Can you take perfume on a plane? New rules for carrying hand luggage on an airplane: what you can take and what you can’t

Is it possible to take perfume on a plane? What rules for their transportation are established by airlines? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article. Perfumes are fragile products. Its transportation on an airliner raises many questions. Let's find out below whether you can take perfume on a plane.

Many passengers ask: “Can I take perfume on a plane?” The state has established rules for transporting perfumes on an airliner in the passenger cabin. The capacity of the bottle cannot exceed 0.1 liters. In this case, the bottle itself must be tightly closed and packed in a plastic bag with the rest of the cosmetics.

You can receive the bag at the check-in counter or before boarding the plane during security. Each bottle must be marked: expiration date, volume, name of the manufacturer, date of creation. If the perfume was not purchased in a duty-free area and before the flight, you must save your receipt. Sometimes security personnel ask to see it.

Important! The total volume of incense transported in hand luggage should not exceed 1 liter per traveler.

It is prohibited to transport cologne and eau de toilette with a bottle volume exceeding 100 ml. Even if the amount of liquid in them is located exactly at this mark. During inspection, such a product will be confiscated instantly.

For hand luggage, you can pay for a separate seat. Its weight should not be more than 15 kg. Sometimes this type of luggage transportation is more profitable than in a common cargo compartment. Please check with airline employees for details.

Transportation of deodorant

So, we answered the question of whether perfume can be taken on a plane. Yes, of course you can. What about deodorant? This type of perfume falls under the general canons of transporting liquids. The volume of the vial cannot exceed 100 ml. If it is slightly larger than this, check it in as baggage.

Important! All bottles of liquid incense must be labeled. As a result, security officers will not have additional questions.

Pack deodorants with other perfumes in a transparent plastic bag. This packaging should not be opened during a flight, as liquid incense is very flammable.

Perfume from Duty Free

Is it possible to take Duty Free perfume into the cabin? Products from duty-free shops are not subject to strict rules for transporting liquid incense. If you purchased cologne or other perfume, it will be packaged in a specially marked package. You just need to save the receipt to show it to security later.

Important! Perfume in hand luggage on an airliner must not be opened until the end of the trip.

Many airlines prohibit the transport of aerosol deodorants. It is better to immediately check in such incense as luggage. The bottle of deodorizing spray should have a capacity of no more than 500 ml. Each traveler can carry up to 2 liters of sprays and deodorants.

How to pack?

Is it possible to take perfume on an airplane? Here you can transport any amount of incense. It is only important that each bottle does not exceed a volume of 100 ml. Perfume must be packaged in specific plastic bags.

Important! It is worth considering that the import of perfume is licensed in some countries. Therefore, before your flight, check the permitted quantity by phone. hotline customs service.

If you're lucky big number perfumes, pack it in a separate suitcase. It must have a fragile label on it. This is the sticker that you will be given at the baggage check-in counter. Suitcases with this mark are sent to a special cell. Wrap the bag in plastic to prevent its surface from being damaged.

Confiscation of spirits

Are you still asking if you can take perfume on board a plane? We answered this question above. Now let's find out in what cases perfume can be confiscated. The strictest requirements are put forward for the safety of air hubs. If you violate them, you will be subject to administrative and sometimes criminal liability. Therefore, when transporting any incense, comply with the established canons not only of the airline and customs, but also of the air gate security service.

If a traveler from Russia flies to the European Union and takes with him perfume that was purchased in a duty-free area, it may be confiscated. The following countries are exceptions:

  • Canada;
  • Singapore.

It is necessary to take into account that some states are tightening the requirements for the transportation of perfume in luggage and carry-on luggage. This is due to terrorist threats. At the slightest suspicion, security officers will confiscate purchased incense.

How to prepare for a flight?

