Methods for dealing with stretch marks. How to deal with stretch marks, get rid of stretch marks on the stomach, stretch marks after childbirth folk remedies, a remedy for stretch marks after childbirth

Why do stretch marks appear?

Pregnancy, rapid weight gain and some endocrine diseases often leave behind unsightly scars on the skin, stretch marks (or striae). They are able to spoil the mood of anyone, those who have encountered them understand what I am talking about. Fighting striae is difficult, but possible.

Stretch marks usually appear on the abdomen, thighs, chest, and in case of endocrine problems, on the face. They can be vertical if they arise due to abrupt change body weight, and horizontal if caused by hormonal problems.

Due to overstretching or hormonal changes, the skin is significantly thinned and loses elasticity, which leads to internal tears. Fresh stretch marks are pink or purple. This is due to the fact that after the appearance of connective tissue in the internal tears of the skin, there are blood vessels in it, giving it a red or blue color. If you do not fight striae, over time they will become white and look like scars. There is no pigment in scar tissue, so stretch marks remain white when tanned.

By themselves, striae are not dangerous to health, although they look very unaesthetic and we look at them with pain.

During the fight against stretch marks, it is advisable to take vitamins A and E, which stimulate tissue regeneration.

1. coffee scrubfrom ground coffee, preferably coarse grinding.

Such a scrub is good for the skin, it helps to smooth the skin, has an anti-cellulite effect and helps to get rid of stretch marks.

This scrub should be done daily, while taking a shower.

After applying the shower gel or soap on the body, pour dry ground coffee on the hand and rub it into the problem areas of the body in a clockwise direction for 3-4 minutes.

There is another scrub that can be alternated with coffee: 1/2 cup sugar + 1/2 cup salt + a glass of vegetable oil.

It also helps a lot. Try!

2. A killer way to fight not only with new stretch marks, but also with old stretch marks is badyagi powder(price in a pharmacy 7 rubles).

Due to the fact that badyagi powder consists of tiny needles, it penetrates into the subcutaneous layers and acts directly there. Besides, the best remedy silicon is considered to fight stretch marks in cosmetology, and the badyagi skeleton just consists of a loopy network of silica needles (silicon dioxide). A warning to you girls - the procedure is quite unpleasant. In the shower, you need to apply a powder (namely powder, not gels) mixed with water or hydrogen peroxide (you can also use oil), rub it on places with stretch marks, wrap yourself up and hold for 15-30 minutes, then rinse. The places will turn red and tingle when touched, so I do this procedure at night and wear knitted loose and comfortable clothes. The next day, too, will prick. In principle, tolerable, but still unpleasant. The tingling disappears on day 3, but these places may begin to itch, and after another day or two, the skin from those places will begin to peel off.

Now a couple of points:

Apply badyaga not with your bare hand. Preferably with rubber gloves or something similar.

Badyaga acts like peeling, so I do not recommend doing it more than once a week.

Places on which badyaga was applied should not be shown to the sun in order to avoid pigmentation.

3. Cream with mummy and essential oils against stretch marks.

You can use this cream without essential oils, but with them the effect increases and the smell of the oils removes the not very pleasant smell of the mummy itself.

Whoever has the opportunity can buy natural Altai mummy, I buy mummy tablets in a pharmacy, the Evalar series .

I prepare the cream as follows : 10 tablets of mummy to the point of powder, I add a few drops of water to dissolve the entire powder. I squeeze out the entire tube of fatty baby cream into a separate jar, you can use another fatty cream, for example, from stretch marks, ideally such a cream should containactive moisturizers (for example, chitosan, aloe vera, hyaluronic acid), collagen, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and add mummy to it. I mix thoroughly.

Then I add essential oils to the resulting cream:

Rosewood oil - 2 drops

Sandalwood oil - 1 drop

Orange or grapefruit oil - 2 drops

Rosemary oil - 1 drop

Neroli - 2 drops

You can add other oils as you wish.

