What does the president's grandson Boris Yeltsin do? The grandson of Boris Yeltsin again lived a bachelor life. Naina Yeltsina does not talk to her grandson

Grandson of the first President of the Russian Federation Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin

Boris Yeltsin Jr.


Boris Yeltsin Jr. is the main Russian enfant terrible, typical representative capital's golden youth, lover and favorite of girls, grandson of the first Russian President Boris Yeltsin and one of the most discussed representatives of the eminent dynasty. However, now Boris Yeltsin is increasingly associated with an enterprising businessman rather than with a reveler and a waster of life.

To get on the front pages of newspapers, Boris Yeltsin Jr. only had to turn 15 and appear in society with his first lover. After the death of an influential grandfather in 2007, the heir to a famous family and an equally noble fortune begins to systematically squander not only family wealth, but also valuables. Devoting himself entirely to fun, voluptuousness and nightlife, the adored grandson soon falls out of favor with the widow of the first president.

Raised in strictness, Naina Yeltsin categorically does not accept Boris’s extravagance and wild lifestyle and stops all communication with him.

By the age of 29, Yeltsin Jr. had not glorified his name with anything other than high-profile scandals, - the man changed his girls like gloves, occasionally reassuring the public with statements like “meet, this is my bride.”


Today, Boris is 33 years old - despite the ardent desire and instructions of his family to connect his life with politics, the heir to a historical family is trying to establish himself as an enterprising businessman. Yeltsin recently discovered an unusual kindergarten for the children of oligarchs in Bolshoi Trekhgorny Lane in the capital, giving it the name “Interesting”. Free from business negotiations While the politician's grandson plays music and plays hockey.

Personal life

Over the past decade, quite a number of metropolitan beauties, among whom one could find both models and representatives of the thinking intelligentsia, have managed to become the potential bride of Boris Yeltsin Jr. But neither the dizzying gait of top model Margarita Annaberdieva, nor the touching declarations of love from Rasul Gamzatov’s granddaughter Shahri Amirkhanova won the playboy’s flighty heart. Zhanna Aggidasheva suffered the most for the temperamental Boris, who spent 10 years picking up the keys to the heart of her obstinate lover, completely forgetting about the disapproval of his pretentious mother Tatyana Yumasheva.

The only unconditionally beloved representative of the fair half of humanity for Yeltsin Jr. always remained his half-sister Masha Yumasheva. In this love beyond my years to a beautiful girl Boris never tires of confessing from the pages of his Instagram, in interviews and by any other means.

However, Marfusha, as her older brother affectionately calls her, fully approves of the enviable bachelor’s new sweetheart - Serbian top model Tamara Lazic became the next victim of the charming heartthrob. The beloved of one of the most eligible bachelors in the country is distinguished by a chiseled figure, curvy shape and endless legs. You can appreciate the girl’s outstanding data in advertising campaigns for the Intimissimi brand of underwear, the face of which is Tamara along with Irina Shayk.


The heir to a huge fortune adheres to a fairly democratic style when it comes to clothing. Youth jumpers, T-shirts and shirts can be seen on him much more often than three-piece suits and velvet tuxedos. However, occasionally Yeltsin Jr. makes an exception even for an impeccably tailored tailcoat and bow tie, for example, to show off on the red carpet of the Cannes Film Festival on the arm of his mother. Boris's all-time favorite accessory is also aviator glasses, under the tinted glasses of which he hides the mischievous sparkle of his brown eyes.


Most often, Yeltsin can be seen in the company of his sister Masha and his beloved Tamara. During periods of separation from both, Boris does business or spends time with a narrow circle of non-public friends, often foreigners.

Compromising evidence:

The widow of Russia's first president flatly refuses to talk to her once-adored descendant Boris Yeltsin Jr. According to close friends of the Yeltsin family, Naina Iosifovna does not like the wild lifestyle and extravagance of her grandson. At 29 years old, one of the most eligible bachelors in Russia prefers exclusively underage girls and changes his lovers like gloves.

Psychologists say that if a person has not started a permanent relationship before the age of 30, then he has some kind of deviation. The enviable metropolitan groom Boris Yeltsin Jr. turned 29 years old, but even in an attempt to create his own social unit, the guy was not noticed. Although the leader of the golden youth, Yeltsin, still has a whole year to arrange his personal life. And who knows, maybe his real passion - a simple fashion model Lena - will become the legal wife of the heir to the famous family.

In addition to Boris, his grandmother Naina Iosifovna was also at the social event. But, surprisingly, the relatives did not even say a word the entire evening. Fat Yeltsin did not come up to say hello and pay his respects to the famous 78-year-old grandmother.

