What does coal mean in a dream? I dreamed about coal - nuances of decoding according to different dream books

Unlit charcoal portends need and misfortune. If the coal burns brightly, then perhaps you will be very lucky and nothing will darken your happiness.

Brightly burning coals dream of pleasure and pleasant changes.

A dream in which you hold coal in your hands promises you complete joy.
Seeing burnt coal is a sign of trouble and disappointment.


If you saw coal in a dream, it means that something completely unplanned will happen in your life. To prevent events from taking you by surprise, it is better to decide now what is important to you in life and what can be left behind the scenes.

Getting dirty in coal - you will learn about deception on the part of a person close to you. The most unpleasant thing will be that you have been getting used to this person for a very long time, you were afraid of losing him, and now, when you have finally calmed down and completely trusted him, he will betray you. If in a dream you heated a stove with coal, it means that you have to move hard times: You will need maximum effort and patience, you should not relax.


mountain of coal Coal or - is a symbol of the dreamer’s great internal energy, which will help him achieve his goal.

Burning coal - happiness, success.

Smoldering, dying embers are feelings that are gone. Sometimes someone's death is approaching.

If in a dream you find yourself close to a coal mine, or even worse, at its very bottom, it means you cannot avoid the danger that awaits you. Failures in business, ruin, disappointment in love await those who see coal in a dream.

Eastern women's dream book

Flickering Embers

Extinguished coals

Unfortunately, bring such coal into the house- to someone's death.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

If you dream that you are shoveling coal from the fireplace, which is still burning - the dream foreshadows imminent enrichment. Perhaps your salary will be increased or given a large bonus, the dream book promises.

If you dreamed that you were blowing into the fireplace, fanning the coals - the dream foreshadows a quarrel. Watch your words and emotions if you value your relationship.

We saw that you are sweeping away the ash from burnt coal - to cooling love relationship. For family people, a dream can mean divorce; for single people, a separation or quarrel with a loved one.

If you have seen huge mounds of coal, then you should overestimate your strength, your potential is enough for a lot, the main thing is to show perseverance and believe in yourself. It was big piece, block– your character will help you achieve a lot, the main thing is, when striving for success, do not forget about your loved ones.

to see hot coals means persecution from enemies, shame and reproach

see the coals gone out: means death or dangerous illness.

Ukrainian dream book Coal»›

You see coal: wealth and joy, profit.

White glow: you will have love.

Dream Interpretation "felomena"

I dreamed about it Coal, But necessary interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out what you are dreaming about Coalindream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if indreamsaw this symbol. Try it! Popular materials

Dream book "sonnik-one"

If you sawindreamcoal, then Sonnik-one.ru – the best option find out the interpretation of this sleep.If you dreamed of a heap coal- this portends you a loss or some kind of flaw. If you sawindream burning coal- then this is a shame and reprimand. If you dreamed of a burning coal- then this is a warning against enemies. Extinct coalsindream- the end of affairs or death awaits you.

Dream book "UniSonnik"

Coal stone Seeindream red-hot coals- to pleasant surprises and... Coal, coals, coals Heap coal dreams of a loss, the discovery of some kind of flaw in... Coal Black coal dreamed by a woman, indicates that the current partner... Coal If indream You are close to coal mines, and... CoalSee hot burning coals- a harbinger of prosperity.

Intimate dream book

Seeing coals in a dream means deliverance from the enemy, unexpected wealth.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Dream Interpretation: Coal in a dream

Coal - A lot of profit when aging.

Coal miner - You will reach your goal by a roundabout road.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

  • Holding hot coals in your hands is a symbol of courage and readiness for challenges that you will successfully overcome.
  • Getting burned by smoldering coals is a warning: do not interfere in other people’s conflicts. You will not be able to reconcile the quarreling parties; you will only make the situation even worse.

Why do you dream of Coal according to the dream book:

Coal means an impending conflict, as the dream book says about this dream.

Peat - to calculate costs.


Coal is one of the most widely used fossil fuels by humans. It is used in industry for heating. Now everyone has the opportunity to purchase the required amount of anthracite. But there was a time when it was worth its weight in gold. The dream book notes that anthracite is usually included in other rocks.

Holding a hot brand in a dream portends in reality severe trials which you will safely overcome.

Stirring the coals promises pure joy.

If you are engaged in coal mining, then Miller promises a solution to a long-standing problem that seemed hopeless.

