Daria Ermolaeva cream Instagram official. Daria Ermolaeva, husband. But how did the personal lives of the other soloists of the group turn out?

The personal life of the lead singer of the group “Slivki”, famous in the early 2000s, Dasha Ermolaeva, has always been eventful

First, without thinking about anything, she slept with the vocalist of the pop group “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” Sergei Amoralov, then with the participant of “Star Factory-3” Sasha Kireev, and then the aged “tramp boy” Andrei Gubin became interested in her, who even wanted marry her.

Into official marriage Ermolaeva entered into a relationship not with a musician, but with a former military man Denis Gatalsky, who immediately invited her to sell her home in Moscow and move to Brazil. Dasha, in love, agreed.

Soon scandals began in the family. The singer became pregnant, but was in constant stress due to quarrels. The son was eventually born much more ahead of schedule. Denis refused to recognize the premature baby, and Bruno had a dash in the “father” column.

Ermolaeva separated from her husband and soon became involved with a poorly educated Brazilian of questionable behavior. She gave birth to a second child, whom she named Maximus. Life, however, became even more unbearable. It turned out that she had nothing in common with this Latino. Plus, a kind of hopeless poverty set in - they were even forced to move to a wretched favela.

Dasha. Image: Instagram.com

“I wake up every day with hope for the best, I try to fight,” complained the singer, who, in addition to all her troubles, was diagnosed with an advanced female disease. - But local realities destroy this. People are just making fun of me. They throw and substitute. Daily. Not to mention the constant surprises and “bonuses”. When there is no water at all. Or sewer. Or the wall falls. It also pours on your head at night when you sleep. It’s difficult to recover here at these “Olympic” games. I'm clearly being tested... Or punished...

Ermolaeva was saved from all these horrors by the death of her 84-year-old father, a circus horse trainer. Dad left his youngest daughter an apartment as an inheritance. Dasha and her children returned to their homeland.

Designed for children Russian citizenship. I'm going to file for child support. Denis reduces his salary and says that he will quit altogether so as not to pay money, Ermolaeva cries.

In general, if among you, dear readers, there are fans of the group “Slivki” and Ms. Ermolaeva personally, you can help the unfortunate girl. Or maybe someone was passionately in love with her and is ready to adopt two beautiful kids today?!


And here’s how the personal lives of the other soloists of the group turned out:

  • Karina Cox (real name Poroshkova) married a musician Eduard Magaev(Dj M.E.G) December 12, 2012. The singer believed that the beautiful date - 12.12.12 - would bring them happiness. At first, everything really turned out well: they gave birth to two children, tried to develop creative career. Edik brought Karina to his friends - to the production center Black Star Inc. But it was not even possible to promote the forgotten star Timati. Now there are persistent rumors that Cox and Magaev are having difficulty maintaining their marriage and are about to separate.
  • Regina Burd married the leader of the group “Hands Up!” Sergei Zhukov and gave birth to three from him: Nika, Angel and Miron. Burd seriously took on Zhukov, who was prone to obesity, and constantly forced him to lose weight. Because of this, he became seriously ill and is now forced to undergo treatment. Because of this he was seriously injured family budget- Sergei had to cancel a series of concerts.

Regina and Sergei. Image:

Many still fondly remember the delicious Dasha from “Cream”, who at one time had an affair with the “Inveterate Fraudster” Sergei Amoralov. It turns out that after finishing her career in show business, Ermolaeva began a dark streak in her life.


Now expectant mother is in plight and needs help. Teona Dolnikova, worried about the girl, sounded the alarm on Instagram.

"Friends! I rarely write such posts, but I can’t be indifferent here. My closest friend is in trouble. You all probably remember the gorgeous brunette from the first line-up of the SLIVKI group Dasha Ermolaeva. My Dasha close friend and incredibly responsive and warm person. So now this wonderful little man needs help. God grant that none of you ever experience difficulties, but difficulties, unfortunately, do happen in life (hereinafter, the author’s spelling and punctuation are preserved. - Ed.),” Theon addressed subscribers.

According to the singer, Daria was unlucky in her personal life. “I’ll try to briefly tell a long story... Dasha married what seemed like a normal guy from Moscow. Who eventually forced her to sell her home in Moscow and move to live in Brazil for some reason. He simply took half of the money from her, and what was left for they bought a wreck because they didn’t have enough for anything else. With half the amount, he ran away and abandoned his own child a month before his birth,” Dolnikova said and showed a photo of Ermolaeva’s creepy home as evidence.

