Bet on underwater drones. Underwater drone - what is it for and which model is better What is an autonomous underwater drone

Shipbuilding company Huntington Ingalls and aerospace giant Boeing have announced they are teaming up to create the Echo Voyager underwater drone. The goal is to arrange supplies of underwater unmanned systems to the US Navy as quickly as possible.

Work on the fifty-ton Echo Voyager has been going on since 2014 in collaboration with DARPA, and recently it became known that Boeing has begun testing this drone no longer in a test pool, but in open ocean. Echo Voyager is the largest underwater drone in development so far and belongs to the XLUUV (extra large unmanned undersea vehicle) class. So far, short-term dives to shallow depths are underway, but at the next stage it is planned to send the drone to greater depths for a long period. According to the creators, it will be able to sail autonomously for months, independently return to base, float to the surface and transmit information. The drone itself consists of modules, which allows you to equip it with a specific filling for different tasks.

Underwater drones are considered as one of the priority areas of development naval forces. Potential adversaries of the United States, that is, China and Russia, are improving their armed forces and American dominance on the surface of the water is becoming less obvious and guaranteed.

Another problem is the increasingly sophisticated tracking systems of large submarines. The Americans assume that China is building the so-called "great underwater wall"- a system of sensors that track underwater and surface targets in real time.

The third factor is the cost of maintaining large submarines with large crews on board. Autonomous drones, cheap and without people, look like an attractive replacement in the near future.

Therefore, the Pentagon came up with an idea - to go under water and take advantage of the technological advantage there, creating drones that are small and less noisy than submarines. Ideally, the creation of “mother” underwater drones, which would carry entire swarms of smaller drones for various purposes underwater.

Last year, Rear Admiral Mathias Winter said: “The Office of Naval Research (ONR), which develops advanced technologies in the field of unmanned underwater vehicles, plans to deploy an “Eisenhower backbone” on seabed in all areas of the world's oceans... We want drones to go out to sea on a mission once and then operate in the depths of the seas for decades.”

We are talking about creating underwater bases or technical stations where underwater drones could independently charge or undergo maintenance, transmit and store collected information.

According to The Washington Post, the Pentagon planned to allocate about $3 billion for the development of underwater drones over the next few years.

In addition to Boeing, General Dynamics, which acquired robotics company Bluefin Robotics last year, is also working on underwater drones. The developer's Bluefin-21 drone can launch its Sand Sharks underwater micro-drones and even shoot out a small flying drone through a tube for aerial photography and information transfer.

Lockheed Martin was also able to launch an aerial drone from its underwater drone, although the underwater drone had to surface to do so. The plans of almost all companies involved in this topic are to create a swarm of surface, underwater, and flying drones that can work in conjunction with each other.

By 2020, the Pentagon plans to have the first underwater group of drones. DARPA is thinking about creating underwater storage facilities for “sleeping” drones, which can remain at the bottom for years and be activated in the event of hostilities.

There is another project - the creation of an underwater analogue of the GPS system, so that underwater drones can navigate the depths of the world's oceans without surfacing. Companies and organizations such as DARPA, BAE Systems, Raytheon BBN and Draper Laboratory are working on an acoustic system of this kind. At the same time, DARPA is studying the possibility of installing detachable small antennas on underwater drones to transmit electromagnetic signals to aquatic environment. Testing of the new antennas will begin this summer.

If for now underwater drones are used mainly for passive information collection, then in the future they will be assigned transport and logistics functions, and later - shock ones.

Even the UN is already concerned about the development of maritime unmanned systems. It is noted that since underwater communication with drones is one of the main problems, underwater systems are becoming more and more autonomous, and the day is not far off when they will perform not only reconnaissance or logistics functions, but also use weapons. It is at sea, according to UN rapporteurs, that we can expect the first appearance of autonomous “killer robots,” since underwater operations do not attract as much attention from the public, media and human rights activists as air strikes by unmanned systems.