House heating

If you purchase coal to heat your home, the dream book warns that someone will want to take advantage of your gullibility; the information received will turn out to be false, despite its external reliability.

If you put fuel in the stove, it means now is the most favorable period for big expenses. The money invested in the business will bring tangible profits, and the purchased goods will last a long time.

To fan a fire in a dream means to be harsh and unrestrained in reality. If you value good relations With others, watch your behavior.

Lighting the coal means starting a difficult project that will initially require a large investment. But when things get better, it will bring good profits. If you fail to raise the fire, avoid any risk, failure awaits you.

Scooping out still burning coal from the fireplace is interpreted as quick enrichment. You will receive a significant increase in salary or an unscheduled bonus.

The dream book interprets clearing the hearth of ash as cooling a love relationship. For married couples, this plot promises divorce, for single couples - separation from their chosen one.

Coal mining and metallurgy

Sitting near or inside an abandoned adit is a sign of sudden danger. The dream book recommends being extremely careful.

A large pile of coal portends many small but necessary purchases. You will truly enjoy the process of shopping.

Watch how the blast furnace is loaded. In this case, the dream book promises that you will have to do complex, painstaking work. But the result will bring satisfaction and material benefits.

I dreamed of shifting anthracite glittering in the sun from one pile to another. This means that work that at first seemed exciting and interesting will turn out to be tedious but productive.

Watching crushed coal move along a conveyor belt in a workshop foreshadows gossip.

Touch something that's burning

If you dreamed of walking on hot coals, then check everything several times before starting an important task. Otherwise, after investing money, you will be left with nothing.

But if your feet are wet and you hear the hissing of coals, the dream book predicts that you will soon receive good news.

The universal dream book promises that if you see a white-hot coal, sincere mutual love awaits you.

Cleaning a hot stove with your hands foreshadows the arrival of guests and the pleasant chores associated with this event.

I had to put out the burning coals, but they flare up even more, which means that in the near future the problem that has been haunting me will be resolved by itself. Now you can rest and relax, prophesies Vanga’s dream book.

Putting out a burning coal in a dream - increases the risk of material losses. But if you are careful and calculate all financial transactions, failures can be avoided.


Dream interpretation

Coal promises you to spend unreasonably large amounts.

ugal interpretation sna

ABC of dream interpretation

Lump or mountain of coal- is a symbol of the dreamer’s great internal energy, which will help him achieve his goal.

burning coal- happiness, success.

Smoldering, dying embers- feelings that have gone away. Sometimes someone's death is approaching.

English dream book

If in a dream you find yourself close to a coal mine, or even worse, at its very bottom- it means you cannot avoid the danger that awaits you. Failures in business, ruin, disappointment in love await those who see coal in a dream.

The most severe consequences are sleep- in which you see extinguished coals of a stove or fireplace. It foretells either your own death, or the death of one of your friends.

In only one case does a dream about coal promise good luck- if you dream of bright, cheerful and cleanly burning coals. You will be happy in love, and your loved one will never deceive you.

Eastern dream book

Flickering Embers- dream of joy. The same thing means a dream in which you stir the coals.

Extinguished coals- a harbinger of troubles and disappointments.

Black coal, before kindling, especially lying in a pile- Unfortunately, bring such coal into the house- to someone's death.

Newest dream book

Unload coal- difficult times have come.

Dream Interpreter

There are coals in a dream- means harm; to see hot coals means persecution from enemies, shame and reproach; see the coals gone out- means death or dangerous illness.

Intimate dream book

If you saw coal in a dream- it means something completely unplanned will happen in your life. To prevent events from taking you by surprise, it is better to decide now what is important to you in life and what can be left behind the scenes.

Get dirty in coal- you learn about deception on the part of a person close to you. The most unpleasant thing will be that you have been getting used to this person for a very long time, you were afraid of losing him, and now, when you have finally calmed down and completely trusted him, he will betray you.

If in a dream you heated the stove with coal- this means that you have to endure a difficult time: maximum effort and patience will be required from you, you should not relax.

Dream book of the 21st century

Seeing coals in a dream- to eliminate misfortune; hot coals in hand- to overwork; hot coals- to a quarrel; extinct- to unsuccessful efforts, punishment.

Dream book for a bitch

Coal- pleasant changes in life.

Coal burning in the furnace- joy.

Dream book online

Black coal in a dream- portends hard, joyless work.

Get dirty with it- a sign of severe resentment and possible conflict.

