Biography. Personal life, interesting facts. Expert: Brix summit is an ideal opportunity to deepen cooperation

Andrey Vadimovich Kortunov(born August 19, 1957 in Moscow) - Russian political scientist and public figure. President of the New Eurasia Foundation, CEO Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC). Brother of Sergei Kortunov and Vadim Kortunov.


Graduated from MGIMO University of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1979, graduate school at the Institute of the USA and Canada (ISKAN) of the USSR Academy of Sciences in 1982, Candidate of Historical Sciences.

Scientific activity

In 1982-1995 - junior, then senior Researcher, head of sector, head of department, in 1995-1997 - deputy director of the Institute of the USA and Canada. Taught foreign policy Russia in the USA at the University of Miami (1990), "Luce and Clark College" in Portland (1992), University of California in Berkeley (1993). Main directions scientific activity: international relationships, external and domestic politics Russia, Russian-American relations.

Social activity

Since 1991 - leader of scientific programs, chairman of the board of the Moscow branch of the Russian Science Foundation, since 1993 - director of the Moscow branch of the Russian Science Foundation, which was later transformed into the Moscow Public scientific foundation(MONF), which promotes innovative processes in the development of humanitarian and socio-political knowledge. He was the founder and first president of the MONF.

Since 1998, simultaneously with the leadership of the MONF, he was the executive director of the megaproject “Development of Education in Russia” of the Institute “ Open Society"(Soros Foundation). He was vice president of the American Eurasia Foundation. President of the Autonomous non-profit organization(ANO) INO-Center (“Information. Science. Education”).

Since 2004 - President of the New Eurasia Foundation, established by the American Eurasia Foundation, Russian fund“Dynasty” (created by businessman Dmitry Zimin, founder of the VimpelCom company) and the European Madariag Foundation.

Since 2011 - General Director and member of the Presidium of the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC)"


  • The "American model" on the Scales of History: Trans. from Russ. Moscow, Progress, 1985, 231 p. (co-authored with A. L. Nikitin)
  • Disintegration Soviet Union and US politics. - M., 1993.
  • Russia and the West: models of integration. M., 1994.
  • Russia and UN reforms. M., 1995.


Graduated from MGIMO University of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1979, graduate school at the Institute of the USA and Canada (ISKAN) of the USSR Academy of Sciences in 1982, Candidate of Historical Sciences.

Scientific activity

In 1982-1995 - junior, then senior researcher, head of sector, head of department, in 1995-1997 - deputy director of the Institute of the USA and Canada. He taught Russian foreign policy in the United States at the University of Miami (1990), Lewis and Clark College in Portland (1992), and the University of California at Berkeley (1993). Main areas of scientific activity: international relations, foreign and domestic policies of Russia, Russian-American relations.

Social activity

Since 1991 - presenter of scientific programs, chairman of the board of the Moscow branch of the Russian Science Foundation, since 1993 - director of the Moscow branch of the Russian Science Foundation, which was later transformed into the Moscow Public Science Foundation (MOSF), which promotes innovative processes in the development of humanitarian and socio-political knowledge . He was the founder and first president of the MONF.

Since 1998, simultaneously with the leadership of the MONF, he was the executive director of the megaproject “Development of Education in Russia” of the Open Society Institute (Soros Foundation). He was vice president of the American Eurasia Foundation. President of the autonomous non-profit organization (ANO) INO-Center (“Information. Science. Education”).

Since 2004 - President of the New Eurasia Foundation, established by the American Eurasia Foundation, the Russian Dynasty Foundation (created by businessman Dmitry Zimin, founder of the VimpelCom company) and the European Madaryaga Foundation.

Personal life, interesting facts

For this risky businessman, the main achievement is not his titles and positions, but his four daughters. The eldest of them had already graduated from MGIMO, but went on to study further because she wanted to become a director. The eldest daughter's name is Natalya Korkunova. Andrei Korkunov’s wife is a housewife, is not interested in business or politics, and is engaged in drawing and psychology. A housekeeper helps her with the housework, but Elena goes shopping and to the market herself.

IN free time Andrey loves to go fishing. His personal record is a fish of 120 kg. But he does not recognize hunting, rightly believing that shooting defenseless animals is vile. In addition, he is fond of motorcycles, loves reckless riding, so that the wind whistles in his ears, but the attributes of bikers in the form leather jackets with a mass of chains and buttons are alien to him. Andrey Korkunov also likes cars. His father once had a black Volga, now he himself has a blue Mercedes and a Jeep. As Andrey says, he rarely uses the services of a personal driver; he mostly sits behind the wheel himself.

Due to his heavy workload, Andrei Korkunov devotes very little time to his loved ones. Family (photo by him eldest daughter with his grandson is presented in our article) for him it is a quiet, cozy haven where he can be himself and relax. Andrei says that he loves it when his wife feeds him with a spoon, like a baby. Elena shares her husband's secret favorite dish. Surprisingly, these are not overseas marzipans, but ordinary potatoes baked with lard in the oven. Korkunov himself considers himself a gourmet. He recalls that even as a child he never ate yesterday’s dishes; he wanted everything to be fresh. He had to give up these principles only in student years when he lived in the hostel.