Ilya Plekhanov

An underwater drone will replace eyes, arms and legs where a person faces real danger or is unable to reach the target. The device is designed for horizontal and vertical movement by swimming in order to view hard-to-reach areas under water. Whether military technologies inspired the developers of the first hydro-robots or electronic toys is now difficult to determine. The device has found application not only among advanced fishermen and underwater beauty hunters. The new invention is increasingly used by rescue services and underwater reconnaissance. Underwater treasure hunters quietly and imperceptibly join them. In today’s review, we will look at the TOP 3 best underwater drones of 2017.

PowerRay underwater drone

PowerVision continues its innovative developments in the field of self-propelled cameras. Having exhausted the “flying egg” theme, the inventors decided to conquer the water element. The result was underwater drone PowerRay.

  1. Appearance and equipment. Before you buy an electronic “turtle” from PowerVision, decide which of the three options suits you best. All three models have on board excellent optics (ZEISS) and a video camera that records in 4K format. Today, this ultra-high definition video standard provides the best picture. The PowerRay Explorer drone ("researcher", base model) is equipped with a 50-meter cable connecting it to the base station float. PowerRay Angler (“angler”, mid-level model) is much smarter than “explorer”. “Rybolov” has a “firefly” on board to attract fish. The PowerRay Wizard model (“magician”, the most expensive and advanced model) is truly capable of working miracles, showing undersea world in real time. Each drone weighs approximately 3.8 kg and has dimensions of 465x270x126 mm. The weight of the base station does not exceed 0.2 kg. The PowerRay also includes a remote control, sonar, camera and Charger. Drone control technologies are not yet developed enough to leave it without a tether. The cable prevents it from going astray caused by strong currents and allows power and video signals to pass through.
  2. Functionality. Let's start with the PowerRay underwater drone itself. It is capable of diving to a depth of 30 m. The ascent speed is 0.4 m/s, and maximum speed movements in the water column - 2 m/s. By the way, the battery life depends on the speed (1–2 hours). The drone's photo and video camera operates on a CMOS matrix (size 1/2.3 inches), with a sensitivity range of ISO 100–1600. It can take photographs (maximum picture resolution 12 megapixels, 4000x3000) and record video in 4K and Full HD, in MP4 and MOV formats. Continuous shooting is done at a speed of 5 frames/sec. The choice of shooting modes, formats and resolutions is carried out via a remote control that resembles a smartphone. Here we enjoy the picture in real time. The camera's internal memory is 64 gigabytes. The base station is equipped with Wi-Fi operating in a range of 30 m. The sonar (fish finder) operates at a frequency of 125 kHz, having a sensing angle of 30°, and a depth of 0.6–40 m. Its communication range with Wi-Fi exceeds 80 meters. The sonar is equipped with 6 LED flashlights. In general, it can be launched on its own by disconnecting it from the drone, but not from the umbilical cord of the cable. Use it to measure the water temperature, depth and level of anxiety of the fish (there is such an indicator). The measurement results will be displayed on the remote control screen (if you enable this mode). The operating temperature of the device ranges from -20 to 65 degrees.
  3. Additional Information. The Powerray underwater drone is an improved version of the OpenROV Trident, which was promoted on the Kickstarter crowdfunding site. Crowdfunding, or public financing, provides the strongest support for almost all underwater drone projects. It is also additionally worth noting the presence of a battery with a capacity of 6400 mAh.
Technologies do not stand still, being embodied in new toys and technical devices. Unfortunately, the PowerRay underwater drone does not yet have the ability to get rid of the cable, which can get tangled in seaweed or in the keel of the yacht. Despite this, the invention is reliable assistant fishermen and underwater directors, and not only in southern seas, where there are still sharks.

