Located at home or in the office. Where is it better to work: at home or in the office? Only work - no sitting around

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I already wrote in the 2011 report that I plan to move to the office at the beginning of 2012 or at most before the beginning of summer. So, that’s how it all happened, now Maxim and I have been working in the office for the second week. This is our second office, there are no photos or videos from the first, so I decided to fix this problem and take some photos.

Yes, and on Twitter they asked me to show the office. As they say the man said, the man did!

I want to talk about some of the advantages of working at home and in the office.

There is an opinion on the Internet that the office is bad and only office plankton sit there and it is better to work at home, get up at what time you want, decide what to do and what can be put off until tomorrow. And at any moment you can go anywhere, in general, I can do whatever I want.

I don't know what idiot came up with this, but actually all wrong.

Of course, being at home is good, you have your own comfort zone that you don’t want to leave. You can sleep up to 12 hours, walk around kicking bullshit all day long, and end up not doing shit. This happened to me too, I was too lazy to do anything. I wrote plans for the week, but practically did not accomplish any of it. And in order to fully fulfill the plan for the week, it was unreal for me. Therefore, working at home is not productive, even if you spend days on the Internet. Since a lot of time is spent on unnecessary things, VKontakte, YouTube, forums, etc.

The office, where the laptop is, is my place. Where the PC is, this is Max’s place (his photo will be below).

Also there are a lot of distractions at home , which prevent you from concentrating on work 100%. Especially now I have a little son running around at home, who is interested in everything and needs to be constantly watched so that he doesn’t fall or start rummaging through my wires and documents. And this applies not only to a child, even if you don’t have one yet, you have a mother, grandmother (who else lives there with you?), friends who constantly call you or come in and distract you.

Even if no one distracts you and you can work calmly alone, then I congratulate you =). However, when I studied in Poland, I was often left alone for several weeks (when my housemate had not yet arrived from Ukraine or, on the contrary, had just left there). So, working like this, completely alone, I was just going crazy, it was terribly boring, and this made me work even worse.

And as we see working from home has only one advantage , you can sleep and not control your time (which is already a minus.)

And here is Maxim, who is now busy fixing W3C errors. For a long time he asked me to photograph him properly. But, damn it, it seems normal.

So what about productivity in the office?

I wrote above that we have only been working there for 2 weeks. But I also have experience from my first office. Even for this short term, a lot has been done.

1. The first thing we did was make a plan before the start of summer. Which must be completed 100%; we have no other choice.

2. Then we started working on the service, which I also wrote about in the 2011 report. And we did in a day what we couldn’t do at home in a week, we will continue to move in the same spirit. Since the main goal is precisely the service.

3. We completed one of our projects (there was a problem with the implementation of one unique feature, after all, SDL is not only unique content, but also interesting services and features.), we opened another site that was lying and waiting for its time, at the moment it is already in the Yashka index. They also hired a copywriter who writes articles for him.

We need to say hello to blog readers and friends =) P.S. In the photo, I was busy parsing the backs of several sites, which have a TIC of 80-100, and the backs are oh so interesting...

4. We made a website for an auto store and integrated it with one little-known engine in the Russian segment of the Internet. Soon the design and translation for this CMS will be ready (we’ve already done it, we’ll just adapt it for general sites, and not just auto ones), after which we’ll put it into the public domain. I think many commercial sites will like this, because free analogues not in RuNet, but the functionality is at a high level.

5. As a result of 2011, I wrote about the designer, so they gave me a few days test, which needs to be done on a tablet for one of our projects. If everything goes well (I have no doubt about it), then there will be new additions to our office.

6. We carried out several interesting SEO experiments, now we are waiting for the results and are going to launch several other experiments.

7. Well, and a lot of other little things, such as how they began to make fully valid W3c sites...

I don’t regret a single second that I now work in an office. Productivity has increased tenfold and this is very pleasing. I want to give advice , if you have the opportunity to work FOR YOURSELF in the office, do not waste this opportunity! You will only benefit and the results will be visible after the first week.

And with everything, it doesn’t matter where your office will be, the main thing is that no one bothers you there and you can work and increase your income. And don’t be afraid of the fact that you need to get up early, if you love your job, this will not be a hindrance for you, but on the contrary, one of your advantages. As they say, “who gets up early, Yandex gives him a TCI =)” (C)

This is where I want to end the post, since I’ve already written a lot, are you probably already tired of reading it? Here are a couple more photos and videos for you.