Such a cream necessary store in refrigerator keand use it daily! Lubricate the stretch marks liberally and lightly rub the cream into the skin. This cream can stain your hands and body, so be careful with linen, it can also turn yellow.

Once a week, it is worth performing the following sequence of procedures in one approach:

1. Coffee scrub

2. Badyaga

3. Cream with mummy

It is this sequence that guarantees you a lethal effect on stretch marks and an early effect. But it is not worth doing it more often than once a week, because after exposure to badyagi, the skin should come off. Once the layer has been updated, we can repeat this approach again! I got it 1 time a week.

Series Floresan (Floresan) Fitness Body , used almost the entire series:

Separately, I want to highlight these creams:

I also made body wraps on my own, at home:

1. Cold algae wrap

We take several plates of algae (the number of plates depends on your physique), put a layer of kelp in a bowl and fill it with water at room temperature. Leave for 30 minutes to soften the plates. Usually 100 grams of algae is filled with a liter of water. Soaked algae are applied to problem parts of the body after peeling (for example, after a coffee scrub), polyethylene is applied over the algae. The wrapping procedure lasts about 1 hour. Can be done up to 2 times a week.

2. Massage (in the absence of problems with veins, you can cup massage)

For effective treatment stretch marks daily when applying a cream, anti-stretch mark gel or a cocktail of natural oils, it is useful to massage. Gently lift and pinch the skin with the tips of your thumb, index and middle fingers.

Massage will help stimulate the development of "youth proteins" - collagen and elastin, and make the muscles of problem areas more elastic.

I use these silicone jars:

3. Contrast shower to help with stretch marks

Everyone knows that a contrast shower is very beneficial for the body. A contrast shower is an alternation of cold hot water. From the beginning, you need to turn on the water as much as possible. comfortable temperature for you, then hot and finally cold, then hot again, then cold, and finish. It is necessary to repeat such a change of water 3-5 times.

However, if you have never spilled cold water or not tempered to avoid disease. You need to gradually reduce the temperature (from room to cold) to accustom the body to such temperatures.

4. Compresses with apple cider vinegar

To prepare this compress, you will need a small piece of linen or cotton cloth and vinegar diluted in water (2 tablespoons per 200 ml of water). Wet the matter in the resulting solution and apply to problem areas. Keep not long, one minute is enough. After the compress, you need to rub the skin well and wash the body well.

The acid found in apple cider vinegar will lighten stretch marks and make them less noticeable with each passing day. Also Apple vinegar from cellulite has a good effect on the skin in compresses.

Girls, I'm not going to say that this is an easy job, not at all. This is painstaking, daily work to restore your body and skin. It takes effort and a lot of patience. The results of working on stretch marks do not appear instantly, as we all would like! But in my experience, I can say that it's worth it!

I fought them for a year and a half. Every month I saw changes for the better, I regret that I did not record my monthly changes in the photo, but I will definitely share the Before and After photos with you as soon as I get home.

I beg you, don't give up! Gain strength and motivation! We deserve to be not only happy, but also beautiful mothers!

For those who have not yet encountered the problem of stretch marks and want to avoid it!

Stretch marks are less likely to develop if:

▪ Watch your diet and avoid sudden weight fluctuations. Stretch marks are less likely to appear if you eat foods rich in minerals and vitamins, dairy products, fish, meat, legumes, tomatoes, bananas, olive oil.

▪ Make it a habit to take a contrast shower - it perfectly tones and strengthens the skin (and this is not only the absence of stretch marks, but also high, toned breasts, elastic buttocks, etc.).

▪ Massage regularly - at home or in a massage parlor of a beauty salon. Excellent action - in the "pluck" massage. Just pinch problem areas daily for a few minutes until slight redness.

▪ Keep your skin toned by playing sports or dancing.

▪ For skin care use creams with vitamins A, C, E, collagen, elastin.

▪ Periodically make compresses at home with essential oils (roses, neroli, etc.), decoctions of medicinal herbs (for example, chamomile) or fermented milk products.

▪ Lubricate "potentially dangerous" places with olive oil.

▪ Take a 15-minute sea salt bath, beneficial features which have been known since time immemorial.