The price of PowerRay in Russia is from €1,599 to €2,099 depending on the model. Video review is presented below:

iBubble underwater drone

This cute device will obediently accompany its owner during diving and walking along the bottom. It's simply impossible to lose sight of its bright yellow body and the transparent bubble that protects the video camera. It is the “bulb” that is the distinctive feature of the iBubble drone and explains the name.
  1. Appearance and equipment. The unit has a streamlined shape that simultaneously resembles a turtle, flounder fish and stingray. As you know, these animals move perfectly underwater. The GoPro Hero 3 (4) camera is hermetically sealed with a transparent hemisphere made of durable plastic. The camera is backlit with two LED lights, 1000 lumens each. The American company GoPro specializes in the production of high-quality action cameras designed for active sports and recreation. The remote control for this model is a hand bracelet. This once again indicates that the drone was created primarily for divers. Here you can select video or photography mode, control the drone’s movement and monitor sensor performance. The 100-meter cable will come in handy when you launch the drone on its own while staying on shore. In this case, the iBubble underwater drone will be controlled using joysticks. The dimensions of the device are 50x35x25 cm, and the weight is about 5 kg.
  2. Functionality iBubble underwater drone. The camera label tells us that either a GoPro Hero 3 or a GoPro Hero 4 can be mounted into the drone. Let's see what the later model can give us, although it is not the last one today. The camera is capable of shooting ultra-high definition video. The frame rate depends on the user-selected resolution. The main innovation of this camera is video recording at 3840x2160 pixels at 30 fps. Full HD and HD modes are possible at 120 fps. For extreme sports enthusiasts special mode, allowing you to get a clear picture at 240 fps. HERO 4 also offers an extended shooting feature that allows you to capture as much space as possible in your frame. Another special mode is provided for low light conditions. Modules are built into the camera wireless transmission Wi-Fi data and Bluetooth. Take beautiful pictures and videos on Android, Windows Phone or iOS. By turning on the tracking mode, you will force the camera to automatically follow the animal you have selected and keep it in the observation field. The camera has fixed rotating positions in both vertical and horizontal directions. The transparent hemisphere of the “spacesuit” allows you to view fairly large spaces. Stabilization works when taking photographs, so your photos will always be clear. The iBubble drone is capable of diving to a depth of 60 meters and operating completely autonomously, gracefully avoiding obstacles. The device can be controlled remotely at a distance of 25 meters. Cruising speed reaches 3.6 km/h. The lithium ion battery lasts for an hour, but if you're an amphibian and prefer to dive for hours, change batteries almost on the fly. The device automatically pops up when the charge runs out.
  3. Additional Information. The iBubble underwater drone is designed primarily for diving enthusiasts and divers. It is an extension of your senses where and where you cannot or do not want to swim. For example, there is a luxurious octopus lurking around the corner of the rock. It is unlikely that he will wait for you to approach him in order to capture him. The iBubble drone will do this quietly and unnoticeably, without disturbing the peace and natural state of the animal. Tests show that sea creatures do not pay attention to the yellow silent “fish”, mistaking it for one of their own.
The robot meandering next to you seems alive, especially since it is not restrained by a cable. The price of iBubble in Russia is $2,200.