Today there was an update to the issue, Max is conducting special method meditation so that positions grow in search results. Or maybe I photographed it unsuccessfully again, I don’t even remember =)

I'm looking at beks in the Yazzle program.

And now for the last video, Max says hi to everyone. I promised not to publish this video, but there is no other one. So watch it whether you want or not.

P.S. If you don't like the wallpaper, don't worry, we'll re-glue it in the spring; gluing it up in winter is not an option.

P.P.S. This entire post is my purely personal opinion. I didn't want to offend anyone =)

Pay attention to the posts.

About 20 years ago, as a university student, I decided that I would not go to work every day. Not right away, but I still managed to find such an option... And now home-based, or rather, remote work is increasingly becoming fashionable. Meanwhile, some are convinced that it is possible to work fruitfully and receive a high salary only in the office, while others are convinced that there is nothing more effective than remote work. Having tried both options, I can say with confidence that each of them has its own pros and cons.

So, myth 1. Remote work can only be freelancing; full-time employees work exclusively in the office.

This is complete nonsense! In journalism, for example, a flexible schedule or “remote work” is the norm. It's another matter if you have a responsible position - say, department editor. You may be required to attend work every day. But it happens that the editorial office simply introduces absenteeism 1-2 times a week.

There are, of course, editorial offices where all employees are required to come to work every day, but for the most part this is not justified, since they can easily do the same work - preparing or editing articles - at home. The point here is simply the policy of the authorities, who want to keep workers under their eyes and control them.

Since graduating from university, I have always worked in full-time positions and at the same time showed up for work at most twice a week. I usually had one main place of work, in addition, I worked in several other places as a freelancer. Not having to go to the office every day saves a lot of time and energy for doing something else.

Myth 2. U office workers the salary is higher than that of remote workers.

Not a fact at all! It depends where and who you work for, what the management’s policy is, etc. In one magazine, where I worked for a short time, they told me that for the 30 thousand rubles I requested. their employees go to work every day, but I want to sit at home and earn the same... In the end, they set a salary of 20 thousand. However, last place Before the crisis, I received about 40 thousand in work, working from home. True, the payment was piecework, but at the same time I was officially listed on the editorial staff.

I know people who are required to sit in the office every day for 15-20 thousand rubles. In general, everywhere has its own rules.

Myth 3. Remote work is more relaxing.

Not certainly in that way. Of course, there are days when no one bothers you, but it happens that you are constantly harassed by calls, emails or messages on ICQ. This is the main disadvantage of remote work. Issues that in the office can be quickly resolved through negotiations on the spot, here stretch out for an indefinite period of time. Let's say I propose a topic for an article, the editor, in order to approve it, must contact the editor-in-chief and only then tell me whether such an article is needed.

During my work literary editor the magazine called me five or even more times a day, solving various current issues. It looked like this. “Do you have such and such an article?” - asked the deputy editor. - "I have". - “Please forward it to the layout designer.” After some time, she called again and asked about the same article. To my response: “But I already sent it to you!” - the lady answered: “You know, for some reason we can’t find her.”

It is not uncommon to be disturbed at work on weekends or holidays. A remote employee is most often viewed as an employee with irregular hours. working week, and an office worker can easily ask not to pull him in work time.

Myth 4. Employers do not take remote workers seriously.

If it’s beneficial for them, then how they perceive it! Over the years of my remote work in various institutions, no one even once asked when my birthday was, but if something was required of me besides my main job - for example, to go somewhere on behalf of my superiors, to speak at the presentation of a publication, to help to move things in connection with an office move or to find some people - they approached me, and not in a pleading tone!

Remote workers, as a rule, do not receive any bonuses. I was never given a bonus, was not invited to corporate parties, and relationships with colleagues were almost always only official. And this is perhaps the main disadvantage of remote work: you are actually not a member of the workforce.

Myth 5. You won’t make a career while working remotely.

It depends on what area. If you work as a telephone manager, then, having concluded several successful contracts, you have a good chance of advancing in your career. But in most cases, those who constantly stick out in front of their superiors have much greater chances. Personally, I was only offered higher positions twice in all my time, but only because there were simply no other candidates at that time.

Some people stick to working in an office because they can’t imagine how they can work at home. Many people believe that the office disciplines them, while at home something constantly distracts them from their studies. Working in an office means stability, bonuses and bonuses, paid sick leave and vacations, communication, and finally.

“Remote work” means working in conditions that are comfortable for you personally, the ability to plan your day as you want, and no time wasted traveling to the office...

