View information about attendance and meals at school, kindergarten, college

!} Physicians and nutritionists unambiguously conclude that it is mandatory to have a full-fledged hot meal at school, which helps to improve the health of children. Throughout the existence of the school feeding system, and especially in last years, students actively use the services of school canteens (more than 90% of schoolchildren). This result was achieved thanks to a whole range of activities for the implementation of the program hot meals for schoolchildren.

Everyone understands the importance of such work, but there are problems that require an immediate solution for a long time. These problems are identified during the survey of students, their parents and school leaders, conducted in almost every school in every country. locality. The research results are almost the same.

Thus, during the survey in the Republic of Karelia, it was revealed that only half of the students eat hot meals in schools, and one in five does not eat at school at all or snacks on food brought from home. 90% of parents are willing to pay extra money to expand the existing diet to provide good nutrition for children.

The same survey in schools in Lipetsk revealed the absence of first courses, salads, fruits and vegetables, and juices in school menus. Both parents and children want to expand the range of dishes, provide children with hot and diet food. School leaders talked about the difficulty of raising money for food, the low coverage of school meals, and so on.

In all schools, there is still a problem of school extortion, when older students extort money from younger students for food. Responsible teachers are appointed to control the organization and quality of school meals in schools, but this increases the burden on them.

These and similar problems allows you to decide the implementation of the solution "Glolime. School meals" for automating the activities of school canteens and buffets. The combination of price and quality with wide functionality should push the administrations of districts and the leadership of educational bodies to allocate Money schools to introduce solutions from Glolime. School meals. After all, not all schools can install such complexes at their own expense.

Introduction of a cashless payment system for hot meals for students immediately removes the problem of extortion of cash. In addition, the school payment card allows parents to control what the child spends money from the card on - buying sweets at the buffet or paying for a hot lunch from the school card.

Having received such information, parents, when depositing money to a school card through a payment terminal, can set daily spending limits on two separate card balances - for purchases at the buffet and for payment hot meals for schoolchildren. And if a student decides to go to a street kiosk instead of a buffet for a hot dog, no one will wait for him there without cash. And if instead of hot meals in the school canteen he wants to buy sweets in the cafeteria, the balance of the card (if his parents wish) will not allow him to do this.

With the introduction of the programs "Glolime. School Meals” educational authorities, school food plants and parents will be able to control the nutrition process at all stages - from the range of products and menus to a specific student eating.

An important condition for maintaining healthy lifestyle life and ability of schoolchildren to effective learning is an hot meals for children at school. Children spend a significant part of their time at school, and properly organized nutrition definitely improves their health indicators. This is the prevention of diseases, improving academic performance and performance.

School age is precisely the period when the most active development of the child takes place, while a lifestyle is also formed, including the type of nutrition. School is an inevitable vital stage in the life of every person, it should have the maximum influence, including on the process of proper nutrition, here schoolchildren should develop the right skills.

In fact, the process of school meals is regulated by sanitary norms and rules, and when they are implemented, to a large extent satisfies the basics of rational nutrition.

However, schoolchildren often have problems with the diet outside of school, where the abuse of chips, crackers, fast foods, chocolate bars, sweets, etc. begins. And here, although all this happens outside the school walls, there is also a purely school flaw associated with lack of awareness and frivolous connivance on the part of parents. Many students and parents practically do not associate the correct one. That's why propaganda is so important. healthy eating which a child can receive practically only at school.

Proper organization of school meals

The school canteen is the main place where a growing person learns to eat healthy.

It seems indisputable that a large selection of vitamin and nutritious dishes will ensure the most complete supply of the body with essential substances. Dishes in the menu should be completed observing the variety (different every day), taste compatibility, compliance with the cost of food to the standards, and the nutritional value to the relevant standards, compliance of the set of products with natural consumption standards. There is a special set of recipes developed for school meals, while the output parameters of the dishes must correspond to the age of the feeders.

The organization of school meals must have its own package of documents approved at the local level. There should be sample school menus, the number of students eating free or with benefits, responsible for children, food preparation, sanitation, etc.

In addition, a list of available and necessary equipment(racks, tables, scales, stoves, etc.), premises, indicating the area, volume and illumination, equipment, work areas (washing, cooking, distribution and dining). An assessment of the MTB of the catering unit for its compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements should be given. Maintenance school catering, dining room and industrial premises, should be made annually. And the inventory (kitchen, appliances and utensils) should be updated as necessary with the appropriate marks in the journal. Next should be staffing who maintains the unit, and who is responsible for food quality, sanitation, etc. The mode of operation of the dining room, the schedule of work and duty of students, indicating the names are also given. In the school cafeteria there should be stands with information for students on the subject of proper nutrition. For example, "Nutrition and health", "Eat to live", "Laws of nutrition" that form among schoolchildren. There should also be a promising breakfast and lunch menu, for different ages, schoolchildren and teachers One of the tasks of organized nutrition for schoolchildren is to educate students in a culture of proper nutrition. The topics of the culture of behavior at the table, table setting may be touched upon. Schoolchildren themselves can set the table, as prescribed by the rules of etiquette, use dishes with an aesthetic design and figuredly arrange napkins.

