The organization of the production of direct-pressed apple juice is a fruitful and profitable business. Juice production: a description of manufacturing technology How to use old industrial juices

The company NPKF "Flight-M" manufactures and supplies a complete set of food processing equipment for the production of apple juice or its concentrate.
Our specialists, relying on their own experience and the experience of our European partners, are ready to offer the best solution for the production of juices using advanced high-quality technological equipment.

Apple juice concentrate production technology:

1. Supply of apples to the production workshop

Apples harvested both from trees and from the ground, the so-called. "Carrion", with the exception of damaged, rotten and unripe fruits, are delivered to the processing plant and shipped to special bunkers with a total capacity of 100 to 200 tons, from which they are fed to the processing shop for primary washing using a water and mechanical transportation system.

2. Washing, sorting, crushing and pressing apples

With the help of fan washing machines, fruits are washed from dust and contaminants, including chemical ones, because. often apples are sprayed with various means of protection. It is recommended to use exclusively cold water for washing fruits, since warm liquid softens the upper layers, which helps to accelerate oxidative phenomena.

After inspection by the elevator, the fruits are sent to the crusher, and then they enter the pressing area (belt or hydraulic press).

The peel and seeds obtained during the pressing process are unloaded and sent either as feed to farms or for processing, for example, to obtain apple pectin.

3. Cooling, fermentation and juice filtration

Freshly squeezed apple juice contains a large amount of insoluble biopolymers, pectins, lipids, polysaccharides and other substances that are sources of cloudiness. By acting on the insoluble substances of the juice with various enzyme compositions, it is possible to bring them into a soluble state - peptides, amino acids, sugars, etc. Under the action of enzymes, the juice is enriched with the products of enzymatic cleavage. When choosing the optimal doses and types of enzymes, the degree of clarification of the juice reaches 80%.

Thus, the juice obtained after pressing and pasteurization is cooled and sent at a temperature of 50-55°C to the corresponding technological operations of enzymatic treatment, which last up to 6 hours. Subsequently, the juice is cooled to 2°C and sent for filtration (mechanical filters or ultrafiltration).

During ultrafiltration of apple juice with the help of membranes, proteins, pectins, polyphenols with a large molecular weight are released from it. The slimy helium consistency of these sediments relatively quickly clogs the pores of the membranes. Therefore, before membrane separation, the juice isolated on belt or hydraulic presses is thoroughly cleaned of suspended particles by sedimentation, decantation, or other methods.

4. Concentration and packaging of juice

The juice obtained after processing is fed to a film-type vacuum evaporator, on which, after removing moisture, an apple juice concentrate with a content of 70-72% dry matter is obtained.

This concentrate is then packed in an aseptic bagging plant in 200 liter drums. In this form, it can be stored for a long time.


Depending on the needs of customers, technological lines for the production of natural apple juice and its concentrate can be offered with different capacities, from 3 tons per hour to 10 or more tons per hour for raw materials.

For this technological equipment, installation supervision, installation and commissioning, personnel training are carried out and warranty support is provided.

You can get detailed technical characteristics of the line for the production of apple juice or its concentrate, the composition of the necessary equipment and its cost by contacting our specialists.

If you are tired of going to a boring job every day and listening to complaints from incompetent bosses, this means that it is time for you to change something in your life. Changes will be possible if there is not only desire, but also a certain amount of money.

Quit your current job and start your own business. Despite the apparent saturation of the markets, in fact, there are still enough niches in order to develop your own commercial activities.

sweet business

An excellent opportunity for capital accumulation is provided by the production of fruit juices. With the right approach, an analytical mind and good luck, you can make good money in this business. Natural juices can be obtained from both freshly picked fruits and dried fruits. In general, there are many different classifications of types and types of these products.

So, juices are:

  • fruit, obtained as a result of direct extraction;
  • juices of fresh pomace (they usually do not contain dyes and preservatives);
  • fruit with a high concentrate content;
  • reconstituted juices (they are produced from concentrated nectar with the addition of drinking water).

Experts also divide natural juices into unclarified and clarified ones. It should be noted that this is only a small part of such products. The most high-quality and elite is considered to be vintage juices. They are produced only from special selected types of raw materials. Manufacturers of natural juices, as a rule, strive to make a clarified product. Although it is inferior to nectars with pulp in nutritional value, it contains much more vitamin C and is more loved by consumers.