Burning coals flickering with red fire- indicate that some dangerous feelings are brewing in your soul. Be careful: the dream suggests that at any moment these feelings can cause serious complications for you.

Extinguished coals- portend disappointment and cooling of some feelings. Perhaps, to be happy, it doesn’t hurt you to support your fading feelings with your own warmth.

Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

Coal burning- the image of burning is symbolic of the ignition of the spiritual heart of the prayer book and the discovery of the secret of spiritual Love.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Coal- there will be a danger when driving fast.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Coal- someone cares about you very much.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Coal- to a brewing conflict.

Dream Interpretation of the Pechora Healer

Coal- to a loss, especially coal heaps.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Coal- a lot of profit with aging.

Coal- a big nuisance.

Solomon's Dream Book

Coal- big troubles.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Coal, peat, ore- hard work; life resources personal or collective; raw instinctive forces that require control and purification; dubious enrichment.

Dream Interpretation of Signs

Burning coals- strong love.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

If you dreamed of coals- big losses await you.

If you dreamed that you were fanning coals and you managed to do it- at first you will face big losses, and then things will get better.

If you dreamed that you fanned the coals and failed to light the flame- your business will not be successful for a long time.

If you dreamed that you were trampling coals- you will be able to avoid large losses.

In a dream, you watched someone fanning or trampling coals- know that financial storms will soon thunder around you, which will not affect you, but will make you nervous.

Freud's Dream Book

Coal in a dream- symbolizes your secret passion, your desire to possess a person whose name you do not dare tell anyone, and you consider this dream itself unrealizable.

Medieval dream book

See the embers- this means that you should beware of enemies.

See the extinguished coals- this means that the enemies have been eliminated.

There are coals- this means that your enemies are spreading bad rumors about you.

Ukrainian dream book

See the coal- wealth and joy, profit.

White incandescent- you will have love.

burning coal- hard work or grief which.

Erotic dream book

Black coal dreamed by a woman- indicates that her current partner does not suit her in bed. You don't like his ways of satisfying you, and you feel oppressed intimately. Perhaps you are a little tired and want to take a short break. A dream like a man's- portends disappointment in your partner.

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Coal is a symbol of the dreamer’s great internal energy, which will help him achieve his goal.

burning coal- happiness, success.

Smoldering, dying embers- feelings that have gone away. Sometimes someone's death is approaching.

Freud's Dream Book

If you saw coal in a dream- it means something completely unplanned will happen in your life. To prevent events from taking you by surprise, it is better to decide now what is important to you in life and what can be left behind the scenes.

Get dirty in coal- you learn about deception on the part of a person close to you. The most unpleasant thing will be that you have been getting used to this person for a very long time, you were afraid of losing him, and now, when you have finally calmed down and completely trusted him, he will betray you.

If in a dream you heated the stove with coal- this means that you have to endure a difficult time: maximum effort and patience will be required from you, you should not relax.

Coal in a dream- symbolizes your secret passion, your desire to possess a person whose name you do not dare tell anyone, and you consider this dream itself unrealizable.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Black coal in a dream- portends hard, joyless work.

Get dirty with it- a sign of severe resentment and possible conflict.

Burning coals flickering with red fire- indicate that some dangerous feelings are brewing in your soul. Be careful: the dream suggests that at any moment these feelings can cause serious complications for you.

Extinguished coals- portend disappointment and cooling of some feelings. Perhaps, to be happy, it doesn’t hurt you to support your fading feelings with your own warmth.

Solomon's Dream Book

Coal- big troubles.

Dream book for a bitch

Coal- pleasant changes in life.

Coal burning in the furnace- joy.

Eastern women's dream book

Flickering Embers- dream of joy. The same thing means a dream in which you stir the coals.

Extinguished coals- a harbinger of troubles and disappointments.

Black coal, before kindling, especially lying in a pile- Unfortunately, bring such coal into the house- to someone's death.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Unload coal- difficult times have come.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Coal- someone cares about you very much.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Coal- there will be a danger when driving fast.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Coal- to a brewing conflict.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Coal- a lot of profit with aging.

Coal- a big nuisance.

General dream book

If you dreamed of coals- big losses await you.

If you dreamed that you were fanning coals and you managed to do it- at first you will face big losses, and then things will get better.

If you dreamed that you fanned the coals and failed to light the flame- your business will not be successful for a long time.

If you dreamed that you were trampling coals- you will be able to avoid large losses.