The widow of the first president of Russia herself came to the holiday in the company of her longtime friend and permanent artistic director of the Sovremennik Theater Galina Volchek and also did not crave communication with her granddaughter. During the thirty-minute intermission, the guests dispersed through the foyer of the Tchaikovsky Concert Hall. Naina Yeltsina chatted briskly with Volchek and Tatyana Tarasova who approached. But Boris Yeltsin Jr. deliberately avoided his relatives.

Naina Iosifovna is not satisfied with her grandson’s life,” family friend Alexander Ivanensky told us. - She believes that his behavior does not correspond to the level of their family and surname. It is not appropriate for Boris to treat girls this way and lead only a wild life. By the age of 29, he had significantly reduced the family's financial fund. In fact, he wasted all of his grandfather’s active reserves of money. Borya loves girls, alcohol and nightclubs. The older generation cannot understand such ideals.

So Naina simply declared a boycott on her careless offspring.

It turns out that famous grandson still no diploma higher education. At MGIMO at the faculty international relations he studied for only two years, and then transferred to Brown University in the USA, where he studied for a year and abandoned his studies. Today Boris Yeltsin Jr. is not listed anywhere and leads a mostly secular lifestyle.

["Interlocutor", 04/06/2010, "Man of Dreams. Boris Yeltsin Jr.": Career: graduated from a private college in the UK, then entered the Faculty of Economics of MGIMO, and then - High school business at Moscow State University. He was the marketing director of the Russian Formula 1 team. Now he is the creative director of the Spletnik Creative Media agency, which promotes the website Spletnik.ru. - Insert K.ru]

He is a frequent client of the Velvet nightclub, owned by Alexander Tolmatsky, the father of the rapper Decl. It is he who introduces the capricious sybarite to the club beauties.

Search by " Boris Yeltsin grandson". Results: Boris - 5421, grandson - 526, Yeltsin - 2042.

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Searching results:

