Maria Pogrebnyak before and after breast augmentation. Russian Beckhams: The Pogrebnyak Family. Slim figure of Mary

Maria Pogrebnyak did several plastic surgeries, changing the shape of her nose, lips and cheekbones. Fans are concerned about the drastic changes in the appearance of the girl.

Maria Pogrebnyak is the wife of the famous Russian footballer Pavel Pogrebnyak. She is a fashion designer, the name of her brand is Shatalova, that was the girl's maiden name. Maria is so beautiful that many people began to doubt the naturalness of her beauty.

Maria Pogrebnyak before losing weight

Maria Pogrebnyak has a slim figure and a wonderful appearance. But it is surprising that in her youth the appearance of the girl was very different from her modern image. The photo in her youth shows that nature rewarded her with chubby cheeks and a round face.

Now the wife of a famous football player and a mother of many children of an incredibly refined physique. Fans began to suspect her of being anorexic. These assumptions are justified, because with a height of 169 cm, her weight is only 43 kilograms.

But Maria claims that her thinness is the result of a balanced diet and constant physical activity. Therefore, after the birth of three children, she looks great.

It is forbidden to eat fried and smoked foods. Only boiled or steamed food is healthy.

You need to eat food with a lot of protein.

Maria completely abandoned sweet fruits that contain a lot of sugar: grapes, bananas, pomegranates, cherries and cherries, persimmons, mangoes.

Low-calorie cereals boiled in water are welcome - oatmeal, rice, buckwheat.

But a diet without physical activity will not give the desired result, so the girl advises fitness classes and running.

Maria Pogrebnyak before and after plastic surgery

After the birth of her first son, Maria took up not only her figure, but also began to change on her face. For the first time, fans noticed a sharp increase in lips that were very different from her natural ones.

At that time, surgeons actively used biogel - a lip filler. But something went wrong and the girl's lips were swollen and deformed.

In February 2016, Maria shared her next photo. On it, she showed a perfectly shaped nose - even, chiseled, without a hint of flaws. The purpose of the publication was to tell subscribers about the wonders of facial makeup techniques. Maria wanted to convince her fans of how effective make-up skills can be. But they began to accuse her of having plastic surgery on her nose.

In the photo before and after the proposed plastic surgery, you can see how her face has changed. Sharp cheekbones appeared, lips became larger, the contour of the face became more refined, and the nose became small.

School love of Maria Shatalova and Pavel Pogrebnyak ended in a wedding in 2014. Since then, football fans have been closely watching not only the famous athlete, but also his popular wife. Maria everywhere follows Pavel hand in hand, and as often their place of residence changes, so does the appearance of Maria Pogrebnyak.

Fans never tire of comparing her public photos before and after plastic surgery.


Maria is a native Muscovite. Born in 1988 in a family of economists.

Parents wanted their daughter to follow in their footsteps. The girl studied at a prestigious school in Sokolniki, at the same time attended classes at a modeling school, additionally studied painting. After school, she entered the Moscow Academy of Finance, but left her studies in 2006 and, as the wife of a Decembrist, went to Pavel, who was transferred to the football team of the city of Tomsk.

Maria and plastic

+25 kg before childbirth

Changes in Maria's appearance began after the first birth at the age of 19. Masha, who is always inclined to be overweight by nature, gained 25 kg during pregnancy. The girl set a goal to bring her figure to the ideal, and she succeeded with the help of training and diets.

Note: The ideal of female beauty, according to Maria, is a slender body, large breasts, plump lips and a snow-white smile.

It is to such beauty that Mary herself aspires. Having acquired a slender body, the girl decides on. In the photo after the procedure, fans note that not everything went smoothly. Maria herself admits that she has become a hostage to the side effects of the biogel, which no one uses for injections at the moment. After 10 years, Maria gets rid of this drug, but her lips keep their shape, although the girl denies repeated interventions.


To make her smile even more attractive, Maria installed veneers - special overlays on her teeth that create the effect of a Hollywood smile.