In a dream, you watched someone fanning or trampling coals- know that financial storms will soon thunder around you, which will not affect you, but will make you nervous.

Dream book of the 21st century

Seeing coals in a dream- to eliminate misfortune; hot coals in hand- to overwork; hot coals- to a quarrel; extinct- to unsuccessful efforts, punishment.

English dream book

If in a dream you find yourself close to a coal mine, or even worse, at its very bottom- it means you cannot avoid the danger that awaits you. Failures in business, ruin, disappointment in love await those who see coal in a dream.

The most severe consequences are sleep- in which you see extinguished coals of a stove or fireplace. It foretells either your own death or the death of one of your friends.

In only one case does a dream about coal promise good luck- if you dream of bright, cheerful and cleanly burning coals. You will be happy in love, and your loved one will never deceive you.

Medieval dream book of Daniel

See the embers- this means that you should beware of enemies.

See the extinguished coals- this means that the enemies have been eliminated.

There are coals- this means that your enemies are spreading bad rumors about you.

Dream Interpretation Interpretation of Dreams

There are coals in a dream- means harm; to see hot coals means persecution from enemies, shame and reproach; see the coals gone out- means death or dangerous illness.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Coal, peat, ore- hard work; life resources personal or collective; raw instinctive forces that require control and purification; dubious enrichment.

Danilova's erotic dream book

Black coal dreamed by a woman- indicates that her current partner does not suit her in bed. You don't like his ways of satisfying you, and you feel oppressed intimately. Perhaps you are a little tired and want to take a short break. A dream like a man's- portends disappointment in your partner.

Ukrainian dream book

See the coal- wealth and joy, profit.

The dream of coal is interpreted ambiguously, but most interpreters agree that it symbolizes success in business and happiness in life. family life. This symbol is a harbinger of events that will happen in the near future. To correctly interpret a dream, you need to take into account its details - what actions were performed with the fuel, what type of coals were. If they burned brightly and crackled, this means that good luck and happiness await the sleeper. If the stones were extinguished, the dream predicts major troubles for the person.

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      General value

      Dreaming about coal symbolizes unplanned affairs. The dreamer should set his priorities correctly and reconsider his plans for life. You need to decide which problems require immediate solutions and what can be postponed for an indefinite period.

      • If the dreamer gets dirty, this means that he will be betrayed by loved one, with whom relations were not easy. The most unpleasant thing in this situation will be that the sleeper will spend a lot of effort and energy to learn to trust this person, and will ultimately be betrayed by him.

        More exact interpretation sleep is related to whether the sleeper managed to cleanse himself of coal dust:

        • Dust gets into clothes and skin- someone is gossiping about the dreamer, spreading false information, which can negatively affect his reputation.
        • The dust has washed away- the dreamer will have an advantage over his ill-wishers, since he will have secret information.

        Seeing a pile of coal in a bucket or bags means making many small but pleasant purchases.

        The dream can be interpreted more accurately taking into account the actions performed with coal:

        • Unload- a difficult time will come for the dreamer.
        • Mix- fortunately.
        • Holding hot stones in your hands- the sleeper will have to be patient to do hard work.
        • Extract, load- the dreamer will engage in a business that will bring little profit.
        • Throwing, throwing burning coals- soon a person will find himself at the center of a scandal, the culprit of which will be himself.
        • Light the stove, watch the burning fuel in the stove- a dream foreshadows a dark streak in life. The sleeper will face difficult trials; he will have to show patience in business and go towards his goal, despite obstacles.

        English dream book

        A coal mine in a dream warns of danger that awaits the dreamer. The danger will be quite serious if the sleeper was at great depth.

        If you had a dream about fuel, the dreamer will soon encounter troubles at work, problems in his personal life and financial sector. Extinguished coals in a stove or fireplace warn that the dreamer may die soon or the death of someone close to him awaits him.

        Brightly burning, crackling coals indicate that everything will turn out more than successfully: the dreamer will be happy with his loved one and will never know what betrayal is .

        Why does a girl dream - interpretations of dream books

        Dream book of the 21st century

        If a sleeper saw coal in a dream, he should expect troubles and failures in business in the near future. Watching someone hold burning coals in their hands means the dreamer will bear responsibility that he cannot avoid.

        Stones that have gone out in the hands of the sleeping person foretell that he will be imprudent in financial matters. You should be careful and avoid unnecessary expenses. You need to carefully plan your affairs, otherwise the dreamer risks being left with nothing.

