What kind of fish is bester? Bester - a hybrid variety of fish Bester and fishing in Novosibirsk

Bester is a hybrid of beluga and sterlet.

It was first obtained in 1952 by N.I. Nikolyukin. According to biological indicators such as viability, maturation time, size, etc., among two and a half dozen species of sturgeon fish, the most productive are Russian and Siberian sturgeon, as well as bester, both in appearance and taste qualities caviar and bester meat are significantly better.

Bester- the only representative sturgeon fish, the existence of which has been maintained in aquaculture for more than 40 years, with reproduction of three generations. In terms of fish farming and economic qualities, it compares favorably both with the original species - beluga and sterlet, and with the economically competing sturgeon species, later developed by aquaculture - Siberian And Russian sturgeon. In addition to the main form - bester, which has equal shares of heredity of the original species, back-crosses of bester with beluga(B.BS) and sterlet(S.BS), having ¾ of the heredity of beluga or sterlet and, accordingly, characterized by a deviation in their characteristics and properties. To date, these forms have received the official status of 3 bester breeds: “Burtsevskaya” (BS), “Vnirovskaya” (B.BS) and “Aksai” (S.BS), which have confirmed their stability over decades of cultivation in aquaculture conditions.

Bestera widely used as a cultivation object in cage and basin farms using warm waste water from energy facilities. However, as an object of cultivation in RAS, bester has not yet become widespread; there is almost no information in the literature regarding growing bester under RAS conditions.

Product qualities different breeds bester are determined by the ratio of the shares of beluga and sterlet heredity in their genotypes. So, if the age at which females of the “Burtsevskaya” breed reach sexual maturity is 6-10 years, then the “Aksai” breed is more precocious - 5-7 years, and the “Vnirovskaya” breed is late in maturity (14-16 years), with significant differences in females in weight ( 6-15, 2-3 and 30-40 kg, respectively) and working fertility (70-150, 30-50 and 200-300 thousand eggs, respectively).

In terms of viability, the “Burtsevskaya” and “Aksai” breeds are almost equivalent, while the “Vnirovskaya” breed demonstrates a higher mortality rate due to the greater difference between producers of this breed in the quality of reproductive products.

Bester(according to the first syllables of the words BELUGA and STERLEAD) - a fish of the sturgeon family, is a hybrid of beluga and sterlet. Adult bester specimens reach a length of 180 cm and a weight of 30 kilograms. Bester took over his appearance from his “parents”, but looks more attractive. The color of the bester can vary from gray to dark gray with a beige tint. The first hybrid of beluga and sterlet was obtained in 1952 in the USSR by N.I. Nikolyukin. Bester combines the high growth rate of beluga and the early maturation of sterlet.

Bester breeds

Bester is the only representative of sturgeon fish, the existence of which has been maintained in aquaculture for more than half a century, with reproduction of three generations. In terms of fish farming and economic qualities, it compares favorably with the original species - beluga and sterlet. In addition to the main form - bester, which has equal shares of heredity of the original species, back-crosses of bester with beluga (B.BS) and sterlet (S.BS) have been obtained and reproduced further "in themselves", having ¾ of the heredity of beluga or sterlet and, accordingly, characterized by a deviation in their direction of signs and properties. Today, these forms have received official status 3 breeds of bester: “Burtsevskaya” (Beluga + Sterlet), “Vnirovskaya” (Beluga + BeSter) and “Aksai” (Sterlet + BeSter), which have confirmed their stability over decades of cultivation in aquaculture conditions.

Bester Burtsevsky- an intergeneric hybrid from crossing a female beluga and a male sterlet, first obtained in 1952. By appearance very similar to sterlet. Sexual maturity occurs in males at the age of 4 years, in females - at 8 years. Fertility - 120 thousand eggs. Fingerlings reach a weight of 100 grams, two-year-olds - 700 grams, three-year-olds - 1500 grams.

This hybrid is an object of commercial fish farming, the final product of which is considered to be fish with a body weight above 1 kg. Along with this, it is used to produce edible black caviar, which is in great demand in the market.