Every traveler, when buying airline tickets, must study all the canons of transporting luggage with perfume. These products may pose a threat to human health as they are considered explosive. To avoid problems in the luggage inspection segment, find out the following:

  • Rules for inspection at the airport of arrival and departure. This can be done by calling the hotline or on the airline's website.
  • Please check for possible changes to these regulations in the near future. It is better to do this just before the day of departure. After all, transportation rules change frequently.
  • If you can put perfume in your luggage, do not neglect this opportunity. The canons of transporting it in hand luggage are also subject to change. They can catch a traveler mid-flight.

In order not to arise conflict situations, you must remove all bottles of liquid from your luggage and carry-on luggage and show them to security personnel. After this, you need to pack all the bubbles in special transparent bags.

It is best not to transport valuable perfumes in large quantities. If it is suspected of being dangerous, it may be confiscated. You will not be able to return the seized goods. It is disposed of in accordance with established rules. It is better to leave everything valuable in storage with your relatives or at the airport.

What travel can teach you

Why do people travel? Is it really just to take a 2-week break from work, spend the money accumulated over six months and create the illusion that “they can afford it”?

You look up from the couch.

Thinking about the upcoming voyage, we begin to worry about the difficulties that await tourists. We are worried that we will not find a place to stay for the night, that we will not be able to communicate with the residents of another country in our broken English. What do travel teach? Because all the fears listed above are in vain. Gather your courage, put aside your worries, focus on your goal and hit the road. It is a mistake to think that traveling is either a “round the world” trip, where you burn all your bridges, or a package holiday that limits you to an all-inclusive system. How much do you know about the surrounding areas of your city? About the life of residents of neighboring villages? Surely there are a lot of interesting things near you. Start discovering the world small.

Travel changes your worldview

The first thing he learns after visiting different countries is that exotic places are not as dangerous as they seem. You can feel comfortable in any city. This rule also applies wildlife: By following basic safety rules, you are guaranteed to avoid trouble. Moreover, in a metropolis a person is more likely to die (for example, by being hit by a car) than in a desert or forest.

You will constantly expand your horizons

What are travels for? To get to know the world and get acquainted with the culture of other peoples. Don't worry about the friendliness of the people: the locals always treat travelers politely and try to help them. If you are not a Tagil fan, don’t spoil their heritage and don’t laugh at the culture of the country in which you are a guest, then traveling will definitely bring you new acquaintances and faith in people. Many people will be happy to provide you with an overnight stay, show you the way, and tell you about the interesting sights of their country.

You don't have to be a millionaire to see the world

Travel more and you will realize that you don't need to spend millions to do it. Big money is necessary only for those who dream of a sea cruise on exotic islands. Although, if you make friends with local residents, and these expenses can be easily avoided. When organizing your travels yourself, you only need to have a small amount of cash to buy food, pay for transport and hotel rooms or places in hostels. Living in the latter, by the way, despite its cheapness, can give you a huge amount of experience and impressions.

Things are just things

Beginner tourists consider it their duty to take 10 suitcases with outfits for all occasions and full equipment in case of the end of the world. But over time, travel teaches that an abundance of luggage only gets in the way. A person on the road (as in life) needs a minimum of clothing, two pairs of shoes, hygiene products, money and documents. Once you start traveling, you will realize that you absolutely do not need most of the things you have, and you can painlessly get rid of them by freeing up space in your closet. The same applies to unnecessary emotions, unnecessary worries, uninteresting people and habitual obligations - by getting rid of such “junk”, you will make room for new things.

Find out the difference between a tourist and a traveler

Travelers and tourists are not the same thing. The first ones communicate with local residents, get acquainted with traditions, make new acquaintances, change their worldview and improve their lives. The latter fearfully glance at everything that is happening from the windows of the bus. Locals scam tourists out of money, and share food and shelter with travelers. Travel changes people and teaches them that they need to be simpler and not be afraid to learn new things, teach them to be open with others and appreciate every person who comes into life.

Leaving the familiar environment even for short term, turn your life into a journey full of uncertainty, and you will be able to get to know yourself from the most unexpected sides.

