Prehistoric predators: striking species. Ancient animals of the earth The most dangerous prehistoric creatures

The ancient animals of the Earth are animals that died out for some natural reason before the appearance of man. Sometimes they are called prehistoric animals. Some of them continued to exist even after the appearance of mankind and died out already through our fault.

Dodo or dodo is a large flightless bird. Its modern relatives are birds of the pigeon order. At one time, dodos densely populated the island of Mauritius, ate plant foods, and the only egg was laid by the female dodo directly on the ground. Dodos disappeared only in the 17th century due to the fault of people and the animals they brought to the island.

The most famous ancient animals on Earth are mammoths. This species of elephant lived on our planet about 1.5 million years ago. Judging by the fossil remains, mammoths were larger than their own contemporary relatives and their body was covered with wool. Mammoths ate exclusively plant foods and were desirable prey for primitive hunters. Why mammoths died out, there is no consensus.

Smilodon or saber-toothed tiger disappeared from the surface of our planet more than 2 million years ago. Smilodons were larger than modern tigers, and the long saber-shaped fangs on the upper jaw allowed it to hunt thick-skinned rhinos and elephants.

The giant ground sloth Megatherium lived about 2 million years ago on the American continent. The length of his body was 6 meters. Megatherium fed on the shoots of young trees, bending them to the ground with long front paws equipped with curved claws.

Another large flightless bird of antiquity with strong three-meter hind limbs is the moa. Moas lived in New Zealand until the 17th century and were completely destroyed by people.

The epiornis bird, also not flying, weighed up to 450 kilograms, and its height reached 3 meters. According to the assumption, the eggs of these birds could weigh up to 10 kilograms. Back in the 19th century, epiornis could be seen in Madagascar, but due to deforestation rainforest and ruthless extermination today these ancient birds have become completely extinct.

Chalicotherium is an ancient animal of the Earth with a horse's head and claws instead of hooves. Scientists attribute it to the detachment of artiodactyls. In an attempt to reach a high position vegetable food, chalicotherium could, on powerful hind limbs, reach up to 5 meters in height.

The ancient animal of the Earth, which, probably, was lucky to survive to this day, is the marsupial wolf. The body length is ancient mammal has up to 1 meter, plus the length of a half-meter tail. He lived in Australia, but by the time the Europeans discovered the mainland, he had survived only on the island of Tasmania (sometimes the wolf is called Tasmanian). From the beginning of the 20th century marsupial wolf no one saw him alive, but he, nevertheless, is listed in the Red Book.

And the most mysterious and numerous ancient animals of the Earth are dinosaurs. Their name is translated as "terrible lizards." For 200 million years, they inhabited the earth's land almost everywhere and mysteriously died 60 million years ago. The most likely reason for the extinction of the dinosaurs is the collision of our planet with an asteroid, as a result of which the Earth's climate has changed in a detrimental way for dinosaurs.

The division of living beings into those who hunt and those who are hunted is perhaps the most ancient classification. Predators existed thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions and hundreds of millions of years ago - that is, throughout the existence of life itself. Therefore, it should not be a discovery for anyone that predators hunted under water, on land and in the air long before the appearance of man on our planet. These are prehistoric predators.


Orthokons - cephalopods that lived in the seas of the Earth 450 million years ago, were the largest predators of their time. These were creatures up to ten meters in size and weighing 200 kilograms, which hunted thanks to two main adaptations. Firstly, they were long tentacles with which the orthocones captured their victims; secondly, it was a long cone-shaped shell into which they collected water, and then pushed it out with muscular force. Due to this jet engine, they could reach high speed.

armored fish

Armored fish of the genus Dunkleost, who lived in the period 415-360 million years ago. These fish reached a length of ten meters and had massive developed jaws, equipped with bone plates. This device allowed them to grind the shells of other armored fish. Scientists have calculated that the jaws of fish of the genus Dunkleostae are comparable in pressure to the jaws of crocodiles, and the speed of closing the mouth was 20 milliseconds.


Ichthyosaurs are marine reptiles that lived in the period 250-90 million years ago, the average size of which was four meters, but specimens of 23 meters in size have also been found. They were night hunters, so they had huge eyes (the diameter of one eye is 20 centimeters) for better vision In the dark. In addition, the teeth of ichthyosaurs were constantly replaced throughout their lives.


Liopleurodon - a reptile from the genus Pliosaurs that lived in the seas of the Earth 160-155 million years ago, one of the most large predators planets throughout history. The average size was up to seven meters, but there are confirmed cases of the discovery of the remains of individuals whose length exceeded 20 meters. Liopleurodon had teeth 7 to 10 centimeters long and had the ability to dive deeply and for a long time under water, occasionally surfacing to breathe.