) - Russian political scientist and public figure. President of the New Eurasia Foundation, General Director of the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC). Brother of Sergei Kortunov and Vadim Kortunov.


He graduated from the graduate school of the Institute of the USA and Canada (ISKAN) of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Candidate of Historical Sciences.

Scientific activity

In - - junior, then senior researcher, head of sector, head of department, in - - deputy director of the Institute of the USA and Canada. He taught Russian foreign policy in the United States at the University of Miami (), Luce and Clark College in Portland (), and the University of California at Berkeley (). Main areas of scientific activity: international relations, foreign and domestic policies of Russia, Russian-American relations.

Social activity

S is the leader of scientific programs, chairman of the board of the Moscow branch of the Russian Science Foundation, S is the director of the Moscow branch of the Russian Science Foundation, which was later transformed into the Moscow Public Science Foundation (MOSF), which promotes innovative processes in the development of humanitarian and socio-political knowledge. He was the founder and first president of the MONF.

S, simultaneously with the leadership of the MONF, was the executive director of the megaproject “Development of Education in Russia” of the Open Society Institute (Soros Foundation). He was vice president of the American Eurasia Foundation. President of the autonomous non-profit organization (ANO) INO-Center (“Information. Science. Education”).

S is the president of the New Eurasia Foundation, established by the American Eurasia Foundation, the Russian Dynasty Foundation (created by businessman Dmitry Zimin, founder of the VimpelCom company) and the European Madaryaga Foundation.

S - general director and member of the presidium ""


  • The "American model" on the Scales of History: Trans. from Russ. Moscow, Progress, 1985, 231 p. (co-authored with A. L. Nikitin)
  • Disintegration of the Soviet Union and US policy. - M., 1993.
  • Russia and the West: models of integration. M., 1994.
  • Russia and UN reforms. M., 1995.

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An excerpt characterizing Kortunov, Andrey Vadimovich

“Dear fathers, Orthodox Christians, save, help, my dear!.. someone help,” she said through sobs. - A girl!.. A daughter!.. They left my youngest daughter!.. She burned down! Oh oh oh! That's why I cherish you... Oh oh oh!
“That’s enough, Marya Nikolaevna,” the husband addressed his wife in a quiet voice, obviously only to justify himself to a stranger. - My sister must have taken it away, otherwise where else would I be? - he added.
- Idol! The villain! – the woman screamed angrily, suddenly stopping crying. “You have no heart, you don’t feel sorry for your brainchild.” Someone else would have pulled it out of the fire. And this is an idol, not a man, not a father. “You are a noble man,” the woman quickly turned to Pierre, sobbing. “It caught fire nearby,” he said to us. The girl screamed: it’s burning! They rushed to collect. They jumped out in what they were wearing... That's what they captured... God's blessing and a dowry bed, otherwise everything was lost. Grab the children, Katechka is gone. Oh my God! Ooo! – and again she began to sob. - My dear child, it burned! burned!
- Where, where did she stay? - said Pierre. From the expression on his animated face, his woman realized that this man could help her.
- Father! Father! – she screamed, grabbing his legs. “Benefactor, at least calm my heart... Aniska, go, you vile one, see her off,” she shouted at the girl, angrily opening her mouth and with this movement showing off her long teeth even more.
“Show me off, show me off, I’ll... I’ll... I’ll do it,” Pierre said hastily in a breathless voice.
The dirty girl came out from behind the chest, tidied up her braid and, sighing, walked forward along the path with her blunt bare feet. Pierre seemed to suddenly come to life after a severe faint. He raised his head higher, his eyes lit up with the sparkle of life, and he quickly followed the girl, overtook her and went out onto Povarskaya. The entire street was covered in a cloud of black smoke. Tongues of flame burst out here and there from this cloud. People big crowd crowded in front of the fire. A French general stood in the middle of the street and said something to those around him. Pierre, accompanied by the girl, approached the place where the general stood; but French soldiers stopped him.
“On ne passe pas, [They don’t pass here,”] a voice shouted to him.
- Here, uncle! - said the girl. - We'll go through the Nikulins along the alley.
Pierre turned back and walked, occasionally jumping up to keep up with her. The girl ran across the street, turned left into an alley and, after passing three houses, turned right into the gate.
“Right here now,” said the girl, and, running through the yard, she opened the gate in the plank fence and, stopping, pointed to Pierre a small wooden outbuilding that burned brightly and hotly. One side of it collapsed, the other was burning, and the flames were shining brightly from under the window openings and from under the roof.
When Pierre entered the gate, he was overcome with heat, and he involuntarily stopped. “Rocket launch over Japan and the “disappearance” of Sakhalin. North Korea ups the ante"

“What Klintsevich says is a paraphrase of a statement by Kosachev, who also just a couple of days ago made a rather harsh statement regarding North Korea. It seems to me that these statements reflect a certain trend; the Russian position is evolving towards a more severe reaction to nuclear tests. I think that the matter here is not so much our negotiations with the Americans, but rather the desire to synchronize our position with the Chinese one. We see that in Beijing the degree of criticism of North Korea has also increased sharply over the past two or three months. Indeed, some kind of international consensus is being formed, although it is tactical and not strategic, and Russia would probably also like to be part of this consensus. North Korea has been trying for many years, even decades, I would say, to exploit the differences in position between Moscow and Beijing. When their relations with Moscow deteriorated, they strengthened their friendship with their Chinese comrades, and vice versa. Now, I think, in Russia there is a temptation to take advantage of the isolation of North Korea in order to turn Russia into the main lobbyist, the main partner of this country. It seems to me that we should resist this temptation, because if we follow this path, we will have problems not only with the United States, but also with China.”