The menu should be varied, which is achieved both by using a sufficient range of products, and by various methods. cooking. Every day there should be meat or fish, dairy products, bread and vegetables, butter and vegetable oil.

Throughout the week, pasta and cereals, be sure to potatoes and fresh vegetables, confectionery, fortified foods and natural juices.

Soups are cooked on fish, meat, vegetable broths. There should be borscht, meat soups, vegetable soups, fish soups, soups with cereals, pickle. The first dish is the head of everything!

Meat products are prepared from chilled meat of domestic production. As side dishes - dishes from cereals, vegetables, pasta.

very important a large number of fresh fruits and vegetables, in addition, salads are required, which have a significant nutritional value And .

Many factors influence the state of human health. One of the most important is nutrition.

Hot food in the human nutrition system is extremely important. Many years of observational experience of doctors and teachers showed that students who do not consume among school day hot food, get tired faster, often complain of headaches, fatigue, stomach pain, bad taste in the mouth, Bad mood and reduced performance. In addition, according to statistics, stomach diseases among children school age occupy the second place after diseases of the musculoskeletal system. In a word, everything more facts speaks in favor of mandatory hot meals for all students during their stay at school.

High-calorie hot breakfasts provide long-term performance of schoolchildren and have a positive effect on their physical development. The school menu includes cereals, pasta, dairy products, meat, fish, salads, fresh vegetables and fruits, tea, fruit juices and drinks, confectionery.

School meals are rich in vitamins that are involved in the metabolism of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral salts; stimulate the growth of the body; improve the protective properties of the skin; affect activities nervous system, in particular, on the cerebral cortex; regulate tissue respiration; regulate the activity of the nervous system.

Everyone needs to remember that proper nutrition at school is very important for the formation of the health and personality of the child. It is worth noting that students who receive hot meals at school study better, get sick less and suffer less from overweight. They have better memory, higher immunity.

Remember that a lesson is in any case tension, stress. And if this stress regularly occurs on an empty stomach, then the notorious school gastritis, or even ulcers, is within easy reach. In addition, without a hot breakfast, the student experiences such a lack of energy that he then overeats during lunch and dinner.

Complete and properly organized nutrition - necessary condition long life, the absence of many diseases.

In the Drogichinsky district, meals for students are organized by the district department of education.

In our district, 85% of schoolchildren are covered with hot meals, of which 100% are rural schoolchildren, and 66% are urban schoolchildren. The lowest coverage of schoolchildren with hot meals is in secondary school No. 1 in Drogichin.

To organize the normal nutrition of schoolchildren, the ROO has developed approximate two-week menus and technological maps on the dishes provided in it. In the practice of schools, they may vary depending on the availability of products, but the replacement of products should be equivalent in quantitative and qualitative terms.

There is a positive trend in resolving the issue of improving the material and technical base of food units of institutions for children and adolescents. IN kindergarten d.Brashevichi overhaul of the catering unit. All food units of kindergartens and schools in the Drogichinsky district are provided with hot running water.

The State Institution "Drogichinsky District Center of Geology and Energy" conducts constant monitoring of the organization of meals for students, the timing of the sale of food products, the operation of the refrigeration and technological equipment. Health indicators of children and adolescents determine the state of not only medical, but also social, economic problems society.

Doctor-intern of State Institution "Drogichinsky District Center of Geology" N.T.Borisevich

hot food

When moving from normal home conditions to camping conditions, it is not recommended to drastically change the already established diet and the nature of food. This can lead to indigestion. It is desirable that the participants of hikes and travels, when developing the route and tactics of movement (and, consequently, the dietary regulations), strive to ensure that the camping diet differs as little as possible from the established home diet.

This is most consistent with 3 hot meals a day. It not only helps to adhere to the daily regime adopted in ordinary life, but also allows you to more rationally replenish the energy costs associated with the movement along the route.

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The organization of hot meals at school is a paramount task in ensuring the normal growth and development of the child's body. And most importantly, the food should be of high quality, that is, natural.

The list of products for a balanced diet must include:

  1. natural milk;
  2. Eggs;
  3. Vegetables;
  4. Fruit.

The work of the whole organism depends on how correct and balanced the child’s nutrition will be, and this is important, because in childhood organs and systems are formed. After all, a child needs vitamins and minerals. To give everything necessary to children is a state task.

Schools today have special nutritional standards, because students need not only to satisfy their hunger, but also to give the brain a chance to get enough. Indeed, for normal immunity, for the supply of oxygen to the brain, high-quality and regular nutrition is required.