Eriops is a giant amphibian of the temnospondylic order that lived in the period 360-300 million years ago. It was a large animal, the body length of which was about two meters, and the length of the skull, shaped like the skull of a modern alligator, reached about half a meter. He had a powerful structure, a wide chest and short, strong legs. According to scientists, he led a semi-aquatic lifestyle, that is, he was adapted for hunting in shallow water and on the banks of reservoirs.


Allosaurus - the most famous of the representatives of the family of carnivorous lizard dinosaurs allosaurids that lived on Earth 155-145 million years ago. It was a bipedal predator, whose body length on average reached nine meters, the height was approximately 3.5-4 meters, and the weight was in the region of a ton. The front legs were much shorter and weaker than the hind legs, on which the Allosaurus moved. Currently, the main hypothesis in the scientific community is the hypothesis that allosaurs could not hunt very large herbivorous dinosaurs alone. , so they united in flocks.

We all know from school that many of the ancient animals that once inhabited the planet have long since died out. But did you know that now the Earth is inhabited by animals that have seen dinosaurs. And then there are animals that have been around longer than the trees these dinosaurs ate the leaves from. At the same time, many of these ancient representatives of the fauna have not changed much over the millions of years of their existence. Who are these old-timers on our Earth and what is so special about them?

1. Jellyfish

The first place in our “rating” is rightfully occupied by jellyfish. Scientists believe that jellyfish appeared on earth about 600 million years ago.
The most big jellyfish, which was caught by a person, had a diameter of 2.3 meters. Jellyfish do not live long, about a year, because they are a delicacy for fish. Scientists are puzzled over how jellyfish perceive nerve impulses from the organs of vision, because they do not have a brain.

2. Nautilus

Nautiluses have lived on Earth for over 500 million years. it cephalopods. Females and males differ in size. The nautilus shell is divided into chambers. The mollusk itself lives in the largest chamber, and uses the rest of the compartments, filling or pumping out biogas, as a float for diving to depth.

3. Horseshoe crabs

These marine arthropods are rightfully considered living fossils, because they have lived on Earth for more than 450 million years. To give you an idea of ​​how long this is, horseshoe crabs are older than trees.

It was not difficult for them to survive all the known global catastrophes, practically without changing outwardly. Horseshoe crabs can rightly be called animals " blue blood". Their blood, unlike ours, has a blue color, because it is saturated with copper, and not with iron, like human.
Horseshoe crab blood has amazing properties - when it reacts with microbes, clots form. It is in this way that horseshoe crabs make a barrier against microbes. A reagent is made from the blood of horseshoe crabs and medicines are checked for purity with its help.

4. Neopilins

Neopilina is a mollusk that lives on Earth for about 400 million years. He has not changed in appearance. Neopilins live at great depths in the oceans.

5. Latimeria

Latimeria is a modern fossil animal that appeared on our planet about 400 million years ago. During the entire period of its existence, it has not changed much. On the this moment coelacanth is on the verge of extinction, so the catch of these fish is strictly prohibited.

6 Sharks

Sharks have existed on Earth for over 400 million years. Sharks are very interesting animals. People have been researching them for many years and never cease to be amazed at their uniqueness.

For example, shark teeth grow throughout their lives, most big sharks can reach 18 meters in length. Sharks have a wonderful sense of smell - they smell blood at a distance of hundreds of meters. Sharks practically do not feel pain, because their body produces a kind of "opium", which dulls pain.

Sharks are amazingly adaptable. For example, if there is not enough oxygen, they can “turn off” part of the brain and consume less energy. Sharks can also regulate the salinity of the water by producing special means. The vision of a shark is several times better than that of cats. AT dirty water They can see up to 15 meters away.

7. Cockroaches

These are the real old-timers on Earth. Scientists claim that cockroaches have inhabited the planet for more than 340 million years. They are hardy, unpretentious and fast - this is what helped them survive in the most turbulent periods of history on Earth.

Cockroaches can live for some time without a head - because they breathe with the cells of the body. They are excellent runners. Some cockroaches run about 75 cm in a second. This is very good result regarding their growth. And their incredible endurance is evidenced by the fact that they withstand radiation radiation almost 13 times more than a person.

Cockroaches can live without water for about a month, without water - a week. Their female retains the male's seed for some time and can fertilize herself.

8. Crocodiles

Crocodiles appeared on Earth about 250 million years ago. Surprisingly, at first crocodiles lived on land, but then they liked to spend a significant part of their time in the water.

Crocodiles are amazing animals. They don't seem to do anything for nothing. To facilitate the digestion of food, crocodiles swallow stones. It also helps them dive deeper.

In the blood of a crocodile there is a natural antibiotic that helps them not to get sick. Average duration their life is 50 years, but some individuals can live up to 100 years. Crocodiles are not trainable, and they can be considered the most dangerous animals on the planet.