Only within the law

If you decide to engage in the production of juices, then the sanitary and epidemiological service may become your frequent guest. SES requirements are a set of rules, the implementation of which is mandatory for every entrepreneur engaged in catering.

When it comes to the sanitary and epidemiological service, for some reason, many businessmen have a phrase like: “They don’t know what to complain about anymore.” In fact, all the requirements of this service are consistent with the legislation of the Russian Federation. These rules are very strict, but they must be observed in order to prevent mass poisoning of consumers. Let's bring to your attention a few of them.

So, for example, SES necessarily checks how perishable products are stored at the enterprise. The regulations require keeping raw materials in appropriate specialized equipment in order to provide them with the optimum temperature. There are also clear time frames for storing vegetables and fruits. All primary processing of raw materials must be carried out in specialized workshops of the enterprise in compliance with all sanitary and epidemiological standards. In case of violation of these rules, the entrepreneur faces administrative liability.

Don't Forget Your Competitors

Before opening your own business, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the market. You need to know how many companies currently exist, what product they supply, what they focus on in their marketing policies. Knowing your competitors, understanding their strengths and weaknesses will make it easier for you to enter the market and fight for its share.

A business plan (juice production must be planned when compiling it) should take into account not only favorable conditions for the development of business, but also force majeure. For example, what to do if new companies appear, where to get raw materials in case of failure of the main suppliers, and so on. If you think through all sorts of risks in advance, then your business will be reliably protected. Do not ignore the detailed study of the business plan. Be a strategist, and then you will certainly be able to make good money in this business.

Fresh fruit juices

Let's say you've thought of everything. You have the financial means or you have enlisted the support of influential sponsors. Now it's time to delve into how the technology for the production of vegetable juices, as well as fruit and berry juices, is carried out. It consists of several operations: the conclusion of contracts for the supply of raw materials, its inspection, delivery, washing, re-inspection, the process of crushing, obtaining juice, filtering it and pouring it into containers.

During the first inspection of raw materials, your specialists must sort the fruits. They should all be about the same size. In addition, there should not be any foreign impurities - twigs, leaves, stalks and other things. Inspection must be carried out during the time that the raw material is on the conveyor belt. As a rule, several people are employed at this stage of production. In case of inattention of one employee, others must correct his mistake.

Rinse thoroughly

Further, all the most selected fruits fall into special washing drums, where they are thoroughly washed. Berries are processed a little differently. For them, quivering processing is provided. After all, as you know, currants and raspberries are tender berries, and they must be washed very carefully so as not to damage the thin skin and retain all the nutrients.

Therefore, juice production equipment necessarily includes special mesh baskets. They are immersed in water for a short time. After that, fragile raw materials are additionally rinsed under a light shower. Technologists admit that it is impossible to immediately remove particles of earth and sand from fruits and berries, therefore, immediately after the first washing, it is necessary to send raw materials for a second round.


When the raw material is carefully selected and washed, it is necessary to grind it. This is done in order to get juice. In this case, it often happens that after crushing, some raw materials release liquid very poorly. In this case, it is sent for additional processing, after which it is possible to achieve a technological maximum.

Starting a manufacturing business in the food industry is not easy, as many complex tasks must be solved in the process. But if you approach the matter with all responsibility, without missing a single detail, you can establish a highly profitable enterprise that will pay back all costs in the shortest possible time. But a novice entrepreneur should choose to release a product that is in high demand. And here we include the manufacture of juices and juice-containing drinks. And in order not to make huge investments at first, you can buy equipment for the production of medium-capacity juices by organizing a mini-workshop. Juices and nectars based on fruits and vegetables are constantly in high demand among consumers, and especially in the summer, when it's hot outside. The variability of technology, raw materials and assortment will allow an entrepreneur to organize a business in this niche, taking into account their financial capabilities and skills.

Our business valuation:

Starting investments - from 3,500,000 rubles.

Market saturation is high.

The complexity of starting a business is 8/10.

The production of natural juices in Russia, due to the demand for products, is a highly competitive niche. There are many manufacturers on the market, large and small, supplying their products to store shelves. But one should hardly be afraid of high competition, since even selling fruit and vegetable juices only on the regional market, one can make a good profit. A business in the production of fruit juices is quite real even for novice entrepreneurs - the main thing is to take into account important nuances.