The cheekbones and cheeks of Pogrebnyak in the early photograph are round, the face is wide with smooth lines. In the latest pictures, Masha shows a narrow oval face with accents on the cheekbones and sunken cheeks. Such changes can only be explained by the use in the cheekbones, the removal of "Bish's lumps" from the inside of the cheeks.


The football player's wife does not comment on mammoplasty, but fans notice that against the background of general weight loss, the chest has not changed at all and introduces a certain dissonance into the figure of Mary.

Interesting: at the moment, Pogrebnyak's weight is 43-45 kg, with a height of 169 cm.


Observers are critical of such harmony and suspect Maria of eating disorders. What Maria shares her diet with: a categorical rejection of fast food, fatty and sweet foods; in the diet only cereals on the water, steamed fish, low-fat cottage cheese, and all this is supported by regular physical activity. This recipe has preserved the slender figure of Mary after the second and third births.


Discussion is caused not only by the transformation of Mary's appearance, but also by her publicity. In 2012, Pavel Pogrebnyak signed a contract with the English team Fulham and the whole family moved to London. Here Mary becomes a celebrity.

In 2013, the reality show "Meet the Russians" is released, where Maria takes part. The show shows Russian life abroad - countless shopping, parties and spending money by star wives. Pogrebnyak spoke negatively about the overall direction of the show. According to Maria, all the scenes of household chores about the family and husband were cut out and the image as a whole was conveyed to the audience in the wrong way.

Then in 2013 Maria launched her own clothing line "Maria Shatalova". Drawing skills and modeling help her to design collections and take part in the shows herself. Model appearance, which Maria has been striving for so long, finds its application.


After success in a reality show about Russians in London, Maria Pogrebnyak becomes really popular. The socialite attends numerous public events, her collection of dresses is in great demand, Maria is compared to Victoria Beckham.

And the girl does not keep herself waiting long, in 2017 Maria Pogrebnyak releases the video "Majorki", and later, at the celebration of her 30th birthday, she performs the song "Anesthetic".

Maria Pogrebnyak never ceases to amaze her fans, personifying a wonderful hostess, fashion designer, caring wife and loving mother of three children. She does household chores herself, takes her husband and sons to training, their family has never had a nanny. At the same time, she manages to do business, maintain her blog about beauty and shares new photos with fans on her Instagram page.

Not so long ago, the media reported that Pavel Pogrebnyak was going to arrange a wedding again, and this had nothing to do with the break in existing relations. Pavel remarries his own wife, Maria Pogrebnyak, whose biography interests many more than her husband. How Maria Pogrebnyak looks before and after plastic surgery, find out what height and weight the footballer's wife has and other details of the personal life of celebrities.

Relationships and wedding traditions

The first to know about the upcoming event were the fans of the couple who follow Maria's Instagram. There she announced that she was ready for the fourth time to go down the aisle with her husband.

It must be said that the relationship of the spouses began to develop in their school years. Pavel fell in love with Mary without memory. In 2006, they were married, but eight years later they wanted a new and more magnificent celebration. Then their closest friends Buzova and Tarasov were also present there.

To date, the couple has crossed the fifteen-year milestone of the relationship and decided to consolidate this with another wedding ceremony. By the way, they are raising three sons, so some of the fans suggested that the fourth wedding is a subtle allusion to the expectation of replenishment in the family.

Maria, by the way, is in great shape, with a height of 169 cm she definitely does not have excess weight, since she weighs only 43 kg, but this does not prevent her from strictly controlling her husband. For example, she may well check his smartphone. However, Pavel does not seem to feel too hurt by this moment.

In fact, many fans note that the couple seem to have perfect harmony in their relationship. They travel a lot together, post a large number of photos where they are together.

There are many who want to know what the girl looked like before and after plastic surgery, and the photo below really shows what changes in appearance occurred with the wife of the football player.

The tradition of taking vows to each other, similar to wedding ones, was born in the Pogrebnyak family a long time ago. Exchanging promises every year, the spouses love to arrange a magnificent event at the same time. However, a wedding that would have been truly magnificent, they have only arranged three times so far.

The fourth event, among other things, may be associated with the anniversary of the relationship of the spouses.

