Turtle dream book for a woman. In unnatural positions. Why do you dream about big turtles?

Human most spends his life sleeping. He rests on one side and receives various information in the form of images on the other. Some of the images make him happy, some sadden him. And upon awakening, many of us turn to dream books.

One of the most respected images that can visit you in a dream is a turtle. In China, the turtle has long been considered a symbol of wisdom, longevity, protection, health and movement forward. According to Chinese Feng Shui practitioners, a turtle figurine should be in every home.

But what if you dreamed of a turtle, how to evaluate and interpret this image. Let's try to understand why a turtle dreams with the help different dream books. Let's see what the dream book tells us - a turtle portends success and prosperity as in yours professional life, and in my personal life. Of course, it is important to pay attention to details in order to know where exactly to expect happiness.

Here's what's important for you to consider when analyzing.

  • Where they saw her and what she was doing.
  • Size and quantity.
  • Your behavior towards the animal.
  • The turtle's behavior towards you.

A land turtle crawling along the sand in a dream foretells a calm, unhurried development of your affairs. And it's not pointless. Why? Because this animal is a symbol of wisdom and, therefore, in order to achieve success in business, you need to show wisdom and slow down.

If you dreamed of a turtle, not a land turtle, but a sea turtle swimming in the water, then soon someone in your life will give you practical, one might even say wise, advice. So be willing to listen, and you will hear everything you need to hear.

If you dream of a turtle swimming in circles in limited space, be it or, then get ready to accept the gifts of fate. Because the stars promise you a successful and comfortable life.

If you dream of animals that overtake other representatives of the fauna, then this means that it is time to listen to the eternal wisdom - if you drive more quietly, you will go further. Do not press on the gas pedal, slow down, perhaps with the help of slowness you will be able to take the right, clear steps and overtake everyone.

And if a sea turtle in a dream swings while lying on its shell, then it means that in your close surroundings there is a real sage. Yes, yes, and soon he will be able to give you the much-needed and long-awaited advice. Therefore, listen to your guru, perhaps this will bring you the much desired success.

Size and quantity

Little turtles crawling on the sand dream of pleasant chores that may take a little longer. Perhaps in order for what you want to happen, you will need to be patient and wait a little. Small turtles swimming in the water portend good news, as well as letters from afar. Such turtles, if you look in the dream book, can also promise pleasant events or unexpected gifts.

To understand why many large turtles are dreamed of, you need to pay attention to who, a man or a woman, dreams of a turtle. To a man big turtles prepare for climbing the career ladder and success in business, for women big creatures They promise a high position in society, and do not rule out a successful marriage. You will soon be admired.

One big turtle promises both men and women good news, as well as interesting acquaintances with new people who can subsequently become your partners, both in personal life and in business.

Your behavior

If you are swimming in the water with a turtle, then such a dream means that you will soon get a job in which you will be like a fish in water, you will be comfortable, everything will work out, and you will experience a flurry of positive emotions.

If you feed an animal, then most likely real life You're feeding the wrong person. Stop lending money and helping someone who doesn’t need it at all, and besides, doesn’t feel much gratitude. Remember the rules of help and help those who really need it.

If you ate a turtle, or ate a turtle dish, then this is a very peculiar sign. It means that you are literally “eating” your wisdom and acting stupidly and thoughtlessly. Therefore, look at recent events in your life and try to correct what you have done.

Riding on an animal in a dream means that you tend to worry and worry about trifles. Although there is no real reason to be afraid. Therefore, try to look for more positives in what is happening and not pay attention to the negatives.

The animal's behavior towards you

It’s quite easy to tell why you dream of a turtle that just crawls past you and doesn’t pay any attention to you. Such a dream indicates that you accept wise and right decisions that you have achieved a certain level of enlightenment in some way.

If a turtle speaks to you in a dream, then listen carefully to every word, since this is definitely the very advice that you will need from day to day. These animals, a symbol of wisdom and evil, simply cannot advise.