“Strike on Syria: what will Trump and allies decide?”

“When last year in April it was applied chemical weapon in Khan Sheikhoun, the OPCW reached its conclusions without visiting the site. The OPCW is learning from its mistakes. The OPCW decision somewhat complicates the possibility of a direct US military attack on Syrian territory. Of course, now it is logical to wait for the investigation on the spot. In addition, international officials could also be injured in a possible strike. If Trump takes a different path, a sudden strike is delivered, then, of course, then the risks for our military increase sharply, and, probably, the risks of some kind of retaliatory action from Russia increase sharply.”

"International Disorder." What will reform of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons lead to?

“Russian fears and logic are clear. We believe that the conclusions of the OPCW are not always objective, they are not always convincing enough, therefore giving more powers and more autonomy to this organization would be at least premature. As for Russia's possible exit, naturally, any organization in which Russia does not participate loses legitimacy. Russia is a country that has a special status in world politics, a member of the UN Security Council, a country that at one time invested a lot of effort and resources in the creation and launch of the OPCW. Therefore, of course, this will not add to the authority of the OPCW; it may create a precedent that, under certain circumstances, can be used by other current members of the OPCW.”


Graduated from MGIMO University of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1979, graduate school at the Institute of the USA and Canada (ISKAN) of the USSR Academy of Sciences in 1982, Candidate of Historical Sciences.


Director General of the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) Andrei Kortunov said that he was allowed into Kyiv. He told RBC about this.

The head of the Council on Foreign Affairs spoke about expulsion from Ukraine

Director General of the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) Andrei Kortunov confirmed the information about how he was expelled from the territory of Ukraine the day before, he told RBC about this.

“It really is. I was not allowed into Ukraine by decision of the SBU, and I was deported to Riga,” he said.

“The reasons were not explained to me. But since I still need to go to Kyiv, I’ll try to get through again tomorrow - after all, Saakashvili succeeded,” he added.

The aggravation of the situation around Nagorno-Karabakh is detrimental to international stability - Andrey Kortunov

Director General of the Russian International Affairs Council Andrei Kortunov gave his assessment of the prospect of a meeting between the foreign ministers of Azerbaijan and Armenia on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York.

Why does Vladimir Putin need peacekeepers in Donbass?

Probably, the Kremlin and the Foreign Ministry realized that Merkel will remain as Chancellor of Germany, the alliance between Germany and France that determines the foreign policy of the EU will remain, and it was not possible to destroy the unity of the EU on the issue of attitude towards Russia and sanctions, believes Andrei Kortunov, Director General of the Russian International Affairs Council . The meeting of the Kremlin curator of Donbass Vladislav Surkov with the special representative of the US State Department for Ukraine Kurt Volker did not lead to a significant rapprochement between the parties. And Russia gave in, realizing that now it is unlikely that it will be possible to exchange Ukraine for trump cards in the Syrian settlement.

What to expect from the meeting between Sergei Lavrov and Rex Tillerson on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly?

Director General of the Russian International Affairs Council Andrei Kortunov spoke about what results can be expected from the meeting of Russian Foreign Ministers Sergei Lavrov and US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, which is to take place on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York.

Play and be patient. What should Russia do in the new Cold War with the West?

A well-known Russian expert, Director General of the Russian International Affairs Council Andrei Kortunov published on the website of the Carnegie Moscow Center a text about what a realistic scenario for relations between Russia and the West could become under the conditions of an “ice age.”

Expert: BRICS Summit is an ideal opportunity to deepen cooperation

The BRICS summit in Xiamen, China is an ideal opportunity to deepen cooperation. This opinion was expressed in an interview with Xinhua by Andrei Kortunov, Director General of the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC).

How can Russia respond to the deployment of American missile defense?

Andrey Kortunov - Director General of the Russian International Affairs Council

“The deployment of missile defense is a long-term problem for Russia, and the response to this challenge will be similar to that given to the deployment of missile defense systems in the European theater (of military operations. - Business FM). That is, as the United States and its allies deploy missile defense systems, we are improving systems for overcoming missile defense. This means further strengthening Russia's strategic potential, which could be used in a hypothetical case of conflict in the Far Eastern theater. That is, this is not some kind of one-time answer, it makes a correction to strategic plans Russian modernization programs nuclear forces. And in this sense, yes, we can say that this is a forceful response, but it became a response in the sense that it involves strengthening our strategic potential so that the missile defense system does not create problems for it. Russia has not yet outlined its line of conduct, but I think it is very unlikely that it will somehow intervene in a military conflict.”

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