Healthy weekly menu for the family. Inexpensive menu of healthy food for those who want to lose weight. Mashed potatoes with vegetables

The desire to improve the quality of life is a normal desire reasonable person. The first thing to start with is a healthy diet based on a competent distribution of calories, taking into account the compatibility and environmental friendliness of products.

What is proper nutrition

Task proper nutrition is to:

  • supply human body a sufficient amount of nutrients so that all vital systems work normally, a person remains alert and active;

Attention! Any strict restrictions (including starvation) lead to stress. You can arrange a fasting day once a week, but in no case exhaust yourself with hunger.

  • the daily menu brought gastronomic joy and a feeling of satiety;
  • the energy balance was maintained (the correct ratio of calories consumed and expended is necessary - depending on whether you want to lose weight, gain weight or leave the weight parameter unchanged);
  • slow down the aging process at the cellular level (healthy nutrition differs from the “usual” one in that benign and natural products become a priority - with a complete rejection of various synthetic substitutes);
  • correct some diseases (as an example, the exclusion of sugar against diabetes, the rejection of marinades and smoked meats against gastritis, a diet rich in calcium to strengthen bones, etc.).

Basic principles of healthy eating

Exist general principles that underlie proper nutrition, regardless of age, gender and type of human activity. Each of these principles contributes to the final positive result.

Meal frequency

Make a menu for a week in such a way that the body receives food daily in fractional parts, at least 3 times a day. The 5-day option is considered optimal;

Attention! With frequent intake of food into the stomach, digestion is adjusted to a gentle mode - the organs work without tension, easily coping with each next portion of the material.


Let all the items on your menu be sold by the hour - at about the same time every day. And so the whole week. This approach adjusts the stomach for the timely release of digestive enzymes in the right amount.


Avoid overeating, but at the same time, don't starve yourself for "great goals." Plan your diet so that you never feel hungry. Fine known fact: fasting people often begin to gain weight quickly after their weight loss diet is over;

Attention! The body, starving for food, is in a state of stress, therefore it automatically adjusts to create energy (and hence fat) reserves.


There must be harmony in everything. Plan your weekly intake of fat, protein, carbohydrates, water, and salt. Do not try to "fulfill the plan" for the amount of food. Emphasis on uniformity and reasonable ratios of proteins / fats / carbohydrates (BJU).

Also, always remember the calories. It is not visible from the outside, but each product, when it enters the diet, is a supplier of a certain amount of calories. Their excess will lead to an increase in fat reserves. The disadvantage - to the depletion of the body.

Attention! People who are actively involved in sports or receive large physical exercise, should not underestimate the number daily allowance calorie intake.

According to scientists, the daily calorie requirement:

Only the most useful

The diet of proper nutrition should include only benign products. Excessive heat treatment is also undesirable. The closer the structure remains to the original, the better.

Write to yourself in a conspicuous place a set of elementary rules:

  • reduce the amount of fried, smoked, pickled food;
  • preference - stewed and boiled food, as well as steamed;
  • Eat as many fruits and vegetables as possible every week, and if possible in raw form. After heat treatment, fruits and vegetables lose the lion's share useful substances.

Attention! The benefits of plant fiber are unprecedented as a natural colon cleanser. The body gets rid of toxins and carcinogens, which in today's ecology cannot be avoided.

How to make a healthy menu for the week

Start planning your menu for the week ahead of time. You probably have favorite dishes, but try not to repeat the same dish more than 1 time in 3 days. Invent new recipes to achieve variety.

To get started, choose any example from the list of recommended meals for one day, count calories. After that, go further, write down the diet for the whole week (then - for a month). Here are indicative meals to help you start your planning.


Take any example from the list or modify it:

  • buckwheat, millet, rice, oatmeal, wheat, barley porridge - cook the dish in low-fat milk or water, fill plant species oils;
  • a handful of nuts (different varieties, both individually and in the form of mixtures);
  • steamed dried fruits (no more than ½ of a standard bowl at a time);
  • curdled milk, kefir, whey with berry juice - 1 cup;
  • whole grain bread (110-135 g per meal);
  • low-fat cheese 3-4 slices;
  • a slice of salted fish;
  • vegetable salad with fresh herbs;
  • fruit salad;
  • cottage cheese with low-fat sour cream;
  • yogurt;
  • omelette of 3 chicken or 5 quail eggs.

Attention! The diet should include items corresponding to the calorie table and the ratio of BJU.

Healthy food for breakfast

  • fresh fruit - apple, pear, a couple of kiwi, citrus fruits (orange, tangerines, ½ pomelo), banana;
  • dark chocolate - no more than 25 g;
  • kefir or yogurt - 1 cup;

Attention! Add a spoonful of pureed fresh berries, homemade jam or honey to kefir or yogurt. This will add sweetness and diversify the assortment of dishes.

Dinners on your menu

Your diet will be quite varied if the following dishes appear on the lunch menu:

  • pasta from durum wheat;
  • low-fat cheese for dressing pasta;
  • vegetarian pizza;
  • vegetable cream soups (tomato, onion, vegetable), seasoned with croutons from rye bread;
  • lean meats (chicken breast, turkey fillet, veal, lean beef);
  • stewed vegetables (cauliflower, cabbage, carrots, zucchini, bell peppers, onion, celery, beets);
  • soy meat goulash with the addition of low-fat sour cream and flour for gravy;
  • fish boiled or baked in the oven;
  • low-fat lasagna (as an example - mushroom, vegetable or mixed);
  • vegetable soup with lean meat (shurpa);
  • legumes stewed on water (lentils, beans, peas);
  • salads from fresh vegetables;
  • boiled seafood (squid, shrimp).

afternoon tea

Try to plan 5 meals a day throughout the week. The afternoon snack takes on part of the load from the upcoming dinner, thereby unloading the body and reducing the load on the digestive tract.

Interesting options:

  • natural juice from vegetables, fruits or berries - 1 glass;
  • a handful of steamed dried fruits;
  • cottage cheese with jam;
  • sweet yogurt;
  • buckwheat, rye or rice bread 2-3 pieces;
  • low-fat cottage cheese with fresh chopped herbs;
  • some fruits (grapes, plums, apricots, peaches);
  • nuts are not overcooked.


It is desirable that the evening menu contains as little animal protein as possible. Preference for dishes such as:

  • cottage cheese casseroles, cheesecakes;
  • vegetable casseroles with low-fat cheese in the oven;
  • salads from vegetables, it is possible with the addition of seafood;
  • a little boiled chicken white meat or a piece of steam fish;
  • easy omelette of 2 chicken eggs with vegetables;
  • chopped fresh herbs;
  • olives, olives;
  • brown rice boiled or steamed;
  • vegetable pancakes, sometimes with mushrooms;
  • kefir, yogurt - 1 cup;
    a couple of slices of black bread.

Menu for one week for a girl

And here good example balanced nutrition for a week for girls and young women. This category is most concerned about their diet, since it most directly affects the state of appearance.

It is the girls who are concerned about cellulite (it does not threaten girls yet, older women no longer care, and men do not care at all). What should you eat all week in order to maintain both internal health and external beauty?

Attention! Cellulite occurs due to a violation of lipid metabolism. Eat as little animal fat as possible. Against this background, drink 1.8-2.5 liters clean water per day.


  • cocoa with sugar and milk - 1 cup;
  • unsweetened cheesecakes or cottage cheese casserole;
  • dried fruits - 1 handful.


  • fresh berries (150-200 g) - raspberries, currants, gooseberries, strawberries, etc. at your discretion;
  • whipped cream 100 g;
  • black tea with honey - 1 cup.
  • seafood soup with vegetables;
  • boiled brown rice;
  • a piece of fish, steamed or baked in foil;
  • sweet corn 2-4 tbsp. l.;
  • you can drink ½ glass of dry wine.
  • oatmeal cookies or light biscuit with the addition of bran;
  • fruit juice (oranges, tangerines, kiwi, pineapple, etc.).
  • vegetable salad;
  • a piece of dietary meat cooked on the grill or in the oven (rabbit, turkey, chicken);
  • tea from currant leaves with honey.