To see a turtle in a dream, which, when it sees you, hides in its shell, this most likely means that in your environment there are those who envy you and want to interfere with your plans. Therefore, try to tell your surroundings as little as possible about your achievements and goals, this can work against you. A frightened turtle, as any dream book will confirm, is a symbol of impending difficulties that can be protected from within the family circle.

If a turtle gave birth before your eyes, such a dream can be called prophetic. Soon, you will be like a turtle giving birth to new ideas, and for a young woman such a dream is a harbinger of imminent conception. Therefore, you should not miss your chance.

If he comes to meet you from the water, then get ready for unexpected surprises. For a woman, such a dream promises a new, unexpected meeting with a representative of the opposite sex, which can change her life. If you have a partner, then such a dream may indicate that you have a secret admirer.

If an animal bites you in a dream, it means that you want a lot from life and are not trying to live according to the principles of balance and harmony. Remember that there is no need to upset the balance in the world.

Not everyone dreams of wise animals, so their appearance always promises some kind of change, and the question of why a turtle is dreamed of should not remain unanswered. And to find out what the turtle portends for you, look at the dream book, or better yet, use several sources for analysis. Be wise and calm like this ancient animal and everything in your life will work out.

Dream Interpretation Turtle The turtle is a symbol of wisdom and longevity, because this amphibian lives for three hundred years, which means it manages to learn a lot in its life. Exists popular belief, that the turtle moves so slowly because it has a long life and there is nowhere for it to rush. The image of a turtle evoked by your subconscious in a dream is most likely a realization of such well-known folk expressions as “Crawl like a turtle” or “Hide your head in your shell like a turtle.” Everyone knows that the first expression is used to refer to people who are slow and slow-witted, and the second to those who are cowardly and not independent. So, the image of a turtle that appears in a dream can mean procrastination, an obstacle in business, and also personify a person who does not have time to do everything that is assigned to him, is lazy or simply does not want to do anything. Watching in a dream how a turtle hides its head in its shell is a sign that in your environment there is a dependent person who not only interferes with the implementation of your plans, but also has a bad influence on you. To see a turtle hidden in its shell in a dream is a sign that you will have a calm and happy life. Harmony will reign in your home, relationships with your loved one and children will normalize. Watching in a dream a turtle that grabs the legs of a bird to learn to fly - such a dream indicates that you are a very arrogant person and do not listen at all practical advice other people, without even suspecting that you are making it worse for yourself. Watching a slowly crawling turtle in a dream means that in reality you are a very slow person and therefore it is difficult for you to adapt to the changes that are happening around you. Perhaps such a dream indicates that your work partner, due to his slowness in making decisions, is slowing down your affairs, while you will not be able to influence the course of events in any way and, despite all your efforts, you will not achieve anything new. If you dreamed of a turtle crawling to race with some animal, then in real life you will not be able to compete with your business partner: you are too weak and slow to do this. To see a turtle lying on its shell in a dream is a sign that there is a very wise person in your environment, influential person who thinks several times before doing anything. Listen to his advice. Walking with a turtle in a dream - such a dream foreshadows a long and happy life. If in a dream you saw one of your close friends walking with a turtle, then this person will live a long life. If in a dream you buy a turtle, it means that soon a person will appear in your environment who will only disturb you, although his task will be to help you in your work. Demand a replacement from your superiors, don’t waste your energy on this slow person, it won’t do any good. Watch for aquatic turtles that swim in the aquarium - you need to be patient, because you will have a period of painful waiting. In a dream, feeding a turtle means you are supporting not the person who needs your help, but the parasite who has found strings in your soul on which to play and get what you want from you. Aesop's Dream Book

Dream Interpretation Turtle The turtle is a symbol of longevity and wisdom, but also slowness and clumsiness. The appearance of a turtle in a dream means procrastination and obstacles in business, as well as a lazy person or someone who does not want to do anything. Walking with a turtle in a dream is a harbinger of a long and happy life. When watching aquatic turtles, you need to be patient as there will be a waiting period. By feeding a turtle, you are not supporting someone who needs your help, but a dependent. Russian dream book

