IVF: what doctors do not warn about. Personal experience. Eco children without a soul How does the soul of a child come with eco

June 1 is International Children's Day. The holiday is, without a doubt, extremely relevant. Without our protection, it will be impossible for children in this world to survive. What is there to survive? It's almost impossible to just show up. Dry statistics: now in one year, around the world, children are killed as many as people died in six years of the Second World War. Approximately 60 million! All the power of the human mind is aimed at depriving the baby of the opportunity to be born. This is the modern healthcare system, and jurisprudence, and science. And, among other things, distortions in theological teaching. Yes Yes. Theological error can also take human lives. How? Now we'll see.

In Western theology, as in the Orthodox East, it has always been considered a terrible sin. However, we find a serious flaw in Catholic theologians that undermines the very idea that artificial termination of pregnancy at any time is murder of a person. How is this possible?! But like this.

The cornerstone here is the so-called "moment of animation", that is, the question of when the immortal human soul unites with the embryo and, accordingly, it becomes a man. This dispute in the theological environment has been going on for a very long time.

“The question of indirect or subsequent animation was discussed by some of the Fathers of the Church with the aim of refuting the so-called theory of “transmission” proposed by Tertullian, who, to explain the transmission of original sin, proceeded from the assumption that not only the body, but also the soul is transmitted to the child from the parents, we read in bioethics textbook. – To refute this theological thesis, other fathers, and then St. Thomas Aquinas, proposed the theory of the subsequent incorporation of the soul.

This theory states that the soul, being destined for substantial unity with the body, ontologically has a different origin and is created directly by God. In addition, the Thomistic hypothesis suggests that a certain organization of the body is necessary for the incorporation of the soul, a certain “form” that, being the soul, forms the body. Saint Thomas believes that the vegetative and animal soul already exists from the moment of fertilization. Thus, the chronological problem acquires ontological significance.

The Eastern Fathers of the Church did not accept the theory of the subsequent introduction of the soul of Thomas Aquinas

The moment of the introduction of the soul is attributed to the period between the 30th and 40th day after fertilization, by analogy with the biblical prescriptions related to the cleansing of a woman after childbirth. It should be immediately added that not all the fathers of the Church were of this opinion, in particular this applies to the Greek fathers, and above all to, who argued that the soul arises at the very first moment after conception, in which other fathers followed him, in particular Saint Maxim . But at the same time, moral and canonical norms (imposing severe punishments) remained unchanged, insisting on the inadmissibility of abortion in all cases. Abortion remained a sin, nay, a crime, at whatever moment it was committed, but if there was doubt about the characterization of this crime, namely, whether it should be called without circumference murder or simply a special crime against life, then from the answer to this the question depended on the measure of canonical punishments, but it did not affect the general opinion about the inadmissibility of abortion.

If these thoughts of Thomas Aquinas in our time become widespread in the philistine environment, then how many people can come to the conclusion that up to 30-40 days the fetus does not yet have a soul, therefore, is not a person. And if so, why should an abortion before this time be considered murder? Thus, based on this conclusion, a decent Catholic woman can easily terminate her pregnancy before 30-40 days of pregnancy, without making any deals with her Christian conscience.

It turns out that, in general, abortion is prohibited, but up to a certain date it is possible. Thus, we see that one misinterpreted theological idea can cost the lives of thousands, if not millions of people.

It is noteworthy that similar ideas that up to a certain date the fetus is not yet a person arose not only in theology, but also in biology. For example, in 1866, the German biologist Ernst Haeckel formulated the so-called biogenetic law, according to which the main stages of evolution are reproduced in the individual development of an organism; built the first family tree of the animal kingdom. What does this mean in practice? The fact that almost the entire period of embryonic development, according to Haeckel, the fetus is not a person, it goes through the path of evolutionary development - from a lower species to a higher one - and only at the final stages of pregnancy turns into a person. That is, if you have an abortion in the early and even middle terms, then this, according to Haeckel, cannot be considered the murder of a person. It is also terrible that Haeckel's tables, or morphological series, which show how the lower mammal turns into a man, are to this day placed as a visual aid in our schools, in biology classrooms, despite the fact that even during the life of this "scientist" this law was recognized as a fake.