  • milk porridge - millet or rice;
  • Cup of coffee;
  • bran bread;
  • 2-4 slices of low-fat cheese.


  • citrus juice;
  • crackers or large-grain cookies;
  • sweet curd or yogurt.
  • thick borsch in meat broth;
  • sour cream for dressing 1 tsp or st. spoon;
  • potatoes stewed with meat;
  • Vegetable mix ( green pea with onions or olives with bell peppers);
  • Rye bread;
  • a glass of any tea.
  • dried fruits with nuts;
  • cocoa with low-fat milk (can be without sugar, as dried fruits will give enough sweetness).
  • light meat salad (vegetables, some boiled white chicken meat, chopped greens);
  • green tea with honey.


  • coffee or tea - 1 glass;
  • fruit and curd casserole;
  • buckwheat bread with jam.


  • dried fruits;
  • sweet curd.
  • canned stewed meat;
  • garnish of vegetables or legumes;
  • green salad;
  • Rye bread;
  • tea or fruit juice.
  • tomato juice;
  • 1-2 crispy slices;
  • 3-4 slices of cheese.
  • a piece of steam fish;
  • stewed cauliflower and cabbage with tomatoes;
  • brown or red rice;
  • melissa tea with oregano.


  • boiled buckwheat with mushrooms;
  • cheese 3-4 slices;
  • tea with milk;
  • crackers.


  • yogurt with a fat content of not more than 6-11%;
  • fresh fruits (banana, pear or apple, kiwi or grapes);
  • green tea.
  • Rye bread;
  • vegetable stew (green beans, beets, potatoes, zucchini, tomatoes, green peas, bell peppers, cabbage);
  • a piece of turkey baked in foil;
  • cocoa with low-fat milk and honey.
  • compote from berries;
  • light biscuit or oatmeal cookies.
  • low-fat cottage cheese with herbs;
  • a glass of cocoa or tea;
  • a handful of dried fruits.


  • oatmeal with milk;
  • fruit salad (banana, apple, nuts, tangerine, kiwi);
  • Cup of coffee;
  • a handful of nuts.


  • 20 g dark chocolate;
  • green tea;
  • yogurt.
  • pea soup with chicken giblets;
  • mashed potatoes;
  • chicken or rabbit cutlet;
  • greens, any vegetable salad;
  • tomato juice.
  • cheese 2-3 slices;
  • dried fruits compote;
  • crispy crackers 2-3 pcs.
  • Steamed fish;
  • vegetable stew;
  • kefir or yogurt;
  • black bread.


  • omelet with mushrooms;
  • bran or black bread;
  • sliced ​​fresh vegetables (tomatoes, bell peppers);
  • cocoa with milk or coffee with honey.


  • sweet cottage cheese;
  • fresh berries;
  • kefir or yogurt.
  • fish soup;
  • boiled brown or red rice;
  • fresh vegetable salad;
  • biscuit or marshmallow (1 pc.);
  • fresh fruit juice;
  • oatmeal cookies 2-3 pcs.
  • steam vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, green beans, etc.);
  • boiled pasta made from durum flour;
  • a piece of lean meat or light fish for a couple;
  • green tea.


  • oatmeal, millet or barley groats, boiled in low-fat milk;
  • fresh berries;
  • kefir or yogurt;
  • Cup of coffee.


  • dark chocolate 20-25 g;
  • crispy slices 2 pcs.;
  • raw coarse bun;
  • fruit juice.
  • chicken soup;
  • vegetables stewed with garlic;
  • hard cheese 2-3 slices;
  • tomato juice.
  • a handful of nuts;
  • fruit salad;
  • whipped cream with jam or berry syrup;
  • stewed fish;
  • fresh vegetables in the form of a salad or sliced;
  • brown rice or pasta made from coarse flour;
  • herbal tea (mint, oregano, thyme).

No matter how carefully planned your menu is, remember the additional health promotion measures: good sleep, physical activity, positive thinking. As for the nutrition system, you need to monitor its effectiveness, control weight and other vital signs. If you feel better, then you are moving in the right direction.

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Diets are only temporary. To be slim always, you must adhere to proper nutrition. How to start and what to eat for women, men, teens and people over 40.

Improper nutrition is the main reason for the appearance of extra pounds. Why is it problem excess weight remains relevant today? There are several reasons. Firstly, the pace of life, which often deprives a person of the opportunity to eat a balanced diet. Second, the quality of the food. Despite the fact that natural products (cereals, fish, meat, vegetables and fruits) have not been canceled and the younger generation is learning from the mistakes of its predecessors, making a choice in favor of healthy food. The popularity of semi-finished products, various snacks and confectionery is still quite high. Thirdly, catering. The lack of a diet leads not only to the appearance of excess weight, but also provokes many other health problems: diseases gastrointestinal tract, hormonal imbalances, eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia).

Any diet is designed for a short period, after which, in order to maintain the achieved result, it is recommended to switch to a balanced healthy diet. Proper nutrition does not at all imply a categorical rejection of food you love, but do not benefit the body - for example, from shortbread cookies or boiled condensed milk. However, there is a restriction and strict control of the consumption of such products. Proper nutrition is something that should be adhered to throughout life if you want to be slim and stay young for a long time. So, if you are not just interested in how to lose weight on proper nutrition, but are determined, first make a menu.

How to make a menu for the week

Individual menu healthy eating will help you get used to eating at a certain time. After all, regular nutrition is the key to food discipline. When compiling the menu, focus on your daily routine. If you are a "lark" (wake up at 6:00 and go to bed at 21:00), follow this nutritional principle:

  • breakfast: 7:00;
  • second breakfast: 10:00;
  • lunch: 13:00;
  • afternoon tea: 16:00;
  • dinner: 19:00.

If you are a night owl (waking up at 9:00 and falling asleep at 00:00), get into the habit of eating at these times:

  • breakfast: 10:00;
  • lunch: 13:00;
  • lunch: 15:00;
  • afternoon tea: 17:00;
  • dinner: 20:00.

Distribute the time of meals depending on the regimen. But do not forget that you need to have breakfast an hour after waking up (after you get up - drink 250 ml of non-carbonated water at room temperature), 2-3 hours should pass between meals, and dinner should be no later than two hours before sleep.

Remember: for weight loss, it is important to keep track of the calorie content of the food eaten. Write down everything you eat without missing anything, even if it's just a sip. fruit juice or a sugar-free mint. This develops the habit of being attentive to what and how much you eat and be able to stop in time.

When planning a menu for a week for weight loss, follow these recommendations:

  1. Make up separate list products you want to add and distribute them by day. For example, it is better to choose different days for chicken and fish.
  2. Remember that, firstly, breakfast cannot be skipped, and secondly, it must be hearty and balanced: 50% of the total daily diet should belong to carbohydrates, 30% to proteins and 20% to fats.
  3. For dinner, eat proteins: cottage cheese (5-9% fat), baked, boiled chicken or fish (hake, pollock, salmon).
  4. Do not forget about snacks between main meals. Eat fresh fruits (if bananas - then no more than one per snack, if grapes - no more than 200 g), vegetables, dried fruits and nuts (walnuts or unsalted peanuts - no more than 50 g per snack). Record snacks too.
  5. Consider your level physical activity. So, if you have a difficult mental (important report, exam) or physical work (for example, a lot of moving around the city) - you should not make a meager diet for this day. Include a sufficient amount of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the menu, have a hearty breakfast.
  6. Drink clean water without gas and green tea. Water speeds up metabolism and cleanses the gastrointestinal tract, and teas contain antioxidants necessary for the body and, moreover, well reduce appetite.
  7. If you drink high-calorie coffee drinks (latte, mocha, cappuccino, etc.) - try to drink them in the morning (before 2:00 pm).
  8. The daily calorie content of drinks (coffee with additives, sweet tea, juices) should be no more than 500 kcal.

