made by the hands of a loving mother. A simple doll that does not look like a baby is made quite difficult and, accordingly, carries a lot of important and necessary information.

At the birth of a child, also in the maternity rite, a “diaper” doll was used. The lower part of her figure was wrapped in cloth seven or ten times (a symbol of the oldest model of the heavens). Immediately after birth, the baby was hidden in a barn or closet. At this time, a “diaper” doll was brought to the lying on the bed in a woman's dress and groaning husband, depicting a giving birth to his wife. It was believed that this rite averted danger from the mother and child.

The swaddle was also an invariable doll for the child in games.

At the heart of the manufacturing rules, Swaddles reproduced the main signs of human likeness: the body, the head and the center of vitality - the navel. The doll was made from a piece of worn homespun clothing, which absorbed the warmth of the hands that made it and soaked in labor sweat. It was believed that with native, homemade material, a particle of vitality is transmitted to the doll. When making a doll in the hands of a person, it was as if repeating the sacrament of birth. A tight knot tied in the middle of the roll symbolized the navel (the knot is located in front of the doll!). The remaining ends of the cord were bitten off in the same way as the umbilical cord at the birth of a child. The second essential detail is the head. To designate it, the roll was pulled with threads, highlighting a third of the length from one of the ends of the roll - from this moment on, the proportions of the doll are commensurate with the proportions of the baby.

In order to confuse evil spirits, a swaddled doll was placed next to the baby in the cradle, where it was before the baptism of the child, in order to take on all the misfortunes that threatened the child not protected by the cross. Only after baptism, by which the status of a person was confirmed for the baby, was the doll removed from the cradle. The doll was kept in the house along with the child's baptismal shirt.

This doll reproduced the peculiarities of the attitude of Russian peasants. It was believed that the restriction of movement would make the child invisible to evil spirits, so the baby spent almost the entire first year of life in the cradle tightly swaddled.

The rules for making Pelenashki dolls are based on the traditional understanding of the universe by peasants. In it, with the simplest manufacturing techniques, they reproduced the main signs of human likeness: the body, head and the center of vitality, which, according to legend, is located in the navel area.

The doll was made from a piece of worn homespun clothing, which absorbed the warmth of the hands that made it and soaked in labor sweat. It was believed that a particle of vitality is transmitted to a doll with akin, homemade material. When making a doll in the hands of a person, it was as if repeating the sacrament of birth.

A diaper or a baby doll has a protective design. The doll is given into the child’s hand as a natural massager, and when guests arrive, it is inserted into the folds of the child’s handkerchief, and then the guests, so as not to “jinx” the child, said about the doll: “Oh, how good the doll is!”

The chrysalis Swaddle looks like a very simple chrysalis - a baby in a scarf, swaddled in a diaper and entwined with a sling.

The first time I saw this doll was probably in the Museum of Ethnography. There we have such a workshop of folk crafts "Paraskeva". Here they are on the stand. And I learned to do it according to the book “Russian Rites and Traditions. Folk doll "authors Kotova I. N. and Kotova A. S. Spb. Ed. "Parity" 2003 Like many other dolls. Therefore, I lack images that are transmitted by direct transmission by knowledgeable people.

She was placed in the cradle of a child before his baptism, as a talisman against evil spirits. I don't know who the evil spirits are. But it seems to me that these are spirits that are stuck here for revenge or other unfinished tasks. The ones that live in someone else's body. But it all needs to be studied and researched.

She could be a talisman during childbirth. She was placed on the groaning husband of the woman in labor instead of the baby, again to avert the eyes of evil spirits. And one more application - they put the newlywed on her knees so that maternal strength would come to the woman. I don't know anything about motherhood either.

In the manufacture of the Swaddle is simple. It is made from a long piece of white worn fabric. The flap is so long-and-other. Like this word. And the worn fabric is thin, so it rolls for a long time. It was believed that worn fabric carries a particle of vitality.

The fabric is tightly twisted into a roll, pulled in the middle with a specially made belt. And the belt, it's just a twin of two strands. Someone told me that the Old Believers wore such belts on their bodies all their lives. And now our guys were seen in the bath. But that man said that he only wears a bath from the evil eye. A knot is tied, symbolizing the navel - the center of vitality. The ends at the girdle are bitten off, like the umbilical cord of the child.