1. grandson Boris Yeltsin hiding in a special school. Original of this material © "Your Day", 09/04/2006 grandson Boris Yeltsin hidden in a special school Gleb Dyachenko studies in a boarding school for children with autism Anton Stepanov, photo by Mikhail Seregin Gleb Dyachenko studies in a closed boarding school under a false name 11-year-old Gleb, grandson first president of Russia Boris Yeltsin, went to third grade.
Date: 09/04/2006 2. Boris Yeltsin Jr. loves girls, alcohol and nightclubs. Naina Yeltsin chatted briskly with Volchek and Tatyana Tarasova who came up. And here Boris Yeltsin Jr. deliberately avoided his relatives. During the intermission, Naina Iosifovna chose not to communicate with grandson, and with his friends - Galina Volchek and Tatyana Tarasova. Having met classmates in the hall, he introduced them to his new girl Lena. After a short conversation grandson Boris Nikolaevich went outside to buy water and entered the hall only after the last bell.
Date: 07/01/2010 3. Family Yeltsins. For example, did Valentin Yumashev adopt Tatyana’s children from previous marriages - Boris and Gleb? Are you baptized? grandchildren and great-grandchildren Yeltsin and who are their godparents? Who do the children stay with when the adults leave, say, for Courchevel - with their grandparents or simply under the supervision of governesses? How did the fate of the granddaughter turn out? Yeltsin Katya Okulova, who at the age of 19 married fellow university student Sasha Sorokin and gave birth Yeltsin first great-grandchild Boris Nikolaevich named him Alexander?
Date: 02/03/2006 4. Destruction of image Yeltsin. Image destruction Yeltsin Expensive private school in England for grandson Boris. solve complex problems present life, was determined by an understandable interest in the “secrets of the Kremlin.”
Date: 04/26/2007 5. “For Tatiana he is a burden.” They had no idea that the blond baby - grandson himself Boris Yeltsin!
Date: 09/08/2006 6. Boris Yeltsin deceives the family. According to preliminary data, Yeltsin will marry Agagisheva at the end of February in the UK. Gazeta.Ru learned the name of the real bride Boris Yeltsin Jr. As it turned out, grandson The first president of Russia is not going to marry the granddaughter of the Dagestan poet Rasul Gamzatov, Shahri Amirkhanova. As a source close to the “future spouses” told Gazeta.Ru, the news about the upcoming marriage Yeltsin and Amirkhanova, distributed last Monday Russian media, - lie.
Date: 02/11/2005 7. Show-off. Grandmother recognized two of them immediately - grandchildren Boris Yeltsin and academician Boris Bunkin (designer anti-aircraft missile systems S-300). According to the woman, Yeltsin Jr. communicated with her without choosing expressions. Intemperance Boris Yeltsin Jr. “became famous” at MGIMO, where he studied for a short time after college in England. At one time, they wrote a lot about academic performance and night-time binges. grandson first president.
Date: 03/26/2004 8. Grandson Yeltsin runs away from the army. Original of this material © "Newspaper", 02/28/2003 Grandson Yeltsin running from the army Grandchildren President: Boris Yeltsin Jr. and Masha Okulova For several years now, the name has been on the lists of conscripts Boris Leonidovich Yeltsin, grandson the Russian ex-president, who cannot be lured into the ranks of the Armed Forces. First Boris Yeltsin was supposed to appear before the medical board in 1998.
Date: 03/03/2003 9. "Family" Boris Yeltsin discards quotes. At the elite college in Millfield with grandson Boris Yeltsin, Boris Jr., and the son of Anatoly Chubais from his first marriage, Alexey, Polina spent several years gaining wisdom. England was now the birthplace of her first child. Immediately after the successful birth, Polina was congratulated by her father and husband. Polina's mother, Irina Vedeneeva, did not come to London - her grandmother is waiting grandson in Moscow. The parents have not yet given the boy a name, perhaps he will become Ivan or Boris.
Date: 10/19/2001 10. Yeltsin was rude to the old lady. She recognized two of them: they were grandchildren Boris Yeltsin and a resident of the village - academician Boris Bunkin, designer of the S-300 anti-aircraft missile systems.
Date: 08/07/2003 11. Vilen Khairullin: “Eltsin persuaded me to give up my own son Boris". I often scolded her for such appearance. When our Borya was born, we got together with Naina Iosifovna and Boris Nikolaevich in a restaurant where my father ex-wife literally begged me to give grandson last name Yeltsin, as the only heir. “But give your next child your last name,” he said. At that time, Tanya and I didn’t even think about divorce, so I easily agreed. And the son was named in honor Boris Nikolaevich.
Date: 12/26/2003 12. Tatyana’s first husband spoke. Tatyana's first husband spoke © "Express Newspaper", 02/05/02 Tatyana Dyachenko forced her husband to abandon his son Newlyweds: Tatyana Yeltsin and Vilen Khairulin His first legal spouse Tatyana Dyachenko for a long time tried to hide it. Our newspaper was the first to find out about Tatyana Borisovna’s unsuccessful family experience and revealed the secret of the origin of her beloved grandson president - Boris Yeltsin Jr.
Date: 02/08/2002 13. Secretly about Tanya It is recommended to talk with Khairullin’s parents about the possibility of recording on video their testimony about forced tests carried out to find out genetic indications about future grandchildren president. This fact is interesting because these forced medical examinations violated the Declaration of Human Rights and all this happened with the tacit consent of Tatyana Yeltsina. In 1981, the young couple had a son, who was named after his grandfather. Boris. 14. Dyachenko, constantly interfering, even replaced the head of the protocol; after 1996, all censorship went through Tatyana and Voloshin. Dyachenko, constantly interfering, replaced even the head of the protocol; after 1996, all censorship went through Tatyana and Voloshin Camera for Boris Yeltsin.
- An impressive episode when Yeltsin in a store on Kutuzovsky I bought a plastic toy for a one-year-old grandson.
Date: 06/19/2008 15. There lives such a guy... Borya Yeltsin Jr. was recently beaten. Boris Yeltsin Jr. (in top row- in the center with a friend). Yumashev’s daughter from his first marriage, Polina (in the photo - to the left of her father) Recently there was news that they had beaten Yeltsin. This did not create a sensation - Yeltsin turned out to be the wrong one. It was about grandson Boris Nikolaevich (aka the son of Tatyana Dyachenko, aka MGIMO student Boris Jr.), who was taught a lesson by his comrades for his waywardness. Having taken an academic leave on the advice of my parents, grandson then transferred to Moscow State University. From the Faculty of International economic relations on the...
Date: 10/16/2002 16. Classmates beat up grandson Yeltsin for his quarrelsome character. Classmates beat up grandson Yeltsin for an absurd character © "Express Newspaper", 09.13.2002, " grandson Yeltsin beat up by classmates" Boris Jr. got everyone with his grandfather Maxim Samokhin Two Boris: famous for their unconventional manners Trumping the name of his famous grandfather, Borya Jr. began to turn up his nose in front of his comrades so much that he ended up getting punched in the nose.
Date: 09/13/2002 17. The KGB is in power. In February 1997, he was elected to the State Duma in Tula District No. 176. In 1997, he published the book “ Boris Yeltsin: from dawn to dusk".
Married, two sons, grandson.
Date: 12/27/2002 18. Aeroflot without son-in-law. We haven't heard anything about the eldest for a long time grandson and the full namesake of the president - Boris Yeltsin, which was making waves at Moscow parties a few years ago. last information: offspring famous surname I found a job I liked - I became the marketing director of one of the Formula 1 teams. – There is information that Okulov was the only close person for whom he personally asked Boris Yeltsin, and this explains the “longevity” of the son-in-law in this post.
Date: 04/02/2009 19. The entire Presidential Administration. On May 29, 1997 she became a member of the Council for local government in the Russian Federation, whose chairman was Boris Yeltsin.
Married, three children and four grandchildren.
Date: 08/11/2004 20. What legacy did he leave? Yeltsin. And if the political legacy Yeltsin will be discussed and assessed differently for many years, then with financial condition everything is more or less clear. The law “On guarantees for the President of the Russian Federation, who has ceased to exercise his powers, and members of his family” spells out everything no worse than in a detailed will. Big family Boris Yeltsin: widow, two daughters, six grandchildren and two great-grandchildren are entitled to free medical and sanatorium treatment for 5 years after the death of the president.
Date: 06/06/2007