Underwater drone Gladius Ultra HD 4K

China is rapidly catching up with Japan and Korea in the development of new technologies, trying to occupy underdeveloped niches. It is no coincidence that the Gladius Ultra HD 4K drone ended up in the TOP 3 best underwater drones of 2017. The Chinese managed to embody the best achievements in it modern science and technology, without renouncing direct plagiarism.
  1. Appearance and equipment. This sleek, streamlined device for observing life underwater weighs about 3 kg. The design of the underwater drone Gladius Ultra HD 4K is reminiscent of iBubble - the same side cylinders for horizontal engines and a transparent case that protects the “electronic eye”. Its body is made of lightweight aluminum alloy, which moves using four electric motors (or propulsors, as they are called). Two of them are designed for diving and ascent, and the other two are for horizontal movement. Having the same equipment, Gladius is presented in two models - standard and advanced. In the standard model, the Wi-Fi range between the buoy and the control panel is 30 meters. The cable connecting the buoy and the drone is unwound over the same distance. The same indicators in the advanced model reach values ​​of 500 m and 100 m, respectively. Both variants feature two 1,200-lumen LED lights, an SD card slot, and two lithium-polymer batteries. The dimensions of the drone in millimeters are: 430x270x94.
  2. Capabilities of the Gladius Ultra HD 4K underwater drone. The control function is performed by a joystick attached to the smartphone (not included in the package). On the screen of your gadget, you control the movement of the drone using a special application for iOS or Android. The transmission of signals and information from the camera is carried out partially wirelessly (Wi-Fi between the base station and the joystick), and between the base station and the drone - via cable. From the marking it is clear that the Gladius Ultra HD 4K is equipped with an ultra-sensitive camera capable of shooting in HD mode (1080 pixel resolution) and in the 4K video standard. Online monitoring is possible thanks to a 720p video stream. Naturally, the camera has a photography function (16 megapixels). Send beautiful pictures to your friends' smartphones and tablets. The submarine develops a speed of 2 m/s. Battery charging time depends on operating conditions, so battery life collaboration can vary from one and a half to 3–4 hours.
  3. Additional Information. Chasing Innovations, the company behind the Gladius Ultra HD 4K underwater drone, was founded by a former engineer at China's largest telecommunications brand, Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Underwater drones, like the vast majority of innovative ideas, are developed and produced on the basis of crowdfunding, that is, public initiative. Gladius is one of the projects of the funding site Indiegogo. By making an advance payment, you thereby become a participant in the Gladius Ultra HD 4K project. Accordingly, when purchasing a robotic submariner you will receive a significant discount at a price of 599 USD.
The new idea has already spawned many startups that strive to outdo each other in range, accuracy, maneuverability and beauty. The 2017 models have reached the limit of technical perfection, which can provide the level of modern science. A significant flaw is the inability to do without the umbilical cord of the cable. Transmitting information wirelessly in the water element is difficult. An option for a breakthrough into the future was the iBubble underwater drone described above. It is capable of autonomously circling its owner at a very close distance, carrying out his commands. To receive a signal to your gadget in real time, you will have to use a traditional cable to connect the drone to an intermediate station.

The price of the Gladius Ultra HD 4K underwater drone in Russia is 1,399 USD, and the advanced version is 1,699 USD. More about the device in the video below:

Military experts closely monitor the activities of startups. Russian military-industrial complex is already developing an underwater robotic autonomous unmanned glider capable of detecting and spying on submarines. However, a military glider is unlikely to be of interest to ordinary citizens. The underwater drone market is being actively explored by the electronic toy industry. It is quite possible that soon a toy robot submarine will be no different from its “adult” counterpart. Developers are looking for new solutions and, quite possibly, in the near future we will see a breakthrough into the world of new, incredible possibilities.

Fishing is getting to the point new level development. Recently there was a presentation of a new and in all respects unique drone, which will allow you to fish more efficiently and interestingly than ever.

Fishing was one of the first ways for Homo sapiens to obtain food and one of the most effective. Since ancient times, fishing has passed big way, changing century from century. And when, it would seem, it would be impossible to come up with something more ingenious than a fishing rod and spinning rod, the engineers still found something to please and surprise. So the craftsmen from PowerVision Robotics Corporation decided to make fishing in the 21st century a little robotic. The result of their work is the latest underwater drone called PowerRay Underwater Robot. The new product was presented at the exhibition consumer electronics CES 2017, which traditionally takes place in Las Vegas.

What is the new product?

New technology, namely PowerRay, was created in order to revolutionize the field of amateur, extreme and professional fishing. It also allows you to significantly improve your fishing efficiency. All this became possible thanks to the fact that the drone combined several useful fishing (and not only) devices and made it possible to use a number of modern technologies when fishing, including for purely entertainment purposes.