        Ukrainian interpreter

        The stones glowed white hot - a symbol of strong and long-term relationships. Orange coals dream that the dreamer will have to do work that will be impossible to refuse.

        Coal piled up in a heap large quantities, means financial well-being. The dreamer will receive a big profit, but he should take advantage of this and help his family and friends. Only in this way will a feeling of harmony arise in his soul.

        Interpreter Fedorovskaya

        In Fedorovskaya’s dream book, fuel is interpreted as a symbol of financial losses. A more accurate interpretation can be obtained by taking into account the actions that the dreamer performed with coal:

        • Inflate. If the sleeper managed to fan the coals and the flame caught fire, success in business awaits him. If this fails, the person will face a long period of failure.
        • trample. Financial losses can be avoided.

        If the dreamer observes the above-described actions of any character from the outside, this means that he will be at the center of events related to the turnover Money. Despite the fact that his well-being will not change, everything that happens will make him very worried.

        Esoteric dream book

        For a woman to see black coal in a dream means that her partner has stopped satisfying her in sex, and she does not feel satisfied. The lady should think about whether it is worth continuing the relationship with this person.

        Another interpretation is problems in intimate life arose due to the sleeper's fatigue. She should take a short break to take a fresh look at her relationship with her chosen one.

        For a man, such a dream indicates that he is too sensitive to his soulmate and idealizes her. Events will soon occur that will prove that he was deeply mistaken.

        Other sources

        Interpretation of dreams about coal in other sources:

        Dream Interpretation Interpretation
        HasseThe dream suggests that if the sleeper shows patience, then financial profit. Before this, you will have to go through a series of failures and overcome many obstacles
        MedievalSmoldering stones - you should beware of ill-wishers. The coals went out - the sleeper no longer had any enemies. If the dreamer eats coals, this means that there are people who are spreading negative information about him
        MedeaA lump of fuel symbolizes vital energy, which helps to achieve your goals. Burning coals mean good luck and success in business. Smoldering - predict the death of someone close to you
        SlavicA dream about coal predicts a business that will require maximum effort.
        MillerThe dream suggests that the sleeper is unhappy in his family life; sad events are expected soon in his house
        NewestDreaming of unloading coal means a series of troubles - the dreamer will have a hard time
        loversBrightly burning coals mean strong love and having a good time; extinguished - separation and quarrels
        KaratovaA dream about a mountain of fuel suggests that the dreamer’s work will be duly rewarded

        Sigmund Freud believed that a dream about coal symbolizes the dreamer’s secret desire to possess some person, but the dreamer prefers to keep the object of his passion secret.

If in a dream you find yourself close to a coal mine, or even worse - at its very bottom, it means... You cannot avoid the danger that awaits you. Failures in business, ruin, disappointment in love await those who see coal in a dream. The most severe consequences are dreams in which you see extinguished coals of a stove or fireplace. It foreshadows either your own death or the death of one of your friends. Only in one case does a dream of coal promise good luck: if you dream of bright, cheerful and cleanly burning coals. You will be happy in love, and your loved one will never deceive you.

Interpretation of dreams from the English dream book

What does the dream Coal mean?

Coal - see coal - wealth and joy, profit. White heat - you will have love. Burning coal is hard work or grief.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ukrainian dream book

Seeing Coal in a dream

Coal - If you saw coal in a dream, it means that something completely unplanned will happen in your life. To prevent events from taking you by surprise, it is better to decide now what is important to you in life and what can be left behind the scenes.

Getting dirty in coal - you will learn about deception on the part of a person close to you. The most unpleasant thing will be that you have been getting used to this person for a very long time, you were afraid of losing him, and now, when you have finally calmed down and completely trusted him, he will betray you.

If in a dream you lit a stove with coal, it means that you will have to endure a difficult time: maximum effort and patience will be required from you, you should not relax.

Interpretation of dreams from Freud's Dream Book

What do dreams mean? Coal

Seeing hot burning coals is a harbinger of prosperity. If the coals burn poorly and dimly, then your life will be joyless and dreary. Extinguished coals in a dream mean impending misfortune. See interpretation: fireplace.

Seeing a lot of coal in a dream means making a profit. Loading or mining coal in a dream means that you will engage in a low-profit business. Buying coal in a dream means that you will buy into false promises and take on a project that will eventually burst. Walking on hot coals in a dream is a sign of danger in a risky business.