Travel is not a vacation

You've probably heard more than once how traveling changes many people, making them stronger and more resilient. And you actively travel to Cyprus and Turkey, but you don’t notice any changes... And this is not because hiking in the mountains or tundra with a heavy backpack is a workout for the body. Not because in the most harmless resort city you can be left without money or find yourself in a difficult situation. It’s just that when you travel, you don’t set the goal of “lying down” under a palm tree, relieving stress from work or family. You change your lifestyle from the usual to an improved version of it. Traveling can be physically difficult, but it also relieves the mind. Therefore, they are not looking for physical relief; they provide much more than relaxed muscles.

You are yours best friend and fellow traveler

Can't find travel companions to go on the road with cheerful company? This will only benefit you. No the best way understand yourself, the world, define life goals and cultivate fortitude than solo travel. Traveling alone is an incomparable experience. By relying only on your own strengths, you will begin to believe in yourself more and learn to make responsible decisions on your own. This will make it easier for you to meet new people, try unusual things and take on unfamiliar roles, since you won’t have to look up to anyone and won’t be afraid of anyone’s judgement.

It's a small world

Long journeys have changed the opinion of millions of people that our planet is vast. It only seems like this when you watch about other countries on TV. In reality, it is possible that you will meet your friends when you go to Cambodia, India or Kamchatka. Or, in a quiet, remote corner of the world, meet someone from your hometown.
Travel more and don’t be afraid to communicate with people and look for new acquaintances. Perhaps one of the billions of people who will change your life will meet you in a place you never thought possible.

The joy of returning

No matter how good it is along the way, returning home is a joyful moment for every person. Arriving in hometown, you will be glad to meet your loved ones and work colleagues. And the changes that happen to you on your journey will certainly affect your life. And if you want to change your life now, try to start with at least a short trip to an unfamiliar place.

Is it possible to take perfume on a plane? Rules for transporting perfumes - all about traveling to the site

It is difficult to find people who are indifferent to fragrances. Your favorite perfume can create good mood and a feeling of comfort during long hours of flight, which is why some travelers (and especially female travelers) do not want to part with a bottle of their perfume even in the airplane cabin. Others are concerned that after all the transportation manipulations with luggage in the cargo compartments, the bottle with expensive contents may end up broken. In addition, there are frequent cases of delays, damage and loss of luggage. Therefore, the question of how to transport perfume to hand luggage worries many.

What should you do to prevent your perfume from being confiscated during inspection? Let's consider the main points of this issue.

Perfume in the luggage compartment

Airlines have no restrictions on the carriage of perfumes in checked baggage: this point is well known and does not raise doubts among most passengers. And to the question of whether it is possible to carry perfume in hand luggage, few know the answer.

In fact, the transport of perfumes is permitted subject to a number of simple but strict rules.

Perfume in hand luggage: can you carry it?

Carry-on luggage is considered to be everything that can be taken with you into the passenger cabin of an airplane. Most carriers have the same restrictions on carry-on luggage. No cargo will be allowed on board the aircraft that poses any threat to the safety of passengers, and this is not only weapons and explosives. All cutting and piercing objects, acids, poisons, toxins, as well as flammable substances are prohibited for transportation in the aircraft cabin. WITH full list All restrictions can be found on the airlines' websites.

As part of our question about whether it is possible to carry perfume in hand luggage, let us turn to international rules carrying out inspections. In accordance with them, non-hazardous liquids in containers whose volume does not exceed 100 ml are allowed to be carried in hand luggage. Containers must be packed in a transparent ziplock bag with a total capacity of no more than 1 liter.

Since perfumes belong to the category of non-hazardous liquids, you can take even several bottles of perfume with you to the salon, strictly observing the above conditions. Just remember to pack the bottles in a transparent sealed bag and comply with the requirements for bottle containers.

If the bottle capacity is more than 100 ml, they will not be accepted on board even if the actual volume of liquid does not exceed 100 ml.