In order to achieve the desired effect, when compiling the menu, avoid the following mistakes:

  • Sweet and starchy foods: if you don’t want to completely exclude confectionery and flour products, give them a minimum in the diet: such products do not bring benefits, but they can interfere with weight loss. All the more get carried away and violate allowable rate very easy.
  • Cooking food: try to eat as little fried food as possible. Do not eat a lot of boiled, consume more greens, fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • Dinner: It should be light, and the portion should be small. If you are preparing fish or meat for dinner, it is better to bake, boil or stew. For example, prepare 200 g of baked chicken breast or boiled shrimp + 1 cucumber.
  • Alcohol: be extremely careful with it. Firstly, it is high in calories, and secondly, it stimulates the appetite.
  • Water during meals: Do not drink water or any other liquid during meals, and earlier than 20 minutes before meals and less than 30 minutes after. The liquid dilutes the gastric juice, as a result of which the digestion process can be disturbed.
  • Salt, Seasonings, and Sauces: Add them in moderation, as salt retains fluid in the body, and seasonings (especially those containing monosodium glutamate as a flavor enhancer) whet the appetite. Sauces are best prepared on their own, based on low-calorie ingredients.
  • Try not to skip meals. If you can’t fully eat, carry a bag of nuts (50 g), water with honey and lemon in your purse (1 teaspoon of honey per 0.5 l of water + lemon is not your choice). This will not allow the appetite to break out, which can provoke overeating.

Menu for the week

Going to the grocery store, take with you a list and the amount of money that corresponds to the planned purchase. So you resist the temptation to buy bad goodies "goodbye" before switching to a healthy diet. Remember that you need to start not on the next Monday, but as soon as possible. After all, a beautiful figure will give you lightness and self-confidence, which means that many different opportunities will open before you.

Day 1

Breakfast: 200 g rice porridge on water with 1 teaspoon butter, 1 apple, coffee without sugar.

Second breakfast: 1 toast (25 g), 1 boiled chicken egg, 1 fresh cucumber.

Lunch: 200 g baked hake, 150 g salad (Beijing cabbage + cucumbers + green peas + olive oil).

Snack: 100 g cottage cheese (5% fat), 1 apple, green tea with lemon.

Dinner: 200 g of any stewed vegetables, 100 g of baked chicken breast.

Day 2

Breakfast: 1 sandwich (20 g of rye bread + fat-free cottage cheese + 10 g of any hard cheese), 1 banana, coffee or tea without sugar.

Second breakfast: 70 g of cottage cheese (9% fat) + 1 teaspoon of honey.

Lunch: 200 g chicken broth, salad (Beijing cabbage + cucumbers + tomatoes + carrots + lemon juice).

Snack: 1 apple, 1 kiwi, mint tea.

Dinner: 250 g boiled chicken fillet, 2 cucumbers.

Day 3

Breakfast: 150 g of oatmeal on the water + 2 teaspoons of honey, 1 banana, coffee without sugar.

Second breakfast: 50 g walnuts, 1 apple, green tea with lemon.

Lunch: 200 g boiled brown rice, 150 g of any stewed vegetables.

Snack: 150 g cottage cheese banana casserole (cottage cheese + bananas + semolina+ fat-free yogurt), green tea.

Dinner: 200 g boiled shrimp, 2 cucumbers, 1 tomato.

Day 4

Breakfast: oatmeal in milk (1.5% fat), 100 g strawberries or raspberries.

Second breakfast: 100 g of natural yogurt (up to 5% fat) + 1 teaspoon of honey, natural coffee without sugar.

Lunch: 250 baked hake, 150 g sauerkraut.

Dinner: 200 g baked chicken breast with parmesan (30 g), 2 cucumbers.

Day 5

Breakfast: 200 g of mashed potatoes + 1 teaspoon of butter, 1 boiled egg, 1 cucumber.

Second breakfast: 2 kiwis, green tea.

Lunch: 250 g rice soup with mushrooms, 1 toast (20 g) + 10 g of any hard cheese.

Afternoon snack: 150 g cottage cheese casserole(cottage cheese + raisins + sour cream 15% fat).

Dinner: 200 g of baked pollock, 100 g of seaweed.

Day 6

Breakfast: scrambled eggs (2 eggs + 150 ml of milk 3.2% fat), coffee without sugar.

Second breakfast: 1 banana, 1 orange.

Lunch: 200 g baked potatoes, 100 g baked champignons, 70 g baked chicken fillet.

Snack: 200 ml of kefir, 1 apple.

Dinner: 150 g cottage cheese (5-6% fat) without sugar, 2 apples baked with cinnamon.

Day 7

Breakfast: barley porridge on water + 0.5 teaspoon of butter, tea.

Second breakfast: 1 banana, 1 kiwi.

Lunch: 250 g vegetable casserole (from any vegetables), 100 g boiled chicken fillet.

Snack: 150 g boiled shrimp, 200 ml tomato juice.

Dinner: 150 g steamed fish cakes, 100 g boiled brown rice, 200 ml tomato juice.

For family

The weekly menu for the family should be based on the following factors:

  1. The age of each family member.
  2. Level of physical activity. For example, if you have a sedentary job, you better give up butter and fatty meats. And a man who does hard physical work (for example, works at a construction site) will need much more calories than you.
  3. Individual features: if your child suffers from gastritis, then for breakfast it is better for him to cook oatmeal in milk (2.5% fat) with a banana. The combination of oatmeal and banana has an anti-inflammatory effect on the stomach lining.
  4. Breakfast should be complete for every member of the family.
  5. After eating, it is important to feel full, but not oversatiated.
  6. Make sure your meals are always freshly prepared. This is especially true for salads.

If your family consists of two, three, four or more people, then the amount of food should be multiplied - in accordance with the needs - for each member of the family. For example, if your family has two adults under the age of 40, one teenager under 15, and old man at the age of 70 - when cooking, for example, dinner, you will need 800 g of chicken fillet or breast (200 g for each). These calculations are approximate, since the need for the amount of food for each family member can vary significantly.

For men

Depending on the level of physical activity, a man should consume 3000 - 3500 calories per day.

Day 1

Breakfast: scrambled eggs (3 chicken eggs) + 25 g bacon + 2 toasts (25 g each) + 15 g jam + sweet coffee or tea.

Second breakfast: sandwich (20 g bread + 10 g butter + 15 g hard cheese + 10 g ham), 2 tomatoes.

Lunch: 300 g of ground beef meatball soup, 20 g of any bread, 200 g of buckwheat porridge on the water + 1 teaspoon of butter, 150 g chicken cutlets.

Snack: 3 baked apples, 100 g of cottage cheese (9% fat) + 1 teaspoon of honey.

Dinner: 250 g baked potatoes, 150 g baked chicken fillet.

Day 2

Breakfast: 200 g rice porridge with milk (2.5% fat), 1 toast (25 g) with jam, tea.

Second breakfast: 150 g of salad (chicken fillet + tomatoes + cucumbers + Chinese cabbage + sour cream 15% fat).

Lunch: 300 g of borscht, 200 g of mashed potatoes + 1 teaspoon of butter, 50 g of baked turkey fillet.

Snack: 200 g of sweet curd mass (curd 5-7%) with raisins and dried apricots (optional), 200 ml of fermented baked milk (4-5% fat).

Dinner: 250 g vegetable casserole (from any vegetables), 150 g cutlets (from minced fish) for a couple.

Day 3

Breakfast: 250 g of buckwheat porridge with milk (2.5% fat), 1 sandwich (20 g of bread + 10 g of butter + 15 g of hard cheese or cheese), coffee or tea.

Second breakfast: 150 g cottage cheese and banana casserole.

Lunch: 250 g of fish soup, 25 g of rye bread, 200 g of baked potatoes, 100 g of stewed chicken fillet.

Snack: 150 g salad (Beijing cabbage + cucumbers + olive oil + lemon juice), 20 g rye bread.

Dinner: 200 g of mashed potatoes + 1 teaspoon of butter, 150 g of boiled shrimp, 100 g of salad (tomatoes + cucumbers + sour cream 15-20% fat).

