Get to the bottom of the truth. The natural mother of Yegor, who died in the family of his adoptive parents, told why her son was taken away from her

In mid-May the public was shocked scary tale Pavlov family. 47-year-old Natalya and her husband, 48-year-old Andrey, came to the Rostov region from the Volgograd region to kidnap a child. They saw the boy Timur, who was walking with his grandmother, sprayed her in the face with a spray can, and took the baby away in their car.

It later turned out that the couple was raising four children, over whom they had taken guardianship, as well as blood heirs. However, the adopted boy Yegor died in an accident. Natalya decided not to tell anyone about this, but simply bury the body not far from the house.

Andrei Malakhov discussed this topic in the “Let Them Talk” program. The deceased Yegor’s grandmother appeared in the studio. She said that she had a presentiment of the tragedy and even came to Natalya and Andrei’s house to see her grandson. Tamara Nikulina admitted that she was forced to give the boy and his brother Danil to another family. Her daughter went to work in another city, and then simply stopped communicating. Out of desperation and lack of funds, the woman handed Yegor over to the Pavlov couple.

// Photo: Still from the “Let Them Talk” program

According to Tamara, social workers promised that she would see her grandchildren without hindrance. However new family I didn’t want to make contact with the children. After Timur was kidnapped, it turned out that his adopted Egor had disappeared. Natalya told her husband that the boy was lost, but a little later it turned out that he had died. The program showed a recording of an investigative experiment, during which Natalya said that for 20 days the boy continued to live with burns - the skin gradually peeled off, and then he stopped breathing. Experts in the studio could not believe what the woman said.

Appeared in the studio biological mother Egor Ekaterina Marenko.

“It’s all my fault, I stumbled, it’s my fault,” Ekaterina began her story with these words. “I, of course, didn’t want this.” I crawled on my knees and begged the guards to show the children. They said that my house was not suitable for living - there should be gas, rooms, computers.”

// Photo: Still from the “Let Them Talk” program

Now the young woman is trying to do everything to take her second child from the foster family. Experts in the studio were outraged by the way the guardianship and trusteeship authorities work. The Pavlovs’ neighbors said that Andrei drinks alcoholic beverages, and Natalya herself admitted during an investigative experiment that her husband does not take an active part in raising children.

The head of the guardianship and trusteeship authorities, Elena Chernyshkova, appeared in the studio and was relieved of her position during the investigation. She admitted that she felt responsible for the boy's death.

// Photo: Still from the “Let Them Talk” program

The teacher of the older children of the Pavlov family, Yulia Velichko, said that Seryozha aroused her suspicions - the woman thought that the boy was being insulted. Yulia decided to come with the head teacher to check how the children were living. However, they did not find anything untoward.

“I saw dad several times, but I never saw him drunk,” she said about Pavlov.

Serezha’s biological mother Tatyana Ermakova also told her story. She admitted that she was deprived parental rights due to problems with the law. The guardianship and trusteeship authorities also forbade her to communicate with her son.

The Commissioner for Children's Rights of the Volgograd Region, Nina Boldyreva, considers this case outrageous. At the end of the program, Andrei Malakhov promised to take personal control of this case and if the administration of the Volgograd region does nothing to solve the problem, they will all gather in the studio again.

// Photo: Still from the “Let Them Talk” program

The photo shown at the beginning of the broadcast shows little Timur - he was supposed to replace Yegor, who died in his foster family, whose death could no longer be hidden from the village residents. This shocking news was discussed throughout the country last week. Among broad daylight in Morozovsk (Rostov region), three-year-old Timur was snatched from the hands of his grandmother by unknown persons. Later it became known that the kidnappers turned out to be a married couple, who thus decided to hide...another crime. Watch the episode Let Them Talk - Get to the Truth 05/23/2017

Andrei and Natalya Pavlov were detained by police two days after the abduction. And soon the woman began to give shocking testimony. From her words, it became clear that the couple kidnapped Timur, since he was supposed to replace another child similar to him. Almost a year ago, Natalya brought her adopted son, three-year-old Yegor Marenko, to death and, secretly from her husband and all her fellow villagers, buried her near her own house. All the characters in this horrifying story will gather today at the Let Them Talk program.

Let them talk - Get to the truth

Witnesses managed to remember the license plate number of the car in which Timur was taken away, and 2 days later the police discovered the kidnappers. They turned out to be a married couple from the Chernyshkovsky district, Natalya and Andrey Pavlov. According to the woman, Yegor was accidentally scalded with boiling water, after which Natalya treated his burns with Miramistin, but was afraid to call an ambulance.

In the studio of the program Let Them Talk (episode “Getting to the Truth”) - the deceased boy’s grandmother Tamara Nikulina:

“I’m living like hell now!” I can't believe that Yegor is no more. Last September we sounded the alarm. We asked Natalya to show us her grandson, but she refused. I felt that something wrong was happening in this family.

How did it happen that Yegor was given to a foster family?