In the early to mid-2000s, Boris Yeltsin was a popular young man in social circles. What to say, eligible bachelor. And also Tom is also a tamer of women's hearts. It all started with the fact that the star of the then super-popular show “Behind the Glass” Zhanna Agagisheva gave her heart to the guy (but did not achieve reciprocity). Then there was a long and stormy affair with the granddaughter of Rasul Gamzatov, Sharkhri Amirkhanova. Then Yeltsin Jr. temporarily left the radar, and then reappeared, all in beautiful girls. Apparently, he has developed the “DiCaprio” syndrome - this is when you can’t live without young models. But you can’t with them either, that’s why they change so often. Margarita Annaberdiev, Elena Maksimova, Olesya Senchenko, Irina Vodolazova - each of them, according to the media, was about to hear wedding bells. But everything didn’t work out.

And now, it seemed, Boris Yeltsin’s grandson had finally found “the one.” Serbian model Tamara Lazic, 26 years old, became the handsome man’s constant companion - in literally every photo on Boris’s Instagram we could see her beautiful forms. “We met Tamara two years ago in New York,” Yeltsin said in an interview with Tatler in 2014. - But both I and she were in a relationship then. And recently they became single again - and it started spinning. What I like is that we don't play any games! Fun like “who will call who first” is a thing of the past. I'm thirty-three and I'm damn tired of them. Mistrust, jealousy - we have already gone through all this. I speak exclusively English with Tamara. He is not my family, nor hers: that’s why there are no omissions or halftones. We speak clearly, intelligibly and to the point. Of course, I want a family - this is the main thing in life. But I’m not in a hurry, I’m looking for the right person.”

Apparently, something went wrong, since the almost two-year romance was suddenly interrupted. Although Tamara was even familiar with grandmother Naina and other members of the Yeltsin clan. But now only his sister Masha reigns on Bori’s Instagram, whom he affectionately calls “Mai Love.”

So why does a guy have such bad luck with women? At 35 years old, you have to try really hard to never meet “the one.” Boris himself says that since he himself is a “child of divorce” (his mother Tatyana married Vilen Khairullin in 1980, and two years later she divorced, refusing, according to rumors, to go with the young scientist on assignment to Bashkiria. A divorce happened ). That's why it's so difficult for him to choose the one with whom he will be together. long years. Plus on successful businessman and the handsome man cannot help but feel pressured by his status as the grandson of the first president Russian Federation- anyone will start to act weird when the world thinks that you have to live up to this high rank, “don’t let us down,” “be worthy.” As psychologists say, the fear of disappointment can be so strong that a person in such a situation can completely refuse relationships with the opposite sex. Or, at the first danger, reduce them to “no”.

For a long time, the grandson of the first Russian President Boris Yeltsin had a romantic relationship with the Serbian supermodel Tamara Lazic, who is known to the general public thanks to an advertising campaign for a lingerie brand. Many noted that the 35-year-old heir to a famous family is very serious about his beloved. He introduced Tamara to friends and family as his bride. Unexpectedly for everyone, the couple broke up. Apparently, Boris Yeltsin Jr.’s heart is free for now. It is noteworthy that neither Tamara nor Boris comment on the breakup in any way.