In my opinion, it is impossible to clearly determine which option is better and which is worse. Some people are more suited to an office, while others prefer remote work. But you can only evaluate the pros and cons by trying both.

In today's article I want to talk about Where is it better to work: at home or in the office?? Looking ahead, I will say that the question, of course, is purely individual, and the answer to it depends on a number of criteria, the attitude to which different people may be different: all this is due to individual psychological characteristics and the preferences of each person. Therefore, I will consider these criteria, and you can make your own conclusion about where it is better to work: at home or in the office specifically for you.

When making a comparison, by work I will mean some traditional office work, some work on the computer, which, by and large, can be done both in the office and at home, working remotely. So let's compare.

Criterion 1. Earnings. Surely for the majority this criterion is of paramount importance, although this is wrong. Well, let's start with him. You can work for someone both at home and in the office, only it will be traditional or, but at home you can also work for yourself. To compare where it is better to work in terms of earnings, you first need to know the remuneration system. If this is a time-based payment, then there is no difference in this criterion: in both cases you will be paid for the time worked. If payment depends on the result of work, then options are possible. People are different: those who are more productive in the office will be able to earn more there; those who work at home will be able to earn more at home. It is also worth considering the fact that work in the office is often limited in time (until the institution closes), and at home you have the opportunity, if you wish, to work more, even in the evening and at night, in order to earn more.

All subsequent criteria will in one way or another influence that same performance, which, in turn, affects the amount of earnings.

Criterion 2. Convenience and comfort. How more comfortable conditions work - the higher its effectiveness. And in most cases, working at home will win by this criterion, since a cozy home environment is more comfortable for most people than an office one. Of course, there may be exceptions, for example, an apartment that is being renovated can hardly be called a comfortable place for productive work.

Criterion 3. Distractions. All sorts of distractions, the so-called, also have a significant impact on work productivity. . When thinking about where it is better to work, you need to compare where there are more of these factors in specific situation. As a rule, there are more of them at home: social media(which are often blocked in offices), Internet, children, relatives, household chores, etc. A person’s ability to work is also important: if he is not able to work without distraction, then the effectiveness of his work will decrease.

In offices there may also be distractions, but different ones: for example, obsessive colleagues with their own personal problems or Additional tasks superiors. An important role is played by the number of people working simultaneously in one room, and who these people are, how they are tuned to the work process.

Criterion 4. Time to eat. For a lunch break when working in an office, as a rule, a specific hour of time is allocated. When working from home, you can give yourself any time that is convenient for you. In addition, you can eat faster at home, thereby leaving more time for work. You can also have small snacks several times throughout the day if you are used to this type of eating pattern.

Criterion 5. Cloth. It is important that office business attire creates discomfort at work for many. Especially, for example, in the summer, when you have to sit in a white shirt and tie, sweltering from the heat. At home, you can work in whatever you want, even without clothes at all, if that’s convenient for you. When choosing where to work, pay attention to this criterion.

Criterion 6. Time to get there. To work in the office, you still need to get there, as well as then back. And travel time to/from work can be quite long, especially for residents major cities or those who, for example, go to work in another city. You don't earn money while traveling and, in fact, you waste that time. And when you work from home, you don’t need to travel anywhere, and the time spent on the road can be used for additional work and increased earnings, or for personal needs, to communicate with loved ones.

Criterion 7. Control. If a person has problems with self-control and self-organization, then working in an office is more suitable for him, because there he will be controlled by his boss. At home, there will be no such controlling factor, and therefore the work will not proceed as quickly and not as efficiently. Although, if you wish, you can ask, for example, your relative to become a household “boss”, if necessary.

Criterion 8. Technical equipment. If your work involves the constant need to use some kind of equipment, then an office in this regard seems preferable. Let’s say, not every home has a photocopier, and whether it’s worth buying one is also a question. Besides, Consumables and maintenance of equipment when working in an office falls on the employer, and when working at home – on the employee himself, and these are additional costs, often considerable, which reduce the amount of net earnings.

Criterion 9. Rest. When working, a person always needs rest in moderate doses; without it, labor efficiency will gradually decrease, and at the end of the working day it will drop very significantly. When working in an office, it is not always possible to rest even for 5 minutes: you are under the supervision of your superiors. But at home a person can always arrange a rest for himself, if necessary. True, there is another point here: it is important not to overdo it with this rest.

Look at these 9 criteria, apply them to your situation and decide where you are better off working: in the office or at home.

By the way, for people who prefer to work for themselves, but at the same time the office environment for a number of reasons suits them more for work, there are special ones where you can rent an office space and go about your business.