Then the head is marked. To do this, pull the roll with threads, highlighting a third of the length. They tie a handkerchief, swaddle it tightly in a diaper and wrap it with a sling. The doll is ready.

It's amazing how many skills are transferred in the manufacture of this simple doll! I can still see my grandmother, who, while making a doll, says: “But we won’t bite off the umbilical cord shortly, but we’ll wait for it to stop beating. Then we'll wrap up. And then the tips will dry up. Let's swaddle. Like this. Yes so. Well, that's good. And okay. And now they will find childbirth in an inappropriate place - the woman in labor will not be confused, the knowledge gained in childhood will emerge.

The manufacturing process itself symbolizes the separation of man from the natural world. There was a shapeless rag, but there was a chrysalis. The state that occurs when rolling is also interesting. It is close to the state of contemplation. The state of contemplation, as I think, is such calm attention, as if without thoughts, and one thinks there in images. Or thoughts there flow smoothly and follow one after another. And somehow it is good to solve problems in it. The hands are doing it. And somehow I expand and just look. If it does not occur, twisting does not work. It bends, it falls apart.

I think that children in the manufacture of twists, twisted belts gain experience in the state of contemplation, which is necessary when creating something new. And by what difficulties a child has in making a doll, and how he overcomes them, one can judge his character.

By the very method of rolling, the long labor of bearing a child is also transmitted. And also the method of winding the body of the diaper, as well as the dolls of spins and poles, conveys the image of a layered device of thin human bodies, the image of a gradual incarnation. The layers of personality also come into play here. But all this requires more detailed study. So a simple doll turns out to be not so simple.

Information from Vegena:

About babies - everyone has different designs, the Kaluga has a disproportionately large head. Kaluga and Tula (diaper) are spinning BEFORE giving birth, even a woman who is not yet pregnant (for example, a newlywed) can invite the baby's soul. Kaluga was made two weeks before the birth, he was a cradle charm and then hid in the chest until the next baby. A Vyatka baby, yes, not one, but seven at once, spun DURING childbirth between contractions, as a talisman for the passage of the soul going through the Gate between the worlds. If the woman in labor did not have time or could not herself, relatives helped.

The designs of diapers (which are before childbirth) fundamentally differ from each other in that Tula - twist, and Kaluga - nodular doll. In the Vyatka Baby (also a twist), in general, the whole amulet is enclosed in the structure - inside, under the diapers, everything is protected by red crosses and there is a talisman on the spine.

Many of us wear amulets. They protect, help, give us some certain qualities and character traits. AT ancient times everyone wore amulets. From birth, the child received his protective symbol, which was obliged to protect him from misfortunes, illnesses, and gave him a happy fate. You can make charms for children yourself or order from a trusted specialist. Such protection is simply necessary, because under the gaze of the gods, your baby will be reliably protected from all evil. Lot beautiful amulets can be found if you are interested culture of the ancient Slavic world. These symbols have been keeping those who believe in their powers from all troubles for many centuries.

The child needs protection

Goddess Lada protects the woman and the baby in her womb. While a woman is pregnant, she has reliable protection from all evil. Not a single sorcerer or practitioner of black magic will dare to harm a woman during this period, because for such a crime against nature the punishment will be very severe. Of course, on Slavic gods hope, but don't make a mistake yourself, one might say. You need to take care of your immunity, give up bad habits. For this you are responsible. Amulets will protect you from evil.

After the child is born, he is pure, innocent and, as yet, does not have his own energy protection. She will appear only by the age of 3. From 0 to 3 years old, children wore amulets. These are the symbols of the genus, protecting from dangers, children's talismans, amulets for adding mind. These items have soft energy. Girls were given Lada and Mokosh amulets to develop feminine qualities in them.

Energy of the Sort

A huge number of amulets appeal to the forces of the Family. Our ancestors will unite. to protect in difficult times. They are keep children safe from danger, disease, injury. The symbol of the Family was always present in the house. It was made by the oldest member of the family - a man.

If you honor your fathers and grandfathers, you know the history of your family, you respect your parents, the whole clan will stand behind you, and will not give offense. And those who do not show respect, do not honor their roots Rod's forces do not protect. It is very difficult to be alone in the world - Slavic philosophy teaches this. When everyone is together, friendly and united, no force can break a person. The symbols of the Family were present in everything, not only in amulets. This is the dishes embroidery, household items.