When asking whether perfume can be carried in hand luggage, you should also take into account the fact that perfume is not always liquid. Are there any bans or restrictions on carrying dry perfumes in hand luggage?

Dry and liquid perfumes

Restrictions on carrying perfumes in hand luggage apply exclusively to liquid fragrances. Dry perfumes in the form of sticks and pencils do not belong to the category of liquids, gels and aerosols, as well as to the category of flammable substances, therefore restrictions on their carriage in hand luggage do not apply.

Dry perfumes do not take up much space in your purse; they are compact and convenient for travel. Therefore, if on the eve of your trip you are wondering whether it is possible to carry perfume in your hand luggage, there is a reason to make a pleasant and practical purchase. By the way, many adherents of dry perfumes consider their odors to be more persistent and deeper than liquid ones.

Perfume in Duty Free stores

In the perfume departments of Duty Free stores, it is difficult to resist the temptation to pick up a new scent. Here everything is conducive to making a purchase: a sufficient amount of time before boarding the plane, the absence of taxes in the final cost of the product, as well as the presence of some exclusive goods in the Duty Free assortment.

At the same time, buying perfume in the duty-free area of ​​the airport is the most legal way to carry perfume in hand luggage, and in this case the bottles are not limited in volume and quantity.

All purchases purchased here will be securely packaged by the cashier. You just have to ensure that the seal is intact and the bag is airtight. It must not be opened until the final destination of the flight (especially in the case of transit flights), and purchase receipts must also be kept.

If perfumes are nevertheless confiscated during inspection

If, however, your perfume was seized by an inspector due to non-compliance with the rules described above, to ensure that it does not end up in the trash bin, you can do the following:

  • Giving the confiscated perfume to seeing off friends or relatives is the most convenient option. But what should those who are not accompanied by anyone do?
  • Check out the perfume to wait for your return in the airport storage room. Suitable for those who do not plan to travel for a long time. Tariffs for storing unscreened baggage at different airports around the world vary. At Hong Kong airport, for example, this tariff is $140 per day. On average, it does not exceed $4-10 per day.

Now that you own complete information You don’t have to worry about how to transport perfume in hand luggage when going through the security check area: the main thing is to strictly adhere to the rules described above. Have a nice trip!

Perfume is part of the image, so many women prefer to carry them in their handbags. What about during flights? Put it in your luggage? But they are not always handled carefully. It would be a pity if an expensive perfume breaks. Find out whether you are allowed to take perfume on a plane in your hand luggage and under what conditions.

Why were restrictions introduced?

Air carriers are responsible for passengers, and therefore set restrictions on the carriage of scented products. The fact is that the smell spreads instantly. And since in the cabin there are different people, among them may be those suffering from allergies or respiratory diseases, as well as children. Odorous liquid may cause discomfort or harm to others.

Another reason why it is forbidden to freely transport toilet water is the risk of ruining your things. Most of these liquids contain alcohol and essential oils. When they come into contact with fabric, they can change color, leaving a light stain. So is it even possible to carry perfume in the cabin? Yes, you can. But under certain conditions.

What requirements must be met?

Each airline sets its own rules for the carriage of baggage and hand luggage. By general rules, You can take perfume with you to the salon if:

  1. The volume of the bottle does not exceed 100 ml. (about two small bottles, the height and width of a matchbox).
  2. Attention: the amount of liquid contained does not matter! To avoid misunderstandings, transport vials indicating the volume.

  3. The perfume is sealed in a sealed zip-lock bag, which reduces the chance of leakage. You can carry it along with other liquids.

Such requirements were established by order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated July 25, 2007. They apply to Aeroflot, Pobeda and other airlines.

How to pack perfume in hand luggage

To avoid problems when inspecting things and to avoid having your perfume confiscated, choose sealed packaging for it. Please note that it should be transparent, dense and have a zip fastener.