As for me personally, I once worked quite productively in the office, and now I’ve been doing it at home for many years, which suits me even more, although I don’t like to call my activity work. However, I repeat, everything is very individual.

Now you know where it is better to work. I hope this article will help you make your choice. Wish you good earnings, and see you again at !

Most Russians work in offices. For those who work in production, trade, or, say, saving or treating people, such work may seem boring, routine and absolutely not fruitful. But in fact, office work is also work. In some ways more comfortable than any other, in some ways less.

Work is not for everyone

Office work is certainly not suitable for all people. This is due to monotonous and often monotonous activities. This kind of work requires perseverance, the ability to concentrate on tasks and attentiveness, since office work It’s almost always associated with working with documents, but here it’s impossible without attentiveness and accuracy. In addition, working in an office very often requires the ability to work in a team, which means you need to be able to get along with people, because with your colleagues you will have to be in the same space for at least eight hours.

When hiring for an office job, employers always specify in the requirements such qualities as resistance to stress and communication skills; these are the ones that help people to be able to communicate normally and not get worked up over trifles. This is especially important for those workers who have to work with people (customer service managers, reception staff, etc.)

“Choleric and sanguine people are best oriented towards working with people,” says HR manager Daria Nikolaeva,- but melancholic and phlegmatic people are, as a rule, oriented as a person-technique and, accordingly, an excess of communication can put a lot of pressure on them and cause negativity. But when hiring, not only a person’s temperament is assessed, but also the degree of stress resistance of a person. For example, a specialist may be choleric, he will be good at working with clients because he makes contact without problems, but if there is no resistance to stress, any problem in relations with the client will turn into an outburst negative energy on others, that is, on colleagues who are not involved in the situation at all.

Both dry and warm

Working in an office certainly has many advantages:

Working indoors. This means you won’t have to get wet in the rain or flinch in the wind.

Individual workplace. Your things are always at hand, in addition, in most organizations it is not prohibited to bring and place flowers from home, photo frames and other little things that create comfort on your desk.

Self-organization. When you're in the public eye and there's a lot of work going on around you, you can't really slack off. You will have to force yourself to work, even if you don’t want to.

Education. For office workers (if this is an organization aimed at promoting and professional growth their employees) conduct various trainings, lectures and seminars.

Career growth. The good thing about working in an office is that everyone is visible. If you work well, you may be asked to replace a colleague in a higher position; if you can handle it, you will be able to take his place if he or she goes on maternity leave, is promoted, or quits.

Opportunity to find friends. Very often one of the colleagues becomes a friend first and then best friend. According to psychologists, having a trusted friend at work is very important, because here we spend most time. This means it is very important that there is always a person nearby who can support you in Hard time and rejoice at your successes with you. In addition, very often it is in the office that people find their soulmate.

From colds to depression

Like any other job, office work is not without its disadvantages:

Total control. In the office it is very difficult to hide from the eyes of colleagues, superiors and CCTV cameras. Offices are often bugged phone calls. Therefore, it will be difficult to do something of your own that is not related to work, and remain unnoticed (but work is created in order to work at it).

Frequent colds. In the summer in the office, it’s easy to catch a cold under the cold air of the air conditioner (very often some workers are too hot, while others are forced to freeze). It's also easy to catch a cold in winter - bacteria multiply much faster in a warm room.

Vision problems. They are, of course, caused by constant sitting at the computer. The most common sore is “dry eye” syndrome, which includes symptoms such as redness, eye fatigue, dry eyes, and a feeling of “sand” in the eyes.

Other diseases: spine (due to sedentary work), deterioration of blood circulation for the same reason and, as a consequence, disruption of the heart and blood vessels. Allergies due to dust that accumulates on office equipment.

Poor nutrition. In an office environment, people usually do not have the opportunity to eat normally. Therefore, instead of full lunches (if the office has neither a kitchen nor a microwave), employees are forced to eat cookies, chips, fast food purchased nearby, and so on.

Noise. Colleagues' conversations, the buzzing of office equipment, and slamming doors often distract from work. Headphones with your favorite music can’t always save you either - in many organizations (especially where specialists work directly with clients) employees are prohibited from working with headphones.

The main thing is not to burn out!

Burnout syndrome

"Burnout" at work is a direct consequence of routine activities, says Daria Sergeevna. - The management of many companies, as a rule, is in no hurry to make the work of employees interesting, for example, through training or seminars. And this can lead to the fact that at first people will not be interested in working, and then they will start quitting. Such personnel turnover is not uncommon in many organizations, especially commercial ones.