Photo published by Teona Dolnikova Actress (@dolnikova) Dec 5 2016 at 12:41 PST

In a destroyed house, Daria, drowning in debt, has nowhere to even lie down. “It’s a very long story and sad. In general, now Dasha is sick and she needs medical care, for which she has no money. She doesn’t even have money to buy a ticket and go back. And there’s no one to see.. Mom died.. GUYS, MY FRIENDS, good people! Let's try to help her together. We are together. Even if each of you donates at least 10 rubles, we will be able to collect at least some amount of money and send it to her, so as not to let her and Her baby Bruno die of hunger,” Theon asked all concerned for help and gave the card number where transfer funds.

Last fall, actress Teona Dolnikova posted a post on her social networks asking for help for her close friend and colleagues, former soloist of the group “Slivki” Daria Ermolaeva. Dolnikova told the story of Daria, who left with her husband for Brazil, but he then allegedly abandoned her, and now the actress is in poverty abroad and is also pregnant with her second child.

Subscribers actively responded to Dolnikova’s request, although some were indignant that Dolnikova, as a friend, could herself help Ermolaeva with a ticket home. It is unknown exactly what amount was raised, but soon a post of gratitude appeared on Dolnikova’s Instagram. The actress also apologized for the “not entirely correct” information about ex-husband Ermolaeva:

Ex-husband former star, Denis Gatalsky, in an interview with journalists admitted that he did not believe Ermolaeva and Dolnikova and that in fact Ermolaeva’s departure to Brazil happened for a completely different reason. In particular, she found a lover in Brazil, from whom she became pregnant for the second time.

This is all an absolute lie, which was invented and realized thanks to Daria’s old connections, so that the audience, who believed in this story, would transfer money to her; in other words, a person earns money in this way. Firstly, I have never been to Brazil: I am a former military man, and, accordingly, I still have the status of a travel ban. But she, on the contrary, was literally delirious about the move. As a child, Dasha lived briefly in Brazil when her parents worked there; she probably has warm memories of this country since then. So, she decided to buy property there. She was able to realize her plans with the money from the sale of the apartment in Moscow in which we lived after the wedding. But Daria’s brother forced her to sell it, since he was the owner of a 50% share of the apartment. One day he demanded his share. We moved to temporary accommodation with our mutual friend, who kindly offered us a free room, since my apartment was occupied at that time. In 2014, Dasha went to Brazil for the first time to “reconnaissance” - to find out what the conditions and prices were there. She knew that I couldn’t leave the country, but she didn’t care; she believed that if she wanted, she could bypass the law and go with her. A man thinks only of himself! Even the word of an elderly father is not authority for her.


According to Gatalsky, he found out that Dasha cheated on him. In Brazil, she started an affair with a local, although at that time they were dating official marriage. Moreover, her trip lasted much longer than she promised. She returned back only because, according to the laws of the country, she could not stay there for more than six months. There was nowhere to return - she sold the apartment. Gatalsky took pity on her and sheltered her. At the same time, she became pregnant with her first child. However, Ermolaeva flew to Brazil to give birth, saying that he had to fly if he wanted to be with her and the child. But Gatalsky was still serving at that time, and traveling abroad was prohibited for him. So another man began to raise his child.


We divorced in the middle of this summer, and when during the divorce I announced that my child lived in Brazil, they answered me that without documents I was nothing to him. But there really aren't any. At birth, the baby automatically becomes a citizen of the country in which he was born. According to Brazilian laws, if the father does not show up for registration, then a dash is placed in the paternity column, the child receives the mother’s surname and she is considered a single mother. Our stamps in passports and marriage certificates have no force there. So officially I am nobody to the child.

In the fall, Ermolaeva also wrote that, despite the late stages of pregnancy, she was rapidly losing weight. And we have to save on everything - even on diapers for our eldest son.


The mood is like this... It's difficult to explain. Every day I wake up hoping for the best, I try to fight. But local realities simply destroy this. People are just making fun of me. They throw and substitute. Daily. Not to mention the constant surprises and “bonuses”. When there is no water at all. Or sewer. Or the wall falls. It also pours on your head at night when you sleep. It’s difficult to recover here at these “Olympic” games. I'm clearly being tested... Or punished.