Bester Aksaisky, or sterlet bester - an intergeneric return hybrid from crossing a female sterlet with a male bester. It was first received in 1958. In 1969 and 1973 returnable hybrids “sterlet x bester” were also obtained at the Aksai fish farm Rostov region. In appearance it resembles a sterlet, but is larger in size and large mass bodies. Characterized by early puberty compared to the original forms. Females reach sexual maturity at the age of 3 years, males at the age of 2 years. Average fecundity is 40 thousand eggs. Fingerlings reach a weight of 60 grams, two-year-olds - 500 grams and three-year-olds - 1000 grams.

Bester Vnirovsky, or beluga bester, is an intergeneric return hybrid from crossing a female beluga with a male bester, first obtained in 1958. The second time the crossing was carried out in 1965 at the Rogozhsky sturgeon factory in the Rostov region. Since 1965. Work on its selection is being carried out at the Aksai fish farm in the Rostov region.

According to their own external signs Bester Vnirovsky approaches the beluga. It is larger than the bester and has a greater body mass. Reaches sexual maturity at the age of 8 (males) and 14 (females) years. The fertility of females is 2.5 times higher than that of bester and almost 6 times higher than that of bester sterlet; on average it is 300 thousand eggs. It is more demanding on the quality of feed and growing conditions.

Bester in commercial fish farming

Bester It has been actively and for a very long time cultivated in cage and basin farms. Thanks to what bester took over from initial forms best qualities, he became very valuable fish for artificial stocking of reservoirs with fish for private use, paid fishing and breeding in closed water supply systems. It is characterized by high vitality, high speed growth and weight gain, reaches sexual maturity early. Bester gains weight quite quickly, reaching a weight of 1.5-2 kilograms in the second year of life, and 3 kilograms in the third.

Bester production is currently being successfully carried out by fisheries in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia, and other countries. Central Asia and the Baltic states. Bester demonstrates excellent adaptability to external conditions and survival, it can live in both fresh and brackish water. Bester is hardy, rarely gets sick, and is absolutely not aggressive. Bester is undemanding to heat - the growth temperature range is 0.5-30 degrees. Both fresh and slightly salty water are suitable for growing the hybrid.

Bester winters well in artificial ponds and reservoirs, even in small ponds with aeration they feel great. Of all the sturgeon, bester is the most unpretentious fish that lives in homestead ponds and reservoirs.

Bester power supply

Bester– a predator, its diet is quite varied. Bester mainly feeds on insects and their larvae, small crustaceans, worms, mollusks and small fish. Easily copes with the task of cleaning reservoirs and private ponds from small, low-value fish, replacing pike, pike-perch or perch.

Bester feeds well on large dry food. The only thing is that it only eats sinking food, since it is a bottom-dwelling fish and takes food only from the bottom. There are times when he even feeds from the hand, but only with dry, sinking food.

Nutritional value of bester

Everyone knows that sturgeon meat is incredibly tasty, but not everyone knows that the taste of bester meat exceeds that of ordinary sturgeon. Bester meat products have excellent taste due to uniform distribution fat in muscle tissue and the characteristics of changes that occur during the cooking process. Bester's fat is found not only in the back part, but also in the thickness of the meat; this feature gives a special taste to balyk and boiled products. A large amount of vitamins has a positive effect on the overall functioning of the body, and on the work of its individual organs and systems: cardiac, nervous, immune, circulatory, vascular. Amino acids and fatty acid improve brain activity and vision, are a preventative against heart attacks and malignant neoplasms. The use of bester is recommended for people following low-calorie and low-fat diets. Bester cannot be called a completely dietary fish, but it is also wrong to classify it as a high-calorie food. 100 grams of this fish contains 147 kcal.

Bester caviar

Bester caviar smaller than the beluga, but with its delicate taste it is very similar to it. The eggs reach a diameter of 2.5 millimeters, the color varies from silver-gray to anthracite shades. Bester caviar is slightly fattier than meat and has almost the same set of useful elements.

Bester and fishing in Novosibirsk

you can buy live bester, grown in a closed eco-system, for your own pond for decorative purposes or for fishing with friends. Besters are caught with float or bottom fishing rods. No bait required. The bite is almost around the clock, but bester is best caught during the day on the bottom. The best bait would be a clam; bester also bites well on caddisflies, maggots, and bark beetle larvae. Bester can also be caught using a spoon. If you make a successful catch, you will be rewarded not only positive emotions from the fishing process, but also when you cook fresh fish. After all, no one can argue with the fact that the taste of fish grown in ideal conditions, just caught with your own hands, cannot be compared with store-bought fish.