For children, these are the main protective signs, after all, no one will protect better than his own family. Their energy is soft, kind, will not harm the baby. Girl or boy, and under the protection of Rod will always be happy.

Children's amulets

For children, most often amulets were embroidered, carved from wood or from natural stones. The older the child, the stronger the material. The kids were completely surrounded by protective symbols: on the crib, bed linen, diapers. All, what did the child touch, protected by the symbols of the gods.


The main symbol of the Sort. In addition to the fact that the genus is a family, there was also the god Rod. He kept strong families, shore from betrayal and divorce, betrayal. His amulet was always in the house. In the first days of life next to the baby should be all the best. For him, a figure of Rod was cut out, which was hidden on the mattress or hung over the cradle.


Silver bells drive away evil spirits spoilage and evil eye. So that no one cursed your child, a bell was attached to his clothes with his own hands. Several hung over his bed. This amulet helped children from 0 to 5 years. During fasting, it was replaced with a silver hairpin or pin. This tradition is still popular today. Many grandmothers sew a pin into their grandson's collar so that no one offends him.

Slavic swaddle

Doll - diaper made by hand without needles and scissors. You need to tear the fabric with your hands. First, the base is made - a dense tourniquet of light fabric. Then, a diaper, a scarf is “put on” on him, all this was tied up with a red thread. Such the diaper had no eyes, this would divert all negative energy or evil magic to her. She put the child in the crib.

Protective amulet

The amulet contained symbols of the Sun - Valkyrie, Velesovik, less often Kolovrat. It needs soap to speak. The mother of the child had to do this secretly so that no evil forces were present during the conspiracy. Usually the time was loudly called when the conspiracy of the amulet would allegedly take place, but everything was done sooner or later. This is how the forces of evil deceived. The plot is simple: an amulet is held above the candle, the text is slandered on it:

“I protect (child's name) with water and earth. I take away trouble, I do not let misfortune. Water and earth, stand up with a shield around (name), Protect from (list from what)! As the water is mighty, the earth is indestructible, So the defense is invincible by anyone. Amen."

Naturally, it was necessary to make the amulet with your own hands, because only in this way did he absorb the forces of the clan. Amulets for children will not harm, but only help. You can give them to your child without fear.

Charm stones

Stones well help to normalize the immune system, remove many health problems, help the child develop from the first days of his life. But, not every stone can be used. Choose only those that will not harm you with their strong energy. For example, diamonds or rubies for young children are "heavy stones", they are best worn in adulthood. Semi-precious ones are best.


Green stone malachite perfectly supports the immune system. Especially it is recommended to wear to children during the winter. A small pendant, earrings, just a pebble will help not to get sick. He protects against infections, relieves fever, removes inflammation. If your ears hurt, apply warm malachite to them. You can warm it up in hot water, but make sure that it is not very hot, but at a pleasant temperature..


The stone is suitable for children and pregnant women. It contains the power of the Sun, which means its blessing. Amber was very popular in ancient times. It is believed that it perfectly purifies the air, water, gives it healing properties.

Amber will protect from evil spirits and tricks of witches. To man with amber around his neck no evil comes. From it is easy cut out charms, this mineral is soft. So, in the old days, almost everyone had an amulet made of amber, many made it with their own hands.


This stone is white or less often milky. They make amulets for babies and pregnant women from it. It is believed that cahalong drives away evil forces from the one who wears it. It is advised to wear it at night, because at this time a person is very vulnerable to the forces of evil. To prevent evil spirits from creeping up on your baby, put a pebble under the mattress.


Many parents buy amulets for children, while others undertake to make them with their own hands. How is it better? You decide. The main thing is that you correctly observe all the conditions for the manufacture of the amulet.

  1. You need to start work in the summer. All amulets of the ancient Slavs associated with solar energy. The strongest Sun in the period from July 22 to August 22. You can start making at this time.
  2. Materials: wood, stone, natural semi-precious stones, clay, iron. Of course, it's hard to work with them without experience. The easiest way is to cut an amulet out of wood. The size does not matter, the main thing is that the image comes out clear.
  3. Don't miss out on the details. Doing with your own hands, do not bring something "from yourself", but do not lose the meaning of the drawing. It must be done as accurately as possible. you can beat amulet decoration, make a pattern around the edge, for example. But, the main image must exactly match what kind of protective symbol you are depicting.
  4. You need to do it with a new knife. In general, all tools you use must be new.
  5. Make any object of power, for a child or for yourself only with a positive attitude. If you feel bad, sick, sad - put aside the tools. Negative energy quickly passes to amulets.