The meaning of the dream Turtle Dreaming of a turtle means standing in lines for a long time, being late and a failed meeting. ride on giant turtle means ridiculous accusations against you from your husband. A turtle lying on its back, unable to turn over and stand on its feet, is a symbol of vain efforts and futile expectation of change for the better. A dead turtle in your dream means separation. Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why do you dream about Turtle? Turtle: a symbol of slowness, this is not worth reminding. Accordingly, its appearance in a dream indicates that you are not particularly well in control of the situation, and to be honest, it is simply out of control. This is due to your slowness. Perhaps your lethargy and indecisiveness are explained by some serious circumstances, but in the near future you will have to forget about these circumstances, or at least not pay attention to them, since you will be required to be able to act quickly and make decisions quickly and not waste days and weeks to think about. If in a dream you catch this slow animal, then in the near future you will have to engage in combat with an enemy who is behind you in all respects. It is not surprising that victory in this fight will be yours, but this should not give you a reason for carelessness, in addition, try to show sympathy for the defeated, because, as he says folk wisdom, they don’t hit someone who is lying down. It's enough for you to show your strength and make it clear Dream Interpretation of the White Magician

Dream Interpretation Turtle A dream about a turtle portends some interesting case in your life. Its consequences will undoubtedly strengthen your character and affect your work. If you ate turtle soup in a dream, you have dubious entertainment ahead. We rode on a sea turtle in a dream - in Lately you are very worried about something. You cannot get rid of this anxiety and create anxiety in the people around you. Look at the world more optimistically, there is no reason for such a gloomy mood. If you dreamed that a turtle did not want to “come out” of its shell, then you are inclined to blame anyone for all your problems, but not yourself. Think about the fact that you yourself are not perfect, and stop ruining your relationships with people. Watched a crawling turtle - a disease is possible, and the reason for it lies in your overly hot-tempered character. Large universal dream book

Dream Interpretation Turtle Turtle: This is a powerful symbol. It can also be a symbol of slow but steady progress towards a goal. A turtle pulls its head under its shell when it gets scared: it can symbolize a desire to escape from a problem or hide for a while to gather strength. Dream Interpretation Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Dream Interpretation Turtle Dream Interpretation Turtle - A symbol of longevity and wisdom, but also slowness and clumsiness. The appearance of a turtle in a dream means procrastination and obstacles in business, as well as a lazy person or someone who does not want to do anything. Walking with a turtle in a dream is a harbinger of a long and happy life. When watching aquatic turtles, you need to be patient as there will be a waiting period. By feeding a turtle, you are not supporting someone who needs your help, but a dependent.

The turtle is slow, calm, mindful of itself. It would seem that such an apathetic, sedentary animal could mean in a dream... It turns out that there are quite a lot of options for interpreting sleep! She has positive and negative values, so it wouldn’t hurt to know why she dreamed about it.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

  • A dream about turtles is a strong symbol. The American Indians called their continent “Turtle Island” because, according to legend, the turtle sacrificed itself so that people and animals could live on its back. This is a totem creature that is the guardian spirit of the Earth itself.
  • Seeing a turtle in a dream can also mean slow but steady progress towards your goal.
  • Stroking a turtle in a dream and seeing how it hides its head under its shell every time: you want to get away from problems for a while and just forget yourself, hide. But time will pass, you will gather your thoughts and be able to overcome them.

Mayan Dream Interpretation

As usual, the Mayans give two interpretations at once.

  • Bad meaning: dreaming of a turtle crawling past you. It is life itself that passes without your participation! To stop these dreams and start moving into rhythm with life, just eat turtle meat.
  • Good value: a dream about a turtle that is swimming somewhere means that you will soon receive a lot of practical advice. In order for you to use them successfully, you need to find something that is made from turtle shell.