▪ During pregnancy, wear special bras and bandages, apply cool compresses and intensively use firming creams.

▪ Monitor your health and consult a doctor in a timely manner in case of any alarming symptoms.

Beautiful legs are the dream of every woman. However, many ladies hide them under trousers or long skirts, fearing that others will see ugly stretch marks that can ruin appearance even slender legs. That is why many are wondering how to remove stretch marks on the hips and regain their former confidence in their beauty. Getting rid of stretch marks is a very real task, for which it is most effective A complex approach. Cosmetic and home remedies, massages or special treatments offered by beauty salons will come to the rescue.


Causes of stretch marks

Stretch marks, which have their own medical term, striae, appear as a result of microtears in the skin and subcutaneous tissue, which are then filled with connective scar tissue. Initially, they are usually red or blue-red in color, and after a few months they gradually become white. Among the reasons for the formation of stretch marks on the hips, abdomen or buttocks are:

  • intensive growth or weight gain (for example, in adolescents and pregnant women);
  • sharp weight loss;
  • endocrine diseases and changes hormonal background;
  • sports activities, accompanied by a sharp increase in volume muscle mass;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • local blood flow disorders.

Methods for dealing with stretch marks at home

Stretch marks on the skin spoil its appearance and lead to the appearance of certain complexes in women. The fight against them must be directed. It is necessary to start with the local application of special scrubs, creams and massages, not forgetting about changes in lifestyle, nutrition, and habits.


A good effect on stretch marks on the hips is provided by a daily massage of problem areas, consisting of light strokes, pinching, intense rubbing and other techniques. It is recommended to do it after a contrast shower. To perform the massage, honey, wheat germ oil, avocado, orange, olive and others are usually used. Massage stimulates blood circulation, improves nutrition, improves skin tone, promotes its regeneration, and also has an anti-cellulite and tightening effect.

Creams and scrubs

The use of homemade products to combat stretch marks has several advantages: low cost, safety and well-known composition. These products include natural scrubs based on sugar, salt, ground coffee beans, crushed seeds, vegetable oils, and various creams.

Cream for stretch marks with mummy

Mumiyo - 1 g
Water - 20 ml
Baby cream or body milk - 50 g

Mix the mummy in warm water, add to the baby cream and mix. Massage the mixture into the stretch marks on the thighs. The course of treatment is 1 month, 1 time per day, preferably in the evening before going to bed.

coffee scrub

Ground coffee - 100 g
Olive or coconut oil - 50 ml

Pour boiling water over fine ground coffee, let stand for 15 minutes until a thick slurry is formed. Add oil to the resulting mass. Rub the product into the skin, and then rinse with water.

Video: Recommendations for the fight against stretch marks and their prevention in the program "Everything will be kind"

Remedy for fresh stretch marks

Essential oil of limette and neroli - 1 part each
Essential oil of mandarin, lavender and petitgrain - 2 parts each

Mix essential oils and rub the resulting mixture for 10 minutes into problem areas on the skin with light massage movements. Then apply wheat germ oil.

Mask with lemon peel and yogurt

Almond oil - 20 ml
Zest of one lemon
Yogurt (unsweetened) - ¾ cup

Mix lemon zest with yogurt and almond butter. Apply for 30 minutes on areas of the skin of the thighs with stretch marks. Then wash off with warm water.

Important: The sooner measures are taken to eliminate newly appeared stretch marks, the easier it will be to get rid of them.

The use of ready-made cosmetics

You can also remove stretch marks on the hips with the help of ready-made cosmetics. This method is suitable for those women who do not have the desire or time to independently prepare suitable creams and masks.

At the time of buying finished products First of all, you need to pay attention to the composition, manufacturer and expiration date. The action of ready-made products is to improve blood supply and nutrition, stimulate regeneration processes, moisturize and improve skin tone. Effective drugs are expensive and must contain the following components:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • vitamins (retinol, tocopherol, ascorbic acid);
  • plant extracts;
  • amino acids and peptides;
  • collagen;
  • elastin.