Day 4

Breakfast: scrambled eggs (3 eggs + 150 ml milk 3.2% fat), sandwich (20 g bread + 10 g butter + 15 g hard cheese).

Second breakfast: 2 bananas, 1 apple, 150 ml of kefir (3% fat).

Lunch: 300 g mushroom soup, 200 g of boiled rice + 1 teaspoon of butter, 50 g of stewed beef, 100 g of salad (Beijing cabbage + cucumbers + tomatoes + olive oil).

Snack: 100 g cottage cheese (5-7% fat), kiwi.

Dinner: 200 g of buckwheat porridge on the water + 0.5 teaspoon of butter, 150 g of boiled mussels.

Day 5

Breakfast: 250 g of sweet oatmeal with milk (3.2% fat), 20 g of hard cheese, 1 apple, coffee or tea.

Second breakfast: 100 g of natural yogurt (3-5% fat) + 20 g of dried apricots + 20 g of prunes.

Lunch: 250 g borscht, 200 g vegetable casserole, 100 g baked hake.

Snack: 200 g salad (tomatoes + cucumbers + sour cream 15% fat).

Dinner: 200 g of rice porridge on the water + 1 teaspoon of butter, 100 g of stewed turkey fillet.

Day 6

Breakfast: 200 g cottage cheese banana casserole, 1 apple, coffee or tea with milk (2.5% fat).

Second breakfast: 200 g of fruit salad (bananas, apples, pears, oranges, kiwi + natural yogurt + 1 tablespoon of honey).

Lunch: 300 g of vermicelli soup, 150 g of buckwheat porridge on the water, 150 g of salad (Beijing cabbage + cucumbers + olive oil).

Snack: 100 g of biscuit, 250 ml of fermented baked milk (3-4% fat).

Dinner: 250 g vegetable casserole, 150 g cod stew, 200 ml tomato juice.

Day 7

Breakfast: 2 toasts (30 g each) + 15 g jam, 30 g cheese (no more than 50% fat), 1 boiled egg, coffee with milk (2.5% fat) or tea.

Second breakfast: 100 g of cottage cheese (9% fat) + 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 banana.

Lunch: 300 g of borscht, 200 g of baked cod, 100 g of salad (Beijing cabbage + cucumbers + olive oil).

Snack: 3 baked apples, 1 loaf + 1 teaspoon of jam, 250 ml of fermented baked milk (3-4% fat).

Dinner: 200 g vegetable casserole, 100 g baked hake, 2 cucumbers, 1 tomato.

For women

For uniform weight loss and keeping fit, women should eat according to this pattern.

Day 1

Breakfast: 200 g of oatmeal in water with grated apple + 1 teaspoon of honey + 50 g of cottage cheese (9% fat content), tea or coffee.

Second breakfast: 100 g of cottage cheese (5% fat).

Lunch: 250 g cheese soup, salad (tomatoes + cucumbers + green peas + sour cream 15% fat).

Snack: 1 banana, 50 g almonds.

Dinner: 200 g boiled shrimp, 1 boiled egg, 2 cucumbers, 2 tomatoes.

Day 2

Breakfast: 200 g of buckwheat porridge in water + 1 teaspoon of butter, 1 toast (25g), 1 tomato.

Second breakfast: 1 banana, 1 persimmon.

Lunch: 250 g of mushroom soup, 100 g of steamed chicken cutlets, 100 g of boiled brown rice in water, without oil.

Snack: 200 g salad (Beijing cabbage + cucumbers + tomatoes + natural yogurt).

Dinner: 200 g boiled mussels, 150 g vegetable casserole, green tea.

Day 3

Breakfast: 150 g cottage cheese and banana casserole + 20 g dried apricots, 1 banana, coffee with milk (2.5% fat).

Second breakfast: 100 g of natural yogurt (3-4% fat) + 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 banana.

Lunch: 250 g soup with meatballs from minced chicken, 150 g vegetable stew (potato + cabbage + carrot + onion), 50 g stewed chicken fillet.

Snack: 2 loaves + 10 g jam, 1 apple, 250 ml kefir (2.5% fat).

Dinner: 200 g baked chicken breast, 100 g salad (cucumbers + tomatoes + 15% fat sour cream), 1 rice cake.

Day 4

Breakfast: 2 baked cheesecakes (25 g each), 1 banana, 100 g cottage cheese (5% fat), tea.

Second breakfast: 2 apples, 2 kiwis.

Lunch: 250 g of fish soup, 200 g of boiled mussels, 2 cucumbers.

Snack: 100 g of cottage cheese (9% fat) + 20 g of walnuts + 1 teaspoon of honey.

Dinner: 200 g of baked pollock, 1 loaf, 2 cucumbers, 2 tomatoes, green tea.

Day 5

Breakfast: 200 g of rice porridge with milk (2.5% fat), 20 g of hard cheese, 1 apple, green tea.

Second breakfast: 3 baked apples, 250 ml of kefir (2.5% fat).

Lunch: 250 g of borscht, 70 g of boiled chicken fillet, 100 g of salad (Beijing cabbage + cucumbers + olive oil).

Snack: 100 g cottage cheese (5-7% fat) + 1 banana.

Dinner: 150 g boiled potatoes, 100 g boiled mussels, 2 fresh cucumbers, 1 tomato.

Day 6

Breakfast: 100 g of cottage cheese (9% fat) + 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 toast (25 g), coffee.

Second breakfast: 50 g biscuit, 1 apple.

Lunch: 250 g of buckwheat soup with chicken broth, 150 g of barley porridge, 50 g of stewed beef.

Snack: 3 baked apples, 250 ml fermented baked milk (3-4% fat).

Dinner: 100 g boiled chicken fillet, 2 tomatoes, 1 cucumber.

Day 7

Breakfast: 200 g of buckwheat porridge, 1 steamed chicken cutlet (30 g), 1 boiled egg.

Second breakfast: 1 apple, 1 orange.

Lunch: 200 g mushroom soup, 100 g baked chicken breast, 2 cucumbers.

Snack: 2 loaves, 50 g cottage cheese (9% fat), 1 cucumber, 1 tomato.

Dinner: 200 g baked turkey fillet, 150 g vinaigrette, 0.5 grapefruit.

For teenagers

As a teenager's body develops, strict diets and fasting days he is contraindicated. A teenager should eat a balanced diet, consuming everything essential vitamins and micronutrients.

  • If the child is overweight, high-calorie foods should be limited.
  • A teenager needs to have a full breakfast (it can be cereals with 2.5% fat milk, omelettes or cottage cheese with fruits), as this activates metabolic processes and prevents diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (for example, gastritis).
  • 50% of the diet should belong to carbohydrates, 30% to proteins and 20% to fats.
  • Don't overeat. During puberty, both an increase in appetite and a decrease in it are possible. The ideal solution would be fractional nutrition 5-6 times a day.
  • Sweets, fast food and flour are best eaten in the morning, but not more than three times a week.
  • Sweet tooth, harmful sweets should be replaced with useful ones. Include bananas, grapes, marshmallows, dark chocolate, marmalade, marshmallow, fruit jelly in the menu.
  • The calorie content of the menu depends on the physical activity of the teenager.
  • Girls should consume no more than 2400 kcal per day, and boys - no more than 2800 kcal per day.


As snacks between meals, you can eat fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts (without salt). Drink kefir, natural sugar-free yogurt or fermented baked milk (no more than 3% fat).

Day 1

Breakfast: 200 g of sweet oatmeal with milk (2.5% fat) + 50 g of marmalade, tea.

Second breakfast: 1 banana, 1 apple.

Lunch: 250 g of buckwheat soup with chicken broth, 150 g of baked chicken fillet, 100 g of stewed mushrooms.

Snack: 200 g cottage cheese casserole (cottage cheese + raisins + sour cream 15% fat).

Dinner: 200 g baked hake, 150 g salad ( fresh cucumbers+ tomatoes + any greens + olive oil).

Day 2

Breakfast: 200 g of buckwheat porridge on water + 1 teaspoon of butter, 50 g of marshmallows, tea.