Everything is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. If you are not ready yet, it is better to order the amulet to the master.

By the way, when finish making your amulet think carefully about its purpose. Of course, you need to know the meaning of the symbol, what it serves. Ask the gods to give your child help, protection, fortitude along with this item. At the end say:

“I lock myself with this lock from an evil deed, from a black eye, from bad words. So that you don’t have access or semi-access to me either on the road, or on the road, or at work, or at rest, either at night or during the day. These words are my key and lock, now and forever and ever.

Advice from the Master of Wards

Increasingly, people are turning to the master of amulets for advice on amulets for children. Of course, to the choice of such a subject must be taken very seriously because we are talking about a child. In ancient times, the Slavs were very attentive to the protection of their children, because they are very vulnerable.

During pregnancy, the energy of the mother protects the baby. Children's amulets were needed when the natural protection leaves. At the age of 0 - 3 years, the baby is especially vulnerable to all dangers. He begins to actively explore the world. Unfortunately, not everyone and not everyone is friendly.

A good amulet can be made with your own hands, then here you should know all the intricacies of working with attracting energy into an object. Experimentation is great, but when it comes to a charm for your little one, it's best to trust a professional.

Parents often ask questions, it is best to answer some of them once and for all.

Can a child wear amulets?

Can. The main thing is to choose the right item for the child. His energy is weaker than that of an adult, so you should not immediately hang a sign of strength, steadfastness, courage on a little boy’s neck. His energy will put pressure on him, maybe even make him overly aggressive. Here the signs of the Family are best suited, Protection, patronage of good spirits.

From what age can I wear a charm on my child?

Strong amulets are generally better not to give into the hands of children under 5 years old. Protective items, amulets for children can be worn immediately after birth. The amulet does not even have to be hung around the neck, it can be put under the mattress of the crib, hung above it.

Up to 5 years, protection charms are suitable. After 5, you can already see what your child has inclinations for, how he communicates with others, whether there are any problems. For example, if your baby is very shy and cannot make friends with other children, then you can help him. Suitable for this child amulet Valkyrie- prudence, ingenuity, courage.

It is not necessary to buy a charm, you can embroider it on a shirt or jacket for walking. Over time, communication will become easier. Valkyrie will help him, will certainly give him the necessary courage. So, with your own hands it’s easy to help, you just need to try a little.

Can I wear a charm and a cross?

On the one hand, Slavic amulets do not contradict your faith. This is the pure energy of nature, because the ancient Slavs worshiped the 4 elements, as the main source of power. The fact is that your faith in the amulet gives him certain strength. The stronger the faith, the stronger its action. If you do not trust your amulet, it will not work for you, alas.

Cross - you can say "Christian amulet". You put on a child a cross, an amulet, hang another lucky stone around his neck, embroider symbols of the Scandinavian world, an eye from the evil eye, a scarab and something else on his clothes. Is not super protection but simple distrust.

Slavic amulets for children can be worn along with a symbol of your faith. The main thing is to decide what exactly you believe in. Otherwise, you your child there will be a misconception about what an object of power is.

Can my child and I wear one amulet in turn?

It's better not to. The thing is that the amulet, any amulet takes over part of the energy of its owner. It gives you the connection through which all the "magic" happens. ". It is better that the child has his own amulet or amulet that only he wears.. The only thing you can do to transfer some of your energy is to make an object with your own hands. So he will get the charge of your boundless love for the baby.

It is believed that children, especially those under the age of seven, are very easy to succumb to the evil eye and spoilage. At this age, the human biofield is not yet protected, which makes them vulnerable. Anyone can have an evil eye: your neighbor, relatives, and even the parents themselves. It happens that a strong emotion, even if it is positive, breaks through a child's weak energy field, and as a result, he receives the evil eye.