Remember that the weight of hand luggage should not exceed 5-10 kg, depending on the chosen fare and the company’s conditions. Even an extra 100 g is a reason to pay extra for the excess. In addition, you need to clarify how many milliliters of liquid you are allowed to carry in your purse. Usually up to 1 liter.

Is it possible to transport deodorants and sprays?

As a general rule, yes. They are subject to restrictions similar to the transportation of eau de toilette: the bottle should not exceed 100 ml.

In fact, most airlines prohibit aerosols, which include deodorants and sprays, from being carried into the cabin. This is stated in the rules for the carriage of baggage and hand luggage. Exception - medical supplies. Of course, it is possible to clarify the information at the inspection point, but it is better to immediately put them in your luggage (the maximum volume of one bottle is 500 ml).

Is there a difference between bringing perfume from home and purchasing it from Duty Free?

If you buy perfume in Duty Free stores, you are allowed to take it on board the plane. But there are two conditions:

  1. You are not allowed to unseal the perfume until the end of the flight, even at connecting points.
  2. Keep the receipt that is issued after the purchase. It indicates the date and place of purchase. The information provided confirms that you are not violating the rules.

When can it be confiscated?

Unfortunately, sometimes perfumes are confiscated during luggage inspection. This happens if the bottle turns out to be suspicious or the rules described above are violated. But there is another influencing factor - the place of purchase.

If you buy perfumes on the territory of the European Union and travel within its borders, while following the rules for transporting perfumes, nothing will happen. But if the purchase took place elsewhere, the perfume will be confiscated upon entry.

“A woman’s world is unthinkable without perfume. They are her must-have accessory, because the fragrant train symbolizes the aura of femininity, seduction, charm... Perfume is the autograph of a personality” (Paloma Picasso).

Indeed, it is difficult to do without this fragrant product. But now you know what conditions must be met in order to be allowed to transport it. By following them, your trip will not be overshadowed by such a nuisance as the confiscation of your favorite perfume.

An annoying surprise may be that customs officers confiscate something you took with you from home or just bought in duty free perfumes.

In order not to spoil the impression of your trip, it is worth studying and following the rules for transporting perfumes in hand luggage on an airplane.

The average passenger should pay attention to two main differences in the requirements for transporting alcohol-containing liquids and aerosols on board an aircraft in the luggage compartment or in hand luggage. This is the total volume of such goods and the method of packaging.

The permitted amount of alcohol-containing liquids and aerosols in luggage is up to 2 liters, the permissible volume of each container is no more than 500 ml.

You are allowed to take no more than 1 liter with you to the salon, while the maximum volume of each bottle cannot exceed 100 ml.

Transporting such goods in luggage does not require sealed packaging; the rules only indicate that the container must be securely closed. In particular, the aerosol can should be covered with a cap. In turn, transportation in the aircraft cabin obliges the passenger to pack such items in a securely closed bag made of transparent material.

Thus, to the question of whether it is possible to take perfume on a plane in hand luggage, the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation gave a positive answer.

From the above rules, it is clear that it is preferable to check perfume products in checked baggage.

As for , you should take perfumes and other perfumes on the plane in a special bag made of transparent polyethylene with a zipper, no larger than 20x20 cm. According to the rules, each passenger has the right to take only one such bag into the cabin.

Bottles with a volume of more than 100 ml are prohibited from being carried in hand luggage, even if the contents are almost empty.

Such perfumes will have to be checked in as luggage. Fortunately, the volume of a bottle of perfume or eau de parfum does not often exceed 50 ml, but containers with eau de toilette and cologne can have a volume of 100 ml or more. To avoid problems with airport security, do not take bottles without indicating the volume.

Possible problems

Employees can seize any item with minimal suspicion. Arguing with employees is not recommended, especially abroad.

Each country has its own transportation safety rules, which it is advisable to familiarize yourself with before your flight. Such information is available on airline websites. For example, each Russian airline sets its own rules for transporting baggage and hand luggage, but they cannot contradict the laws of the Russian Federation.