Haeckel, who formulated the biogenetic law, was a very strange type. And many of his ideas were revived in Nazi Germany

In general, Haeckel himself was a very strange type. For example, he sincerely believed that some birds were higher on the evolutionary ladder than African blacks. Many of his ideas were later revived in Nazi Germany.

It should be said that not only direct mistakes, but also theological omissions can lead to serious consequences for a person's life. For example, in "" it is said: "From the Orthodox point of view, all varieties of in vitro (out-of-body) fertilization are also morally unacceptable, involving the preparation, conservation and deliberate destruction of" excess "embryos" . That is, logically continuing this thought, one can come to the conclusion that those varieties of in vitro fertilization that do not involve the preparation, conservation and deliberate destruction of “excessive” embryos are allowed by the Orthodox Church. However, in practice this is not the case. Most Orthodox theologians who specialize in this issue speak of the complete inadmissibility of IVF methods. In the "Fundamentals of the Social Concept of the Russian Orthodox Church" there is an obvious omission, the price of which is crippled human destinies.

I remember five years ago, when I was still studying at the seminary, the teachers told us that soon biomedical technologies for artificial insemination, surrogate motherhood, sex change, etc. break into our lives, and the future pastors of the Church of Christ must be ready for this. It seemed to us something very distant, unlikely, science fiction. However, very little time passed, and I really had to come face to face with in vitro fertilization.

A few months ago a woman came to our temple. She had a complicated pregnancy. A woman is pregnant with twins, conceived by IVF. As it turned out from communication with her, eight more (!) fertilized eggs are now stored frozen, or, in the language of science, creopreserved. When I asked if she understood that the destruction of these eggs by the Church was tantamount to murder, she replied that she understood. When I asked her what she was going to do with them, “to give birth,” the woman replied. She looked about 40 years old, and it became clear to me that she would not be able to give birth to everyone purely physically. I saw that she understands this too, which is why she suffers terribly and suffers.

Children conceived by IVF do not give offspring. At all. At 100 percent!

One more example. Just the other day I had a chance to communicate with one professor, doctor of medical sciences. He occupies a fairly high position in the healthcare system, and I asked them to help us with an administrative resource in opposing abortion. The professor sincerely caught fire and told, as if in secret, a lot of interesting things. For example, that children conceived by IVF do not give offspring. At all. At 100 percent!

– How is this known? I ask. - Are there statistics?

– Yes, there are already many such eco-friendly children in Moscow now. They grew up, began to marry, but they cannot give birth to children. You can't deceive nature... But I beg you, don't refer to me anywhere.

- Medical secrecy?

The professor sighed. I understood him: he could only tell about it in secret - the in vitro fertilization procedure costs several hundred thousand rubles, and the healthcare system is not going to refuse such profits. A sort of corporate ethics, or, better to say, omerta - a vow of silence, like the Sicilian mafia.

In general, I noticed a long time ago that all these monstrous biomedical technologies are directly or indirectly aimed at the destruction of the family. The devil hates the Little Church, throwing his best forces at its destruction. The media industry of debauchery is also being used, and the entire power of the legal system, now here is science.

What a terrible theological mistake! And according to the thought of the holy fathers, without the urgent need to theologize, it would be wiser to remain silent. However, it is impossible to be silent now. Life itself demands an answer from us. Once again, the world rises up with its philosophizing against the Church of Christ. Lord, enlighten us, give us strength and courage to stand in the truth!

Greetings, my dear reader. How does the soul of a child come? Quite an interesting question.Now many conscious people are increasingly asking the question - how, by what principles does the Soul of a child come into our world and decide in which family, which parents it will incarnate? This is what we'll talk about now.

Previously, in the era of a rigid three-dimensional existence, the door of which had just closed behind us, even before their incarnation, the Souls concluded contracts with each other, figuratively speaking.

These contracts implied the passage of certain lessons of varying complexity during earthly life. so that often, through discomfort or even serious injuries and pain, to get to the state of And it is precisely those Souls who agreed to a contract of the required complexity, and were embodied for each other by parents, children, and indeed by all close people who have a tangible influence on fate. However, the time of “grinding stones”, when each person was a tool for “cutting” the other so that both could gain experience and go out into the world and love through discomfort, has passed.