Registration of the future enterprise

The business plan must necessarily contain information about the organizational form in which the entrepreneur is going to register the future enterprise. There is no way without this, because we are talking about the food industry, which requires mandatory certification of products and compliance with all norms and sanitary standards.

Not a single large store will accept fruit juices for sale from an entrepreneur who does not have any permission from supervisory authorities.

After the juice production workshop is registered, in parallel with the search for premises and the purchase of equipment, it is necessary to submit a package of documents to Rospotrebnadzor, which will later give the entrepreneur permission to conduct production activities.

Finding a production facility

The premises where the production of juices from concentrates will be located in the future can be located even outside the city. And many entrepreneurs do this - they rent a workshop in the area of ​​the city that is closer to the suppliers of raw materials, since in this case it is possible to significantly reduce the cost of purchasing all the necessary components.

As practice shows, 100-180 m 2 is enough to accommodate a plant of small capacity.

Industrial juice production should have not only a workshop with equipment installed here, but also 2 warehouses - for storing raw materials and for storing manufactured products. Also, do not forget about the sanitary rooms for staff and office space.

To obtain permission from the supervisory authorities to conduct activities, the premises must be carefully prepared for work - there must be electricity, water, sewerage, and ventilation systems installed. And this will take away a significant part of the investment from the entrepreneur, if you do not immediately rent premises with good working conditions.

Purchase of raw materials for the production of juices

The technological process of juice production involves the use of a variety of raw materials - everything will depend on the assortment that the entrepreneur plans to release.

Each of the items is produced on the basis of juice concentrate. And depending on its quantity in the finished product, all drinks are divided into:

  • natural juices (100% concentrate),
  • nectars (25-75% concentrate),
  • juice drinks (up to 10% concentrate).

The production of concentrated juice is the most costly of all possible directions. But such products, due to their higher market value, will bring more profit to the entrepreneur. And therefore, it is clearly not worth it to form an assortment only from cheap juice-containing drinks. The best option is to develop a line of juices from 8-15 flavors, where most of the range is represented by nectars.

Juice concentrates are not produced in Russia. This raw material is imported from Asia, Brazil and Turkey. It will be problematic for start-up entrepreneurs to establish direct contacts with foreign suppliers, since it is unprofitable for them to supply products in small batches. This means that you will have to cooperate with intermediaries.

The production of reconstituted juice, in addition to the concentrate, will require a number of other components:

  • water,
  • sugar,
  • nutritional supplements.

Sale of juice can be carried out in different containers - glass, plastic, cardboard. And it is better to provide for the supply of Tetra Pak packaging to the enterprise. Juice packaged in this way will last longer and be better transported.

Development of juice production technology

In order to work out the recipe and production scheme, you can either buy a ready-made specification or invite an experienced technologist to cooperate. And the second option is sometimes more profitable from a financial point of view, since the finished documentation is quite expensive. And the specialist, taking into account the available equipment and the planned assortment, will select specific ingredients and a production scheme.

Technological scheme of apple juice production

Despite the fact that the production scheme may vary, depending on the specific type of product, the technology for the production of juices in general can be described as follows:

  • Heating juice concentrate to a boil.
  • Cooling the concentrate to room temperature.
  • Addition to the purified water concentrate.
  • Adding various components to the juice (vitamins, flavors, preservatives).
  • Bottling of finished products.

And the production of directly squeezed juice begins with the receipt of the initial component - the concentrate. Such a scheme is rarely used at domestic enterprises, since it is not always cost-effective due to the high cost of the process and the resulting product. But if such equipment is available, it is possible to organize the production of not only natural juices, but also fruit purees within the walls of the workshop. By selling juices and purees, an entrepreneur will be able to make more profit and enter new markets.

Technical equipment of the future workshop

Juice production line

The juice production line can be of different capacity, configuration and degree of automation. And in order to get a quality product at the end, it is important to pay special attention to the choice of technological equipment, taking into account the planned range of products and the available finances.

The production of apple juice uses the following names of machines and apparatuses:

  • water treatment system,
  • containers for mixing components and storing the finished product,
  • pasteurizer,
  • homogenizer,
  • juice filling machine in cardboard containers,
  • washing equipment.