The success of the cream to combat stretch marks largely depends on the regularity of its application. Before using ready-made cosmetics, you must carefully read the instructions and follow all the instructions given in it exactly.

Methods for preventing stretch marks on the hips

To prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the thighs, as well as on other parts of the body, it is important to properly take care of the skin, maintain its elasticity, and avoid sudden stretching. For this, first of all, you need:

  • observe the drinking regimen (drink 1.5 - 2 liters of fluid per day);
  • choose the right diet, which should include a lot of fruits, vegetables, vegetable oils, lean meats and fish;
  • control weight;
  • exercise moderately (running, yoga, swimming, walking);
  • for skin care, use special products designed to prevent stretch marks;
  • take a contrast shower;
  • regularly massage and, if possible, hydromassage of the skin.

Recipes for home remedies to prevent stretch marks

At home, you can prepare effective remedies not only to remove stretch marks, but also to prevent their occurrence on the hips.

Lotion based on almond oil and carrots

Carrot - 1 pc.
Almond oil - 60 ml
Boiled water -150 ml

Peel the washed carrots, grate on a fine grater, place in a small saucepan, cover with water and leave for 15 minutes. After that, squeeze the carrots well through a sieve or gauze. Add almond oil to the strained liquid. Wipe the skin on the thighs with the resulting lotion every day before going to bed.

grape mask

Mash the grapes so that a slurry is obtained, remove the seeds and apply on problem areas hips. Wrap cling film on top. Wash off the mask with water after 30 minutes.

Essential oils for stretch mark prevention

Jojoba oil - 30 ml
Essential oils of clove, lavender and mint - 2 drops each
Geranium essential oil - 4 drops

Mix together essential oils. Then add the resulting mixture with constant stirring to the jojoba oil. Rub the product into the skin on the thighs daily for 10 minutes. The remaining oil mixture can be removed with a napkin.

Cosmetic treatments for stretch marks

Unfortunately, the use of exclusively home remedies is not always able to save a woman from ugly stretch marks. It is especially difficult to cope with long-standing stretch marks. In this case, it is worth resorting to the procedures offered by specialized clinics or beauty salons. Despite the rather quick result, a significant drawback of these methods is the high cost and sometimes pain.

These procedures include:

  • chemical peeling;
  • ozone therapy;
  • microdermabrasion;
  • laser resurfacing;
  • mesotherapy;
  • ultrasound therapy.

In addition, many salons offer manual and vacuum massage, as well as various wraps (with clay, seaweed, mud, and others).

Many people, especially women, often face such a problem as stretch marks on the skin. This is an unpleasant, purely cosmetic defect that does not pose a health hazard, except for psychological discomfort. For any woman, appearance has special meaning. Therefore, each of them tries to eliminate visual defects on the skin as quickly as possible. What do experts advise? What measures to take and how to deal with stretch marks on the body?

The fight against stretch marks is a painstaking process that requires a person to impeccably follow all the recommendations of a cosmetologist. Red and purple scars are much easier to deal with than white, later stretch marks.

What are the ways, methods of dealing with stretch marks on the body? On the early stages to eliminate a visual defect of the skin, frequent massage procedures using oils, creams, body wraps, as well as traditional medicine methods may well be enough. The main thing is to start treatment on time.

How to get rid of stretch marks at home?

The fight against stretch marks on the skin can be carried out through the use of some home remedies:

The use of the above funds during pregnancy or after childbirth is carried out only after consulting a doctor.

The use of innovative technologies to eliminate stretch marks

There are also cosmetology centers that offer several methods for correcting cosmetic skin defects. In such treatment centers, even old, white stretch marks on the skin can be eliminated. How to deal with stretch marks through the use of innovative technologies?

There are several effective ways stretch marks:

One of the oldest, classical methods effective fight with stretch marks is plastic surgery. This is an extreme and unsafe measure of exposure to problem skin.