I must say that a couple of years ago Boris Yeltsin Jr. was serious about getting married. True, at that time he had not yet met Tamara, but he also did not reveal the name of the one with whom he wanted to connect his life, mentioning that it was time for him to start a family. They started talking about a possible marriage after he mysteriously captioned one of the photos, “Wedding coming soon.” From the comments that followed the publication, it became clear that the gala event would take place soon. It was known that it was to take place in Italy and, most likely, in an atmosphere of complete secrecy. Most were sure that the grandson of the first president of Russia would lead the 23-year-old model from St. Petersburg Olesya Senchenko to the altar.

Previously, Boris Yeltsin Jr. was suspected of having an affair with model Irina Vodolazova, but the girl married his friend. Their love relationship She always denied it with Boris, saying that they were connected only by friendship and a pleasant pastime in a common company.

In the late 90s, Yeltsin Jr. was credited with an affair with one of the participants in Russia’s first reality show, Zhanna Agagisheva, who now bears the name Ryzhova. It was rumored that the couple was going to get married. But these rumors did not come true. Boris and Zhanna still maintain friendly relations. When Ryzhova decided to open her own business, financial assistance She turned specifically to the grandson of the first president.

Apparently, now Boris has again become one of the eligible bachelors. According to the publication Super, the Serbian model began to build a relationship with a new lover.

Who: Boris Yeltsin Jr. is the main Russian enfant terrible, a typical representative of the capital's golden youth, a lover and favorite of girls, the grandson of the first Russian President Boris Yeltsin and one of the most discussed representatives of the eminent dynasty. However, now Boris Yeltsin is increasingly associated with an enterprising businessman rather than with a reveler and a waster of life.

Why it’s notable: To get on the front pages of newspapers, Boris Yeltsin Jr. only had to turn 15 and appear in society with his first lover. After the death of an influential grandfather in 2007, the heir to a famous family and an equally noble fortune begins to systematically squander not only family wealth, but also valuables. Completely giving himself over to fun, voluptuousness and nightlife, the adored grandson soon falls out of favor with the widow of the first president. Raised in strictness, Naina Yeltsin categorically does not accept Boris’s extravagance and wild lifestyle and stops all communication with him. By the age of 29, Yeltsin Jr. had not glorified his name with anything other than loud scandals - the man changed his girls like gloves, occasionally reassuring the public with statements like “meet me, this is my bride.” Today, Boris is 33 years old - despite the ardent desire and instructions of his family to connect his life with politics, the heir to a historical family is trying to establish himself as an enterprising businessman. Yeltsin recently opened an unusual kindergarten for the children of oligarchs on Bolshoi Trekhgorny Lane in the capital, giving it the name “Interesting.” In his free time from business negotiations, the politician’s grandson plays music and plays hockey.

Personal life: Over the past decade, no less a number of metropolitan beauties, among whom one could meet both models and representatives of the thinking intelligentsia, have managed to become the potential bride of Boris Yeltsin Jr. But neither the dizzying gait of top model Margarita Annaberdieva, nor the touching declarations of love from Rasul Gamzatov’s granddaughter Shahri Amirkhanova won the playboy’s flighty heart. Zhanna Aggidasheva suffered the most for the temperamental Boris, who spent 10 years picking up the keys to the heart of her obstinate lover, completely forgetting about the disapproval of his pretentious mother Tatyana Dyachenko. The only unconditionally beloved representative of the fair half of humanity for Yeltsin Jr. always remained his cousin Marfa. Boris never tires of confessing his love for this precociously beautiful girl from the pages of his Instagram, in interviews and by any other means. However, Marfusha, as her older brother affectionately calls her, fully approves of the enviable bachelor’s new sweetheart - Serbian top model Tamara Lazic became the next victim of the charming heartthrob.The beloved of one of the most eligible bachelors in the country is distinguished by a chiseled figure, curvy shape and endless legs. You can appreciate the girl’s outstanding data in advertising campaigns for the Intimissimi brand of underwear, the face of which is Tamara along with Irina Shayk.

Style: The heir to a huge fortune adheres to a fairly democratic style in clothing. Youth jumpers, T-shirts and shirts can be seen on him much more often than three-piece suits and velvet tuxedos. However, occasionally Yeltsin Jr. makes an exception even for an impeccably tailored tailcoat and bow tie - for example, to show off on the red carpet of the Cannes Film Festival on the arm of his mother. Boris's all-time favorite accessory is also aviator glasses, under the tinted glasses of which he hides the mischievous sparkle of his brown eyes.

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