So, the underwater drone has sonar, which is used to find the catch. It has a range of 131 feet and a scanning accuracy of 4 inches. Maximum depth sonar dive - 98 feet. It is important to note that the sonar itself can be removed from the drone and used separately. The scan results are transmitted to the fisherman in real time.

A logical question would be, what does PowerRay work with? You can synchronize any mobile device. You can also connect glasses to it virtual reality, as a result of which it will be possible to see what exactly is happening under water. This, of course, can be done using a 4K uhd camera with a 100-degree wide-angle lens.

Continuing the topic, if you don’t see them with your own eyes.

Good day, our dear readers. From time to time we talk about professional drones and the applications in which they are used. However, not only in the air unmanned vehicles capable of helping a person. A modern underwater drone is capable of solving problems that, not so long ago, were only possible for bathyscaphes with people on board. The cost of devices that can operate underwater is gradually decreasing, while their functionality is increasing.

Our selection includes 5 drones, but in reality the number of drones capable of operating underwater is much larger. Many companies have set their sights on this market, including those that specialize in quadcopters.

If you think that the scope of application of underwater devices is limited professional tasks, then this is not entirely true. Surely, over time, devices for fishing, hunting, underwater photography, and scuba diving will become very popular.

Of course, drones for working underwater are primarily developed to participate in research, construction and rescue operations. But the solutions implemented in professional models will certainly be used in amateur drones. Actually, our article is dedicated to amateur devices.

1 place

In first place we put the cute ibubble drone, created specifically for divers. It is able to follow its owner, using an echo sounder and recognition system to navigate underwater. Bright yellow The hull is clearly visible even in not the most transparent waters.

ibubble is capable of diving to depths of up to 60 meters. This is not the most outstanding indicator; we will introduce you to deeper-sea devices. However, ibubble is one of the most affordable diving devices. Its cost is about $2000 and this, of course, is not a small amount if we are talking about aircraft. But different prices apply for underwater equipment, so the model is considered inexpensive.

A GoPro Hero camera can be installed on board latest versions, and for illumination two powerful flashlights of 1000 lumens each are used. The control panel is attached to the diver's hand. The drone can be given commands to dive and rise, as well as to move in different directions. The radio communication range is 25 meters.

The device can be connected to a diving cable. The cable length is 400 meters, and this solves the issue of control range and autonomy. The ibubble weighs 5 kilograms, and its built-in battery lasts for about an hour. When the battery is low, the device floats up on its own.

The disadvantages include the short communication range when using the remote control. But ibubble can follow the operator and is usually always nearby.

2nd place

The Gladius ultra hd 4k drone promises to be one of the most anticipated underwater vehicles. It must be controlled from land, that is, the operator will not be able to be under water. The control equipment is not intended for immersion, and is a small remote control similar to a joystick for a television set-top box. The remote control extends, and you can insert a smartphone between its halves.

Interestingly, a wi-fi buoy is used to communicate with a drone underwater. The remote control connects to the buoy, and the latter transmits signals directly to the device’s receiver. Depending on the configuration (Standard, Advanced, Platinum), the distance reaches 500 meters. In the younger version, the distance is only 30 meters.

Gladius can be considered a toy, but a very functional one. On board it can carry an ultra hd 4k camera that shoots in 4K resolution. The Standard version includes a 1080p camera.

The diving depth is 100 meters. The battery lasts for 3 hours of operation. You can purchase a special diving cable for the device. The most affordable version costs only $600, although its capabilities are quite limited. The Platinum package will cost $1,025.

Gladius is unlikely to be suitable for professional use, because it cannot be controlled while underwater. It also doesn't have tracking systems. In addition, for diving you need wi-fi module and buoy.

3rd place

Fishing enthusiasts will surely love the PowerRay drone. It is equipped with a radar and is capable of finding schools of fish even in muddy water. Moreover, the device can be used for bait, because it is equipped with special light diodes.