The line for the production of directly squeezed juices practically does not differ from other technological complexes - only a machine is added here for obtaining natural juice from whole fruits and vegetables. And such equipment costs a lot - from 500,000 rubles.

European production lines are famous for their quality - they can work continuously for a long time without failing.

The cost of the entire production line will be affected primarily by its capacity. But even in the case of machines of low or medium power (0.5-1 t/h), the price of equipment for the production of juices will be quite high - starting from 2,500,000 rubles. And there is only one way to save here - to purchase a supported line. But such transactions must be approached with great caution, since there is a high risk of buying a low-quality installation, which will soon fail.

Problems of sales of finished products

It is not difficult to open a mini juice production, it is much more difficult for an entrepreneur to look for wholesale buyers of finished products. And it is complicated by the high level of competition. Most likely, a novice businessman will have to offer his products to private stores, stalls and wholesale food warehouses. But for the first time you can not even think about large supermarket chains - they prefer to cooperate with those manufacturers that have proven themselves in the market. In addition, a small production of tomato juice may not “pull” the price that the federal chains are asking for a place on the shelves of their stores.

To overcome high competition, you need not only to make your product excellent in quality, but also to distinguish it from other similar products. And here certain funds will have to be invested in marketing:

  • Promotions,
  • advertising (at least in local media),
  • POS-materials for highlighting on the shelves of retail outlets.

Profitability of the planned enterprise

Equipment for squeezing juice and filling it into containers will begin to pay for itself as soon as all manufactured products are shipped to customers. And as practice shows, this moment can come quite quickly. And this is even taking into account the fact that investments in business are considerable:

  • Registration of the enterprise - from 50,000 rubles.
  • Development of recipes and development of technology - from 100,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of equipment and its commissioning - from 2,500,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of raw materials - from 500,000 rubles.
  • Preparation of the workshop for work - from 300,000 rubles.

And it will be even more expensive to introduce direct spin into the work of the workshop. Therefore, experts advise leaving this idea until the workshop reaches the break-even point.

If the equipment for bottling juice will produce at least 0.5 t / h of finished products, up to 90 tons of finished products can be sold per month. As for the prices for nectars, everything depends on its specific type and pricing policy in the region. On average in Russia, juice is sold at a wholesale price of 20-50 rubles per liter. It turns out that by selling all the products received, even at the lowest price, you can monthly receive revenue in the amount of ≈2,000,000 rubles. And to calculate the net profit, you will need to know the amount of variable costs that will be spent every month on the production of new batches of juice.

Apple juice is the juice that is squeezed from fresh apples. The sweet taste is due to the presence of natural sugar in apples. Currently, most apple juice is obtained industrially through pasteurization and aseptic packaging.

Apples are the most popular pome fruit used for canning. These canned foods are the most diverse: compotes, juices, jams, nectars, etc. The production of natural canned food with a low calorie content and attractive packaging is now the focus of modern nutrition in the country and the world.

Technology for the production of apple juice.

According to this regulation, there are:
- directly squeezed apple juice (juices obtained from fresh or kept fresh apples by mechanical processing);
- freshly squeezed apple juice (obtained by direct extraction, not canned, made in the presence of the consumer from fresh or kept fresh apples);
- concentrated apple juice (produced by physically removing water from juice to increase the amount of dry soluble substances by two or more times);
- diffusion apple juice (obtained by extracting extractives from fresh or dried apples with water, from which it is impossible to obtain juice by mechanical processing). Apple juice obtained in this way is first concentrated and then reconstituted.

Similarly with the process of manufacturing various types of canned food, the delivery, acceptance and storage of components for the production of apple juice is carried out. The raw materials are thoroughly washed, then inspected to remove fruits that are affected by pests, as well as rotten and with other violations. In the production of apple juice, the main method of influencing plant tissue is mechanical crushing (grinding). But very fine grinding can make the fabric a solid mass that does not have the channels that are necessary for the juice to flow out.

By pressing, centrifugation, diffusion and other methods, juice is extracted from apple pulp. Pressing is the main way to extract juice from fruits. Juice is extracted by pressure on the pulp.
Destruction by pressure of plant tissue, crushing of the biomembrane of the cell structure is not a function of pressing. Its main function is to squeeze out juice, which was obtained from cells damaged during pre-treatment. Pressing is not used to isolate the juice from the cells, but is used to isolate the juice (liquid phase of the pulp), which flows out of the destroyed cells before pressing. Pre-treatment of raw materials mainly affects the high yield of juice from the fruit.