The soul of the unborn child comes to the parents

Now, wise Souls, in order to gain experience, strive to incarnate only with those parents, in whose everyday life harmony, joy and love reign. And the experience of these Souls from now on will consist in accepting, transforming, strengthening and even more spreading these beautiful things, creating and making the world around more beautiful.

It is for this reason that, along with the massive “awakening” of people and the widespread growth, many observe a trend of increasing cases in married couples. Of course, we understand that the level of our modern medicine does not yet allow it to really and objectively understand “where the legs grow from” this problem, and that is why it is important to know that these cases often have absolutely nothing to do with real, final and irreversible infertility. .

Everything is regulated and transformed at the level of the Soul, and even now in medical practice there are many absolutely fantastic cases when, according to all forecasts, analyzes, pregnancy is impossible, but it arises suddenly and passes in the best possible way, happily resolving and leaving doctors at a loss as to how such a thing is possible at all. .

It is also important that, due to the change of epochs, there is no longer a need for such a huge number of people to be born. Therefore, the risk of overpopulation of the Earth and the universal catastrophe in connection with this is another low-frequency information trap.

The soul of a child comes to eco?

Separately, I would like to answer the question about in vitro fertilization (IVF). There are many rumors about him. Some even believe that this way of having a child is almost diabolical, godless. But let's just think and feel. Is it really possible for the Creator with his power, full penetration into everything around and with his concentration of the power of Love, for some reason, the incarnation of the Souls of children through IVF can become a mystery or some kind of forbidden obstacle?

Is it really possible to assume that it is realistic to do this somehow “bypassing” the Creator and without his knowledge?? “Test-tube babies” are just as permeated with the love and light of the Creator, like naturally conceived babies, and there is no place for rumors along with doubts. It's just that the Soul of this child, for some reason, chose this way of coming into this world, and for some reason the parents had to go through this way of conceiving a child in this way.

The situation is similar with caesarean section. Those women who cannot get rid of guilt or bitterness due to the fact that they could not give birth themselves, but gave birth as a result of an operation, should also know that this is a conscious choice of the Soul of the child to come and be born that way. Undoubtedly, delivery by caesarean brings with it certain difficulties, but they are compensated by significant pluses.

"Caesarians" are more open to this world and they do not have the painful traumatic experience of birth, which is why there is also an increase in caesarean sections in maternity hospitals now. This way is not natural, and this tendency will begin to decline in proportion to the increase in awareness among women and the desire to receive (return) knowledge about the beneficent soft natural that is not traumatic.

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Today, the IVF method has ceased to be something fantastic and has gone beyond the walls of scientific laboratories into everyday life. In vitro fertilization fulfills the dream of many couples who were doomed to a fruitless marriage a couple of decades ago.

The IVF method, if we consider it without details, includes only 4 stages:

1. Stimulation of multiovulation (for the maturation of several follicles in the current cycle).

2. Puncture of follicles.

3. Fertilization of eggs and cultivation of embryos.

4. Embryo transfer.

14 days after the embryo transfer, an hCG test is performed to understand if pregnancy has occurred.

After the embryo transfer, the doctor issues recommendations - both on drug support, and on lifestyle and behavior. The recommendations are very general, for example: "limit sex life, physical activity, but do something that will distract you from waiting for the result of a pregnancy test."

Of course, when preparing for the IVF protocol, doctors focus directly on the procedures up to point 4 inclusive. When preparing for IVF, women most often worry about hormone therapy (“suddenly I get fat?”), For physical pain and, in fact, for the result - whether it will work or not.

I will tell you about my experience, it is possible that my story will change someone's view of the procedure and help them prepare better.

My experience is 4 IVF attempts (one of them is cryotransfer, that is, the transfer of previously frozen embryos) within one year.

Until a certain moment, I thought that IVF would never touch me - it is something from another reality, like flying into space. Circumstances turned out differently and in vitro fertilization became my only way to become the mother of my own child. The option of having a foster child always exists, but I was not ready for it then, nor now.

Stimulation of multiovulation is a very simple step. Just give injections every day at a certain time and periodically go for monitoring. This hormonal stimulation did not affect the weight in any way. The follicle puncture scared me only the first time, but this is also a fairly simple procedure from the patient's point of view. Follow all the recommendations of the doctors and everything will go smoothly. It is carried out under general anesthesia, I personally recovered quickly, no consequences, no pain - I slept under anesthesia, lay down, got up and went about my business.