There is a camera installed on board the device. It transmits the image to a smartphone or augmented reality glasses.

You can control the drone by tilting your head. The operator gets a clear picture of what is happening underwater. The broadcast is carried out in real time.

A fishing line with a hook and bait can be attached to a special beam located on the back of the device. The fisherman will be able to see the approaching fish even before it is in close proximity to the submersible.

The maximum diving depth is 70 meters. Video broadcast occurs at a distance of up to 80 meters from the operator. On one charge the device works up to 4 hours, that is, it is enough even for quite a long fishing trip. The device is equipped with sonar and sonar.

So far, only advanced fishermen have such miniature bathyscaphes, but over time, devices like PowerRay will become widespread.

4th place

The Blueye device is useful for shooting underwater. The device, small in size, can even be used to view hard-to-reach places. Its dimensions allow it to easily overcome underwater obstacles.

Blueye can also be considered as a fishing gadget. In addition to a camera that broadcasts video to a smartphone or glasses, it is equipped with sonar equipment and sensors that help detect schools of fish. Video recording in 4K resolution is supported.

The diving depth reaches 150 meters, and this is a respectable indicator. The weight of the bathyscaphe is 6.8 kg. To communicate with the operator, you can use the supplied cable, 75 meters long. The communication range via Wi-Fi channel is at least 30 meters. The device has not yet gone on sale, but is already available for pre-order for $6,000. In addition to the remote control, the device can be controlled remotely using a smartphone.

5th place

The DTG2 Series of subsea devices is designed to solve a wide variety of applications.

The line includes 4 models:

  • Starter
  • Smart
  • Worker

The entry-level model Starter is of interest. It has a reasonable (compared to other models) price tag of $4,000 and good equipment. The immersion depth is 100 meters, the operating time reaches 8 hours. The drone is equipped with a camera, powerful lighting and a remote control with an LCD screen. The kit includes a 50 meter cable.


We will soon see a massive appearance of devices that can be roughly called underwater quadcopters. So far, they remain a rather expensive entertainment, even despite the emergence of affordable models (for example, Gladius).

Russia has an unmanned submarine capable of carrying the largest submarine in existence. nuclear charges, states the Pentagon report. The existence of a submarine-drone with nuclear weapons has been rumored for a long time, but information leaked to the press from a draft version of the Pentagon's report on the world's nuclear arsenals (Nuclear Posture Review) confirmed this fact. The Pentagon report warns of Russia's determination to continue to expand its nuclear potential against the backdrop of its decline in the United States.

The underwater uninhabited vehicle is capable of carrying a charge of up to 100 megatons. According to Newsweek (), this is the most powerful nuclear weapon currently in existence. The draft report, first published by the Huffington Post (), contains graphic images delivery means nuclear weapons, developed in the USA, Russia, North Korea and China since 2010.

The report said that while Russia "initially followed America's lead" and reduced its strategic nuclear forces, while it has retained many of its non-strategic nuclear weapons, which are now being modernized. It is also reported that “in addition to modernizing the heritage nuclear systems era of the USSR, Russia is developing and deploying new nuclear warheads and launchers."

“These efforts include multiple upgrades of each element of the Russian nuclear triad: strategic bombers, sea-launched missiles and ground-based. Russia is also developing at least two new intercontinental weapons systems: a hypersonic glide aircraft and a new intercontinental nuclear autonomous torpedo,” the document says.

Last month, NATO warned it had "serious concerns" about a new Russian guided missile that allegedly allows Moscow to as soon as possible apply nuclear attack in Europe. According to NATO officials, its appearance could violate the Nuclear Missile Treaty. medium range 1987. Moscow denied statements by NATO and the United States.

InoSMI materials contain assessments exclusively foreign media and do not reflect the position of the editorial board of InoSMI.

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