9. Shields

Shields appeared on Earth during the dinosaur period, approximately 230 million years ago. They live almost all over the world, except for Antarctica.
Surprisingly, the shields did not change in appearance, they only became smaller size. The largest shields were found 11 cm in size, the smallest - 2 cm. If hunger sets in, cannibalism is possible among them.

10 Turtles

Turtles inhabited the Earth approximately 220 million years ago. Turtles differ from their ancient ancestors in that they have no teeth and have learned to hide their heads. Turtles can be considered centenarians. They live up to 100 years. They perfectly see, hear, have a delicate scent. Turtles remember human faces.

If the temperature in the nest where the female laid her eggs is high, females will be born, if it is low, only males will be born.

11. Hatteria

Tuatara is a reptile that appeared on Earth over 220 million years ago. Tuataria now live in New Zealand.

Tuatara is similar to an iguana or lizard. But this is just a resemblance. Tuataria established a separate detachment - beakheads. This animal has a "third eye" on the back of its head. Hatterias have slowed down metabolic processes, so they grow very slowly, but they easily live up to 100 years.

12. Spiders

Spiders have lived on Earth for over 165 million years. The oldest web found in amber. Her age became 100 million years. A female spider can lay several thousand eggs at a time - this is one of the factors that helped them survive to this day. Spiders have no bones, their soft tissues are covered with a hard exoskeleton.

The web could not be made artificially in any laboratory. And those spiders that were sent into space spun a three-dimensional web.
It is known that some spiders can live up to 30 years. The biggest famous spider has a length of almost 30 cm, and the smallest - half a millimeter.

13. Ants

Ants are amazing animals. It is believed that they have been living on our planet for more than 130 million years, while practically not changing their appearance.

Ants are very smart, strong and organized animals. We can say that they have their own civilization. They have order in everything - they are divided into three castes, each of which is engaged in its own business.

Ants are very good at adapting to circumstances. Their population is the largest on Earth. To imagine how many there are, imagine that there are about a million ants per inhabitant of the planet. Ants are also long-lived. Sometimes queens can live up to 20 years! And they are amazingly smart - ants can train their fellows to find food.

14. Platypuses

Platypuses have lived on Earth for over 110 million years. Scientists suggest that at first these animals lived in South America, but then they got to Australia. In the 18th century, the platypus skin was first seen in Europe and considered ... a fake.

Platypuses are excellent swimmers, they easily get their own food from the river bottom with the help of their beak. Platypuses spend almost 10 hours a day underwater.
Platypuses failed to breed in captivity, and in wild nature today there are quite a few of them left. Therefore, animals are listed in the International Red Book.

15. Echidna

Echidna can be called the same age as platypuses, because it inhabits the Earth for 110 million years.
Echidnas are like hedgehogs. They boldly guard their territory, but in case of danger they burrow into the ground, leaving only a bunch of needles on the surface.
Echidnas do not have sweat glands. In the heat, they move little, in the cold they can hibernate, thus regulating their heat transfer. Echidnas are long-lived. In nature, they live up to 16 years, and in zoos they can live up to 45 years.

I wonder if a person can live on Earth for so long?

AT prehistoric times lived some of the largest and most terrible predators that ever existed on Earth. Some relied on their incredible strength or speed, while others used the element of surprise to satisfy their hunger. Despite these dissimilar styles of hunting, each of these hunters had an inherent general characteristics They were one of the best hunters of their time. These 25 amazing prehistoric predators had their own special hunting methods that kept them at the top of the food chain.

25. Megalania

Megalania is currently the largest known ground reptile that ever existed. It is believed that she had glands in her mouth that produced toxins, making her relatively poisonous.

24. Titanoboa

Titanoboa, which means "titanic boa (boa)", currently holds the title of the largest snake that has ever lived on Earth. It is believed that it reached a length of up to 15 meters. The snake lunged at its prey, wrapping itself around its prey and squeezing it to death.

23. Sarcosuchus (Sarcosuchus)

Sarcosuchus was similar to modern crocodiles in that most he spent his time waiting, completely submerged. He was not particularly picky about his prey, as he would ambush unsuspecting prey that he could overpower.

22. Smilodon

Smilodon, commonly called saber-toothed tiger, is known for its two extra-long fangs. It is believed that he mainly relied on ambush hunting, pouncing on large herbivores and digging his fangs into prey in order to hit the vital organs.

21. Pterygotus (Pterygotus)

Despite its small size compared to others prehistoric predators, Pterygotus was one of the best predators in shallow water sea ​​waters. He relied on surprise attacks to capture prey. He would bury himself in the sand and wait for an unsuspecting fish to swim past him to grab it with his claws.