Security requirements may become more stringent depending on the situation in the country (for example, if there is a threat of terrorist attacks).

Perfumes purchased at duty free

The security service does not impose such strict requirements on products. Bottles of perfume are packed in boxes and cellophane, and the seller places purchases in a special, hermetically sealed bag.

It is prohibited to wear perfume during flights or during transfers.

The security service may confiscate an opened bottle during the connection and even upon arrival at the final airport.

The cash receipt cannot be thrown away until the end of the flight. If the flight has a transfer, the document must be kept until arrival at the final destination.

Additional information on international flights

How do transportation rules differ in other countries and is it possible to carry perfume in hand luggage on a plane on flights of foreign airlines?

In general, airline regulations in most countries allow the carriage of perfumes in the luggage compartment or cabin of the aircraft. However, those arriving in EU countries sometimes face the following problem.

When traveling within the Eurozone with perfumes purchased in duty free, there will be no problems. If a passenger arrives from a country outside the EU zone, their favorite scent may be withdrawn - even if the flight is transit. The exception is for passengers arriving from the USA and Canada.

it's written in all the rules
What is included in the EU hand luggage regulation?

The EU regulation applies to all flights departing from the airports European Union, Great Britain and Switzerland, regardless of destination (also for all intra-German and intra-European flights).

1. What is written in the order?
Passengers may carry liquids or similar items of similar consistency in their carry-on baggage only in limited quantities and in small, separate containers. Please note that liquids must be contained in separate containers with a volume of max. 100 ml or similar size (in accordance with the volume indicated on the container - transportation of a 200 ml container half filled is prohibited). All individual containers must be placed in a transparent plastic bag, which can be opened and closed repeatedly, with a capacity of max. 1 liter. Only one such plastic bag is allowed per passenger. The appropriate plastic bag must be transparent and can be closed using e.g. zippers, Velcro, cord. The easiest and cheapest option is to use ziplock bags, which are sold in most supermarkets.

2. What is considered a “liquid”?
Gels, pastes, lotions, mixtures of liquids and solids, eg. toothpaste, hair gel, drinks, soups, syrups, perfumes and other products of similar consistency, as well as the contents of pressurized containers, e.g. aerosols, shaving foam, hairspray.

3. Are there exceptions for medications or baby food?
Yes, you are permitted to carry liquids that will be used during the flight for medical or dietary purposes, including baby food, baby milk or juices for transported infants and small children. At the checkpoint, passengers must present these items separately from the rest of their hand luggage and, when asked, prove the need for their carriage (eg prescription, description of the need, importance of carriage, etc.).

4. What are the rules for shopping in a Duty Free store or on board an airplane?
Duty Free items purchased on the day of departure after border control at an EU airport store or on board an EU airline may be presented to the passenger at security if they are in a clear bag sealed by the seller. The package must contain cash receipt, on which, without opening the package, you can distinguish the date and place of sale.

5. What should I consider when connecting to connecting flights?
If you are transferring to another flight that departs from the EU airport where you arrived, then liquids, in accordance with paragraph 4 of the regulation, can be taken on board the connecting flight. This does not apply to countries that are not subject to EU regulations.

6. Should we expect longer lines at airports due to this mandate?
Since this EU regulation requires careful and precise checks of hand luggage, you can expect to have to wait longer in line at the security checkpoint. We recommend that you arrive at the check-in counter well before your scheduled departure.

7. Are there any other safety instructions that should be followed at the airport?
At the security checkpoint, passengers are required to remove their coats, jackets, jackets, raincoats, as well as large electronic devices, e.g. computers. Please note that for airberlin flights the maximum size of hand luggage is 55 x 40 x 20 cm. Exceptions may apply, e.g. for musical instruments.

Already existing provisions >> regarding items prohibited from carriage in hand luggage and checked baggage remain in effect.

Airberlin has no influence on legal requirements and requests that all passengers take these requirements into account when planning their trip and limit their hand luggage to the bare minimum.
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