Watch the video on the channel " Fish of Siberia " V YouTube:

"Bester. Hybrid (beluga sterlet), obtained in the 60s under artificial conditions in fish hatcheries; fast-growing, maturing even in the conditions of stagnant water in pond farms. The hybrid successfully combines the rapid growth of beluga and early puberty of sterlet. Bester females mature at 6 -8th, males - in the 3rd-4th year. Predator. Fingerlings grow to 50-100 g, two-year-olds - up to 800 g or more.
Among the chemical parameters of water quality for sturgeon, the most important are the content of oxygen, carbon dioxide and the active reaction (pH) of water, as well as the concentration of organic and inorganic compounds. Oxygen in reservoirs is formed due to photosynthesis of microalgae in daytime, and at night all living organisms intensively absorb it. In pond farming and in pools where sturgeon are kept, artificial aeration of water is often used. Critical oxygen tensions for juveniles (4-34 g) of Russian and Siberian sturgeon, stellate sturgeon, beluga, bester at a temperature of 5 °C fluctuate within 20-25% of O2 saturation (2.56-3.2 mg/l), at temperature 10 °C - 28-33% (3.2-3.7 mg/l), At temperature 15 °C - 37-46 (3.6-4.6 mg/l), at 20 °C - 43 -50% (3.9-4.5 mg/l), at a temperature of 25 °C - 48-57% (3.9-4, mg/l). Under conditions of oxygen deficiency, the survival rate and growth rate of juvenile sturgeon decrease. When the percentage of oxygen saturation decreases to 53-60%, the survival rate of the embryos decreases by more than one third. And a decrease in water oxygen saturation to 40-60% reduces the growth rate of juveniles by 1.5-2 times. Even with 70% oxygen saturation of the water, there is a slight drop in the growth rate of sturgeon. The content of oxygen dissolved in water depends on the temperature of the liquid. Thus, at a temperature of 1 °C, the equilibrium concentrations of oxygen in water are 14.3 mg/l, at 5 °C - 12.8; 10 °C - 11.3; 15 °C - 10.0; 20 °C - 9.0; 25 °C - 8.2 and at 30 °C - 7.4 mg/l. At water temperatures close to freezing, oxygen saturation levels are twice as high as at 30°C. Fresh water bodies in densely populated areas are often polluted with various organic substances.

Active reaction (pH) of water. Sturgeon tolerate wide fluctuations in pH; the most optimal pH for fish ponds is considered to be from neutral to slightly alkaline (pH 7-8.5). Acidic water with a pH below 6 (contains, for example, many organic acids) can be used to feed fish ponds only after neutralization with lime. Carbon dioxide in water bodies is formed primarily as a result of biochemical processes of decomposition of organic matter, the vital activity of aquatic animals and plants, as well as microorganisms. Carbon dioxide accumulates when sturgeon are raised with high levels of organic matter in the water, and when fish are raised in high-density stocking conditions. In the summer when aquatic plants absorb carbon dioxide, there is very little or none of it in the water. In winter, especially under ice and in the absence of running water, carbon dioxide can dissolve in large quantities in the water, providing harmful effects on fish. For example, large sturgeon fry weighing 15-17 g tolerate an increase in the CQ2 content in water to 20 mg/l, and 8-10 g sturgeon fry already grow more slowly; at a concentration of 33 mg/l they not only do not grow, but also lose weight , feed consumption decreases. For sturgeon, rations decreased from 25.6 to 13.9%, for stellate sturgeon - from 15 to 0% of the body weight of individuals.

