Egor Khalyavin: photos before and after plastic surgery, biography. The official “Russian Ken” Yegor Khalyavin was urgently hospitalized due to internal bleeding after surgery House 2 Yegor Khalyavin after the project

His Kholyavin born in Moscow. His mother is a chef by profession, his father is a colonel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Yegor has a sister who is three years younger than him.

Until the age of 13, Egor and his family lived in the city of Zheleznodorozhny, then moved to Yuzhnoye Butovo. During my studies I changed five schools. From 7th to 10th grade he studied in the naval cadet corps.

After school, he served in the army - at the center of high-risk rescue operations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. When His Kholyavin came from the army, he entered the Moscow State University of Technology and University at the Faculty of Economics (finance and credit). At the same time, I got a job in retail. He went through all the steps of the career ladder - from a salesman to a hypermarket manager.

Behind the project, Yegor, in his own words, had a relationship, the most serious of which lasted two and a half years, and it even came to a wedding. The day of celebration was appointed, purchased wedding rings, but Yegor and his chosen one realized in time that they were not suitable for each other.

Egor Kholyavin: “I throw noisy parties in a variety of genres - this is my hobby. I’m also a charismatic young man who likes to joke around and fool around.”

Females usually prefer to improve their appearance. But also strong half Humanity is no stranger to the desire to be beautiful. Especially in cases where nature has not rewarded you with beauty, and among the opposite sex you have long been considered simply good guy. And all the sexual victories went to the handsome guys.

Then a crazy idea may come to mind: what if I want to find “Barbie”, I need to become “Ken” myself. Apparently, this idea came to Yegor Khalyavin’s mind. Before and after weight loss and plastic surgery, this is a completely different person in appearance. But what made him become like this, how did his life change after all the transformations of his face and body?

Childhood and youth

Egor was born on May 24, 1987 in Moscow. He was born into the family of a cook and a police officer. The family still has youngest daughter. Almost immediately after her birth, the family moved to a small town in the Moscow region - Zheleznodorozhny. In 2000, we moved to a distant district of Moscow - Yuzhnoye Butovo. Instead of a regular secondary school, he graduated from the naval cadet corps. After which he joined the army and ended up in a unit of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Education and career

After the army he decided to get higher education, entered the Razumovsky Moscow State University of Technology, Faculty of Economics, and successfully completed his studies. At this time, he almost got to the point of getting married to the girl with whom he had been together for 2 years and 6 months. At the last moment, the young people were afraid of the seriousness of the event. Back then his weight was quite normal. But suddenly the thyroid gland in his body malfunctioned, and the young man gained a lot of weight.

The financial sphere captured him so much that he went to work as a salesman in a grocery store, where he rose to the rank of store manager. The rise of his career turned his head, and he wanted more, he wanted fame. Then he began methodically attending auditions for various television shows. And they took him to one of them, to Dom-2. At that time he was 27 years old.

"House 2"

Egor first appeared in this reality show in May 2014. He came to the project even before he lost weight. Yegor Khalyavin’s height and weight at that time were 187 cm and about 100 kg, respectively. At the project, he especially liked a pretty blonde. Everything started well, he courted beautifully, arranged surprises. But one day the girl told him that she wouldn’t see him next to her until he lost weight. She preferred another participant to him - Ilya Grigorenko. But he did not despair and soon switched to another blonde beauty - Marina Afrikantova. But this “nut” was also too tough for him, the girl chose someone else.

But this all happened before Yegor Khalyavin lost weight, after which everything in his life became different and things got better with the girls. But no longer on the project. He left there without having built his love.

The problem on the project was the same. The girls had fun with him and were at ease, enjoying his advances, but they did not perceive him as a man because of his appearance. And this turned out to be an incentive for Yegor to lose weight.

Weight loss

The way Yegor Khalyavin changed before and after losing weight shocked many. And especially how quickly it happened. After all, he threw off his overweight, of which, judging by his appearance, there were at least 30, in a record short term- 8 months. He was immediately suspected that either Thai pills, or gastric trimming surgery, or all at once helped him lose weight.

Even the girls became interested in how Yegor Khalyavin lost weight; they were especially interested in the diet. He himself says that he has lost a lot of weight naturally and calls the following his secrets for losing weight:

  • proper nutrition;
  • regular exercise;
  • restoration of hormonal balance in the body.

Knowing that his fullness is a consequence of hormonal imbalance, knowledgeable people they'll tell you main secret. The credit is not due to any special exercise or diet. How did Yegor Khalyavin lose weight? The effectiveness of such power is only possible due to the fact that it has been restored hormonal background. For those who suffer from thyroid dysfunction, this known fact. Just as quickly one gains weight with it, one easily loses weight after getting rid of the disease. Not without help proper nutrition and sports, of course. The kilograms won't go away on their own.