To achieve a more pleasant taste, juices are blended (mixed). They can mix juices of two different types, juices of the same type of apples or juices of apples containing different amounts of sugar and acid.

Organization of production of juice from apples.
It should be noted that the production of canned food is currently quite a convenient area for small businesses. Due to a very simple technology, low cost (i.e. does not require significant capital investments and large areas for production), easy organization of production (requires a little technological equipment), technically light production equipment (it can be made in simple conditions), a large number of representatives small business is involved in this area.

The production of a quality product is the main criterion for the successful growth and development of a business, for this I recommend that you read an article about . Flavorings do not need to be added. Instead, you can mix juices of different fruits, mix them in different ways, make multifruits, or even mix juices at the request of the buyer and get a unique taste.

The price of a mini line for the production of apple juice by direct extraction starts from 1,000,000 rubles.

It should be noted that the mixes contain more vitamins and nutrients, as they complement each other. It follows that juice mixtures are more beneficial.

The problem with doing business in this industry is that in order to produce large volumes of juice, you need a huge amount of fruit. For example, to make 250 ml of juice, you will need 1 kg of apples, and even more berries - from 1 kg - 50 ml of juice.

You can try to develop the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdeveloping a small business for the production of natural juices before making juice from vegetables or. Vegetables contain vitamins that are not found anywhere else, neither in fruits nor in berries, and are no less useful.

Production of directly squeezed juice from own apples.
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In order to organize a plant that will produce natural juice, you will need four main components:

  • factory room,
  • conveyor line,
  • raw material,
  • packaging for bottling finished juice.

You can also open a fresh bar in parallel.

Organizational and legal issues in the conduct of this business

When organizing the production of natural juice as a business, during registration, preference should be given to the legal form of an LLC. It is when using an LLC that it will be much easier to delimit the responsibility of the founders and it will be much easier to attract investors to your business.

In the process of organizing such an enterprise, paragraph 15.32 “Production of vegetable and fruit natural juices” must be indicated as the main OKVED activity code. The form of taxation should initially be chosen as "simplified" (15 percent), but with the successful growth of your company, it is possible to switch to OSNO.

List of regulatory documents for regulating the activities of a company producing juice products:

  1. - "On Protection of Consumer Rights" dated February 7, 1992 under the number 2300-1;
  2. - "On the safety and quality of food products" dated January 2, 2000 under the number 29-f3;
  3. - "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population" dated March 30, 1999 under the number 52-f3;
  4. - "Technical regulations for the production of juice products from vegetables and fruits" dated October 27, 2008 under the number 178-f3;

Sanitary norms and rules

For the brewing and non-alcoholic industries, there are sanitary rules, under the number 3244-85 04/09/1985 of the Ministry of Health of the USSR (list of requirements for production).

The maximum allowable amount of chemicals that are released from raw materials and come into contact with food are described in GN of the Ministry of Health of Russia (requirements for product packaging and containers).

Requirements for observance of hygienic safety and nutritional value for food products SanPiN 11/14/2001 of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation with additions.

Juice production activities can only be organized in accordance with the requirements of GOST or according to the technical conditions developed at the enterprise itself.

For each nomenclature unit of production, it will be necessary to obtain an appropriate certificate of conformity from Rospotrebnadzor.

Premises for the organization of production

On the area planned for production, one production line must necessarily fit, it is necessary to choose a suitable place for storing raw materials and provide for a warehouse for storing finished products. There should also be living quarters. In order to save money, the office can be located directly on the territory of the plant.

The premises of the workshops must necessarily comply with all fire regulations of 04/25/2012.

It is better to place your plant outside the city limits. There will be less rent and utility tariffs, respectively, and for water, which will be needed for production in huge quantities. With regards to the area required for production, at first 150 sq.m. will be enough for you.

Juice production equipment

The cost of a juice production line can vary from 2 to 6 million rubles.

The price will depend on the country of manufacture, the year of manufacture and the period of operation (this is when buying used equipment).