New family dream book

  • Seeing turtles in a dream foreshadows an interesting event in life. Your character will be strengthened, and the consequences will have a positive impact on your work.
  • Dream Interpretation: catching a turtle and making soup from it means the upcoming entertainment will be dubious.

Gypsy dream book

Dream Interpretation: a turtle symbolizes interference and delay when concluding important deals.

Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong

  • Dream Interpretation: a turtle in the water, in a well - wealth will come to the house. (see or)
  • Dream Interpretation: you dreamed of a turtle wrapped around a snake - you will be relatively rich.
  • Dream Interpretation: a woman seeing a turtle in a dream means her high position.
  • Catching a turtle in a dream: mourning.

Eastern women's dream book

  • Why do you dream about a turtle in a dream? This dream suggests that some extraordinary situation will greatly change your life for the better.
  • Dream interpretation: a turtle without a shell/eating turtle soup - risky intrigues bring you pleasure.

Aesop's Dream Book

The most complete and versatile interpretation of sleep.

The turtle is a symbol of longevity and wisdom. Apparently because of its longevity, the turtle is so slow - why should it rush if they live for more than a hundred years?

What does a turtle mean in a dream: it is an image caused by the subconscious, which is the implementation of expressions like “hiding your head in your shell” or “crawling like a turtle.” The first is applicable to people who are indecisive and dependent, and the second is applicable to people who are slow and slow to think. No matter how rude it may sound, you just have to correlate the dream you saw about a turtle with famous expression, how much becomes clear at once. It may turn out that you really don’t think well and are used to acting automatically, or maybe you don’t want to take responsibility, since you can live well under your own shell.

  • Dream Interpretation: a turtle in a dream is, in any case, a delay not only on your part, but also in the form of an obstacle, which can act as circumstances and a person who simply does not have time to do everything on time, as he is lazy by nature.
  • The dream book calls the shell of a turtle your lack of independence or loved one from your environment, which not only prevents your plans from coming true, but also has a bad influence on you.
  • Dream Interpretation: a turtle hid in its shell in a dream - your life will be surprisingly calm and happy, and harmony will reign in the house.
  • It might just be a dream a strange dream: The turtle grabs the birds' paws to fly up with them. This dream means that you are too arrogant, do not listen to advice, and the worst thing is that you do not suspect that by doing this you are only making things worse for yourself.
  • Dream Interpretation: to see in a dream a turtle that crawls slowly. You relied on the person’s efficiency, but he let you down on all fronts.
  • Interpretation of the dream: a turtle crawls in a race with another animal - in life you will not be able to oppose anything to your business partners.
  • Dream Interpretation: a turtle lies on its shell - in your environment there is a very smart and influential person who always thinks more than once before doing/saying something. Always listen to his advice.
  • Walking with a turtle in a dream: life promises to be long and happy. If someone you know walks with her instead of you, then this person will live a long life.
  • Buy a turtle in a dream: a person will appear in your environment who should only help you, but he will do everything exactly the opposite. You can safely demand a replacement from your superiors.
  • Dream interpretation: a turtle in an aquarium - the waiting period will be simply painful. Well, judge for yourself: not only is a turtle a slow creature, but it will also flounder in the water. Double punch! (cm. )
  • Feeding a turtle in a dream: instead of a person who really deserves support, you are dragging behind you an outright parasite who has simply found the right strings in your soul and is now pushing you around with all his might.

Miller's Dream Book: turtle

  • If you dreamed of a turtle, then consider that an unexpected and pleasant incident in all respects has fallen on your head, which will have a very positive impact on your life.
  • Did you dream about turtle soup?! Well... your entertainment will be dubious and incomprehensible to most people.