Stretch marks, or as they are also scientifically called "stretch marks", are a cosmetic skin defect that occurs after pregnancy or a sudden change in weight. This is not a disease, and therefore there is no harm to the body from them, but millions of women around the world suffer from this problem and are trying to get rid of them. Even very thin girls have stretch marks, so no one is immune from them. In this article, you will learn how to deal with stretch marks, as well as how to try to avoid them if you do not have them.

What are striae
Factors contributing to the appearance of stretch marks are as follows: pregnancy, a sharp weight loss or its sharp set, hormonal surges, adolescence puberty. That is, it can be seen that the main causes of stretch marks are 2: hormones and loss of skin elasticity. That is why stretch marks most often appear during pregnancy - when in female body there is a hormonal restructuring, and besides this, she is recovering sharply.

Because of these changes, small internal tears appear under the skin. The body is trying to "patch" with the help of connective tissue. It contains blood vessels that cause new stretch marks to appear red or purple. But over time, they die off, and the stretch marks turn white.

Is it possible to get rid of stretch marks?
If you have the initial stage - your scars are red or purple, then you can get rid of stretch marks. The main thing is not to waste time and start immediately to eliminate them. Fight stretch marks white color much more difficult, it can take many months. At the same time, you will not get rid of white stretch marks on your own, but you can only make them less noticeable. To remove stretch marks, sessions in medical institutions are necessary. But let's take a closer look at specific methods.

Helping ourselves at home

  • Engage in self-massage of problem areas. Get a massage oil or gel that fights stretch marks. Use it to massage those places where there are striae. The main thing here is regularity. Perform stroking movements, lightly pinch the affected areas. Ten minutes is enough.
  • Massage with vacuum cups. This method is most often used in the fight against cellulite, but is also popular among those who struggle with stretch marks. Such jars can be bought at many pharmacies. They are often made of very dense silicone. The essence of the massage is that you stick the jar to the skin, and then tear it off with force. It can be painful and bruising, but the skin is noticeably smoother after the first session.
  • Cream for stretch marks. Skeptics believe that such creams do not help, while their price is often clearly overpriced. It really often happens with the price, but the issue is very controversial about the effect. Look for a cream that contains nicotinic acid, as well as various essential oils. Such creams are also produced by domestic manufacturers, but they cost 3-4 times cheaper than imported ones.
  • Skin scrubbing. There are a lot of scrub recipes. You can buy ready-made in the store (choose with apricot pits, as it is most effective) or cook it yourself:
    1. A glass of sugar + a glass of salt + half a glass of olive oil.
    2. Two tablespoons of ground coffee (can be used from a coffee maker) + a spoonful of olive oil (or any other vegetable, except for sunflower and corn).
  • Mummy. You can buy mummy tablets at a pharmacy. Dissolve one or two in water and rub into stretch mark areas. You need to do this procedure daily. In a month you will see the result.
  • Baths with coniferous extract. Buy coniferous extract at the pharmacy and take a bath with it once a week for 15 minutes.
When performing these procedures, it is effective to use vegetable and essential oils. You can buy herbal at the pharmacy. For example, almond oil, wheat germ oil, jojoba. Sometimes you can take an olive. Use them for massage, make scrubs with them and rub into the skin after procedures.

From ethereal (remember that essential oil just add a few drops!) the following oils are considered the best for such a problem: rosemary, myta, cloves (do not overdo it with cloves - they can burn your skin badly), lavender, orange and other citrus fruits.

Attention! If you struggle with stretch marks during pregnancy, then consult an obstetrician-gynecologist if you can use essential oils!

What is done with stretch marks in salons?
If home methods do not help, then you can seek the help of a professional. Stretch mark removal procedures are quite a popular trend, so you just have to find a good specialist who will do everything for you.