Juice production line consists of:

  1. - water treatment system, it includes several special filters for water purification;
  2. - pumps and filters for finished products;
  3. - tanks for mixing and various additives;
  4. - homogenizer;
  5. - pasteurizer;
  6. - heat exchanger;
  7. - tank for aseptic storage;
  8. - apparatus for pouring juice into packages;
  9. - washing equipment;
  10. - apparatus for the output of packages and their sealing in a container.

The control process of equipment producing fruit and vegetable juices is usually computerized - this is a good economy.

Raw materials for the production of reconstituted juice:

  1. - juice concentrate;
  2. - water;
  3. - sugar;
  4. - additives, if the data are provided for by GOSTs and TUs (for example, enrichment of juices with vitamins).

Typically, the concentrate is imported into the country from China, Brazil, Iran, Turkey and other countries. Of course, for a not very large company it would not make sense to work directly with the manufacturer, it would be much easier to work through third parties, intermediaries. There is also the possibility of an agreement with foreign suppliers of raw materials (Cargill, Doehler).

Concentrated juice is usually made in the country where the fruit is grown by evaporating water from it. The resulting mass, resembling jelly, is packed into containers and then exported. Already at the factory, the concentrate is unpacked and restored to the composition of fresh juice, adding water and the necessary useful trace elements. The shelf life of finished products is 9-12 months.

It should be noted that in addition to various natural juices, there are also juice-containing drinks and various nectars - these are the main types of products that are manufactured at juice factories. Raw materials are always used the same, but the proportion of dry concentrate will be different everywhere. 100% reconstituted juice has the same composition as freshly squeezed juice, but in nectar the water level can be about 75% of the total volume. Juice-containing drinks contain the smallest part of the juice (up to 10 percent), and they also contain a high percentage of chemical additives and flavor enhancers.

But you should not form your assortment only from juice-containing drinks - in terms of taste, they are very inferior to nectars and juices. For a young company, the best option would be to create a line of 10-12 different flavors, where 30 percent will be natural reconstituted juice, and the remaining 70 percent will be nectars and juice-containing drinks, of which there will be two or three types.

Packaging and containers for juice

The bulk of all juices are currently sold in TETRAPAK packaging, which is more practical than glass containers, and in addition, the use of such packaging allows you to save some vitamins that can be destroyed under sunlight. Of course, it is no secret that it is simply impossible to store this type of product under the sun, but no one can give you guarantees that the goods will be treated properly at retail outlets. In addition, glass containers weigh more and are very fragile, which can cause serious problems when transporting products. And if you opted for tetrapak packaging, then the conveyor line will need to be equipped to work with such packaging. In other matters, you can choose Tetra Rex, Pat or Doy Pak. Juice with a bottle capacity of 1 liter is packed in boxes of 12 or 15 bags, it all depends on the form of packaging. So you need to take care of the cardboard from which the container will be made.


The total number of employees at the initial stage, if only one line is launched, should not be more than 30 people, taking into account the management staff.

The key link in the production of juices is the technologist. He is engaged in setting up the plant line according to the requirements of GOSTs and TUs. He is also involved in testing equipment for malfunctions and the composition of the final product for compliance with all technical and sanitary rules.

As a result, in order to start the production of vegetable and fruit juices, you will need this necessary minimum:

  1. - one production line for the production of juice in liter packaging (this format is the most popular).
  2. - materials for packing;
  3. - 1 barrel of concentrated juice for each of the planned tastes (1 barrel weighs 250 kg).
  4. - cardboard boxes for ready-made packages with juice.

One juice production line produces about 2 tons of finished products.

Considering that the concentrate to the state of freshly squeezed juice must be diluted in a ratio of 1/10, then if there are 10 flavors in production, about 25 thousand packages of a ready-to-sell product can be produced. This amount can be increased many times over if the main share falls on the production of nectar juices.

At first, finished products can be delivered to pavilions, kiosks, small supermarkets, shops located in residential areas or some grocery stores, unless of course they are in your city. It is better to start considering entering large networks, for example, federal ones, only after a couple of years of successful sales, since young companies:

  1. - can easily not withstand the competition;
  2. - a ticket to enter may not be affordable (often you need to pay for a place a year in advance);
  3. - it is unlikely that a beginner can count on an advantageous place.

Promotion of your business should take place with various promotions (it will be cheaper). Gifts to point owners and sellers, so that they are more willing to sell your products. It will also be possible to launch advertising on the Internet, paying attention also to the region of production.

Sep 15, 2016 Sergey

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