— My daughter Katya disappeared in July 2016 - she went to work and stopped contacting me. Then my house burned down. I applied for guardianship, but they told me that I would not be able to raise my grandchildren, and they advised me to give Yegor to a foster family... So Yegor ended up with the Pavlovs. A little time passed and I began to worry: Natalya and Andrey did not show me their grandson and kept coming up with reasons. I already learned about his death from the police. At this time, my daughter Katya had already returned home.

New details of the tragedy in the family that kidnapped three-year-old Timur to replace the dead boy Birth mother deceased Egor Ekaterina Marenko Photo: Channel One

She claims she tried to treat him folk remedies: I sprayed Miramistin on the wound, wrapped my leg in polyethylene, and put socks on top. The Pavlovs were afraid to go to the hospital, because they would take away not only the scalded boy, but all their adopted children ( 13-year-old Sergei, 11-year-old Ksenia, 7-year-old Danil - by the way, sibling Egor) - since they didn’t take care of the smallest one.

And then he developed gangrene and died,” the investigator says, looking blankly past the video camera recording her testimony. foster mother. - I took it to the garden, found a hole and put it there.

Meanwhile, Yegor’s own mother, Ekaterina Marenko, unexpectedly showed up. Her children, she says, were taken away from her several years ago (Egorka was very tiny) when she left for several years “to earn money.”

We lived poorly then, there was no money, we had to look for options to get a living,” she says.

Now, according to the young woman and her mother, Tamara Nikulina, everything has changed: they supposedly have their own farm (poultry, livestock), and they allegedly wanted to take them back - after Ekaterina finds a permanent job.

The kidnapped Timur, the kidnappers believed, looked like a tragic dead child

I went to them, to the Pavlovs, in the Yarskaya farm, and begged to show the children, but she ( adoptive mother, Natalya Pavlova. - approx. ed.) refused,” says Tamara.

Now they are visiting Ekaterina Marenko’s eldest son, Danil, in the hospital where the Pavlovs’ adopted children have been temporarily assigned. They are deciding how to take him home. By the way, relatives of the two older ones, Seryozha and Ksenia, have shown up and are also going to seek their return.

The investigation into the death of Yegor in a foster family and the kidnapping of Timur S. by the Pavlovs continues.

Meanwhile, another criminal case has already been opened - against the curator of a foster family from the guardianship and trusteeship authorities of the Chernyshkovsky district of the Volgograd region.

The investigation established that over the past two years, the employee-curator visited the Pavlovs’ foster family only once - in March 2016, although, according to the law, she should have done this much more often, said Natalia Kunitskaya, a representative of the ICR department in the Volgograd region.

In the education department of the Chernyshkovsky district, they make excuses by saying that they tried to get to the Pavlovs, but it didn’t work out: the adoptive mother either came to them from the district center herself, or found excuses.

Andrey Pavlov is an adoptive father. Photo: Channel One true_kpru

COMPETENTLY" It is impossible to replace an adopted child with another"

An attempt to replace an adopted child with another can go unnoticed only if the responsible employee of our structure does not do what is part of his duties at all, says a specialist from the guardianship and trusteeship authorities in Rostov-on-Don (at his request, his name is not given). published for ethical reasons). - That is, in reality it is impossible. Firstly, for each child placed in a foster family, a personal file is initially opened, which, of course, also contains a medical card with detailed description health characteristics of a minor: there are, as they say, all the special signs - operations, injuries, birthmarks, eye color, blood type, etc. Secondly, the file contains a photograph of the child at the time of his transfer to new family. Thirdly, although there is no such requirement officially, most specialists from the guardianship authorities ask adoptive parents to provide photos of the pupil taken during the year by January 31 - so you can immediately understand whether this is the right child or not. In addition, a specific family is assigned an employee who “guides” the child until adulthood (if he moves to another place of work, the entire array is transferred to a new person), and he is obliged to regularly visit families, check how the children are kept, in what conditions, whether they are in danger, etc., which means that he must visually know each of his charges. Taken together, all this suggests that the reality of successful substitution is simply negligible.


“For them, replacing “their” dead child with someone else’s, but alive, was the norm.”

The point is that Lately In general, the attitude towards children has changed - they are kidnapped, killed, etc., this has never happened before,” says a famous Russian psychiatrist-criminologist, head Center for Legal and psychological assistance in extreme situations, professor and permanent expert at KP Mikhail Vinogradov. - In this particular case, the child was killed or he himself accidentally died, but the adoptive parents not only hid it, but resolved the issue in the most ordinary way: by substitution. Yes, to us, people with ordinary psychology, this seems absolutely not normal. But they have their own psychology, their own norms. They realized what they had done serious crime, hiding the death of the baby, but tried to resolve the situation in their own way. Were they afraid of punishment? Yes, sure. That is why they acted this way - within the framework of their rules and ideas about life. And the fact that they get confused in their testimony, putting forward one version after another, is also logical: any criminal, if he is not caught red-handed, is trying to evade responsibility. These same people, obviously not very smart, are evading and don’t even understand how fake it looks.


The couple who kidnapped a three-year-old baby wanted to replace their adopted son, who was boiled alive, with him."Komsomolskaya Pravda" found out the terrible tragedies (details) DETAILS IN Rostov region A married couple stole a three-year-old baby to replace their missing adopted son.