Water hardness is expressed in degrees - one degree of hardness corresponds to 10 mg of calcium or 7.19 mg of magnesium in 1 liter of water. The desired water hardness should not exceed 12-15°, although some fish (carp, crucian carp, perch, roach, gudgeon) tolerate overall hardness about 100° Phosphorus has no direct effect on fish. Clean sources contain P2O5 up to 0.5 mg/l, over 2 mg/l - polluted water, over 5 mg/l - very polluted water. When water bodies are highly polluted with phosphorus, blue-green algae intensively develop, which with their secretions negatively affects fish. After dying in the fall, they settle to the bottom, rotting and oxygen absorption occur, which can also occur under the ice in winter. The presence of phosphorus in water sources for fish hatcheries from rivers is permissible up to 0.5 mg/l, when coming from reservoirs and lakes - up to 1-1.5 mgP2O5 per 1 liter of water. In most reservoirs, with the exception of those replenished by runoff from fertilized fields, there is a deficiency of phosphorus due to the fact that its compounds are concentrated in the bottom layers and are bound by acidified iron salts and, with a lack of oxygen, are converted into an insoluble form. The amount of manganese for normal algae development is 0.001-0.21 mg/l.
Under conditions of accumulation of significant amounts of silt at the bottom of reservoirs and the creation of anaerobic conditions, methane can be released as a result of the decomposition of fiber and hydrogen sulfide, a product of anaerobic decomposition of protein. Both of these free gases, when low in oxygen, become toxic to all aquatic animals. Iron deficiency limits the development of algae. A high concentration of iron (more than 1.5-2 mg/l) has the opposite effect - it inhibits the development of certain algae, especially in acidic conditions. With the influx of groundwater, iron oxide salts are usually introduced into the reservoir, which, in the presence of oxygen, transform into an oxidized state. In general, iron deficiency is rare in ponds. The permissible amount of iron for summer fish ponds is 1.5-2 mg/l, and for wintering ponds no more than 1 mg/l. " internet source

Bester (from the first syllables of the words beluga and sterlet) is a hybrid of two species of fish of the sturgeon family, obtained by artificially crossing beluga with sterlet. First obtained in 1952 in the USSR. Bester combines the rapid growth of beluga and the early maturation of sterlet. In aquaculture, first-generation hybrids reach a weight of 1 kg or even more after 2 years of cultivation in cages and pools. Bester is an artificially obtained hybrid of fish from the sturgeon family.

It is difficult to say now why the attempt to fertilize beluga eggs with sterlet milk turned out to be one of the last in this series of experiments. Perhaps the fact that hybrids of beluga and sterlet do not occur under natural conditions played some role here.

Bester is the best of the best

Sturgeon, sterlet, stellate sturgeon and thornfish, which lives in the Caspian and Aral seas, all belong to the genus Acipenser. That’s when it finally became clear why hybrids with sturgeon are invariably sterile. Something was already known about hybrids of other sturgeon fish.

The eldest individuals of this herd were already in their twelfth year. The fish weighed an average of one and a half kilograms. And the hybrid began to justify the meaning hidden in its name. The effect was truly extraordinary. Today, bester is a valuable promising object for breeding and growing in inland waters on an industrial scale. Bester inherited the best qualities of the original forms: increased vitality, the ability to mature in fresh water, tendency to carnivorous feeding and high taste qualities.

General characteristics of fish

One of the main factors affecting the health and growth of fish is feeding. Bester is also grown in fishing ponds. Bester does not reproduce on its own under artificial conditions, although this hybrid is capable of reproduction.

Due to the fact that fish producers are selective in fertilization, several males are used for this. Larvae that have moved to active nutrition, transplanted into fry or nursery ponds. When growing bester intensively, they are fed with minced meat made from trash fish, meat slaughterhouse waste, etc.

Overview of the sturgeon family

It was first obtained in 1952 by N.I. Nikolyukin. Bester is the only representative of sturgeon whose existence has been maintained in aquaculture for more than 40 years, with reproduction of three generations. The production qualities of different bester breeds are determined by the ratio of the shares of beluga and sterlet heredity in their genotypes.

Bester fish is the result of the hard work of breeders to develop new noble commercial fish breeds. Bester is a hybrid of two species of fish belonging to the sturgeon family. It is worth noting that bester fish significantly exceeds the basic biological indicators of its “parents”. In addition, bester fish stands out for its larger size and better viability in conditions of constantly changing environmental conditions.

Researchers have recorded Weight Limit an adult bester fish, which was equal to thirty kilograms. Typically, bester is grown in so-called cages, as well as pools. fish farms. The uniqueness of this species of sturgeon lies in the fact that it is the only species that has been successfully and continuously cultivated by humans for half a century.