Catering in schools

Today, school directors can not grab their heads, solving the problem of how and with what to feed schoolchildren. For example, our company, FOOD kids, has long earned an excellent reputation as a reliable food supplier. Organizing hot meals at school is our forte. The long-term work of the company's specialists has earned positive reviews regular customers. We supply only fresh products to educational institutions. It's basically ready meals, which are designed specifically for the nutrition of children, based on certified standards.

"FOOD kids" is a company that, using only high-quality and fresh products for children's nutrition, offers its customers:

  • a fully balanced menu for children of different ages, which can be selected on our website;
  • used products that are supplied to us by the most reliable suppliers who have been reliable partners for many years;
  • preparation of dishes and preparations that are produced in our own workshops. In the preparation of dishes, all the norms for the consumption of vitamins and other essential substances by children are necessarily used. We offer our customers a fully balanced, tasty meal.
  • orders are made according to affordable prices, which can afford not only large public educational institutions, but also small schools. It is our duty to provide all children with proper nutrition.

Any adult person involved in the upbringing of a schoolchild understands that important point is the organization of hot meals at the school. It is clear that the child should not receive everything at once at one meal. The law of balanced nutrition implies that on one day children receive proteins, and on the other - calcium. Thus, in a week, the developed menu will allow you to give the child's body everything you need, and he will receive full set vitamins and microelements.

Necessary products for a balanced diet of a student

It is worth considering the rules for taking products containing useful material that our company adheres to. For example:

  • Vitamin A - essential for vision, skeletal system and proper growth of teeth. A normal level of this vitamin in a child's body maintains healthy skin and speeds up wound healing. We offer such products as a supplier of this vitamin: spinach and soybeans, cabbage and sweet bell peppers.
  • B1 is a vitamin that regulates carbohydrate metabolism and normalizes the state of the nervous system. This vitamin is especially necessary for those children who are subject to great physical and mental stress, that is, schoolchildren. A large content of the vitamin is found in rye bread and potatoes, lean pork, peas and salmon breeds fish.
  • B2 - the growth and development of the child depends on it, since the vitamin contributes to the release of energy from the food that the child takes. In addition, it allows you to strengthen the nervous and immune systems. You can replenish the supply of this vitamin by regularly eating foods such as salmon, milk, cottage cheese, Rye bread. A lot of vitamin B2 and young cabbage.
  • In order for a child to actively produce cellular energy, a sufficient level of vitamin B6 is necessary. It helps to renew the blood and saturate it with oxygen, which, in turn, is necessary to nourish the brain. Many foods, such as liver, rye bread, contain this vitamin, and their regular use will help to make up for its deficiency in the body.

You can endlessly describe the necessary products, the use of which helps to increase vitality and strengthen immunity. And they all help raise mental abilities and strengthening the nervous system of children. Thus, in order for development to proceed in accordance with the norms, the child must receive daily all the necessary components, in an amount sufficient for his age.

Food preparation and delivery

The professional organization of hot meals at school is the direction in which our company operates. We are fully aware that the health of children is above all, therefore we offer the most useful and delicious dishes prepared by the best chefs. And as practice shows, such nutrition increases the ability of children to work. And when children gather at the same table, their cohesion occurs, which creates a healthy psychological environment.

Since the food offered by our company is healthy and complete, unlike fast food, it is noted that schoolchildren stop getting sick and get in good physical shape. More and more school leaders are turning to us for cooperation. And this is not only because of the desire to provide children with a high level of performance, but also because it is cost-effective.

It is clear that at home it is quite easy to provide a child with proper nutrition, but at school it is much more difficult. Our company, being a leader in corporate catering, offers different kinds nutrition, including the organization of hot meals in schools. For example:

  • Organize a canteen on the territory of the school, where students can eat only the freshest food and refresh themselves during the school shift.
  • Deliver to school ready-made meals prepared by our chefs, specialists the highest level. All meals are prepared from fresh ingredients. We deliver food in special boxes designed by manufacturers for transporting hot meals. A buffet is organized and food is distributed to schoolchildren there.
  • We can cook the selected dishes in our workshops, and then at the appointed time, special couriers will deliver hot meals to the school, where the distribution of dishes to schoolchildren will be organized. This is the most economical option for organizing hot meals for schoolchildren.

Whichever option is chosen, we can guarantee that all selected dishes will be cooked to a high standard and delivered promptly and on time, which will be specified in the contract.

Today, many parents, when choosing a school for their child, pay attention to how educational institution organized meals for children. And of course, the argument in favor of one or another school is the availability of hot meals. The ability to feed a child tasty, healthy and inexpensive is the most important aspect. And our company will do everything possible to provide children with a complete, balanced diet, tasty and healthy.

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