Losing weight opened up the world of show business to him; he was invited to host corporate parties and weddings.

Plastic surgery

When Yegor Khalyavin compared the photos before and after losing weight, he was also shocked. From what a nice guy he became. Then a crazy thought came to him that this was not the limit, and he could become even more beautiful. And the attention from girls and the rise of his career in show business completely turned his head.

Since his figure had already become ideal, he could only change his face, and this required the help of a surgeon. And he turned to him. After one operation, another followed, he began to strive for an ideal result. And as a model I took the appearance of the world famous doll - Ken. For this he was immediately dubbed the “Russian Ken.” To do this, he has already done rhinoplasty, blepharoplasty, and corrected his lips and cheekbones. Yegor is not going to stop yet, but already now you can see in him the features of the famous boyfriend of the Barbie doll.

Yegor Khalyavin is thoroughly preparing for a new plastic surgery. Thanks to the interventions of doctors, the young man has already earned the nickname “Russian Ken”, but is not yet going to stop with the results achieved. New Photos of Yegor Khalyavin before and after plastic surgery will certainly please fans.

While participating in one of the television shows, Yegor Khalyavin decided to change his appearance. The young man at that time had excess weight. Participants in the show “Dom-2” made fun of Yegor, calling him a “doughnut.”

Relationships with the girls I liked also did not work out. In the spring of 2015, Egor began to lose weight. In just eight months, he managed to change noticeably.

Here are the first steps to losing weight that Egor took:

  • visiting the swimming pool;
  • aerobic training;
  • adjusted nutrition.

As a result, the young man lost 40 kilograms. There is information that in addition to all these actions, Yegor underwent surgery to reduce his stomach. After changing his appearance, Yegor began to be invited to various show programs and as a toastmaster at events.

Soon Egor decided on his first plastic surgery, with the help of which he got rid of fatty lumps on his cheeks and enlarged his lips. Comparing his photos before and after plastic surgery, Yegor Khalyavin decided to become even more beautiful.

Today, an example of beauty and imitation for Yegor is the “Ken” doll. In total, the young man underwent fifteen operations, including liposuction, rhinoplasty and blepharoplasty.

Ahead of Yegor lies a serious surgical intervention. He is aware of all the risks associated with his health, but still dreams of becoming a living “Ken” with thin waist 60 cm and find your “Barbie”. To achieve such parameters, the young man will have to remove several ribs. It is known that the operation will not be performed in Russia. Egor has already started looking for suitable specialists. Removal of the ribs will be the sixteenth operation for Yegor Khalyavin. The parents of the future “Ken” are very worried about their son.

When the conversation comes about another operation, my mother begins to cry. The father asks his friends to dissuade his son from surgery. However, this year, for winter months Egor gained extra pounds again. Today we can observe how Yegor Khalyavin’s figure changes before and after plastic surgery.


Egor was born in the city of Zheleznodorozhny, Moscow region, on May 24, 1987. His father worked at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, so the family moved often. The future showman's mother worked as a senior cook in a restaurant. In addition to their son, the parents raised a daughter. Until the age of 13, Yegor and his family lived in the city of Zheleznodorozhny. After which the Khalyavins moved to South Butovo.

Yegor had to change five schools. From grades 7 to 10, the boy studied in the naval cadet corps. At the age of 18, Yegor was drafted into the army. The service took place in the center of high-risk rescue operations of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations.

After the army, Khalyavin returned to Moscow and entered the Faculty of Finance and Credit at Moscow State University of Technology and University. The choice of the faculty was not without reason, since Yegor wanted to become a successful businessman.

As a student, young man I had to work. At first, Egor was a salesman in one of the hypermarkets, then he also received the position of manager. He was able to quickly build a career and earn a considerable sum by capital standards.

Soon Egor’s attention was attracted by the business show, and while attending various castings, he became interested in the “House 2” project.

Before participating in the show, the young man had no problems in relationships with the opposite sex. In one of the interviews, Yegor spoke about the affair, which lasted more than two years. The young people even decided to get married, but when choosing rings, a few days before the appointed date they decided that they were not suitable for each other. As a result, the celebration did not take place.

House 2

In May 2014, Egor appeared on television screens in the Dom-2 project. From the first days he was able to attract the attention of viewers. Other participants also paid attention to the charismatic young man. Khalyavin complimented the red-haired Tatyana, and soon gave her a beautiful bouquet of flowers and arranged romantic evening. However, the girl preferred another young man.

After some time, Egor liked the blonde Marina Afrikantova who came to the project. The girl quickly won the nickname “Beauty Queen”. But the relationship between Yegor and Marina did not work out, since the girl preferred Bogdan Lenchuk.