Second breakfast: 1 orange, 1 banana.

Lunch: 250 g rice soup with meatballs in chicken broth, 150 g salad (tomatoes + cucumbers + chicken fillet + sour cream 15% fat).

Snack: 200 g fruit salad (bananas + apples + kiwi + oranges + natural yogurt + 1 tablespoon honey), tea.

Dinner: 200 g of boiled shrimp, 150 g of rice porridge on the water with 1 teaspoon of butter, 2 cucumbers.

Day 3

Breakfast: two egg omelet and 150 ml of milk (2.5% fat), 30 g of any hard cheese, one toast (25 g) with jam, tea.

Second breakfast: orange, natural yogurt.

Lunch: 250 g of borscht, 50 g of stewed chicken liver.

Snack: toast (25 g), 100 g cottage cheese (9% fat) with 1 teaspoon of honey.

Dinner: fish cakes (200 g), 150 g of buckwheat porridge on the water with 1 teaspoon of butter.

Day 4

Breakfast: 200 g of barley porridge on the water with 1 teaspoon of butter, 1 apple, tea.

Second breakfast: 1 banana, 200 g of any berries.

Lunch: 250 g of fish soup, 200 g of salad (Beijing cabbage + cucumbers + sour cream 15% fat).

Snack: 150 g of fruit and milk jelly (milk fat content should be no more than 3.5%).

Dinner: 150 baked potatoes, 150 g boiled mussels.

Day 5

Breakfast: 100 g biscuit, 1 banana, tea.

Second breakfast: 2 apples, natural yogurt without sugar (you can add 1 teaspoon of honey).

Lunch: 200 g vegetable casserole, 150 g baked chicken breast.

Snack: 100 g cottage cheese (9% fat), 1 orange, 250 ml natural fruit juice.

Dinner: 150 g of buckwheat porridge on the water with 1 teaspoon of butter, 200 g of baked pollock.

Day 6

Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs, 200 g of oatmeal in milk (2.5% fat).

Second breakfast: 70 g marshmallows, tea or 200 ml fruit juice.

Lunch: 250 g mushroom soup, 150 g baked hake.

Snack: 150 g of natural yogurt (no more than 6% fat), 1 banana.

Dinner: 200 g of baked chicken breast, 150 g of buckwheat porridge on the water with 1 teaspoon of butter.

Day 7

Breakfast: 2 toasts (25 g each) with nut-chocolate paste, 1 apple, tea.

Second breakfast: 100 g cottage cheese (5% fat) + 20 g raisins + 20 g dried apricots.

Lunch: 200 g soup with meatballs, 200 g salad (Beijing cabbage + tomatoes + cucumbers + sour cream 15% fat).

Snack: 200 g fruit salad (bananas + oranges + apples + strawberries + natural yogurt + 1 teaspoon of honey).

Dinner: 200 g boiled shrimp, 100 g seaweed.

For children

  • Chicken, turkey, lean veal, beef must be in the child's diet.
  • Sausages, sausages and sausages are strongly recommended to be excluded from the children's menu.
  • Children need to eat low-fat fish (1-3 times a week): pike perch, hake, pollock, cod. It contains iodine, which is necessary for mental activity.
  • The presence of natural dairy products (milk, cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, natural yogurt) is mandatory, as they contain calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin B2 necessary for growth.
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables are an integral part of the children's menu. It is better to add natural vegetable oil to salads.
  • Children of preschool and school (1st - 2nd grade) age should consume 280 g of carbohydrates, 70 g of protein, 70 g of fat daily.
  • The child must have breakfast: 25% of the daily calorie content should be breakfast, 40% lunch, 15% afternoon tea and 20% dinner.
  • The daily calorie intake of children 7-10 years old should be 2400 kcal. Children aged 11 - 13 years should consume: boys - 2300-2600 kcal, girls - 2100 - 2400 kcal.
  • A child involved in sports should consume 300-400 kcal more than their peers.


Day 1

Breakfast: bread (20 g) with butter (10 g) + hard cheese (15 g), 200 ml of milk (not less than 2.5% fat), tea.

Lunch: 200 g soup with meatballs, 150 g mashed potatoes, 50 g boiled hake.

Snack: 100 g sweet cottage cheese (9% fat) with raisins (15 g), 1 banana.

Dinner: 150 g of buckwheat porridge on the water + 0.5 teaspoon of butter, 100 g of boiled chicken breast.

Day 2

Breakfast: 150 g of oatmeal with milk (any fat content) + 1 banana, 15 g of hard cheese, tea.

Lunch: 200 g of borscht, 100 g of any stewed vegetables, 100 g of baked chicken fillet.

Snack: 1 bun with poppy seeds (60 g), 200 ml of kefir (any fat content).

Dinner: 200 g vegetable casserole (from any vegetables), 100 g cod stew.

Day 3

Breakfast: 150 g of cottage cheese (9% fat) + 2 teaspoons of honey or 20 g of raisins, 1 banana, tea.

Lunch: 200 g rice soup with chicken broth, 100 g boiled chicken breast, 100 g salad (tomatoes + cucumbers + 15% fat sour cream).

Snack: 150 g fruit salad (bananas, kiwi, apples, oranges + natural yogurt + 1 tablespoon honey), tea.

Dinner: 150 g of rice porridge on the water + 0.5 teaspoon of butter, 70 g of baked veal.

Day 4

Breakfast: 170 g of buckwheat porridge on water + 1 teaspoon of butter, 50 g of boiled chicken breast, tea.

Lunch: 200 g of vermicelli soup, 100 g of baked pollock, 1 cucumber.

Snack: 150 g cottage cheese and banana casserole, 200 ml fermented baked milk (4-5% fat).

Dinner: 150 g of mashed potatoes + 0.5 teaspoon of butter, 70 g of baked chicken breast, 100 g of salad (cucumbers, tomatoes + sour cream 15% fat).

Day 5

Breakfast: scrambled eggs (2 eggs + 100 ml of milk of any fat content), 1 banana, 1 toast with jam, tea.

Lunch: 200 g of rice porridge on the water + 1 teaspoon of butter, 50 g of baked beef.

Snack: 70 g oatmeal cookies, 200 ml milk (3.2% fat).

Dinner: 200 g vegetable casserole + 100 g cod stew.

Day 6

Breakfast: 150 g of sweet rice porridge with milk (2.5% fat), 1 banana, tea.

Lunch: 150 g buckwheat soup with chicken broth, 100 g mashed potatoes, 100 g steamed chicken cutlets.

Snack: 100 g milk-fruit jelly, tea.

Dinner: 150 g of barley porridge on the water + 0.5 teaspoon of butter, 100 g of baked turkey fillet.

Day 7

Breakfast: 1 bun with jam (80 g), 100 g cottage cheese (9% fat), tea.

Lunch: 150 g of barley porridge on water + 1 teaspoon of butter, 100 g of baked pollock, 100 g of salad (Beijing cabbage + cucumbers + tomatoes + sour cream 15% fat).

Snack: 150 g of sweet curd mass (9% fat cottage cheese + 20 g of raisins + 10 g of dried apricots + 1 tablespoon of honey), 200 ml of kefir.

Dinner: 200 g of buckwheat porridge on the water + 1 teaspoon of butter, 100 g of baked pollock, 1 cucumber.