Freud's Dream Book

  • Dream Interpretation: sea turtle, riding on it - a dream about the anxiety that has been gnawing at you lately. You can't get rid of it and infect everyone around you with it.
  • Dream Interpretation: a turtle hid in its shell and does not come out - you blame everyone for failures except yourself.
  • Seeing a crawling turtle in a dream: a dream foreshadows illness due to a hot temper.

Modern dream book

A dream involving a turtle speaks of an out-of-the-ordinary situation that will greatly change your life. For the better.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Any turtle in a dream means dishonor.

Dream Interpretation of Yuri Longo

  • Seeing turtles in a dream is not bad, but not positive sign. And so, just a statement. First of all, your slowness. What exactly can such a dream tell you: you are not in control of the situation because of your slowness.
  • Catching a turtle in a dream means entering into a confrontation with an enemy who, in all respects, lags behind you. Victory will be yours, but it should not give you a reason for carelessness. Once you begin to empathize with the vanquished, your already small victory will simply be erased. You have already shown your strength, do not hit the lying person and do not sympathize with him. But for stronger enemies this will be a good demonstration of strength.

Italian dream book Meneghetti

Seeing turtles in a dream: an attractive personality is pushing you towards old age ahead of schedule.

Danilova's erotic dream book

  • Seeing a turtle in the water in a dream: this is a significant delay in realizing your intentions. You need to show your fantasies live, but the past/prejudices of your upbringing get in the way.
  • The turtle lies on its shell: you easily change your plans due to the influence of some person whose opinion is very important to you.

Idiomatic dream book

The turtle is a participant in many sayings in which its slowness is played out. So such a dream speaks of your slowness.

Spring dream book

A turtle in a dream means things are moving slowly in reality.

Summer dream book

Why do you dream about this reptile? An empty promise, an assurance.

Autumn dream book

The turtle dreams of a certain debt that you are slowly and reluctantly paying off.

Russian folk dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: seeing a turtle means longevity and wisdom go side by side with clumsiness and slowness. You hesitate a lot, although you have a remarkable mind that will help you out always and everywhere.
  • The dream book calls holding a turtle in your hands good sign: This is a harbinger of a happy and long life.
  • The dream "turtle in the water" warns: delay in important matters due to circumstances or a specific person.
  • Dream Interpretation: feeding a turtle means you are supporting a dependent, not a worthwhile person.

Dream Interpretation of V. Kopalinsky

Any dream with a turtle should be projected only onto yourself. This is your slowness, your longevity.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

Turtle in a dream - in reality you will live a long and good life.


If we look at the interpretations of a dream with a turtle, we will not see anything terrible or something that we could not change. Slowness is not such a serious miscalculation that it would cost you your health or well-being. You may just miss opportunities, but this is easy to prevent. Stand in front of the mirror, look - you are already quite adults and are responsible for your actions. If you are comfortable living with the current state of things, then so be it. If not, you will immediately come to your senses and seize any opportunity.

If we take into account that a turtle is a slow-moving, long-lived animal, then it becomes clear why dream books, deciphering what such an image means in a dream, predict a long and stable life for the dreamer. However, you should not relax, since a dream about a large turtle can also predict the approach of a difficult period. Remember in detail how she looked in the dream and what she did - this will help you understand what you should be afraid of and what you can hope for.

Miller's interpretation of sleep

Miller's dream book gives the following interpretations of the dreamed “tortilla”: to see a large turtle in the house slowly chewing grass in a dream is a symbol that unexpected joy awaits you, which, contrary to the predictions of skeptics, will have a rather positive continuation.

Seeing not one, but two giant turtles at once is a symbol of a successful partnership. If you dreamed that a turtle couple lived in your house, this signifies mutual understanding and harmony in your relationship with your spouse. And if animals have settled in your work, then this means close and fruitful cooperation that will lead you to success.

Luck will be there

Vanga's dream book also gives rosy predictions about what a big turtle dreams about. If you dreamed that a large sea turtle was swimming next to you in the water, then this means that something awaits you. long life and good health.