  • Chemical peeling. Since the skin is already damaged, peeling is done superficial and median. The first option is suitable for fresh scars.
  • Special injections. This method is designed to increase blood flow to your problem areas, as a result of which the striae eventually smooth out and become almost invisible.
  • Microdermabrasion. This method is skin resurfacing. special apparatus. This procedure is almost painless and very effective. After a few sessions, your skin will be completely renewed. If the scars are no more than one or two years old, then there will be no trace of them. Remember that after such a procedure you should not appear in the sun to avoid the appearance of age spots.
  • Laser. You can get stretch marks removed with a laser. This procedure is quite expensive, but one of the most effective. The laser removes the old upper layers of the skin, in place of which new skin will appear over time.
  • Operation. An extreme measure, to which it is better not to reach. You will simply remove the skin with those areas on which there are striae. But consider if it's worth it. After all, scars may reappear over time, and you will again have to go to the surgeon.
Prevention against the appearance of stretch marks
In order to protect yourself from the appearance of stretch marks, you can use any of the home remedies for dealing with stretch marks, which were mentioned above. Pick one or two that you like best and do them regularly, but without fanaticism. So, for example, if you do not have stretch marks, then pinching massage is enough to do only once or twice a week, and not every day.

In conclusion, I would like to say that stretch marks do not tan, so prolonged exposure to the sun will only make your stretch marks stand out more. Take care of yourself and start fighting scars at home, and then you can connect a specialist. With this approach, the effect will definitely not be long in coming. But do not forget that stretch marks can appear again, so you can not relax.

They can appear even on a thin, chiseled figure. And maybe on a pumped-up male. The most unexpected place where I found them is the bodybuilder's biceps. They never tan and become even more noticeable on dark skin ... They are stretch marks.

Stretch marks ( vernacular name striae) arise due to a disruption in the activity of cells that produce collagen and elastin. These are areas of the skin where there is not enough collagen.

The reason for the appearance of stretch marks is tissue overstrain (especially if the skin is not elastic enough) or hormonal disorders(the skin becomes too thin in some places). And where it is thin - there it breaks. Something like a crack is formed, which is very poorly overgrown.

Basically, stretch marks are scars. At first they are red, pink or purple (sometimes they are even purple, which is caused by an increase in the number of red blood cells). But over time they become white. These skin imperfections are not removed by creams and disfigure even magnificent female forms without traces of cellulite. It's so sad... Therefore, it's better to prevent than to miss...

All to fight!

Unfortunately, stretch marks cannot be permanently removed. Therefore, the main thing is to prevent their occurrence. And smooth it out - almost to the point of being invisible to the eye - while they are fresh, that is, pink and painful. This period lasts about six months, then the striae grow old and lose color. Many people think that since stretch marks have brightened, it means that they will soon pass.

Alas and ah! An erroneous opinion ... Everything is just the opposite - stretch marks have passed into the stage of neglect ...

It should be borne in mind that monotherapy is absolutely not effective. If you have already decided to declare war on stretch marks, there will be more than one “battlefield”. In addition, the moment should be alert when in a salon or clinic, of which there are now a great many, you are offered in absentia, by phone (!) To undergo a general course for all to combat stretch marks. But after all all people different! And, first you need to at least appear before the doctor in all its glory, so that he can determine which procedures are shown to you and which are not.

For example, the presence of varicose veins is a contraindication for massage, but local myostimulation (on the hips - if the nodes are located under the knees) can be done: just attach the electrodes so as not to affect the affected areas.


In the first stage of stretch marks, glycolic and the so-called "yellow" peeling with retinol have proven themselves well. It is important here not only to exfoliate dead cells mechanically, but also to stimulate the growth of new ones. And this successfully happens during chemical peels based on fruit acids.

These procedures are very soft, delicate. They are even called “lunch break peels” because such peeling can be done during the day during your legal break from work.


For achievement best result active and useful elements of the sea are widely used in the complex therapy of stretch marks: water, mud, mineral salts, extracts of plankton and algae collected in an ecologically clean water area. All these components are able to quickly and easily eliminate the problems associated with stress, a sedentary lifestyle and the accumulation of toxins. In addition to pleasant relaxation, the body is saturated during the procedure. useful substances and micronutrients. And toxins, on the contrary, are removed, the manifestations of cellulite are reduced, the figure is modeled, the skin is tightened and leveled.