Fans can only guess what place Pavel and Maria chose this time. However, many have decided that now it will be the Maldives. In the top guesses and other countries - Italy, the United Arab Emirates and even Australia.

Of course, there are those who have a negative attitude towards wedding hobbies - they say, a married couple simply has nothing else to spend money on. On the other hand, those who are not particularly fond of counting money in someone else's pocket come to the conclusion that an idyll reigns in the family, which Paul and Mary want to show others with the help of such holidays.

Maria is a designer, media figure and faithful wife

Maria comes from an intelligent family that lived in the capital. She is not an only child, but her brother is significantly older than her. The girl was born on November 17th, 1988, and ended up being raised by her grandmother, because her parents had to spend a lot of time at work.

According to Maria, her grandmother gave her a lot of positive qualities, and most importantly, taught her to love, told about the rules of good manners, etiquette and manners.

Maria began dating Pavel from the seventh grade. She followed him everywhere, and often suffered from this training, but she still managed to get a degree in accounting, graduating from the Financial University.

In 2012, the couple moved to the UK, and there Maria discovered a new talent in herself - design. At the same time, she was interested in all aspects, including the modeling business. When the couple returned to the capital, Maria continued to work in the same field - she released the Maria Shatalova clothing brand.

Relationship history

As mentioned above, the couple met during their school years - that is, when both were engaged in a sports school, but they began a serious relationship when Mary was seventeen. Paul is four years older.

In 2006, they decided to sign, but did not arrange a major wedding celebration. This first happened in 2014. However, since that moment they have arranged a wedding every year.

Three children is an excellent result of a long marriage. Maria is now very actively watching her figure, because after the first birth she got too fat and no longer wants to allow this to happen.

Maria Pogrebnyak became famous not only as the wife of the sought-after Russian footballer Pavel Pogrebnyak. She has long been a well-known fashion designer, taking Shatalova's maiden name as the basis for the name of her fashion brand. Now a few more have been added to the title of the star wife - a mother of many children, a businesswoman and a very beautiful one. But is her beauty so natural? Increasingly, Mary is accused of plastic, and her excessive thinness is controversial. tells how Maria Pogrebnyak looked before plastic surgery (shows photos before and after plastic surgery for comparison), as well as how the football player's wife lost weight after giving birth.

Maria Pogrebnyak before losing weight - what was the wife of a football player before?

Today, Maria Pogrebnyak is a stylish socialite with a slender figure and bright appearance. But has she always been the way fans are used to seeing her? In her youth, the appearance of the girl was very different from her modern image. The photo in her youth shows that nature did not deprive the Russian beauty of plump cheeks and a pleasant roundness of her face. This is what Maria looked like before weight loss and plastic surgery.

Now the wife of a famous football player and the mother of three sons boasts an incredibly refined complexion. She became so graceful that many followers began to suspect her of anorexia. Such accusations cannot be called unfounded. With a height of 169 cm, her weight is only 43 kilograms.

Such complaints do not bother Mary at all. She claims that her thinness is a completely natural consequence of proper nutrition and constant physical activity. Therefore, even after the second and third births, she continues to delight fans with an incredibly thin camp.

How did the mother of three sons Maria Pogrebnyak lose weight after giving birth?

On her Instagram page, Maria often demonstrates good shape. It amazes many that she manages to be so thin after the birth of three sons. It is no wonder that the fans of the wife of a famous football player were interested in how Maria lost weight, and what caused such a sharp weight loss?

The fact is that after the first birth, she gained an extra 25 kilograms. A young 19-year-old mother was not at all happy with such a sudden weight gain. Yes, and the fans of her star husband gave offensive nicknames to their “rival”, emphasizing the fact that the football player’s wife had recovered greatly. These mockeries became an incentive for further work on oneself. The girl decided at all costs to get rid of magnificent forms and devoted herself not only to raising her son, but also to the struggle for a graceful figure.

Having developed a diet for herself, developed a training plan, and psychologically set herself up for constant work on her appearance, Maria adequately passed the test of two more pregnancies. Today, both anti-fans and her fans are unanimous in admiring how beautiful the mother of three sons looks. Although there were some complaints in this case too - those who accused her of ugly fullness now began to talk about her painful thinness.