At first, the kidnappers said that they took the boy away out of pity - as if they were coming from the market (and the residents settlements on the border of the Rostov and Volgograd regions, they often go to the nearest Morozovsk for these needs) and noticed one boy standing. They decided that he was lost, they felt sorry for him, so they took him away - and then returned him to his parents ()

Alexander STEPANOV true_kpru Oksana ARTEMOVA true_kpru

Latest news from the Samara region on the topic:
The natural mother of Yegor, who died in the family of his adoptive parents, told why her son was taken away from her

The natural mother of Yegor, who died in the family of his adoptive parents, told why her son was taken away from her- Samara

New details of the tragedy in the family that kidnapped three-year-old Timur to replace the dead boy. The natural mother of the deceased Yegor, Ekaterina Marenko. Photo:
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Komsomolskaya Pravda found out new details about the death of four-year-old Yegor, who died in the foster family of the Pavlovs. The same ones who, on May 7 in Morozovsk, kidnapped little Timur S. in broad daylight in order to replace the child who died eight months ago.

During an investigative experiment 47-year-old Natalya Pavlova, the mother of two of her own children and four more taken in by her and her husband Andrei, said new version death of the boy.

Here he was playing - already relatively calmly - not like the day before in court, when tears were rolling down from her eyes, she showed with her left hand ( the right one was fastened to the accompanying policeman - ed.) to the kitchen-living room. - Then, we didn’t even notice how it happened, a pan of boiling water fell on him from the stove and hot water scalded his legs.

The adoptive mother tells how the baby was scalded with boiling water Photo: First channel

She claims that she tried to treat him with folk remedies: she sprayed Miramistin on the wound, wrapped her leg in plastic, and put socks on top. The Pavlovs were afraid to go to the hospital, because they would take away not only the scalded boy, but all their adopted children ( 13-year-old Sergei, 11-year-old Ksenia, 7-year-old Danil - by the way, Yegor’s brother) - since they didn’t take care of the smallest one.

And then he developed gangrene and died,” the adoptive mother says, looking blankly past the investigator’s video camera recording her testimony. - I took it to the garden, found a hole and put it there.

Meanwhile, Yegor’s own mother, Ekaterina Marenko, unexpectedly showed up. Her children, she says, were taken away from her several years ago (Egorka was very tiny) when she left for several years “to earn money.”

We lived poorly then, there was no money, we had to look for options to get a living,” she says.

Now, say the young woman and her mother, Tamara Nikulina, everything has changed: they supposedly have their own farm (poultry, livestock), and they allegedly wanted to take them back - after Ekaterina finds a permanent job.

I went to them, to the Pavlovs, in the Yarskaya farm, and begged to show the children, but she ( adoptive mother, Natalya Pavlova. - approx. ed.) refused,” says Tamara.

Now they are visiting Ekaterina Marenko’s eldest son, Danil, in the hospital where the Pavlovs’ adopted children have been temporarily assigned. They are deciding how to take him home. By the way, relatives of the two older ones, Seryozha and Ksenia, have shown up and are also going to seek their return.

The investigation into the death of Yegor in a foster family and the kidnapping of Timur S. by the Pavlovs continues.

Meanwhile, another criminal case has already been opened - against the curator of a foster family from the guardianship and trusteeship authorities of the Chernyshkovsky district of the Volgograd region.

The investigation established that over the past two years, the employee-curator visited the Pavlovs’ foster family only once - in March 2016, although, according to the law, she should have done this much more often, said Natalia Kunitskaya, a representative of the ICR department in the Volgograd region.

In the education department of the Chernyshkovsky district, they make excuses by saying that they tried to get to the Pavlovs, but it didn’t work out: the adoptive mother either came to them from the district center herself, or found excuses.

Andrey Pavlov - adoptive father Photo: First channel

COMPETENTLY "It is impossible to replace an adopted child with another"

An attempt to replace an adopted child with another can go unnoticed only if the responsible employee of our structure does not do what is part of his duties at all, says a specialist from the guardianship and trusteeship authorities in Rostov-on-Don (at his request, his name is not given). published for ethical reasons). - That is, in reality it is impossible. Firstly, for each child placed in a foster family, a personal file is initially opened, which contains, of course, a medical card with a detailed description of the health characteristics of the minor: there are, as they say, all the special signs - operations, injuries, birthmarks , eye color, blood type, etc. Secondly, the file contains a photograph of the child at the time of his transfer to a new family. Thirdly, although there is no such requirement officially, most specialists from the guardianship authorities ask adoptive parents to provide photos of the pupil taken during the year by January 31 - so you can immediately understand whether this is the right child or not. In addition, a specific family is assigned an employee who “guides” the child until adulthood (if he moves to another place of work, the entire array is transferred to a new person), and he is obliged to regularly visit families, check how the children are kept, in what conditions, whether they are in danger, etc., which means that he must visually know each of his charges. Taken together, all this suggests that the reality of successful substitution is simply negligible.

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