How to protect your child from negative influences and be sure that neither a sideways glance nor a word can harm him? In the old days, special amulets for children came to the rescue. So, what methods of protection against the evil eye and damage did our grandmothers and great-grandmothers use?

tulle curtain

It is customary to hide infants from prying eyes with the help of a tulle curtain, which was hung on the stroller. It is believed that a thin white fabric hides from the evil eye and does not let negative energy through. The tradition of sheltering a child in a stroller

Charm doll

A hand-made amulet doll can become a strong protective amulet against negative influences and diseases. In the old days, a protective doll was created by a woman before the birth of a child or in the first months after childbirth. If this amulet is made by mother, then its effect will be the strongest. A prerequisite is that the doll must be made from scraps of the parents' clothes. This doll should not have a face. Needle and scissors cannot be used in its creation.

Herbal amulet

Herbs are considered another effective remedy for the evil eye and spoilage for children. Since ancient times, healing and protective properties have been attributed to plants and trees. It is known that each tree and plant has a certain energy. Rowan, thistle, acorns, garlic, bay leaf and hawthorn were used to protect the child from the evil eye and spoilage. Twigs or dried leaves of the plant were placed in a bag. This bag was placed either under the baby's pillow or under the crib.


One of the strongest amulets for children is considered to be a toy that his mother or father played in childhood. Such a transfer of a toy by inheritance strengthens the energy connection of the child with the family and, in particular, with the parents. And this means that the energy of dad and mom will always guard the peace and health of the baby.

red threads

Another ancient amulet that our ancestors used to protect children from the evil eye and damage is three red woolen threads tied to the baby's hand. The red thread on the wrist was considered the strongest amulet at all times. Such a talisman is still worn by many to this day. For children, they use triple protection, so they tie not a single thread, but three.

To strengthen the amulets, it is recommended to read conspiracies or prayers on them. You can choose any amulet. Its action and effectiveness will depend on your faith in it, love and desire to protect the child. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

19.02.2015 09:17

Today, almost every person has enemies and envious people. You won't be good for everyone, but...

Children under the age of seven have an unformed, and therefore very weak, protective energy field. Parents who know this take all sorts of measures to protect their children; including, make children's protective amulets.

Amulets for children, which were widespread among our ancestors in ancient times, are quite popular with parents of preschoolers.

In any public place, the child is exposed to strong outside influences.

If you carefully monitor the mood and activity of the child, you can see a clear pattern. When he spends several hours in places with a large crowd of people, then for a while he becomes lethargic, sometimes even a deterioration in health can be noted. It does not matter among which people the child spent time. It can be a visit to the cinema or a weekend spent in a country house with friends, or something else like that.

This does not mean that someone can explicitly or implicitly wish evil. But sometimes exclamations like “Oh, how cute!” can turn into a curse. Therefore, the amulet will become a real protector for the baby.

Embroidered children's clothes - the first amulet for a child

Slavs cared about the protection of the child even before his birth. They embroidered children's clothes, made magic toys (most often), read. Of course, they adhered to the principle - it is better to make protection against any possible negative than to deal with its consequences later.

Making a simple amulet

A Slavic amulet for a child can be purchased at specialized stores, but it will be much stronger if you make it yourself.

Mothers usually intuitively perform some defensive actions. For example, the custom is firmly rooted not to show the child for the first time after birth to anyone except the closest relatives. Babies' cribs and strollers are curtained with breathable fabrics, and it is not uncommon to see a miniature safety pin on babies' clothes.

The cross is the most common security symbol.

More and more people understand the importance of the sacrament of baptism

It seems that the times when the baptism of a child in the church was an out of the ordinary event have recently gone into the past. But today, baptism has become a widespread tradition. The cross is the most reliable protector, which can later additionally serve as an ornament.

A child can hang a cross at the head of the bed

Since ancient times, silver has been considered a metal capable of absorbing negativity, preventing it from reaching its owner. You can hang a silver jewelry over the baby's bed, in the future he will be able to wear this item.

Slavs used as a quality, which was tied at the wrist. There is only one condition - the thread must be made of pure wool. For older kids, a toy could serve as a protector. You can easily make a toy yourself. Then, going to visit or to the cinema with your child, take the toy with you, and the baby will be reliably protected.