What is the secret of Maria's slim figure?

She herself answers this question on her Instagram page. First of all, says Maria, you need to find an incentive to lose weight. Each person has his own - to restore attractiveness, get rid of diseases associated with excess weight, win the sympathy of the opposite sex. But the main basis of motivation should be the desire for health and beauty. An important psychological point is a positive attitude towards the process of losing weight and its results.

    Food should be varied. No fried, smoked foods. Only boiled food or steamed food. The basis of the menu is foods with a lot of protein and vegetables. The slender blonde refuses sweet fruits. Especially from those in which the amount of sugar rolls over. "Danger" in this sense are: grapes, bananas, pomegranates, cherries and sweet cherries, persimmons, mangoes. Dates, figs and raisins are also taboo. So that the menu is not too meager, Maria adds to it such products as: low-fat cottage cheese, boiled white chicken meat, dry fish fillets. In addition, her diet contains low-calorie cereals cooked in water - oatmeal, dark rice, buckwheat.

But a diet without sports will not work, says the wife of a famous Russian athlete. For many years she has been constantly training to achieve ideal parameters. At the same time, she believes that the passion for strength exercises is useless. This can lead to the fact that the girl will lose her femininity and turn into a muscular bodybuilder. In sports activities, Masha relies on the following types of activities:

    Outdoor running. Fitness exercises in the gym. Walking and running on a treadmill.

According to Maria, her slender figure was the result of hard work and adherence to three pillars: psychology, diet, sports.

Maria Pogrebnyak before and after plastic surgery - how did the image of a pretty blonde change?

After the birth of her first son, Maria was carried away not only by her physical form. He decided to change his face. It was from that time that her external changes began. For the first time, fans noticed the plasticity on her face when her lips were suddenly swollen, drastically different from natural volumes.

Then Maria used biogel. This material was a popular lip filler at the time. But the result was not very aesthetic, the lips were deformed and reached a huge size. Fans of the star did not like this disproportion at all, and they advised her to remove the fillers, believing that without them she looked much younger and more attractive.

Masha nevertheless listened to the opinion of her fans and removed unsuccessful fillers. But it happened much later - after 10 years. After removing the biogel, the star claims, she did not carry out any manipulations with her lips. But the photos before and after plastic surgery eloquently prove the opposite. Few people will find such voluminous lips natural. Most likely, the girl simply replaced their filling with a more modern and safer option - hyaluronic acid.

But the photo led to the opposite effect - instead of believing in the magical power of make-up, followers began to put forward versions that plastic surgery helped to correct the shape of the nose. The imposing blonde reacted quite calmly to the accusations against her. She continued to insist that the proper use of cosmetics can quite noticeably correct the shape of the nose. So the achievements of aesthetic medicine are completely useless to her. The image in the picture was created exclusively with the help of contouring.

The metamorphosis of the appearance of Maria Pogrebnyak did not go unnoticed. In the photo before and after the proposed plastic surgery, you can see how her face has changed. Sharp cheekbones appeared, lips became larger, the contour of the face became thinner, and the nose became smaller.

Maria Pogrebnyak or Malinovskaya? What are their differences?

Despite all the questions about what kind of plastic surgery the wife of the famous football player Pogrebnyak did, Maria replies that her beauty is the result of painstaking self-care, and not the consequences of plastic surgery. She often shares the secrets of how to look good, but always denies any surgical interventions in her appearance. But every time attempts to wishful thinking end in a fiasco.

She was increasingly compared with such plastic lovers as Masha Malinovskaya. Both star blondes are constantly experimenting with their appearance. Aesthetic surgery made the two stars practically twins. According to many, the passion for beauty injections and fillers leads to a gradual loss of natural external data. You can see how true such accusations against the two Marys are by comparing their photos.