20. Cameroceras

Cameroceras relied on his sense of smell to hunt prey in the dark depths of the ocean. Like squids, they firmly grabbed their prey with their tentacles, after which they tore the prey into pieces with a sharp beak.

19. Plesiosaurus (Plesiosaurus)

Plesiosaurus was recognizable by its small head, long neck and stocky body. Although it lacked the ideal traits of an apex predator, plesiosaurs fed on a wide variety of fish and cephalopods.

18. Thylacoleo

Despite its name meaning "marsupial lion", the thylacoleo was actually a carnivorous marsupial. It is believed that he killed his prey and lifted the carcasses to the trees with his strength, powerful jaws and sharp claws.

17. Giganotosaurus (Giganotosaurus)

Giganotosaurus was large and fast, but compared to other similar prehistoric animals, it lacked bite power. This, however, did not stop him on the way to the title of one of the best predators of his time.

16. Basilosaurus (Basilosaurus)

Basilosaurus had incredibly small fins compared to the rest of its body, and paleontologists believe it moved through the water like moray eels and eels. Despite its shortcomings, Basilosaurus easily fed on sharks and other fish.

15. Gorgonops (Gorgonops)

Gorgonops was recognizable by its two very large fangs saber-toothed cats. He used these teeth in the same way - piercing the thick skins of his prey. The location of the Gorgonops' legs directly under its body also allowed it to chase prey at high speed.

14. Dacosaurus (Dakosaurus)

Dacosaurus, whose name means "biting reptile", dominated the shallow waters of the seas during the late Jurassic and early Cretaceous period. It is believed that its wide jaw and jagged teeth were used to tear pieces of meat from prey.

13. Tyrannosaurus (Tyrannosaurus)

Probably the most known species dinosaurs, Tyrannosaurus Rex is known for its massive skull and small forelimbs. His acute vision and its sense of smell allowed it to survive both as a scavenger and a predator.

12. Ornithosuchus (Ornithosuchus)

Ornithosuchus, whose name means "bird crocodile", was similar in structure and characteristics to a crocodile. Unlike the crocodile, it was able to run on its hind legs, allowing it to run at a higher speed.

11. Megalodon (Megalodon)

Megalodon, comparable to the great white shark, was one of the most fearsome marine predators ever to swim in the seas of the Earth. Its size, power and speed allowed it to dominate the ancient oceans. His diet consisted mainly of large prehistoric whales, as well as any other creatures that came into his mouth.

10. Kronosaurus

Kronosaurus used its strength and power to swim quickly and easily in ocean waters. It is believed that he quenched his appetite with the help of plesiosaurs and sea ​​turtles.

9. Carnotaurus

Kranotaur got its name, meaning "carnivorous bull", from two distinct horns on its head. He relied on quick, consistent attacks to weaken his prey.

8. Liopleurodon (Liopleurodon)

Liopleurodon, whose name means "smooth-sided tooth", had a body that allowed it to develop speed quickly. This made it possible to quickly attack prey, which did not have time to react to the attack.

7. Utahraptor (Utahraptor)

As you might guess from the name, Utahraptor was discovered in Utah. One of its most distinctive characteristics is the large second thumb on each of its hind legs. Utahraptors used this finger as a weapon for inflicting deep wounds, gutting and tearing their prey.

6. Allosaurus (Allosaurus)

Allosaurus, whose name means "other lizard", had a strong skull but small teeth. This led paleontologists to conclude that allosaurs used their upper jaws to attack their prey like an axe.

5. Quetzalcoatl (Quetzalcoatlus)

Quetzalcoatl, whose wingspan was about 15 meters, was one of the largest flying animals of all time. Most recent finds indicate that it was similar in its feeding habits to storks and herons. Paleontologists believe that he landed in order to hunt land creatures. Now he would not have problems with feeding, because you can buy compound feed quite easily.

4. Tylosaurus (Tylosaurus)

Tylosaurus was a large oceanic predator similar to an aquatic lizard. It is believed that he used his blunt snout to crash and stun his prey, after which the victim remained helpless in the water.

3. Koolasuchus

Kulazukh was a large amphibian with a massive head. The amphibian lived in aquatic environment habitats, preying on fish, mollusks and even small mammals approaching the kulazuh during a watering place.

2. Spinosaurus (Spinosaurus)

Spinosaurus is mostly recognizable due to its unique combination physical qualities, such as a long, thin skull and a "fin" on its back. Paleontologists believe it used its elongated jaw to hunt fish and other small land prey.

1. Dunkleosteus

Dunkleosteus was unique marine predator due to the fact that he had no teeth. Instead, it had bone plates that turned its mouth into what looked like a sea turtle's beak. This allowed him to attack prey, which was protected from predators with a layer of reinforced skin.

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