In diagnosis ex-wife Gatalsky also doesn’t believe it, suspecting that the girl simply decided to earn extra money in this way.

You know, I haven’t seen her diagnosis anywhere, it’s worth thinking about. In any case, I wish her and the children good health. As I already said, this is a completely fictional story with the support of Teona Dolnikova. Perhaps she really has money problems now, since the person has never officially worked in her life and has no intention of doing so. All our life together we lived only on my means, plus my parents helped. Now, probably, a critical situation has happened in her life, since she decided to make money in such a dirty way. I repeat once again, the published information has nothing to do with reality, except that she lives in Brazil, and according to at will, and is awaiting the birth of her second child with a current local young man.

However, Ermolaeva has already given birth to her second child - the singer on Instagram calls her son nothing less than the Emperor and actively posts photos with her children and her Brazilian man.


One can only guess why, living with a man and the father of her child, Ermolaeva is in poverty. And is he in poverty?

  • "Slivki" is a Russian female pop group that appeared in 2000. The group became the winner of the “Song of the Year”, “Golden Gramophone”, “Golden Disc” awards, etc. The original composition of the group included Karina Koks, Daria Ermolaeva and Irina Vasilyeva.
  • In 2001, Ermolaeva almost left Slivok due to pregnancy. But the singer had an abortion and continued her concert activities. True, a year later she left the group “for health reasons.”

Ermolaeva Daria is one of the soloists of the popular domestic musical group "Slivki". This female pop group performed at Russian stage in the 2000s. Over its history, its composition has changed several times. Some soloists left her, others came to replace them. The group's popularity was brought to them by the songs "Flew of the Week", "The Best", "Above the Clouds", "Club Zone", "I Will Love".

Biography of the singer

Ermolaeva Daria was born in 1982. She was born in Moscow. Before you start musical career, danced topless in the capital's clubs.

In parallel with her singing career, she decided to get higher education. Graduated in 2004 state institute theater arts in the class "Musical Theatre".

Career in the group "Cream"

The tabloid press even actively wrote about her affair with Andrei Gubin, who was 8 years older than her.

Daria's disease

After leaving the group, Daria married Denis Gatalsky. True, this marriage was not successful. Soon, young people found themselves at the center of scandals, which were also widely covered in the media.

Gatalsky began to declare that Daria is a swindler who exposes him in a black light in front of his family and friends, and is also trying to lure money from her fans.

The fact is that a collection of money has begun on the Internet in connection with the illness of the ex-singer. Her close friend said that after Ermolaeva married Gatalsky, he forced her to sell her house in Moscow and move to live with him in Brazil. Moreover, as soon as she arrived at South America, he simply took half the money from her, and with the rest they bought an old house, because there simply wasn’t enough money for anything else. Daria Ermolaeva’s family did not work out. When it became obvious that their personal life was not going well, he ran away.

Another blow was the death of the singer’s mother, who died in Russia.

Daria was left in a foreign country, in debt and in a house that was collapsing before our eyes. In addition, in Lately she began to require medical attention, as the ex-singer’s health had deteriorated sharply. She didn’t even have money for a return ticket to Russia.

Dolnikova announced a fundraiser to help her friend. It is worth noting that many responded and shared some money, others were suspicious. Not everyone believed this story.

"I haven't been to Brazil"

The singer’s ex-husband himself denies all accusations. According to him, he had never been to Brazil at all. And Daria, as he claims, lived for many years with her parents in this exotic country, and now I decided to return there. However, she did not calculate her capabilities.

As it became known, Daria, finding herself alone in Brazil, quickly found a replacement for her husband, although by that time she had not yet divorced Gatalsky. In Brazil, she had a son, whom Denis considers his child. Ermolaeva registered him in Brazil alone, so he received his mother’s surname.

In total, Gatalsky and Ermolaeva lived together for four years. The ex-husband claims that he provided for her all this time, since Daria categorically did not want to work. He connects this with her financial difficulties in her new place of residence.

Recently, details of the biography of Daria Ermolaeva have become known from social networks. So, she herself said that she gave birth to a second son, whom she named original name Maximus-Yuri.

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