Charm doll

Swaddle doll will reliably protect your baby

If you decide to make a charm for a child with your own hands, then the easiest way is to make a doll, you just need to carefully observe some conditions:

  1. When making a doll, you need to use a few shreds from the clothes of the parents that they wore before.
  2. Never use metal objects in the manufacturing process - scissors, knives, needles. That is, nothing piercing and cutting.
  3. If you can't make a doll in one go, then don't put your work on the table.
  4. The doll must be made faceless, that is, it should not have facial features. Personalized dolls are able to absorb negativity and negatively affect the baby.

Charm toy

The sun is a great toy that can protect the baby

The simplest protective toy can be called the sun. You can make such a charm for a child with your own hands from thin wood or just from cardboard. You just need to cut a circle of the desired size and attach yellow threads or shreds in the form of sunbeams to it around the circumference. Choose natural threads and fabrics. On the circle you can depict a smiling face. A hand-made sun is usually hung over the crib or over the door to the nursery.

An embroidered cockerel is also believed to be a strong protective symbol. Embroidery can decorate any children's things - clothes, toys, bed linen or towels. By the way, the Slavs very widely used embroidery as amulets for children. A variety of ornaments adorned almost all fabric items.

An embroidered cockerel is also not the only option for decorating clothes and protecting a child. Information has reached our days that in ancient times birds, animals, various ornaments were embroidered on children's things. Each embroidery option had its own meaning and its protective functions. Some of them protected from magical negativity, while others protected from illness, failure and other troubles.

Herbal charms

Rowan - a good amulet against the evil eye

If you do not get along with sewing and embroidery, then you can make a charm for a child with your own hands using herbs. In ancient times, mountain ash served as a good protection against the evil eye. Both leaves and fruits were used. Garlic, acorns, dried thistle and hawthorn branches were used for the same purposes. These plants were placed under the crib. For very young children, wooden cubes and grass dolls were considered the best toys.

Laurel leaves were considered strong protection for the house. They were placed in the corners of the dwelling in hand-made linen bags.

Commonly used home charms

The importance of children's amulets is beyond doubt. Very often, bells were used to protect against dark forces. Bells in ancient times were considered very multifunctional. For example, the custom of hanging a bell around the neck of livestock has survived to this day. The ringing of the bell allowed not only to find the missing animal, but also protected from evil spirits. The bell is also very good in the house - it will protect the house, your family and, of course, your children from all evil forces. Usually the bells were hung in the center of the room.

Properly hung bells will purify the energy of the room

The ringing of a bell, as well as the ringing of church bells, perfectly cleanses the energy of the room and the surrounding space. But the bell requires self-care - periodic cleansing. For cleaning, you will need to lower it into a container with warm, slightly salted water, and leave it there for a day. Then just dry the amulet and it will be ready to protect you again.

How to buy a charm?

For those who do not have the opportunity to make a charm on their own, you can purchase such a magical protector in the store. It will be weaker than a handmade one, but you can increase its potential by following these simple tips:

  • buy magic items only in well-known stores;
  • if you don't like something, don't buy it;
  • plan a purchase for the period of the growing moon;
  • buy only when you feel good and in a positive mood;
  • get acquainted with the purchased item - hold it in your palms, sprinkle it with your favorite perfume.

If you have suspicions that the acquired artifact has some kind of energy charge, then it is better to clean it. You can cast the appropriate incantation or sprinkle the little thing with holy water. The sun or moon rays will clean the amulet well - just leave it on the windowsill for a while.

There are no eternal amulets. Some last longer, others less - it all depends on the material from which the protector is made. The service life of fabric, plush and wood amulets is not long. If the protective object has served its purpose, then thank it and burn or bury it. Make or buy a new one for your home. Remember: amulets fail not only from old age. It often happens that your defender absorbed too much of the negative that threatens you, and his material structure could not withstand the blows. Therefore, do not forget to turn to your defender with words of gratitude.