Burnout syndrome can manifest itself in different ways, depending on the level of dedication with which a person copes with work tasks. There are three subtypes of this syndrome:

"Fussy" when a person is very overloaded with work. Typically these are people who work more than 40 hours a week. For such workers, success and achievement are extremely important, and they are willing to risk their own health in pursuit of a promotion and salary.

"Defective" manifests itself in those whose work is routine and monotonous. A person has no interest in work, everything he does only causes boredom. They believe that their work is not interesting to anyone and do not see prospects for career growth.

"Exhausted" subtype is typical for employees who suffer due to long absence promotions. Recognition from their superiors is very important for such people. They put a lot of effort into their work, and get very upset when they are not noticed in time.

For me, this is all no longer news, there was even a moment when I seriously wanted to rent an office somewhere, but my bitch toad and laziness dissuaded me. Now I clearly feel that it was in vain.

Working from home is "good"

OK good. You want to work at night, you want to work in the evening, but you want to be like everyone else in the morning. You can take a weekend off during the week and work hard on the weekends. Work not 8 hours a day, but 4. Freedom is complete, but this freedom has a downside.

1. Relatives and friends. They don't give a damn that you're working. You are at home, you have time, you can come help them or go to the store, babysit the child, go for a walk with them. +100500 more reasons to take your mind off things.

2. Comfort zone. If in the first case you can blame everything on someone for not allowing you to work, then here you simply begin to be lazy or distracted. It’s much more comfortable at home than in the office. There is a refrigerator nearby, a bed, and a TV. I constantly fall into these traps, especially I like to play hamsters or get stuck on VKontakte.

3. There is no boss. This seemingly undoubted advantage of working from home can easily turn into a disadvantage. There is no one to control you!!! Okay, if it was just about controlling what you do during working hours. However, management not only controls us, but also directs us to solve new problems. When you are your own boss, you need to make a decision about which work is more profitable to do, set priorities, be responsible for failures, and finally, motivate to work.

Office work

You probably don’t need to tell me about working in an office or somewhere on the territory of an organization, because almost all able-bodied people work or have worked like that. However, let's walk through.


1. Schedule. This is the most main drawback work "for uncle". You simply must work strictly according to schedule, with rare exceptions. This means that if you suddenly need to go somewhere, go away, you need to at least ask for time off, maybe take a vacation at your own expense, or even look for a replacement.

2. Transport. Rarely lucky or thoughtful people walk to work 5-30 minutes from home. How larger city, the fewer such people there are. Everyone else travels, by car or in public transport. One way or another, most waste money and time. In Moscow, most of your life's time is probably consumed in transport.

3. Chief. As my dad says: “At work, either the boss is a fool and they pay well, or they pay poorly, but the boss is good.”

4. Team. The team is not always friendly. One friend calls her new place of work “Serpentarium”.

Perhaps these are the most striking disadvantages, if you have other options, please leave them in the comments.


1. You are working. And indeed, everyone works at work, and how they work. Even for pennies, they work, they give it their all. At work without work you can die of boredom. Although this is not without exceptions.

2. Live communication. The team is not always a minus, right? There is good friendly company at work too. This is a bright plus.

3. Variety. No matter what, it’s a change of scenery. If you are always in the same conditions, then your brain will soon become ossified.

4. Stability. It is she who warms the souls of many. There are incomparably more of these people in total mass workers. Often the salary is low and you don’t like the work, but it’s stable. For some reason, the only example that comes to mind is Cypher from the Matrix, a traitor who, for the sake of beautiful life in the matrix sells the crew of his ship.

So, where is the best place to work?

But here there are no comrades for the taste and color. Everyone weighs the pros and cons (pros and cons) and decides for themselves where it is best for them. And it’s better, of course, always where we are not :) By the way, not everyone can work independently, some lack imagination, and others can’t do it without supervisors. However...

However, returning to the option of renting an office for yourself. Despite the arising costs of paying rent, we remain with all the advantages homework and immediately exclude the first two disadvantages: intrusive loved ones and the comfort zone. If you work alone, then you don’t need a huge room for comfortable work; it can be quite small, and accordingly it will not cost much.

If somehow you achieve the best concentration on work (by solitude in your study or in a rented office, or something else), then it’s worth doing just that, because the costs will be more than repaid with the appearance of the fruits of your labor.

Comfortable work and brilliant solutions to you!

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