I wonder why I dream a lot sea ​​turtles in water? This is a symbol of profit. This is especially true for people involved in trade. The only bad thing is if a giant turtle, swimming in the water or walking on land, turns over on its back. Such a dream can predict disruption of plans and the danger of losing money.

Many large turtles and small turtles living in your house in a dream predict frequent changes of priorities. You will switch your attention from one area of ​​life to another very often and rapidly. You will be successful if the reptiles were benevolent towards you, dream books say.

You're wasting your time

The Italian dream book, explaining why you dream of a large turtle lying motionless on land, assures that this is a sign that you are wasting your time and energy. Review what of your activities does not bring you either profit or satisfaction, and switch your attention to something else, the interpreter advises.

But if you dreamed of a plot in which a large turtle and small turtles bask in the sun, then this means that the implementation of the plan is postponed due to minor problems or due to the dreamer’s absent-mindedness.

Period of victories and defeats

Seeing in a dream how many large turtles attack you is a sign of a difficult and protracted struggle, dream books suggest. Do reptiles bite you in your sleep? Remember if there was blood at the site of the bite. If turtle jaws left a bloody wound on your body in a dream, this means that you will be recovering from defeat for a long time, “licking” your mental wounds.

But if the turtles did not manage to hurt you too much or you were able to fight them off, then, despite the machinations of enemies and envious people, you will be able to win a difficult battle, the Gypsy Dream Book pleases with its interpretations.

From worries to calm

When interpreting why you dream about a big turtle, remember how else you interacted with it, dream books advise. For example, to dream that you:

  • rode on it - you are concerned about how slowly your business is going;
  • fed her - to establish new long-term connections;
  • protected her from enemies - to peace and a happy life;
  • ate soup from it - to dubious pleasures;
  • walked with her - to stability and prosperity.

We all know that turtles are very ancient animals that have existed on earth for many thousands, and maybe millions of years. We associate these creatures with slowness and leisure. What if we saw turtles in a dream? For an interpretation of such a dream, we suggest turning to several well-known dream books.

Dream book of Gustav Miller: why do we dream about turtles?

According to the interpretation of this, the turtle promises the dreamer some event in the near future that will lift his spirits and strengthen his spirit, which will immediately have a positive impact on his work and business. Eating in a dream predicts various entertainments of a very dubious nature.

Intimate in a dream

It is a symbol of slowing down in realizing your desires and intentions. This may also apply to sexual fantasies, the prejudices instilled by your parents prevent you from realizing them. Why do you dream of a small turtle turned over on its back? Such a dream promises the possibility of changing your plans due to the influence of a person whose opinion you value very much.

Russian turtle?

This dream book considers a dreamed turtle as a sign of possible delay in business due to someone’s laziness and unwillingness to work. If in a dream you are walking your pet turtle, then a long and happy life awaits you. Water turtles symbolize the need to be patient as you face a long period of waiting. Feeding a turtle means you may be supporting a dependent rather than the person who actually needs the help.

"Dream book from A to Z: a ​​dream about a turtle"

Answering the question about why turtles dream, this source claims that such a dream warns of a long wait ahead, standing in lines, being late and disruption of plans. If you dreamed that you were riding on a giant turtle, then you are in danger of ridiculous and unfounded claims from your husband or wife. A turtle lying on its back and unable to turn over promises vain efforts and vain expectations of change for the better.

American turtle?

A turtle in a dream represents slow but steady progress towards the intended goal. Also, such a dream may mean the dreamer’s desire to run away and hide from all problems and worries, or to take a short break and rethink the current situation.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician: dreamed of a turtle

Answering the question about why turtles dream, this dream book reminds that this creature symbolizes slowness and sluggishness. Therefore, the appearance of a turtle in a dream may mean that you have poor control of the current situation, and perhaps it is even out of your control. Obviously, the culprit is your inherent slowness and sluggishness. Try to pull yourself together as soon as possible, otherwise you risk getting into big problems!

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