Bag of salt

To make a salt amulet for a child with your own hands, you will need a few things:

  1. Photo of your child.
  2. Icon of his guardian angel.
  3. Church candle.
  4. Canvas bag.

The ceremony is performed on the growing moon. Pour a small amount of salt into the prepared bag. Place the icon on the table (try to pick up a white tablecloth), put a lighted candle next to it. Immediately, next to the candle and the icon, put a photo. Then carefully sprinkle salt around the objects on the table and say this prayer three times:

“The word of the mother is strong, but strong. I protect you, the servant of God (pronounce the name of the child) with my word, I protect you with my word from misfortune and sickness, from evil spirits and sorrow. No one will harm, destroy, offend - neither one's own, nor someone else's, nor a friend, nor any other. No one will bring trouble, neither old nor small, neither gray-haired nor crooked. No eye will jinx it - neither brown, nor gray, nor green, nor white. My cause is right, but my word is strong. Amen".

Do not extinguish the candle, let it burn out. Then collect the salt and the remains of the candle in a bag. Sew up the bag (you can just tie it up) and tell the child to carry it with him - in his pocket, in a backpack, briefcase - it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that the bag you made is always with him. After three months, replace the bag with a new one, and burn or bury the old one.

Salt that you have left, do not use for cooking. It can be used in subsequent rituals or simply thrown away.

From the most ordinary shell, you can make an effective protective amulet

A simple amulet for a child can be made with your own hands from sea shells. In addition to the shell, you will need a strong thread and beads. Find a sink with a hole and say a plot (three times):

“Earth and water (say the name of the child) will protect, protect from misfortune and misfortune. Earth and water will be a shield, from (here you need to list the negative from which you want to protect the child) they will save! I invest the inviolability of the earth and the power of water in your defense (name of the child), but I add all the water power to help you (name of the child). Amen".

Take an odd number of beads, fasten them to the thread. Thread the thread into the sink and fasten it on both sides. Stringing beads, you can pronounce the following words:

“The knot closes my work, protects you from all troubles (name of the child). Amen".

A self-made shell-amulet will be protection for the child not only on the water, but also in any life situations. To maintain the strength of the shell, it must periodically be kept for about a day in sea or simply salted water, and then re-pronounce the conspiracy.

We can say that almost any object can be a talisman, it just needs to be charged with magical potential. It's easy to do it yourself. Take the object that you would like to be your protector, carry it over a lit candle and sprinkle it crosswise with holy water three times. Next, you need to read the plot:

“It is not I who cleanse you, but our Lord by his power! It is not my soul that cleanses you, but the Holy Spirit! Protect (child's name) by the power of the Lord, help with the Holy Spirit! Amen!".

Then cross the object three times and read the prayer “Our Father”.

When can a child start wearing a charm?

Charms with general protective functions can be worn on a child (or hung over a crib) immediately after birth. But items that have great potential for power and protect against a specific problem are best given to children who have reached at least the age of five. It is from this age that you can notice if the baby has any difficulties. For example, overly timid and shy children can make a Valkyrie charm. He will bring the child courage, intelligence and ingenuity.

Cross and amulet - are they compatible?

In general, there are no contradictions between the Christian faith and the ancient Slavic beliefs. The faith of the Slavs of antiquity was reduced to the worship of the four elements. If you believe in the power and magic of natural forces, imbued with this faith, then your amulet will work with full dedication. And it does not matter what confession you are - Christian, Muslim or any other. But even if you follow all the recommendations exactly, and the ancient Slavic faith is alien to you, then, unfortunately, you will not be able to work with a magical item. You will make just a beautiful unique item that reflects the ancient culture, and nothing more.

If you are closer to the Christian faith, then use the cross consecrated during the baptismal ritual as protection for your child. This is a strong amulet, and it will protect the baby, but the Christian faith must also be sincere in order for the cross to “earn”.

A protective item whose strength is based on elemental power and a Christian cross can be worn at the same time. The main thing you need is to understand the preferences of your soul. This is also necessary for the child, otherwise he will not treat any of the magical items with due respect.

Can adults wear amulets for children?

There is no strict ban on adults wearing amulets for children, because they protect regardless of the age of the owner. But it's better not to. Remember - a protective item absorbs the energy of its owner, harmonizes with its essence and “knows” very well what kind of protection and when it is required of it. Parents have a different energy, and they need protection from completely different problems, so leave a child's amulet to your child, and let a personal relationship arise between them based on complete harmony.

Are you earning enough?

Check if this applies to you:

  • enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
  • salary is only enough for rent and food;
  • debts and loans take everything that comes with great difficulty;
  • all promotions go to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

Perhaps you have been tainted with money. This amulet will help to remove lack of money

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