Holding hot coals in your hands in a dream foreshadows great trials that you will endure with honor. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you have the power to stop the development of some kind of conflict or dispute. Throwing burning coals is a sign that you will become the instigator of a big scandal. See interpretation: burn.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Dream about Coal

A woman’s dream about black coal indicates that her current partner does not suit her in bed. You don't like his methods of satisfaction, and you feel oppressed intimately. Perhaps you are a little tired and want to take a short break. For a man, such a dream portends disappointment in his partner.

Interpretation of dreams from the Intimate Dream Book

Interpretation of sleep Coal

to see charcoal in a dream or to meet with dangerous person, or to obtain money through sinful means.

Interpretation of dreams from the Islamic dream book

What does Coal predict in a dream?

If you dreamed of coal, then something completely unplanned will happen in your life. Try to determine in advance what is important to you in life and what is not so important, then the situation will not take you by surprise.

If you get dirty in coal, you will learn about deception on the part of someone close to you. The most offensive thing for you will be the fact that for a long time you did not want to let this person into your life, and when you finally trusted him, he betrayed you.

Heated the stove with coal - a difficult time ahead. You will need maximum effort and patience, so there is no need to relax.

Interpretation of dreams from

according to 90 dream books! What does it mean if you see Coal in a dream?

mountain of coal Coal or - is a symbol of the dreamer’s great internal energy, which will help him achieve his goal.

Burning coal - happiness, success.

Smoldering, dying embers are feelings that are gone. Sometimes someone's death is approaching.

If in a dream you find yourself close to a coal mine, or even worse, at its very bottom, it means you cannot avoid the danger that awaits you. Failures in business, ruin, disappointment in love await those who see coal in a dream.

Eastern women's dream book

Flickering Embers- dream of joy. The same thing means a dream in which you stir the coals.

Extinguished coals- a harbinger of troubles and disappointments.

Black coal, before kindling, especially lying in a pile- Unfortunately, bring such coal into the house- to someone's death.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

If you dream that you are shoveling coal from the fireplace, which is still burning - the dream foreshadows imminent enrichment. Perhaps your salary will be increased or given a large bonus, the dream book promises.

If you dreamed that you were blowing into the fireplace, fanning the coals - the dream foreshadows a quarrel. Watch your words and emotions if you value your relationship.

We saw that you are sweeping away the ashes from burnt coal - to the cooling of love relationships. For family people, a dream can mean divorce; for single people, a separation or quarrel with a loved one.

If you have seen huge mounds of coal, then you should overestimate your strength, your potential is enough for a lot, the main thing is to show perseverance and believe in yourself. It was big piece, lump– your character will help you achieve a lot, the main thing is, when striving for success, do not forget about your loved ones.

to see hot coals means persecution from enemies, shame and reproach

see the coals gone out: means death or dangerous illness.

Ukrainian dream book Coal»›

You see coal: wealth and joy, profit.

White glow: you will have love.

Dream Interpretation "felomena"

I dreamed about it Coal, but the necessary interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out what you are dreaming about Coalindream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if indreamsaw this symbol. Try it! Popular materials

Dream book "sonnik-one"

If you sawindreamcoal, then Sonnik-one.ru is the best option to find out the interpretation of this sleep.If you dreamed of a heap coal- this portends you a loss or some kind of flaw. If you sawindream burning coal- then this is a shame and reprimand. If you dreamed of a burning coal- then this is a warning against enemies. Extinct coalsindream- the end of affairs or death awaits you.

Dream book "UniSonnik"

Coal stone Seeindream red-hot coals- to pleasant surprises and... Coal, coals, coals Heap coal dreams of a loss, the discovery of some kind of flaw in... Coal Black coal dreamed by a woman, indicates that the current partner... Coal If indream You are close to coal mines, and... CoalSee hot burning coals- a harbinger of prosperity.

Intimate dream book

Seeing coals in a dream means deliverance from the enemy, unexpected wealth.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Dream Interpretation: Coal in a dream

Coal - A lot of profit when aging.

Coal miner - You will reach your goal by a roundabout road.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

  • Holding hot coals in your hands is a symbol of courage and readiness for challenges that you will successfully overcome.
  • Getting burned by smoldering coals is a warning: do not interfere in other people’s conflicts. You will not be able to reconcile the quarreling parties; you will only make the situation even worse.

Why do you dream of Coal according to the dream book:

Coal means an impending conflict, as the dream book says about this dream.

Peat - to calculate costs.

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