In the salon, your body will be thoroughly massaged with a scrub, then smeared with fragrant therapeutic mud with useful minerals, wrapped in a special film, carefully covered with a blanket and left to rest with relaxing music. And in some salons, a shell capsule is also provided for this procedure. You rest, the body is relaxed, and the skin works for its own good.

Ozone therapy

The procedure is quite painful. This is exactly the case when they say: "Beauty requires sacrifice." At the time of the introduction of gas under the skin, the reaction is predictable - there is little pleasant, but you can endure it with clenched teeth. The discomfort subsides after about two minutes. The gas dissipates during the day. Ozone therapy is an incomparable procedure in terms of efficiency, which has one more advantage - it destroys cellulite. Usually appoint one visit per week, the course consists of 10 procedures.


The most common nickname she received is "exercise for the lazy." In fact, the whole secret is in currents of a certain frequency, which do a titanic job of dispersing stagnant fluid, toning, and then pumping up muscles. With proper combination of this procedure with other types of correction and diet, the effect is achieved ironically. I am also glad that with the help of myostimulation it is possible to locally influence certain groups muscles while looking at the ceiling. The skin is tightened, it becomes more elastic. Like any cosmetic actions aimed at body shaping, the myostimulation program is designed for a course.


Mesotherapy - micro-needling with a special meso-injector gun - is different high precision penetration of substances into a specific area and different depth of introduction. The doctor can accurately dose drugs - down to the droplets. Super effective technique: the skin is filled with energy, moisturized and transformed before our eyes. The production of own collagen is enhanced, in addition to the fact that the injected substances contain this valuable protein. It is especially effective for the treatment of stretch marks in combination with other procedures that the doctor selects strictly individually. For example, mesotherapy + thalassotherapy + massage. Or: mesotherapy + myostimulation + thalassotherapy. Typically, 10 procedures are prescribed, which should be carried out once a week.

LPG machine

The massage produced by the LPG device, which combines the effects of vacuum and roller mechanisms, is what you need in the fight against stretch marks! For the session, you will need a personal tight-fitting suit. A smart device holds a skin fold and processes it to different depths. Rotating rollers are able to scroll in any direction, delivering, at the same time, serious trouble for cellulite. Atonicity disappears, the skin becomes more elastic. Any massage movements performed along clear lines are lymphatic drainage. In addition, the muscles get a good portion of training - they are massaged quite deeply, which is especially valuable for people who have suffered injuries, because blood circulation increases, and therefore tissue nutrition.

home treatments

As a preventive measure, every time you take a shower, massage your body with a special mitt, preferably made from natural backlash. Thoroughly lubricate the chest with creams (prefer those that contain vitamins A, E, F and extracts of Zinthella asiatica).

Use creams with a regenerating effect, even if, in your opinion, there is nothing special to regenerate. Then thank yourself very much.

Do not forget about the contrast shower and, if health permits, go to the bathhouse. A massage that improves blood flow with a washcloth, natural bristle brush or mitt will benefit both the skin and the whole body. Yes, and the body as a whole will be satisfied, because a direct consequence of such a massage is the acceleration of lymph and stagnant fluid, improved metabolism, and as a result, enhanced collagen production.

The following simple measures for the prevention and control of fresh stretch marks will help keep your figure young and beautiful. So:

  • Do a honey massage with oils (maximum 5 drops per serving of honey).
  • Take baths with aromatic oils (maximum 15 drops for the whole bath) and sea salt (any amount, but without any additives!). Pure salt should be thoroughly dissolved in water, and then oil should be added. Oil is better to take apricot, orange, lavender, fir, or one that you especially like. Pregnant women should not use basil, rosemary, sage, oregano and juniper oils.
  • Every day, in the evening, for 5-10 minutes before going to bed, blot problem areas of the skin with a napkin soaked in oil with wheat germ extract.
  • Gently massage problem areas with regular olive oil mixed with vitamin E (from the capsule).
  • Drink fish oil capsules.

The main thing is to find exactly what you need in time. And - again - all these funds will help out only if the stretch marks are not too neglected. And download - press!

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