After 40 years

  • After forty years, the body becomes more vulnerable to the effects of various adverse factors. An unhealthy diet has an extremely negative effect on the cardiovascular, endocrine and nervous systems. So, malnutrition with gastritis or an ulcer can result in cancer due to the fact that the human immune system weakens after forty years. In addition, metabolic processes slow down somewhat, therefore, in order to maintain health and slim figure you need to carefully consider the calorie content of food.
  • Nutrition after forty should be varied and balanced.
  • It is advisable to eat fractionally - 5-6 times a day. If you are used to three main meals, reduce your usual portions (for example, use smaller dishes, eat without additives), enter snacks with fruits, fresh vegetable salads (with olive oil).
  • Since after forty years the ability to absorb fats decreases, and the formation of fats from carbohydrates occurs faster - limit the consumption of fatty meat and fish, flour, confectionery.
  • You need to consume at least 100 g of protein per day. Especially valuable are those proteins that contain methionine - an amino acid that forms lipotropic substances in the body (promote lipid metabolism and regulate cholesterol levels). Methionine is found in dairy products (cottage cheese, kefir, cheese). They also contain the calcium needed by the body.
  • Meat and fish are best boiled or baked.
  • Minimize your consumption of fried foods.
  • It is better to exclude fatty pork and lamb, or eat very rarely.
  • Eat no more than ten eggs per week.
  • Be sure to use rice, oatmeal, buckwheat - these are excellent adsorbents that will not allow toxins and toxins to linger.
  • Eat more greens, fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as prunes, sauerkraut and seaweed. These products have a mild laxative effect and prevent the development of harmful microorganisms in the intestines.
  • Drink at least 2 liters of pure water without gas per day, herbal teas. Coffee consumption should be reduced. Drink no more than 2 cups of not too strong coffee a day.
  1. Regardless of age, try to get rid of bad habits(smoking, eating in front of a computer or TV). This reduces the effect of a healthy diet.
  2. Try to get at least seven hours of sleep a night, and ventilate the room before going to bed.
  3. Move more. If possible, do not use transport, but travel distances on foot. So overweight go even faster.
  4. Make more time for hobbies. It is also a great distraction from the obsessive desire to eat.
  5. Buy good cream for the body and use it every time after a shower. This will protect your skin from excessive moisture loss and give it a healthy look.
  6. Try different tea blends (e.g. black tea + jasmine + strawberry). It is possible with honey, but only without sugar and without sweets in a bite. Teas also help to suppress an inopportune appetite and cheer up.
  7. When eating, do not focus only on food. This will prevent you from overeating.
  8. Do not rush to lose weight: the slower the weight goes away, the more reliable the result.
  9. Remember that proper nutrition is not a diet, but the norm of life.

Nutritionist's opinion

It’s great when all family members are ready to switch to proper nutrition, because in a couple of months it will be possible to observe with pleasure dramatic changes in appearance, health, attitude and an increase in the level of comfort own life. Of course, at first it will drag on terrible force on smoked meats, harmful sweets and salinity, and sometimes not because you want to, but simply because "the forbidden fruit is sweet."

What can you do, that's the way people are. But even if you easily give up forbidden pleasures, you still have to work to ensure that the pre-compiled exemplary menu of proper nutrition pleases you with such dishes that are easy and quick to prepare, but at the same time preserve the benefits of all products as much as possible and are distinguished by excellent taste qualities.


For breakfast, nutritionists unanimously recommend eating cereals - they are hearty, nutritious and rich in useful vitamins, minerals and trace elements. But you must admit - eating the same dish in the morning, even if made from different cereals, is boring.

Therefore, we will try to diversify our diet, making the usual cereals original and unusual, or even replacing them with other dishes. For example:


Traditionally, lunch consists of a first course, a second course and a salad. With proper nutrition, it is preferable to cook first courses without frying, it is better to stew, steam or bake second courses (grilling is also welcome), and in salads, it is better to replace mayonnaise dressings with low-fat sour cream, and vinegar with lemon juice. Given the basics of proper nutrition, the menu may include the following dishes for lunch.

First meal

What to cook first, if the usual borscht and chicken noodles already tired?

Main dishes

Usually, those dishes that are served as a second course can also be safely served as dinner, however, in the evening it is also advisable to supplement them with some kind of salad, herbs or simply chopped cucumbers, bell peppers.


  • This amazingly simple dish turns out so tasty and beautiful that it is quite worthy of a festive table.
    For 4 servings we will need:
    1. 500 grams of potatoes,
    2. 400 gr. chicken fillet,
    3. 400 gr. champignons,
    4. 4 medium sized tomatoes,
    5. 300-400 gr. hard cheese,
    6. Sour cream or lean mayonnaise.
    7. Spices, salt and pepper
    8. Greenery
    We cut all the ingredients equally - into slices. Lubricate the bottom of the pots with sour cream, put the fillet first, then the mushrooms, a little more sour cream, then potatoes, tomatoes and sour cream again. Sprinkle generously with cheese on top. Don't forget to salt and pepper. And now we put our pots in a preheated oven for 40-50 minutes.

  • Fish stew with vegetables
    For this easy-to-prepare dish, we need 500 grams of fish fillet, which we cut into cubes, 30 grams of carrots, cut into strips, 200 grams of onion, cut into half rings, and 2 tbsp. tomato paste, 4 bay leaves and black peppercorns.
    First, stew onions and carrots in vegetable oil along with tomato paste. After 10 minutes, add the fish fillet, spices and 500 ml hot water. Cover with a lid and let simmer for 40 minutes.

  • Baked chicken breast with vegetables and an apple for a festive table
    For 2 servings ready meal take 250 grams of chicken breast, 200 grams of broccoli, 2 medium potatoes, 2 apples, egg white, green onions, vegetable oil, 2 table. tablespoons of low-fat sour cream, and for an apple - honey, 2 tsp each. raisins and nuts.
    Dip chicken breast in protein and bake at 180C for about 20 minutes. Potatoes also need to be baked with vegetable oil and sour cream, and steamed broccoli. In apples, remove the core and fill with nuts, raisins and honey, then bake in the oven for 45 minutes. The dish is served on a large plate and topped with green onions.

    For this Italian dish, take 2 eggplant, tomato and garlic cloves, a couple of tablespoons of olive oil and a mixture of Italian or any other herbs.
    In a baking dish, greased with oil, lay out layers of 1 cm thick sliced ​​​​eggplants, then tomatoes (0.5 cm thick). Sprinkle vegetables on top with oil, add chopped garlic and spices. After that, you need to bake the dish in the oven for 50-60 minutes, and sprinkle with cheese and grated herbs before serving.

    For two servings of this dietary and healthy dish take 1 onion, 250 grams of broccoli, 250 grams of shrimp, 200 grams of spaghetti, 2 cloves of garlic and 2 tbsp. olive oil.
    We divide the broccoli into inflorescences and boil for 10 minutes, after which we chop into even smaller inflorescences. Peel the shrimp and bring to a boil, then set aside. Saute chopped onion in heated olive oil until golden brown, then add garlic, after a couple of minutes - broccoli, as well as a little broth in which cabbage was boiled so that the mixture resembles a sauce.
    Boil the spaghetti shortly before serving and, when ready, immediately pour over the broccoli sauce and put the shrimp in the center of the plate.

Salads for lunch and dinner

Appetizers and salads play a special role in proper nutrition, and when compiling a healthy nutrition menu for a month, you should try to include salads from a wide variety of seasonal vegetables, fruits and herbs. By the way, fruit salads are great both as an addition to lunch and as a second dinner, when you want to eat, but you don’t want to eat up at night.

If you didn’t know how to diversify and how to make a proper nutrition menu, we hope that with our recipes the task is greatly simplified. Now you will prove to your family that proper diet food can be incredibly tasty.

Learn more:

It is really possible to lose weight quickly without diets and exhausting starvation, but for this you need to radically review your diet and switch to more proper nutrition.

Examples of the correct separate nutrition menu for the week

The most complete and detailed description separate power supply according to Sheldon: history of occurrence, food combination rules and restrictions, pros and cons, expert assessment, as well as an approximate weekly diet.

How can a man under 100 stay healthy and full of energy - diet, nutrition

How long years to stay in great shape, how to quickly get rid of the appeared belly, how to maintain men's health after 45 years, what are the requirements for proper nutrition for men.

food calorie table

The most low-calorie foods, of course, include all vegetables and fruits, leafy salad greens, all low-fat dairy products, dietary meats, white fish, shellfish, crustaceans.

Products for proper nutrition, their combinations for rejuvenation of the body (list)

You can maintain and improve the health of the body with the help of a competent choice of products for proper nutrition. Some categories of products must be included in your menu, while others, on the contrary, should be crossed out.