Stage 3 - fertilization and cultivation - occurs without the participation of the patient, the doctor with some periodicity simply notifies about the progress of this stage by phone - how many eggs have been fertilized, how many and what quality the embryos have turned out.

Embryo transfer takes only a few minutes and is no more unpleasant than a routine gynecological examination. After the transfer, it is recommended to lie down for about half an hour and then you can go home, do your usual things, following the recommendations.

In my opinion, the most difficult stage is not voiced by doctors, the fifth is the expectation of the result. What to do 14 days before pregnancy test? Those women who are forced to resort to the IVF method, as a rule, have already gone through all 7 circles of hell on the way to motherhood and are counting on a positive result. However, no one can guarantee the result here! The success of the procedure depends on too many factors, neither doctors nor patients can foresee and know everything! And in the absence of pregnancy after IVF, doctors can only assume what exactly went wrong, but not know for sure.

I recommend preparing psychologically for the 14 days between embryo transfer and hCG test to be your personal hell. It is impossible to be 100% distracted from thinking about what is happening inside you. Even the most microscopic thought about it grows to catastrophic proportions. I am not a suspicious person at all, I stand firmly on the ground, a realist, I know how to manage emotions due to professional deformation, my strength is logic and composure.

However, in the first protocol, waiting for the results knocked me down, I just went crazy! I was worried every second - what if I got up too abruptly? What if I ate something wrong? Suddenly my negative thoughts will affect? I had a bad dream, what if it doesn't work out because of this? God, I sneezed, what should I do, they could fly out of me! Plus, the protocol was unsuccessful, that is, pregnancy did not occur. Despite my motto: “Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst,” I was not ready for such a trip. Physically, I didn’t suffer at all, but mentally ... I was ready to go out the window ...

Over the next 3 days, which I spent in tears, cigarettes (and I have not smoked for over 10 years!) And coffee, I lost 10 kilograms. Fortunately, my loved ones and my husband have provided strong support. My husband and I made a long-term plan for further treatment. Drawing up a plan, step-by-step actions and indispensable discussion of them with your spouse helps a lot. Thus, you say out loud that life did not stop there and the future is in your hands! After the protocol, the body needs rest to recover.

I went on vacation, new impressions and a change of scenery helped me a lot to recover mentally. Your IVF budget should include a recovery item, such as through a vacation. The main thing is to switch your head!

I approached the next protocol with a more sober head and was not particularly tuned in to a positive result. Of course, it was impossible not to think at all about the outcome of the protocol during the fifth stage, but, thanks to the fact that my husband completely devoted these crazy 14 days to organizing our leisure time, everything went much calmer.

In the third protocol, I finally understood the reason for our failures. Before that, I thought a lot, because there are a lot of factors, and both the quality of the embryos and the ability of the female body to accept a “foreign element” affect success. The third, cryoprotocol, also did not bring us the long-awaited news of pregnancy. Logically, in the standard protocols, the woman's body is subjected to very cruel tests beforehand, and one can consider the option that for some reason it rejects embryos. In the cryoprotocol, embryos are implanted into my completely healthy and rested body.

But they simply do not survive and my body has absolutely nothing to do with it. Exceptional embryo quality. Logical thinking helped me turn off my emotions this time and prepare for the next protocol. Logically, we “driven” into the fourth protocol with preliminary preparation and elaboration of my theory. Since, after all, my worldview is based on logic, I was afraid of only one thing - that my conclusions would turn out to be erroneous. In that case, I just didn't know what to do next.

After all, I could spend my whole life on futile attempts! Is this life? I gave myself the installation - in case of failure, try a couple more times in order to make sure of the futility, and then leave all attempts and learn to live without thoughts of procreation. With one eye I even read some articles and interviews on the subject of a forced barren life. Physiologically speaking, our fourth protocol should have been a failure. Just before the transfer, something went wrong with the previous patient in the operating room, I saw the condition of my doctor. Although she tried her best to hold on, it was clear that the situation they had was far from standard and the doctor was nervous.