In many of her photographs, Maria is “fully armed”. Luxurious clothes, beautiful hairstyle and impeccable make-up. But the secular lioness also has pictures of a different plan in her piggy bank. From time to time, posts with photos without makeup appear on Instagram. By signing them, a young mother of many children emphasizes that even a starry face needs a break from make-up, false eyelashes and the most complicated styling. Such "revelations" are liked by many, but some find them completely insincere. In most cases, the reproaches relate to the fact that cosmetics are present, but in an elegant and inconspicuous nude style.

The wives of football players are the same from the face: voluminous lips, chiseled cheekbones, thin noses. In joint selfies on Instagram, they look like sisters. Is football that close? Or is it a matter of "improvement"? We decided to ask a dispassionate and incorruptible plastic surgeon.

Georgy Dashtoyan,
specialist in plastic and reconstructive surgery with experience in the USA,
plastic surgeon at the Center for Aesthetic Medicine and Cosmetology "Darmed"

Alana Mamaeva

This is the wife of FC Krasnodar midfielder Pavel Mamaev, a participant in that very scandalous party in Monaco, where he and Alexander Kokorin celebrated the defeat of the Russian team at Euro 2016 with champagne for two hundred and fifty thousand euros. Alana, by the way, is also a noble participant in scandals: you can find several videos with her on the Internet.

But most of all, netizens love to discuss not the antics of the former model, but her plastic surgery. Alana herself admitted that she did rhinoplasty "because of ENT problems." However, it seems that she was not limited to her nose.

Expert opinion:“Alana definitely did. You see, in the last photos, the springboard of her nose is thin, narrow, without a clear transition from the bone part to the cartilaginous one. It can also be assumed that Mamaeva was removed. She has high cheekbones and fashionable apples in the middle third of her face. She also pins up her lips, you can see the volume and a clear contour, which happens after injections. And she also did contouring of the lower jaw and chin.

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Ekaterina Malafeeva

The wife of the goalkeeper of the Zenit team Vyacheslav Malafeev. Clever and beautiful, she plays the role of not only the wife and keeper of the hearth, but also the director of the M16-Real Estate agency.

Catherine has many acquaintances in show business, and she sometimes attends social events. Not surprisingly, the passion for redesign swept her. By the way, if you put Malafeeva next to Mamaeva, they can be confused.

Expert opinion:“Ekaterina has done everything to a minimum. In the course went, not surgery in its purest form. With the help of injections, Malafeeva pumped up her lips, made her cheekbones, and also injected Botox into her forehead. Standard program, nothing criminal.

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Ekaterina Smolnikova

The wife of Zenit defender Igor Smolnikov cannot sit idle. She not only takes care of her family, but also broadcasts on Zenit TV, and also organized the Play and Help charity project, which helps children with various problems.

It is known that the wives of the players are friends, we found a joint selfie of Smolnikova and Malafeeva. If not (Smolnikova is a blonde, and Malafeeva is a brunette), then they could be mistaken for twin sisters.

Expert opinion:“Ekaterina Smolnikova has all the fashionable injection techniques on her face. Contour plastic of the chin, cheekbones, lips ... Also, rhinoplasty was clearly done, there are injections of botulinum toxin in the forehead area.

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Inna Zhirkova

The wife of football player Yuri Zhirkov became famous thanks to Boris Sobolev's sensational film about beauty contests "Crowned Individuals". In it, Miss Russia - 2012 could not answer the simplest questions: “Does the Earth revolve around the Sun or vice versa? Who are Agniya Barto and Samuil Marshak?

After bullying on social networks, Inna returned the crown. Now Zhirkova is running a successful business: she opened the MiloMilo atelier for tailoring exclusive clothes. You can see many celebrities in her models. Inna often poses herself in created clothes for lookbooks. Most likely, that is why she decided to correct herself a little.

Surgeon's opinion:“Inna did not do serious plastic surgery. If you compare her latest photos with the early ones, it is clear that the girl has lost a lot of weight. Inna could not resist the classic beauty injections. It can be seen that contour plastic surgery was performed on the cheekbones and lips.

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Maria Pogrebnyak

The wife of football player Pavel Pogrebnyak first attracted the attention of the public on both sides of the ocean thanks to the show Meet the Russians, in which she was exposed as a poorly educated socialite who was only interested in clothes and jewelry.

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