Proper nutrition - the subtleties and nuances of organizing a healthy diet

For those who decide to embark on the path of a healthy lifestyle: the rules of proper nutrition, helpful tips and a list of the most important products for women. And if you don’t know how to make a proper diet, an approximate menu for one day will help.

We've all tried eat right, guided by inner feelings and stereotypes in the air rather than by a specific program. There is nothing surprising in the fact that the attempts were unsuccessful: in order to qualitatively change the diet, both willpower is required (you need not only not to consume chocolates one by one, but also cook almost every evening), and a clear guide to action. Following the recommendations of nutritionists, we have compiled a meal plan that will suit a person with a sedentary lifestyle and at the same time will allow you to get all the necessary vitamins and nutrients.

You won’t have to starve, on the contrary: you must not forget to drink water, it’s useful to have a snack, and follow the rest of the above tips that will facilitate the transition to a new regimen. In general, you just have to buy groceries for the week ahead (the list with everything you need for one person is to the right of this paragraph) and don't be lazy to cook food with you. We are sure that with such a varied, satisfying and at the same time concise menu, the chances of improving the diet and acquiring healthy eating habits will increase significantly.


Daily grocery list:

muesli without sugar 60 g skimmed milk - 300 g canned peach halves 4 things., almond nuts - 20 pcs whole grain pita 1 PC., canned in own juice tuna - 100 g avocado - half fruit, small cucumber - 1 PC., low fat yogurt 600 g potato - 100 g green asparagus stalks 3 pcs., arugula - 1 bunch egg - 1 PC., canned beans - 100 g celery stalk - 1 PC., red bulb - 1 PC.,
parsley - 1 bunch fresh or frozen berries - 1 glass olive oil,
balsamic vinegar


Pour 60 g of muesli with a glass of milk and cut into a cup 4 halves of canned peaches.

20 almonds.


Pita with tuna

Fill 1 medium pita with 100 g of canned tuna and salad (cucumber, avocado, green peas, lettuce) with a dressing of 200 g of low-fat, unsweetened yogurt.

A glass of low-fat yogurt.

Why eat well at all? if the required amount of energy can be obtained from a few packs of chips or chocolates? The fact is that the quality of food really affects the functioning of the body: a diet poor in terms of nutrients increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, osteoporosis and other diseases that you never wish on anyone. Eating habits are formed from childhood, but they can be overcome (sometimes with the help of a nutritionist or psychotherapist): in the end, the responsibility for overeating and choosing a diet in adulthood no longer lies with parents and caregivers.


Potato frittata

Cut 100 g of boiled potatoes and 3 stalks of green asparagus into cubes, fry together with a handful of arugula over medium heat. Pour everything with an egg mixed with milk, and when the frittata is almost ready, sprinkle it with grated cheese (30 g is enough).

bean salad

Rinse and dry 100 g of canned beans, pour into a bowl. Chop a stalk of celery, a quarter of a red onion and a bunch of parsley into it, season with oil and balsamic.

200 g unsweetened low-fat yogurt mixed with a glass of fresh or frozen berries.


Daily grocery list:

whole grain bread - 2 pieces, cottage cheese - 1 tbsp. l., banana - 1 pc., honey - 1 tbsp. l.,
potatoes - 50 g, frozen peas - 100 g, lemon - 1 pc., bread crumbs - 2 tbsp. l., parsley - 1 bunch, small onion - 1 pc., champignons - 50 g, mini corn
- 5-6 cobs, any seasonal fruit - 1 pc., chicken breast - 100 g, small cucumber
- 1 piece, lettuce - 1 bunch, avocado, brown sugar - 2 tsp, cinnamon stick - 1 piece,
apple - 1 pc., low-fat ice cream - 2 balls, spinach - a small bunch


2 whole grain toast with cream cheese and a banana with a spoonful of honey.

8 pieces of dried apricots.


2 potato-salmon tortillas and salad

Mix 50 g of crushed boiled potatoes with a quarter cup of frozen peas, 50 g of canned salmon, a teaspoon of lemon juice, chopped parsley, onion and 2 tablespoons of bread crumbs. Form 2 cakes and fry them with a minimum of oil. For the salad, mix a handful of spinach, a few cobs of baby corn and 50 g of mushrooms.

Any seasonal fruit.

It is considered to be that for weight loss an adult woman leading a sedentary lifestyle needs at least 1200 kilocalories per day (for a man - at least 1800). If you eat less, then at first you can really lose weight, but then your metabolism will slow down. Those who want to keep fit need to eat more - but also in several meals and in small portions. The nutrition plan for Monday and the rest of the days is calculated just like this: every day the total caloric content of the diet will be 1500-1700 kcal.


Pita with chicken and vegetables

Marinate 100 g of chicken breast in lemon juice for 20-30 minutes, and then fry it over medium heat with a little olive oil. Cut it up, mix it with a cucumber, a handful of green peas, a bunch of lettuce and half an avocado, and stuff it into a whole grain pita.

Ice cream and apple compote

In a saucepan with half a glass of water, add some lemon zest, a teaspoon of lemon juice, two teaspoons of brown sugar and a cinnamon stick, boil for 5 minutes and add the chopped apple. Cook for 10-15 minutes, cool and serve with 2 scoops of low-fat ice cream.


Daily grocery list:

whole grain cereal - 45 g, low-fat milk - 1 cup, canned peaches
- 150 g, whole grain bread - 2 pieces, low-fat ham - 65 g, cheese - 40 g, tomato - 1 pc., cucumber - 1 pc., spinach - 1 bunch, whole grain bread - 2 pcs., curd cheese - 1 tbsp . l., canned corn - 100 g, canned chickpeas - 100 g, cilantro - 1 bunch, red onion
- 1 piece, low-fat yogurt - 300 g, salmon steak - 150 g, mixed vegetables - 1 cup,
berries or chopped fruit - 1 cup


45 whole-grain cereal with a glass of low-fat milk and 150 g canned peaches.

A glass of vegetable sticks with 50 g of hummus.


Ham sandwich

Put 65 g of ham, 40 g of cheese, slices of tomato and cucumber and spinach on a toast of whole grain bread, cover with another of the same toast.

Two whole grain breads with a thin layer curd cheese and tomatoes.

Snacks are important so as not to scare the body with a hunger strike. Yes, it's hard to find healthy foods for a second breakfast or afternoon snack, but an apple or a handful of nuts between meals will kick-start your calorie needs just as your body is preparing to lower your metabolic rate to use infrequent food more slowly. It is obvious that you should not snack on sweet bars and other full simple carbohydrates products: sugar is addictive, and sweets are usually fatty. By the way, any snack in this weekly menu you can replace it with the one you like: it’s better to eat 40 nuts a day than to end up swallowing Mars without eating enough yogurt.


Salmon with salad

For the salad, mix 100 g of canned corn and chickpeas, a little red onion and cilantro, season with low-fat yogurt. Grill a 150-gram salmon steak for 2 minutes on each side and serve with a salad and a handful of sautéed mixed vegetables (you can use frozen).

200 g unsweetened yogurt with a glass of berries or chopped fruit.


Daily grocery list:

whole grain bread - 2 pcs., banana - 1 pc., low-fat milk - 2 cups, honey - 1 tbsp. l.,
almonds - 20 pcs., pumpkin squash - 150 g, canned chickpeas - 200 g, bell pepper - 2 pcs., spinach - 1 bunch, any spicy low-fat sauce - 2 tbsp. l., onion - 1 pc., tomato paste
- 100 g, low-fat minced meat - 100 g, carrots - 1 pc., celery - 1 stalk, dry spaghetti - 40 g, avocado - half of the fruit, small cucumber - 1 pc., cumin and coriander seeds, rapeseed oil, salt, pepper , lemon juice


2 whole grain toast with a thin layer of butter and a banana smoothie with 1 banana, a glass of milk and a tablespoon of honey.

20 almonds.


Salad with pumpkin and chickpeas

150 g pumpkin squash cut into pieces and heated in the microwave until soft. Mix it with 200 g of canned or boiled chickpeas, bell peppers, a handful of spinach and coriander seeds and zira, season with a spicy low-fat sauce.