It was these three breeds of bester that showed excellent performance throughout the entire period of fish selection. It is noteworthy that only a professional can distinguish one or another subspecies of bester fish from another. The main difference between fish breeds can be considered the genetic pool of bester, in which the distinctive biological parameters of beluga or sterlet may predominate.

Sturgeon fish are recognized as the most valuable species, living in Russian reservoirs. The main habitats of such fish are the seas, but their catch is increasing due to breeding in fishing ponds. Ideal option Bester fish is considered for breeding in ponds. This species is a hybrid, but since its breeding it has won the hearts of numerous anglers.

Bester sturgeon fish is considered the most best view for breeding in ponds

History of appearance

The history of bester breeding begins in 1952, when Professor Nikolyukin, together with his wife, decided to fertilize beluga caviar with sterlet milk. After the beluga-sterlet crossing was carried out, no one expected that it would become new direction in fishing, but within a week the fry appeared from the eggs.

It was unknown how long it would take before the fish matured, because sterlet matures at the age of 6−8 years, and beluga at 5−6 years. But here, too, scientists were given a surprise, since the males matured by the age of 3. With females, everything was much more complicated, since they froze at the second stage of maturation due to the fact that the accumulation of yolk, which feeds the embryo, did not occur.

Bester was bred by crossing beluga and sterlet

The experiment was continued in 1963, when the hybrids were transported to more warm climate. In just one summer, the females reached puberty, and a year later, second-generation hybrids appeared.

The fish got its name from Professor Nikolyukin, he simply put together the first syllables of fish varieties, but the result was English word"best", which translates as "best".

External characteristics

Bester is a hybrid, which in appearance is practically no different from other species of sturgeon, and along its body there are clearly defined rows of bony bugs (5 in total).

At detailed study the appearance of the hybrid can be clearly distinguished traits of each of the “parents”:

  • there are 2 pairs of antennae located under the snout, which is typical for beluga; they may be flattened or slightly wavy with leafy appendages;
  • the mouth is presented in the form of an intermediate form, in the beluga it is semilunar, in the sterlet it is transverse;
  • color can vary from sterlet to beluga - from light brown to black.

There is a more pronounced contrast between the dark back and light belly than in other sturgeons.

Varieties of bester

Bester is a fish whose breeding has already gained industrial scale, but not all fishermen know that there are several varieties of bester. Among the bester species present today The following are distinguished:

  1. Burtsevsky is a hybrid formed by crossing a female beluga and a male sterlet, first bred in 1952. In appearance it looks more like a sterlet. Puberty in males occurs at the age of 4 years, and in females at 8 years. Widely used for making food black caviar.
  2. Aksai - a hybrid created by crossing a female sterlet and a male beluga, was first bred in 1958. Outwardly it is more similar to sterlet, but has large sizes and weight. Stands out early puberty, with females reaching maturity at three years and males at two years of age.
  3. Vnirovsky - a hybrid bred by crossing a male bester and a female beluga, first appeared in 1958. Outwardly it resembles a beluga, larger in size than the Burtsevsky and Aksai bester. Sexual maturity occurs when males reach the age of 8 years and females at 14 years. It is characterized by several times greater fertility than other bester species.

Breeding Features

To breed this hybrid, it requires intensive feeding. Optimal temperatures for growing For this type of fish, temperatures range from 20 to 25 degrees, so it is preferable to breed these individuals in ponds in the southern regions of Russia.

In the case of commercial fish farming, the water salinity should be 10−12%, since bester develops much better in brackish water than in fresh water.

During the incubation of eggs and during the period of growing larvae, the salinity of the water must be reduced to 2−3%.

It is best to grow bester in a polyculture with fish that feed on vegetation, for example, silver carp and grass carp; they do not compete with it in nutrition. It is strictly forbidden to breed bester together with carp, since these types of fish seriously compete with each other.

Bester propagation in ponds is carried out only artificially and includes several stages:

  • procurement of high-quality producers of sterlet and beluga;
  • obtaining mature reproductive products and the process of fertilization of eggs;
  • rearing larvae;
  • preparing ponds for stocking;
  • growing bester to a weight of 3 grams;
  • releasing fish into ponds for further growth.

Compliance with all these steps allows you to grow a large number of bestera.

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