After the transfer, I was driving home and almost got into an accident, the fright was strong. Then 14 days of waiting, I worked like a damn, not thinking about the result at all. But it turned out that logic won and we saw the coveted two stripes. By the way, I was completely unprepared for two strips, as I was too carried away by “running in a circle”, trying to get pregnant. Previously, I only knew about pregnancy that it lasts 9 months. I learned all the stages and subtleties already in the process.

To summarize briefly:

1) get ready for the strongest psychological attack of negative thoughts, while your own consciousness will go on the attack, and it is the most difficult to fight against it!
2) include in the budget for IVF funds for the restoration of the body in case of failure, for example, for a vacation (preferably if it is some kind of non-standard vacation, that is, if you usually prefer a beach vacation, take a sightseeing tour).
3) it will be difficult without the support of a spouse, make sure in advance that he is your rock, fortress, downy feather bed, warm waves and gentle sun.
4) think in advance that you are facing the worst 14 days of your life and work out a plan - what to do with your thoughts during this difficult time of waiting.
5) make plans for the future, carefully think over and calculate what and how you will do to achieve the goal (several IVF attempts, use of donor material, adopted child), be sure to discuss these plans with your spouse. Why is it important to discuss every nuance with your spouse? For example, you may be ready for a foster child, but he is not. This is not his fault, it is difficult to make such a decision in 1 minute. Discuss everything.

IVF is the same natural disaster for a family as the first joint renovation, vacation, buying an apartment, organizing a wedding. But, if you are a support for each other and go towards the same goal, then this will only strengthen your relationship, regardless of the result. And in the ideal case, it will also increase your family.

Today I look at my child, which I got a long and difficult way, and cry with happiness, no matter how trite it may sound. This lovely little man is definitely worth all the nightmares I had to go through to meet him. I have already begun to forget how for more than 10 years I sobbed every month when critical days came. Sooner or later, everything bad will be forgotten, and this happiness will remain in our family forever.

Very much in line with my visions:

"... I see over these areas a large accumulation of gray souls who are ready to come into this world. I have seen such souls in children born through IVF. Such children were often brought to me for treatment. Recently, even Faya (you know her, like Alla) brought her twins to me. I could not help any of these children. They are the children of hell. Apparently, the governors were given the task of promoting IVF, if so many gray souls are ready for embodiment. And IVF is support for same-sex marriages ... "

In the end, I understand why gynecologists persuade girls to have abortions for any reason, even at a later date, there is a high probability of complications, and after them only IVF. I saw that after IVF, children do not have a soul, they are not planned by the Lord, i.e. empty space suits without filling and naturally they will be occupied by someone, gray for example, the lower astral.
It is also amazing that we are not told about the abortive properties of oral contraceptives. Conception is possible only after a pause, as it should be at the rate - spontaneous abortion, if this happens every month, the body is depleted.
Ultrasound changes the structure of the DNA of the fetus, so with pathologies of pregnancy, this ultrasound is prescribed once a week! Those. practically induce miscarriage. One of my acquaintances was not allowed to give birth to a second child 6 times, they insisted on an abortion, they say a child with pathologies incompatible with life: (on the 7th pregnancy she came to me, I had to look at the situation. It turns out there is a business on stem cells and than at a later date an abortion or miscarriage occurs, the more expensive such an embryo can be sold, we have China nearby, "abortion material", as unborn children are called, was not given to her. She sent doctors and gave birth quietly at home. A lady, by the way, also with funds and therefore she was promoted on additional services, of course, both before and during and after childbirth, put pathology.Without different CS, she gave birth herself almost in the yard of her house (she forgot the key and her husband left), without the help of anyone at all.A healthy girl is already running to school.

It turns out that the doctor during childbirth is obliged to "remove the atlas from focusing or centering" of the newborn, i.e. if this atlas (the first cervical vertebra) is not centered, then the upper flow is interrupted, energy blockage occurs and the energy of the cosmos does not reach the anahata. Such people fall ill under mental stress: headaches, mental problems, and at advanced training courses for various managers, they now "put atlas", there are specialists. Managers have a great load on the psyche and they need an upper flow without blocks. Well, vaccinations make children donors of the system in the future, suppress immunity and sick children. That daughter of my friend also avoided vaccinations, since her mother was given pathologies and the birth seemed to take place outside the clinic :) they wrote her a "quick delivery" and a withdrawal from vaccinations.