Egor Khalyavin today

Today Egor participates in various talk shows, holds events, travels, and gives interviews. The young man still wants to be like Ken.

Ahead of Khalyavin lies a complex operation to remove the ribs, because in order to deservedly bear the title of Russian Ken, one must make many sacrifices. Yegor's fans and friends sincerely wish him to pass all the tests without harm to his health.

In this article we will look at what plastic surgery conducted by Yegor Khalyavin, and we will also find out why he decided to hold them, who is sponsoring it, and what the participant in the TV show “Dom-2” wants to achieve with this.

Participation in the project

Egor has just begun his special long journey to improving his face and body, but as the media say, he is becoming like a doll.

Back in 2014, Khalyavin came to the Dom-2 project, which was one of the most popular at that time. He was a very gallant man, smiling and kind, with his unique sense of humor and sharp mind. Almost half of the project participants (mostly women) did not accept Khalyavin because of his plumpness.

Khalyavin spent almost six months on the project, but nothing worked out for him. He never found a life partner. The organizers of “Dom-2” always helped the participants in transforming their appearance.

Khalyavin was offered a sports complex of exercises and a diet, to which he agreed. Egor lost almost twenty kilograms in a very short period of time.

After this diet, Yegor met one beauty on the project, they even discovered the so-called Love Island for the first time. However, he ultimately had to leave the project.

Changes after "Dom-2"

Immediately after Khalyavin left the project, photographs with a new appearance began to appear on the network.

Besides slim figure, he decided to change it. As experts say, and according to Egor himself, he cleaned the cheek area. The face became more like a doll and thin!

Face correction (oval). acid in the lips and eyebrows with clear outlines - all this was done for the sake of beauty, and Khalyavin confirmed all these procedures. Yegor told his fans that he decided to go to the surgeon again in order to get his body in order.

He's going to turn his face into a doll's. As it became known by latest photos, Egor visited a plastic surgeon who was making marks on his face for an upcoming operation.

The surgeon marked the oblique abdominal muscles, back relief, chest and abs with a marker, all of which should appear after plastic surgery.

Egor also did, in addition to all of the above, tightened his eyelids, enlarged his buttocks, removed the mucous membrane, carried out surgery, and much more.

Egor Khalyavin after plastic surgery

Khalyavin himself says that with everyone surgical intervention he feels much more comfortable and better. In total, according to information, about eleven operations out of thirty planned took place.

With help plastic surgeons he removed fat deposits from the area of ​​his face and also applied the service of lifting his face using threads.

Khalyavin every time posts photos of the transformation of his appearance and body. He believes that with the help plastic surgery he will make himself perfect.

Egor Kholyavin- participant . Born on May 23, 1987 in the city of Zheleznodorozhny. At the age of 13, he moved to Moscow with his family. After graduating from school, Yegor went to serve in the army. After the army he graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University of Technology and University.

Egor came to Dom-2 in May 2014. He showed his sympathy for, but could not take it away from the handsome man. In anticipation of a new relationship, the guy joins social life, begins to build intrigues, and in this he finds his calling. One gets the impression that he doesn’t need any relationships; he prefers to discuss other people’s.

Khalyavin changes with the appearance on the project of a charming woman who came to. Egor falls in love with an inaccessible blonde and makes attempts to win her heart. But the girl does not want to notice the guy’s efforts and bypasses him, starting to build a relationship with. But Kholyavin does not give up, he makes every effort to ensure that the couple of Marina and Bogdan breaks up. Soon, this really happens, but not thanks to Yegor. The Seychelles Islands stand in the way of lovers.

Marina really wants to go to “Love Island”, Bogdan, in turn, refuses to leave his beloved Moscow, where he goes to Gym and to football. Marina is faced with a choice: her loved one or the Seychelles, and she chooses the second. At this moment, Yegor is not at a loss and invites Marina to fly with him as friends, and she agrees.

On the island, the guy begins to court Marina, and she even reciprocates his feelings, but, having come to her senses, changes her mind and leaves the Seychelles.

Egor tries himself in a relationship with a newly arrived girl, but after spending several nights together, they break up with a scandal. Nastya disgraces Kholyavin throughout the country, announcing his male insolvency. Soon, she takes back her words, but this does not help them improve their relationship.

Egor with Nastya Lisova

Egor is absent from the project for some time, and when he returns, he goes to the Seychelles again, where he tries to build a relationship with. But Tanya leaves the island and abandons Yegor.

Kholyavin and Tanya Okhulkova

The guy is left alone, all the other participants are in pairs and he has no one to build love with. But he doesn’t get bored and has a great time: discusses other couples, supports him in the fight against Nastya Lisova, goes fishing with.

When new girls arrive on the island,

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