A glass of milk.

Except true protein ratio, fats and carbohydrates, the amount of clean water drunk per day is important. Nearly every process in the body can take place without water, so dehydration slows down metabolism, which affects overall well-being and productivity. In particular, when dehydrated, the body's ability to burn fat is significantly reduced, and 1.5 liters of water per day helps to effortlessly lose about two kilograms per year. By the way, if the feeling of hunger visits too often, it is worth drinking water: it is very difficult to distinguish a thirst signal from a hungry one until you drain the glass.


Spaghetti bolognese

Fry a quarter of a small onion in rapeseed oil until transparent, add 100 g of low-fat minced meat, after 5 minutes - a handful of chopped carrots, celery and bell peppers and 100 g of tomato paste. Simmer everything for 15 minutes, season with salt and pepper and add to boiled pasta (40 g dry).

vegetable salad

Made from spinach, bell pepper, peas (if any), cucumber and avocado, seasoned with oil and lemon juice.

Pair of plums caramelized with a teaspoon of sugar and drizzled over 200 g of unsweetened yogurt.


6 Japanese rolls, vegetable or fish.

A glass of coffee or cocoa with low-fat milk.

Any seasonal fruit.

One of the main problems with a meal plan - the need to prepare everything in advance and carry around a bunch of containers. In fact, everything is not as difficult as it seems: food can be prepared in the evening, cooking two dishes will take about an hour. It doesn’t matter with containers either: in the same IKEA there are simple containers and sealed bags (a sandwich will fit just right), and there are also nice compact lunchboxes with compartments for several dishes.

4.2 out of 5

Eating habits are invariably reflected in appearance and well-being. Nutritionists and doctors advise to abandon fast food products, moderate alcohol and sugar consumption, and exclude fried, fatty foods. junk food in large quantities acts like a poison, gradually disrupting all processes in the body. In its turn wellness nutrition - the key to longevity and harmony.

How to plan a healthy meal for every day?

Proper nutrition is based on 5 main rules:

  • Eat a varied, healthy diet that includes proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals;
  • Eat to a state of light satiety and never overeat;
  • Eat moderate meals every 2-3 hours;
  • Drink 1.5 liters of pure water daily;
  • Refuse fried, smoked, fatty, sweet.

Wellness nutrition is not a diet, but the most acceptable way of life for a person. As soon as the correct diet becomes a habit, the attitude towards food in general changes. Due to lack of products food additives, a large number spices, salt, sugar, the sense of smell is aggravated, the sensitivity of taste buds is increased. People who give up sugar feel much better the delicate aroma of fruits and vegetables.

Healthy food for every day includes full breakfast, nutritious lunch and light dinner. The diet also includes 2-3 snacks between main meals. Fruits, nuts, berries, kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese are more suitable for lunch and afternoon tea. It is important that the interval between meals does not exceed four hours.

A hearty breakfast and a hearty lunch warn against overeating in the evening. In the morning you can afford some sweets, cereals with fruits, nuts, honey. If you have a hard day, then eat an omelette with vegetables, a cheese sandwich, a cup of coffee with milk or tea for breakfast.

Principles of healthy eating and menu for the week

The basic principle healthy eating consists of frequent snacks natural products . The menu must include cereals, vegetables, meat, fish, seafood, fruits, dairy products. The preferred size of 1 serving is 200-250 g.

It is better to make a healthy food menu for a week in advance. So you save time and will not painfully invent recipes. Write a grocery list, buy everything you need, and cook healthy meals.

Healthy eating involves eating lots of vegetables. From them you can create amazing salads seasoned with olive oil and mustard. Add nuts, seeds, herbs, spices, olives, berries to vegetables. Use recipes for stewed, baked vegetables for a healthy diet and menu for the week, cook grilled and steamed dishes.

Forbidden healthy food menu items for the week

The secret to a perfect figure lies in the rejection of useless products. A healthy diet for a week excludes:

  • sugar, alcohol, juices in packages;
  • pork, duck, sausages, sausages, mayonnaise, canned food;
  • pasta, potatoes, white rice;
  • grapes, semolina, wheat porridge, bread, chips, salted nuts, raisins, chocolate.

Weekly healthy food menu option


  • Breakfast: 130 g of buckwheat porridge, nectarine, cocoa without sugar;
  • 2 breakfast: 1 boiled egg, 150 g vegetable salad with vegetable oil, tea;
  • Lunch: a plate of pickle on meat broth, 200 g cabbage rolls with meat and buckwheat, a glass of natural juice;
  • Afternoon snack: grilled mushrooms, vegetable salad, tea;
  • Dinner: 110 g of boiled pilengas, 100 g of vegetable and onion salad, tea;
  • 2 dinner: 100 g fat-free cottage cheese.
  • Breakfast: 130 g of barley porridge, 30 g of hard cheese, cocoa with milk;
  • 2 breakfast: squid, cucumber, peas and sour cream salad (130 g);
  • Lunch: a plate of okroshka, meat cutlet steamed, vegetable salad, compote without sugar;
  • Snack: 100 g of cottage cheese with honey, tea;
  • Dinner: 100 g chicken fillet, salad, tea;
  • 2 dinner: 100 g low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Breakfast: 130 g of oatmeal, 1 apple, coffee with milk;
  • 2 breakfast: banana, tea;
  • Lunch: a plate pea soup, 100 g chicken and vegetable salad;
  • Snack: baked apple with cottage cheese and honey, tea;
  • Dinner: 130 g of baked carp, vegetables;
  • 2 dinner: a glass of kefir.
  • Breakfast: 2 egg omelette, 50 g green peas, 1 whole grain bread;
  • 2 breakfast: 130 g of vinaigrette;
  • Lunch: borsch in meat broth, steamed cutlet, salad, unsweetened compote;
  • Snack: 100 g cottage cheese casserole, apple, tea;
  • Dinner: 110 g of boiled pike perch, 150 g of boiled cauliflower, tea;
  • 2 dinner: a glass of kefir.
  • Breakfast: 130 g of cottage cheese with fruits and honey, tea;
  • 2 breakfast: 30 g nuts;
  • Lunch: a plate of borscht, meatballs, baked zucchini, compote;
  • Afternoon snack: pomegranate;
  • Dinner: 150 g sprats with onions and vegetables, tea;
  • 2 dinner: a glass of kefir.
  • Breakfast: oatmeal with nuts, 1 apple, cocoa with milk;
  • 2 breakfast: 50 g of chicken and 1 grain loaf;
  • Lunch: vegetable and chicken stew, tea;
  • Snack: 100 g fat-free cottage cheese, 1 apple;
  • Dinner: 200 g shrimp, lettuce;
  • 2 dinner: a glass of curdled milk.


  • Breakfast: 2 soft-boiled eggs, vegetable salad, cocoa with milk;
  • 2 breakfast: carrots with sour cream and seeds;
  • Lunch: meat broth soup with broccoli, carrots, herbs, cutlet, salad;
  • Afternoon snack: beetroot salad with prunes;
  • Dinner: chicken breast with mushrooms and vegetables;
  • 2 dinner: a glass of kefir.

Healthy food menu in summer should be diversified with fresh berries, fruits, vegetables. Add your favorite berries and fruits to cereals, eat them for lunch and afternoon tea. Mix raspberries, strawberries, currants with cottage cheese.

If you need to create a healthy diet menu in the summer, then choose seasonal vegetables and fruits, but do not overdo it. Fruits are best eaten after cereals or separately from the main meal. It is not recommended to eat fruits after 15 o'clock in the afternoon.

To create a healthy eating plan for the week, study the allowed and prohibited foods. Mix meat with vegetables, add cereals and various greens to them. Today there are many recipes based on healthy products.

Change your healthy eating menu for the week depending on your mood. If you don’t feel like porridge in the morning, then warm up a bowl of soup or eat delicious salad with Chiken. Food should bring pleasure and saturate the body with useful substances.

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