Sometimes when I watch it, I don't want to believe what I see.

How do you like the title? Indeed, many people sincerely believe that IVF babies without a soul. Or, as one "widely known in narrow circles" personality wrote, "IVF children are children of hell." I don’t remember the name of this person, although I can easily find it - but I don’t want to advertise anti-scientific blogs.

Among the opponents of IVF, who are not related to science and medicine, opinions differ. Either they think that such children are some kind of “gray souls”, or they are initially without a soul at all - because they were born “from a test tube” and their parents did not put part of their souls into them at the moment of conception ..

Regarding the latter, I have 2 questions:

1. What do these people mean by "investing the soul of the parents"? When youngsters fuck in the stairwell, and then give birth at the age of 14, do they put their soul into it? Or is the soul invested when a woman tricks a man into coming inside her by saying she's on pills? Or pierces a condom. A lot of soul when, drunk, unfamiliar people had sex, after which the man merged and forgot, and the woman became a single mother, breaking down on a child? Is there a soul when a woman asks a man to "give" her a child, promising that he will not demand anything in return, or when a mistress gives birth to a married man? Or, perhaps, the abyss of spirituality was in the old days, when the king came to the queen on certain days, which the doctor indicated, did his job and went to numerous mistresses?

2. What do you think, what is more “soul” in the above examples or when a man and a woman who are not able to conceive naturally, consciously and with all responsibility go to IVF, looking forward to a baby to whom they are ready to give all their love?

Let's look at it from an esoteric point of view. About " IVF babies without a soul” and “children of hell” I have already mentioned - in my opinion, paragraph 1 is enough to forget about these statements forever. As an alternative, I can offer an answer received by the method of channeling. Who does not know - this is telepathic communication with any kind of out-of-body consciousness. I don’t really believe in this, but I’ll tell you especially for you. So, in the course of communication with a certain “contactee”, psychics asked questions about IVF children, what kind of souls they were, what their purpose and intention was. There was nothing criminal in the answer of the "higher minds". At the most, they said that they were “zero souls” that had no foundations, so they did not know the concept of good and evil and absorbed everything in a row. But it all depends on the parents - and what they will teach their child, what they will focus on more. That is, there is no particular difference with ordinary children - who also absorb everything from their parents.

The following is the opinion of the Church. For me, she is not a special authority, but for people who like to talk about souls, her view may seem interesting. So, most of all, in the matter of IVF, the Church is concerned about the moment of destruction of “extra” embryos. Let me remind you that in the process of in vitro fertilization, for reliability, several embryos are implanted in a woman, then the most viable ones are left. And most of all, the priests are concerned about the “abortion” of the rest. Regarding the procedure itself, they speak quite neutrally. Some people say that if IVF just means additional medical assistance for conception, using the husband's sperm, then there is nothing "sinful" about it. The Church has a negative attitude towards surrogate motherhood or an embryo from a donor who is not the husband of the future mother. Because there is interference in the family. If it is the husband and wife who participate in IVF, then there is no entry into the family.

As for interference in God's will - that if God does not give children, then there is no need to go against it - there is no consensus. The wife of one priest discusses this topic as follows - resuscitation can also be considered as an intervention in the divine will, because the time has come for a person, but the doctors do not let him go. If you think in this vein, then any medical action is contrary to the Highest plan. IVF is an ambiguous issue, but we can consider God's will in whether the procedure will be successful or not, because it does not give 100% of the result. “Once I asked father Mikhail Boyko how to relate to resuscitation. And he replied that if there was no will of the Lord, not a single resuscitation would succeed. If we shift this to IVF, then I will say the same thing. The question is in accepting what is sent by God and believing that nothing happens without the Lord.”

Let's return to the sinful earth, that is, to medicine. Opponents of IVF love to talk about the pathologies and morbidity of children born in this way. Despite the fact that the first child born thanks to IVF turned 40 this year, and she naturally became the mother of two children, no studies have yet appeared that speak exactly about the negative consequences. In addition, IVF children are considered by many, on the contrary, to be healthier and more developed - after all, they were “selected” as the best embryos of all. So I don't know how IVF babies without a soul live on our land, but, apparently, no worse than the rest.

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